Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Oct 1950, p. 7

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•m i . « ^ r : \ A • 'Hy'r >'• ',».' < '* * > 'v « p ' Y < < 7 * ^ ^ W ilAfHHH •-^-•v.-r^4 :»•..* 4 -Vf £. < '" r '"'"i/ij; 'J£. ' InORY PUUIIDEALER Published every Thursday at'Me- •fenry, 111., by the McHenry Publk.. ing Company, Inc. 1 lOBXOl NATION AI i f . BURFEINTTt'.-'-^aA. Manager •DELS FflOEHLICH, Editor; subscription feATt \ffmr. rrrr-.~ --.>4. MM PlalndealAr W*nf Ada Ho .sis counted less than 25 ^ordB, 75c 'Minimum. ***, '**•" ^ ' i insertion' ........... t*c (Count 5 words piV line) 25c service charge on all'blind ads. Cash with order. bard of Tlianka .... $1.00 Minimum Reading notice 15c per line. JVaat Ads qloae promptly at 1( ip. Wadneada> Entered, as second-class matter at the postc.'ice at McHenry, I" under jjie act May 8, 1879. AUTOMOTIVE iEPUCE»ENT ^RTS FOR ALL CJkRS • Accessories nd Seat Covers ftWMXUSlTY AUTO SUPPLY 449 W. Kim Street Open All Day Saturday and Snnday v Htf FOB SALE--(In .erntois, aruintures. starter8, fuel pumps, (list.rilnitorn. Voltage regulntors and ignition parts for Ford ;nni all other cars. Scaeo Sale* & Service, Tjilymoor, Fred J. Svuhodn, Prop. Tel McHenry 183. 47tf .MR SALE -- 1949 Willys Station wagon, .4 cyl. with overdrive. Excellent condition. McHenry Garage, •4 Front SUTel. 403. 21-tf FOR SALE -- 1948 Pontiae 4-door sedan, radio and heater. Low mileage, A-l shape throughout. Price reasonable. Phone tacHenry 608-M-l. 22 FOR SALE -- 2-Wheel box trailer, $30.00. Phone McHenry 273-J. W *22 FOR $ALE -- Oldsmobile sedan; good motor, excellent transportation; $150 cash. Tel. .McHenry S08rM-2. 22 BUSINESS SERVICE /AXITOR BiiBVICE -- We clean •woodwork, floorB, windows, wall** >aily, weekly, monthly or season lly. Ueat>oimble prices. McHeary auiior ^urvits, Uim Dewey, Mgr. Iiouc Mclieiuy 430-J. 32|; -AZIEAOE COLLECTING -- Let u» •ispoac of your garbage each week, oftcuer iJf desired. lleasouable ale#, Regular year rouud route ©liu E. Hill, P. O. Bo* 274, MeHenry, Phone 2#a. tf •Ve 81 HOME RErAlR8 ipeciali/.e in all Home Repairs Lew Monthly Payments Free Estimates MeHenry Improvement Co. itioae 523-M-l McHenry, . ftf 3RINQ YOUR PHOTOGRAPHIC .*&OBL£MS TO US-- We can de- .iver anything from a snapshot to urge murals, or free hand oil •uintingn. Copying and framing. :AMERAS, PROJECTORS, FILMS iKD SUPPLIES. WOR WICK'S VI'UDTO. 117 Riverside Drive, MeHenry. Phone 275. 40tf ".XPERT PIANO AND ORGAN rUNING--Repairing and Refiuishing, work fully guaranteed. *'<« merly with Lyon and Heily. E. Zai> otb, call collect, Lake Zurich 5341. Otf RALPH L. CLARK Piano Technician Repairing Toning 902 Oaritield Road Harvard, 111. Phone 748-R SPRAYING, WHITE WASHING or FLY CONTROL-- Chicken houses liarns, garages and basements. Frank W. Heukcl, Volo, P. O. Round Lake, 111. Tel. MeHenry 543-J-l. 5tf • LANDSCAPING Hedges, shrubs and evergreens trimmed or replaced. Hand grade, fertilize and seed old or new lawns. Walter Aeverman, Golf Course Subdv. Phone 210-J McHenry. lOtf CEMENT BTCLDOre BLOCKS Available at the Water" Tower 1a West McHenry VON CONCRETE PRODUCT8 CO. Phone McHenry 788-W DEAD ANIMALS - highest cash prices paid for ewwi, horses and FOR8ALI FOR SAfiK -- Evergreens, trees, shrubs. Free estimates on landscaping. Pitzen Nursery, Round Lake, Route No. 2, Round Lake .'1570. Corner of route* 120 and Wilson road. Phone Rouud Lake 8570 32tf FOLLOW THE CROWD TO THE Sportsman's Inn, 513 Main street. Tcc cold ease bear and packaged ;jood» of all kinds. A1 Phanaenstill. 49tf ANTIQUES, MISC. ITIMS-Cloth ing in Good Condition for the entire family. Forma Is. Open Mon. to Sat., 1 p.m. to 10 p.m., Sunday, 11 a. m. to 6 p, m. Mrs. R. Dietrich, Terra Cotta Rd. ConsigumouV and Resale and Antique Shop, H mile west Terra Cetta factory which is oa Rt. 31. Crystal Lake 1346 R-1. 51-tf FOR SALE -- Registered Duroc spring boars, ready for service. Top breeding, many from production tested litters. Priced reasonable; Wealqy Stahl, Prairie View, IIL Phone Libert yville 2-2786. •11^1 FOR SALE--Ready To Show this weekend at my farm on Route 20. two miles west of Belvidere, one load of real good Northern Iowa Angus steers weighing 710 lbs., costing me $27.50. One load of light weight Angus steers weighing 570 lbs., costing me $28.50. Also some plainer steers costing $24.00. My cattle are still guaranteed against death loss from sickness for thirty days.H. L. Dunning. * 20-3 FOR SALE -- Bedroom suite; china closet; two 9x12 wool rugs, good condition; Roper gas range; hot water radiator; Gibson refrigerator; other mlac. household items. 412 Main Sit., McHenry, 111. •22 FOR SALE -- Stainless steel rinse tank with double tubs and double drain board; direct 2 half-barrel electric draw box with unit; and electric coca cola bottle cooler. All in good condition. Pink Harrison's Resort. Phone McHenry 323. 22 FOR SALE -- 1 serviceable Holstein bull. William Staines, West McHenry, 111. Phone 607-W-2. *22 h*bcs; no' h aim night, FOR SALE -- Four storm sash, never used, size 28x20, two light, $4.50 ea. Also Minneapolis Honeywell thermostat and aquastat, used help needed to load. Day one season, $15.00. Tel. McHenry •22 - 21 to 35 - to work in otiur Productions Department. Group Insurance. 'Paid Vacation ahd Holidays. UfBWAL UMMTOKS. he. ToL kichmond 5 Ringwood, IIL IBIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIBIIIflllllllRHIflllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll HSLPWANTED HELP WANTED -- Men, Platers, 1st, 2nd ahd 3rd shifts: Material Handlers, 1st, 2nd and 3rd shifts; Buffing, 2nd and 3rd shifts; File Trim, 2nd shift. INCREASED HIGH EARNINGS. Shift bonus (per hr.) 10c 3rd; 7c 2nd. Apply in person. ELECTRIC AUTOLITE CO., Woodstock, III. 22 ROUTE SALESMAN NEEDED One of the nation's largest feed companies needs a Route Salesman In this fistalty who is willing to make repeat calls on customers now buying large tonnage. Home nights. No stock or credit to carry. Must have car. Excellent earnings and splendid chance for advancement. Permanent, fulltime work. No transfers demanded. Thorough training in the field. Age 25 to 50. If you are sober, reliable and a hard worker, reply to Box 103, c/o McHenry Plaindealer. SI FOR RENT -- 4-room house, partly furnished, for couple with or without one child; at Lily Lake; take bus stop road south to end of road. Will be on premises Saturd «v and Sunday or. call McHen~" 561-M-l. *22 FOR RENT -j-r Five-room apartment at McCqIIoqi Lake. Address Box 101 In care of Plaindealer. 22 FOR RENT -- Attractive 5 room modern housa^on east side Wonder Lake on black top road, complete bath. $60.00 per month. Must se« to appreciate. Apply Lydia Martell, Lilac Road and Lake Shore Drive* 3 blocks nort£ of Vacula Cardinal Store. *28 FOR SALE--3-room cottage. Wonder Lake. Furnished, 1 block from feeatffi. Price, $3,500.00. Phone Wonder Lake 173. ' *21-2 FOR SALE -- 5-Room year 'round home, automatic oil heat, electric water heater, cabinet kitchen. Lot 60x100. Garage and fruit bearing trees. "Real Bargain". 'Phone McHenry 634-R-2. *22 FOR SALE -- Bungalow at 302 N. Green street Inquire at 209 E| Elm street or phone 474-W. Price $11.000. 22tt FOR SALE -- Cottage for 6ale with furniture. $2,500.00. Inquire at Bungalow Inn on Route 120, Lilymoor any day except Monday. * 22 LOST AND FOUND LOST -- Pair of girl's eye glasses*, octagon shape and crystal and black design. May have been lost around McCullom Lake. . Phone McHenry 548-J-2. *22 LOST -- Black Wallet containing drivers license and personal papers. Also small amount of money. Reward. Frances Meyer, 10174 Seely Ave., Chicago or Phone McHenry 480-J. *28 FEED -- 1,700 bushels oa(p, 3,100 bales ^st cut alfalfa (wire tied), 900 bales straw (wire tied), 15 acres of soybeans (planted in aows), 55 acres of good standing corn. POI'LTRY -- 150 mixed hena, 27 geese, 20 White Pekin ducks. DAIRY EQUIPMENT -- McD. milking machine, 4 single units, complete, 2 Surge pails (complete), 25 milk cans, electric water heater, 2 sterilizing tanks. ENGLISH SADDLE -- Like new. , AUTOMOBILE -- 1949 Hudson 4- door sedan, with radio aad heater (10,000 miles). MISCELLANEOUS New hfey hoist. < 20x30 ft. tarpaulin, scales, dehorner, bolt clippers, doors, drill press, vice, electric brooder, •OR feeder, rope, wheel-barrow, grapple fork anvil hay rope, ate. „ BUILDINGS --2 10x12 ft brooder houses, with oval roofs (good # cond.) ; circular metal corn crib «:• (l.OOfl htt- , emu, Jaetai ^ * K f - • ..,s , * - C • ART IRISH. Prop* , „ -r.. CHANDLER sad ELFEIfl^ . • ^ • Aaetleaeers Publle Aact. S«r. Ca, Cleft ' ; Renew that subscriDtlon to the Plaindealer now' '•> ' WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT -- 3 bedroom house or apartment In McHenry. References furnished. Call Mc- Heary 205-J. *22 HELP WANTED -- Competent lady for general office work In McHenry. Write stating experience and references. Write Box 102, c/o McHenry Plaindealer. tt SuB'java and holidays. Call Wh«eliag Rendering Works, Wheeling -To. 3; reverse charges. 36tf MUSIC INSTRUCTION In Your Own Home Piano and Piauo Accordlaa Classics or Popular, 445-M. FOR SALE -- New Hampshire pullets. All sizes and ages. G. Etten. Big Hollow Road. Phone Fox Lake 7-5315. !22 FOR SALE --1935 Pontiae 4-door' Beginuere or Adanced Instruction sedan. Excellent condition Heater and other accessories. Reasonable. 20 Orchard Beach, ' Phone McHenry 797-R. 22 PR SALE -- 1948 Willys Univ. Jeep with full top. Good condition. 1947 Willys Universal Jeep with full canvas top. McHenry Garage, 604 Front St., Tel. 403. 21 tf BUSINESS SERVICfc 8XPERT PIANO AND ORGAN TUNING--Rep>iriug and liefinisli 'tkg, work fnlW guaranteed U«e.l Ounoa for nriv.c Zabot.h, call col #eet, Lake Zurich 310^. 40t.f EARL P. KOCH Pistakee 433-M-l «tf CESSPOOLS and SEPTIC TANKS SERVICE (i. A. DOI CaLAS PfWne McHenry 776-W lOtf CARPENTFR WORK DONE BY DAY OR CONTRACT. IVAN GUSTAFSON r TeL Mcllenry "1- 21tf WHITEWASHING, spraying, fly .ontro!. Wir. Ahrens, 607 Front 8t. l'l>on«» V«*Henry 736 R. Call between no noUrs of 12 and 1 p.m. 3tf TIAVE YOU?: CESSPOOLS, catcli basins, septic tanks, cisterns cleaned >>v Eddies Sanitary Service. Eddie tfuff. Prop. Tel. McHr-iy 290. 29m Need rubber stamps? Order at The Plaindealer APARTMENT A HOUSE FINDINGSERVICE If you have a house for rent, furnished or unfurnished, or are looking for one to rent -- Write to: Lydia Martell, Route 1. Ringwood, 111. *22 ----LAMP SHADES Let me recover your old lamp shades to look like new. Brighten your rooms for that holiday season. Call Mrs. Use-man, McHenry 680-W-l. 22 WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN WATER SYSTEM - We sell, repair ind install pumps. Bill Bacon "06 ^fnin Ptreet, McHenrv. Telephone 167. " 2otf Yoa'U always be pcoud of your floors when they're finished with DURA SEAL! The natural beamy » "locked" into die surface for y«an of good appearance. L C ""FINISH bonds with DURA 52AL in a satiny wax sheen, and is tough A. . . durable . . • easy to dean. You'll want Dura Seal on your floors, so stop in ft* full latot* $5.40 . Quails at #1.45 <UI. NOW AVAILABU M* BJORKMAN'S Riverside Hardware "Riverside Hardware" ' PHONE M ' 9. f. H. DIEHL Woodstock Plann Tuner 898-W 52fi Washington St Woodstock, 111. SOtf FURNITTRE MADE TO ORDER al«o REUPHOLSTERED, REPAIRED and RFSTYLED M. B UwhoTster? •08 W. Elm Street Phone MeHenry 812 Large selection of samples to choose from. 19-tf FOR SALE yo cold case beer of all kinds, come to the Sportsman's Inn, where good fellows meet; all kinds of wines and package goods to take out at the lowest prices. 513 street. A1 Phannenstill, prop. 23tf FOR SALE--TYPEWRITERS, ADDING MACHINES Service on all makes. Also ribbons for all makes, cart on pnper. L. V. Kiltz, Clay St. Woodstock. Rhoae 649. 7tf FOR 8AH -- I Almotft new kitchen range, burns wood or coal. HELP WANTED -- Housekeeper by week or cleaning woman 2 or 3 days only. Select your own time. Good salary. Liebsohn. Phone McHenry 666-M-2. SStf HELP WANTED -- Girl to assemble cleaning and for counter work. Local Cleaners, 206 S. Green Street. a WANTED WANTED -- Jobbers and direet salesmen. Quality lines, with liberal commissions. Manufacturers representative. R. Duane Fowler. Woodstock, Box 334, Phone 464-JX. 41 tf WANTEB--Watches and Jewrfry repai". Anthony Noonan. 200 &o. Green street, McHenry. (Front part of Claire Beauty Shoppe.) IStf WANTED Good used B flat clarinet. Ph^iie McHenry 131-J. j-UTltu-J u - -r nr .n.r - j-u r" . REAL E8TATE LOST -- Brlndle Boxer male dog, 2 years old. Disappeared Wednes-^ day, Oct. 4. R. L. Conroyd, PhonejJ McHenry 613-W-l after 6 p.m. *22 AUCTION located 1 mile north of Grand Avenue. 2 miles West of Gurnee, 7 miles southeast of Lake Villa, % miles east of highway 45, 1 mild! west of highway 41, on %, MONDAY. OCT. IS Commencing at 10:00 oVloek sharp Fowles Trailer I.nnch Watch for Auction Arrows «r Highways it « and Grand Ave. HOLSTEIN CATTLE 52 OUTSTANDING COWS--Conslstlnv of 12 springers. 1 with ralf at side, 10 recently fresh, balance bred hack and milking good. 7jj springing heifers with type and a slue. 11 yearling heifers, calfhood vaccinated. Hnlsteln hull, 2 years old. T. B. and Bangs tested. NEW MACHINERY -- NeW M-H model "44" tractor, on rubber, with starter, lights. PTO, PL. fluid in tires; new M-H model "30" tractor, on rubber with starter, lights, PTO. PL fluid in tires; 2 FRI. ft SAT., OCT. 13*14 _ Mat Sat 2:80 P. M. "WOMAN ON PIER 12" ^ pins Tint Holt In "THE STAGECOACH KID" SUN ft MON„ OCT. 1H« Mat Snn. 2:80 P. M. Jill Garland Ueae la •flrtrMMER STOCK* Color by Technicolor TUES. ft WED., OCT. 17-18 Cary Grant "CRISIS" H I'!• 14 i|i i|.» McHENRY* ILLINOIS Air Conditioned -- Cemfert Good Vision and Seand Doors Open at 6:3# P. ML Scren Starts at «stf P. M. FRIDAY, OCT. IS (Last Day) Paal Henreid-Cathertae McLeod "SO YOUNG, SO RAIT SATURDAY, OCT. 14 (One Day Only!) Hene Antry *7aa "THE COWBOY AND THE INDIANS" Penny Singleton Arthur Lake "BEWARE OF BLOJJDIf Also: World New* SUN. ft M0Nn OCT. U.M In Color Jady Garland Gene KeRy "SUMMER STOCK* Cartoon and California Band and Glee Club. TUES. ft WED* OCT. 17-1S Win. Rendlx Una Merkd "KILL THE UMPIRE" Cartoon and Novelty STARTING THURSDAY OCT. It • In Color Ray Mllland He4fy Laai MacDonald Carey "COPPER CANYON" Siis ; A * &1 ^ * $i:i: £;•'£, -i | N'^t 1#-3 ^ -r r^S^d Fo^trr ^OR SALE--S^ore and gas statIon |n;w M-H 2-row power lift cults. (Black and white); 1 Motorola ; njg^t work, or night only. Palace j,tor® '""y "tockad and equipped. ' AA dar radio. Phone Wauconda 3468 | Recreation, 119 S. Green St. in the evenings. 22-2 22-2 fii#0UTD00R r 6RAYSLAKE RT.I20&2I NOW THRU 3ATURIXAY 'for M-H No. 44 and No. 30 trac- Walkin meat bo*. Three gasUora)- nGW P8IH,C f,e,d chopper | FOR SALE -- 1 New Heatolator steel fireplace with registers and Insulation. Never been used. 1 used Eureka vacuum cleaner. Call Wonder Lake 891. 22 FOR SALE -- 9 cu. ft. Frigidaire cold wall refrigerator. Excellent condition. Price $175.00. Phone Mr Henry 150. 22 FOR SALE--18-ft, 1936 Chris Craf* utility, 60 h.p.. $596. 1950 14-ft. Thompson boat and 1950 16-h.p Johnson motor; over $600 value. $.195. McHenry Boat Co., phone 303. 22 FOR SALE -- Lady's suit, size 14. gabardine, like new; $40 value, <12. Coles RadioA Television Serv- ;re. M<-Henry Tel. 303. 22 FOR SALE-- Complete book case ifh hooks. Very Reasonable Floyd Coleman. 124 Riverside Dr.. "hone McHenry 394. *22 FOR SALE -- 4 Poster mahogam bed and dresser: studio couch: coal burning heater. Reasonable. '0 Orchard Beach. Phone McHenry 797-R. 22 FOR SALE-- JOHNS-MANSVILLF "Blown" Rock Wool. Guaranteed not to settle. WALLFIL Co., Leo J. Stilling, 200 E. Pearl, Tel. McHenry 18. ,22tf HELP WANTED WOMEN WANTED --Assemblers. wirers, solderes, packers and in ipectors. Experience not necessarv :eoure a position in an ever cx >:uiding radio-television industry Employment office open Monday Mi rough Saturday, 8 a. m. to 4 11. in. Admiral Corp., McHenry ui intersection of Rt. 120 and 31. 51-t; GOOD OPPORTUNITY We are klrlng additional woaief and girls at dress factory. No experience necessary. Riverside Mfg Co* 800 N. Riverside Drive, le- Henry. Call 39. ' U-tf HEfcP WANTED -j A boy wanted for after school and all day Saturdays. also experienced auto mechanic. Downs Nash Sales, 405 Elm street, McHenry, 111. Phone 484. 21tf HELP WANTED -- man in rapidly expanding business. Steady year around employment; route driving. salary plus overtime and commission. Short hours, health, accident and life» insurance. Married man preferred. Culligan Soft Water Serv. #auconda» 111. 22 pumps; 2,000 gal. ground tank HELP WANTED -- Waitress Ml-j storage; building 23x40 ft.; 16 Place Restaurant. 121 S. Green bearing fruit trees; 3-car garage; St.. Phone McHenry 377. 22tf | ^hp, air compres'or. Phone Mc- Henry 346. After 7 p HELP WANTED -- Laborers. Apply Ivar Fredricksen, general contractor, Phone Wonder Like 221. 22tf SITUATION WANTED SITUATION WANTED- Will care for children In my home In McCullom Lake. Days. Phone McHenry 547-J-2. Call between 1 and 6 p.m. 22-2 SITUATION WANTED-- Will care for children in my home at Lily! Lake. Phone McHenry 594-W-2. 22 •tt- • 548-J-2. m. Call i«-tr FOB RENT FOR RENT -- Large, lovely 2- room cottage it) Shallmar Subdv. "artly furnished. Phone C42-R-2. « ROOMS FOR VENT -- Br day or •veek on 401 N. Richmond Road. Tel. McHenry 276-R. *22 FOR SALS in KlHstrenm, a most modem saitdlvlilon, 4 and 6 rooms, Face Brick on all 4 sides; Full cement Iwsepent, Automatic oil furnace or hot water; gas, electric, city sewer. Possession from SO to 90 days. Price, «11,200.00 and 91M0QJA. Cash flown-- 25%. Balance SO years to pay. Yon can also hue water front lot. Call JACOB FRITZ or HANK* NELL. JOHNSBI'RG --Telephone MeHEHRT ST. *tf FOR SALE -- HOMES -- FARMS CHOICE LOTS -- BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY ,.Vnox Real Estate . | 4#5 Richmond Road , McHenry, III. Phone: McHenry 421.J Licensed 111. ft Wis. Broker with hay attach, and mounted Le» Rof motor, new M-H forage blower with r>r» ft. of pipe, new M-H 7- ft Comb, with Scour-Kleen, Case pick-up baler with mount'd motor (ex. cond.), new M-H pick-up corn planter with fert. attach., M-H 3- bot. 14-ln. tractor plow, new 4- Feo. steel drag with folding draw bar. Case 8-ft. grain drill, new Newi Idea 7-ft. power mower, new New Idea side delivery rake, new J-D 10 ft. elevator and 3 h.p. electric motor, 2 rubber tired wagons and racks for field chopping. McD. manure spreader on rubber (good nond.). • ANN BOTH-FARLEY GRANGER-JOAN IVANS «sb JANE WYATT • ann ovoxak • donmo cook - natmjs wooa IkrOAVBMKUt • WrMwkyr.NUONHEMBn • OM*«*trMOM»MCMa • - Complete line of Beebe livestock cmedies at Wattles Drug Stors 4cHenry. 8tf The Beautiful EL TOVAR CRYSTAL LAKf »If 'teHeary' Co's. Leading Theatre FRI. ft SAT^ Fred MacMnrrav OCT. 1S-14 Claire Trevor "BORDERLINE" SUN. ft-MON., OCT. 16-18 - Sunday Con*L from 8t48 P. M.' Fred Astaire Arlene Dahl ia "THHEE LITTLE WORDS" „ (In Technicolor) A tnaefal story of two of the show world's greatest song writers. TUES* WED. A THURS. OCT. 17-18.19 Claadette Colbert Robert Ryaa la . •THE SECRET FURY* . FOB SALE -- Large corner lot across from Park with 2 houses. Large one vacant. Reasonable. Write Mrs. John McMahon, 6133 North Kenmore Ave., Chicago 40, III. 22-4 TOWNE "THEATRE FOX LAKE TEL. MC11 The Plaindealer. Subscribe for The Plaindealer ELM THEATRE Wanconda, III. Roate 178 Mill Street OPEN DAILY 4(80 P. M. FRI. ft SAT., OCT. 18.14 Win. Readlx Una Merhel la •KILL THE UMPIRE" Pins 2 Cartoons and Short SUN. ft M0N„ OCT. 15.18 Sanday Mat 8:00 P. M. Cont. FRI. ft SAT OCT. 18.14 DAY-M«RAE «as« mw n gesbh anir . UH Ml Him. Jt *()>„ OCT. SAMUELG010WYN OUR VERT OWN jm nwH>at*rm mrri*gi m-m tmi TUES* WED. ft THURt. OCT. 17.18-19 Rob Hope Lucille Rail hi •FANCY PANTS" =»---- Ib Technicolor On Stage --Sunday 4:80 P. M. ROGER PALM Popular Professional Accordlanlst One Performance Only! TUES* WED. ft THUR8. OCT. 17.18-19 *8KIPPER SURPRISED HIS , • - WIFE" Robert Walter Joaa Leslie AN EXPERIENCE IN RCAUSMI U N I O N STATION tiorriitg -- SPECIAL -- Starting Soon Watch For Date Student prices aad rednc«d prlees for children under 12. O I H t ' t H H I I I I M I M W SUN„ MON. ft TUES.. OCT. 15-16-17 ~ \ FAMILY PARTY | During the Engagement of those Great Productions Your Car with Family and Friends will bo admitted lor $1.00 phia federal tax. »MK» ma SNKNKK i 1 HOME UUNITDBMU WILLIAM HOLDEN Nancy % fany _ Olson • frt/gwald LYIE BCTTGC*. IAN STERLING ^ Mils scNcba»a if* auItwoidmM MWA Km SpAlylHlB Plus f Z&D or AUVE? w n r\ •» lissMlMi WED.. THUHS„ FRI. ft SAT. OCT. 18-1S-20-21 STANLff KR AMtR s The Men M AR LQ ti . IE Ri S A- VVR.u: 'i Plus PATRICIA MO: "RETURN OF WILDFIRE" RICHARD ARLEN Children 12 and Under Admitted FREE! Box Oifico Opens 6:15 z> '-. •w-o:

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