M, W ! iiitaMMrit , Met », 1980 \'vv; HAsrivi nmxBt m POtTLTEY CONTEST I Obod of iMt-mttMte entries the Junior Ckicken of-Tomorkw contest has boosted the total to fifty-seven entries from twentjrwo connties, reports Clarence Mis, stnte Contest committee chairman. GruOdy and Richland counties led with six entries each, followed by LaBalle, Lawrence, Macon, Mc- Henry and Sangamon counties with five entries' each. There were twenty-four entries from northern Illinois, seventeen from the cen- 4sal section, and sixteen from the ^Wuthern part. The young folks, all under 21 ysars of age, will compete for I486 hi prise money, plus attractive trophies, plaques, ribbons and certificates. The fifty-seven young poultry raisers entered about 13,000 chicks or about 226 each. Sectional winners ior the three areas will be Judged June 15 and 16, with the ^Qfete winner to be picked June 17. (irst .prise is a SO-lncta, gold-plated trophy. The Chicken of Tomorrow, both junior ^nd senior divisions, is staged by the Illinois poultry industry, state Department of Agriculture, and Illinois College of Agriculture to encourage production of a better meat-type bird. $ WW I* produced front rods or Mils hr drawing As metal through diss, .further reducing Its diameter and IsAeastng its length. In the smaller states dlsmond diss are used. Wire Is cstied or wound oa Voob or reels after the final reduction to rise. Copper wire may be drawn to a diameter fines than that e# hufean hair, b this slas the wire from, one wire bSr would 'Wad* from New York to Ban Frandsco jnd bayood. : /:f ) AM /[ - Albtrt Rim In southeastern Oregon's lake county is described by geologists as one of the largest exfaults in the world. Where earth slipped vertically ages flN fault rises 2,000 feet above saltern edge of Albert Lake 4n M0 foot lava cap which ends a sheer precipice. .Complete line of Beebe livestock remedies at Wattles Drug Store McHenry. 8tf ago, the Subscribe for The Plaindealer •#* fc No r»o a,nm; MM PLAIHDBALSi WEEKLY CROSSWORD PUZZLE NAVAL SECRETARY) WWWNTiU, S? Cheer ' Pictured U S. $8 Ocean gaaretaiy of SSPorenaCB Navy during (ab.) WJbos ad- OOSnesky ministration, 61 Anger Josephus 62 Inheritance t Makes speech 63 Lift l2K)rfst 15 Knock 14 Mather It 8km 16 Beverage « Dined tOTfcst one lt Pastrr . SOAuriaee tt Prepare for puUteation SS Canvas ihdicr SOBom OSlfuslcsl note 27 He served during War I SO He bunt a wartime VERTICAL 1 Tropical fruit S8pace 5 Close 4 Age STardy 6 Raced • Leave out • Rodent • Binding material 10 Ireland 11 Let it stand 21 Sun SSSessma 7 i 94 Lyric poem 31 Also 96 Proclamation SO Permit 41 Measure of iT 25 South Dakota (ab.) SOMteofart* <ab.), S7 Trouble 50 Unusual 20Portugueaa coin 51 Greek latter S2Kra SS Infant ST Is able " OOTtanSpoee Cab.) SO Cross (ab.) I 40 Tear 438ufter lose 44 Female 45 Anatomy (ab.) 4Tqra 40 Shdut **** 00 Operatic solo 01 Small wagon os Biblical pronoun MOMpaau to Orate - r FOBMKRlLOTttlO LOOS oolwWttittiSB DBD m XLOIN Edward W. Lettow, 00. of 4S1 Franklin street; Elgin, died Sunday morning in his home following an extended illness. Born Sept. 11, 1886, in Belvidere, he resided in that community until going to Elgin to make his home. For many years he was a conductor on the Elgin- Belvidere electric lines, leaving that employ* ment to enter service hi the first World War. Following his return from military service he was a salesman for the Elgin Fruit * Produce Company for 01 years. Besides his widow, Florence Colville Lettow, to whom fe| vras' married in 1922, he is survived by' a'brother, William LettMri-nd half brother,- Frank Lettow. ; both of Belvidere. He was preceded la- OSfthpda (ab.) 4SThin 40 Ha was . Secretary of the 40 Treaty SSPosssss 04 Laughter aouritf 05 Air (comb, form) tr IT w ST nr Waffle Ireu You can easily clean the grids of a waffle iron by soaking a paper napkin in household ammonia and leaving it between the grids overnight Grapefruit production hi United States is new ovsr times as great as it was in 1000-28. Over the same period, Tsxas production has increased by 120 times. Wm. Ahrens WEST MeHEKRY, ILfc, PHONE 700-B AWNIKGS Tarpaulins "Laxgt Salectton of Mattriab Y'DKLMBS KABLY 'i ••Jffmaubii a Stow aim Retidcnc* Awning* McHENRY AWNING CO. Phone McHenry 571-W-2 % Thoo. Thonneson, Prop. [oSucnoH ---rr^t> Pt death V a sister, Emma Lettow Koch. . The Rev. Albert F. Harkins of the First Unlversallst church officiated at the funeral services Tuesday afternoon at 1:20 from the Wait, Ross, AAison funeral chapel. Burial was in Bluff City cemetery. CARD OF THANKS I would Iike~ to take this opportunity to thank all those who sent me cards, gifts and other remembrances and who visited me during my recent illness. These ®a®y kindnesses were very much appreciated. 2 MRS. FRED WIEDRICH, Jft Wttdhgtoo state has In recent years forged.ahead et its neighbor, (^•fon, to tike the lead In the pn^ duttian of hops. The two states snd Caiifbtnla account 0or the nation's coattmereial crop of the plant "BS SBi a firm order now will insure |vl qnk^ delivery. Prpduction on all L modeli of the big, roomy, rugged 1950 Dodge is now at an all-time high. That's why, even with the flood of orders we've . been taking, we can promise you the Dodge you've always wanted. N0 •eed now 10 settk for leas duu a Dodge. €on£ ;'t§ and see the biggest veloe ear of the year. Find out how much more Dodge gives for your money. Learn how easy the new 1950 Dodge is to own* NIW SMON VAIUI D0D6E ' ' >w#>fcrih)lMr<ai»o • ~ •' ' • _ ' A- S. BLAKE MOTOR SALES Inc* 301 E. Pearl St. t> - £ * w t *?.- &>.' *» r /it FLOOR TILE CEMENT WORK Asphalt and Rubber also Plastic Wall Tile foundations - DriYewajs i and Sidewalks - Stairi Riverside Tile:# Cement Co. 126 RiYerside Drit^o Phone 661-J-l or 196-E V McHenry, 111. Officials of the United States pub- He health service ssy federal stud* ies have produced satisfactory evidence that annual vaccination of dogs is an effective means of controlling rsbies in animals and human beings. Owners who are unable to keep their pets in strict confinement during rsbies outbreaks and for a period of six months afterward are advised to protect them by vaccination. The health service recommends thst vsccinstion be used in con- Junction with licensing, quarantine, and elimination of strsy and ownerless pets in sll localities troubled with rabies. Order your rubber stamps at Th< Plaindealer. 9W POWER LAWN NOWBS The Famed Jacobsen* . FREE DEMONSTRATION LAWN MOWER SHARPEKINS ^ USED POWER MOWERS HETTERMANN SERVICE PHONE JOHHSBUBO 413-J ^ "SPEEDY" Suae CAN co FOG A JOY Rtoe -- ANY R»oes AW IN A CAR SERVICED NKKMIUEVI snamtoMMC by McHENRY GARAGE SAY- WWCH ONE OP NftXj f. DRtVINO THIS •W AS ->> »> v*** AtkS3Hfcf CAR.amvww ? ^ > DIAMOND T TRUCKS 60^ Front Street ^ WILLYS-OVERLAND SALES Phone 403 •MHi Flono Early f»^-#oMr " Buy your Bmg Feest • at AP 4- Qt. Jar ..47< ! A ANN PAGE Salad RED HEART Dog Food 3 cans 25* Spanish OVvespt. 43* DEXO Shortening 3 lbs. 79* ANN PAGE 3 Packages Sparkle Pudding 17* AN0ELUS It Os. Bag MarshalVows ... 19* Sunnjfleld Plbnics 39* Ihii ARMOUR'S -- 10 Lb. Avg. Canned Hams 69* Ibi: Snow Crop Frozen Foods OUT CORN - ? - - v •: 25o SPINACH f GREEN PtAS BROOOOLI SPEARS MIXED VEGETABLES RASPBERRIES t . STRAWBERRIES r 26c 25c 31c 25c 33c 400 BANQUET t|i Lb. Can Chicken *1.43 ANN PAGE 1 Lb. Can Pork&Beans 10* YUKON 0LUB 3 for Beverages 25* DU SON 303 Oaa Green and White Beans # CUSTOMERS' CORNER! Wo conduct « fhoroogli training _ that is designed to help eer ewipleye»s*de e better fob for yoe. This training progrom has three principal alms: courtesy, effciency aed aecaraey. Is this resnlting in the hind of service yea • want in yonr storo? - - If net, please wrW!e?-"'""r"" CUSTOMER RELATIONS DEPARTMENT, , ^ AlrP Food Stores 410 Lexington Avenae New York 17, N. Y. VmAst* 1wm^ sic WUUUUUIY MUM, t ac FlavAflrict • ST3Sc I MTVIIUSI CrtM S«4»M fnddbss 5T3SC KM#* ALL rLATOSS pt. 29* -tauss Tuples* fwMtig • - ft S « •« SCOOP Peanut Butter Dessert ~ Mfr* iw Irml * * e e e • qt. 39* Cocktail Peanuts tree* e * e Tie Hmml P«ch< CeWersfe Lee« WIN* Potatoes • 10 ^ 49( •w Bai-B-Qoe Wieners Osser Meyer • e I 43* tiice Oiaafof . # • Sweet Cent . • Wiaeup Appta . I* Hm l>i» lijih Beastod Psuwts . k iso Mor-Beei 9 --mmhmmmmm * -890 Mor-Pork , , lb. WNaes ^ 0rm»d e o e e * « • t M ' WII«M Brmmd • • • • e e e j i , HQ1JDAY GROCERY WAMAJEm i^39c Chili Con Cane ZZT.... ^33* Tamales UCKLM MM Teafs Armtmr •- Or--< e • 'W-m ^30* C*im4 IMI Suh i r Mc wanucM.. $1.43 huiRuu.... i^rnc Beef Hash Vienna Sausage £?•....*Z20s ilneeer Ctnerf Oresrf e e • • CUSTOMER'S NOVICE rndtc^kuu.... ^3ic DevfledHam 1 Yoer AftP will rmsfi SSH OH isvMuday. May fftfc. n, », Iwu BiumI Hm.. 29c Oreetf - e • • « ^20* CHtfry Eggs . -360 Jwe Perfter. fefefe Thmmk fwi Srw4 ' . n d i M P M n . . . 2 % . ' 2 9 c I. CUps. -59c! -- ••• . - • m m J Corned Beef tsr .... '£*45' t s 4 InI 4«F §mrl leu TOMISM » 2 %. 29c t tic Dash Docj Food .> •«,«o|« tlM' s «Ri. 49c ii|d Peed . • *M, 49c Svfso Choooo . ; rmoeoooei wmnas wmv rw«er' •rick CkMM . 4*c l(fl* H> 41c SMSMOT Ht. Stc >k 49e Santa .... A 33c • r4i( fc"--i, -I.. Pak Dog Food .... 2 "ST 2S* Oruge Jilct..,,. TT 37c SiilpeMt jatc#... ^ 35c Good Lock IbijaiiBO • • ^.3Q( PMI YOUB nWEPSNHNCESAVE MY Q. 8. SAVDla BvidSig liidlf .. '&T 27c Dill Pickles • • IT- 29c Vmn •ini mg * »'t«H*' , H • • • « e • ^83* mm. 2i Wesson Oil '^32* •»• • JT U BvWIm --- QMM OUvss. • * ML 43c Linco Bleach . • * £17' AAP COFFEE PRICES REDUCED! flfet « led Ciids Viforoof Ooksi . . *V.i£69« MM mm4 AfeVew '• ~ STIul 8 O'asck . . .{J-6Tci Old Manse fraiif Blesded a* SYB0P-.'. o " O O O P 5» , H--» PTHM «<HSW 1m m* LOW MWWH mm4 %**•%fHam MHM American Family Flakes XJj* Ivory Snow • •. X26* Ajax Cleanser 2 - 25' 4 HH frMbtl d • AM MM a a 'V' $' " ami iisiiii