Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Sep 1950, p. 11

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(by Mark 3chaet&en> J ; |ETTT MIBUKIf Mrs. ' Nielsen, who id so mttch American of the higher typf Is a native of Denmark. Except ••tor a trace of very appealing -Meant and her own memories of ^Denmark, one would find it hard to believe she was not born right here in McHenry. When Betty left Denmark it was their loss and McHenry's gain. -She left Copenhagen early in ®r youth and settled temporarily in Chicago. After the death of husband and faced with the necessity of becoming the breadwinner for her little family, she X BETTI MELSKS decided to try her hand at managing a small business of her «wn. On Riverside drive, on the ffte which now houses Nye's drug wre, there was a general store %hich Betty thought had possibilities. She bought this store and after much advice and conflicting Ideas, as well as a few dire predictions, she proceeded to turn Mis near failure into a successfill Venture. She did just that and she did it fast!! ^Within a year she had put the •lore on a paying basis and reheeled it into a ladies shop. Bur years later she bought the IWWt.'OU which her -present e»- tabllahinent now Btands. In 1940, jjft thereabouts, she erected a two- •tory building patterned after Scandinavian architecture. The (round floor became her shop and above this, she has her home. The shop speaks for itself. It la a model of neatness and cleanliness. tier indisputable good taste, 4th in the choice of merchandise and in ,Che manner of its display, make of her shop a mecca for local wpmen and a place of interest for out-of-town visitors %ho, once having seen the shop, come back again and again. They bcfcome boosters of Betty Nielsen and of McHenry and its many ISlher fine shops that surprise id- deHght them and are a never •ding source of pleasure to the Mrs. Nielsen leaves the cares of her business on the shelves of her 4hop when she ascends the one light of stairs to her home. Here, too, her exquisite taste and love for neatness and order are evident. Her snnporch, with its bamboo furniture and light summery upholstery, transports one from "he realm of business to a cool -estful oasts In the twinkling of \ footstep. Her living room, too, 's furnished in the good taste one somes to expect and learns to •ssociate with Betty Nielsen. Her appointments are perfect, and 'mong her cherished treasures is lome fine handwrought Danish •Silver, Betty displayed some of this Silver recently at the garden show !n a beautiful table setting. Tho very lovliest of her treasures Is, of course, her daughter Bettina. Bettina is a girl of whom any mother would be proud. With her beautiful hair and the delightful clear color of her translucent skin, she has the look of a Dresden doll. She follows in the footsteps of her attractive mother not only in the matter of personal beauty but also in her adaptability to the world of fashion. After graduation from the University of Arizona, Bettina returned to McHenry and went into the shop with her mother. She is fast learning the intricacies of managing a successful business. She sepmp so much the*/'Deb" type that it. Is difficult to picture her at the head of a thriving business, but her mother is confident^ Bettina will be an efficient manager When, some day. she may run the shop. Mra. Nielsen doesnt spend all of her time - at the shdp. The demands on her time are great and varied. She is always on call for a table arrangement here, or a display or other there. In spite of all this she does take time out to pursue a few Interests of her own. A few years ago she treated herself to the luxury of a trip back to Copenhagen. There she renewed old acquaintances and made new friends. The object of visit was, primarily, to attend the silver wedding anniversary of her' d e a r e s t f r i e n d s . At t h e d i n n e r i n ' honor of this occasion, Mrs. Nielsen was privileged to meet some of the Danish royalty. This was a memorable occasion for her and she still preserves and values a great many little mementos of that dinner and of her entire trip to Denmark. These same dear hep them become McHenry's welldressed women. Her daughter, Bettina, was narrator at the atyle show and did-* very fine job. Her clear voice rose above the inevlltable hum created, by the 506 or so who attended. There was vary fine mule to add to the natural beauty of the setting of the Villa Reaort. All these thinga made of the show an unusual type pt entertainment, tha kiud of entertainment the average woman dreams about but seldom experiences. Mrs. Nielsen worked many hard long hours planned thla event and she must be very proud of the result. She constantly strives to improve the quality of anyhting she undertakes and she does so in a manner completely satisfactory to herself and others. This is Betty Nielsen. Uncle Sam Says bepe, cearage aa« thrift which Is Just as important te ye* teday as ever before. And tUa applies la all of m f nefhewa and tfeeea. together with aD of that hape and eenrage each of yea poseeeeoe, thara moat be the reelect far thrift. Aid eae of the safe, sare way* ef savtag la by investtag la C. 8. Savings Bands. Each IS Invested teday wll bring yea 94 te tea short years. START SAVING IN SIM POR 19M. I S. Trctntrji Dep. / r ; , - *. > t-T """V i X * "r * '-*4 : * w, ,* , rv < ' • r . J - 1 . » . .. i * <..*«*•• **.' • ,( t v>v " " im • r.- , Ores' Cirtat . Oven ai&aing Is dahgeretas arid should not 1m usdd under afly circumstances. Explosions from fvn canning have resulted in painful scalds, severe cuts, loss cC eyesight, and other serious injuries to the homemaker Or to members at her family. Extensive damage to kitchens and equipment resulted in many cases. Oven-canned food ha* a high percentage of s|>oilage. Most canning supply companies and the U.S.D.A. condemn this method. Sugar Censamptlea Bottlers of soft drinks and other beverage* were the largest users of sugfcr in 1949, using approximately 10 per cent of the nation'* total supply, attaining first plaee in sugar consumption in this country for the first time, according to available records. The horns that carved on his statu* of ifoptto St Peter's Church. Riftne, «*ata the resuit of a Bible scholar's mistake. The Bible says that rays shone from the head of Moses whan 1* cakne down from Mount Sinai, and early scholars translated the Hebrew word tor "rays" at horns." •. ;v- • v ?"sm Vie density of the solid wood substance of all species of trees is practically the same. The dry weight is, therefore, s measure of the amount of Wood substance present; and on the amount of wood substance present depends the strength of the clear wood. Complete line of Beabe livestock remedies at Wattles Drag 8tor* McHenry. |tf MILL INN on Nippersink Greek North end of ... UrONDER LAKE ' •*-«- V-- PR. hbUpv freund OmKttRIST fc»lS6S. OrwSt, * (Closed Thursday Afternoons) .. i ^n: r - Byee Eiaarin«4 -V/Glaaaes flttel % Vteaal Training -- Visual RehafcfKtatlee • Complete VJaaal Analysis Ditty: f to 18 and 1 to 0--Batnrday Evenings: 6:0l.»at£l PBONB tttgBNRY OS added to ©or Chicken, Steak, Lobster Tail... ^ SPAGHETTI WITH MBAT 8AU0* FRESH SHRIMP COCKTAIL v • • 'v * • • RENCH FRIED SHRIMP C5a«plMe diaaers sarred • ta • p* Tneaday thra Friday. > flntarday • to 111*, Saaday l to 8 pdR» Ala Carte Orders Anytime -4 We Cater to PartlM friends of hers recently paid a visit to America and were Betty's guests for a time. Betty leads a full, well-rounded life, with so many things to be done that the days do not hold enough hours for her to accom- < pllsh all of her desires nor to meet all of her social obligationa. I One of the greatest of her ac-» complishments ig the management of the yearly fashion show presented by the P. T. A of St" Mary's and St Patrick's churches! This year the show was really a credit to Betty Nielsen and to the others whose interest annd labor made it suoh a success. Mrs. Nielsen has the faculty of choosing her gowns and other apparel to enhance the individual beauty of her models. This, no doubt, accounts to a great degree ofr the fact that so many of McHenry's women deepend upon her taste to Apple jrihee that Is expected «« available In many grocaxy altar the 1190 apple harvest. 1 Seasonings which go most meats are sage, thyme, sweat marjoram, ail. leaf savory, hay ihi leaves, and parsley. " Need rubber atampa? Ordar a*1;: - The^Plaindealer. ^ nrirLruyi' JOSEPH X. WATNIfB 1 Attomcy^at-law 1 m Waakagaa Bead (BFP B# • f WEST MeBBNBT. OJL PhasM MeHewy 4S3-W PLl MBWr© AND BBA1 Qc&llty Ffxtam Ing - Water 8ystam» - Electric Water Renters ^ Softeners > Repair* • Free mates. BOB FRI8BT, JR. PHONE IflffilBT BMfcW: HIGHEST CA8B PBBTBS Read and Crippled and Hags--Sanitary teg--Tankage and sal* Pfceaeft Arllnirto* lit wr VcFerry tl4. fhanrea. Fatefte» Ice. Home Furniture fteconwh^ aad Repairing M yearn axpdHas Phone Piatakee SS1-R-1 •ICS rPHOL8TERT SERTMB RR 1, Pistaqaa HaM*ta McHenry, 111. TBBNON KNOX A ttaraey-At-Law Oat. Qtaan and Bl IWaday and Friday Other Daya -___ Phane MMQf 9. 8TOFFBL * -- WANTED TO Bin -- CALL AT ONCB ON Myfij HOtfv, HORSBB AND Cm Wa pay ptm* Mm We pay M ta tSf far Old leaa for dawa J«fraaa f nj MATTS lohasharg - Phaaa J« 'm iS A. P. FREUND Excavating TiiMsg, _ aad Crain -ROAD 44-M BDILgiy--, B. B. FCASUB, A. & Chirapractor lti A gm tLm Baa^ Wad. aad FrL* 7 to I VTeary 1 BeBKNBY FLOBAL €9 ran fer aB • -Mil property In tfta heat Woat McHonry. Telephaaa Nn Si# 1N8 BARL B. .. Ft>% Aat% Farm A BELIA1 Whan yan ___ af any Phaaa 41 ar US-It ureoa A Bha • DB. B. H. WAteMI Dnatm -4-Olfeo Wamn • - • IF that car of yours has put its best days behind it, there's no time like right now to think about starting out afresh frith a taut, new; up-to-the-minute motorcar with all its mileage still in it. And there's no better place in the world to start than with the beauty pictured here, for a variety of reasons. contractor give you)a better job with less muss . . . . For one thing, this Buick SracfAt fe a quick-stepping Fireball valve-in-head straight-eight K ' some sixes. downs of Imprmneats tfyoa arc planning a new walk, your home or place of driveway, foundation, porch or *•" -----jl-1 garage floor--build it the convenient, low cost way Mmufy'Mixtd Concrete. jr-'fSSw For another, it's built with typical Buid ruggedness through and through--a husky that can take a lot of years without crying' ••bnclel" Thei^, td^--this high-styled beauty proving to be otie of the most economical Buicks ever" built--easy on gas, easy on upkeep, <tasy on you in its soft, floating, light-handling comfort. It even comes with Dynaflow Drive if you like^^and ^Pynaflow means that youwill neveKhavO^ to service or replace a • friction clut^, and that rear-end or transmission servicing--feven engine upkeepare cut to a minimum. •Standard on ROA DMaJiKR, optionai at bmtra CM* Ml SUPBB and SPECIAL auMUa. V Of course, you can't gee all of this in the : brief span of a trial drive. Ilut you can experience the good solid fed of Buick strength beneath you. You ««« . satisfy yourself on the lightness of the cootrols, the utter smoothness of Dynaflow, the quick surge of Buick's Fireball power. All such things will tell you that this is a Car you'll be glad to live with for a long time to come--and you need only to ask your Buick dealer for a demonstratioii to see precisely what we mean. tFhy not call on him soon to talk about signing up? .illis, no other material tyhe sdrvice and ieconoaj peraaanantconcrite. Tmm hi HENKT I. TAYLOK, AK Nftfcvort. mitr MoMfay nnNa, FRANf B. MAT •Sand--Black Light Bscavathsf -- THscAt lar ~ Phaaa K-l Ala's WKLDINCAND ?fKB Ml Main 81, Bketrie PerMMa W Acetylene W ALEX W.__ W-l WFU«tfR «. tABBOLU £ AUBMMkBUutf u9I^SSS!wL hone Waadstack 1 Wsedsticfc, San _ 1BBN 1SBLBM ' 1WfcW Gravel JP** VM Track far ma *eL McHenry MW-l p W-*! Do* l»t Rt 1. " DB. s. no Higkway SI--Office __ SeL BpHSH 91 5 Ask Your Contractor or Call Tra. McHenry Sand & Gravel Co. €61 Front Dlreei .mi t RBICK U1XBB tvci rtnim -- WHIN MnH AVTOI^ftllli AKI *JU ^ll# ... KMcHenry, m

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