Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 Aug 1950, p. 5

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*. r*< - MUEWTY PIAHWEALER Published* every Thursday at Mctfenry, III, by the McHenry Pub- Ushing Company, Inc. NATIONAI W. BURFEINDT, Gen. Manager. JLDELE FROEHLICH, Editofc Entered as second-class matter It the postoffice at McHenry, III., under the act of May 8, 1879. ' SUBSCRIPTION JUTE - 9m Plalndealer Want Ads No ads counted less than 26 words. 75c minimum. 1 insertion tzzzspz?. Tic (Count 6 words per line) 26c service charge on all blind adjk Cash with order. dm of Thanks .... $1.00 Minimum Reading notice l&c per line. Want Ada close promptly at 10 a.m. Wednesday AUTOMOTIVE : REPLACEMENT PARTS FOB ' - ALL CABS Accessories aad 8«t t!«rtr» fcOMMlNITY AUTO SUPPLY m 40» W. Elm Street Open All Day Saturday and Sunday lltf FOB SALE--1947 Willys Station Wagon, 4 cyl. Excellent condition. 1937 Ford 1V4 ton truck with stake body. McHifiNRY GARAGE, 604 Front St., McHenry Tel. McHenry 403. 15-tf FOR SALE--(liberators, armatures, stSters, fuel pumps, distributors, voltage regulators and ignition parts for Ford and all otber cars. Seaco Balet & Service, Liiymoor, Fred J. Svoboda, Prop. Tel McHenry 183. 47tf FOB SALE--1935 Ford tudor, gas heater, excollent condition. Phone McHenry 134-M after 6 p. m. *16 FOB SALE--Prastone anti-freeze, $3.50 per gal. Stipply limited. Gam- West McHenry. 16 FOB SALE -- 1940 Dodge coupe, new '48 motor. Tel. McHenry 592- M-2. 16 FOB SALE '-- 1938 Dodge coupe, heater, excellent condition. Call Mcflenry 582-M-2 after 6 p. m. •16 FOB SALE--James light,, weight Motorcycle, reasonable; excellent c&idition; accessories. Price $175. Call McHenry 616-W-l. 16 BUSINESS SERVICE •XPERT PIANO AND ORGAN TUNING--Repairing and Refinisli- Ing, work fully guaranteed. Used pianos for sale. E. Zabotk, call collect, Lake Zurich 3102. 40tf 02TITOR SERVICE -- We clean Woodwork, floors, windows, walls daily, weekly, monthly or seasonally. Reasonable prices. McH«nry Janitor Service, Don Dewey, Mgr. Phone McHenry 430-J. 32tf ttARBAGE"COLLECTING -- Let us dispose of your garbage each week, Or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route John E. Hill, P. O. Box 274, Mc Henry, Pbone 365. tf A. A A A A A A i Helon Weber Says: IMPORTANCE OF A RELIABLE CLEANER The care you take in choosing your clothes should be extended In your choice of cleaner. Remember, you want Jovely clothes, lovely longer, MCHENRY CLEANERS 10S Elm Street McHenry PHONE 104-* BUSINESS SERVICE AGOOTOTTIN G, BOOKKEEPING, AND TAX SERVICE -- Records installed and maintained. Elmer P. Adams, Certified Tax Consultant. Phone fox Lake 5962. 45tf HOME REPAIRS We Specialize in all Home Repair*- Low Monthly Payments Free Estimates McHenry Improvement Co. i'iioiie 523-M-l . McHenry, 111. 6tf BRING YOUR PHOTOGRAPHIC PROBLEMS TO US-- We can de liver anything from a snapshot ti large murals, or free hand oii paintings. Copying and framinu CAMERAS, PROJECTORS, FILMS A N D SUPPLIES. WORWICK't- STUDIO! 117 Riverside Drive, Mc Henry. Phone 275. 40tl $10.00 TO $25.00 Paid for old crippled dow\ hotnei und cattle. Immediate «orvice -- l'hone Union 3211 "or Elgin 7724 Reverse charges. Lcc Dog Food Company. *7-10 WHITEWASHING, spraying, fly control. Win. Ahrens, (>07 Front St, I'lion" floury 730 It. Call between . no nours of 12 ami I p.m. 3tf HAVE YOU:: CESSPOOLS, catch basins, septic tanks, cisterns cleaned oy Eddie s Sanitary Service. Eddie Huff, Prop. Tel. McHpiuy 290. 29tf WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN WATER SYSTEM -- We sell, repair and install pumps. Bill Bacon, 206 stain Street, McHenry. Telephone 167. 26tf O. J. H. DIEHL Woodstock Piano Tuner Phoue 208-W 5-6 Washington 8t. Woodstock, IU. 30tf SPRAYING, WHITE WASHING or FLY CONTROL-- Chicken houses barns, garages and basements. Frank W. Henkel, Volo, P. O. Round Lake, 111. Tel. McHenry 543-J-l. 5tf LANDSCAPING Hedges, shrubs and evergreens trimmed or replaced. Hand grade, fertilize and seed old or new lawns. Walter Aeverman, Golf Course Subdv. Phone 210-J McHenry. 10tf EXPERT PIANO AND ORGAN TUNING--Repairing and Refiuishing, work fully guaranteed. *'o» inerly with Lyon and Heily. K. Zaboth, call collect, Lake Zurich 5341. 6tf rot BALI FOB SALE -- Evergreens, troes, scrubs. Free estimates on landscaping. Pitzen Nursery, Bond Lake, Route No. 2, Roand Lake 3570. Corner of routes ISO and Wilson road. Phone Bound Lake 8570 SBtf FOLLOW THE CROWD TO TUB Sportsman's Inn, 513 Main street. Ice cold case beer and packaged goods of all kinds. A1 Phannen still. 49tf ANTIQUES, MISC. ITEMS--Clothing in Good Condition for the entire family. Formats. Open Mon. to Sat., 1 p.m. to 10 pjn., 8unday, 11 a. m. to 6 p, m. Mrs. R. Dietrich, Terra Cotta Rd. Consignment ind Resale and Antique Shop, % mile west Terra Cotta factory which is on Rt. 31. Crystal Lake 1346 R-l. t 51-tf FOR SALE -- Small horse, rider, driver and jumper; horse cart, harness and saddle. Thor Fjellstedt, Ingleside, 111. Tel. Fox Lake 76921. 15-4 EQUIPMENT FOB SALE--Farmall F-20, new rear tires, cultivator and 7-ft. rear mount mower. Allis Chalmers W. C. and late model Hi-lift cultivators, power lift and take off Econmony 4-wheel riding garden tractor, 10 inch plow, onerow cultivator. E. J. Sheldon. Grayslake, phone 7911. *15-2 HKLPWAHTMD J/ it ftfcAUES OPPORTUNITY We arc hiring siiltloMl w< aad fids at dress factory. No «• pcrince MtMsarj, Riverside Mfg. Con Mt N. Riverside Drive, Me- Henry. Call Wfc M4f •WORK WANTED-- Carp«nt«r work wanted. By day or bjr contract. P»ne McHenty 532-J. 7tf HELP WANTED-- Waitresses. Call McHenry 377. 2tf HELP WANTED -- Assemblers, wirers, solderes, packers and inspectors. Experience not necessary. Secure a position in sn ever expanding radio-television industry. Employment office open Monday through Saturday, 8 a. m. to 4 p. m. Admiral Corp., McHenry at intersection of Rt. 120 and Si. 51-tf HELP WANTED -- Waitress or part time cook. Call McHenry S77. 2tf FOB SALE--1 oil burning space heater with 2-55 gal. tanks connected, good condition, heats 5 rooms, $35.00. Bill Hay. *15-2 FOB SALE--Duo Therm oil stove 18 inch fire pot; 2 years old; $75. Tel. McHenry 647-W-l. *15-2 FOR SALE--Iron Fireman autooniatlc coal stoker. Reasonable Phone McHenry -549-M-l after 6 p. m. *16 FOB SALE--1 $r. men's bowling shoes, size 8%; 1 bed spring (full size); 1 child's chifforobe. Elmer Glossen, McCullom Lake. Phone McHenry 665-W-2. *16 FOR SALE--Duo-Therm 5 room oil heater. Excollent condition. Very reasonable. Phone 663-R-l. 1« FOR SALE--Gas stove, oil heater with drums, coal stove, Servel gas refrigerator, 17-ft. Crls-Craft, and lawn mower. John Hofferica, Lot 58, Huemann's Subdv. McHenry, III. *1« WATER ANALYSIS Water checked by culture for bacteria to determine safety and pollution. Charge $4.00. State Aproved Lab. 481 McHenry X-Ray Clinic k Clinical Laboratory 308 S. Green St. Phone 291 CEMENT BUILDING BLOCKS Available at the Water Tower ill West McHenry VON CONCRETE PRODUCTS CO. Phone McHenry 788-W DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest cash prices paid for cows, horses and liogs; no help needed to load. Day and night, Sundays and .holidays. Call Wheeling Rendering Works, Wheeling No. 3: reverse charges. 36tf TUCKPOINTING (Filling-in of rained-out or deteriorated mortar joints in brick, stone, cement block, etc., walls). Residential, industrial, commercial buildings. Steeple work, chimney repairs. Frank J. Rezabek & Son, call Algonquin 4517, after 6 p.m. Over 26 years experience. 13-6 SPENCER SUPPOBTS -- For abdomen, back and breasts. Nearest corseticre, Mrs. Stella Hanley, 116 Woodstock Road, Marengo, 111. Tel. Marengo 1463. 13-4 MUSIC INSTRUCTION In Your Own Home Piano and Piano Accordian Classics or Popular Beginners or Adanced Instruction EARL P. KOCH Phone Pistakee 633-M-l 5tf CESSPOOLS and SEPTIC TANKS SERVICE G. A. DOUGLAS Phone McHenry 776-W lOtf FOR SALE FOR SALE--Johns-Manville Home Insulation, installed by The Wall- Fill Co. For estimate call Leo h Stilling, McHenry 18. 40tf FOR SALE -- Beer - for your ice cold case beer of all kinds, come to the Sportsman's Inn, where good fellows . meet; all kinds of wines and package goods to take out at the lowest prices. 513 Main street. A1 Phannenstill, prop. 23tf FOR SALE--TYPEWRITERS, ADDING MACHINES. Service on all makes. Also ribbons for all makes, carbon paper. L. V. Kiltz, Clay St. Woodstock. Phone £49. 7tf FOR SALE--Dining room suite, modern inlaid walnut table, buffet, 4 upholstered chairs, 2 arm chairs. Phone McHenry 145-R. *16 FOR SALE--Bight storm windows and an oil - heater. Tel. McHenry 849-J. 16 FOB SALE--Norge refrigerator in good condition. May be seen at Roper's, Shalimar subdivision, Saturday between 10 and 12 noon. 16 FOR SALE--Collie puppies. A. K. C. Championship bloodlines. «7 weeks old. Tri's, sables and white. $35.00 and up. Harold Padgitt. phone Round Lake 3235. 16 FOB SALE -- 3-piece bedroom suite, complete with spring and mattress. Call Sat. or Sun. before noon. McHenry 756-J. *16 FOB SALE--1941 Hudson, good condition, for quick sale, |250; cornet and case, looks like new, $29; Nesco electric roaster and fittings, $25; large aluminum roaster with rack, lPuv new, $7, 1 pr. steel curtain stretchers, like new, - $4; 1 pr. black suede oxfords, used once, sice 7%A, $3. Phone McHenry 567-M-2. 16 FOB SALE -- Pre-teen dresses, Close-oui. $2.G<\ Values to $11.95. Toddler St?ns. 312 E idm Street FOB SALE--Piano, semi concert grand; double bed, spring aud mattress; pair twin beds. Call McHenry 528-M-l. 16 FOR SALE -- Two-piece parlor suite, $60; Roper table-top gas stove and wash machine. Tel. McHenry 563-M-l, Alfred Freund. 16 FOR SALE--Used G, US. Refrigerator. Running order. Phone Mc Henry 66-W. *16 FOR SALE--200 can milk route with 1949 F-6 Ford truck and factory built- body. Gene Obenauf. phone McHenry 105-W-X. *16 FOB SALE -- New flare-back Coney coat, size 40-44, $90; large old fashioned buffet, $3; 2 mirrors, $1.50 each; drop-leaf kitchen table, $2.50. Call mornings McHenry 276-J. 16 FOR SALE--Factory built Speed Queen washer, like new. Used household refrigerator, good condition. Carey Electric Shop. „ 16 FORRENT FOR RENT--Modern 4-room year 'round cottage. No children. Pbone McHenry 677-R-l. 16 FOR RENT--Small cottage, n«w, fully insulated, partly furnished. Phone McHenry 627-M-2. 16 FOR RENT--Sleeping rooms, one single and one large with two full sized beds; innersprlng matresses. One block from Green and Elm streets. Tel. McHenry 147-M. 16 FOR BENT--4 room cottage In Lily Lake. Phone 597-J-l. 16 ROOM FOR RENT--For couple or single lady; garage. Tel. McHenry 544-R-l. FOR RENT--Three-room modern apartmept with oil heat and garage. Call McHenry 530-M-l. 16 FOR RENT -- Four-room apartment at McCullom Lake, furnished. Call McHenry 673-R-2. 16 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED -- Housekeeper, from 2 til 6 p. m. 5 days a week. No one home until dinner. Good pay. In McHenry. Write Box 88, c/o, McHenry Plalndealer. 16 BBICMLAYEBS WANTED! For Transfiguration (Catholic) School at Wauconda on Route 176. One year's masonry work ahead on contracts now underway. 0. W. Potter ft Sons IW» General Contractors Telephone Wauconda 3231 15-3 HELP WANTED -- Women and girls wanted for telephone survey work in your home, good pay, no experience necessary. If you have a pleasant voice, write Sterling, North-West Agency, 700 Center St., McHenry. *16-2 PIN BOYS WANTED - 16 y*ara or older. Palace Recreation. 119 S. Green St. 15-2 WANTED--CHILDREN TO CARE FOB -- DAYS. PHOXE RICHMOND 7S8. - ~ r *1M . W A N T E D Steady Sellable Tool Makers Machinists Die Repairmen General Factory H«lpm Illinois Tool Works (Shakeproof Division) "Building with the Valley" 1001 Grace St., Elgin 7900 16-3 HELP WANTED--MEN-- Polishing, Buffing, Die Casting and Lathe, 2nd and 3rd shifts. Plating. Inspection and Material Handling, 1st, 2nd and 3rd shifts. Smelting and File Trim, 2nd shift. Apply in person. Electric Auto-Lite Co., Woodstock, Illinois. If SITTJATIOK WANTED WOBK WANTED--Carpenter work wanted: By day and contract Ivan Gustafason, Tel. McHenry 532-J-l. »tf WANTED WANTED -- Jobbers and direct salesmen. Quality lines, with liberal commissions. Manufacturers representative. R. Duane Fowler. Woodstock, Box 334, Phone 464 JX. 41tf WANTED--Watches and Jewelry repai". Anthony Noonan, 200 So. Green street, McHenry. (Front part of Claire Beauty Shoppe.) 15tf WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY .-- Up to 100 acres of woods. Ralph Bruns, phone. Crystal Lake 1344-J-l. *16 WANTED TO KENT WASTED TO REST--4 or 5 room house for 3 adults. In McHenry. Write Box 87, c/o McHenry Plaindealer. 16 WANTED TO BENT -- House or apartment with two or three bedrooms. References furnisned. Phone McHenry 205-J. *16 REAL ESTATE FOB SALE In Midstream, a most modern sabdlvlslon, 4 aad ( rooms, Face Brick on all 4 sides; Fnll cement basement, Automatic oil furnace hot water t pr>s, electric, city sewer. Possession from SO to INI days. Price, *11,900.00 and $13,900.00. Cash Down-- 25%. Balance 20 years to pay. YAA can also have water front lot Call JACOB FRITZ or HANK NELL. JOHNSBUBG --Telephone MCHENRY 37. STF FOR SALE -- SPECIALS Beautiful homes -- reasoaablf priced -- on Pistakee Bay, Fox Biver McHenry, McCullom Lake, Wonder Lake, (Yystal Lake. .. .Knox Real Estate, 405 Richmond Road, McHenry, IIL Phone Mc. Hear) 421-J. 12tf KEAL ESTATE FOB SALE--50x140 corner lot In Wonder Lake. Good location. Write August Grleger, Rt. 2, Lake Geneva, Wis., or phone Lake Geneva 3121. • *16-3 FOR SALE--Must sell 5 room year 'round home, insulated, automatic oil floor furnace. McCullom Lake. $4,950.00. Phone McHenry 547-J-l. 16-tf FOR SALE--2 vacant lots fct McCullom Lake, choice location on hill. Will sell reasonable. Phone McHenry 566 J-2. or Chicago Spalding 2-271S. *16 FOR SALE -- Year 'rtfund loghouse, oil heat, deep well, inside toilet. On hill half-block south pf dam at Hickory Falls, Wonder Lake. Enter, at rear of lot. Owner will show. FOR SALE--Store and gas station atore^fully stocked and equipped Walkin meat box. Three gas pumps; 2,000 gal. ground tank storage; building 23x40 ft.; 16 bearing fruit trees; 3-car garage,; %hp. air compressor. Phone McHenry 341. Aftiryfp. m. Call 548-J-2. 16-tf LOST AND FOUND STOLEN -- 2% h.p. Evinrude motor, folding type. Stolen trom Oakhurst log cabin. Anyone knowing whereabouts, Chll McHenry 510-J-l. *i6 MISCELLANEOUS SUMMER FINALE DANCE or| Featuring Don Stadfeld and His Great Band Vocals by George P. Freund, Jr. SATURDAY, SEPT. Sad . at Clnb Liiymoor Rt. 120 Admission Free tor with Will annexed of the estate of Rose E. Herrick, deceased, on the 28th day of August, 1950, filed his petition in this Court to sell the following described real estate, to-wit: Lot eleven (11) in Block seventeen (17) in Wonder Woods, a subdivision of part of Section six (6). Township forty-five (45) North, Range eight (8) East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the Plat recorded April 30, 1930 in Book 8 of Plats, pages 14 and 15 in McHenry County, Illinois, owned by said decedent at the time of her demise, to pay the debts and costs of administration of her estate, and that said clause Is now pending in said Court against you and others. And you are further notified that unless on or before the 2nd day of October^ 1950, you shall appear and defend in said cause, judgement by default may be entered against you on the day following or thereafter. R. I). WOODS, c " Clerk of above-named Court HUGH A. DENEEN. Attorney, Woodstock, Illinois. . (Pub. Aug. 31- Si^t. J'^ii: Settlement of state 'ClatlrnS against the estates of former old age pensioners has brougbt $1,- 010,456 into the state treasury during th1> last thirteen months, according to Henry "R. Tenney. Chairman of the Illinois Public Aid Commission. Tenney also reported that the comission's current investigation of families on aid to dependent children rolls lias covered some 10,000 cases and is now about 60 per cent completed. This investigation so far has brought about a state saving of nearly $80,000 a month. SCHOLA FROM WILL ENB0LL Seven Illinois residenta oatalda the Chicago metropolitan area will be among the 225 high school scholarship students from thirty*- three states, Cuba, Germany and South Africa to study in the College of the University of Chicago this fall. Chancellor Robert R4:;: Hutchins has announced. The col- ' lege accepts students after their sophomore year in high school for a four-year program of general education. Among Illinois residents who^l received north central regional scholarships, valued b^ween $50^ and $1,200, from the university's $190,000 annual fund for college^ - student scholarships, was Gerald- ' ine F. Cormier of Wonder Lake. Miss Cormier, daughter of Mr., and Mrs. P. L. Cormier, completed' - her junior year at Woodstock Community high school and will be a^ second-year student at the college. FOR SALE--Attractive room year round home, McCullom Lake, fully insulated, floor furnace, furnished or unfurnished. Reasonable. Phone547-J-l. 9tf HELP WANTED -- Woman, age, 25-40, for general housework. Automatic washer, mangier and dishwasher. Call Richmond 374 or write Mrs. E. Lichi, R. F. D. 1, Box 78, Richmond, Illinois. 16 FOB SALE --6-room modern cot- 1 tage with new garage in Wonder Lake. Fully landscaped, fruit trees and shrubbery. Lots 41 and 42 Maple Drive. Phone Lincoln 9-7350 Chicago for appointment. *16 HELP WANTED--New car agency has opening for 2 good auto mechanics. Must have experience. Men over 30 preferred. Phono Woodstock 965. Ask for Mr. Foote. IS HELP WANTED--Control chemists, chemical production operators, and girls to work in photo department; shift work. The Edwal Laboratories, Ring wood, III. Tel. Richmond 5 16 HELP WANTED--Demonstrators to hold gadget parties. Write and give phoue number. Write L. M. Kennedy, 1513 Rldgeland Ave., Waukegan, 111. *16-2 HELP WANTED--Mother's helper, light house work and cooking; stay. Own room and bath; good salary. Write Mrs. H. C. Sutton, 1823 Sunset Ridge, Glenview, 111. *16 SITUATION WANTED CHILD CABE--Competent woman to care for children days or evenings. Have own transportation. Tel. McHenry 627-M-2. 16 ELM THEATRE Wancoada, IIL Route 17« MID Street FRL - SAT„ SEPT. 1-2 All Technicolor Program ^WINCHESTER 7S* --~ with James Stewart Shelly Winter* FOB SALE--$2,000.00 below cost. Beautiful year 'round home at Island Lake. Four rooms and bath, full basement, cement floor with inside garage, forced warm air heat, oil furnace, two 315 gal. oil tanks, 66 gal. electric hot water tank, IS ft. living room, cabinet kitchen, two rooms wall to wall new carpat, inlaid linoleum in kitchen, Venetian blinds throughout, aluminum storm windows and screens (combination)!, awnings all around, fine lawn and shubery, 6 large oak trees in yard, 100 ft. frontage, on black top. Call Wauconda 3157. *16 FOB SALE--Year 'round home, frox River frontage, 8 rooms, two story, cement basement, two car garage, high and dry. Also player piano and wooden cider barrels. Fred Pegel, one mile south of bridge, east side of river. Mineral Springs, McHenry, 111. *16 FOB SALE--Five rooms, Including two bedrooms; at McCullom Lake. Phone McHenry 531-J-2. 16 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEABING v Notice is hereby given that a public hearing on tentative budget and appropriation ordinance for road and bridge purposes of McHenry township in the county of McHenry, state of Illinois, for the fiscal year beginning Sept. 5, 1950, and ending Sept. 4, 1951, will be held at 1:30 o'clock p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 5, 1950, at town clerk's office, West McHenry, in this township and that final action on this ordinance will be taken by the highway commissioner at a meeting held at town clerk's office, West McHenry, at 2 o'clock Tuesday, Sept. 5, 1950. CHARLES J. MILLER Highway Cimmissloner H. WALTER ANDERSON Ctai* (Pub. Aug. 24-31) HMmtMiiimmmiwiiiiHiMiiiiiiimHinimiwrnniwiii THE BEAUTIFUL EL TOVAR CRYSTAL LAKF «LL McHenry' CVs. Leading Theatre FRI. . SAT., SEPT. 1-2 (Double Featare) Warner Baxter v Karin Booth la "STATE PENITENTIABY* Robert Hatton Rath Warrick lB "BEAUTY ON PARADE£" • The first " step from the curb Is '.v.' the most dangerous! Seventy-flve--'V;*'*^~ percent of pedestrians involved in accidents are struck before they •%' reach the center of the roadway. it' In two-way traffic pedestrians -• , should look first to the lef(, Hal to the right before leaving tka":"."^"^ curb. Itaad the Want Ada. SUNDAY ONLY - SEPT. S Sunday Con*t. From 3:00 PJI. (Doable Featare) William Bendlx Una Merkel in "KILL THE UMPIRE" Laralne Day Robert Ryaa la "THE WOMAN ON PIER IS w SALE OF REAL E8TATE *TO PAY DEBTS STATE OF ILLINOIS, County of McHenry, ss. IN THE COUNTY COURT, IN PROBATE. No. 13402 Hugh A. Deneen, Administrator with Will Annexed of the Estate of Rose E. Herrick, Deceased, Petitioner, vs. Linda Lu Clouse, et al, Defendants. PETITION TO SELL REAL ES. TATE TO PAY DEBTS AND COSTS OF ADMINISTRATION. Notice is hereby given you Linda Lu Clouse; James Kruliki. Lillian Evans; Lulu V. AUIs; Hilda Hines; Christine, Kowalske; Emma Snow and Virginia Clouse, that Hugh A. Deneen, Administra- | 11 1 •!•»»•» MON. - TUES„ SEPT. 4-5 Matinee Labor Day - Regular Sanday Schedule and Prices Cary Graat Jose Ferrer fa •CRISIS" WED. • THI RST SEPT. C-7 Barbara Stanwyck John Land la "NO MAN OF HEB OWN" MeHRNBY, ILLINOIS Air Conditioned -- Coarfart Good Vision and Saaai Dobrs Open at Ct4§ P. M. Screea Starts at 7»M P. M. FBI. • SAT, SEPT. 14 Ann Sheridan Victor Matars "STELLA* Cartoon and Novelty aad World Newt 7 SUN. - MON, SEPT. S-4 la Techaleofisr Fred Astalre Bad SkeMsa Vera EU«| Keeaaa Wyap THBEE LITTLE WOBD8" Color Cartooa TUJES. w WED. - SEPT. 5-«-f Speacer Tracy JK» MthasH Elisabeth Taylor "FATHER OF THE BUM* V i n + - .^OUTDOOR ' CRflVSLflKE RT IZOI^T FRI. . SAT, SEPT. 1*2 Mat Sat at 2:30 P.M. _ -- Technicolor ' «UETI R> OF THE FRONTIERSMAN" pins **TH1S SIDE OF THE LAW", SUN. - MON. - TUES. Mat. Sun. 3 P.M. Continaoas KwsAurtm A»¥ammi AMW BIOOD -"IkOwNmSm UnaVmU M S" umm • u>fi Kt, tr in* * ••MM « mm MMUS - MMV KSMCM WED. - THURS, SEPT «-7 Howard Duff Marta Toren Philip friend Robt. Doaghis "SPY HI NT" ' Pins Selected Shorts STARTS NEXT WEEK "BARON OF ARIZONA" "LOUISA" EXTRA Special EjXxtTSRAA Saturday Night H:30 P.M. HOLLYWOOD SNEAK PREVIEW! See the run of an important NEW Hollywood production along with our Beguiar Show at NO t 1NCBEASE IN PBICES! SUN. - MON, SEPT, 3-4 Matinee Sunday • Also Monday (Labor Day) at 2:30 P.M. Frad Aslaire "Bed" Skelton ia , The Tech a (colorful > "TlfREEvLITTLE WORDS" TOWNE THEATRE NOW THRU SATURDAY "TREASURE ISLAND" SUN.. MON. 8c TUES.. SEPT. 3-4-5 FOX LAKE TEL. 7-1611 FRI. . SAT, SEPT. 1-2 "it MMT CMET. k. • MM M WMMHJ0HN FORD Prodvc.d by Argoty Corporation OKMMod by KKO Ro4ie BcM" SUN. - MON, SEPT 3-4 TUES. . WED, SEPT. S4 "OUTSIDE THE LAW" * THURS. - FRI, SEPT. 7*8 Ronald Coleman hi "CHAMPAGNE FOB CAESAB" the FWINIKT thuuf that ever happened, to a -family f v>K; • *?> a MKKMmbCMM mKSY EM MM :* MM # feM'MlUn • WED.. THURS- FRL a SAT.. SEPT. 6-7-84 TUES. - WED. - THUBS. . SEPT. V. Johnson !|. Taylor In c "THE BIO HANGOVER" l.> Chapter Serial Starting Sat, Sept. 2 it' 11 ft • M i l I I I I I 1 1 H I f f I f course SKELTON C BAM W0KMS" • ",v • ^ . ,

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