Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 Aug 1950, p. 8

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'#|w 4. r* j v,,-V' • F\-«i Vr; ; 7,i^*^JP3WB EW^FfsEP^SIPSlii ,, v*. ,*,"< 'V« \ * ' "%! ;'<f * W - - t**V 'C *• v f-t A.« ^ y H k ' •#> ..W ^ MMIMiHIlllllH* •A u 1^ fif• »- t i M i n i n i i i n i i m n lir Mn Qtorte Shepard) lbs.* Louis Hawley eatertaincd «| a benefit card party for the drarch building fund, at her home Wednesday. A 1 o'clock dessert tUuncheon was served. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Weldon An- 4reas, Mrs. Viola Low land Mrs. Qwge Shepard. Out of town |Mtt< we're Mrs. Hensel of Princcfon, 111., Mrs. Durr of Algonquin, Mr*. Floyd Howe and Miss Cora Walters of Crystal Lake and Mrs. Leon Qrosby of Arlington Heights. The Bunco Club enjoyed a picnic Thursday in the V.F.W. park at McHenry, celebrating 25 years that the club has been together. The women meet the first Thursday of the month. While some of the women namely Mrs. Nick Young, Mrs. Nick Freund, Mrs. Thomas Doherty and Mrs. Lizzie Thompson have moved to McHenry and Mrs. Georgia Thomas And Mrs. Ray Merc hant have moved to Woodstock, they all look forward to the day the Bunco club meets and always try to attend. Mrs. Wm. Pagni entertained her • tewing club Friday evening at a birthday party honoring Celeste Kills of Mt. Prospect. Others to attend were, Elsie Peters of La- Grange, Mickey Seymore of Glen- Coe, De Iiard of Crystal Lake, Helen Burton and Lois Johnson of Chicago. Pastor Stain of the Milwaukee Bible Institute will teach the Bible class next Sunday afternoon at 3:30 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Oldson. Community night was observed lit the Methodist church Sunday evening. A pot-luck supper was Served at 7 o'clock arid a fine program in charge of the Sunday School followed. Jackie Pearson received a pin for attending Sunday School for a period of 10 years Without being absent a Sunday. Other pupils received pins for 'Several years without being Absent Mrs: Laeila Stephenson - entertained at luncheon Friday, Mrs. Loretta Walsh and Mrs. John Pha- |in of McHenry and Mrs. Wm. McCannon. They were old school' jnates. The Public Service Co., entertained forty-five t-H boy8 and girls who were in the better method program Thursday, by taking them to the Chicago Fair. They paid the transportation chargcs to the city and also the fair and to the pageant show. Those to attend of the Ringwood Happy Clovers were Marita Thomson. Annette Smith, Jean Muzzy, Lois Hunt, Charlotte and Mary Hogan. Mrs. Hngan wap an invited guest. Mrs. Oscar Berg, Mrs. Wm. Mc- Cannon and Mrs. Lester Carr were visitors in the Mildred Munshaw home In Elgin Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Woods and family of Genoa City were suoper guests in the Pete Sebastian home, Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison, Kirs. J. C. Pearson, Mrs. Louis Hawley and Mrs. Roy Dodd attended the Eastern Star at .McHenry, Tuesday evening. Mrs>Lesfer Carr and sons. Job arid Charles, and Miss Mae Wiedrich attended the Milwaukee fair Tuesday. Mr. Frank McAssey of Richmond and Mr. and Mrs. Wm Harrison of Round Lake spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Flora Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Collins of Beloit were supper guests of his mother, Mrs. Mabel Collins, Tuesday evening. Miss Cristy Fossum returned to her home at Solon Mills, Thursday after a visit with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy. Mrs. Frank Block and children returned to their, home at Sheboygan, Wis., Tuesday after a visit with her father, Dr. Wm. Hepburn. Mrs. Agnes Jencks has returned home from a trip to Colorado and the Black Hills. George, Nancy and Mary Ainger of Hebron spent a few days the past week with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Shfepart), Mr. aftd Mrs. Leo Newlin of Hut8onville are visiting her sister, Mrs. Agnes Jencks; they with Mrs. Agnes Jencks visited the Black Hills and Colorado. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wiedrich -and family of Genoa City spent, Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Sr. Paul Stephenson left Saturday for Michigan, after visiting his mother, MrB. Luella Stephenson. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Newlin and Mrs. Agnes Jencks spent the week- BUTCH'S lave YqprCar lUaiy For loir Sibmt 24 Hour rowing Service Taeatioa. ;• ' " ,15^. ' AL Come In Today For a Complete ^ - , Bummer Change Over and Tune Up .7 309 W. Elm St. PHONE 811 McHenry, HI. CLARENCE'S SHOP Full line of lawn furniture, bird houses, picnic tables, porch and lawn swings. Children's sandboxes, swings and playpen*. Cabinets made to order. Window boxes, trellis, picket fence, etc. Screens and blinds made to order. ! " * ; \ CIABJEK^irS^ffnf Johnston*, HI Phone 583-J-l $;• W farmers! Our ttetdjw Mired Concrete is uniformly dense, mrfnring and strong. DM "mix** is made for your Even a Small job gets of production in omt efficient central plant Of course, you want concrete --fir esafe, durable, moderate in first cost and requiring little maintenance. end with their brother, CharleS Stevens and ffcmtly at Lake Bula, Wis. Mrs. Milfortl Smith and Mrs. Vern Malsch of Chetek, Wis., visited their mother, Mrs. Flora Harrison, Saturday and Sunday. Miss Lona Brev'er and Mrs. James Conway were visitors at Genoa City Friday evening. Mrs. Andrew Hawley of Fox River Grove visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Roland MoCannon and daughter, Phyllis of Big Rock visited her mother, Mrs. Rose Jepson, Sunday afternoon. Mrs." Mayme Harrfson, mother of Mrs. J. C. Pearson, is a patient at the Woodstock hospital following a heart attack which she had on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hinze and Mrs. Schroeder of Crystal Lake were callers in the home of Mrs. Lena Peet Sunday afternoon. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., and Ch^s. Brennan were visitors at Oskoi Monday. Mr. and" Mrs. Leo Newlin left for their home at Hutsonville, 111., Monday. , Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Peck of Elgin were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Rose Jepson. Mrs. C. G Huson, who has been visiting here, Veturned home with them * Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ebel of Algonquin spent the weekend with their daughter, Mrs. Weldon Andreas and family. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison spent Sunday with Jtr. and Mrs. Henry Marlowe and family at Huntley. Mrs. Collins is visiting relatives at Vandalia and Toledo, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pearson and family enjoyed a trip down the Black Hawk trail to White Pines park Thursday. Charlotte and Mary Hogan attended a 4-H Federation meeting of delegates at the Woodstock high school auditorium, Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Kane attended the Milwaukee fair Wednesday. Mrs. Flora Harrison end Mrs. J. C. Pearson weTe visitors at Crystal Lake Friday. Rata or shine, oar taxi service is on call to the people of •cHenrjr and --irsnadlag eoanaaaKy. We promise qafeK service la comfortable Call a McHenry Cab Phone 723 Sunday guests In the Wm. Pa#» ni home were Peter Paris, Mr. aa4 Mrs. Niccoli, Dorothy LtaiijM. Maurice Dempsey, Mr. and Mrs. C. Linassi, Elaine Linassi, Robert Burger, Peter Pagni and Mr. and Mrs. A. March! of Chicago; Mary Ann Seiger and Lloyd Markol of Waukegan. MT. and Mrs. Mitchell Kane spent Sunday in the Rolam) Kane home at Warren, 111. LILY LAKE & y Jobie) It will be the pleasant effort of Mrs. Josephine Biesecker to revive Mrs. Jack Lenard was pleasant-j this Lily Lake-Lilymoor column. ly surprised at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Winn Sunday in honor of her birthday. Those to attend were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vogel of Broadhead; Mr. and Mrs. Don Smart and son, Bob, and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nordgren and daughter, Nancy, and Kirk Crain of ^ Waukegan; Mr. and Mrs. Phelps Saunders and daughter at Sycamore; Jack Brennan dt 'talkhorn ; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wied' rich, Jr., and daughter, Mary Ann, and son, Bob, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Brennan and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lenard and family. • 0 x. and Mrs. Eugene Oxtoby were Sunday dinner guests in the Lyle Thomas home at Spring Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Lenarid Brown and S. W. Brown attended a golden wedding celebration of a relative at Freeport, Sunday. Mrs. Mildred Munshaw, Mrs. Fanny Udall and Mrs. Roxy"Gevin of Elgin and Miss Maud Burr of Moline were luncheon guests Mrs. Win. McCannon Moitf&yi 1 J the afternoon they all calletf in Earl Barnard home. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson of McHenry were callers in the Wm. McCannon home Monday afternoon. Mrs. Mildred Munshaw of Elgin called on Mrs. James Conway, Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Lonnle Smith and family spent Sunday hfternoon in the Wm. \* urtzinger home in Woodstock. n the Order your rubber stamps at Th< Plaindealer. Your help will be appreciated. Any news iB important. If you know of any, please let me fcaaw. GaU,.Mc- Henry 578-J-8. . t* A P.T.A. Social was held at the home of Mrs. John Milinac Wednesday, Aug. 23. Cards and bunco were played, and prizes were won |>y Mrs. Legge, Mrs. Braun, Mrs. Molitor and Miss Roberta Wirfs. t We were sorry to heair of the sudden death of Edward Meehan'B stepfather, Fred Schandelmeier, who suffered a heart attack. Mrs. John Molitor attended the funeral service held Tuesday, Aug. 22, at Memorial Park. The next meeting of the Ladles* League will bef Wednesday, Sept. 6, at the home of Mrs. Marie Hyatt, V_. Robert Svobeda of Lilymoor and B03& Dowell of McHenry attended the Illinois' Bowmen's Association outing afr Jtfcelrford Sunday, Aug. 27. This waW an all-day meet, and a good crowd was there. Many contestants participated. George Roeske, gunner's mate aboard the destroyer, U.S.S. Sumner, returned to the naval base at Philadelphia, after a 16-day leave, happily spent in this neighborhood and in Chicago. Fred Svoboda, Sr., dtove his mother, wife and daughter to the Wisconsin Dells for a 3-day trip, Aug. 22 to 24. They also visited friends at Lyndon Station and Mauston, Wis. HOME REPAIRS We specialise in ctmrplete home repair from roof-top to basemmft^ Call us today for fast quality work on your repair problems. Attic Apts. -- Basements -- Divided Apts. -- Roofing -- Porches Enclosed -- ^Porches Rebuilt -- Dormers-- Siding -- Carpentry -- Plastering -- Heating -- Plumbing -- Electric -- Garages. (No Job Too Large ^ No Job Too Small) FREE ESTIMATES LOW MONTHlV payments McHENRY IMPROVEMENT CO. GENERAL C6HTRACT0RS < Phone 183 or 523-M4 McHenry, 111. Mt ' f } i h 5 dkv FRtt home trim. THE MIW ON Your Ooniracior or Call xrs. ~ McHenry Sand & Gravel Co. Phone McHenzy 97-J front Street .McHenry, QL Use if If ittp moiston damage... use it when yoa decorate Take advantage of this offer;;. have a Frigidaire Dehumidifier delivered to your home for five days free trial without charge or obligation,., then feel the difference. Yot won't be fighting the humidity when you or your decorators are working. Fresh painty plaster and oewiy cemeated basements dry quickly when aa Electric Dehumidifier's on the job. , The Frigidaire fiieetric Dehumidffier Is completely automatic : :: plug It in anJF~ it's installed. No messy chemicals to buy or replace ; ; 1 Completely safe, too. Use it in your recreation room, work' shop or any other place in your home where dampne*|_._ creates problems. Phone or writt #«r mmrut stort todsy yoHrJ day free trial Dtb*mi<difar*, ** ' • i - V f Urn Wgldolrs Pectrlc Pehun^iMIti hatUte famous Metsr-Miaer Mechanism. RemevaMe container salches waler and 1ms capacity af 2V& gallons. <se *fcs sow Bodrfc DikvmiMltrt at yoer ds slsr^s er oar ssarsd tNn, COHVEHUNT TSRMS 11 1 en your monthly S e r v i c e B i l l The Sam Sances family will move Into their newly completed residence in Lily Lake Park about 8ept. i. Lily Lake Park is the L*ndl subdivision, 4^ of Lilynuxit :• . .- .' **•>-- Wednesday eyeiims. Atir. 23, the teen-agers and friends attended a shower given in honor of Doloris Rachel, at the Hyatt home. Lois Bitterman and Gertrude Hyatt were hostesses. Miss Rachel will be married to Vincent Schiavone Saturday, Sept. Mrs. Agnes Simmons and' Mrs. Louise Nielsen were hostesses to friends and neighbors at a second shower given for Doloris and Vincent at the Nielsen home Friday evening, Aug. 25. C. J. Hyatt and family visited a former Bchool chum Sunday afternoon in Chicago. Later tpay visited his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hite. 'also of Chicago. Jimmy Golbeck, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Golbeck of Rt. 120, left for service ta the army. , lie is stationed at Ft. Riley; jfaft, at present. 1 , Don Stafford and his great band, featuring George Freund, Jr., vocalist will be . at Club Lilymoor, Saturday, Sept. 2. Everybody welcome. • ,;i Donald Hunter is convalescing at home after an emergency appendectomy at a WtCukegan hospital. Mrs. Robert BaHSett was ed Monday from the American Hospital, Chicago, where she underwent surgery. She will stay with relatives In Chicago for itwo or three weeks. * George Nielsen suffered another slight stroke Monday morning, Aug. 28. He is under*Vloctor's care at home; The wear-out age of motor vehicles has quadrupled since 1925. According to comparative surveys, vehicles. were being Scrapped in 1925 after 25,000 accumulated miles. Current average on a car being scrapped is 120,000 miles. Read the Want Ads! TOR -- Roofing -- Tile -- Gutter and All Building Materials of See Representative FRANK GANS Call 767-W or ' .v00 Riverside Dr., McHenry •> FREE ESTIMATES ?; DR. HENRY FREUhJDt OPTOMETRIST , . At 136 8. Green St., McHenry ^ s (Closed Thursday Afternoons) ^ v Eyes Examined -- Glasses Fitted Flsaal Training -- Visual Rehabilitate : Gamplete Visusl Analysis Hoars Otlljr: S to IS and l to B-^Saturday Evenings: 6:00 «o S:S0 PHONE MeHENRV 4SS 0: STOMACH GAS Can Rob You of Sleep Many people have attacks of stomach gas so bad they can't lie down to 'sleep. Sometimes they have to prop themselves up in bed with pillows so they can breath! But now CERTA-VIN is helping such victims of stomach gas by the HJJNDREJ3S, right here in McHenry. ' CERTA-VIN is a new formula. It is taken before meals; thus it works with your food so that you can digest your meals without gas; then you get the fullest good out of everything you eat. CERTAVIN contains 10 Great Herbs, plus vitamin B and Iron. Besides relieveing gas, it makes the nerves stronger with vitamin B and energizes the blood with iron. Miserable people soon feel different all over. So don't go on suffering! Get CERTA-VIN--Bolger Drug Store. WING AND FIN - Hunting And Fishing Cluk Offers its facilities of the Dining Room, Trap and Skeet Courses to our friends and neighbors of the surrounding country, . ; A Complete Menu of the Finest Foods featuring MAL&ARD DUCKLING-- PHEASANTand RAINBOW TROUT !ers Served Daily 5 to 9 Except Mondaf Saturday, Sunday and Holidays 12 to 9 COCKTAILS AT THEIR BEST We Cater to Parties and Banquets For Reservations Call McHenry 647-J-2 1 One Mile North of Intersection of Highway 12 ft 120 on SULLIVAN LAKE PUBLIC SIRVICE COMPANY OF NQRlhtRN ILLINOIS r I i. Give Your Child the EXTRA Protection of ^BUILT-FOR-ACTION" SHOES for Boys and Girls PRICED > L 3 to FREE! FOB BOYS! FOR GIRLS! Identification Bracelet with your name on it with •rsiy pair of * ' *More Wear in Every Pan" BEN DAVIS SHOE STORE 208 MAIN STREET WOODSTOCK Across From Miller Theatre a • 1' '.v..4 Xjmt . \-

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