Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Oct 1950, p. 10

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<v jJI TOjyT4jrUj„lyaXl ** * a y* si *5" ^ TCTrTi^B^V^Ey^T^^Bs rX^ y *V,' i' >' ** * ' ) / ~ I ff interest taken Irom the %t fl»e McHenry Plaindealer ago. lviMfiMwMnfnlHtIilt1 iIKHHuI ilililiiiliiili I |p- ,'..• Fertj TMTI Ago -MeHenry is to have macadamis- ,i|i street*. At least, the crushed '.Ipoac is to be given a fair trial and It the Mew street covering comes up .to expectations McHenry will say l^rawell to gravel forever. :• 'Miss Maynie Lamphere Granger, lUghtcr of Mrs. Ella D. inhere, and Raymond P. Artn of Carpentersvllle, ,were rried Saturday evening lit the of the bride. 1 Another pretty wedding took at St. Mary's Catholic larch Wednesday of this we$k rhen Mathias M. Blake and Miss Bfcsan Freund entered into the Ibly bonds of matrimony, the Oeremony being read by Rev. A. jtoyer. .That the dancing craze is losing itme of Its charm in McHenry and ticlnity is evident from the man- ^ier that thcae social functions are' toeing patronized here. AB a result of his machine turning turtle while driving along the Highway near the W. D. Gould Resident south of town last Saturday morning, John R. Knox is ^rearing stitches in the back of Us head. , A number of her schoolmates and friends tendered Miss Letah Page a very pleasant surprise at her country home last Pridav evening. Just before taking their de-: parture. the gaests expressed1 .themselves as having had a jolly, good time at the hands of an excellent entertainer. Those who made np the party were Julia freund. Corabelle McOmber, Esther 8toffel, Martha Stoffel, Lenore Freund. Verena Justen, Rosa Rossman, Lelah Claxton, Frances *Kimball, Edythe Petesch, Mary Bo'iialett, Gertrude Fay, ' Letah Page, Loren Martin, Leon Dodge, Francis Bonslett, Edward Bonslett, James Boyle, Everett Hunter, femes Burke, William Bickler, Percy Lodtz, Germer Petesch, Leo Stilling and Lester Page. .McHenry at the present time Is experiencing: quite a building bboin. With three business houses, • factory building and several new homes under construction, the old town surely shows signs of prosttrity. Twenty-Five Tears Age i The McHenry Sash and Door •company has purchased two more 'fleers of real estate near the railhead, one of which was. the remafnin* Hanley acreage between flie McHenry Flour Mill and the fforth Western station. - A very pretty wedding took place jfFednesday at St. John's church, Johnsburg, when Mr. Joseph M dchmitt and Miss Elsie 8mlth were Joined in wedlock. T' A now billiard parlor and bowl- Jfag alley called the "LL" Recreation Parlor will be opened in the jjjmith building fn West McHenry far A. J. Langley and Ed Lazzor %, Residents of this community %ere greatly shocked when the 1§cwr reached here of the sudden ieath of Mrs. Edward M. Conway It the Woodstock hospital. She 'was 32 years old. She leaves her husband and two children, one but !|0 days old. cheese makers are having firicfflln troubles. Cheese makers have benefitted greatly from, scientific research la agrMoHure. -Jbat are now encountering difficulties resulting from the application other rtsearch. This is related to the control of the drfey disease, mastitis, by penicillin. Scientific cheese making includes pasteurization of milk brought to tVe eheeae factory. This treatment kflls undesirable bacteria. Then the cheefe maker adds to the pasteurised milkia culture of selected organisms. comjnonly called a "starter." The starter includes fermenters that have worked well together and. produced cheese of superior quality. By guarding the uniformity ot the starter the cheese maker can a*peat te make <inlfoi mly good Cheese. But many starters -are not working reliably nowadays. The background of the present difficulty may be traced to one ot the research triumphs of U.S. department of agriculture fermentation chemists--the development of the life-saving drug, penicillin, from a costly rarity to a low cost medicine widely used. The cost qf penicillin is low enough so that Veterinarians can afford to use it widely in treating udders of dairy COWS affected with mastitis. This is a common disease and many cows are treated. The result is that milk delivered to cheese factories is likely to contain a very flight quantity of penicillin. It may be possible to devise Come way of inactivating the very Slight quantities of penicillin in milk used for making cheese. It may be possible to modify the "starter'?, gnd make it .penicillin proof. fc - . : mi. Throw Daeke Off Beam Scientist may be a step closer to solving the age-old mystery of bird migration as the result of experiments conducted with radar at the Delta Waterfowl Research station maintained by the Wildlife Management institute and Mr. Jamas F. Bell of Minneapolis on the Manitoba breeding grounds. Although H. Albert Hochbaum, direc* tor of the station, feels that experiments still are in such an early stage that no particular significance can be placed on results, interesting reaotions of migrating ducks to radar beams have been noted. Portable radar equipment borrowed from the R.C.A.F. was used last spring to help trace the migration of biMs. When high-flying flocks of docks struck the radar beam, they I reacted in a peculiar manner. 'We t obtained at least a dozen positive - reactions when the bird* flared and | brake, much as if they had been | shot, when they hit the radar t beam," Hacbbamn repasts* ) ' •--- • j •V. the Waat Ad* I SCHOOL DRIVING PROGRAM OF STATE TERMED SUPERIOR Vern^a L. Nickell, atat*t superintendent of public instruction, has announced that Illinois has been bearded superior rating for the second consecutive year on its high school driver training program. The award was made by the Association of Casualty and Surety Companies, and Illinois was one of the only ten states in the nation receiving superior rating. In order to qualffy for this type of award, Nickell said it is necessary that at least 50 per cent of the public, parochial and' private high schools in the state must be participating in a driver education program and enrollment in these classes must consist of not less than 50 per cent of the eligible students. During the past few years Illinois has made remarkable progress in instructing driver education to the pupils in Secondary schools. During the school year of 1949-1950, 697 schools participated in this program and trained 77,333 students. Approximately 500 schools offered classroom instruction only while the remainder of the total number of schools had dual safety cars to use for instructional purposes. During the past year short intensive training courses of one week duration have been given to over 200 teachers, while another group of 300 attended one-day conferences. These short courses and conferences were conducted in several colleges and universities through-out the state. Six teachertraining institutions in Illinois have driver education training courses as a part of their regular school curriculum. Nickell pointed out that Illinois is far ahead of the national aver-. . :-----:--.' ! age in its driver training program,! Order your rubber afaanipe at as only about 16 per cent of the'The Plaindealer. - , | i • } . f r g . • ! , | i . f r ' H - f r1 I I I I ' M I I ! ••»»# <«* r_ • «V \ « • r '•aFz Tt ramportation in TRANSPORTED WJWFU. ijliM1 i ,i other 2^)C9.00d bajra America rhp reach each year, receive comparable to that inois. He also haid that ing habits can be |h the home with "man-toHp^r a«d 'dad-to-daughter" agraeroafcti to drive carefully. MIIHY I* SIN* DNP^I 01 Villi Conotni It Ml While sleep has been all lM<b> tant part of the routine •& ^Viic since the beginning of tisne, 'VHf little is actually knowft ihe)it H Science has found tiiif sleep large muscles relfa IbNjt, tiny ones last. The power 10 'ttitik* conscious movements and of smell go first--then visMb, heaving and touch follow in th^U The metabolic rate becoma* ShttrM. Just recently. Dr. Heni^ K. Beecher, Door professor ef'ripirA in anaesthesia at Harvafd school, discovered that Iqa^lMUisltion from wakefulness *a involves the shifting of brain activtty from the back to the fwtital region of the brain. Dr. £eech*r is continuing his work on the tetany other phvsiological mystaiies o«ncerning sleep. However, what really happens during sleep is not of nearly sa great concern to most ot uf as being able to sleep restfully SO that fatigue and tension can he eliminated from our lot of life's little problems. Lack of proper sleep la probably responsible fof ino£f $>ersonality changes, more dissension, more failures than any othpt oa$ factor. -* To "set the stage" for fMi|dng slumber pays great dtvWt<n£s in health, success and en|oyffiani of life. It must start with wall constructed, comfortable bedding which yields proper support fpr correcting fatigue postchtt.' Qoo^ ventilation, quiet, darkness, kmsi nightclothes are ether 1|najportaB$ "props" for srtt'ng the Mail. FOUNTAIN SERVICE Seallesi Ice Cream -- Schralt's Candiee v/v Greeting Cards - Films - Developing and Printy^ Wonder Lake Drugs HI P. J. BACK, R. Ph.O. | ood #rive and SummgrviUe Aw%/ % bione Woniier lake 591 Wonder Lake, 111. < 1 <• 1 I I I 1111 11 M M I I f Phone BIS SAVINGS H sosss Ttir rant Yoa an, u Mn 10ft o* more imcb way on every Greyhound Roand-Tr)p ticket! Ask about the big Fall Round-Up of all Idods ot Crips, tours, special features! TRADE IN YOUR OLD TIRES Ckfck your tire needs now and take advantage of our big trade In allow-; anee on your old tires. <- SHOW and MUD GROUND 6HPTRS Don't take a chance. Order your snow a*d mud tires* now and be tf«dy lor eld man winter. TRUCK TIRES We can supply you with all your tire needs. Don't endanger live* with old worn-out tiros. Operation of partdng nuffcii is the City of McHeary will be la affect between the hoars of t Cm. and < p.m. on-waak days. Meters will not be in oeerattoa of iwsiayt or legal holidays. CITY OF McHKNRT GBORGB P. rBBUND, 7 •< Mayor Renew Uiat subecrlptioli to the Plaindealer now! ' *ai»er Wh^« Stat* Three states in 1948 had wheat yieilis of more than 100 million bushels fcaCh. They are Kansas 164 million, Nerth Dakota 111 million and TtotaA tit millioa bushels. Hart an Paint Strong alkaline substances such at washing soda or ammonia are hard on painted surfaces because they dry the paint and la time flake off. 1 White ^ Red Order Your Winter Potatoes Now! PHONE 510-J-2 A. KNIGGE ERR Bivw Bowl ' ' McRrary, m. • ... . . Report of condition of IfcHENRY STATE BANK of McJ$eury, Illinois, at the close of business October 4th, I960, a State backing instutitlon organized and Operated under the backing Jaws <9% tWH State and a member of the Federal Reserve System, tablljmd wQ accordance with a call made by the Federal Reserve Buik^w^a^i District 11 "• 111 ' ' " " ASSETS i. Oaah, b*lan6ea with other banks, inclnding balance, and cash items in process of collection $1,079,105.31 S. Ignited States Government obligations, direct and .guaranteed --~L.. 3. Obligations of States and political subdivisions 4. Other bonda, notes and debentures £. tioirp«Hrate stocks (including $6,000.00 stock of Federal Reserve ba"nk g. Loans and discounts (including $428.92 overdrafts) v 7. Bknk premises owned $1.00, furniture and -ftt- &/•• tmii $i.oa ..._.-- I reeer^^ ^ iC'- 2,705,775.00 .515,168.44 . 269,000.00 6,000.00 2,590,060.97 1.00 12. TOTAL ASSKT8 : -- iiiils, 112.72 TRACTOR TIRES DcJa't lose valuable time in your lields with tire trouble, flies now and avoid trouble later. ' Replace these ANTI FREEZE Frigitone permanent an^i-lreeie -7- • Alcohol a raw ixtirus fhara ara heaMb aiara On*. *m Plalaes 9 «?l $ U6 Park £K tM St. 1M UM 1M SJ4 Oners iS LN JSO Ltf SJ06 S.79 XktaaapaVls 7JO 11M la Oasaa 4L8S 8,71 Laais •» 1LS0 iMdav&la 7J® ISjM 7jM» 18.70 •«w Yerk City l&W 89 J6 ILK 1MM k<Pt«a U. S. Tax) Terminal <m Prop. m Wmm mm im-B VULCANIZING We vulcanise by the Firestone factory method. BATTERIES We allow you 15% discount off lor your old battery on a new battery. -- WALTER J. FREUND Tlre«i -- Tuhea -- Batteries -- Acctssariea Tli-e and Tab# Vulriinizing Bicycle Repair*** ^ All Work Gaarantead FwnSM Waal Mellrtwt OPEN EfENlXCS AND Sl NDATi T -- LIABILITIES Damand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations $3^57,763.47 14. Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations 2,745,687.15 15. Deposits of United States Government (Including x. postal savings) |6. Deposits of States and political subdivisions Other deposits (certified and officers' checks, etc,) *•. TOTAL DEPOSITS $6,452,957X1 3M. Other liabilities 97,920.61 823,075.35 53,511.33 34361.16 $4. ttlTMi TjIABTLITIES (not including subordinated obligations shown below) ^0>'l if.iiii'j" , fin lin'iaii'w i i mi ti» i $6,487,319.07 MHfiwa v CAPITAL ACCOUNTS •%*. Cai»iti|l* 1 „U...V....... H. t -0$. Ubdlvided profits (Mid retirement account for $ 100.000.00 165,293.66 preferred 102,600.00 29. CAPITAL ACXXJUNTS 467,793.65 80 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS $6,955,U2,72 • t: ^ i •'This bank's capital consists of common stock •------ with total par value of $100,000.00. 1 1 ' - V S \ . ' '.HPI ' ' .1 MEMORANDA $i. Aa^Ms pledged or a«Mgned to secure liabilities and for other purposes ..,..w...„..|* »2 08,500.00 t$. (f|)Loans as shown above are after deduction of reserves of v52^61.98 I, Robert L. Weber, CaRhier, of the above-named bank, hereby ; certify that the above aUtamant is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. . • ^ . ROBERT L. WEBER Correctr-AtUst GERALD J. CARET 1-'* V \ WILLIAM M." CARROLL ' ^ , C. J. REINHANSPERGER Directors'/ Phone us or hail !#? § . No matter the time of day or night . . . we're always at your ready service to take yoti safely and quickly to four destination. MdHRYCAt Phone 723 : : Itai ar' means pricas are fSabacrlbe for The -.f ^ HONEST ' „ « EFFICIENT VOTE DEMOCHATie C November Tth •.k i A A A A A A A A Alia. A m- NEW ADDRESS •f iem ... ^ ' flie F, M. Radio te Television Sales &(Se: is now located at 102 Riverside Drive. Come in and see the New 1951 ' "• > 1 i S£» > J . ** '> SAVE 10% EXCISE TAXI N, ^ F«dwml ExdM TW"«IM effect Noiymber 1st. Buy now and savei. Bomember in televisfton sets It's not onlf yon buy lmt Where you bay. Dependafek vice is alwayi a« near as your phone when 'Q IflM'.' I. k mho i ramaoN WALTER HOJNACKI, Prop. SApre Hours; 9M 4* MO P. M. * r , ' " 11 111 • ' .."i • juw«iumm^!i,4in • . SUte Of Illinois, ' i t ; ^ 7 • County of McHenry as: ^ SWorn to and sabscrlbed before me this 9th day of October, 1950. THOMAS P. BOLGER. 'I (SEAL) Notary Public. ~r» OFFICERS Wn. M. Carrot! ...... Gerald J. Carey C. J. Reihansperger Robert L. Weber ..... jatiea B. Larkin ... Vane E. Harrison , Thomas F. Bolger . -- _..H..Chairman of Board! President ..........................Vice-president Cashier ...........................Asst. Caahier Asst. Caahier .......................... Asst. Cashkt DIRECTORS waiia* K. Carrell -- C. J. Reihansperger ^ William A. Nye, MJ>. Robert L. Weber -- Gerald J. Carey IRER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION F. M. Radio & Televisioni no introduce to the McHenry ares th Raytheon Television set^,,:^*m< in and see the 17" table modi fo yourself. F.KRUWI SALES fend SERVICE New Loratad at 102 RW.rxid. DriT. !! Stor* Houn: &30 M. lo J|#y,.(M.; : : r . ' i f . # ' 'H . '

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