' JDEUMIOKNT w ". Jtaxustfob Mchekry twp. ' (continued from page ;w ? k * "C:J Wk9 B 16.04 ,»iPrairie State Bank. It 14 • » «M4 fr;0Pnlrlm State Bank. It 23 blk 9 -- B 34.91 JPralrie State Bank, It 14 U if blk 9 B 34.91 * iPrairie State Bank, It 15 ^ % < blk 9 ... - B 34.91 W Prairie State Bank. It 96 blk 9 --B 84.91 . iPrairie State Bank, It 27 , »,•/ blk 9 B 34.91 jprairie State Bank, It 28 ; blk 9 ~ - B 34.91 prairie State Bank, It I - blk 10 ~r# 34'91 " JPralrie State Bank, It* 1 ; •c \- blk 10 ..-B 34.91 Prairie State Bank, It 4 . < blk 10 ~-J# 32.96 ' Prairie State Bank, It 8 blk 10 -- -B 32.96 '• /Prairie State Bank, It 6 ^ blk 10 ..B 32.96 • * Prairie State Bank, It 10 •i blk 10 B 34.91 JPrairie State Bank, It .11 . , , blk 10 B 15.04 JPralrie State Bank, It 12 • blk 10 B 15.04 ' ^ Prairie State Bank, It 13 blk 10 --B 34.91 ,fJ Prairie State Bank, It 15 blk 10 B 34.91 Prairie State Bank, It 16 blk 10 B 34.91 ' Prairie State Bank, It 17 blk 10 B 34.91 Prairie State Bank, It 18 blk 10 :-B 34.91 Prairie State Bank, It 19 blk 10 B 34.91 Prairie State Bank, It 21 blk 10 - > B 31.05 Prairie State Bank, It 22 blk 10 B 34.91 Prairie State Bank, It 23 blk 10 B 34.91 Prairie State Bank, It 29 blk 10 .. .B 34.91 Prairie State Bank, It 30 blk 10 B 34 prairie State Bank. It 31 A blk 10 B 34.91 W Prairie State Bank, It 31 t blk 10 .... B 34.91 Prairie State Bank, It 33 blk 10 . B 34.91 1 Prairie State Bank, It 34 ! blk 10 ... .B 34.91 . '• Prairie State Bank, It 35 blk 10 .. ...B 34.91 "f •» Prairie State Bank, It 36 blk lfc ...... .B 34.91 ' Prairie State Bank, It 37 m- blk 10 .....B 34.91 «i ~ prairie State Bank, It 38 blk 10 ...B 34.91 •"'* ' Prairie State Bank, It 39 blk 10 . B 34.91 Prairie State Bank, It 40 blk 10 B 34.91 Prairie State Bank, It 41 * blk 10 B 34.91 --Prairie State Bank, It 42 v ' blk 10 ! B 34.91 ^ Prairie Stattf iBank, It 13 *#• blk 11 B *34.91 Prairie State Bank, It 15 . . blk 11 B 34.91 '« Prairie State Bank, It 1 blk 12 ...B 34.91 Prairie State Bank, it I blk 12 .....B 34.91 Prairie State Bank, It 3 • blk 12 . I.93 Prairie State Badk, It 4 bik 12 .:--: ....... 1.93 i Prairie State Bank, It 7 - blk 12 ...B 34.91 Prairie State Bank, It 9 blk 12 ...B 34.91 :"•< • Prairie State Bank, It 10 blk 12 B 34.91 * Prairie State Bank, It 11 blk 12 ........B 34.91 Prairie State Bank, It 12 blk 12 ........B 34.91 >!: Prairie State Bank, It 13 A blk 12 B 34.91 "•9- W. J. Bilhame, It 3 blk 14 B 33.46 Bernard ft Anna Reuter, It - ' 7 blk B 87.11 Prairie State Bank, It 1 blk 15 -..B 34.91 •A. Oeist, It 2 blk 15 ........ 1.93 f. A. Giest. It 3 blk 15 «.:!z 1.93 Prairie State Bank, It # blk 15 34.91 John J. ft Jessie Swayer, It 12 blk 15 386 4 Frank ft Antoinette Ziffle, It 16 blk 15 - B 21.16 Prairie State Bank, It 17 blk 1~ *.... ...B 23.83 Prairie State Bank, It 33 blk 15 -. B 8.31 Prairie State Bank, It 36 blk 15 B 34.91 Prairie State Bank, It 11 blk 16 11.57 ir . Wheeler's 1st Adia To _ McHenry Country Clak W: Pioneer Trust ft Savings •• Bank, It 4 -^46.98 Pioneer Trust ft Savings -- Bank, It 5 ; 78.68 Pioneer Trust ft Savingfe Bank, It 6 16.98 Wonder Center Unit Ha. 1 . Wra. ft Louise Keller, It 1 • blk 2 167.86 Michael ft Johann Thur- ' maier Ex Wly 10 ft <of ... Jft it 6 blk 3 -- 14.00 Wonder Lake Synd., It 13 blk 3 82.08 . Roger L. ft Ethel Hansen, It 9 blk 4 22.15 Hugh D. Adoir, It 9 blk 5 B 53.64 Ruth LeWis, It 17 blk 5 ....B 78.10 Philip Pearson ft wf, U 4 • blk 6 4.67 Philip Pearson ft wf, It 5 ' r. blk 6 ... .-. 4.67 « Wonder Lake Synd., * It .11 • t blk 6 B 11.46 jghiemon Davajon, It $8 blk 3.73 22.38 34.66 5.60 5.60 5.60 7.46 9.71 Wonder Lake "Synd., It St blk 6 „.... 7.#6 Edgar It. ft Gertrude Mattlngly, It 4Q blk 6 - ........ 44.76 Frank C. Clooa, It 44 blk 6 B 23.4| Walter W, Cromie, It 2 blk 7 49.42 Walter W. Cromie, It 3 blk 7 5.60 A. Peterson, It 13 blk 7 ....B 39.83 Louis Posch, It 24 blk 7 .... 22.38 Doyne EL Jackson, It 8 blk 8 - : Doyne E. Jackson, It 9 blk 8 Willard A. Turner, It 18 blk 8 ,.B Wonder Lake Synd., It 20 blk 8 Wonder Lake Synd., It |1 blk 8 ....,' Wonder Lake Synd., It 22 blk 8 George Kadlec, It 23 blk 8 H. Howard, It 25 blk 8 Ab 30.36 ChriBt the King Miasion of . Wonder Lake, It 11 blk 9 ...B 16.95 Christ the.King Mission of. Wonder Lake, It 12 blk 9 :...B 16.95 Chrl«t the King Mission of Wonder Lake, It 13 blk 9 - B 22.43 Christ the King Mission of Wonder Lake, It 14 blk 9 B 16.95 Christ the King Mission of Wonder Lake, It 15 blk 9 - • B 16.95 Christ the King Mission of Wonder Lake, It 5 blk 10 B 16.95 Christ the King Mission of Wonder Lake, It 6 blk 10 B 16.95 Wonder Outer Unit Jfo. 2 Irwin J. Maskal, It 1 blk 11 -- 111.90 Irwin J. Maskal, Nft lt l blk 11 9.34 Thos. P. ft Pearl Mathews, It 15 blk 11 79.26 Irvin J. ft Stella Moskal, It 1 blk 12 14.OO Mrs. A. J. Horn, It 16 btlk 12 1 11.66 William McDonald, It 18 blk 12 J...:*. 58.28 Thos. P. ft Pearl Mathews, * It 6 blk 13 7.00 Thos. P. ft Pearl Mathews, It 7 blk 13 7.00 Wonder Lake • Synd., It 14 blk 13 7.46 Florence Dichter, It 9 blk 14 *. ...B 51.03 Florence Dichter, It 10 blk 14 .. .B 51.03 Florence Dichter, It 11 blk 14 B 51.03 Florence Dichter, It 12 blk 14 ...r. .....B 51.03 Robert De Coster, It 27 blk 14 B 47J59 Harry L."* Henry, It 30 blk 14 17.72 Wonder Lake Synd., It 31 blk 14 ..B 21.51 Wonder Lake Synd., It 32 . blk 14 - - ...B 21.51 'Harry A. Hill, It 40 blk 14 ... .-..^^"^5.17 'Wonder Lake Synd., It 52 blk 14 Wonder Lake Synd., It 'S3' blk 14 Wonder Lake Synd., It 3 blk 15 Wonder Lake Synd., It 4 blk <45 James L. Althoff, It 5 blk 15 James L. Althoff, It 6 blk 15 John M. Moyer, It 22 blk 15 •. John M. Moyer, It 23 blk 15 .I.............. John M. Moyer, It 24 blk 15 John M. Moyer, It 25 blk 15 ...; William F. ft Stella Macyowski, It 35 bk 15 William f. ft Stella Macyowski, It 36 blk 15 Patrick Letizia, It 44 blk 15 Patrick Letizia, It 45 blk 15 Patrick Letizia, It 46 blk 15 44.76 Joe Hudziak, It 51 blk 15 .... 7.46 Wonder Lake Synd., It--63 blk 15 Wonder Lake Synd., It 54 blk 15 Wonder Lake Synd., It 55 blk 15 •. J. P. Morrow, It 59 blk 15 B J. P. Morrow, It 60 blk 15 B 16.95 Frank A. ft Natilie M. Riss, It 8 blk 16 Frank A. ft Natilie M. Riss. It 9 blk 16 Frank A. ft Natilie M. Riss, It 10 blk 16 Stanley Dobrlckey, It 31 blk 16 Stanley Dobrickey, It 32 blk 16 Stanley Dobrickey, It 33 blk 16 Stanley Dobrickey, it 34 blk 16 -- 7.46 5.60 5.60 5.60 5.60 17.72 3.73 22.38 3.73 3.73 3.73 27.05 3.73 5.60 7.46 5.60 5.60 5.60 16.95 50.36 3.73 3.73 7.46 7.46 7.46 Earl L. Whiting, It 46 blk 16 7.46 Wonder Lake Synd., It 33 blk 17 '. B 16.95 Wonder Lake Synd., It 59 blk 17 2.80 Wonder Lake Synd., It 60 blk ... 2.80 Roy "E. Swanson, It 4 blk 18 44.76 Wonder Lake Synd., It 5 blk 18 5.60 George C. ft Patricia Stebyn, S% it 13 ft all It 14 blk 19 53.16 Wonder Woods Joe Brefeld, It 1 blk 2 B 8.46 Joe Brefeld, It 2 blk 2 B 8.46 Silitfft Pioli ft wf. It 16 blk 2 17.45 Silvio Pioli ftr wf. It 17 blk 2 3.89 August ft Grace Wenkel ft 93.06 15.52 74.86 23.27 6.84 20.55 23.97 13.39 23.95 5.82 3.89 28.47 57.37 3.89 3.10 24.91 3.10 38.78 29.10 9.70 3.89 2.33 " 2.33 2.33 16.73 38.78 20.36 22.30 37.32 9.34 58.28 27.98 39.64 41.97 21.60 15.43 3 blk 3 August ft Grace Wenkel, It 4 blk 3 Wonder Lake Synd., It 11 blk 3 ........--H John Dlx, It 21 blk 8 Wonder Lake Synd., It S blk 4 Charles H. ft Rath Pugsley, It 13 blk 4 J. Maurer, It 15 blk 4 - B State Bank of Woodstock, It 17 blk 4 B Wonder Lake Syn<l., It 1 blk 5 B A. Carlstrom, It 6 blk S .... Wonder Lake Synd., It 15 blk 7 Wonder Lake Synd., It 13 blk 8 B C. J. Nelson ,lt 14 blk 8 B Ines C. ft Norma Wledeman, It 18 blk 8 ... Wonder Lake Synd., 'It 10 blk 9 V. Pearson, It 6 blk 10 B Wonder Lake Synd., H 9 blk 10 ; : F. F. Brusfield, It 8 blk 11 Donald M. ft Given Ericsen. It 17 blk 11 Belinda Jefferson, It 18 blk 12 ...: ;..... H. Ackerman, It 15 blk 14 Wonder Lake Synd., It 18 blk 14 Wonder Lake Syptk, It 19 blk 14 Wonder Lake Synd., It 20 blk 14 Dorothy ^belse Primer, It 17 blk 16 ...\ B Joseph Parnello ft wf. It 25 blk 17 ^ Joseph ft Irene Radovan, Kt 8 blk 18 John ft Jennie Nelson, It 13 blk 18 Wooded Shores John ft Amanda Zoonar, Co Clks Plat DR 284 P 211 ft It 1 blk 10 Harold Lawrence Wellov, DR 184 P 214 Co Clks Plat (Ex Lt 1) W115 ft of S125 ft of Co Clks Plat It 2 blk 10 Jeanette Ketel, Co Clks Plat lt 3 blk 16 Umber to ft In^ Pons* Co Clks Plat It 5 blk 19 .... Edwin W. ft Cecelia M. Sladkey, N 45 ft of S195 ft Wtt blk 20 Chauncey L. ft Eleanor G. Wright, DR 280 P 227 Pt It 12 blk 16 Weodlawn Park Keith Thompson, It 1 ,25a Andrew Kuczwara, NVfc It 2 1.12a Woodlawn Park First Adda Henry Schulz, It 3 B 180.63 Woodlawn Park Diedrlck'a Second i^dda John Lievens & wf It 13 .... 8&.ft Woodlawn Park Dledrltk's Third Adda William J. Nuber, Its 6 ft 7 34.71 White Oaks Bay ( alt Ne. 1 Henry J. ft Maybelle Smith Jr., lt 7 blk 1 Richard ft Clotilda GiOmetti. It' 12 blk 1 E. R. Jacobson et al tr It 14 blk 1 E. R. Jacobson et al T* lt 11 Wk 2 White Oaks Bay Halt No. S E. R. Jacobson, et al, lt 12 blk 7 J.88 IrHENRT LOTS City of MrHenry West Side of Fox River St. Patrick's Church of McHenry, lt3 blk 3 46.56 C. A. Madden, Its 1, 4, 5, 4k 8 blk 9 168.32 Mary G. Green, Est., Ks 6 ft 7 blk 9 George ft Katherine Worts, (ex E 78') lt 2 blk 12 .... Martin ft Helen Wegener WH 9 ft 12 ft E 16' Its 10 ft 11 blk 13 111.76 John Sloan (Ex N 50*) Its 6 ft 7 blk 16 James Rothermel et al, sob lot 2 It 3 blk 18 Frank J. ft Ellen M. Holt, KW 50' Its 2 ft 3 blk 21 Roy F. Kent, sub-lot 2 It 5 blk 23 B Robert W. A Marian Donelly, S% sub-lot 3 lot 4 sub-lot 2 It 4 blk 26 Frank E. ft Elisabeth Gende, Its 8 ft 9 blk 26 East Side of Fox River (Outside of Corp.) Robert J. Frisby 8r., S ly sub-lot 2 Its 1 ft 2 blk 7 Ed Wegner, N 48* lt 7 blk Thomas F. McCarthy, Its 9 ft 10 blk 10 .. B Edirewater Subdivision (Outside Corp) Theo.. Hamer, Est, It 7 blk 3 Theo. Hamer, Est, lt 1 blk M. Burns. It 13 blk 7 Fetter's Out Lot*----- (Ontslde Corp)--^ Joseph M. Jr. ft Ida M. Schaefer, Its 7, 8, 9 ft 13 blk 1 Mae Bowditch, lt 9 blk S Howard ft Luella Lock* wood. It 10 blk 2 ............ Howard ft Luella Lockwood. It 11 blk 2 " Howard ft Luella Lockwood, lt 12 blk 2 Mae Bowditch, lt 13 blk f Mae Bowditch, It 3 blk i Mae Bowditch. lt 4 blk 1 LakevJew John N. Freund. It5 blk 3 John N. Freund, lt 6 blk 3 Clara ft Lewis Adams, It 9 blk 5 ^ 39.59 Millstreaui Add*a. Tult tfo. 1 Roy A. ft Verona J. Kent . It 6 4.66 Roy A. ft Verona J. Knit, W& lt 7 4.66 23.27 38.78 1.94 8.46 134.10 32.60 173.22 94.99 60.64 206.60 39.69 48.43 38.57 38.56 63.49 7.72 38.56 19.28 *7.00 5.80 11.57 2.90 2.90 7.72 7.72 7.72 18.98 88.48 Arthur H. ft Helen Thorns lt 14 Arthur H. ft Helen Thoms WH lt 15 Joseph Wegner, It 30 State Bank of Woodstock, Tr. lt 41 8tate Bank of Woodstock, It 42 .... M. K£LTEK*S ADJFN (Inside Corp) St Patrick's Church 'tit McHenry, It 3 blk 1 Walter P. ft Alice Brooks, Its 5 ft 6 blk 1 George J. Kauss, Jr., W 34' of lt 5 ft all of It 6 blk 3 Owen's Out Lots Theodore S. Miller, NH It 2 co clks Plat ft It 8 Venice Park Add'n raft TVo. 1 Kathryn M. Beller, It 1 blk Kathryn H, Beller, it I blk Kathryn M. Beller, It 3 blk I .; ......... v Kathryn M. Belief It 4 blk 1 ;... , Kathryn M. Beller, lt 5 blk Kathryn If.. Beller.'H jl Uk 1 ;. Fredrick A. ft .Kathryn 1L Beller, It 4 bik 2 Frederick A. ft Kathryn M. Beller, lt 5 blk 2 Fredrick A. ft Kathryn 91. Beller, lt 4 Mk 2 .^. Fredrick A. ft Kathryn H. Beller, It 7 blk 2 »• Fredrick A. ft Kathryn It. Beller, It 8 blk 2 Fredrick A. ft Kathryn M. Beller, It 9 blk 2 Fredrick A. ft Kathryn H. Beller, It 10 blk 2 ........ fity of West McHenry L. Byron Kitchens ft wife SWH It 8 blk 2 Robert J. A Myrtle Koehr (ex W 10') S 120* Jt t blk 2 Donald Howard, lt 2 Mk II ; Charles Miller, lt 5 blk 12 Hanley's Sereud AddHlou Stanley K. A Ruth Brown, N 26.45* of It 6 blk 1 ft It 7 blk 1 13.98 Matt Baur*s Add'n It 8WK Clara FiUpatrick, It 1 51.22 Clara Fitspatrick, It 2 32J0 Clara Fitspatrick. lt 3 9.J1 Oat Lots To West McHoirj George A. Hanley, NEpt It » "tii* K. M. Owen's Est Ad4*a Carrie E. Covalt, Pc 66'x 132' N of ft adj ft It 5 .... 108.96 Wattle's Second Addttlea To West XcHeary James L. Althoff, It 6 blk 4 4.66 R. G. Chamberlain, It 4 blk 7 B 468JY Village of Rlni wssd Wm; ft Grace McCanflftn,' lt 27 ft sub-iOt 1 It 29 .... Wm. ft Grace McCannon, sub-lot 2 It 29 Wm. ft Grace McCanndn, sub-lt3 It 29 Clayton Bruce, sub-lot S lt 63 ^ Carol W. ft Margie A.. Warburton, It 64, ...it," 4.66 37J6 4.66 4.66 4.66 60.19 91.49 67.69 2.33 2.33 2.33 2.3$ 2.33 2.33 9.S9 2.33 2.33 2.33 I.2S 2.32 2.33 64 48 €3.79 34.93 66.19 40.53 61.38 44.67 40.28 ->40.28 41.04 29.12 29.71 39.81 28.66 89:33 29.52 .41.04 4104 40.79 $41.49 106.83 $41.04 41.04 85.74 29.14 45.21 8TAVI.NGEK SAlE State of Illinois County of McHenry, ss. Advertisement aad Notice OF HENRY A. NULLE, COUNTY TREASURER AND EX-OFFICIO COUNTY COLLECTOR OF Mc- HENRY COUNTY. ILLINOIS. FOR JUDGMENT FOR SALE OF ALL TRACTS OF LANDS AND LOTS UPON WHICH ALL OR A PART OF THE GENERAL TAXES FOR EACH OF 10 OR MORE YEARS ARE DELINQUENT AS OF THIS DATE (PURSUANT TO SEC, 235a, REVENUE ACT OF* 1939). List of delinquent Lands and Lots of the Township of McHenry upon which taxes or any part thereof remain due and unpaid other than those which the persons liable for the taxes thereon have in writing waived such advertisement, the names of the owners, If known, the total amount due thereon for the years 1929, *30, *31, *32, '38. *34. *35, '36, '37, '38, '39, *40, *41, *42, '43. '44, '45, '46, *47, '48, and 1949 also list of lands and lots on which taxes have been paid under protest (except those paid in full). In addition to the amount of tax set against each tract of land or lot described below the following costs and penalties are due thereon: advertising and judgment, 46 cents on each tract and 24 cents on each lot;-on the 1st installment of real estate, after June 1st rfl% of the tax as Interest and each month thereafter an additional 1 per cent; on second installment, after September 1st 1 per cent per month interest. Abbreviations used as follows: (Sec. 228) Lt for Lot; Blk for Block; Sec for Section; T for Township; R for Range; A for Acre; N for North; S for South; E for East; SW for Southwest; Amt for Amount; Cor for Corner; Pt for Part; Frl for Fractional; St. for Street; Ry for Railway; '29 for year of tax. McHenry Township See 17 Twp 45 Range 9 Louisa Herman, pt It 10 8a HI to *49 $291.21 Louisa Hermans Sub. Pt Cm Island Edwin Flucke, It 11 '32 to '49 284.57 He-Plat Howell's Villa Sub. Margareet Hughes et al, lt 35 ft 36 '36 to *49 355.09 Lllymoor Sub. Otto H. Mager, It 23 ft N% 22, blk 11 36 to '49 ..._ 87.59 Ella Raftern, lt 23 ft 24 Mk 23 '39 to '49 ; 100.62 HeCullom Lake Estates •*.14 Arnold M. Goldman, It 19 blk 2 *38 to '49 Arnold M. Goldman, It 19 blk 7 *38 to *49 Arnold M. Goldman, lt 41 blk 14 *38 to *49 Sampson Sex ft Co. LHy Lake Subdivision G. F. Banders, Incl lt 19 to ~"~ It 22 blk 1 '32 to *49 220.43 Sampson Sex ft Co., lt 4 blk 3 *35 to '49 .... Sampson Sex ft Co., lt 5 blk 3 '35 to '49 John H. ft S. Lola French, lt 21 blk 3 '35 to '49 Edw. M. Lannes, lt 32 blk 3 '35 to *49 Chas. Dlgliora, It 35 blk 2 '35 to '49 ......i.2 - Chas. Dlgliora, It 36 blk 3 '34 to *49 , August Laufler, lt 39 blk 3 '36 to '49 Leon Sere, lt 1 blk 4 *35 to; *49 ; Leon Sex, It 2 blk 4 *35 toi '49 : FranS fHoppe; It 24 blk *;: '35 to '49 Frank Hoppe, It 25 blk f. '35 to '49 .... Edw. M. Lannes, It 26 blk 4 *35 to '49 122.07 Edw. M. Lannes, lt 27 blk 4 *35 to '49 ----29.12 Edw. M. Lannes, Ntt It 22 blk R '36 to '49 Leon Sex, EH It 28 blk 7 '35 to *49 Isadore Pass.lts 3 ft 4 blk 8 *81 to *49 A. H. Perlman, lt 5 blk 8 '35 to '49 A. H. Perlman, It 6 blk 8 '35 to *49 James T. Qnan, lt 3 blk 9 '36 to '49 *... Leon Sex, E% lt 35 blk 10 *34 to '49 Lillyan ft Chas. M. Lute, R 3 blk 13 '34 to '49 James Shanks, lt 6 blk 13, '34 to '49 Samuel Teres!, lt 18 blk * 13 '36 to '49 Elisabeth Coleman. It 23 ft SV& lt 24 blk 13 '32 to '49 T. Carey, N% lt 24 ft It 25 blk 13 '32 to '49 .... Chas. ft Mildred Halik, It 28 blk 13 '35 to '49 Chas. ft Mildred Halik, It 29 blk 13 '85 to '49 ... pfrancos J. Mueller. Jt 18 blk 14 .'86 to *49 Frances J. Mueller, It 29 blk 14 '85 to '49 Sam D. Gergans, It 34 blk 14 *35 to '49 Catherine Dalgon, EVj lt 4 ft It 5 blk 15 .34 to *49 ........ Catherine Dalgon, WVi lt ; 6 blk 16 34 to *49 .....w Otto /Seberln, )t 8 bIk 15 *34 >40' <4* »*«S.2t 2l 32 J T*y'or. ^ 22 blk 15 *34 to *49 0. Taylor, It 28 blk 15 *84 ( to '49 Agoes Fromna, lt 42 blk 15 '34 to *49 Louis Schnelderwind, SftV It 67 blk 15 '36 to '49 .... N. C. Bendicks ft N. C, Forum. It 28 blk 16 '36 to <49 v Peter Drygas, lt 33 blk IT r *31 to '49 Nellie Green, It 6 blk 18 '37 to '49 .. ' 49.49 Dave Mclnery, lt 12 blk 18 '80 to '49 Geo. M. Repnlck, It 44 blk 19 '35 to '49 Geo. M. Resnick, lt 45 blk 19 *35 to *49 Leon Sex, lt 46 blk 19 *86 to *49 Robert Casey, lt 39 blk 20 *89 to '49 Robert Casey, It 40 blk 20 _?I9 Xo '49 Ctforge Leerdam, It 18 blk l§#4$9 to *49 MagfpIMn, Its 29 ft 30 blk 91^31 to *49 First Add'n To Shallmar Ruth Kent, lt 25 blk 1 *31 to '49 283.85 Wonder Center Unit Ho. 2 Axel Batteger. lt 17 blk 18 '39 to '49 West Side Fox River City of McHenry" C. H. Fegers. It 2 blk 3 '33 to *49 Emma Miller, Its 6 ft 7 blk 21 '33 to '49 2849.04 Emma Miller, Sub lt 2 It 10 sub It 2 It 11 blk 21 '33 -to *49 fU.49 Fetor's Out Lota City of McHenry (Outside Corp) Walter B. Schimmel, lt 5 blk 3 '36 to '49 92.58 1.57 1.67 "18.79 98.20 I ? 63.20 63.90 95.06 94.92 43.46 43.45 88.92 38.92 285.60 115.52 '49.75 42.26 42.26 36.12 40.94 84.15 69.06 68.30 43.45 43.45 41.04 46.92 291.89 44.04 136.68 56.58 97.66 day next succeeding the date of application) all lands and lets for which an order shall have been made as aforesaid, will be exposed to public sale in the Court House In the City of Woodstock to the highest bidder for cash. Said sale will commence at 9 a.m. Tuesday, October 17th and will continue from day to day until all lands and lots in foregoing list upon which any taxes remain due and unpaid at that time are sold. Dated at Woodstock, the^,21st day of September, A. D. 19WfJ HENRY A. NULLE, County Treasurer and Ex- Officio County Collector of McHenry County, 111. (NOTE: Due to the fact that tax payments have been received by this office, after the copy was forwarded to the newspaper, names of certain people who have paid their taxes will appear in this list.) State of Illinois ^ County of McHenry, ss. Notice Is hereby given that I, Henry A. Nolle, County Treasurer and Ex-Offlcio® County Collector of said County of McHenry, do hereby certify that the 'foregoing Is a list of the lands and lots in the Township of McHenry in said County of McHenry, on which taxes for the year of 1949 and previous years, 1929, 'SO, 31, 32, 33, 34. 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, and 48 are due and unpaid, and I hereby give notice that I shall apply to the County Court of said County of McHenry on the 1st Monday of October, A.D. 1950. (that being the 2nd day of said month) for judgment against said lands and lots for said taxes and for interest, penalties, printers' fees and costs due thereon and for an order to sell such lands and lots for the satisfaction thereof and for a judgment fixing the correct amount of any tax paid under protest. And I give further notice that on Tuesday the 17th day of October A.D. i960, (lt being the 3rd Tuea- In the foregoing list the abbreviation? are used as follows: B for back or forfeited taxes; N stands for North; S stands for South; W stands for West; E stands tor East; fri stand* for fractional; und for undivided; m for middle; assm't for assessment; co for county; clks for clerks; sub for subdivision; add for addition; a for acres; lt for lot; blk for block; ex for except; No for number; RR for railroad; bal for balance; bet for between; int for interest; adj for adjoining: C for county clerk's plat; D for drainage district. The cost of each tract of land listed above Is 46 cents per tract and 24 cents on each lot. If paid before sale, 46 cents on each tracts and 24 cents on each lot In addition to which, costs, all such due and unpaid general taxes will bear interest on first installment after the first day of June, on second installment after first day of September, at the rate of one per cent per month until paid or forfeited. Parts of fractions of a month will be regarded as a month. I, Henry A. Nulle, treasurer and ex-offlcio county collector of the said - county of McHenry in the State of Illinois, do herefby certify that the foregoing is a list of delinquent lands, lots and blocks upon which taxes remain due and unpaid for the year A. D. 1949 together with the owner's name if known, the amount due thereon for taxes, and the year for which the same is due, and I hereby give notice that application will be made to the County Court of McHenry County, State of Illinois on the 2nd day of October thereof, to be holdenrat- the Cfttirt House In "Woodstock in the said county on the first Monday in October. A. D. 1950, to-wit: October 2nd 1950, for judgment against the above described lands and town lots and blocks in the said county for taxeo for the year 1949, together with interest and costs due and to become due severally thereon; or as much of the said taxes and costs as may then remain due and unpaid; and that an application also will be made to the said County Court at the time and place -above mentioned for an order to Bell said lands and lots for the satisfaction of said taxes and costs. And I do hereby also give notice that all lands and town lots and blocks in the above and foregoing list and for which such order of sale shall be made, will be exposed to public sale at the Court House, in the City of Woodstock, in said County on Monday, the 16th day of October, 1960, commencing at 9:00 a. m.. Central time, for the amount of said taxes, interest, and costs as provided by law, unless prevented by previous payment. Dated at Woodstock In said county of McHenry, this 21st day of September, 1950, at Woodstock, Illinois. HENRY A. NULLE * County Treasurer and Ex-Officlo County Collector Subscribed and sworn to be^ fore me this 21st day of September, 1950, at Woodstock, Illinois. It J). WOODS (Seal) County Clerk -r WHILE THE TRAIN was watt- " ing on a side track in Georgia, one of the passengers walked over to a cabin near the track, in front of which sat a cracker dog, howling. The passenger asked a native why the dog was howling. "Hookworm," said the native. "He's lazy." "But," said the stranfsr, 'is hookworm so painful?" . "Nope," responded the talkative native. "Why, then, should the dog howl?" "Jes* lazy." "But why does laziness make him howl?" "Wal," said the Georgian, "thet blame fool dawg is settin' on a. sandburr, an' he's too tarnation lazy to git off, an' he. jes' sets thar an' .howls 'cause it hurts." THE8E CHANGING 1DKE8 Uncle and niece stood watching the young people dance about them. "I'll bet you never saw any dancing like that back in the 'nineties, eh, undo?" "Once -- but the gt|«f> was raided!" „ Twin Souls A gtrl asked an old bachelor whether he had been disappointed in love. "No, I never was exactly disappointed in love," he replied. "I was more what you might call discouraged. You see, when I was very young I became very much enamored of a young lady of my acquaintance; I was mortally afraid to tell her of my feeling, but at last I screwed up my courage to the proposing point I said, 'Let's get married.' "And she said, 'Good Lord! Who'd have us!'" The Real Reason "I was sorry for your wife in church this morning when She had a terrific attack of coughing and every one turned to look at her." "You needn't worry about that She was wearing a spring hat." 1 1 Test of Nerves "Has the depression made a difference in the Bad Lands?" "It has mixed up our politics quite considerable," answered Texas Joe. "The Bad Lands have some bold men. But we can't find anybody with nerve enough to take the job of collector of taxes." \ State of Illinois County of McHenry, ss. I, William Burfeindt, Jr., do hereby certify that I am the publisher of the McHenry Plaindealer, a newspaper of general circulation printed and published in the City of McHenry, State of Illinois; that the foregoing lists of lands and other real estate situated in the County of McHenry, State of Illinois, on which taxes remain due and unpaid for the year 1949 are duly published 4n the said McHenry Plaindealer in the issue of Sept. 21, 1950 and that the said list was carefully examined and compared with the list furnished by the Treasurer of said County for publication and found to correspond therewith; that the number of copies was equal to the whole circulation of said paper for that day. I do further certify that the said McHenry Plaindealer is a newspaper that has been regularly published for at least six months prior to the publication of said notice, and that I am duly authorized to make the certificate. WILLIAM BURFEINDT. JR., Subscribed and sworn to before me this 21st day of September, AD. 1950 at McHenry, Illinois. R. WALSH. (Seal) Notary Public. Matter of Dlreottoa "Well. Bill," asked a neighbor, "I hear the boss has a fever. How's his temperature today?" The hired man scratched his head and decided not to commit himself. '"Taint fer me -to say," he replied. "The boss died last night" 8QUELCHELEGANT / A newly-married couple were entertaining and among the guests was one whose conduct was rather Dippant. At supper he held up on his fork a piece of meat which had been served him, and in a vein of intended humor, remarked, "Is this pig?" "To which end of the fork do you refer?" asked a quiet-looking man sitting at the other end of the table. SORT OF STRAINED Friend--"Why have you the general In such a peculiar pose?" Sculptor--"You see, it was started as an equestrian statue, and then the committee found they, couldn't afford the horse." Practical Prayer A little girl's brother set fa trap to catch birds. The little girl thought it was wrong and cruel. She wept at first, then her mother noticed she became cheerful again, and she was asked the cause. "I prayed for my brother to be a better boy." "What else?" asked the mother. ' '1 prayed that the trap would not catch any birds." "What else?" "Then I went out and Wotiad tho aid trap to pieces. Dolls and dsilheuses mar %« sidered strictly little gbt tsys* adays, but 900 yean af» \ the fashion for both men 1 en. Many wealthy persoM had hufi doDhouses furnished in detaB IBM their own homes, aad even padh a virile and dynamic fellow as SbtfiF the Great of Russia once WiWX one. However, the World AmIe cyclopedia tells us that Mf " house cost too much, and hft fused to pay for it Wdsamaer Lawa Cat* . Midsummer weather Is *»*«* lawn. To help the turf sui>l>o tit* hot weeks: (1) Feed tike lava vHI turf builder type fertilizer to vigor; (2) Water thoroughly ever soil shows signs st dryklg ouft: (3) Cut grass no shorter 6ns l4 inches. Longer grass retards evaporation, protects tender state aai •root systems from KW"4*-1rt ML ' Ski clubs were exciting exhibits and contest W|it. held in snow4avor«d asMtoMt and western states dariactkajlPi By the early 1900*s, the spurf* 0* votees had formed the association, an or| member clubs 500 mark. Steel's I Although In knights wore suits af protection, steel has; greater role in by protecting the lives «f with such diversified vests, helmets, leg tective steel shields for attm, of the body. Edvard Grieg Even the child who against his music a musical genius, lb Childcraft books tell qatd tife, wegian composer, EdvferdL who never wanted to music--but liked to His melodies provide m at oiur best radio llilinlag "Kgypttan The first paint pounded with was the famous prepared as long ago It was still popular of Rameses aM Pompeian ruins dlselaas MS frescoes. Portsmouth, 00 the Outer of North Carolina, has M ings than people. OMa a town of 1,000, aad Ret first port of entxjr, population is now It. hunting are its luduiUlsa. Keep Off raataw Do not turn the daily htl to pasture during the first their lives. The calves «D much grass that they will a room for better feeds. WMrn cake If a given recipe calls flour and you wish to 1 eral purpose flour--you map by allowing two level (Mt tablespoons of flour lass than the recipe calls ftr. Control Clean up rubbish around the place to mosquitoes. They breeding, so get rid bottles, old tires, and in which water may and wftNfc • wusur, .mf;. at m. If a small amount st added to the last woolens win feel soft when used. Glycerine also is to use when washing other leather gloves. In 1839, the first iff the United States to gers puffed 13 miles timore and Ohia weighed six torn ai the Tom Thumb. i Complete line of Lee's poultry remedies at Wattles Drag Store, McHenry. 8tf -^*wd the W»nt ^ Rattlesnakes are the of the reptile tribe, Arizona sheep herdara' ly encounter then oa trails. They strike only provocation and aluaja g warning. fan prove Paatuvaa Clipping the pasture wb of the growth gets so laifa tie will not eat it is practice. New after the clipping aad ter feed. The governOMgto silver vuaR H at West Point an ft* d*s% and silver from llew Yarft moved there in IMS and UH To remove" UquJdMht V^a I# tooth, pour it through a dhah est ton cloth which hu bean in cold water. More than ^ cottonseed oil arauaitlti ufactur* of The total fttal* la Renew that PUtsdaaW aair» r; Need iwwr The PUtadsalst.