J t*v \-.v tpr?# i*nm "BPPli® it IHo r * Gc * H * (by Mr*. CkarlM Fraud) ,^'Hra. Alice Warner was hostess to the members of her club at lier home recently. Games of five hundred were played and prizes wtut to Mrs. Belle Isakuon, Mrs. Mayme Tianey and Mrs. Alice Wagner. A lovely lunch, waa served after cards. Mr. and #rs. A. h. Harrison visited their daughter, Mrs. A. L. Rafust, in West Virginia last week. Mr. and Mrs. Math Nimsgern and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pittges of Chicago have returned from a week's vacation at Sayner, Wis. While they were, there Mrs. Bob Lent and daughter and Mrs. Laurence Nimsgern and son spent several days with them. Mrs. Harry Myers and daughters, Marilyn and Lois, spent a recent day at the phicago Fair. Joseph Brown attended the funeral of his Ulster-in-law, Mrs. Henry Brown, in Minneapolis last week. ..George Croston of New York, who was a Seminarian at Jordan Saptinary with Tom Freund, spent ,the week-end with him. On Sundav, Mrs. Paul Weber, daughter, Judy, and Tom and George took a trip to Fondulac, Wis., where they visited a fellow Seminarian, David Schirff. Those ladies who attended the card party at the home of Mrs. G. H. Japes on Wednesday had a very pleasant afternoon. There were games of rive-hundred, Pinochle and bunco played and many lovely prizes were given. Refreshments were served to complete the party. Mr. and Mrs. Math Nimsgern were dinner guests In the home of- Mr. find Mrs. Bob Lent in Lily Lake on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Harrison will spend Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Lindmark in Milwaukee. > Quite- a few from here attended the carnival and enjoyed the water fights at Lake Villa last week. Our Spring Grove team kept their eye on that barrel and worked in perfect harmony. The result: They came up with first prise. Nice Urork, fellows! The firemen held their regular meeting at the fire house on Monday night. Plans were- discussed Jpr the annual carnival which will oe held on Sept 2. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mikoloit have gone for a week's vacation to Mercer, Wis., where they will meet Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rauen and other' friends of theirs from Chicago. Be Taoght Safe Traffic Habits Each year 35 percent of the urban pedestrian deaths among our children is caused by crossing between intersections. In 1948, 1,650 children were killed or injured in the U.S. because they failed to eross at an intersection. w A detailed child-accident survey in Illinois and Indiana by the Chicago Motor Club shows that tnidwest children do not fare any better than children in other states. The study reveals that in rural sections the percentage of children killed while crossing between intersections is higher than in urban areas. Wtiy do children >cross between intersections? Bad pedestrian practices cause ' most of the trouble. > When a child darts across the middle of a block a motorist has no sign or signal to warn him to watch for a pedestrian. The pedestrian throws away all of the precautionary helps provided for him by local authorities. Teach **our child to cross streets on'y at intersections where he will get assistance. Even a crossing at an intersection can result in- injuries to a child if he doesn't know how to make a crossing, ypon approaching an intersection here is what your child should do: 1. Stop. 2. Look at the traffic signal to see whether he has the green light. 3. Look to the left and then to the right for oncoming traffic. 4. Step into the roadway' and proceed to walk rapidly across the street. "While crossing a street a child should not only watch for cars driving on the street he is crossing, but he should be alert for turning cars," points out Charles M. Hayes, president of the club. "In situations where there are turning cars and crossing pedestrians at an intersection it is advisable to have either a traffic officer on duty during heavy traffic periods or a combination of walk-wait traffic signals." What can the motorist do to help reduce accidents caused by mid-block crossings? He should be vigilant at all times, especially when driving through a residential neighborhood where children live. He should always be prepared for the unexpected. During the winter when road surfaces are slippery he should drive slowly so that he allows himself sufficient stopping distance. What can parents do to help? Train their children. Teach them safe traffic habits. Make them safety conscious. In school, children learn much about safe pedestrian practices. During vacation they forget. They must be reminded about the importance of watching for cars. It's not easy. You must be relentless in your efforts to impress your children with safe street conduct. Remember; if you are not, death will be. STATEJUDGING CONTESTS HELD URBANA ON SEPT. Strength ef Eggs According to tests made at Cornell university (on 3993 eggs laid by a flock of white Leghorn pullets) the average pressure required to break an egg was 9.8 pounds, with the highest 18.7 pounds. Pressure was applied from end to end. It was found that the pressure required for breaking was about three to four pounds less when applied be tween the sides of the iff. State livestock, dairy and poultry 4-H judging contests will be hcid at Urbaua on Friday, Sept. 1. E. I. Pilchard, state 4-11 agricultural club leader, says that the dairy contest will be held at the purebred dairy barns, the livestock contest at the pavilion, and the poultry contest at the poultry plant, all on the campus of the Universlty of Illinois College of Agriculture. Each county may enter frQin one o six contestants in each division of the contest. Pilchard says. These contestants are usually selected by an elimination conest in the county, or they are he high-scoring individuals at one 3f' the district judging schools. Scores made by the three highest scoring individuals from each county will be totaled for the earn rating. Counties entering fewer than three contestants in a livision will not be given a team -ating, but the contestants > will >e, eligible to compete for individtal honors. County teams and Individuals will be ranked in five groups according to the Danish system of judging. Medals will be awarded Marsh Gas A' blue flame may appear on certain pieces of land. This is probably due *o methane, also called marsh gas or fire damp. If there are mines in the vicinity it may be escaping from them; it is also formed by the decay of vegetation in the absence of oxygen Such a process may occur In stagnant pools and swampy places. Ear Protectors """ .. Thesi who are working undei noisy conditions should protect their hearing with ear protectors, whict reduce noise by as much as 25 per cert. Onlens , tha texture and flavor of onions inske them an ideal Vegetable to be, combined with everything from Oranges and other vegetables to poultry and fish. Sterling Window Shade and Venetian Blind Co. 5640 W. Division Si. COlumbus 1-8743 Have your windows dressed in Kar-O'lier removable slot Venetian blinds, Dupont's washable Tontine shades and Kirsch draw rods. Plate glass dresser and table tops. (Polished and beveled) Estimates Cheerfully Givelfc " . Call Friday Evening. Saturdays and Sundays call McHenry 651-M-l to the members of Class A teams. Ribbons will be awarded to counties with Cass A and B teams. Ribbons will be awarded to Individuals placing in Class A and B in judg ing. • , - u Contestants will b«*gta judging at 10:,'JO a.m. D.S.T. Dairy contestants will place ten ring? of cowt and heifers selected from ih® fivt major breeds. Livestock contestants will place one ring of horses, four rings of hogs, three rings of beef and two rings of sheep. Poultry contestants will place two rings of exhibition, four rings of production and four rings of market birds. . Qrow Chicks Outdoors Move the chicks outdoors early. Ais will relieve the hazard of crowding-the house floor and help to harden-off chicks. You will have to train the chicks to go in and out of the hevse. Iceland Cattle Malady A disease that kills without warning is running up a heavy toll in cattle herds of Iceland. It is called "bradadaudi" and strikes most often during the spring and summer. Heaviest losses occur after severe physical strain, the animals falling dead without showing signs of illness. Veterinarians are investigating the disease, but a; yet have .found no clue to Its cause. Atomic Tool Use New atomic instruments are helping dentists find out more and more about teeth. The electron microscope -- with far greater magnifying power than any optical instrument--has been used to explain the effects of using fluoride to check tooth decay. Nefed rubber stamps? ftrdef* it | The Plaindealer. WHOLESALE FROZEN FO#S ' Chip Steak Produc^p Terry Frosen f^oadh Products Chateau Brand liver Plain Dumpihigtf"" Chocobana (Frosen Chocolate Baaaaaa) CALL H. H. VAUPELL McHENRY 519-B4 (Wholesale Ontjr) ^ SEWING MACHINES All makes of sewing machines repidred abd modernised into electric, console or portables. Free demonstration of the new Raico machine. PHONE 664-^2 Freund's Sewing Machine Sales < and Service Box 82 McHenry, 111 CLARENCES SHOP Full line of lawn furniture, bird houses, picnic tables, porch and lawn swings. Children's sandboxes, swings and playpens. Cabinets made to order. Window boxes, trellis, picket fence, etc. Screens and blinds made flb order. CLARENCE SMITH Johnsburjr, III Phone 583 J-1 The Battle The Baltic is an international lake for most of northern Europe. Called "the Mediterranean of the north," this sea has a shoreline more than 3,000 miles along. It is shared by nine countries. Because of high codktef tmiima hires, a type of oxide costing on the aluminum burnt? 1 your gas range. Just ?Hn# with ordinary aluminum BOTCH'S 24 Hour Towing Servioe. ^ llaTe Tear Car Keadj For Tear Yaratioa. Come In Todayl^dfac Complete* . Summer Change Over and Tune Up 309 W. Elm St. PHONE 811 McHenry, fit AND HEALTH A/Mf & Our complete supply of quality drugs tees your fullest satisfaction. We are ready to serve you In all with quality pharmacals prepared to your physician's Brescriptions. #al Tour Sttvto* ' NYE DRUG STORE tPnly»m Af«nnt ^ PHONE 26 McHBHXYi ILL. il Terrific "Burg Note" Heater Value! • Fall-Size V Fuel Oil Circulator 1 • Heats 4 to S reoiwil < • • Big 14-inch Burnett x J • 53,000 BTU output! Only-- \ *' First of the Fine Cars in fSuMfU**. M '--fl :it4 -r * »*V*$ „t •» y *(l ' " " < '1V t ' h'-'.i ' \ t A : *• , '"S3 feiggast haatar volua wa'va avar offaradi A full-size circulating Duo-THERM heater-- with Dual Chamber Burner and famous Duo-Therm performance features--all for this fWS-bottom price! Buy now. Choose America's most popular heater for your home ... solve. your heating problem for years to come. Convenient credit terms to suit your budget. gxclwciv* Pn»-Thf> £wl ClMHRbif SimMC . --Gives you more heat from every drop of oill flnger-TIp <C*atr«l ,.JW--No work, no •irt! You adjust heat jfo your exact needs! mrnmrnmrnm: Jjiwcfail Wnt* SMffW ^-Built right in ... . ' ' ets more heat into rhoiasf •Ig Ratfanl D«*r«-- Open 'em wide for waves of quick spot heat! I---- < HARDWARE 132 Green Stree! 98 SHEET METAL SHOP ^ McHenry. I1L VYCITAL'S HARDWARE YES, it's good to slip into a truly fine automobile and mom its richness, its comfort, its room. And there's a great thrill in touching off the waiting power of a great-hearted straighteight and feeling its swift response at any speed. It's fun to count the quick, admiring glances thrown your way. * It's nice to have a ear that parks easily, for all its inches. It's very pleasant to do away with gearshifting and clutch-pedal pushing, and know in its stead the utter smoothness of Dynaflow Drive's silken transmission of power. And still that doesn't probe the depths of a ROADMASTER owner's secret satisfaction. For while he knows he has a fine car, by its* look, its feel, its appointments- While he has performance at his command that needs play second fiddle to no other on die road- While he enjoys a very special measure of creature comfort in the quite matchless gentleness of ROADMASTER'S ever-level ride -- He knows too that he has made an exception" ally wise investment. Tan* htmm I. TAnOK. *SC Mitwo*, --a Mo«fay wart* **<•<«> He has spent his money for the things that make a fine car fine--and nothing simply for show. He has paid the lowest price per pound in the fine-car field--he has the very satisfying feeling of knowing his dollars have given htm solid merit, and solid merit alone. We'd like to have you try ROADMASTER in-* honest comparison with the highest-priced cars to be found. We'd like to have you try to match it for room, for comfort, for finish, for handling ease and for ability on the road. Then check the prices--and see if your own sense of value doesn't advise signing up right now with your Buick dealer for a Buick '••••macs teonoo S&1120 Isfejsln Buick Boadmaster VtiurKfVn* ' ' - >. m: u/th Pts.'L / 'i'on y>"- * R. I. OVERTON MOTOR SALES 403 FRONT STREEf \ :STTI« AUTOMOSIIIS AST.BUUT SUICK WIU TWUE WW 4" ' A '"i - 7 , <• • • '4- > .*1 V" J PHONE f