Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Jun 1950, p. 10

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*r-«'Vj! «" ^"uumi. i|jpj ' *. .-" r*Vw ^ V\ «,• « >' fc. . >y> ^.,-e-y t'^, ^ ^ 'W r1^ » ?.i» ^ v Spring Grove (by Mrs. Ch&rioa Freond) Recent gueats In the home of fir. and Mrs. Claretfce Miller were Mrs. Susie Miller and Celia and Mr. and Mrs. George Firsching and family. The occasion was in honor of little Ann Miller's birthday. Afternoon callers were Raymond May and fiances of Whiting, Ind., «d Mr. and Mrs. Frank Freund of hnsburg. ---Mrs. Norman Britz, Mr. and Mrs. ; Albert Brits and sons, Terry and ' Tommy, and Mr. and Hrs. William Britz attended the graduation exercises of Miss Barbara Prosses at St. Auphonsus parish of Chicago Ust week Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Bertha Esh spent a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Lu- Xille Grain, in Wonder Lake. M Recent visitors in the Arthur Kattner home were Mr. and Mr*. John Doetsch and family of Bristol, Wis., and Mr. and Mrs. Ray May and children. , Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Freund tthd daughter, Sharon, and Mr. ibd Mr a. James Colgan spent last -•eek Sunday at Hoiy Hill, Wis. ... The luncheon put on by the Bowman Dairy Co., sponsored by < $rs. Lorraine Coutney and her committee, at St Peter's parish kail was a great success. A large •rowd was present to enjoy the luncheon, which consisted chiefly of Bowman products. Many gifts were given away and there was also a social afternoon at cards, with a prize for each table. . Dr. and Mrs. L. L. Kagan and family, Mrs. George W. May and Mrs. Charles Freund attended the "erenice Paulsen dance recital at Grant high school auditorium in Fox Lake. Mary Lou Kagan took part in the show. The children Wore beautiful costumes and all Of their dance numbers and songs Were greatly enjoyed by those present. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kattner on their wedding janniversary June 1; to Mr. and £rs. Albert Britz, whose anniversary was June 3; to Mr. and Mrs. George W. May on their twentieth anniversary which was June 4; *nd to >Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tinney, Whose thirty-third anniversary was Sunday, June 4. The officers of Mothers of St. Peter's parish were •Vests of the Altar and Rosary society of St. Bede's parish in Fox Lake at their meeting on Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pittges of Chicago were callers in the Math Nimsgern home one recent afternoon. They also visited Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Nimsgern in Mc- Henry. Mrs. Bob Lent and daughter, Linda, Mrs. Math Nimsgern, Mrs. Anselment and Kenny of Wauconda, Mrs. A1 Pierce of Richmond and Mrs. Bill Toynton of Genoa enjoyed a picnic with Mrs. Lucille Jordan at Sharon, Wis., on Tuesday. Graduation exercises and a play put on by the children of St. PMer's school "was held at the auditorium on Sunday evening, June 11. The program beginning at 8 p.m., was "Hansel and Gretel" by the primary grades; "Jolly Pickaninnies Minstrel" by the intermediate grades; and, "Getting Grade Graduated" by the higher grades. All fan Chicago Ikeworld's largest hotel is the Stevens, the largest commercial structure is the Merchandise Mart, the largest building devoted to display of a single industry's products and the nation's top furniture marketing center is the American Furniture Mart. STAT^ MAY GIVE AID TO VBTEBAHB IN REHABILITATION Veterans with substantial Job handicaps,' whether mental or physical, who cannot establish service- connection for rehabilitation purposes! with the federal government may be eligible for rehabilitation from the state of Illinois, the Illinois Veterans Commission points out. In many cases veterans suffered disabilities after discharge from was service prevents or Interferes* with the earning of a living. The state services, available through the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, are not only for those whose disabilities are plainly observable but also for unseen handicaps such .as tuberculosis, emotional disabilities, arthritis, deafness and heart disease. Before any rehabilitation serr Ices can "be provided, however, it must be determined that the disabled person has a reasonable chance of being suitably employed. « Many physical handicaps can be removed through state rehabilitation services. Others can be reduced to the point where they do not interfere with the work demands of a properly selected job. Service officers of the Illinois Veterans Commission can advise and assist veterans on matters of rehabilitation. In IfcHenry county, veterans can secure assistance at the county court room in Woodstock every Wednesday from Otto Babcock, service officer. Nevada ' Nevada has the sixth largest frea in the 48 states, but the smallfrt number of people, 4- Phfleoepher's Siene It you know how to spend lessthan you get; you have the philosopher's stone--Benjamin Franklin II Is estfmeted that America has •even mUUgi^.QEtbritis tictlwa. leral Arrangemerito* sr too few flowers than too many in your floral arrangements. Proportion is of great importance. See that your flowers are approximately one and a half times the height of the vase, or one and a half times the width of the bowL Mass the heavy or dark flowers near the base with the light colors and forms toward the top. ALL KINDS OF CARDS FOR ALL KINDS OFDADS Bom where I sic... by Joe Marsh 2 fti-My Aching Feetl GREETING CARDS Tty a NlfiHT C00UN6 WINDOW FMI in Your Home for 5 Pays FREE) y "Men w got our nightycooling fan, our how wot untfonbh in svmmtr. partkvhHy tho uppw floor*. Now, off ffo room how homo an comfortabh md cool off tummor long," Other night Just as I was settling down with a book and a mellow glass of beer, the wife calls down, "Joe--I almost forgot--yon and I are going over to the High School and take dancing lessons!" Now, I can waltz with the best of them, so I put up a quiet struggle against going but it was no use. Turns out it was the class in square dancing. And from the look on some of the other men I judged I wasn't the only one there who had been taken by surprise! Miss Williams and Curly Law- •on taught us what to do with our feet, and before it was ever, darn if I wasn't actually enjoying myself. Going back next week, too I From where I sit, we sometimes get an idea into oar head for or against something and then hang onto it for dear life. Whether it'* square dancing, or the right to en- Joy temperate beer or ale now and then, we owe it to ourselves as Americans to take an open-minded attitude -- that's even offer we npaur mipds about it! Make fhe most of Ded'i Day by tending appropriate greetings to every fine fellow who has fathe Hy love for you. PHONE 40 HcHENRl It* your chance to use a night cooling window fon for Ave days... just phone or write our nearest store and have it delivered to your home without charge or obligation. You'll find a night cooling exhaust fan helps you laugh at the heot. There's no installation problem with a night cool* ing window fan... designed to fit almost awf window, you simply plug the fan into any convenient outlet. And, these fans are inexpensive to operate, your home wHi be cool all night long for about the price of an ice cream cone. Be com-/ fortable this summer... get a nighf' cooling window fan I " ~ m 9 Wf VVW MOT VrvW VTiVi ... toko advantage of it now I Night Cooling Window Fans from $49.95. CONVENIENT TERMS payable en your monthly Service , Bill. A* P U R I I C S E R V I C E COV " :v OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS floc'huisi Copyright, 1950, United Stout Brtwert F Christian -•IF y. TRUCK . TRACTOR and NOW IS DODGE r .. * 4, ' '• SAY MOTORISTS FROM COAST TO COAST TIRES All SIZES 25% DISCOUNT We Al|ow A Liberal Trade-In Allowance On Your Old TIRES Regardless of Conditio*, ON ALL SEAT COVERS BATTERIES--We allow yon 25 par oeilt discount off for your old battery on a Firestone Battery, K.' vi*' WALTER J. FREUND Tfarea -- Tubee -- Batteries -- Aeceaeoriea Tire and Tube Vulcanizing Bicycle Repair!** . All Work Guaranteed Pfcopt JM Wert McHenry OPEN EfENlXGS AlfD SUKDAYS YOU COULD PAY $1000 MORI and stiN not match Dodge for roominess and mggeihmi eiGGIR VAIUII How convcnlatiT to have i luggage compartment that's remttf big! Plenty oi extra utable space. •IOOM VALUKI Dodge seats are "knee-level" to give real rapport to your leg*. Here's VALUE yon can see--VALUE yon can feel as yon drive--VALUB J on notice in yonr pocket book! Dodge sleek, well-bred beatfly is apparent to all. Dodge compact de> sign OUTSIDE gives yon an easier. handling car--a car that's easier to park and garage. Yet INSIDE there'* a world of roominess--extra heed. Your present car may never again be worth- what we'll give NOW I We have more bnycrs for used cart than ever. So, today we're back again with the be« opportunity for you to make a good deal on yonr present car. Don't deity--act now, let s trade! GYRO-MATH LOWIST-PRICID AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION mess roumoM urnnm MLLATRS CHI room, shoulder room, leg room, too. Stop in at your nearby Dodge dealer's and check Dodge VALUE FAR yourself. Experience the pick-up of the big, high-compre^ sion "Get-A way" Engine--the nmik smoothness of Dodge gyrol Fluid Drive. Well leave It to you whflU car gives most for your money. WW KMII VAUH Just o flew I Ifcan ffco lewee»-|N*W i •IHSF A. sS. BLAKE MOTOR SALES, lac. East Pearl J08BTH X WATHm' i*/ i Atteruey at law rh WEST McRENKY, ILI^ i Pfcoie McHevy m*W ' - f t HIGHEST ^ASH PUCES OMi and Crippled Hereof CL ud Hoft-Suhuy Power f rulf a*--Tankage and Heat Scrap* m < Mile. Phone* Arllngtea Heiahta IM or leVswr m, Bevere# Charms. IMaUao Bwidertef fiwti lee^ CHARLES 8. PARKER. AttanM^ (Joeljm ft Parker) Offke Houra: fwhuafcy Afternoona Office--Koehr Supply Cemi 542 Mahi Street, West XcHewf Xhone--McHenry 4S6 . .;j Woodateck 11S5 -41 FOX ELECTS1C SEKYKS WONDER LAKB ^ R. 1, KINGWOOD, ILL. Electrie Wiring Motor Repel* Pnnipa Sold and Reaairai TEL. WONDER LAKE MS Home Furniture Recovering -:;- and Repairing 20 years experteaoii " ; Phone Pistakee 551-R-l ,1; TIC'S I PHOLSTERY SERTIC* ^ RR. 1, Pistaqna Heights - McHenry, 111. VERNON KNOX Attorney-At-Law Oar. Oreen and Eha Sta^ Tuesday and Frida' Other Daya By App Pbeei McHenry 43 -- WANTED TO BUT -- We pay 96 to IB for OM leas for down horses tad MATTS MINK RANCH loknaburg • Spring Grove Phone Jehnsburg S14 CALL AT ONCE ON DEAD r HOGS, HORSES AND CATTM| We pay phone charges A. P. FREUND SONS Excavating CenArncten TrncUng, HydrauHe and Crane fltnha --ROAD BUILDING-- M 2M-M McHevy, E. E. PEASLEE, D. CL Ckireprxter 189 8. Green 8t^ OVIce Hears, Daily ez^pi Tharsdaf • to S lilt toS •aa, Wad. aad FrL, 7 to t Fhert KaJleary McHHNRY FLORAL CO. Phone 4S4 OM Mile Saath af McHevy On Raato SI Flowera far all oceastsaal 8TOFFBL ft 'aauranee s gents far all ,wtw5itl% Telephone N». Sit 1 - INSURANCE fARLR. WALSH fire, Ab% Farm ft LMei Whea yen need -- of any Uai ' - Phone 43 or 11S-M linen ft Eha DR. R. H. WATKIN* • Dentiet . " : •--ORke H< Tuea, Thurs^ * S a. ML to S p. a. TaL Wonder Lib* Brealnga hy Loekout Point FRANK S. MAT Trucking 5aad--Black Dirt--Crusiid Light Excavating -- Track far Hire Phone McHenry HMtl R'l McHenry AL'S WELDING AND RVO|: 8BRT1CS <91 Main 81, Mc Electrie Portable W« Acetylene WeWdg and ALEX W. WIRFS. Operator Phone 115-W-l or 4St M*HENRX» ILL. WUAiMM K CARROLU "ML J %... Attorney-at-law I, ?"i- X 119% Benton St Phone Weadstadt ISM r ^ Woodateck, ffilnehi . DR. HARTIH R. STORE CHIROPRACTOR >, Office Corner Greeu ft Shn })% Tm, than, ft 9^. % Tharsdaya PtSS It SUS , ^; Tueedays aad Saturtaya la# . , TeL HeHenry 4SS • WELDING • Maintenance and FnrtaMe H. B. VANOB -- McHenry 51-J MS South Green St, McHenry. I *and VERN THELEN Trucking Gravel Black Dirt Track for Hire TeL McHenry 68MM or SR9-W-1 Box 172. Rt. 1, McHenry DR. H. S. FIKB ^ Vetertnartaa On Highway II---Otfke and Henat , x TeL McHenry 31 Offko Hoars: 1V. m. to S * m ; $ Except Thursdays Kveninga by Appoiatamnt DkL R. DeROMH -- Dentiet -- « 1S» Green Street Phone »KI - I Offiee •onrei 19 a. m. to * p. •xrept Wedneedoy. all day Wedneedny | ' frentaM ^f

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