Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Jul 1950, p. 9

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% * ' .4 ' r f -'V1' '*'" C ' v ,r* ' v> " J. Tli in % rr • II HIT lBlil - - - "i. ' r*~ __t :.. ,! k r '-'^v • i'iB •Si I141M III I IIM RINGWOOD 4 » K > M I » I I I I I H l H l t » » Of M*» George Stepard) -I :: vij m Row Jepson entertained i he Woman's Five Hundred Club _ v ,t her -home Wednesday. A 1 \ .1 'clock dessert luncheon was serv- , y d. Prlsea were awarded to Mrs. IS. B. Whiting- and Mrs. Pete lebastian. ' The W.S.C.S. was entertained In ' he home of Mrs. Clinton Martin Thursday. A pot-luck dinner was w* Served at noon. Mrs. Collins led le devotionals and Mrs. Myrtle irrlson gave the lesson "Religion |>n the Grass Roots." Mrs. Qrote of Igin and Mrs. Sample, our pas- >r's wife, were quests. The next Seeting will be at the home of rs. Louis Hawley. * Mrs: Lonnle Grote entertained ' "the Elgin Book Club'at the home of Mrs. Clinton Martin Friday A afternoon. Those to attend were y'^rs. Belle Andrews, Mrs. Hattie ; Myers, Mrs. John Redeker, Mrs. ' "Fred Meister, Mrs. Albert Schmidt, Parker Chaddock, Mrs. Jen- . t»ie Brown, Mrs. Marian Lundh ' find Mrs. Mildred Munshaw. The W.S.C.S: sponsored a party tor the older women of the community at the home of Mrs. Collins Monday afternoon. _ ' Edwal Laboratories held open |r house Friday afternoon and evening. Tours were made in the plant and lunch, ice cream and drinks Were served. About 275 attended. Miss Pearl Wiedrlch, daughter of the Harold Wiedrichs, and James Milligan of Harvard were marfled Tuesday evening by the juslice of the peace. They will make . their home in Harvard. • Sunday guests in the Wm. Pagni home were Mr. and Mrs. J. J) Peters and Mrs. .Ellis of LaGrange, Stanley Ellis of Mt. Prospect, Mrs. March! and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. A. Pompi of Chicago and Mrs. Beiger of Waukegan. Mrs. Donald Brenner and son, - Scot, spent the week with relatives at Huntley. Mrs. Colson Jones of Chicago . spent Tuesday and Wednesday "with her mother, Mrs. Rose Jep- Mr. and Mrs. Roland McCannon and daughter, Phyllis, of Big Rock spent Sunday night and Monday morning with her mother, Mrs. Rose Jepson. Mrs. Donald Brenner spent Monday in Chicago. Mrs. Wm. Pagnl returned home Tuesday evening from a trip to West Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. C. Larson of Woodstock spent Saturday evening in the Wm. Pagnl home. Marjorie and Patsey Wiedrlch of Genoa City spent a few days the past week with their grandmother, Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Sr. Mrs. Louis Hawley and daughter, Marian, were visitors at Antioch Thursday afternoon., Mrs. Flora Harrison visited relatives at Grayslake Thursday. Agnes Jencks attended the Eastern Star picnic at the home of Mrs. McNeil Thursday. Mrs. Lonnle GrQte of Elgin spent a few days %ie past week jwith Mrs. Clinton Martin. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harison and daughter, Carol, left Saturday for a trip to Seattle, Wash.. Mrs. Charles Martin and daughter of Champaign have joined her husband, CharleB Martin, at Carlsbad. New Mexico, where hie is 'employed. Mrs. Helen Young and mother, Mrs. J. R. Smith, of McHenry spent Friday evening in the George Shepard home. Mrs. Nellie Blackman and Mrs. James Conway attended the Winters- Conway wedding and reception at Richmond Saturday after noon. Miss Marian Peet of Elgin spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Lena Peet. ~TF*Tt he 4-H Sunshine' girls enjoyed a trip to Chicago Monday. They attended the Breakfast Club at WLS in the morning. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Berg, Mrs. Tillie Vaillancourt and Joe Young are vacationing at Tomahawk, Wis. Mr. annd Mrs. Clayton Bruce have returned home from a vacation trip to Minnesota. DO YOU HEAR -- BUT DONT UNDERSTAND? Do you catch some of the words but don't quite get what people ar? saying? Why strain §nd feel embarrassed when there's an Teasy way'to end all this? It's'the amazing new "Tonemaster" that's helped thousands of folks like you by bringing voices to them so clearly they understand every word! No more embarrassing "mistakes" and "misunderstanding" -- you'll be able to hold your own with anyone-- in business or socially. If interested for yourself or a friend, write Tonemaster, Inc., 400D S. Washington St., Peoria. 111., for full free information. Mrs. Lyle Hopper and on her Smith, era of Chicag^ called s, Mr. and Mik S. W. f. ' Mr. and daughters parents, Sunday, Mrs. Roy Wiedrich and daughters of Genoa City called on Iffr^ Fred Wiedrich, Sr. Tuesday. The Beatty clan enjoyed a picnic at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low' Sunday. Mrs. C. Linassl and daughter, Dorothy, Robert Burger and Mrs. Parigan and son, Richard of Chicago spent Saturday in the Wm. Pagni home. POLIO USTUCTIOm Polio , Quarantine restrictions have been lifted under revised rules and regulations governing the control of this disease which were released by the state Department of Public Health. Revised rules no longer require placarding of premises where polio exists, changes the, period of isolation of a polio patient from two weeks to one week or twenty-four hours after his temperature has returned to normal. Adults, in homes where this disease strikes may continue to handle milk and milk prodycts, provided they are sent directly!© a pastc-urislnng plant. • REPRESENTS COUNTY Fred K. Hoehler, director of the Illinois Department of Public Welfare, and vice-president of the executive board of the International Conference of Social Work, is representing this country at a meeting of the conference in Paris, France, July 23 to 28. Hoerler has made many previous trips to Europe as chief of the Division .of Relief and Rehabilitation of the ,, , „ . „ _ .: North African Economic Board un- Mr. and Mrs Albert Escher and der Qenera, Elgenhower and M children of Chicago spent Sunday idlrector of the DIvlBlon on Dlg_ with her mother, Mrs, Tillie Vail-• placed Person8 for UNRRA. lancourt. { Mr. and Mrs. James Miligan and Bill Weidrich of Harvard were dinner guests of their grandmother, Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Sr., Wednesday. Vacation MN' Time For Rest - And Cantkwf t The age of wonder drugs--p*»icillin, the sulphas, streptomycinhas overshadowed the oldest and one of the best remedies for mankind's ills--rest. That is the opinion of the National Safety Council, which would like to see restful vacations instead of annual competitions to see who can drive the farthest and the fastest and play the most dangerously.. A restful vacation l« more likely to be a safe vacation, accordlnng to the Council. And the summer accident statistics underline tike need For less dangtroM activity during America's play season. Motor vehicle accidents and claim the most lives, the council says, although the other svnuMr hazards of too much sun, falls infection. burns, food poisoning, animals and reptiles will add to the toll. Yet a restful--and safe--vacation Can be had by everyone, and the Council offers these tips on how to have It: Don't try to go too far if yon go by automobile, so that you have to drive long hours at fast speeds Be sure your car is in tap shape before you start, and fat a first aid kit and flashlight in the glove compartment. On the road, dont agtood* Fast speeds gaia little time, caat more in gas and oil, keep yon tense instead §1 relaxed, and red|*e onor- Cpmplete line of Beebe livestock remedies at Wattles Drug Store McHenry. 8tf Read the Want Ada. SEWING MACHINES * ously your chance of coming out 1 an accldfent alive. Traffic laws, signs and signals are not uniform in all states. Be sure you understand local regulations. Police in mountain states say flat-country drivers shy away from the downhill /side c)f mountain roads and hu» tlito- center line too closely. Police In the plains states say out-of-staters are lulled to sleep by straight level roads or tempted to drive too fast. In both areas, be sure the road is clear before passing. x Once you reach your vacation spot, don't try to crowd a year's exercise Into two weeks. Take the sun in easy doses, or the remainder of your vacation can be mighty uncomfortable.. Next to the dangers of the nighway, water represents the greatest hazard to life. It Is still good advice to stay out of the water for at least an hour after eating. Be sure the water is deep enough and free of obstructions before diving Distance swimming should be attempted only if accompanied by a boat Boat safety means even loading, no standing up andvno horseplay If a boat does capsize, stay with it and hang on. Don't go far in a boat if the weather is threatening. >> It is advisable to have enough fuel in an outboard motor before going out to fish. If you must refuel afloat, don't spill gasoline. It may spread on the bilge and ignite when the motor starts. ELECTRIC FARM SHOW IS FEATURE OF COUNTY FAIR The exhibit will be open dally during the fdur days of the fair and all persons attending the fair The electric farm show n! the Public Service Company of Northern Illinois, which was a feature of last year's McHenry county fair, will play a return performance at the 1950 fair, with a completely new exhibit. With "better methods" again the theme, the new display, .especially produced for county fairs, shows how electricity saves dollars and labor for both the farmer and the farm wife. - Housed in a "big top" tent, 60x 90 feet, the exhibit features actual electrical equipment, working odels and blow-up photographs demonstrating new ideas In crop drying, barn ventilation, food freezing, milk cooling and pasteurization. livestock water warmers, dehumidifiers, insect "killers", egg washers, egg coolers, egg graders, automatic poultry feeders, and electrically heated bee hives. As the center of attraction for the farm wife, modern electric kitchen and laundry equipment will be displayed on a huge revolving turntable. In addition to the farm and home electrical-exhibits, moving pictures will be shown free six times daily to all visitors in the 200-seat farm theater under the utility's "big top". are invited to tiatt trie farm show Read the Want i Chardon Farms Sal* Hard an Paint ItNHf alkaline substances such as waging soda or ammonia are hard an painted surfaces because they dry the paint and' to tim« flake a<L i All makes of sewing machines repaired and modernised into electric, console or portables. Free demonstration of the newRaico machine. PHONE 664-J.2 Freund's Sewing Machine Sales and Service : COMPLETE TREE SERVICE TREE REDING * Trees SPRAYINO • Weed Control * Fly and MosquiMt 7 ANDERSON TREE SERVICE 519 Waukegan Road "• McHenry 724 WHOLESALE FROZEN FOODS Chip Steak Products Hirry Frozen Food Products Chateau Brand Liver Plain Dumplings Chocobana (Frosea Chocolate Bananas)' CALL He H. VAUPELL HcHENRY 519-R-2 (Wholesale Only) This heaatlfal 2 year old registered Palomlne geldlag wiB be given away absolutely free at Chardon Farms Sale «f ••> gistered Hampshire Hogs held at 1 P. M. Aagast 2nd. S>-- oae Is going to take him heme -- It may be yen! Offered fer sale win fee a selection ef high grade fend gilts -- fend either to Medel Hamlet, the IMS Junior Champion, Trail Blaser Sri er Charden MedeL Is an opportunity to seenre seme outstanding additions few herd. . la addition we are offering a Hydra Hist Steam tier as a door prise. Everyone will have a change to reive this fally automatic, electrically controlled, sol Ing and stopping Insecncid* <m that » a aMMrvel spraying and sterilising. '• , ' * - . r , Chardon Farms Is located en Petersen Bead* .7 el a mite west of Route SIA, Petersen Bead is located fey telle • tea » MA 4.8 dilles east of Yolo er 2.4 miles aerth ef Ivanheew It will he a pleasure to welcome yea -- come oat aad spead tfca \: day with as and attend Model Farms sale la the eveateg; , CHARDON FARMS - Grayslake. W box 82 McHenry. Ill U The Famed Jacob sen* • FREE DEMONSTRATION » LAWN MOWER SHARPENING USED POWER MOWERS HETTERMANN SERVICE nriRI JOHNSBURQ 413-J, - WktodayU*st gasoline buy» WS, * " . . . S:. • ^ :'#sp£- iwrrimm * ' # ' ' % mmsMm S- 'tf Drive heme Mia ff«Mi| Drive home mfa tacH "" :•* ' RrK and Rnest fer thrills and Hutfl Yes, Chevrolet brings yod #6 finest combination of thrills and thrift . . . with its great new !Q5-h.p. Valve-in-Head Engkia* •Aunt powerful engine ia the entire low-price field--or its high* ly improved, more powerful First and Finest lor all-round safely at lowest cot! Only Chevrolet offers this five* fold protection: (1) Curved Windshield with Panoramic Visibility (2) Extra-strong Fisher (Jnisteel Body (3) Safety Plate Class all around (4) Super-Safe Unitized Knee-Action Ride, and (5) Certi-Safe Hydraulic Brakes! First and Rnest for styling and comfort at lowest cost Chevrolet's exclusive Style-Star Bodies by Fisher provide extra* wide form-fitting seats-extragenerous head, leg and elbow: room-extra value in every detail of styling and comfort in this longest and heaviest of all low-priced cars! , Only Chevrolet ofln fittest mm>^ shift driving, with PowatfMa Automatic Transmission ami 105-h.p. V*h*ia-Head Bngtaa* ,;j . . . o r f i t t e s t itmiiimd AiVimi ;;i|; with highly improved tfaawt ' V: % Engina and Synehro-MaaH ^ Its tide ... its road-action ... its reliability Come in drive o Cfcevralif end you'll know why Ifg AMBUCA'S BEST SG1ER, AMBUCA'S MST1UYI y o u " ^ Chevrolet is FIRST. . »pnd Finest... at Lowest Cost! : I * • ' •* . * ^ • • fe;;..:• V. Motorisfc Aoose M (rown After all, the proof of a motor car is in the drivingI That's why we're to eager to have you drive home the facts of Chevrolet superiority over all other cars in its field. And to do fhU in your own way and to your own complete satisfaction! You'll have some real driving thrills! * Combination of Powerglide 105-h.p. Engine optional on Wll enjoy testing Chevrolet fleet- • f&ss and flexibility--its easy maneuverability -- its wonderful comfort, gliding-smoothness, and all-round safety. And what's more, youll learn by your own experience why more people buy Chevrolets than any other make of car. Cone iModtyi Automatic Transmission ami De Luxe motMs at extra A •Higher octane Standard) .long in mileage .Great in power AT YMIR STANDARD OIL DEALERS • gTMMtt 1ED CRfWM GmoUm to 2 to 1 cfaoiea TfHONI 277 CIAN|( CHEVROLET SALES MeHENR7, CHEVROLET • ? - ^ 4 * H 5 £7 : i vi ;h1 4

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