Woodstock, Saturday HIM WOOD (tar Mra. ecrce Bhepard) ^7^1 "**%t * fy if*) fy.V- ni$m "' •r5^^ 't'j, '* * V" 1AL1B '"v" " mum ,f Mrs. Lo4ts Hawley entertained ' |Qlpr WomeiM* Five Hundred club •q* \«l htr home Wednesday. A 1 o'clock desser^4uncheon was serv- «d. Prises were awarded to Mrs. ^„ Martha Bowman, Mrs. Viola Low ^Md Mrs. Vm. Cruickshank. C1 >«lir«!ctors for the coming y.3 ,a : Sunday guests of Mr. imd^Mrs. Wm. Three juniors in the McHenry $ .high school left June 25 for Boys | State, which is htld from June 25 •Ho July 2 at Springfield. They are Wm. Weber, Duane Andreas and •JJotiald Freund, and ure song of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Weber, Mr. and Mrs. Weldon»jAddreas of Ring- «*rood and Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Freund of Richmond Rd. McHenry. Mrs. John Hog&n and daughters, Charlotte and Mary, attended jthe election of offioers for the ^ county 4-H Federation . at Woodstock, Saturday. Charkrftte Hogan J '4'was president for the paat jrear p, , -, and will be c ie of four board of "Mr ll'agni were Mr. and Mrs. Bud £1 , "tlengel .and daughter, Linda, Mrs. K'., jl'oms and son»,"' Richard and ^3*^" Btevo, of Chicago, Mr». Ella Ueickels of Island Lake and Mr. and _ Mrs. (1. Igard and sons of Crystal Lake. ~ Mrs. John Woodward and sons , *ud Miss Marian Hawley were ^V" , Visitors Jn Chicago Wednesday. .T« Mr and MJB (3 L I novelette atid ^son, Cordon, of Chicago and Mr. Xknd Mrs. Harry Acker man of Wau- |f Jte^au were recent guestB in the "Wm. Cruickshank home. |s1' Mr^. Pete Sebastian has returnr " led home from Fort Wayne, where she took her mother for a visit. Mrs. Rose Jepson spent Thursl~ n. day and Friday With relatives in jf *, Klg/n. Mrs. Louis S.cheur and son and *"'• - jdauftliter and husband, Mr. and '-p . Mrs. Lkmaid Brown, of Waukegan •*. Were sapper guests of Mrs. Flora . Harrison Tuesday evening. 5" Mr. and Mrs. Donald Brenn&n -and son have returned from a " . visit with relatives at Shawno, Wis. » ' Mrs. Ardin Frisbie and son, David, cf Greenwood spent Tues- Ci, day evening with her mother, Mrs. ^v.i Flora Harrison. Mrs. George Shepard, with her ^daughter, Mrs Alan Ainger, and ^daughter, Mary, of Hebron, were visitors at Woodstock Thursday v afternoon. « Miss Elaine Lenassi and friend of Chicago spe'iit the weekend «ritj» her uncle and annt, Mr. and -Mrs, Wm. Pagni. tMr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison, Mrs. m ^ Dpnald Brenner, Mrs. Lyella |> JMephenson and Mrs.. Flora Har- ;;f rlaos attended fttnenU serVices for ^,, Mrs. Georgia H*rrt»6n ta ' Elgin W' «Frlday - Miss Lois Johnson of Chicago 'spent the weekend in the Wm. I f h o m e . ly ™ ' Mr. and Mrs. Eld ridge Van At- 4?' ten and daughter, Mary Lee, ot | Flint, Mich., spent the weekend I, in the George Shepard home, p • Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison re- I turned home Wednesday evening *' %om a trip to South Dakota, li' Mr. and Mrs. Albert Escher and children of Chicago visited her mother, Mrs. Tillie Vaillancourt, over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Nelson fattd son, Ronald, .of Colby, Wis., spent Thursday and Friday with | her slater, Mrs. Kenneth.' Cristv, tand family. * Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low and ;Mr. and Mrs. Paul Walklngton attended a Five Hundred party in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold If* of the newest wrinkles in birthday gifts--and it follows the theme of "it's as easy to give as it's nice to receive. ** It seems that since a carton of Cigarettes has always been one of America's favorite birthday gifts, Chesterfield came up with a novel carton specifically designed tor the purpose. Its colorful motif and greeting card device mean that you don't have to wrap it either. Stanek at evening. Betsey Low Fossuna of Solon Mills spent Sunday with her grandparentBr Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy. Glen Wattles of McHenry spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. C. L. Harrison, and family. Mrs. Mayme Harrison of Mc- He.iry spent Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. J. C. Pearcon, and family. Mrs. Mabel Collins spent the weekend with her son, Roger, and family at Melrose Park. Jay Walkington spent from Tuesday until Sunday in the home of his u>ic!e. Frank Walkington, at Libertyville. Frank Walkingtob brought him home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Phelps Saunders and daughter of Sycamore, Mr. and Mrs. Don Smart and sons of Waukegan and Mr. and Mrs. Loui; Winn and daughter, Janet, of Richmc id, spent Sunday . in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Oldson and family. Mrs. Geneva Lisenby of Woodstock, | Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dimon and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Dinion and family enjoyed a picnic dinner Sundry at Btlvidere Park. " \ Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., of Sycamore spent Sunday at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Voogt of Roseland spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Larson., Mrt Jack Lenard and ciJIdren and Mary Ann Wiedricli accompanied Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., back to Sycamore Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Lenard Carlson and son, Ronald, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Deffenbaugh of Chicago were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Kane spent the week-end in West Virginia, where they attended a wedding. Nancy and George Kane visit* J their grandparents in Springfield. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas and family attended the wedd./fg of Katherine Ebel at Algonquin Saturday evening. Mrs. Martha Bowman entertained her sister, Hattie, and neice of Chicago Sunday. They with Nancy Bowman, called on friends at Pel' Lake Sunday afternoon. - Mr. and Mrs. John Skidmore, son, Ed, and daughter, Betty, and Jackie, spent Sunday in the John Ehlert home at Wilmot. Milton Laurence and Zane Grey of Elgin were visitors here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas and family attended the Legion baseball game at Marengo Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pettise and family of Mcrington tpent Sunday with her Jencks. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ardin Frisbie of Greenwood spent Sunday after-» TVhfle ft may someday be possible noon with her mother, Mrs. Flora to distill sea water cheaply for gen- Harrison. • i era! use. this method ^ill be avail- Mrs. NaOcy Schmidt a'nd son, able only to coastal cities. The cost Carl, of Chicago were supper* of transportation and piping will be guests Sunday of Mrs. Agnes still too great for inland regions. Jencks. | Mrs. Colson Jones of Chicago < spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Rose Jepson. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Sebastian spent the. week-end with relatives at Moline. - VU8IHE88 INCREASE According to figures released by the Bureau of Cfc-J3Ud. "U.S. Department of Commerce, retail,/ wholesale and service establishments in this county showed considerable expansion between 1939 and 1948. Retail sales in the countyv jumped from $14.2 millions in "£9 to $51.8 millions in 1948. Wholesale sales worked from $2.7 millions to a total of $19.3 millions. Employment also rose from a combined total of 1,436 paid .employees in November, 1S3S, to 2,63!) la Nuyomber, 1949. ASilNG TOO MU0S mm Thursday, 'June 29f I860 Impromptu entertaining, such as • backyard picnic with the family next door, is lots of fun now that the weather is cooperative. And you can swing it without too much work if you have food reserves in the refrigerator. The guest-night men** can be based on meat loaf anU potato salad. Bake two meat loaves esrly in the week--one for dinner that night, one to go in the refrigerator. Cook potatoes and eggs for potato salad as you get breakfast? some morning. Simmer both in the same pan of water with eggs on take eggs out 33 8000 AS {•'tooked. - ' .."y*-'* Wh^t Price Tarifi There is an import duty of 1V< cents on every pound of refined nickel shipped into the United States although hardly any nickei is mined in the 48 states. Rank Sentimentalist Jt SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS man, who had raised himself v»r tually by his bootstraps, was pay ing one of the prices for success. He was standing, chatting with a group of stuffed dowagers when one of them expressed her sympathy at his being born in a small coaltown in Pennsylvania. "What a! Pity," she said. "Why must you tyave been bom there?" The man looked at her coldly. "1 merely wanted to be close to my mother." SAN DIEGO, CALIF.--"A smooth cotoiplexion equals high volt-1 age" according to Sergeant James L. Justus, speaking for himself and his buddies at the Marine Corps Recruiting Base nere. The enviable asset won for Gail Rohbins, beautiful movie actress, the title of "Miss Touch and Glow" in a contest at the Marine Corps Base. iThe balloting was conducted .with the cooperation of Revlon, world- Nwide makers of cosmetics, to determine the actress with the smoothest I complexion and who radiated the greatest amount of pemiMkUty. " Complete line or Lee's poultry j Renew that subscription to the remedies at Wattles Drug Store, Plalndealer noW! McHenry. 8tf| Danger In X-Ray Careless use of the X-ray and other radioactive mechanisms at tfce present time may damage thousands of lives in future generations as far off as 3,000 years from now, according to a Nobel . Ajgtiteit1 prlre-winning scientist *a* Sea Water FREUNO'S DAIRY GRADE-MILK PRODUCTS CHOCOLATE MILK BUTTERMILK ORANGEADE MILK COFFEE CREAM WHIPPING CREAM FRUXT MM * .(SHJO^AGE ,C*IWS.B BUTTER •• -i'i v SOUR CREAM Stcre open everyday until 9:00 p. im Phone MeHenry 636-W-2 A farmer, whose barn was situated right on the township line, consented to let a party of surveyors work on his property when they asked permission. He watched them curiously and when they traced the line right through the big double doors of the barn he became alarmed. "Say," he said, "yew fellers is, measurln' fer th' new railroad ain't ye?" "Sure," replied the chief surveyor, who liked his little Joke. "Well," drawled - the farmer, "I don't mind the railroad building tracks through my property but I'll be danged if I'm going to get up in the middle of the night to open the doors for the train to go through." Be* la To preserve the freskMSi «C fruits and vegetables', wrap 'them in moisture-proof materMfaf before they go into the freezer. Frozen foods are Iflcely 16 quality if poorly packaged, dry cold air in the freezer stantly steals moisture frotn foods in the form of moisture-vspor^-oftless products are wrapped a^l sealed airtight. Keep this in mind when you buy containers and wrappings for freezing spring and summer produce. Find out directions for sealing containers at the time you buy them. Then seal packages carefully before freezing. It's good insurance for top quality frosenf toOdS. f,,.'*. ; ' Cxnert Mariae ,; U. S. marine Private W. A. vitt once field stripped and reassembled a machine gun in 27 seconds while blindfolled. FOUNTAIN SERVICE Sealtest Ice Cream -- Malteds -- Sodas Double Kay Nuts -- Schrafts Candies ^ Cigarettes Cosmetics - Suntan Lotion - Bathing Caps Greeting Cards - Films - Developing and Printing J WONDER LAKE DRUGS P. J. BACK, K. Ph.O. Ringwood Drive and Summerville Ave Phone Wonder Lake 591 Wond9r Lake, 111. -JT7 i-r *4* - Use ef Matches If all, the average American strikes about 14 matches a day. but spends only about six cents for his monthly supply. On an annual basis the country uses more than 500 'billion wood 'and paper matches, or. well oyer a billion per day. ! i . t jyf '* AV Pay to OUR SAVERS The Sum of O0A - IN EMtimiGS* Farmers: Our Reedy- production in Gar efficient ! 5 ^ ICized Concrete ig uniformly central plant / lenne, enduring end Rtronf. v^fce "Inix" is made for your fob. Even a small job gets ike benefit of large « Of course, you want concrete --firesafe, durable, moderete in first cost end requiring little maintenance. Ijk Your coniracior or Call ^ . . *" • / McHcqty Sahtf & PhOM McHenry 97-J "~"r~ fC6 Front 8tx«ct McHenry, l|l» • • • when you choose o SPECIALIZED SAYINGS ASSOCIATION THE total sum shown aborts the amount paid our eavera and investors for the use of their funds during the first six months of 1950 « . PROVES SAVINGS CAN BE IMPORTANT1 J1 • Have your share of extra income by placing idle cadi reserves to work this safe way. •CURRENT RATE FUNDS received by 4uly 10th *•«* credited with earnings from July 1st! HURRY1 3% HRANNUM Marengo Federal Savings and Loan Association ' - Marengo, Illinois • FCDUAI: »AV(Nftt AND LOAN INSURANCE CO«PO«ATION Take the trouble out of capning with tiiese efficient canning aids. 0 See us for complete supplies at lowest prices! FOOD CHOPPER $3.50 Household ' sHe chopper with 4 catters -- very f i n e te v e r y coarse. Cats everything. N o a - rusting finish. .... mrmtm Preserving KETTLE $1.29 Cold Pack CANNER $1.75 |6-4««rt. Mve brilliant enamel. Ha* pourinf lip. Will last fer yean. A home canning necessity! MATCHING LADLE, 00c 7-*t. capacity canner. Has * Me»tinned, nen-rasthit lift rack. kettle. WOODEN 19c SPOON Carved from a single piece fi hardwood. Use it in dezens> «f ways in the kitchen CALORIC GAS RANGES FOR CITY, SUBURB and FARM Pressure Cftniter A high ftM^e shtmfcw* nmtkt fer **kk, Mfe easy caantaf ef <5 fnih, wsgstshlep, M. mee« «» fewl. Preserve* Haver a^ ,V lere. Heats tnkkly, will net. leek. No. f^7 qt. or 9 Mlts - $21.95 V * No. 21--7 qt. or l8 1*tiit$ $23.95 . V ' mmm CUP No matter where you live you out enjoy the finest cooking on "America's Easiest Ranges to Keep Clean." Special models for natural or manufactured gases, or for dependable LP-Gas ("bottled" gas) beyond the city mains. AH modata available with i "CP" foaturaa V lor automata 7 j' cooking. "t ^ Clear plestle e M e s e r t a f aep vM accerate eraeeaHaea. » |$ . CAPSANt RINGS 30cY ' . to . 49o PARINO KNIFL. 2te ^ VYCITAL'S HARDWARE 132 Green St SHEET METAL SH0£ PHONE 98 McHeni|r :'^4i