(continued from page 4) PERSONALS it; second, Henrietta Holmes, l Woodstock, 66; third, Betty Mey- j k\ / WV Rockf?>rd. 53. l/i Anher Class • Women First, Gwen Wheelock, McHenry, ||-Vi it; second, June Anderson, Rock- H'" Cord. 49; third, Nancy Howard, Mc- ?• rj, Culloni Lake, 45. The highest ranking bowman in '5 the Iilini club was Tim Wheelock. k; 01 With a score of «S3. fP. All these scores are from a posi -', slble total score of 560 points, so feit will readily be seen that this, is fj; f a rough sport to master at best, fef Last Sunday, members froiiri tho /Northern 111ini Bowmen weiit to Wi* ^Rockford to compete iigain against ® • .'the Blackhawks in a broadhtv.d fV • ; shoot. In this tournament only ' ' broadhead Mur limit lag arrows) -;wcre used ana they were shot at '.life-size deer silhouette.? placed 5:f^among the pine*TtfeVs and shrub- ,"|ery and at varous ranges to sirii- ^V j«ulate as closely as possible the genuine conditions of the great -Vw^VItn . orth woods.. .•••• » £ Deer season in . Wisconsin." -(for ' ^bow and arrow only) is fast.ap- ^$>roachi:ig and many Illini Bowmen . ,-mre making plans to go up there • jfcfter venison the hard way. ^ ' ». Phil Wheelock *>IVEfETT MITCHIII r»ln imim b«M Moaday Mirragh Siliii4n a. m. M WMAQ, Chmgo. 670 m y««* dial. ST" JANY farmers still are running t J.vi their cattle in the farm woodlot-- and it's a good bet that the ani- Jnals and the trees both would be Safcetter off if the cattle were turned ]; |o pasture. The food value of grasses \fn wooded area is considerably less 'than that of good d£en pasture, according to the experts. H \ As tor the trees themselves, the T3twy small and young growth stands tt good chance of either being eaten *r trampled and destroyed by the 5 feeding animals. Then, too, the soil the woodlot is trampled down by cattle, preventing air and water reaching the roots of the trees, addition, cattle will eat the folifrom low hanging branches, thereby allowing the wind to blow through the woodlot and dry out %4ln soil. 1 It's a good idea to provide the cattle with a protected area where can find relief from the hot and shelter from bad weather, can be done by fencing off a corner of wooded area adthe pasture. This gives the their shade, and the rest of woodlot grows without interfere. While we're on the subject of catfte is pasture, if you utilize an elecjrik fence around your pasture, better not try to use a homemade controller. It might turn into a booby trap for you or your animals. The jfcomemade controller usually isn't Affective in dry weather, and when Cw ground is wet it might be too and kill one of your cattle, buy the device from a manucturer who has the underwriters' of approval. Jambs Doherty and daughter, Jimmy, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stilling, Walter "Sonny" Miller and Miss Elaine Freund attended the Cubs-Dodgers baseball game in Chicago Tuesday. Mrs. D. K. Williams of Jackson, Miss., arrived this week to spend some time visiting her parents, the Fred Cooleys. Maureen and Sheila Maloney of Chicago has been spending several days with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Koehr. John Regner and granddaughter, Barbara Rauen, spent last week visiting in the Oliver Stratton home in Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Thill and children of Aurora spent Sunday t the home of her mother, Mrs. Anna -Diedi ich. Robtvt Adam* accompanied, them home ;for a, Snort visit,.. Mr. and Mrs. G,eorge Vales and Albert Vales have returned fo Chicago after a visit >vith their mother. Mrs. Albert Vales, Sr. Mi1, and Mrs. Clarence Stilling have returned from a ti ip'to Jefferson, Wis., where they took their daughter. Carol, Ann, to attend the St. Coletfa School- for- exceptional children. ' f Mr. and Mrs. Ilerb "Reihanspcvger and*Mr. and Mrs. Peter Roche enjoyed a week's vacation at Mercer, WiiS., last week., , Mrs.* Emma Far'rell of Chicago has been visiting ii: the home of Kate and Torn McLaughlin. Mrs. Glen Robison of Woodstock visited McHenry relatives one day last week. Mr. and Mis. Frank Cobb of Chicago, former McHenry residents, visited friends here during the past week. Dr. and Mrs MOW DO you utpf Iff* uwt w m* AN0E5 Wi m Iwcatdr HORIZONTAL Indie I Pictured MTiny timed edu- MWri W oc um ve 10 Pa 11 Over (eontr.) IS Dined 30 By ttMustOl 1||| 46 Garment 47 Window frame 4S Touch 2 Native metal 3 On the ocean 4 Kind of tUti 5 Before 6 Fix respect 7 Negative word 30 WingliklTpart 52 Things ( device card 17 BArium (symbol) It Accomplish! 20 Morning moisture 22 Musical note 23 Toward 24 Weight (ab.) 17 Lad 28 Behold! 27 Literary composition X WORE IT ON MY DINNER DATE WITH PAW 4ATURCAY,AHO TO /V>V UTTER WORROC.^ ANOTUBfZ &lfZL m* WEARING THE SAME V" YE4v WAZ ADORABLE/ 4WE KEPT 4TAKINO/ -SO X THAT DECIDED TO BE A GOOD 4PORT. I NODDED AT HER. HAT AND POINTED TO MINE! 4WE MU4T WAVE THODSHT I IVA$ , W«ACKVl WHY POINT, 4AILOR • Require 34 Pointed shaft (ah.) 35 Her ^Standing 36 Feline room only |7 Saber ^ (ab.) FTTF Sett pace 12 Stagger* 16 Exist DAVY'-fr HADN'T CARD OF THANKS BIRTHS H1* '5" 'I14141 "I1 v "I1 '51 'I* '1' 'I' "l1 'M1 'I1 "5* ,S*4t4'^ COMING EVENTS L. B. Murphy, Sr^ returned 4ast -week-trom a trip to Michigan. Flaxseed Prodwetfem of flaxseed* as a source pf linseed oil for paints advanced sharply in the United States during the war years jvhen the ship shortage cut impcrts from Argentina. Except for 1946 it has since maintained or surpassed the wartime level, setting a record in 1948. Minnesota- and the Dakotas alone produce about four-fifths of the crop. Wyoming Leads Wyoming produces more bentonite, a swelling clay widely used in the chemical industry, than any other state. Its Iron mountain contains one of the world's largest deposits of titaniferous ore, which includes titanium, platinum, manganese, and iron. Need rubber stamps? Order The Plaindealer. Uncle Sam Says Allotments Show Increase In 1950 MyHenry county and the municipalities of Harvard and Woodstock received $84,099 in allotments from Illinois state gasoline taxes in the first six months of -1950^ compared with $76,308 in corresponding months of 1349, according to a statisticrl analysis prepared by Rarcus. Kindred and company, of Chicago, specialists in Illinois municipal bonds. This was ah increase off $7,791. Gas tax allotments to all Illinois counties and towns reached a new record total of $16,735,625 in the first six months of this year, compared with $14,757,876. McHenry county's share of allotments distributed locally by the state was $71,446 in the first six months of 1950, a gain of $6,415. Harvard received $4,201, a gain of $467; Woodstock received S8.452. ~"d" an increase of $909. August 31 Style Show And Luacheon -- . Pistakee Yacht Club--Sponipored By Women's Activity Group Of Club. An;. Sl-Sept. 1 Rummage Sale--City Hall-- Given by Altar And Rosary Sodality Of St. Patrick's Churctu- September 2 V.F.W. Auxiliary Bake Sale---JlMr ten's Furniture Store. September 4 * Ringwood Home Bureau --Mrs. Arthur Hoppe. September i Smaller Radios Radio receivers of the future will 4>e much smaller in size than present models. Elimination of tubes and the use of "stamped" circuits instead of actual wires, and sealed components, will make the smaller sets possible. Stated Meeting of McHenry Lodge, A.F. & A.M., No. 158. Visitors Welcome. September 7 C.D. of A. Meeting. September 8 1 Opening Fall Luncheon of Woman's Club -- Hunter's Club, Richmond. McHenry Woman's Club Luncheon --Hunter Country Club, Rich- September 11 American Legion Post Meeting. October ( Public Card Party--Sponsored C.D. of A.. m: 4»i. b> Complete line of Beebe livestock remedies at Wattle* Drug Store McHenry. gtf K, m *H mw gardens, outside London, pre housed, protected, and studied 45.000 different living species of fdknts. The Herbarium also contains more than 50,000 botanic books, and tiers of shelves holding Roughly 6,000,000 sheets of plant Specimens, grouped by classes, orders, tamilie^. and lower subdhrisfcea. Cinderella. Stery A Nitokris of Egypt was bathing in the Nile when an eAgle carried ber sandal away and dropped it into the lap of the king. He- eaid he would wed the woman who owned the slip- >n. tod t» did] y yy" tS-T:' Nickel Coins Since 1881, in which year Switzerland had the distinction of issuing the first coin to be made of pure nickel, 42 countries have used pur? nickel for 124 different coins. The revered Liberty Bell, symbolic of national independence, will ring again this year through 52 exact duplicate bells which will be toured in every State during the U.«S. Savings Bonds Independence Drive, May 15-July 4. My nephews and nieces will see and hear the actual tone of the original Bell. Americans still are agreed that the best way to take care of tomorrow's needs and emergencies is to plan for them today. Make your own dreams come true by the regular, automatic purchase of U. 8. Savings Bonds through the Payroll Savings 1*®' U. S. TrcuuTj Department | 50th FALL TERM BEGINS SEPT. 5 DAY AND EVENING CLASSES Stenographic, Secretariat and Accounting Courses ' ' Comptometry, Office Machines, Etc. Call, phone or write for bulleltn. ELLIS BUSINESS COLLEGE X Established 1900 ^ ALT AH CALLOW, Director » f 101 Spring Street Elgin, Illinois % Telephone Elgin 8350, -- Residence Elgin 6-8023 McDONALD'S TAVERN ' McCULLOM .LAKE . v FEATURING THE RHYTHM RASCALS SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2,1950 A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Harold ' M. Nelson of DeKalb Aug. 23, weighing 8 lb. 11 oz. He has been named David Harold. His grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Magnus Nelson of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Irving Gundersen of Leland, 111. --Mr. -and Mrs. Merwyn Schmitt announce the birth of a child on Aug. 15 at the Woodstock hospital. This Is their first child. Steel Screening The strength of stainless steel screening was recently tested successfully against the swing of a baseball bat I WOuld like to take this opportunity to thank friends and neighbors for cards, flowers and gifts sent to me during my receut illness. They were all greatly appreciated. 16 MRS. R. C. HARRISON 2t Eradicate 31 Within 32 Oleum (ab.) 33 Recreation areas ' • 36Grasp "" 39 Erbium . (symbol) 40 Be quiet! 41 Aluminum (symbol) 41 Us 43 Past of drele 43 Out of (prefix) 47 Street (ab.) 48 Pro 49 Suffix MOwtte aofe *4 Weight of am da !J" •ilia iiiki da i flBa-aaaa•m a CARD OF THANKS I would like to take this means of thanking the many friends and relatives who Bent me cards and gifts and who visited me during the time I was confined to the hospital. I appreciated these remembrance^ very much. *16 CHARLES fTLAKE Complete line of Beebe livestock remedies at Wattles Drug Store McHenry. 8tf QumohH Uoahduuf Located , ^ 3 Miles South of Fox Lake, r 2 Miles North of Volo on Route USt Individual runs for dogs. Box 617 INGLESIDE, ILL. Pita** MceHetviy, 632.-Af-2. FURNITURE AUCTION Having sold my home, will s*ll at Public Auction in the village of Solon Mills, Wednesday Night, Sept. 6) 195Q Starting at 7 P. M. Sharp D. S. T.- 5 rooms of household goods including garden and carpenter tools also few paper hanging tools. ED VOGEL, Auctioneer .. Terms: Cash. 4 MRS. ELOISE TURNER; Own«r Sterling Window Shade and • Venetian Blind Co. • 5640 W. Division St. CblumbM 1-8743 Have your windows dressed in Kar-O'lier removable slot Venetian blinds, DupOnt's washable Tontine shades and Kirs^draw rods. Plate glass dresser and table tops, (Polished and beveled) Estimates Cheerfully Given. Call Friday Evening. Saturdays and Sundays call McHenry 651-M-l It's Three R's Time Again and We're Ready. Right and Rarin' To Help" The Youngsters with Their Writing Need? |>en and Pencil Sets v ; Priced From $3.00 and Up Fountain Pons Priced From $1.50 and Up 514 West Main St. McHenry PHONE 123-J #/ NOTICE ^ Because the weather-man was unkind to us. our Summer Festival will be continued Sunday Evening, September 3,1950; at which time the Prizes will be Awarded. F5JP1-' r - ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST CHURCH ^ „-v Johnsburg, Illinois i SAVED HOOO cost me mf% JOHN H. DRAYTON, W*+oH, Cam, Come fa...set hew yev ce«M pay $1,100 Mere ~AHt> M OLD CA* MOHi THAN TOOK $£l|f Of THf DOWN MMvtiflf mt Rt6 Ntw sftHastiM all Dodge extra rooM...east ef handling...f«Me«sd^MiiMillty £ -i' -rirwill rgree with Mr. Drayton an|i •ay that you could pay $1,000 more * rpttiNK of it! Just 5 minutes is all •1 it takes to see how much roomier Dodge is than even more expensive cars! Just 5 minutes is ail you need to determine the handling ease, ruggedness and economy that belong to Dodge alone. Yes, in just 5 minutes yon, too. for a car and not get everything today's Lig Dtfdge gives! Con|e in today. See how easy It is to own a new Dodge. Your present ear will no doubt more than ewer the^ *#(1^11 down payment. '/• miw sieete vaivs mmm . Yes, it's1surprising what a difference a smart new MOB . LIGHT fixture in any room--and how little it costsf When you plan your home's next "beauty treatment," start with MOE LIGHT. «We have a complete line of/ these lovely, quality designs. They're installed quickly and easily, approved by Underwriters Laboratories* , Visit our store sooitand make your selections./ ALTHOFFS HARDWARE PHONE £84 «; & "Th. Stor* Thai Sanric. BuUt"»" McHENHT. ILL. i A.* s. BLAKE MOTOR* 361 East Pearl Street •d . A