IPSfiPpIir •PfflfwiiiP ,a»f|« m$*'- 'tWf C%s %mmw-rM n f t \ \k Z.~<*LV Tt> MAVC HUH • v FCttOGT CmPLETBLY *r. J J THAT IT WA* JOGT I6MOHTH4 7DTMC :.. «»cc 4 oypsv TCU-«e -rpu?ctaTTVw TIWA mxMPjimwtf un& H2R BB^T HBStfP* UPS... AMP CHS ItfBfiKUM «anpv ON PEoery*r TUB pffitfitWM Fogflornipg A--MCfffiiry/ -v #» Nsvmoiim OOMefTCAPy WTW 5CMCONC 6 FT. * ' jM £Qi THKT C0MIC WHNT5 A HA-HVHA.' ITS WITH Y0U, J THIS <^>1!C5T(?IR PAW.?^/ MAW.' FUNNIEST THING I EVEK. HAVING A CHAMP AT LATIN... THE HA-H\ C&2A.LA* Animal FoandatUn Offcrt 9-Polnt Pasture Program ,m. For Sentiment's Sake jrll THE OFFICE of the prison • warden • notorious crook was bring divested of the contents of his pocket*. As each article was removed, it was carefully examined, listed and then placed temporarily on a nearby desk. Among tike articles was a badly tarnished silver dollar. The prisoner pointed to the dulllooking coin and in a suppliant tone •sked the warden: "Would you mind letting me keep that with me?" "Why?" asked the warden. "Oh, Just a little sentiment, I suppose." the- prisoner explained. ••You know. It's the first dollar I •ver stole.** AND HOW LONGf •s' **„ - Blood Transfusions Raisa . High Altitudo Ceiling An extra pint of blood mattes the difference in man's struggle to withstand critical altitudes, new experiments at Duke university have re vealed. Dr. Frank G. Hall, Duke physio logist and pioneer high-altitude experimenter, disclosed his findings at a recent UNESCO meeting at the world's top high-altitude special ists in Lima, Peru. * The value of blood transfusions in our tolerance of high-altitude was proved this way at Duke: Five student subjects were given a pint of blood, then tested in a special low-pressure chamber to see how "high" they could go. The result: All could tolerate about 2,000 feet more altitude because of the extra oxygen th*y got .from the blood. Loss erf blood worked the opposite way. Four students who gave blood were tested; they lost up to 2,000 feet of altitude because of the loss of oxygen reserve they had giver away in their blood. ^ Duke researchers measured tolerance by a special yardstick, "the interval of useful consciousness." As long as subjects were alert and mentally keen enough to do simple tasks and pass certain tests, they were considered "usefully conscious." In other words they performed tasks comparable to some of the things a pilot must do at 35.000 feet. Midway in the tests they switched from breathing pure oxygen to inhaling the air circulating inside the chamber; meanwhile a constant pressure, equal to that fliers undergo at 35,000 feet, was maintained They were rather late in starting Cor the station and his wife said, "You ran ahead, dear, and hold the train." "Yeh!" he answered sarcastically. "And what particular bold would you like me to use--the head- Jo§!k, scissors or half-nelson?" '-'.".V.," Exposed! Ifee-lights wet£ low In the coty library. She sat in the big armchair, her heart a-flutter, and her brain in a whirl. He was to visit her that night. And he would take her in his arms. Perhaps they would be married. The bell! He entered, his hair slicked back _ and his bow tie on an elastic band. He advanced toward the table and removed three cigars from his vest . pocket. Then he turned with outstretched arms. '"Stop!" she sobbed. "You have : 'iMwd before." The Dullard! Either Way A wag asked his friend, "How many knaves do you suppose live on this street besides yourself?" "Besides myself!" replied the other. "Do you mean to insult me?" "Well, then," said the first, "how many do you reckon including yourself?" Real Pastier Here Is a question that stumps all applicants for jobs in the New York fire department: "What piece of fire apparatus won't go up a one-way street?" No applicant has ever answered It correctly. The answer is: "A fireboat." All In Chicago The world's largest hotel is the Stevens, the largest commercial structure is the Merchandise Mart, the largest building devoted to display of a single industry's products and the nation's top furniture marketing center is the American Furniture Mart. One Way to Put It "l!K> you know why I am fl^ng to punish you, Arthur?" "No, dad; why?". "Because you hit a boy smaller than yourself." < "Oh, I thought perhaps it was because I'm smaller than you." -y;'" Exactly! • "So you run a duck farm. Business picking up?" "No; picking down." Costly Refuge "I'm worried--it's raining and my wife is down-town." "Oh, she'll probably step inside some store." "That's just it." iliiiiigi!i#iiri 11 COMMENDABLE RESTRAINT A grocer leaned over the counter and yelled at a boy who stood close to an apple barrel: "Are you tryin' to steal them apples, boy?" "No--no, sir," the boy faltered. "J'm tryin' not to!" HARD AT WORK "What is your occupation?" asked the magistrate. "I'm a locksmith, sir," replied the prisoner. "Then what were you doing in that gambling house when the police raided it?" "I was making a jpolt for the door." Big Income During an intense love scene in the movies, when the hero was doing the Charles Boyer stuff, wifey nudged hubby and whispered, "Why is it that you never make love to me like that?" "Say," he replied, "do you happen to know that guy gets $10,000 for doing that?'*" ' NcfVer Can TeV "Now," said the teacher, impressively, "why should we endeavor to rise by our own efforts?" "Because," replied Tommy, "there's no knowing when the alarm-clock will go wrong." A 9-point program to help farmers keep their cattle thriving on pasture this season has b*en Issued. The checklist for fanners «tre*sed these points: i 1. Don't let animals "goi^f* themselves on lush, yottrrg pastures. Guard against bloat and grass tetany by making the animals change to green feed annually. 2. Inspect the herd once a week for evidence of pink-eye. Remove any animals with eye trouble to a darkened stall, and get an irftmediate diagnosis of the trouble. 3. In blackleg areas, have all calves vaccinated against the disease. . 4. Protect the herd against files by spraying with an approved insecticide. 5. Examine pastures periodic&tiy for the presence j ol poisonous plants. 6. Check the herd regularly for wounds through which parasites and disease germs may enter. 7. If suspected cases of lumpy Jaw develop, get the affected Animals off pasture and away from the rest of the herd. Have them treated promptly, before the condition gets worse. ^ j 8. When calves are unthrifty', itlfcpect the presence of parasites. The parasite danger is especially great on old pastures and community pastures* 9. Bovine tuberculosis is stiB a problem, and cattle should be tested periodically for ft, as wtH as for brucellosis. W H0A9 SI6f\)S ARE. T)0sr GREEK *> HI* Inwhn £-Mv Sfrkt SOMETHING IN COMMON Friend--"They say the baby looks like you." Father--"The only likeness I can see Is we're both bald-headed." Pirate Howe Fainting A paneled fireplace wall, so painted that it resembles gold-toned marble, veined in green, is a feature of an attractive bedroom in famous Holly Hill, a seventeenth century house in southern Maryland. In the balance of the room, the walls and ceiling are painted white: the trim, olive green Legend has it that the house was once used by a pirate named Hogarth who had dug an underground passage to Herring bay, half s mile away, through which he car rled plunder from his boats. Need rubber stamps 1 Order at The Plaindcaler. pead -r the Want Ads. "" A high school girl, seated next to " a famous astronomer at a dinner party, struck up a conversation - with him by asking, "What do you do In life?" He replied, "I study astronomy. "Dear me," said the girl. "I finl| bed astronomy last year." p$l • T<" Cate Description A Bttte girl in southern California was having her first glimpse of snow. "Oh, mother, what is it-- What is it?" she shouted excitedly. "Why, that is snow, Peggy. Whatever did you think it was?" "Snowi Why. it looks like popped RASPBERRIES BY PINT OR CAS* J . LAKEVIEW GARDENS J. J. NEUHARTH One mile west of Rt. 3! on McCullom Lake Road. Telephone McHenry 692-J-2 Busy Pigment i the pigment used In paint Is a solid material. In the form of pow- 4*r, its function, in general, is to fcapMrt ooior. In general, also, a ptf--< should be opaque so that It provides the coating with good kMtfng power. Its solid particles still a third task, they must to reflect away destructive light and thus aid in lengthening the rf the entire paint coating. nry on State FURNITURE AUCTION SUNDAY. JULY 30. at 1 At the Some Day Farm, % mile south of Mci Route 31. I Told Spot refrigerator, 9 en. ft* one year old; Easy washing machine; Davenport and chair, nuttching chair and foot stool, one year old; Bedroom #et; Kitchen table and 6 chairs; Dishes; Dining room table and 4 chairs; Kitchen ware; Cabinet radio; End tables; Library table; 4 Beds; 4 Dressers; 8* Rocking chairs; Yietrola; Montgomery Ward mangle; Children's lawn swing; 2--9x12 canvases; 2 electric motors. Many other small Items too numerous to mention. 8 year old sorrel pony (well broke); Pony harness. DAN POWERS, Auctioneer Tfrms -- Cash. FLOYD FOAT, Owner Smaller BadtSa Radio receivers of the future will be much smaller in size than present models. Elimination of tubei and the use of "stamped" circuits instead of actual wires, and sealed components, will make the smaller *»tn nossible. ---- 0 'i1 -- * <• TOWNE THEATRE FOX LAKE TEL. 7*ltr FRI. - SAT., JULY 21.23 ERROL FLYJiN In "MONTANA* (Technicolor) Just Rontlne young wife was heartbroken. "What's the matter?" asked a friend. "Oh, my husband Is so absent minded. After breakfast he left a tip on the table, and when I handed him his hat he handed me anol tip." "Well, thafs nothing <0 about. If s Just force of habit." "That's what worries xn&. kissed me when X gay* hitfj Mat Spreading Mosale Gardeners who use tobacco can ipread mosaic to tomatoes and peppers. Wash hands with soap ano water before handling plants to prevent spread of the disease. Uncle Sam Says SAVINGS VEHICLE USSAV1N6S BOND Ton are now at the half-way mark •f this Mth Centary. The past 48 yea-- have witnessed momenteiM strides In science, medicine, engineering, In short, all phases of ham an endeavor. These have provided unlimited opportunities for my nephews and nlecea, with openings galore for the practice of their skills and Inventiveness. In addition, your government offers a simple, aafe and sure method which insures future security for heme and family through the purchase of U. S. Savings Bonds. By enrolling now for the Payroll Savings Plan where you work, or If self-employed, the Bond-A-Month Plan where you bank, you will receive |4 for every 93 In ten short years. Make the 1960's your goal for that future aeeurity. U. S. Truiury Department Read the Want Ads! COLONY , - McHENRY, ILL. MR Conditioned -- Comfort -- Good Vision and Sound Doo*s open at 6:15 n. M. -- Screen starts at 6:30 p. m. FRIDAY and SATURDAY. JULY 2|-22 Jack Carson : Lola Albright "GOOD HtJMiOR MAN" Cartoon and "Trading Post" SI N. - Jl'LY 28-21 niLAmw)i tMhl Direeled by Product!) bv TO""" • 1NG • NUWNALLY'QHH8 Ti ES. - vVlh>. . THl'RSl. JULY 26-28-27 nsssaFi No Sihl SoniN I or \1<: p I MNMET --HI MB* Yf » COMING SOON "RETURN OF THE FRONTIERSMEN" "THE BRIGHT LEAF" "FLAME AND THE ARROW* Ample Parking -- Air Conditioning Relax; In oar Push-Back Seats SUNDAY and MONDAY JULY 23-24 Added Attraction "BUGS BUNNY" Cartoon Sunday Matinee 2:30 p. m. Continuous IIHHTLeaf CfcMfcur (iiipsE? •KJ . TUESDAY, JULY 25 . No. 1 Feature No. 2 Feature Abbott and Costello * Music and Romance In The Navy" Belle ol Old Mexico WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY. JULY 26-27 WMB-SB TIMKMK st in waszt Farm MertgagtMirtt^ Oswa As Other IMMSHIM Alone among the major items la the cost of running the nStioa's agricultural establishment, aggregate interest charges an the farm mortgage debt have shown a marked decline in recent yekrs and are now at the lowest level on record in relation to cash farm income, according to figures compiled by the U.S. department of agriculture. This development co n*t r a s t • sharply with the trend of other farm cost&* which have doubled and more in the last decade. It reflects a combination of factors Including the big rise in farm income in the period, substantial net mortgage reduction as compared with prewar, and lower interest rates charged by principal farm mortgage lenders among which the life insurance eompaniei are prominent. Department of agriculture figures show that in 1948, the latest year available, farm mortgage interest charges in the aggregate added up to $229 'millions. This was somewhat above the comparable figures, for the three preceding years, reflecting an uptrend in aggregate farm mortgage debt in the postwar period, but except for these it was the lowest such total for any year since 1912. In 1939 farm mortgage interest charges exceeded $300 millions, or 25 per cent more than the 1948 figure. Related to agriculture's earnings, farm mortgage interest charges in 1948 represented only 7/10 of one per cent of cash farm income. This was the same proportion as in 1947 and was the lowest such relationship for the four decades since 1910. for which statistics of this native have been compiled. Expert Marine marine Private W. A. Leavftt once field stripped and reassembled a machine gun in 27 seconds while blindfolded. < P H O N E sums AIR COOLED! FRI. - SAT„ JULY 21-81 Matinee Sat, 2:30 P.M. •ROCK ISLAND TRAIL* (In Tricolor) -- Co-Feature Hit -- , "KILLER SHARK** " SUN. . MON. . TUES. JULY 23-24-25 Spcncer Tracy Elizabeth Tay9#r Joan Bennett in "FATHER OF THE BRIDE" WED. - THUR&* JULY 2«-27 Panl Douglas Jean Peters Ceasar Romero in "LOVE THAT BRUTE** Thursday, July A N50 • CryelMs Cryolite, essential in aluminum refining, occurs in large 'quantities is Greenland only. The Beautiful EL TOVAR CRYSTAL LAKE. ILL. VcHenry' Co*s. Leading Theatre FRI. • SAT* JULY 21-22 ft (Doable Featare) Johnny Weissnneller Tradjr Marshall in "THE MASK OF THE G0tULLA" Joyce Reynolds Ross Ford In "GIRLS SCHOOL" SUN. • MON* JULY 21-24 Sunday Cont From ItN F.M,« Humphrey Bogart Gloria Grahaipe Sn " - "IK A LONELY PLACE" '- Thrills, Action and Konance alllf the Hollywood Set. TUES. . WED. - THURS. Ann Southern Zachary Scott "SHADOW ON THE ffALL" ^ COMING SOON "THE GOOD HUMOR MAf* "THE .FATHER OF THE BRIDE" "DUCHESS OF IDAHO" itittiiiittiuiiiiHimuiiiimiiiiiiiiitfiHiiiuiiiitHittfifiinm ELM THEATRE # Roate 17# . Mill Street Waiteonda, flL Cooled by Refrigeration Push Back Seating EFFECTIVE SAT* JULY,f» Adults, 42c; pins tax-^^-- Children 17c pins Tax ^ Open Week Days 6:80 P.M.» Matinee Sat and Snn* 2:00 P.M. Conttnnons FRI. - SAT. Joel McCrea Barry Sullivan JULY 21- Arlene Dahl Claude Jarmaa, Jr. (Technicolor Hit) "THE OUTRIDERS" ~ Pins Cartoon and Shorts 0 - MON* JULY 23-24 Marx Brothers in "LOVE HAPPY" 90 Minutes of Laagh Plus Selected Shorts TUES. - WED. - THURS. Alan Ladd Wanda Hend^) "CAPTAIN CAREY UJS.A." FRI. - SAT* JULY 28-29 John Payane Gail Rassell (Color Spectacle) "EL PASO" F#<0UTD00R r ORAYSLAKE RT I20&2I NOW PLAYING "COMMANCHE TERRITORY" I SUN. MON. & TUES.. JULY 23-24 25 « f 5SRS53 MICHAEL CURTIZ HENgr BLANKE •CREEN PlAV BY RANAU) MACOOUGMX4 ' Wom All. MOM y WED. THURS. FRL & SAT., JULY 26-27-28-29 ELEANOR PARKER •"'IWMMBBI'aiB jinr til imm-mjamm JMCHWEUV Color Cartoon 4-- Joe McDoakot Comody <•1 SMHW4I«• OU HKifflH