Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Sep 1950, p. 9

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*' • % 28, 1950 ~. »» *BTs.^ i? J.«>* v: ^^ (• 4 ,•/'<*; .-Vr' 4 « - - ' "^t-iV 5v , , i* •eHSTOY •;- , ;.y '*•>/** ; #*0 '»/- &\ ' «j w 7 \ S j ? , . . . ^ r> • ' -«• ?;"' , *": a* ,-> w* • «.' I !}'„ •^lPSPVfi| rtfitftfip brated) with aeraum nl dhlft* lor Choir. . , ' "* A Bvugtfleal IMHMMI QMMl (The Ohareh of the LatherM HM) 408 John Street Wart MeHearjr, HHaoto. Honda? School: 9:00 Berplce: 10:15 a.n). Ton are cordially invited to |tt«l ymr eerrieee. SBT. Carl A. LobjU, Peeler* Oeaunenlty Mettotflit OtoM Main and Center street* Starch 8ehool: 9:30. orning Worship: 10:48. 'T McCulloffl Lake Or Yardett*! Qnetings Folks: Once again A.M.S.1/C Willard Kiddelsen has be«n assigned to duties at Glen View. employment at the Quaker Oats Co., in Chicago he' decided to make the navy his career, and again enlisted (or a four-year hitch. After finishing this service at the Glen View Naval base last Jane, he .again reenlisted for another four years of service to his country. . Mrs. Margaret Reid was pleasantly surprised on the twentyninth anniversary of her natal day last Saturday, by her illustrious spouse. Senator Dave Reid, when he presented her with a beautiful television set. An overstuffed chair, a gift from Mr. and Mrs, WHliam Reid on that occasion, will make her enjoyment of the programs complete. AX8C 1/c WILLARD KIDDELSEN ®Wtllard Kiddelsen entered service in the U. S. Navy in May, 1942, and after his basic training at Great Lakes, he was assigned to study at the Navy Pier in Chicago. On completion of his V studies there he earned the rank qf aviation metalsmith first class. \ After three months service at Norfolk, Va., he was sent to Ale- ^da, Calif., and from there to overseas duty in New Caledonia and the Hebrides Islands. Willard Kiddelsen was discharged from the service in December, 1945, and after six months Str. and Mrs. Art Nelson returned from their extended summer vacation at Miami, Fla, Art reports that the trip home was a fugged one. It rained all the, way and they just managed to keep ahead of the hurricane. •EW4* li Mary's OaMMlc Ohnd Snnfry: 7:00, 8:30, 10:00, U:tC. Eoly Days: 6:00, 8:00. 10:00. Week Days: 6:45 and 8:00. First Friday: 6:30 and 8:00. feafessiona: Saturdays: 8:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. a. Thursday before First Friday: After 8:00 Mass on Thursday; 8:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. m. Msgr. C. 8. Nix, Pastor. Road repairs which have been in progress for the past week are rapidly nearing completion, and it is again safe to drive your car in certain blocks without risk of breaking an axel. . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Merkelt are preparing to leave for San Antonio. Texas, where they will establish permanent residence. Till next week ABlOS. DISCOVER OIL August drilling operations in the Illinois oil fields resulted in the discovery of two pools, seven extensions to pools, and two new pays in pools, according to the monthly report of the state geological survey division.. Oil well completions averaged 73% por week, highest number for any month since October, 1941. The daily average production for August remained at 175,000 barrels, with estimated production of 5,- 413,000 barrels for the month. , FLOOR TILE CEMENT WORK 9 Asphalt and Rubber Foundations - Driveways also and Clastic Wall Tito Sidewalks - Stairs Riverside Tile & Cement Co. 124 Kivenide Drin Phone 661-J-l or 196-R McHenry, 111. r St. Patrick's Catholic Ohvch Sunday: 8:00, 9:09, lf:S0 and 11:30 a.m. Daily Mass: 7:00. Week Days: 7:00 and 7:30. First Fridays: 7:00. distributed at 6:30, 7:00, daring the 7:10 mass, 7:30 and 8. Confessions: v Saturdays: 4:00 to S:00 p. m. and 7:00 to 8:00 p. m., and on Thursdays before First Fridays: 4:00 to 5:00 p. in. and 7:00 to 8:00 p. m. Rev. Edward C. Coakley, Pastor. Official board meeting feane St. Mary's By The Lake, Episcopal Oriole Trail and Dole Avenue Crystal Lake Rev. Donald Piatt, Priest-ln-charge Mission House, 331 McHenry AT®. Sundays : 8:30 A.M. - Holy EucharijR 9:30 A.M. - Family Eucharist for boys and girls of the Church School and members of their families. 11:00 A.M. - Morning Prayer^ except on first Sunday and Prayer Book Holy Days when Holy Eucharist will be celenesday of month at 8 p. m . A cordial invitation la sat--isi U yon and your family *j MM aad worship with u». , Methodist Youth Fellowship: Sundays, 7 p.m. Young Adult Fellowship: Sundays, 8 p.m. Cherub and Junior choir*: Wednesdays at 3:30 p.m. Senior Choir: Thursdays, 8 p.flL J. Elliott Corbett, Pastor. Rev. Joseph M. Bllteck. flfc. Vuttfi Ocaolie Spring Grove Hump: Sunday--*:M, 10.M a*i U;M. Holy Days: 6:30 and 9:<M> Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: 8:00. . * . = Jonfeadoas: Saturdays: 2:30 and ftW, Thursday before First Friday-- 2:30 and 7:15. Bev. John L. Daleiden, Pastor. McHenry Bible Chureft MS 8. Green Street (Pries llifj Sunday Bible School, 10 a. m. Sunday Worship, 11 a. m. Young People's Service, T p.t>- Evangelistic, 8 p. m. Wednesday at 8 p.m.( Prayer Meeting. You're always welcome here. Donald G. Liberty, Pastor. Mailing Address: McHenry Bible Church. P. O. Box SSS McHenry, Phone 601-J-t Christ the Klag Catholic Church Wonder Lake Sunday masses: 8:00. 9:00 10:00 •hnd 11:00. Holy Days: 6:30 and 8:0i. Confessions: Saturday: 7 to 9 p.m. Sunday: 8:30 a.m. Holy days: 7:00 to 7:45. R*v. James A.. VanderpooL Pastor. •/' Qoapet Center ' Wonder Center, Wonder Lake (Nonsectarian) firviees: Sunday Bible School: 10:00 a. a- : Morning Worship: 11:00 a. m. ' Sunday Evening Service: 7:45 p. m. Prayer meeting, Thursday -- 8:00 P. u. Bring the family with you to Sunfcy School and Worship Services. There is a place and a welcome for everyone. FRANK W. ANDERSON, • iinmil m. Sanoay: PubUe Worship, 9:M. Church School: 10:80. Choir Rehearsals: Wedaeeday eve aiag, Rev. Charlee 8tevens, Paster. St Joseph's Church Rfctaend, IUluels 8unday: 8:00 and 10:00. Dully: 8:00. Fr. Frank J. Miller. vaster. "I have always said and always will say that the perusal of the Sacred Volume will make better citizens, better fathers, and better husbands--'The Bible is the cornerstone of liberty."-- Thomas Jefferson. "Atheism is the result of study fat philosophy* T$sar: Bacon. little Subscribe for The Plaindealer "The Bible fits prepares fctan for Webster. the Want Ads. Renew that subscritrtftra trt the Plaindealer now! SEWING MACHINES All makes of sowing machines repaired modernized into electric, console or portables. Free demonstration of the new Raico PHONE 664J2 Freund's Sewing Machine Sales and Service Box,n v m SPEEDY tepoi St. John's Catholic ChusA Johasburg Mrmms Sunday: 7:00, 8:30, 11:45. ' • , . Holy Days: 7:00 and Weekdays: 8:00. % * First Friday: 6:S5 and BKMl onfessions: Saturdsys: 7*.t0 to 8 and 2c9S te,p Tliursdny before First Friiay-- ?:30 and 7:30. yiugunod church / SHAKE, FVU.. r OJPH; KNOW VOU WERE C0N6t?ATULATE ME, SPEED*? THIS l« THE HAPPtU«T OAY ofmv LITE '* by McHENRY GARAGE . --*••$ ! WILLYS - OVERLAND SALES B04 FRONT STREET lOBOBSSSSBSSBOBM PHONE 403 l A / rs l \ \ I9 I U I F I E FOODS / / F PROT RS M / M / # i r # 1 Villa Home on Pistakee Bay For Convalescents and Elderly People. v . • (Both men and women) Nursing cases accepted. • Beautiful landscaped grounds. Eight acres of park. Excellent fishing both summer and wintef. Food plentiful, home prepared. Free transportation to churches of all denominations; also pre-arranged trips to theatre, and lectures. Rates moderately scaled from $00 and up ly, depending on accommodations. For further information, call or write Mrs. "KV , Villa Home, Pistakee Bay, Rt. 1, McHenry Tel. $78 or 461 AM PAGE FOODS faod specialists carefully select the ingredients for Ann Pag* Foods and handle every step of preparation, highest quality is assured. You can now feet gyrol Fluid Drive-- the; oil-cushioned proved coupling ine and H-, Hand 1-ton models. between ensi clutch--on all IN TOMATO SAOOf CM4MT SMOOTH • ^-1 IDEAL SPftEAO U-OZ. rMMI BMIir FOR BREAD • *| • Ml M4M FROM LUSCIOtfS FRtfT. SIMMERED WITH 1-LS. rWMI I IMMVV GRANULATED SUOAR • JAR 4 QVICK K4ST MS4L Y«v track lasts lM|sr! gyrol Fluid Drive cushions against jars and shocks on more than 80 vital drive - lin®_ parts--including clutch, trans* mission, and rear axle. As S result, your truck lasts longer. Tires last longer, too, because oil-smooth starts help to avoid wheel-spinning. Trucks! YMR driving is taster! With Fluid Drive, power application is so sm-oo-oo-th that you enjoy an entirely new standard of truck performance. You can loaf along in high, slow down, speed up again--all without touching r dutch. Y«ar *kMp cests art levari Your Dodge "Job-Rated" truck with Fluid Drive will spend leas time in the shop, more time on the road. Because Fluid Drive protects transmission and other drive-line parts, it cuts repair bills . . . helps assure thrifty operation lor a Ion*, loo* tie*- Cam in for proof «r Fluid Drive economy on Dodge "Jdk-ffofMf" truck*. And ask us for interesting hoolrldl •f many Fluid Drive advantaged Customers9 Corner Its mm mi MM It mr •n skNM svs st Sislf fi|Ni^sflee fsv 1M it «ky thsy always vast It bs sera " 1. Tae «mmMy Sn set yss waati 2. Taw naat Is i. Yse est tall oaMrt aH an ilariH IM rigM INtoa. 4. Tsar penkaas It Tee «SI ks Meg ear i» pfcyaaa a tavsr If yse wM M Sws aai as kaew aay ttaw ser Met er sarvlas iaas eat llvs BR la aer hl(k ^eaSty itwiaifc MTTOMIR REUTMIS SCMRTIIIRT, ASF Fsetf Stales, tM Laxle(taa Avaeea, Saw Tart II, S.T. FICT RfFff fMIXfe fWCffSf Fraparai SmcMH . . . . RICH WITH SMLAO OIL 4WD fM YOLKS SlW BVtllta( MILDLY TART o e Sfravkerry. Resyfcerry, Ckfft, Oreifs, leave. Spilth kmrit IMPROVED E E I KSS. M4DC FROM MNCT SCMOUNA NK^M G COOKS FIRM I4S. VFL EMN MMMMWM YETTENDER E O^« « NCO. •• TOF QVITURR GROCERY SELECtlOM VRCLfLff MALF SHOMI WMOLI CIRHSi N lb MmM * e • Sweet Peat "sn* MMIMIS turn 41* HUNTS TeMiteSMee 3 IU ••OAMO/ur CrsslNiTy Stsee 18c TINS M°-2 MU E TIN MR JVtrOZ. fa TIM I* ...B'^A67 7e com • 0'Cltck MCN MM fed Orate BA6 vieoeoos dum wtmr com Mar ^7fe ,Li nc AP Ready To Eal 6 lb. COOKED HAMS k 12 os« tin / $7,351 • J Smoked Picnics lb. 49c Slab Bacon lb. 59c MtCSflMMr MMMe SKINLESS FRANKS MTMOTMTS MMMP PORK SAUSAGE ROLL U.CS.MLLtOe. .tou49c BAKERY iTS M-RWWM VfNUV ^ /V BREAD..... 10* FNMH WKUM JMM FAUTG* IM N* rim Merry We ^ MM muh Spasish Bsr-^^cH JMM MUII JTLIR Filled Desuts OF** MM P4MM NOUS Brews '• Serve JMM MMI CHCCtr ooz. 8eld Layer Cake 4I/,'>N SIZE 49b 35c 29c 19c 49c SMOKED STAMD4M PiCI Boneless Buli« ... lb. 85c Slieed Baeea u. FROZEN Jumbo Shrimp .. lb. 99c Bacon Squares lb. 37c CAPT'N JOHN'S FROZEN _ Ocean Perch lb. pkg. 43 Thuringor ........ lb. 69c READY TO COOK FROZEN ^ ^ \ ^ ^ Smelts lb. pkg. 39c Fresh fRUTIS ft VE6ETABLES A. S. BLAKE MOTOR SALES, Inc. - 301 East Pearl Street DAIRY DEUOHTS! \ CWM4IT Cheese Feed MACONSM MNC'R' Swiss Cheese WISCOMSIM SHAUP Cheddar Cheese SWIFTS jssotrce Cheese Spreads 2 jars •OMCM'S loaf 73C L. 99c ..u. 99c s or 29c CiUNMM OeOWN FUME TOKAY 9RAKS 1 lb. 15c Hiimoa MW WISCONSIN eeoww Jesathaa Apples 2 us. 29c Fina CaalHIewer ^e 21c WISCONSIN eeowN INON tsuum eaowN Chippewa Felalees T^ 49c 9reeaia(Applss S w. 29c NoerMitN eeowN riuow MOMS oeowN Glehe Oaiess 3 us. 19c Fina Bahhac* ... .4* 5c Creaai Cheese 17c OMM MKH Bettsce Cheese 21C •9 44/1M* FVSf IVORY SNOW nfOKt - L6E. MILD e • * • Me. 29* SIIRF •M ECONOM- ' LGE. ICAL e e O • + FKO. 29* 4MCRIC4N MMMT SOAF FLAKES FOR BETTER LOS. WASH DAYSI • 0 FKOw IT AMfRfCAN FATULT BAR SOAP FOR YOUR LAUNDRY e e 3aA SwARS O* A REAL VALUE e e e e K6. \ 291 FAUfOUVI TOILET SOAP YOUR BEAUTY £ RE*. i/HOHE e e •«! CAKES SVFCR WAUM SUPER SUDS SUFER WORKER ••2 LOE. MSTAKT sees VEL * V>S I FORSFSD ft MILDNESS 2l«- HI FK6S. 39 eUAKn CLOTMSS F A B ' •;' t JsS L&| Vm'1 , I "" ^ I r i SAVES YOU TIME e e • 2L~ U* NMMIM ACTION AJAX CUTSOREASE FAST e • e CANS SWSCTMKAar BATH SOAP REFRESHINO, RATH MILD e e o e o e SIZE N* SWICTNIART TOILET SOAP KEEPS SKIN A REG. SOFT AND O JK CAKES SMOOTH 3^^ STSONONC4RT DOG FOOD TOP QUALITY e e 2ISK-OX.IH9 TINS RT unom nooeti soar TOMATO veotTAi&a nee. Of 3 sri-sr SOtDMCMM CREAM 17-01 STYLF e e e o e TIN . ! ,S F \ J IT . . . ,>::4 • . • -« i. . jj • '.^e, • ! '* ,'\K-..--miCfc FT/^ . "J? ^

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