p IUI I. ' Ml ^«**'! "W ^WUWIVNflfMtfVliPPIW 1 \ ( *v* pi* j *x " t t , , - . ; \ * ClWWCRFI COULP MAVC LEFT IT OUT IN THE &\RAOG...M fX--OH, MO/ MOT*E IN&PEARRMP THAT % PIPS* FOOHDL I ICNOWRTZ MOT AT UHT MONTH VWCWW Aiy PIPS? , HEALTH TALKS Tm Tired Te Sleep TUPTfe is no bard and fast ml* to govern the number of houra required by individuals fbr sleeping. Actually, the quality of sleep, not the amount, Is what counts, the educational committee of the Illinois State Medical Society observes in a Health Talk. Everyone needs restful slumber. Some persons awaken fatigued after eight hours sleep, ' while others* are fully refreshed after five. It is generally conceded that a person engaged in physical labor requires leBs sleep than one who expends mental effort. The ability to relax is the secret of reBtful sleet>. Emotional tension Contributes to muscular ' tension. The person who takes his problems of the day and those of tomorrow to bed with him is not able to relax. Instead he mentally wrestles with himself, accomplishing nothing by his staying awake. When he finally falls asleep, ,he is emotionally tirea and sleeps fitfully. In sleep all actions of the body are slowed down. Breathing is less deep, the pulse is less frequent and the conscious mind is quiet. All muscuar systems tend to relax. The process acta much like the recharging of a battery and serves to restore energy. But If the emotional unit remains "keyed up," there is no re? taxation, which ts the essential factor in real rest. A person may sleep and not rest and conversely rest and not sleep. The ability to relax Is then the agent that muBt be developed by everyone. Intervals of sleeplessness will not prove harmful. It is the night after night attacks of insomnia that must be investigated. The use of sleeping pills to in* duce Is to be frowned on. Habits are formed by repeating the same action over <fend over again, and persons who use a drug frequently and long enough to make them sleep may be developing into addicts and creating a menace to their health. On the other hand, there are some drugs, called depressants, that are of real value if used under the supervision of a physician, and this only when a physical or mental ailment calls for enforced rest. People having difficulty in going to sleep should learn to prepare themselves by riding their minds of all emotional conflict of the day. Every effort should be made to .relax mentally and physically well in advance of bedtime. Perhaps a light snack will be of some benefit, or a walk around the block. A bath at body temper- ' - 7 ' • - .- v * • - ature for ten or fifteen nMnqfts may be of help* T .letting to soothing music assists soliie Individuals in relaxing. Remember It la the Quality of sleep that counts. Nervotu fatigue, involving worry, frastra t i o n, anxiety and similar wwnn^i attitudes, causes a tiredness not easily remedied by sleep. If this condition persists, a physician should be consulted to ascertain the cause. Don't take your troubles to bed with you. Learn to relax, so that your sleep will be of the quality to restore your energy and zest for doing a good day's work. Banish your fears and let happiness and fulfillment filter into your day's living. If your mind is calm, it will ease you gently into restful sleep. : Children's Itelari Because of their shape and location, a child's eight primary mo» lars are more susceptible to decay than his other first teeth. IIUimdihivi »»»»«*«*» (pity Council Proceedings 0 onnuscE making the AJOTOAL APPROPRIATION FQR TBE FISCAL TEA* 1960.1961 • BB IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL of the City of Mcn Henry, Illinois: SECTION 1. fhftt it is deemed necessary in OHUr to defray the necessary exand liabilities of said City the current fiscal year, that be and there hereby is apted to provide for the gen- *ril tax levy and other revenue lor the current fiscal year, the agsum of Eighty fTour Thou- Three Hundred Sixty Eight and 50 cents ($84.368.50); that the object and purposes for said appropriation is made OM the amounts appropriated for !*• •ame are as follows, to-wit: IpivNt on bonded infafctedness tafaents on Maturing Loss and Cost of Collecting Taxes Contingent-- Sidewalks i Auditing --...... Special Salaries 6 Wages ......-- i Supplies Printing Election ' Insurance . --.--- Sundry -- Officials Bonds Motor Fuel Tax ft $ 1,747.50 $ 9,000.00 4*00.00 Hfcp^tial Assessments «nt fund Property-- , " Ilnprovem«nU to park & J * property *990.90 jQRSrlalS and supplies 1,800.00 V Labor and Repairs .... U&0.00 I?,.. { Telephone 150.00 M)- * |igfct and Gas . 200.00 Miscellaneous .... J 100.00 fy « Hew Equipment 2,500.00 iery Athletic Field " 500.00 Works-- f; « iataifap .. 9,500.00 * Ihjalp--at Purchase* 1,600.00 £V". Laker and Repairs _.. 2,990.00 .^ v,. Power 590.90 Haters „ 890.00 \ * Collection Fees 4*^. 200.00 * jBacoHaneons $225.00 mv- 2^00.00 Pf\ Ctty Attoqaey 200.00 Chy Clerk --.... 420.00 |lT Mayor and Aldermen' 1,900.00 ;A v Treasurer 120.00 f Collector IfO.OO f Health > #0.00 i Street* and Alleys-- Salaries I,.. 9,000.00 KV f Lighting 2,500.00 ps;... Material and supplies 2,750.00 |f~~ Construction 19,000.00 Miscellaneous 500.00 Fire Protection 200.00 Legal Fees and Court costs 900.00 Maintenance of Sewerage Disposal Plant- Labor and supplies .... Construction Bewer Fund 8upport Insurance Salaries ..... Bind r _ ;• _ - Library. iooioo Printing 375.00 1,800.00 1300.00 500.00 200.00 2,000.00 126.00 100.00 300.00 450.00 300.00 400.00 5,000.00 $84,368.50 SECTION 2: All unexpended balances of any Item or items of any general appropriation made by this Ordinance may be expended in making up any insufficiency in any items in the same general appropriation and for the same general purposes or in a like appropriation made by this Ordinance. SECTION 3: This Ordinance shall take effect from and afteT its passage, approval and publication, according to law. Passed this 17th day of July A.D. 1950. Approved this 17th day of July A.D. 1950. GEORGE P. FREUND, Mayor of the City of McHenry. Attest: EARL R. WALSH, nifw ptAvip Published: July 27, 1950. ISRAEL GOVERNMENT DOUBLES ITS CARE PACK ALLOTMENTS The government of Israel has doubled the number of CARE food packages that may be sent to its people, Ruth A. Krause, executive director of the Chicago Committee for CARE, has announced. Under the new regulations, the contract between CARE and Israel permits delivery of two packages a month to an individual tnd fdur to a family. Previously, deliveries were limited to one package a month for an individual and two for a family group. 'The increased allotment reflects an increased need for food," Miss Krause explained. "According to figures recently released by the Israel government, nearly 400,000 immigrants have arrived since establishment of the new state. This could not help but put serious strains upon the country's food supplies. It has necessitated severe austerity rations. Gifts of CAR1& food packages, sent by ELKS RULER Judge William M. Carroll of I Woodstock has been appointed district deputy grand exalted ruler of the Elks representing the grand lodge in Northeastern Illinois. The appointment came ] from Joseph B. Kyle, new grand exalted ruler, elected at the na-1 tional convention held in Miami, | Fla.. Westira*Vriker *' w mmoii taod^ to hong nzh or mod* to onfer NIESEN'S FLOORS 621 MAIN STREET WEST McHENRT. Located at Peter H. Jasten Farniture Store. ' WI*8 ADVANCEMENT Wayne E. McCleery, principal of j the Crystal Lake Community high school since 1943 and who. throughout his career as an educator, has continued to be namec to more responsible posts, will leave the school to become su perintendent of the Aurora west side sehool system. To the many who know Mr. McCleery, educa-1 tors in particular, it is no sur-1 prise that he has been chosen tc head a larger school system. Off. Phone 98 In. Phone 28 friends and relatives in Amerfea, are one of the few means bywttich the people of Israel can be help to a nourishing, streog]^|illding diet. CARE has two kosher food packages available for Israel, an adult, or baby food assortment, priced at $10 each, including all, costs of guaranteed delivery. Orders can be sent to CARE, 189 West Madison Street, Chlckgo 2, Illinois. FLOOR THE CEMENT WORK Asphalt and Rubber foundations - Driveways also and Plastic Wall Tile Sidewalks - Stairs Riverside Tile & Cement Co. 126 Riverside Drive Phone 661-J-l or 196-R McHenry, 111. /rem tn**2-Ud Freslrerator die only home container that keeps food fresh. Easy to use air tight vacuum sealed containers keeps left-overs (rait juices and vegetables fjresh 8 to 14 times longer. Family Set of 2-82 O2. Fresherators 1-18 Oz. Fresherator 1-48 Oz. Fresherator Set of Three 2-82 Ox. Fresherators 1*18 0* Fresherator COME IN Ift&d Enjoy the Sparkling Rhyilra et ERNIE WAGNER ' mi the Hammond Organ NOW PLAYING NIGHTLY ^ Your Favorites, Old and New Hear them as presented by this artist of the ACCIBENT Traffic accident deatta on IlH nnols • highways • totaled 147 for ^ May/as*compared with lM te the stanilnr month last year, aoeording to Charles P. Casey, director # m the state Defrfcrtment of PehMdB ^ Works and Baildlnga. He al9n r said that the traffic death toll for , the first five-.months of i960 |s 14 ' per cent above that of 1949. "iaaklag the death rate so far this Ijrear the highest since 1942. Belt Weevil Threat BOO weevil toeidence In 1999 wfll be the Mgheit in many, many yttft--possibly in history. Fans, era should lay In a good shmAt of poison apd «et their eqi ready for a -determined against insect pests. Even thmgh l(tf cotton Insect losses amounM4 to an estifnattd 9470,000,000, wont In 22 years, a greater toH jtJbrfAlk ened this, season. *T; .,LkU., *l£ Read the Want t ' hi '<<•> DEAL ^N TELEVISION ; COME TO S^fiSFFAN'S jewelry MAIN STREET W. MeHENRT Why twff*r wMa Mmtlkliig will help yoii? After 'your ty« pleats Imv* b««n dlofiwiMl at Ailhnw *r Hcfy F«v«r you ewt M t« y»vrs«if to blHtflMlt. % So ooty lo mi Inliolo «il(t-liko vopor ^ yov are e eser at Aertw^pNefrle, please bfiitf li I • MMW Mbvlicer for froo inspection and servicing. EOLGm^ m^Q STORE PHONE 40 MoHXHBY. ILL * Next Door to Bank - McHenry PHONE m =aonoi 1 logo 1J09.00 ; «oo.oo 100.00 ^150.00 - 150.00 13G.00 White Nylon White nylon should be washed separately from colored things. It wUl then stay white throughout numerous washings. Although colors in other garments may appear to be fast, they often leave enough discoloration, though slight, to bring about an objectionable "off-white" tinge to white nylon. Harvard Speedway Saturday Eve., July 29 - 8:30 D.S.T. THE SUPER AUTO THRILL SHOW OF ALL TIME Si , -TT * |C-, TciU"10* k 4 -- | t e o 4 y THE ONE COAT PLAT WALL PAINT ; Made with OIL , ONE GALLON MINTS THE A V E R A G E ROOM BOLGER'S DRUG STORE PWQWE 40 ~ McHENRY. ILL. M / v ' . • CRASH QUEEN Doris Drake only girl In world to emsh roll a slock anto. 75 ft. Ramp Jump in open car 5 ton ice crash Double car ro§| 24 GREAT ACTS Catapulting Autos Funniest of Clowns Motorcycle Stunts Slide for Life Hub to Hub Racing World's Greatest Stuntmen Adm. Adults I1.&0 A*y Seat -- Kids Me Tax Included console* v, RED STAR INN Richmond, Illinois * ' V * IT,.* Leweft triced tar witli illlCKEr EHffTNE and OLDS HYDRA-MATICI NUM1S1 on the highway! ; ; Oldsmofcile's brflBant new wth tbe "Rocket" Engine and new Hvdra-|fatic Drive*! 1 MWOTH NUMSIRI.;; the new **88,** smootber than ever OMsmobile Hydra-Matic pain with "Rocket" Engine power! BIAUTIPUL NUMSIRI.;. the sparkling "88," saperfa|| styled the Futuramic way! Clean, frM-flowing lines match the beauty of ultra-smart interiors. «•* THIS NUMin--See your Oldsmobile deahppand ask for a "Rocket" ride in the new "88"! ' It'9 the lowest priced "Socket" Hydra-Matic e*jf * § Thchti'f - ^ A GtNlftAL MOTOIS VAUM rHOKI TOUI NIAKIST O L D S M O • I L( 91 A l, t DHa MM «S * #) Z Full Hours of Sensational Stimts One Performance Only FREE PARKING ... ... . - W. • •: R. I. 403 r&ONT STRUT MOTOR SALES PHONE 6 V- • ..MI ,ILL. , •' % - •