Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Jun 1950, p. 11

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Ttandftrr taM tt, 1980 NEWS FROM WONDER LAKE H i n n M i n m i M f M M I* • (by Vanesae Sells) Ickrtet tha Klag V*#* , ' <HeU> First Affair . " Of tke Saaaer The first, of the Bummer's carnival! took place Friday, Saturday land Sunday when Christ the Klftg church held its bazaar. All types *jof gamea for ytoung and old filled the church* grounds, as well as bazaar merchandise. Records via ^ l°ud speaker, supplied background music. Saturday's weather somewhat • slowed festivities but 300 ate din* Y , i»er Sunday. The subdivision picnics and beach parties atart next month. , These summer festival* finance : .the roads and beachestn tnany " a r e a s . ; • . . • _ New Peraaaeat P1 Resident* Of ^-¥4^ India* Ridge Mr. and Mrs. John Giles are new ^permanent residents of Indian •aiRidge. : Also permanent are the •N !?Oiles' daughter' and family, Mr. and MT9. John Kline, aad the-ir • two children, Joyce1 and Joanne. Both families recently purchased homes h*rt Tho children will enroll in Harrison school in the fall. « -- , Hales Family Leaves for Soath Aarertea Theltaa Hales and her two f youngest children are now en route to South America! They left • Wonder Lake Sunday to drive to --• Miami. They will fly from Miami to the Dutch island, Aruba, and ' from there to Barcelona, Venezuela. They will proceed from 'W Barcelona into the interior to Ciudad Bolivar to Join the head of the Hales family. James Hales, who has been in Ciudad for the past year. Hales, employed by the Chicago -Bridge and Iron Co., Ltd., Chicago, is serving his second two-year term In Veneruela. Mrs. Hales will store her car in Miami, where* it will he claimed * in a few weeks by a co-worker of * her husband when that party returns to the states. The co-worker's car, in Venezuela will be used by "the Hales family. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Burr and their * eif ht-imrnths' old daughter, will jjccupy the , Hales house. Lookout Point, the remainder of this year. - Red Cross Helps £ Rrlag Serviceman Home On Fnrlonirh . What does the Red Cross really ftfbTTiat question is asked again and *hgain of the Red Cross work- >4*rjl during the annual drive. >' Ruth and Morton Woodward found out what it does. Pelham " Woodward, the Woodward's son, is , a serviceman stationed at Camp . Carson, Colo. When Mort's stepfather died, the Woodwards want- 4r ed their son to come home for the ; funeral. Mrs. Marion Phinney, executive secretary of the McHenry county Red Cross, was contacted shortly after the death notice was received. Two hours later Pel j was on his way home, with a 10- day leave at his disposal. Services for Charles Jegen, Pel's \ grandfather, held Tuesday In Chicago. The final meeting of the womsa of Indian Ridge to plan and new for the beach party in July, will be held July 13 in the home of jKaren Widen. That meeting will {start at 10 a.m., one hour earlier than the usual time. *Mrs. Widen will serve lunch at noon. The meeting will be devoted to planning for the children's /activities, contests and games. Mrs. A. E. Teske and Mrs. Herman Otten are the co-chairmen of the children's activities committee. The women of the subdivision met last Thursday in the home of Mrs. Guy Henderson. Luncheon was served from English bone china that had been a gift from Mrs. Henderson's great grandmother. f In addition to Mrs. Henderson's general committee, Mrs. Paul Matz will be in charge of a chicken en casserole dinner to be served Saturday* July 22, starting at !> p.m. Mrs. Mary Pilch has also been assigned to this committee. Mrs. Helen Muchow and Mrs. R, Me°adyke, co-chairmen of the parcel post and white elephant sales, reported on their progress at this time. Mrs. Kareh Widen reported on the apron booth,' where she will be assisted by Mrs. M. Dolgopol and Mrs. Semiki. • Mrs. Henry Setzler is chairman for the bakery sale for Saturday afternoon of the picnic. Mrs. Albift Dick, Mrs. Sarah Larsen, Mrs. Stella Stonis, Mrs. Ted Paknik and Mrs. IjiYank Corrado will receive the contributions for this sale. Henry Setzler, ^president of Indian Ridge, points out that Indian Ridge is the largest of Wonder Lake's subdivisions, has» two beaches, six milc3 of roads and two playgrounds. About ?4.000 worth of repair work i3 now in progress on the roads. Mrs. Johanna A. Thompson is general picnic chairman/ The Woodstock hospital gift' shop tea and sale will be held at Pell Bari farms, Rt. 14 Friday between 2 and 5 p.m. The public is invited to attend • and to insprvt the many items handmade bv the women of the hospital auxiliary. Tea is 50 cents. Pell Bari, one of the most unusual estates in McHenry county, was created from the 100-yearold buildings of the village of Broobdale. The meeting li£ll is incorporated into the entrance hall of the residence and the timbers from several early American barns were used as supports for the' added rooms. Mrs. Libby Repan will be one of the hostesses of the tea. Mr. and Mrs. FranUtak Finer and Laura Lee RocKTord were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Beebe, Lake Shore drive. Laura Lee was astonished to meet Sharon Grace Sells and Geraldine Cormier, with whom she took dancing lessons in Chicago, starting when the threesome were three years old Mow 1<5, they lost track of each other some ten years ago. ltow Rlad we were to see new friends in both morning and evening services Sunday. The Osterbergs were a real blessing all day long. We have missed so many of you ' these last Sundays, however, and trust to see you tiext Sunday. Remember prayer meeting this coming Wednesday at 8 p.m. If it is impossible to come any other time ilo make it to this most important meeting. Next Funday will be Communion Sunday and missionary day also. In the eight o'clock servjpe the film, "The Hook for the World of Tomorrow." will be shown by the American Bible Society. The vacation school offering will be presented- to the society to send liibles to Japan. All you children and parents are urged to be here. 9 A.M., Saturday, July 8, we leave the church for our first full scale Sunday School picnic. It will 1 be held at the Illinois Beach and -fitate iiark. north of Waukegan, on I^ake Michigan. Do plan to come, adv. PASTOR LIBERTY liqion Auxni^r The women of the American Legion Auxiliary held their' regular monthly meeting last week, at which time a report was given 0.1 Poppy Day by the chairman. Mrs. Margaret Davidson. The Auxiliary" wishes to thank McHeflry and the surrounding communities for their cooperation in halting to make this worth while dayf a success. The Old People's home in Hartland was entertained by the Auxiliary last month. The regtilar monthly party at the veterans' hospital at Downey was held as usual. These parties are held ev-, ery third Thursday of the month. Those who would like to help entertain these hospitalized veterans are asked to meet at the Legion Home at 6 p.m. The elevl~ith district convention at Glen Ellyn had representatives from McHenry unit. No. 491: Jeannette' Vance, Alice Bar bias, Henrietta Vycital and Minnie Green. ' The McHenry u ilt will also be represented at the Chicago, annual convention of the American Legion Auxiliary by Representatives iptf Eddie Meftth, Henrietta Vycital, Agnes Bach and- Christine Krinn. Alternates are Stephanie Waynne, Pearl Narstad, Lillian Miller and Jeannette Vance. , Mary A in Bolger was selected as Girls State representative. Initiation of new members was held by the Hebron Unit at the last meeting. After the business meeting, members were entertained by Soloist Bob Baer and his accompanist. Wary Kay Freund. Mary Ann .Wiedrich also offered vocal solos, accompanied by Mary Ann Bolger. Refreslitnents were served at the close of the evening. Federal Employment War veterans with disabilities resulting from service, or their widows or dependent mothers, are entitled to preference in federal employmtnt. Japan has been In a medical "blackout" since ISfl, • IsadMig Japanese physician says. For the last nine years no foreign medical literature has reached Japan. Mahogany ' African mahogany com--, in exceptionally Urge logs •«- often as long as feet and from three to five feet ,in thickness. Tims it yields long and wide cuttings. Freshly-Cut African wood is a pale salmon-pink, changing after exposure to a pale golden-brown. It has a slightly milder texture and larger pores than other mahoganies and a larger proportion of beautiful figures. These figures, kn.azing in their variety and design. range from simple straight stripes to complex and elaborate patterns of mottle, crotch and swirl. Need rubber stamps? Order, at The Plaindealer. WING AND FIN Hunting And Fishing Club Offers its facilities of the Dining Room, Trap and Skeet Courses to our friends and neighbors of the surrounding country. | A Complete Menu of the Finest Foods featuring MALLARD DUCKLING -- PHEASANT and RAINBOW TROUT Dinners Served Daily 5 to 9 Except Monday Saturday, Sunday and Holidays 12 to 9 p.m. COCKTAILS AT THEIR BEST We Cater to Parties and Banquets For Reservations Call McHenry 647-J-2 One Mile North of Intersection of Highway 12 & 120 on SULLIVAN LAKE DRUGS AMD HtALTH A/DS . -•• • • « -Vrf .r Our complete sgpgty juality drpgs guarantees your fullest s&Uafee&tfi. , We are ready to serve in all emergencies with quality pharmac&Is prepared to your physician's prescriptions. ' ... * Always at Your Service NOW ONLY Com# TNI NBW •IGRX8T CASH PRICES pattM* Dead and Crippled Hersea, Cat# and legs--Saaltary Fewer Lead teg--Tankage and Kent HuiH n| le. Phones Arlington 1MSM» IIS vr MeFevry 314. Icnm Charges, fund* IiWithf NYE DRUG STORE PHONE 26 McHENRY, ILL. Here's a barbecue grill that yoa can fold up orid put in your car to take along, on trips,, apd that may bo conveniently stored away in your dosst.Sturdily built of heavy gauge steel, with Pompeian Green finish. Ideal for. ipwn and terrace REGULAR parties, picnicsondWnping trips. $12.95 VYCITAL'S HARDWARE SHEET METAL SHOP *Mpt Try a NI6MTC90UN6 WNmm in Your Horn for5 Days FREE! --and feel the difference! •f'•» y.:. JOMBTI r. nx. *. MeHenry m>« CHAKLB8 S. PAKEEB, AtM (Jeslya %. Parte) OTfee Ham: «*«lweeday Aftmiw laSS4i|| Office--Keekr 8apply OmM SIS Mafa Straet. Waat Mm# Waaditadk 11SS FOX SLKC1SIC 8BRYIGB WONDER LAKE K. 1, RDfGWOOU, ILL. * mam Mala Paapi Mi aai SmM TEL. WONDER lill Mf. '. ' • in "be- Home Fnrnitare Rwonr^i ^ and Repatei&K SO yeara expert*^ Phone Platakee Sfil-R-1 T1C8 IJPH0LST1ET 81RTlC|| RR. 1. PlaCaqna Heights ^ McHenry. I1L ' • VERNON KNOX Atteraey-At-Law Oor. Oreen aad Blai Ma, TaeaSay aad Friday QtW Daya Ry_ Apuial Phaaa Hdhary 4S -- WANTED TO BUT -- CALL AT ONCE ON D1 HOG^ HORSES AND CA' pay paea Wf pay SS ta SSS (k Old laaa far dawa karaca aad _ MATT8 MINK RANCB lakaahvrg • Spriac Gtti* I Phaaa Jmabarg SI4 A. P. FREUND SONS --' ^ROAD M. ^M-M aad Crua jB»i riaa BUILDING-- m E. C. PEASLEE, ». C. rvkWiafWaapSaOaT^VaMB MS K (ireea St, EeEawf Ofltee Hear% DaOy as. sept Tkar t ie IS IsSS «» Sea^ Wad. sad Pri, 1 taS Pka»« Ztlearj m* McBANRY FLORAL COL On Mile Baatk af MtMiiif Oi ~ Flawera Oa Rwto SI faraE 8TOFFEL * tnruet areata far aft ptopyy TthpiaiSrN». SSS I i- INSUEAMCM EARL R. WALES Aat% Farai ft tHkiMMSi RELIASIS I a T a I Phaaa 4S ar 11S-M Ureea A Ela " DR. E. h. wAisym Deatiat * ~ 9 a. m. u S p. ak Tet Waaler I4i 4lf . Patet II9IUI9 Wl 0Or OUT nrynr COOIIrly TOPV our houtm was unbearable in summer ptKfkvhHy the upper floors. Now, all flfce rooms in our home are comfortable tmd cooI off summer long," _ lire's your chance to use a night woojing window fan for five day*... just phone or write our Morest store and have H delivered to your home without charge or obftga Hon. Wl find a nighti cooKag'exhauct fan helps you laugh at the heat. There's, no Installation problem with a night cool* Ing window fan... designed to fit olmait any window, you simply plug the fan into any convenient outlet. And, these fans are Inexpensive to operate, your home will be cool oN night long for about tha price of an ke cream cone. Se com*/ lortable this summer... get a nighl' cooing window foal "* f tay free Ban Trial Offer . . . l a k e a d v a n t a g e of i t now I Night Cooling Window Fans from $49.95. CONVENIENT TERMS •..payabla on your monthly Sorvico ML , Adt PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS 0 r Drives lifcs s tfrssml / That's what you'll say once you set behind the wheel of a Dodge truck. Ira "Job-Rated" for comfort and coovegii . to imlm dnvlog % pleaauia. Turns on a dim#! Just a feather-touch to the wheel aod you make shorter turns, whether* you're backing up, turning around, or parking. "Job-R^ted" wide-front axle e*4 cross-steering a&ke ^ possil^a. RUss like a baby carriagsl Smoo-oo-th is the word for the ride you get in a Dodge "Job-Rated" truck. Extra-long front and rear springs aca tough, yet flexible. v FRANK S. MAT Jaad--Black light Exeavatiac -- /Track far Hire Phaaa McHeary SIMM E-l McHeary ALTS WELDING AND SMI SEETICE SSI Mala St, M Eteetrie Partahla W Acetyleae Weld^ig aad ALEX W. W1BF8. sis<w.i W'LLLAM M Hits like a kiddie car! Shorter wheelbase and shorter over-all length make parking § snap. Your Dodge truck is "Jo* Rated so you can slip into park*' ing' spaces you used to pass upw How! tfnrf FWd Drive! AvaHa. ble only on Dodge 'Job-Rated" 1 rucks (Vi-ton, y4-ton and 1-ton models). Ask for Fluid Drive booklet. . I great truck engines each Rated" for PLUS power. ECONOMY:... priced with the lowest. "Job-Rated" for dependability and long'life. " 'HGOCK PAYLOADS: . . . carry more without \ overloading axles or springs because of "Job-Rated' WEIGHT DISTRIBUTION. SASIER HANOUNG: . . . sharper turning! Parks '•} tight places. "Job-Rated" maneuver- -- a b i l i t y ! OOMFORTt. . . widest seats . . . windshield with best vision of any popular truck. Aircushioned, adjustable "chair-hcisht** seats. . • finest truck brakes in the industry E. STOKE SACTOE •"» SpblSTiS. eteH' «. M - mmp 8atardara Si • • **f Ml I't"' : . V • nit WELDING ^ad Ceaatradla|| McHeary «-Jc St. MeEeatr. M VEEN THELEN Tracklag Track far IBra McHeary B»M er 8St-W-| Uox 171. Rt. 1. MeMeamr SAFETY: hand brake operating independemly oa propeller shaft on all models--MHoa A. S. BLAKE MOTOR SALES, life. - 301 East Pearl Street la. a. ta IWradaya . ^

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