of interest tain from the « -*<*, A V l • f i * ^ '•- "• »r > »*•> / •» i- f <«iAi ^4 nrdy woold be hla After the coming primaries. The new watering troagha' for the village have arrived and will be placed within the next few days. The troughs are of the very latest type and will be a distinct improvement over the ones that have givof the McHenry Plaindealer Ien service during the past several ; years. J. W. SehafCar and R. & Overton are driving new Overland touring cars. J. W. received his car last week, while Mr. Overton drove out from Chicago Tuesday. A good sized crowd was again attracted to the Central opera house last Sunday evening. The gentlemen who operates ! the machine is «n expert and knows a good picture when he sees one and as a result will not accept anything but the very best when renting the films. The marriage of Miss Lizzie Lay of Johnsburg to Mr. Steven Sixty-Five Years Ago. The marriage of Miss Ella G. Powers of Nunda and Mr. Wll- Uftm Welch of Grig wold Lake was •Dletfltaized by Rev. FY. O'Neil at the Catholic church June 24. The Hiaaea Anna Powers and Mollie Hflftcoinbe acted as bridesmaids fM Messrs. Pat Cleary and Fred Powers as groomsmen. , I.' N. Mead has moved into his pew storev just finished at the west •nd, and now has one of the finest arranged hardware stores In this section. While- riding over from the depot a load of lumber Tuesday after- S i noon, J. J. Gilles was thrown off and the wagon passed over his boritr* ^injuring him quite severely. • Forty Tears Ago ; Phil S. Harrison of Alden, but for many years a resident of Ring- Wood, is out for the office of county superintendent of Schools /»f McHenry county and if it were left to the people of McHenry and Ringwood to decide, the office fern ajmw, mamMEAT-- H I'tiiih' I'll mill rjiii in ) " i l u; .. >i. M. ,, I 1fe"r<s t-. Jasten of this place was aolenuiised at 8t. John's Catholic chureb, Johnabarg, last week Wednesday. The groom la now serving his second year in the official capacity of "copper". It would indeed be a very pleasant , joke on the people of McHenry if sofne good hearted soul would cut the weeds along the sidewalka in the village. Tweaty-Fhre Tears Ago Mrs. Ross Wheeler of this city passed away at the Woodstock hospital, following injuries suffered in an automobile crash which occurred on Rt. 20 a short distance east of this city. Miss Rosemary Nye, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. N. J. Nye, was a member of this year's graduating class at St. Mary's college at Notre Dame, Ind. Had not the week's rain Interfered, the cement work on Elm street would Jiireiieen completed ' ' • •• fo#w kt -l V. Eoofing -- Tile -- Gutter *nft All Building Materials of Sears Roebuck and Co. See feepresentative PRANK GAN^ Call 106-W or write >00 Riverside Dr., McHenry FREE ESTIMATES -HOME REPAIRS We specialize in complete home repair from roof-top to basement. Call us today for fast quality work on your repair problems. Attic Apts. -- Basements -- Divided Apts.-- Roofing *-- Porches Enclosed -- Porches Rebuilt -- Dormers -- Siding -- Carpentry -- Plastering -- Heating-- Plumbing -- Electrio -- Oarages. (Ho Job Too Large -- No Job Too Small) FREE ESTIMATES LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS McHENRY IMPROVEMENT CO. GENERAL CONTRACTORS Phone 183 or 52&M-1 ' McHenry, III FOR YOUR SUMMER DRIVING PLEASURE tkta (Thatodar) la the Job cannc •ft until the and of the to raise money for the ground work for (u ornamental lighting system for the central business section have already been undertaken and according to the solicitors the will be raised. The official Ing of the Main street paving took place in the business section of the west side last week and was participated in by a crowd of from 1,500 to 2,000 people. A deal was consumated last Friday whereby the Dr. D. O. Wells property ?onaisting of a large lot, garage and two-story house and private garage, located on the of Green and Elm streets, physician'a ownership to that of Tom Datolo of Arlington Heights and Charles and John tJnti of this city, the first of the three named acting as the agent for the other two in closing the sale. Six youag ladies of this city, chaperoned by Miss Lillian Freund, are enjoying a week's outing at; Bally-O-Gregg on the Foac River south of the city and from all reports the girls are having the time of their lives. They include the ses Lillian Buss, Mary Mc- Andrews, Berteel Spencer, Catherine Walsh, Clara Angela Petesch. by flieMfeltttY ** JBel ?' W p fTOMPTLV If kick anion IwMnfiilKl --i. DIAMOND T TRUCKS 604 Front Street , „ WILLYS-OVERLAND SALES _ -- V: • V "if - -' m CHAMPION AMERICA'S GREATEST TIRE VALUE Safti-Sured* Gum-Dipped Cord Body. * New Non-Sldd Lflng Milage Tread. , * Lifetime Guarantee ... Never Expires SpecialfSale Price £00-16 $9.95 And Your Old Tire -- Tax Extra 25%MSC0UNT^ ON ALL SEAT COVERS TRACTOR TIRES OPEN CENTER CLOSED CENTER • Big Trade-In Allowance On Your Old Tractor Tires. *»- «§» ••fc •• -iff We Allow A Liberal Trade-In Allowance On Your Old TIRES . Regardless of Condition 3ATTERIES We allow you 25 per cent discount off for your old battery on a Wr ISrsrtone Super Battery. WALTER J. FREUND Una -- Tubes -- Batteries -- Aeeeaaorlaa Hn and Taba Vulcanising Bicycle Knnlrifa AO Work GvaranteM onv IMMRAS AHD suiroift WeBt .rvtv • •• • dlLICIOUSr REFRESH IN61 | NON CARBONATiOl "i Hl-C eade -oz. TELEVISION FEATURE THE EASY TO USE TUNA EVERYONE ENJOYS STARKIST CHUNK STYLE NO l/2 CAN 'Una 2-EAR PKG. DEWKIST CORN lUNCH BASKET SPECUL WARD'S SLICED Hamburger Buns 19 PKG. 9F 8 HAHOY SPIZUEK aFSOUBN PICNICS Staffed Olives 39' • Ox. Refrif. J«r SO CRISPY AND SWEET YOU CAN'T RESIST THEM TROPICAL Sweet Plcklet 29* SO OOOD--SO QUICK TO PREPARE Mnmm't Trest |201 AAe Cmn ltd #REAUTP TCOONO'LS ER-OFfER UNDER PRESSURE?--DRINK TEA Ulrtoa's Tea Bap Wfl-of £|C 41 B«gt Q| ORANGK PIKOK 1/,-Lb. Tea 63° EASY WAY TO CARRY THE KIDDIES FAVORITE V Cracker Ja«k S«tcl|«t of 89° 2S--Se Bom FOR REFRESHING LEMONADESWEETENED BeaLemoa n o, aQc J.9 A COOLING DESSERT--DOLE finMpple Tidbits 19V I4-OI Caa BREAKFAST OF CHAMPIONS Wheaties •-Ox. 2 Cftgi. 29* SOFT. SAFE. COMFORTABLE Scottissue 51000 SM m Ron. 49 Easy-to-Prepare Foodd Declare "Kitchen Independence" in your home on the 4th--include the many ready-to-serve and easy-to-prepare foods from Jewel in your holiday menus! They 11 help yoti serve luscious, tempting meals with leas time in the kitchen^--andf you'll have more time to join in the family's holiday fun! A TREAT FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY Sahrao CH<CH°"" CmUm 91/2-OZ. PKG. 33 A DELICIOUS A6DITION TO YOUR COLO CUT PLATES Jays Potato Chips 75e •Mfc Jtwtl SaW-Strvfec Utah No Waiting! I-LB. CAN PITTED--READY TO EAT AND ENJOY BifforiTs Ripe Olives --Z 29e B!;? C"' »«« i. packaged. „. . J Ready tor Yoor Glider Badici d priced-- jr*rO**D«KSED-r2hl,5L, A »oong Heo Turki Ave. T DEWKIST RID THE FINEST IN SALAD DRESSING -Kraft Miracle Whip . • 9r 49e JUFR WAITING TO BE TOASTED ANGELUS llarslanallows I9e ;eys C«c*« M*VE« VEITOWIAND Skinless Wieners.. WIOED tUNCHMtAT. WAUNscHWe.S« # • • 11. 59 SUCB,^ °" C P|ECE • * 12-OZ. CELLO PKG. utUKUNSCh oummer Sbiiss^ $mQ°° SW*NICE0 s*,NN*D~~~t* ^ •• Hams. 49' i 59e PIECE 4 TO 7 LB. AVG. ii."4 5* | iAi.59 LBS. BUTT PIECf EDWARD'S PURE RED RASPBERRY 12-OZ. GLASS ^CARM^SHO HX TINNED-FAMILY SIZE Miofced Home ,0fo'4J, WHOLE OR em • "«il| 5 AVER AG SSe fULLtUTT r#ii W9 LR. WHOLE OR FULL SHANK HALF. LB. AVERAGE WLL BUTT HALF .. I» NO CENTCFT suets REMOVED OSCAR MAYER-- ARMOUR STAR . ARMOUR STAR * TO 11 LB. AVG * CfloodHant CinnedHams 75' >5n TASTY AND REFRESHING Ass't'd. B*v«rafM •fLUS ROTTLE DEPOSIT Morand's 4 24-OZ. BTLS. JEWEL YUMMY ASSORTED FLAVORS 29e* .Ice Cream ^29* RICH. CREAMY. DELICIOUS Jewel Potato Salad • ™ 25° DELICIOUS! HIGHLY DIGESTIBLE! Kraft Vebeet)'£S,-S9' nMrfHan • • s: v DROMEDARY Dateiot Bread - -19* KIDDIES FAVORITE--SALERNO Bitter Cooki« 2 :t49* TASTY AND TANGY--KOOTS Mustard Hav* A Qaod Supply 0a Haa4 far Pieaies aa« Laaakaa ARMOUR'S STAR \ 12-OZ. Chopped Ham •A •• -• ^CAN4 9° Chili Con Carne -• -3le Corned Beef • • • 43° Corned Beef Hash 35e EACH IMPORTED HOLLAND UNOX IT'S SANDWICH TIME AGAIN PETER PAN 12-OZ. • JAR Peanut Butter "^29* Good M«in OUh for Lunch or Dinnar RED CROSS Spaghetti • •. • ™ 15* EASY TO USE--E-Z COOKER Navy Beans - 2 "" 25' KOOP'S - Mustard • •. •-10* I All Departments Open Until 9 P. M. Oh Friday Nights 207 East Brink Street Crystal Lake ( yriodStotts A CREAM CILLED FAVORITft SUNSHINE Hydrox Cooklts ^ 2J« MILD AND FRAGRANT Woodbury am Soap... « 3^25' Don't Forqd TKMI On Yaar Ptcn!« OHIO BIiW Tip t Bo. Maloliot...... 39* TREESWEET Lomoa •^15* H*lp« KHP Porcalain SpoHta earn** 4 M, Ctaanwr. < CMM Porlocf for Picnics, •t Homo -- OH GEE AHiminuM Pig. of t 19-