v-'< vr. -v : i >•; ,, *„ "jl -?;ib.'-.- ^aatn-^ws* -w^y w i-fw* •>'. . . • .. '. V:.'^!\ •• - i:-J-. '• "'.' ' r.'Iz.- J^u t . * * - r m^Tw^r¥tT^W *\V# ~%M ^ ^ %#•* ^ %**» *t w 1- , **n - - ^ MMIIIMIIIMIMtM NEWS FROM WONDER LAKE j f ^ M > M t lM' l " " I M > I I M (by Vanesae Belli) *' Tfca Wonder Lake Council met iondiy at 10 a.m. In Harrison lchool, with twelve persons preit, representing nine suhdlv- Joseph Elliott, Wlldwood «ihdivision, was elected chairman of _ the council, M. W. Woodward, V Wonder Woods, was elected treasurer; and Warden Tallman, Hksktrjr Falls, was elected secretary. • Also, a three-man group was ap- , pointed to meet at regular inter- ,• '(jfals and oftener than the county •'•••'.•'Mad to present any of the problems that arise to the council. ; This group is compose4 of Joseph Elliott; Herbert . Berry, Deep Spring Woods No. I; and Marius (Muzz) Hansen. ' Atty. Joseph Wayttne, McHenry, was also present at the meeting •v- "jj|nd reported on actions to date * 'flhat affect the 12-acre island in /Wonder Lake. A petition has gone So the zoning board of the county And to the stale health department -i|nd to the board of county super- Slaors protesting the subdividiing nd re-zpning of the island. The plat of the island has been tiled with the zoning board but has not been accepted. Wonder Lake council would like residents of Wonder Lake to write ! ) the county board of supervisors, /oodstock, aBking that they disllow the subdividing and rezonthg of 12-acre island for sanitary • |nd other reasons. Residents Ihould also write the county zoning board of appeals in this mat- £ ter and ask to be notified when ' fhe hearing on rezoning i» to take flace. • Izaak Walton Leagers 'heck On Lake Pollution President Andy Kunz of the Izaak Walton League of America, Itill concerned with the pollution If the lake if 12-acre island is Subdivided and septic tanks and dry wells placed below the water levels of the lake, has been busily contacting various health authorities to check the pollution probability. , Working with Kunz ia John T. Ceorgeson, secretary of the League. Georgeson presents the following letter which he recently •eceived from the state health department The letter is self-explanitory. "Sanitary Water Board" , fjpringfield August 24 "Hr. ' JMm-<F. Ofcorgescm, president "Atlas Forgings company, "Cicero, Illinois. "Dear Mr. Ge-orgeson; "Early in August, Engineer W. A. Hasfurther collected samples of water from the beaches at Wonder Lake and from Nipperslnk Creek for analysis, the results of which follows: Shore Hills Bathing beach: Coliform, MPN-230; Enterococci, MPN- -6; Chromium, trace, pH, 8.4. "Wonder Center Beach: Conform, MPN-230; Enterococci, MPN- 23; Chromium, trace; pH-8.5. "Indian Ridge beach: Coliform, MPN-230; Entercocci, MPN, less than 4.5; Chromium, trace; pH. 8.5. "Nippersink Creek, near mouth: Coliform, MPN, 2,400,000; Enterococci, MPN, 240; chromium, 0.2 ppm; pH, 8.0; 5 day B.O.D., 2 ppm. "The results of the coliform and enterococci tests were given as the most probable number per 100 ml of sample. In areas where there is a potential sewage pollution such as at Wonder Lake we feel that on the basis of the previous work the coliform count must be consistantlv less than 700 if the enterococci is over 23 and less than 2400 if the enterococci is less than 23, for 80 per cent of the time. The sampled beach areas appear to be satisfactory from a biological and che-mical standpoint in this one set of samples; however, we cannot evaluate the sanitary quality of water on a single set of samples. "On the basis of this one set of samples, we cannot suggest you post the beaches as being unsafe <0 COME IK aad Enjoy tha Sparkling Rhythm of - ERNIE WAGNER at the Hammond Organ HOW PLAYING NIGHTLY ^ Your Favorites, Old and I&w t&em at presented by this artist of the RED STAR INN Richmond, Illinois for swimming. To have a good analysts of Um quality of the water, samples should be collectedq two or three time* a week and haoterlal determinations made In tf nearby approved laboratory. Ton might contact the state health department laboratory, Chicago to see if they can make such analyses for you. We are willing to examine further samples from Wonder Lake but can pick them up only at the lime our staff employees are in the northeast section of the state. As soon os Mr. Hasfurther, or another representative of this office is In the vicinity of Wonder Lake he will again collect samples and the respite will be reported to yea. • Signed: <v C. W. KLASSEN, Technical Secretary." fiET SWIM BADGES Three members of the Girl Scout troop received their swim badges in demonstration Friday at Lookout Point beach under the supervision of their leader, Mrs. Dell Talman. The three are Jean Selsdorf, Betty Jo Wright and Sandl Sells. Tuesday of tttte of League member* were fsreaotrt In thi Uoorglan hotel, IttltfUCn, to a meeting of the Illinois .ijHfie on the Gateway' Amendment,-or blue" ballot, to be voted -on this fall. Those who attended thfc ' way meeting were Jane Lillian Forsberg, Dorothy ren and Dell Tallman. Woodstock Doe Clab Picnics la Wonder Lake One of Wonder Lake's BMt gracious homes, presldnd over by an equally gracious fcaatesa, was the scene of the Woodstock Doe's annual picnic Thursday. The Doe club, womeh'B auxiliary of the Elks Club, was entertained in the home of Mrs. Helen Btakley About fifty of the Doea, nd their guests, were present at the pot luck picnic held on the wide hnrtT which slopes down to the lake. Assisting the hostess were other wonder Lake members of the Doe club. They included Llbby Grace Kunz, Adeline M^ian Hayes, Mary Jo Barffr. Jerry Wiedeman, Elly Viola, ..and Alma Davis. Women Totem will Introduce Committeemen The League of Women Voters of the Wonder Lake region will hold their annual tea Sept. 17 in Harrison between 3 and 5 p.m. and will introduce precinct and county committeemen. to the public at that time. Local committeemen, Steve Duttko, Republican, and Frank White, Democrat, have already signified their intentions of being present and explaining their duties. Saetessfal Event For Woman's Clab . <A. ^ The bake sale held SaturSap, by the Wonder Lake Woman's Club was such a success that there will be a repeat in the near future. The Woman's club waa particularly grateful for the aumher of people who turned out tor the sale. The prize cake, amtm ot cherry and nuts, and bake* by lira. Marie Milbrandt, created sack a furor of interest that two Mlea en4ed up by dividing it whsa neither could buy it. The fralF-cako buyers ACCURACY FOR HEALTH Latin is Jiot a dead language to us because ft It used constantly by your doctor when he writes a prescription. We consider it a living and vital reminder of the importance of accurate prescriptions tW yona^Wltb -- ilw^hrin* your prsecripHoiai tous. • v 1 Jfr •m*t NYE DRUG STORE PHONE 26 McHENRY, ILL. // Nat hereopewor... Hie power you use. Ha weight cfaw--lS^)00 to 16,000Ib«. G.V.W.; yswsr rfsSrsrarf at lk« cfcrfdb. .. is Hie true Chevrolet heavy-duty trucks lead them alll •Mswinf stick e# a (ruck's ability to haul Compare the factsl Check the serial plates payloads. And foe ast howpower, Chw> of all other popular makes for proof. Aad role! heavy-duty tracks with LosdimiW^ ramombor >'« tfce power of tkm cMcfc Ifcof angina have no equal among the Svo most eovmhl Coma la aad lei us loll you the papular standard equipped mains hi their full story of Chevrolet's truck leadership. irfibftwMtpurf'i Fmatwing: two gmat vaivs-m-hsad BNGINSS • IMS NSW POWBR-JST CAMUMTOl e DIAPHBAOM SMHNO CLUTCH • SYNCfUIOMSSH TRANSMISSIONS •HYMND BSAS AXLSS e DOUSLS.ARTICULATB0 SltAKSS • ADVANCSSTTUNO • aALL-TYMSnsaUM were Orace Kunz and'Helen Stanley. The next meeting of the Woman's club will be Sept *, Mrs. Davidson' Attctads Hreats' Golden Wedding MTS. Harry Davidson and her four sons recently returned from Farnum, Neb., where they were present at the golden wedding of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Crosby Johnson. A reception for sixty-eight guests was held, with the "bride" clad in a gold * dress and carrying red roses mixed with golden ones. Individual cakes with a gold 60" were served with coffee or punch. Mrs. Davidson poured. The Johnsons were married in Galesburg, 111., her home town and moved to Nebraska forty-two years ago. Mrs. Davidson Is their only daughter. Their son, who lives in Cottage Orove, Ore., was unable to be present at the celebration. Renew that Plalndealer now! GoaKsto Mao it Leo's _ remedies at Wattles Drag Ship. McHenry. Jit HEARD OVER RADIO One of the successful women discussed over a WGN program this week was Mrs. Virginia Davidson, Los Angeles, sister-in- (continued on page 10) ;v; :-J|u Beautify Pistakee Bay ^ MODERN COCKTAIL LOUNOE . THE BEST IN FOOD Haying Every Saturday Night 'Alice Barbian at the piano Every Saturday Night' TELEPHONE PI&AKEE 378 *•*+ * $ • « j h Jhi su ^ 1 A x' Be a guest^of iti?Hotel Sherman erf itmi tpectaculafsChicago Fair of 1950• ^ STOP... LOOK ...LISTEN; \ Here's hew yew get yewr free ticket#^ If the Chicago Fair: . # Stay at the Hotel Sherman whoa ya« groat Chicago Fair of 1950. " a When you register at the Hotel $homM*b jv; ^ say the magic words, "Chkago Fair.** toy "Chicago Fair" Say "Chicago Fair" • Then, the Hotel Sherman gives ovorf ; member of your family a frea tichot & / the great Chicago Fair of I9SO. TMihi Sherman's way of < ceaiing you la Mia wares, "Chicago I Soy "Chicago H O ' E i v t f-: V A N C L A R * & R A N 0 O p H RKAIIY-TO Leading Weights FROZEN FOODS BIRDS EYE SNOW CROP ICE CREAM ASSORTED FLAVORS 29c pt. Brassel Sprouts St Om PHD Green Lima Beans ..--4Sc p«as snd Carrots Mixed Vegetable* -- 9Sf Chopped Spinach ... Green Peas SSe Rrocroll Spears Cat Splaach S9r Cat Corn AP Chicken Ala King ..... 7&r Cat Asparagas .... Wf V. * « Cauliflower tie Lemonade S cans Wc r * Ctaam Dessert Orange C . S as. cans Me 0range Jalce ^ | . « os. eaas S7e 39c ^t. r Gl)8tollxe^8, 4tf*« Wmmd+rtmt llaf mi Mllay Corner fRESH FRIJITSaVESETABIlS k Aire aaytkiag y«K M Hke about any of these at A&P? WHtei A&P Food Stoees^ 420 Lexington Arenae New Yoik 17, N. f. COMMW NUUtrOM Efetrti Pssdws • stxc, swnr •OHWWW MMNM ^ ^ Orhp Csrrsls.. .2 mm 1,c Ssasy Sea IMsh uchM* Nssal CslstT ... nSf »•; sarcfr mich., > to a simmx to m smbh | o o o i fr Crisp Gckff o o o bunch 3® * 0. S. NO. I MNCf. WMtra. WMM. RnsetPsistsst BmSSc CHEESE u. AtnucAM, swtsx. mvar. oi tmwno MEUMIT CHEESE F000 .I4« MUSTER* CHEESE WtCOWW tucts FIESN BRICK CHEESE AHtEL F00B CAKE jjum pAmcm nuumwm* ok ' SAitWICN ROLLS... TSUII ASF WILL BC MJSKD FOR LAS0R DAT MOHDAT, SIFT. 41k BUSINESS AS USUAL TUESDAT, SCFT. 5«h 4«M Piles KANUT BUTTER CREAMY c SMOOTH is^oz. JAR 39 AM9CLUS MARSHMALLOWS FLUFFY SOFT 12-OZ. FK6. 19* MOMI a«OWN Mb TO Ml. HUM -v iris# Cahbsgs . . BASK TO SCHOOL OVKOOBtT « cjutmu* f • A •f | - Mai CHIP .j£Si .<>Ti lis LS. .».»ox Bfi DOZ. >N VEGETABLE SOif MANAU CRACKERS IN Tits 44H-I *ACK FUVORKiST SALTHKS. sma BUTTER G00KIES M4N'S ettOCOC4T> 'V •ILK PRIM p svNNr rata • eORRfUUESI COUiTIMM nNKSALHOI SNTMA TUHA FLAKES \^V \ihh\ SWY w»ii.i.a«'wi»ii twfc ""US. Orsiatk tLARK CHEVROLET SALES PHOMK m McHENKY, ILLUIOIf cosfo TH1SU FUBSINS aa ismon nc FIBFM4JNG PKG. Jf KfTCMffN AKT RICE FEAST AVM.M JO' \ -SJ0S- LOVf CRACKER JACK not in a mme EVERY FKG. Q FKGS. NSSTLfT MORSELS SBH- 7-OZ. A|g SWEET FKG. 2T CVT-SITC WAXED PAPER •SEAT FOR A AC LUNCH »OX WRAPPING ROLL feV ' KITCHfM CHARM WAXED PAPER STURDY IH-FT. A||C SANITARY RQU SASISS CUANING SILVER DUST A REAL LGE. A0C VALUE . FKG. 2Q CISAMS FAST KITCHEN KLESZEi NOTHING A Mfc# LIKE IT 2 CANS Rr LUX SOAP FLAKES poa YOUR lge. AAc MKJS THINGS FKG. £Q LUX BATH SOAP YOU'LL FAIR BATH ||ft WITH mtn II* LUX CARS *IZE II A FAVORITIf LUX SOAP A Knot A M6. A Ac |UY ^ CAKES 20 umsowHnt RINSO ^ RtNSO GIANT ^ MIGHT ' FKG, 99 •it-} " \ > # jC '