Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Jun 1950, p. 7

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thuraday, 15, if98 IOBO • , Jw\ ; v * / i f w r r . ^ - r f ' n f . : - ^ y* ^ _ i . ' . . - ; • * v ^ • » - . A - ' . - ' j > • • , -- ' - „ • » - r n - f V * r ^ ~ , < • * rORBALK « '**# * '}' " 'l> -."' 4 V T" * : tMilieHlWt HELP WAMTSD ; \>m REAL ESTATE THATK ONE Uncle Sam Says FOtt BATiB -- Beer - for your ice cold case boor of all kinds, come >fc*or MUENRY PLA1HDEALER Published every Thursday at McHenry, 111., |jy the McHenry Publishing Company, Inc. W. BURFBINDT, Gem. Manager. ADELE FROEHLICH, Editor. BUSINESS SERVICE LANDSCAPING Hedges, shrubs and evergreens trimmed, or replaced. Hand gr::de, fertilize and seed old or new lawns. Flower beds prepared and planted. Guaranteed. Walter Aevcrm&u, Golf Course Subd. Henry. Phone 210-J. Me 52tf Entered as second-class matter t the postoffiee at McHenry, 111., under the act of May 8, 1879. . SUBSCRIPTION RATE Year ..... ..... $&M aindealfer Want Ads No Agfa counted less than 25 words. 75c minimum. insertion 76c (Count 5 words per line) - 25c service charge on all blind ds. Cash with order. ard of Thanks .... $1.00 Minimum Reading notice 16c per line., Want Ads close, promptly, aft 10 m. ^dnesday. AUTOMOTIVE !*OR SALE--Brand new 600x16 ires, $8.95 plus federal excise tax; >50x16, $11.05 plus federal excise ax. Glass sold and installed in all ars. Community Auto Supply, Rt. 20 and *31. Phone 778. 5 fOR SALE -- Crosley convertible, ^xcellf^t running condition. Engle, ^lione^CH-M-l. - 5 ••OR SALE -- 1929 Windsor, 19" rire wheels, original paint job, iot&r perfect Actual milage 35,000. Community Auto Supply, Rt. 120 nd 31, Phone 778. 5 'OR SALE--Four tire casings and ubes, good condition. Size 650-16. 'luine 665-R1!. *5 INESS SERVICE OCOUNTINQ, BOOKKEEPING. ^ND TAX SERVICE -- Records istalled and maintained. Elmer P. dams, Certified Tax Consultant, hone Fox Lake 5962. 45tf •XPERT PIANO AND ORGAN 'UNINO--Repairing and Refinislilg, work fully guaranteed. Used ianos for sale. E. Zabotlt, call colct, Lake Zurich 3102. 40tf BRING TOUR PHOTOGRAPHIC PROBLEMS TO US-- We can de liver anything from a snapshot to large murals, or free hand oil paintings. Copying and framing. CAMERAS. PROJECTORS, FILMS AND SUPPLIES. WORWICK'S STITDTO, 117 Riverside Drive, Me ffpnry. Phono 275. _ 40tf ANlf^R SERVICE -- We clean woodwork, floors, windows, walls >aily, weekly, monthly or «eam»nlly. Reasonable prices. McHenry anitor Service, Don Dewey, Mgr. 'hone McHenry 430-J. 32tf 'OR BABY SITTERS--In your eighborhood, call Pre-Teen club, le Toddler Hhop, McHenry, 746. 38tf ARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us ispose of your garbage each week, r off^ier if desired. Reasonable ites. Regular year round route ohn E. Hill, P. O. Bor 274, Mc- [enry, Phone 365. tf MUSIC INSTRUCTION In Your Own Home Piano and Piano Accordian Classics or Popular iegiuners op Adanced Instruction EARL P. KOCH Phone Pistakee 633-M-l -- 5tf PAMTES AND DECORATOR peci^izing in outside house paint ig. All Dutch Boy paints used, "ree estimates. Phone 207-W. *5 COMPLETE TREE SERVICE 19 Waukegan Road. Phone 724 Anderson Tree Service 40tf /ATCH THIS SPACE for opening \to of new hosiery shop at Mcnry Hosiery Mill. 4tf £ .Ftekn Weber Say's v * "AMD AIM MRE NEI NMISE TO |fc. ClIAM All 001 C10TMES AT (NAM)!" e | Ovc tMirahilatii*! t| aM *wly- { w*d(. and our promtt* to 9'** ' Mi* b«il drycl*oning Mfyic* IW monuy can b«yl f,$. Going »• • W*441i>9f Look your hoppitit in cloth#s frtiMy refreshed by lafoit. most thor- | ow«H-going methods o«or 4mrim4 toy I modem tcioncol | iMcHenry Cleaners fphSe 104-M 103 Elm> St. I DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest cash nricex paid foV cows, horses and JiOgs; n;• help needed to load. Day and flight, Sundays and holidays, ('all Vv heeling Rendering Works, Wheeling No. 3; reverse charges. 36tf WHITEWASHING, spraying, fly control. Win. Ahreus, 607 Front St. Phone McHenry 736-R. Call between the hours, of 12 and 1 p.m. 3tf HAVE YOUJU. CESSPOOLS, catch basins, septic tanks, cisterns cleaned by Eddies Sanitary Service. Eddie Huff, Prop. Tel. Mcllfmy 290. 29tf WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN WATER 8YSTEM -- We sell, repair and install pumps. Bill Bacon, 206 Main Street, McHenry. Telephone 167. 2«tf 0. J. H. DIEHL Woodstock Piano Toner Phone 208-W 526 Washington St. Woodstock, 111. SOtf DECORATING Paper-hanging and painting. Jos. M. Freund, Phone 93-J. 700 Center Street. *2 4 SPRAYING, WHITE WASHING or PLY CONTROL-- Chicken hons(»s barns, garages and basements. Frank W. Ilenkel, Volo, P. O. Round Lake, 111. Tel. McHenrv 543-J-l. 5tf WATER ANALYSIS Water checked by culture for bacteria to determine safety and pollution. Charge $4.00. State Aproved Lab. 481 McHenry X-Ray Clinic ft Clinical Laboratory 908 S. Green St. Phone 291 EXPERT PIANO AND ORGAN TUNINtJ--Repairing and Refinish ing, work fully guaranteed, former lv with Lyon and Henly. E. Zaboth, call collect, Lake Zurich, 5341. 4tf to the Sportsman'* Inn, where gopd fellows meet; all kinds of wines and package goods to take out at the lowest prices. 513 Main street. A1 Phannehstill, prop. 23tfi gs FOR SALE--TYPEWRITERS, ADDING MACHINES. Service on all makes. Also ribbons for all makes. carbon paper. L. V. Kilts, Clay St*. Woodstock. Phone 349. 7tf WINDOW SHADES--OR VENETIAN BLINDS--New line of removable rlac and Bauflex original blinds and tapes. Bonderir.ed and galvanized Acme metal. Sterling iVindow Shade & Venetian Blind Co., 5640 W. Division street. .Chicago. Pimue Columbus 1-8743 or McHenry 651-M-l Fri. evening, Sat. or Sun. Free estimates. All work guaranteed. One and two weeks' service. '27tf : * r n V f "7 " are yo& - ARTISTICALLY INOLnnK&t : va . -- I cnfl nsf girts 1ft yeats capable of making neat clean drawings, to learn interesting art line. (>ive full details aud phone number in letter. Write Box 75, Mclfenry Plaindealer. »*5 FOR SALE -- Evergreens, trees, shrubs. Free estimates on landscaping. Pitzen Nursery, Round Lake, Route No. 2, Round Lake 3570. Corner of routes 120 and Wilson road. Phone Round Lake 3570 32tf FOLLOW THE CROWD TO THE Sportsman's Inn, 513 Main street. Ice cold ease beer and packaged /oods of all kinds. A1 Phannen still. , 49tf VAUGHAN'S GRASS SEED Lawn fertilizer, peat , moss, garden bedding and vegetable plants. Spraying material for healthy growth. Elm Street Florist, Phone 401. 51 tf ANTIQUES, MISC. ITEMS--Cloth ing in Good Condition for the en tire family. Formals. Open Mbn. to Sat., 1 p.m. to 10 p.m., Sunday, 11 a. m. to 6 p, m. Mrs. R. Diet rich, Terra Cotta Rd. Consignment and Resale and Antique Shop, V4 mile west Terra Cotta factory which is on Rt. 31. Crystal Lake 1346-R-l. 51-tf HELP WANTED--Part time housekeeper, mornings only. Emerald Park Subd. Furnish own transportation. Phone 648-J-l. - #5 HELP WANTED--Man 50 to 60 years old,, as gardener and chore man; no drinker; .light work; easy hours; room, board and fair wages. Tel. Mcllenrv 853. 9 HELP WANTED--Boy, 18 vears of age or older. Apply A & P Store. . . • . *5 HELP WANTED--- Waitresses. Call McHenry 377. " 2tf HOMES FOR HAT.ii JOHNSBURG )< - A room* and bath, enclosed ftortftf. Price #8,000.00. Owner will take offer. McCULLOM t.akt; 5 rooms and bath, furnace heat, cement basement, garage attached. Price $8,500, take offer. McHENRY 7 rooms, rt:th UU -- H<I, powder room on first, fine location on Richmond road. WONDER T.A1CB 4 robftis aiid bath, oil heat, asbes tos tile floor iu basement, a vneai clean home for small family. Pric. $8,500. V ALSO 3 rooms - Modern tile kitchen til< bath. New solid maple furniture carpeting wall to wall, gas floo space heater, new 2 car garag» built-in laundry tubs, house in^ul ated. Immediate possession. Prict $7,900.00. McHENRY In Millstream Subd. See our new plans for, the new CAPE COD BRICK HOMES now in construction. For appointment call (Mr. Fritz or Hank Nell) JACOB FRITZ REAL ESTATE in JOHNSBl'RG, PHONE MCHENRY 37- 1-tf SALESPEOPLE WANTED -- $20 per day without selling! Ambitious, reliable men and women wanted to end refrigerator defrosting nuisance for every housewife on FREE TRAIL basis. A few hours of pleasant, dignified work per day. Full or spa re time. No money required. Write for full details. Box «0, care "of McHenrv Plaindealer. 4 2 FOR SALE--Thor automatic washer ^ffit-ver used since installation ot new mechanism and new motor A real bargain. L. D. Anderson, 519 Waukegan li^ad. l-t1 FOR SALE--Brand new Crown 4 burner gas range; #iew vacuum cleaner sold at cost1 price. Bjork man Hardware, Riverside Drive. McHenry Tel. 722. 2tf FOR SALE-- ~1 (white) Simmons bedroom set, complete, dresser table and chairs, $30.00. one walnut bed. spring and matress, $20.00; three wicker rockers and table $20.00: three fibre rugs $10.00. A. P. Gehr man, 106 Riverside Drive, McHenrv. FOR SALE--16 in. $50.00 Edison electric fan, $35.00 used only L' months, 3 speeds. Also 14 tube radio, reasonable. Mrs. Jack Phom 471 J. »5 CEMENT BUILDING BLOCKS Available at the Water Tower in West McHenry VON CONCRETE PRODUCTS CO. Phone -McHenry 788-W FOR SALE FOR SALE---Johns-Manville Home Insulation, installed by The Wallfill Co. For estimate call Leo J. Stilling, McHenry 18. 40tf FOR SALE-^Cenerators, armatures, starters, fuel pumps, distributors, voltage regulators and ignition parts for Ford and all other cars. Seaco Sales & Service, Lilymoor, Fred J. Svoboda, Prop. Tel McHenry 183. 47 tf FOR SALR--Used lumber, sold in piles, $5 and up, or $30 and $40 per 1,000; also windows. Tel Crystal Lake 532 J. " > 5 FOR SALE--Tomato plants, beef steak, 15e dozen; hybrid and famous Italian treevine. First house north Sherman Hill road on Rt, 120. Tel. McHenry 546-J-2. *5-,'i FOR SALE-- VAC Case tractor with cultivator. 1 year old, like new. Phone McHenry 777-W. *5 FOR SALE--Dining set; bed, chairs, rug, etc. Carlson, Fair Oaks Sub. *."> FOR SALE -- McCormick Deering side delivery. Phone Richmond 628. FOR SALE -- Higgius aluminum camp trailer. Sleeps 4 Air mattresses. Practically new. Complete with awning and ice box. Will sacrifice. Adam Brand, Hickory brive, McCullom Lake, West McHenrv, 111. *5 set, extelision--table and 6 chairs. Buffet to match. Too large for room. Will sacrifice. Adam Brand. Hickory Drive, McCullom Lake, West McHenry, 111. *5 FOR SALE -- Riding horse with complete equipment. Phone Mc. Hcnrv 593-W-2. *5 FIR SALE--Oil stove, good condition, $35.00. Heats <> rooms. Also washing machine, new parts in wringer $15.00. Phone 569 M-C *5 FOR SALE--Speedy boat, 18 ft. double cockpit forward. Reasonable. 6 eu. ft. (i. E. Refrigerator $30.00; 12 gauge Remington pump gun, Ny dor siglit and cowhide leather gun case $60.00, 2 years old. All goods in A-l condition. Phone 343 after •! p.m. *5 FOR SALE--Ireland ha y hoist, new. Sells for $95, sale price $69. O.K. 12 can milk cooler; sells for $475, sale price, $345. Carey Electric, Green Street, McHenry. Tel. 251. 5 FOR SALE--12A John Deere com bine equipped with engine, grain tank, flax rolls; used verir little, $1,750; rotary hoe, 2 gang plow, side delivery rake, hay mower, disc, drag, earth moving .equipment, miscellaneous doors, glazed window sash, marble top bureau^ bed and other furniture. • Call MoH^nry <>12-M-1 evenings. 5-2 FOR SALE--N orge white enameled table top 4 burner stove with light, $20; also 5-pc. chrome kitchen set, formica top, extension table, 4 leather-covered chairs, $20; all in Tood condition. Call McHenrv 209-W. 5 FOR SALE Aermotor windmill head, complete; good'as new, ready for rise. Tel. McHenrv 562 M-l. 5 FOR RENT FOR RENT--To employed men only, rooms and good meals; bath ajiower, plenty of hot water. Tel. McHfenry 153. * 46tf FOR RENT--2 room cottage, electric and oil heat. Ob route 12 and 120, Phnue 667 M-2. V> HELP WANTED -- Experienced operator to sew on better dresses. Apply Chia vone Dress Mfg. Co., Lily Lake. 111. 4-2 HELP WANTED -- Assemblers, wirers, solderes, packers and inspectors. Experience not necessary. Secure a position in an ever expanding radft»-television industry. Employment office open Monday through Saturday, 8 a." m. to 4 •>. m. Admiral Corp., McHenry at :nterseetion of Rt. 120 and 31. 51-tf FOR SALE--Residence; 6 rooms, • bath; 2 screened-in porches; full I basement with laundry; hot Water heat. Garage 22x20; two chicken house* 10x20 and 10x60; area of property is 165 ft. by 265 ft., with orchard of 40 assorted fruit trees. Priced to sell. 715 Center St., West McHenrv. Owner on premises. Tel. gys-j. 44tf BAROAINS^-IN HOMES, FARMS --CHOICE LOTS. RESORT PRO PERTY. BUSINESSES. KNOX REAL ESTATE, 405 RICHMOND ROAD, McHENRY, ILL.--LICENSED ILL. AND WIS. BROKER. PHONE McHENRY 421 J. 44tf A man was filling out an application blank for a job, and came to the question: "Have you ever been arre$ted?" His answer was "No." The next question, intended for those who answered the preceding question in the affirmative, was "Why?" Nevertheless, the appli cant answered if with, "Never got caught" FOR SALE--6 lots in Laiy Lake, good location. $00 per lot! Phone » Waticonda 5313, Richard Cunnv, ' Rt. 3 McHenrv. - 4-4 HELP WANTED--Cirl or young woman for general housework, own room and. bath, two adults, $30. fames F. Mraz, Pistakee Bay. Phone 187-R after 6 p.m." 2-4 SITUATION WANTED POSITION WANTED--Young lady lesires full time office work, reeptiouist in McHenry. Switchboard, .yping, general office, personnel nerience, able to take dictation iinl needed at once. Write Box 74 •are McHenrv Plaindealer. 5-2 LOST AND FOUND LOST--On (ireen St., bracelet with !>lue stones. Sentimental value. -Reward. Phone Fox Lake 3224 or write Mrs. Harold Watts. 5 WANTED WANTED -- Jobbers and direct salesmen. Quality lines, with liberal commissions. Manufacturers representative. R. Duane Fowler. Woodstock, Bo^c 331,' Phone 464-JX. 41tf WANTED--Watches .and Jewelry repair. Anthony Noonati, 200 So. Ureen street, McHenry. (Front part of Claire Beauty Shoppe.) IStf WORK WANTED-- Carpenter work wanted. By day or by contract. iPhune McHenry 532-J-l. *5 . WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY -- all kinds of poultry. Call us for price. Ross Produce. Harvard 607-J-2. 35tf REAL ESTATE FOR SALE --Six-room river front house on Fox Street, McHenrv. Tel. 270.1. * 5 FOR SALE--Solid oak_djiiing--rtwnr FOR RENT--Kirk's Kottages & Kaliins, ilskpg. ffilM-1. restricted river resort. $15 to $38.50. wk. Tel. 4tf "t- FOR SALE--Modern 7-room year around home in McCullom Lake; fully insulated; carpeted floors; knotty pine dining room; finished basement with rumpus room. Stoker heat; 2-ear garage; 3 large lots with fireplace and patio; beautifully landscaped. This home was built to order and must be seen to be appreciated. For information phone McHenry 678-M-l or write A1 Wetle, Rt. 4, McHenry, IlL 4-2 FOR BALE--Attractive 4^ room year round home, McCullom Lake, fully insulated, floor furnace, furnished, $">,">00. Phone 547 J 1. *5 FOR 8ALE--4 choice lots in Me: Cullom Lake; Will sell in pairs only. 1 pair has 126 ft. well. Write Mts. A1 Wetle or Phone McHenrv C78-M-1. . 5tf FOR SALE--Beautiful, modern, 9- pe. solid oak dining room suite with down c.usliions; practically new; must bee seen to be appreciated. 75 ft. chicken wire 6 ft. wide, lawn roller, metal; fuel tank, 150 gal.; reasonable. Tel. McHenry 564-R-2 J;#t'ore noon. , #5 FOR BAfcE-- Year round Cape Cod residoncjj,' 2 bedrooms, 2 car garage, Well insulated, landscsrped. Near store, highway and lake. Reasonable for quick sale. Wonder Lake 451. 4-2 FOR SALE--7 rm yr. round res.. Spring (prove. III., gas elee., bath basement, furnace, J. E. Carey, Twin IJJtes, Wis. *4 2 FOR Sfc^K--Lake Front, 4 tod room hwwk inside plbg. Cement basemeifE. High ground. West McCullom {Lake. Phone 661-M-l, Owner. Pricfc $5,950. 4t.f ALL YEAR HOMES FOR SALE-- Five rooms in Woode<| Estates, Pistakei Bay. Automatic oil heat, full basement, gas, electric, fully insulated, use of fine bathing, and pi«*f| roust be seen to be ap preciat<w. For appointment call Mr. Fri|j»,- or Hank Nell, in Johnsburg, m McHenry, 37, 2tf REAL ESTATE WANTED Bring in your property--we will furnish the customers. Bushels of 4% money to loan on faruis^, A business that reputation built for over one-half century. It must be right or not at all. Large ones, small one#, we sell farms in northern Illinois and Southern Wisconsin. QCINLAN LAND OFFICE, Wood stock, Illinois. 3-4 WHO ELSE? In filling out an application for a factory job, a man puzzled for a long time over this question: Person to notify in case of accident? . Finally he wrote: "Anybody in sight" SYMBOLS OF INDEPENDENCE Calling The Turn Russian opera star Feodor Cnallapin was always strictly business One day he was asked by a society matron to sing at one of her benefits. The singer asked a staggering fee. "You must be joking," said the lady. "After all, this is a benefit We had expected that you would sing for nothing." Chaliapin snorted. "My dear madam," bm replied "Only birds sing for nothing.'* Seychelles Not fThe largest true seed known to man is the Seychelles nut from a palm tree native to the Seychelles islands in the Indian Ocean. Resembling an oversize coconut, a single Seychelles nut may weigh 30 or even 40 pounds. Clusters of the nuts require five years to mature. PHONE 3P miLLEi The two symbols of Independence for 195# are the Liberty Bell and V. S. Savings Bonds. They exemplify the Independence Drive slogan "Save for YOUR Independence-- Bay U. S. Savings Bonds." Jul as the Liberty Bell signifies national independence, Savings Bonds spell financial independence. YOUR government la providing the means for future financial security by offering a safe, sure and methodical way of protecting yonr future through Savings Bonds. Each payday, from now on, put a slice of yonr pay envelope into Savings Bonds by enrolling for the Payroll Savings Plan where yon work, or if self-employed, the Bond-A-Month Plan at yonr bank.' U. S. Tmtur} Department Complete line of Lee's poultry remedies at Wattles Drug Store, McHenry. stf 'NtMMHiiiiiMiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniitiiiM'iiittiinnii The Beautiful EL TOVAR CRYSTAL LAKE. ILL. McHenry' Co's. Leading Theatre THtTRS. - FRI. - SAT. JINE 15-1«-17 ' pisney*!.;. •--ft,- T FIU. • SAT„ JI SE 1«.17 Mat. Saturday 2:30 P.*. ene Autry ln * '• r - - "C<WT<WN* < v - Plaa Co'featnre Hit Ray Ml Hand Rosalind Rnssell In "WOMAJf OF DISTINCTION" Sl'N. . M0N„ JI'JiE 18*19 Mat. Snnday 2:30 PJI. Randolph Scott In "COLT .46" (by Technicolor) with Ruth Roman TI ES. - WED. • THCRS. JI NE 20.21-22 ('laudette Colbert In -"THREE CAME HOME"---- Co-Starring Patric Knowles » 4.» > f } fpfiiLy0UTD00R ' GRAYSLAKERT.I20S.ZI •CINDERELLA* (In Technicolor} Sl'N. . M0N„ JUNE 18-1» Snnday Coal. From 3:00 P.M. John Payne Rhoda Fleming In "THE EAGLE AND THE HAWK** (In Technicolor) Here are exciting pages torn from a Tarlinlent Chapter In History. TIES. • WED. - THCRS. JINE 20-21-22 Johasoa Ward Bond In "WAGONMASTER* . 4'** T*0mrt• WMte Nylon White nylon should be separately from colored wusp ft will then stay white throughout on* merous washings. Although colon in other garments may appear to be fast, they often leave enough discoloration, though slight, to bring about an objectionable "ott-wMh^* tinge to white nylon. Rnled by PrlcaMUng. Tibet is a theocracy -- governed by priests of Lamaism, the state religion. A form of Buddhism, It makes generous use of legend and superstition. The 14th Dalai Lama, now reigning under a regent and council ol priests in the lamaserypalace at Lhasa, was installed In 1939: xIhexbt, ELLnrois Air Conditioned -- Comfort Good Vision and Send THCRS. - FRI. - SAT. Jl'NE 1J*-1«-17 DBNEYIS DM*?* ro*** WO Pictures, lac. ' Disney Cartoon aid This Is America SO. - M0N„ JOE 18-19 Quit that heme* Acta* oMm 1*4 Scoff - ROMAN _msi, iiOHH MKT EDWIN LMARIN • MltH W 1M0MM MWA World News - Cartoon Snnday Matinee 2sS9 Continneas TI ES. - WED. . THUR8. Jl'NE 20-21-22 Lana Tnrner Robert Tayler -JOHNNY EAGER? James Mason Harta Teren "ONE WAY STREET* HNIC OP 1 ROBERT DOUGLAS?VINCENT SHERMAN • JWY WAIO mALAN HALE • R0MNEY BRENT • ANN RUTHERFORD n{n|u{i I{ I I { I i j i ^ i i j i i j > i SUNDAY - MONDAY, JUNE 18-19 The Qun that bccamelhe law ofthelawtf /> I 'M 1111 H1! 111I I K't1 FOR BALE-- Side delivery rake, MeCormick-Deering, good condition. Louis J. Hehmift, Johnsburg, Phone Mellenrv GX5-J 2. *;> FOR SALE--Thor washer never used sinee installation of new mechanism and new motor. A real bargain. L. D. Anderson, 519 Waukegan Road. 5tf FOR SALE--2 row boats, good condition, $2-~>.i)0 each. A. P. ftehrman fOti Ifiverside Drive, McHenrv. *5 FOR BALE--10 acres good alfalfa. M. Gladstone. Phone McHenrv "27. FOR SALE -- Vacuum cleaners, trade-ins._ Rex Air with attachments, $.">9.50; Kenmore upright, $19.95:; Electrolux tank type!; $14.95. All guaranteed. Gambles. Phone 459. FOR SALE--9x12 Rigelow rug, $20. !! Tel. HcIIeury 290, 5 " -an# «i •> if -•hi'. fi( ijnlfft The Riviera Show Place Of The Middle West ( Lake Geneva, Wisconsin --^DANCING NIGHTLY EXCEPT MONDAY with / FREDDIE MANN and his Orchestra with ^ 17 Sparkling Entertainers -- Gaming Tuesday, June 27 -- * DICK LaSALLE and his Orchestra Direct from the Mayfair Room in Chicago's Black- ! stone Hotel. Watch for Opening Date . ORRIN TUCKER and JOE SANDERS at Wisconsin's Finest Ballroom fFRI. - SAT. - SUN, - MON. - TUES., JUNE 16-17-18-19-20 tf cf v J J S7/ v * / tf v tf tf tf tf tf tf tf tf tf q tf ^ 4R°#< ! ""JAMtS BARTON'CUOOIES SffiAU'GENE NELSON . i SOtUN fuw tt aosc, movhU shaveisou * petes milne m* * rwn t *** «•» «*• mvmit pmmMm i wcm [XMCTM ua mmoof \y # $ V V v v WARNER BROS? "SILVER LINING* TF SWEETHEARTS * SHINE AGAIN.'* tf {TAMING M JUNE t tf tf GORDON.J tf tf *9 ^ DAVID BUTLER 9 WARNER BROS.' OmtCTED BY TOWNE THEATRE rox LAKS PHONE 7-1611 FRIDAY - SATURDAY, JUNE 16-17 WARNER BROS! BIG NEW TRIUM ADVENTURES OF WED. - THURS. - FRI. - SAT., JUNE 21-22-23-24 C LIFT THE BIG LW\ _ *AUl imiAs M>MiaaM«GEORG£ SEATON • .WILLIAM PERLBERG JQt, .y- * Box Office Opens At 7:15 en 12 and Under Admitted Free Continuous Shows From Dusk mum, w-ZACHARY SCOTT EDWIN L.MARIN® WRITTEN BY THOMAS BLACKBURN ^ TUES. - WED. - THURS., JUNE 20-21-22 mmBK&msan or yjoMKOW BARRY *SHIRlEYHMPlf»FlllG[RAlD MM! Omcctcoby DAVID BUTLER • "RirrtNsr J0«>1 ta-ntobFOOTt COMING SOON "BAGDAb" Uyonwwtte see your friends - Visit the Ample Parking -- Air Conditioned J J ,1k ..

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