Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Sep 1950, p. 2

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mm Hmi» WONDER LAKE S:«S >' ' %»£..; *jj. "'* :,*•..?* I *• **0mw*1^ wWWi tion of officers taking place at this meeting Minnie Green and *Chri8tine Krinn attended the meeting. i'.V $«? Anna*I Gathering' Of Friend it •Mas sauries l"' <v \ *. J: -s2 V - ? <i •; ' *«' If I ». K •»> - * i • - % • *hs , * •rvtutiMM **>*.• •iMA -?* Mary" was the name se- Wtted by Mr, and Mrs. Harold W. Jwtttd for their infant daughter, christened last week in St Mary's church, Rt. Rev. Msgr. C. 8. Mix officiating. Sponsors were ICverett Hiller and Mrs. Florence Brits. F«e«lty-FaalUes K*J»ytd Sapper About sixty members of the facfttf and their families gathered : |jl the ,high school cafeteria last flMndty evening to enjoy the anittat "get-together" party. Until last fall, the cntheringe were in die form of a picnic, but due to Inclement weather the past two y«ari they have been held indoors. • Sallowing a pot-luck supper at t*0. , cards and . viaitinjr were eniijod. Miss Helen Stevens was chairman of the event, assisted by Mra. John Bolger and Miss Carrie Clark. JtH.A. Practice Per Convention • The regular meeting of the Fox Valley camp, R.N.A., will be held ort Oct. 3, at 8 p.m. ut tlie- Wood- Man hall. All officers ; are urged to be present to practice for parttclpatkm at the county Convention. , t9m Fee tare Of fiT.1. Meeting ; St. Mary's-St. Patrick's school % p.T.A. will meet Wednesday, Oct. 4, at 3 p.m. in the school hall. A film will he shown, entitled "You fta Chanpe the World", depicting the work of the Christopher nravement. A social hour will follow, with the mothers of eighth •grade students in charge, the committee headed by Mrs. Albert Bar- " Man. Skewer Honored De•lloe res Dowell A p'rc-nuptiiil shower was held '•t the home of Mrs. John Pass- Held, near Volo, last Friday even- |U. honoring MIBS Dolores Dowel 1 Wanconda. Twenty-five were >t from McHenry, Wauconda. Richmond and Volo'to enjoy cards ?*nd bunco, followed by the serving of a Lasty lunch. s Misa Dowell, an employee of fjbe local bank, will become the , v bride of Ben Fish of Wauconda on f*t«. • The annual gathering of a group of old friends and former classmates was held at tne home of Mrs. Hazel Belcher in Woodstock on Saturday, with Mrs. Belcher, Mrs. Mildred Francisco, Mrs. Ella Oaulke, Mrs. Ella Walkup, Mrs. Nellie McDonald and Mrs. Mayme Wynkoop, all of Woodstock, acting as hostesses. Luncheon was served in the Belcher home, attractively decorated with fall flowers, and visiting was enjoyed throughout the afternoon. . Other guests included .Mrs. Hettie Relchow and MJss Lucy Stevers of Chicago; Mrs. Esther Gardner of Antioch; lifrs. Florence Alexander of Hebron; Mrs. Jennie Dillon of Wauconda, Mesdames Agnes Jencks, Ruby Shepard, Rose Jepsen and Mary Butler of Ringwood; Mrs. Lillian Sayler, Mrs. Mabel Johnson, Mrs. Fannie Thompson. Miss Maud Granger and Miss Florence Carey of McHenry. THE LESTER KLfWTWORTHS Medlar C, 1>. of A* Members At Social Meeting Winners of card sames at the first social meeting of the Catholic Daughters of America held Thursday evening, Sept. 21, were as follows. Mrs. Mary Audino. bunco; Mrs. Kathryn L. Freund. pinochle; Mrs. Helen Heuser, Mrs. Gertrude Stilling, Mrs. Delia Miller, Miss Rose Huemann and Mrs. Lena Bohr, pinochle. The October business meeting will be omitted so that members and friends may attend the public party being sponsored at St. Mary's-St. Patrick's school hall on Oct. 5. The public is inyited. Now at their new home in Wonder Lake are Mr. and Mr^. Lester Klintworth, who returned recently from a wedding trip. Mrs. Klintworth, the former Therese "Terry" Dixon of Woodstock, la secretary to the chambeT of commerce Jn that city. Her husband, a Wonder Lake man, is an employee of A. P. Freund & Sons in McHenry. BIRTHS ><•»•!' 'I' •!' 1 >1 fl >1 >V Altar & Rosary Meeting Oct. 2 The Altar and Rosary sodality of St. Patrick's church will hold its first fall meeting at 8 o'clock next Monday evening, Oct 2, in tiie church hall. A son was born on Sept. 21 in the Woodstock hospital to Mr. and Mrs. James Reid. Mr.11 and Mrs. Owen Richardson of Spring Grove are the parents of a daughter, born at the Woodstock hospital Sept. 21. A daughter was born at the Woodstock hospital on Sp>t. 20 to Mr. and Mrs. Homer Fitzgerald. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Miller announce the birth of a girl on Sept. 19 at the Woodstock hospital. A son was born on Sept. 19 in the Woodstock hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Eugene B. Freund. |» Art M Salon i MVeett lIan Woodstock i the McHenry cootrty § and <0 J niet in the Huntley Congrefc chdrch Monday evening. salon received a letter ac- ^ liowledging the donation of S Money sent to the National Jewish fcoapital at Denver. The hospital s la a free non -sectarian medical iWlwr for tuberculoid children of * families. Betty Duff of Harwas appointed ways and r f """* chairiuan: Dorothy Ogle. W°#-rtOCk' and Chrl8tine Krinn, "cH®Bry' w«re appointed chairl5* n memory and scrap V f *** tor the ensuing year. VI Th' members came attired as ^ and refreshments and >"'f\ octivities were carried out appro- *>• h priately for the occasion. " The next meeting will be held 'if -3 Hebron on Oct. 23. with installa- Rlngwood Hone lturc.-iu Te Meet The Ringwood Home Bureau unit will meet on Tuesday, Oct. 3, at 1:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Kenneth Peterson on the McCullem Lake road. The lesson on "Buffet Meals" will be given by Mrs. Charles Johnsoa and Mrs. Ed. Peet. AMONG THE SICK imutmiHiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiitiiiitiiitiiiHiiiiiiHuiiiit Shower For Bride-Te-Be Miss Marie Powers was guest of honor at a pre-nuptial shower held last Sunday aTternoon at the home of Mrs. Edward Buss, with' Miss Alice Gaulke, Mrs. Howard Cairns and Mrs. Elmer Jensen as cohostesses. Games were enjoyed and an appetizing lunch served the thirty guests. Miss Powers will become the bride of George Larkin in St. Patrick's church on Oct. 4. FATHER BURIED Funeral services were held Sept. 20 in Fox Lake for Edward R. Tweed, 63, a state employee and father of Nbrman Tweed of McHenry. His widow also survives. Henry • Schroeder of Fair Oaks subdivision has been a patient in the Woodstock hospital. Glen Glos of Oakhurst was a medical patient at St. Therese hospital, Waukegan, last week. Ralph, son of Mr. and Mrs. l&nil Patzke, returned home from Evanston hospital last week, where lie underwent surgery recently. He expects to resume his ^school studies within the next two Ifreefcs. Robert Louis, SOYI of Mr. rftftd Mrs. Robert L. Weber, ribderwent an appendectomy at th<> Woodstock hospital. ; 'M't M>'l' Residence Changes f •4 It 1 i I 1 I I tub The Gerald Miller family $ks moved from the Elmer Freund residence on Center street to their new home in Hanley subdivision, southwest of the city. The place they have vacated will be occpted by Joseph Wi. Freund and sister, Mrs. Kathryn Barbian. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley f^e(|nek have moved from the. rich home near Big l|pfii>w to Lake View subdivision. t TAR1> OF THANKf ' 1 wish to take this mianfr of thanking friends and nCTghJkws for cards, gifts, visits and oither remembrances during the time I was confined to the hospital. •Jey yere all very much appreciate^ 20 MRS. PAUL PATZKE IN ztmcH CHtntcn A very pretty wedding was solemnized last Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock in St. Francis de Sales church in Lake Zurich, uniting in marriage Miss Alice Mlotkowskl, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mlotkowskl of that city, and Henry Buch, son of Mrs. Henry E. Buch of McHenry. Rev. Fr. 1/ F. Firnbach officiated. The charming bride chose a white satin gown, with rhinestone trimmed neckline and circulaitrain. Her net veil, edged in lace, was held in place by a pearl tiara and she carried a bouquet of white gladioli. Her maid of honor was Missr Margaret Zielinski of Chicago, a cousin, who was attired in a gown of rose-colored satin, with cape sleeves. Her floral headpiece was of matching shade, as was her bouquet of flowers. Miss Dorothy Freund of McHenry, consin of the bridegroom, acted as bridesmaid, attired in a gown similarly styled, in aqua color. She wore a headpiece of yellow flowers and carried a bouquet of the same color. Richard Frett, a friend of the groom, served as best man and Norbert Mlotkowskl, brother of the bride, was groomsman. Mrs. Mlotkowskl chose for her daughter's bedding a navy dress, with which she wore a white carnation corsage. Mrs. Buch was attired in blue crepe and wore a similar corsage. A reception and dinner followed at the firemen's hall in Lake Zurich, with between 150 and 200 guests it/ attendance. The couple left later on a honeymoon trip, after which they will be at home on the "6ome Day" farm on Rt. 31, south of McHenry. The bride received her education in the Chicago schools and is now employed in that city.1 Mr. Buch is a graduate of the M/c- Henry high school with the class of 1943 and is now associated with his brother, Jerome, and uncle, Carl J. Freund. carrying on he plumbing and heating business )f the Buch brothers' late father. •PENSTIX CONTROL MASTITIS eMMtfbyi Chubby Shirts QC Sizes 7Vi to 14 Chubby Dresses {4 K Sizes 8% to 14% ^Tfe#» RHONE 74ft 312 ELM STREET McHENRY. ILL. GRAND OPENING Of^.: ' ,, Millinery and Lingerie Shops AT 105 GREEN STREET McHENRY. ILLINOIS ; ON .V, SATURDAY, SEPT. 30th DOROTHY SCHAEFER, Owner (Formerly Elisabeth Pich Millinery Shop) -become so sim- . vo. No apparatus :.CH|d milk. Get important ition folder -- ask us for youf froe copy right away. Itlger's Drag Store PHONE 40 --- IT ILLINOIS Worwick photo Qne of the early fall weddings in the community was solemnized in St. Peter's church, Volo, on $ept. 16, uniting in marriage Miss Mary Elaige Bauer of Volo and Andrew J. Stelhedoerfei; / C r y s t a l L a k e . • > ^ - THANK YOU . ' I would like to thank all those Were so generous fh sending gifts and cards during the tiftie I was in the hospital. Many thanks to everyone. They were appreciated very much. 20 RALPH PATZKE TAKD OP THANKS We wish to take this opportunity to thank the many fiends and neighbors for gifts, flowers ana kindnesses shown daring the tline we were confined to the hospital and since our return home. We are most appreciative for everything. . f • 20 * Mr. and Mrs. James Lennon TAKD OF THANKfT f - We would like to take thiS portunity to thank friends and neighbors for floral offerings, spiritual bouquets, donations of cars, cards of sympathy and the other kindnesses extended in onr bereavement. They were most appreciated. We are especially grateful for the services of Msgr. Nix, Fr. Steve, Fr. Coakley and Fr. Baumhofer. 20 The Henry Kinsala Family VABRIED SATURDAY Miss Irene Groell, who resides between McCullom Uyte and lUngwood. was marrtei SatnjNUy morning at 9 o'clock In St. Mary s _ chtirch, McHenry, to Rlchkrd Mil-" ler, son of the Totty J. Millers of Ringwood. , PHYCHOLOCY roi'R«E OK The University of Illinois Is of-^, fering r 'conns# In psychology ln^ i personality. It will tie given in the - « ' Woodstock high school every Monday at 6 p.m., beginning Oct. 2. C '* The cost will he $19 and will result in * tbre^r semester hbnrs credit to each one who completes the course, with under-graduated credit only. The offer Is ppen to : * anyone interested. s ^ CABD OF THANK8 ; ^ 1 would like to take this tunity of thanking friends and neighbors for gifts, cards, visits and other kindnesses extended during the time I was confined to the hospital. They were greatly appreciated. ' ~ 20 % J«rs. LeRoy Killer » /• Gas Tnrbitw The diffusing vanes a "*gaf turbine are made of steel that re> sist» temperatures in excess at 1500 degrees Fahrenheit. Order* your rubber starapil at The Plaindealnk SMM MODTSAM LOAMS MAM W INSTITUTIONAL LEHDtRS COMMERCIAL FEDERAL .j SAWKt LAND BANKS INSURANCE COMPANIES TfCtUAMSOU* O f f ! r S(1 I'm Banks make ii.w»e rarm moVigage loans than any other institutional lenders. Our bank is always ready to«help farmery with bank credit and other financial serv* ices. Come in and toik over your needs. McHENRY STATE BANK Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation* Member Federal Reserve Systeak It's YnOilaltt The same perfect coffee every tLae-- l eup to 8. Shuts off hselC when coffee Is done, then re* sets itself to keep the coffee hoc. No glass bowls to break. It's all gem-like chrome-plate. Finish Ironing Q»fcke% Fr$sk$r GIVE ME A CAR THATS BUILT TO usrr H9T ta cfutibmm Uiys Mr. James Patrick O'Shea of Chicago "My 6/g Pocfge has everything.. .famous cfepenc/abi/fty...extra mom/ness...edse of hand/ing/ Any other car offering as much wou/cf have cost $/000more/" No* other car can match the Dodge reputation for dependability. No wonder new Dodge owners say you could pay $1,000 more and still not get all Dodge features . . . the economy, the performance, the extra spaciousness inside that meaas plenty pf head room, leg room, shoulder room. The compact design out* stele makes traffic driving and parking a cinch. You'll enjoy Dodge Fluid Drive --the smoother starts, stops, the smoother "going"*-yours at no extra cost. Let today's big Dodge put vou miles ahead, money aheaq-for the years aheqo, mmm69inmw§ ' Under a new Act of Congress, Federal Insurance on savings in approved institutions is increased to $10,000 per saver. This Association of* fers you this greater proteo tion .. . plus worthwhile divi- 'dends, paid twice yearly. Come m and open an INSURED Current Earnings 3% Savings Account NOW 1 $ MARENGO FEDERAL SAVINGS and LOAN ASSOCIATION '; . F. R. KELLEY. Secretary V-Wm'Br Mail IhrMigo. niinoli A, f 8TKI-MATIC--ANOKA'S LOWEST .Floor AIT8MATK TRANSMISSION Cleaner Oyro-Matic wt you Mt tK« for full power in mud, snow or StMpast hills--lots tti* angina "brake" your Dodg* imoothly on long downhill grades. Available on Coronet models at slight extra cast J •MII is n <ut« •**? iMMrnL u»f"m HARDWARE "THE STORE THAT SERVICE BUILT* Phone 284 McHenry, 111. DOUBLE AUTOMATIC IRONMASTER Heats Qi/cbr, Stays Hotter, Inn Faster • It's thrilling tp use! Heats^ quicker--Hot in 30 secondsj Until you've used this fast, double-automatic iron you have. no idea how easy ironing can be. Thumb-tip heat regulator In handle. Available in two> ^ weights--lightweight, 4 lbs. or j *jf lighterwtight, 2Vi lbs. A. $. ftLAKE MOTOR SAlES InC 301 E Pearl St. Over 6-miilion enthusiastle users. Mixes, mashes, whij^e, beats, juices, etc. Saves time Q and armwork. Puts extra ddi* ciousness and extra •occfi® Into every recipe. GAMBLE'S "The Friendly Store** GEOROE . ( OLLKTTE, Ow|*f Next Door To Bank XeHenrjr, lit : h . ."-.i

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