' I ' eatitt "• *n - -a*.:- t "• '•.<•• • -mmmm ThawtUy, Aagmt 10. 1®50 JT5W.V *' :;»' * 1 ' y ; - ' : & r i t '\Jmxh •;««««r' HoMf t,fc ^ iTerurj ftnnday, Aug. ll, llr. and Parry L. Ehorn will hold lae at the home of Mr. and »n J. Ehorn in Richtn observance of the form- Ibrty-fifth wedding anniver- Prlends may call from 2 to I from 7 tq 9 p'm*: •' • Avtfltary Has. .• ;lwni» (Hfleers ' Newly elected officer® tit the Wonder , Lake Legion Auxiliary Mil who will be installed in SeptjBllHir are Jay Hansen, president; Marlon Ruzika, first vice-presi- 4fnt; JCvelyn Gallup, second viceyrmident; Jerry Donash, treas- Wrer; Helen Widen, historian; Kamp, chaplain; "Gertrude Nielsen, sergeant-at-arms. The rmular monthly meeting of the ••It will be held Thursday,/Aug.- It, at the Legion Home. Gradelle Proper and - Marian. Q*nnon attended the county couneO, meeting in Huntley last Friday evening. luncheon, to be held at 1 p.m. on the' afternoon of Thursday, Aug. 17, at the club. Reservations should be made by Aug. 15 with Mrs. Kenneth Jensen, chairman, phone 173,'or by cafting the cljib, phone 371. Dinner-Shower Honored Bride* Miss Esther Jean Orr., who last Saturday, Aug. 5, became the bride of Earl Tessendorf of Crystal Lake, was honored at, a combined dinner and bridal shower on Aug. 1. The party was held at Fritzel's at Crystal Lake, with girls from Miss Orr's office at the Oaks Manufacturing company present. Miss Orr was presented with lovely Fostoria glassware. • ^ lluehwa And Style Shaw Plans are progressing for the luncheon and style revue which the Woman's Activity Group of the Plstakoe Yacht club- are sponsoron Thitfsday. Au^. -31, at the dab. "Back to school" will be the theme of the style show, which Will be handled by the Toddler 8hop. Cards will also form a part of the afternoon's entertainment. Price of admission will be $1.25. Those desiring additional information concerning the event ttuty call Mrs. Edmund Mraz or Mrs. Walter DeRoche. €9>k Women Plaa Linrheon The Woman's Activity group of the Pistakee Yacht club Is plana public card party and Fnftftalned Friends •Af. Tarty On Lawn : ' . :Mrs. George Steinsdoerfer en- «.titwined friends at a lawn prirty held at her home one day last week. Bunco provided entertainment, with prizes awarded to Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson. Mrs. Steinsdoerfer and Mrs. Joseph Miller. A delicious supper was served at the close of the afternoon. Others who attended besides those already mentioned included Mrs. Nick B. Freund, Mrs. Frank Thurlwell, Mrs. John Phannenstill. Mrs. Nick Young. Mrs. Stella Raycraft, Mrs. Mike Freund and Mrs. Joe Wegener of McHenry; Mrs. Elizabeth Freund and Mrs. Catherine Engels of Spiing Grove. Birthday "Party At Koerher Home A birthday celebration was held at the Ray Koerber home on Rt. 31 last Sunday, , honoring Mr. Koerber on his anniversary. Several friends were present, including the C. Prohaskd family of Riverside, Mr. and Mrs Joseph Priola of Skokie and Mr. and Mrs. J. Boucek of McHenry. A ttelicious "If • i •i -S Villa Hotel Resort On Beautiful Pistakee Bay . f ' MODERN COCKTAIL LOUNGE THE BEST IN FOOD lying Every Saturday Nighf "Alice Barbian at the piaoo Every Saturday Night" TELEPHONE PISTAKEE 378 . supper was served, which included a 15-pound birthday cake baked by Tfllie Koerber and Mrs. fiouoek. Buffet Sapper Honored Winners In honor of Jack DeRoche, who won the twelfth annual Wisconsin Yachting Association regatta on Pistakee Bay last' weekend, a lovely gift supper was served in the garden at the home of Miss Dorothy Davis at 6 o'clock Sunday evening. t In addition to the guest of honor and the charming hostess others attending were Dick Norsworthy, Bill Jensen and Bob Lukenheimer. Strand Family Reunion Sunday Sixty members of the Strand family, descendents of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jens Strand,^_re,&ijients of the Humboldt park area in Chicago for more than fifty years, gathered at t^ie Ernest Sundt holne in Lily Lake last Sunday for a reunion. Mrs. Sundt is one of the couple's eleven, living^ sons-and daughters,- Ten of the eleven were present for the dayJs celebration, which included, in addition to a bounteous dinner, swimming, visiting and singing. Those attending were Mrs. Ida O'Day, Mrs. Helen Rosa, Mrs. Violet Groves, Lilly Strand, Royal and George, all of Chicago; Henry and James of Highland Park; Iner of Norwood Park township. Clifford, who resides in Miami, Fla., was unable to be present. There are thirty-six members of four generations, Mrs. Sundt. 57. of Lily Lake, the great-grand-1 Tessendorf was attired in a navy mother; Mrs. George Kangles, 41, I blue crepe dress with matching of Chicago, grandmother; Roland accessories. Both had corsages of Lee Kangles, 21. of Chicago,' pink and white roses. Mrs. Eliza father; and Michael Kangles, 2 i Hoppe, grandmother of the bride, years, of Chicago, son. jwore a dark green crepe dress and Mrs. Sundt has five children, a corsage of white carnations. nine grandchildren and one great Soloist was Mr. Lester Smith, a grandchild. friend of the bride, who sang "Be- ESTHER JEAN OkmuWi& pnD fJ*LuNr v/•*A *H nr rI v>1r •vrifJ UTIrv*avJi*l.fT* SERVICE SATUHPAY One of the lovliest of local summer weddings was solemnlzfed last Saturday evening, Aug. 6, in the Community Methodist church when Miss Esther Jean'Orr, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Orr of this City, became the bride of Mr. Earl 1. Tessendorf, son of the Edward Tessendorfs of Crystal Lake. Rev. J. Elliott Corbett officiated at the double ring ceremony, which took place at 7 p.m. Given in marriage by her father, the pretty, dark haired bride approached the altar in a ballerina length gown of white nylon taffeta, with white nylon net overskirt. It was styled with fitted bodice and Peter Pan collar, with tiny buttons to the waist and a peplum forming a bustle in 'back. She wore a lace bonnet with toylon net fingertip veil. Her mitts Were of white nylon taffeta, with nylon net ruffle, and she carried a bouquet of^ salmon-coloj-ed glads. Her only jewelry was a pin and earring set, a gift of the groom. Mrs. Glenn Benson, sister of the bride, acted as matron of honor, attired in an aqua, ballerina-length moire taffeta gown, with matching mitts and bonnet trimmed in white nylon net. She carried a bouquet of salmon-colored and white glads. Myron Burmann, frien^ of the groom', served as best man 'and ushers were Glenn Benson and Erich Utech. The bride's mother chose a navy blue sheer redingote dress with which she wore a winter pink hat and matching accessories. M&rs. TOE Immer » JUST ARRIVED! August Flower of the Month PIRTHDAY DRESSES ' * ) Sizes 3 - 12 i ^ $3.95 and $4 95 See our display at the V. F. W. Carnival . 312 ELM STREET McHENR\ PHONE 74ft i§ y CjSfc. Only Chevrolet offers such a wfefe atufwonder/fa/cAi . . . and a t t h e lowest p r i c e s , too! wee •v, '; ' You can choose between .%P ItyJeline and Fleelline styling Many an admiring glance will follow you when you roll by in your new Chevrolet with Body by Fisher. That's tnie whether you choose a Chevrolet Styleline model, with "notch back", styling, as the designers call it, or a Chevrolet Fleetline model, with "fast back" styling. Both are available on all Chevrolet sedans and at the same prices! Remember--Chevrolet is the only low-priced car that offers these two outstandingly beautiful types of styling . . . thus giving you an opportunity to express your own individual taste in motor car-beauty. m m m m m m m m. i. m You can choose between Automatic and Standard Drive You have an enviable choice of engines and drives in Chevrolet, too. You can buy a Chevrolet combining Powerglide Automatic Transmission* and 105-h.p. Valvc-in-Head Engine for the finest no-shift driving at lowest cost, or a Chevrolet combining the highly improved standard Chevrolet Valve-in-Hcad Engine and Silent Synchro- Mesh Transmission for the finest standard driving at lowest cost. *Combination of Powerglide Automatic - Transmission and 105-h.p. Engine optional on De Luxe models at extra coat. m m m m » m m m m m m m America's Best Seller You can choose between At Bel Air and the Convertible And if it's a sports model you want, here's your car! Choose the fleet fashionable, steel-topped Bel Air, with smart, racy lines, extra-wide windows* and gray, leather-trimmed upholstery, and you'll have the. only car of its kind in the low-price field. Or choose the equally beautiful Chevrolet Convertible, with automatic top that lifts or lowers at the touch of & button, and you'll have the finest Convertible in its price range. Also available is an. all-steel, four-door Station Wagonsmartest in its field-listing for $260 less than last year. America's Best Buy! CLARK CHEVROLET SALES PHONE 277 _ McHEJIRY, ILLINOIS ^ T- J| • ksv' ,4%'- 1r-2fcifre' - > W &L; Mi , 'll fftMse" and "<Hw Me Yoar Hand". was ttconVMIied- on the organ by Mrs. Cornelius Quintan. Betty Tessendorf, sifter of the groom, acted as candle lighter and Ur». Walter Low, friend of the bride, was in charge of the guest book. A reception followed the service for 200 relatives and friends in the church basement, with Mrs. John Mac-kinder .friend of the couple, in charge of serving. Mrs. Frank Miller, cousin of the Wide, cut the beautiful three-tier wedding cake which was topped by a bride and groom under an arbor. Following a week's trip to the Smoky Mountains in North Carolina, the couple will reside for the present with her parents. Mrs. Tessendorf is a graduate of the local high school with the class of. 1943 and has been employed at the Oak Manufacturing company in Crystal Lake. The groom attended thl# Crystal Lake high school a^d' Is employed by Anchor Coupling company of Libertyville. Reception guests attended fnom Chicago, Barrington, Crystal Lake, Marengo, Woodstock, Fox River Grove, Gary, Berwyn, McHenry, Libertyville, Huntley, Mundelein, iielvidere, Dundee, Glenvierw and Whitewater, Wis. : PERSONALS SI'KNI) HOXEYJIOOtf Hfcta Mr. and Mrs. Ben Olsen of Riverdale entertained as their guests last week their granddaughter, Beverly Simon, and husband, who are spending p^rt of their honeymoon here. Other- places visited included Jamaica, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Miami and Chicago. Their wedding took place recently in Montreal, Canada. The bride has beeti coming to the lake region for the past fifteen years and the Olsens have resided at Riverdale for thirty years, spending the winters in Flordia. Miss Ethel Peterson entertained members of the Traved club of Franklin Park at an outing held at her' Fair Oaks home last week. Miss Carrie Adams of Burlington, Wis., visited friends in McHenry one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Hofer of Chicago visited McHenry relatives during the past week. Mrs. Anna Miller, Mrs. Chuck Miller and two sons and Miss Ann Miller left last week by car on a trip to California. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Thill and family of Aurora spent a few days last week with her mother, Mrs. Anna Diedrich. * Mr. ahd Mrs. WUHaiif'Dreyer 'of Forest Park have. b£$nf vacationing at their home ndar the Fox river dam. .) Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Timme of Oak Park visited McHenry relatives last weekend. Miss Katliryn Kortendick of Rockford has been spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. John Bolger. Mrs. Marie Rodig and Mrs. Otto Jecka of Chicago were callers in the Joseph Blake home on Saturday. Saturday visitors in the home of Mrs. Frank Yhurlwell were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thurlwell of Rockford, Mrs. Arvid Dalin of Chicago and Mes. Frank Thurlwell, Jr., of Skokie. On Sunday Mrs. Thurlwell, Sr., entertained Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Weyerstrauch and children of Chicago and Mrs. Sheldon Peterson and daughters of Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. GeorgeVTcfciyan and daughters, < Jean and Joan, left this week for Tuscon, Ariz., where they will make their home. Mr. end Mrs. Frank Behrendt and children of Chicago called on friends in McHenry Saturday. Mrs. Curtis Westfall of Chicago and daughter, Doris, of New York City spent the weekend with the foriHttr'«,mother, Mrs.. feimon Stoff e l . % : • • : CARD OF THAXKS We wish in this way to thank Rev. Gilbert A. Weisshaar for his kind and comforting words, relatives and friends for the beautiful floral offerings and kind expressions of sympathy: also those who kindly donated the use of their cars and to those who assisted in any way during our recent bereavement. J- jtSTHER FELTZ is BROTHERS and SISTERS FOUNTAIN SERVICE Sealiesi Ice Cream -- Schrafi's Candies Greeting Cards - Films - Developing and Printing WONDER LAKE DRUGS P. J. BACK, K. Ph.O. Ringwood Drive and Summerville Ave. Phone Wonder Lake 591 Wonder Lake, 111. THORAX CLUB MEETS The McHenry Choral Club Will hold its next meeting on Monday evening, Aug. 14, at 8:30 o'clock in the high school. There will be one other August meeting, on the twenty-eighth. cAifewr num. r The Lily Lake and Ulymtrtfr Business Men's Association wish to take this opportunity to thank the residents of both subdivision® for their assistance at the carnival last weekend. They are also grateful to those from other nearby communities for their support in !1 making the event a success. W;, f -.r-fARD OF THANK«rYVj|i' I wish in this way to trilult tWf two men who stopped me last Thursday when my car was burning!. al8° tbd McHenry Are d£> pamnent and any others wtyf KLABUNDEKRichmond. he 13 ATTENDED CAMP lJL Misp Darlene Andreas, daughtlr of Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas of Ringwood, represented the F.H.A. chapter of McHenry high school as one of 510 delegates from throughout the state attending East Bay Camp,,.Lake Blount ington, last week. . . , Subscribe for The =^MERJCAN $AN,KING W = FINANCING 1950 CABS rhe great travel factor in the lives of rwemieth letntury Americans has been the automobile. More than twenty-four million American families have automobiles, and roughly two million families own more than one car. As usual, bank credit has helpedi to finance the manufacture of the new 1$50 automobiles. It will also continue to help purchasers to finance the cost of their new cars. Before you buy a car, come in -and arrange a low-cost bank auto loan here with W McHENRY STATE BANK Pember Federal Reserve System Federal Deposit Insurance PRESTO The McHenry V F. W. does it again. A FREE MAGICIAN SHOW FOR ALL CHILDREN to be held on the bandstand at the McHenry City Park. 2 P.M. AUGUST n A ALSO Two Schwinn bicycles, a large doll, a c and eight pairs of roller skates. GIVEN AWAY FREE Just sign up at the registration booth in the park and you * . will be eligible for these grand prizes. •i