fiw^Jiew officer* at "Ifee _ Harjissteachool Community club are 'dttsnflr bWr planning activities ftfftfc* Winter, with the first party «D *hir egwia to be a barbeque #®v. It. Barbequea, pie IHA MBH Hill be served for only thirty Mnta and will Include a ptjssfatn by Mrs. Lathrop's third laprth crade. Eleanor Wright was electprseident of the Community test Tuesday, replacing Mrs. DaTidson, lMi-50 preal- Jtrs. Davidson and her officers, Mi*. Watson and Mrs. Harriet Bc41, closed the Community club yfcar with a record of having presented the school with a Hamilton and ft set of Child Croft enclyciopedia. The letter of preeenstation was read by John Lathrop, principal of Harrison, at the Tuesday meeting. The piano and books were purchased by money earned home there and to enjoy sausages and sauerkraut (AID PAUTt Hft» lifcton auxiliary itmt disappointed at the poor turnout for their card party Friday night, a party from whose proceeds the women intend to give a Hallowe'en party for the children of WptiOer Lake. y?:.. SCOUTS TAKE HOU The Girl Scouts of Lone Troop No. t went on a hike Saturday to the "Camel's Hump", where they cooked their lunch and were awarded some of their merit badges. The new troop committer for the Scouts are Mrs. \era Henthorne, Mrs. Jay Hansen And Mrs. Sybil Johnson. Mrs. Marjorie Lathrop and Mrs. Olive Tailmari are KEMTBLICAN EAII# * |co-tea<ters. _ , • • ^ I Members of the troop include There will be Republican I Jadith Bastien, Rosemary Cihos, Carol Eisenhart, Elaine Drayheini, Caroline Cnadt, Cora Jean Henthorne, Ann Janice a rally Thursday evening at La- Greca's Lakeview Inn, where every registered voter is invited to purtake of free1 corned beef and cabbage and meet the Republican candidates. Dipner will be served at 7:30 p.m. • The meeting is for adults only. Rod aid Gun Auxiliary % *, Reelects Mrs, Mayer The Rod and Gun auxiliary again elected Mrs. Charlotte Mayer as their chairman at an election held last week. Mrs. Rose Murphy was elected treasurer and Mrs. Jo Wendt was elected secretary. Later Mrs. Mayer appointed Mrs. Mary Audino as ways-andmeans chairman. / Gail Cannon, reporter for the from' ®Pown'e Scouts, says there were October, 1949 to October, I960, by f^hteen present at the last meeting as well as the three leaders, Mrs. Wilkinson, Mrs. Specht and the club. Officers elected to serve with Mrs. Wright include Mrs. Virginia iMonteleone, vice-president; and Mrs. Greta Weisenberger, secrstary- treasurer. The new room mothers are Mrs. Yettta Sinclair and Mrs. Gladys Watkins, first grade; Mrs. Eleanor Aadiao and Mrs. K. Crain, second xrade: Mrs. Jean Matnlewics and . Mrs. E. Cannon, Jr., third; Mrs. A., Schimke and Mrs. R. Swan son. third; Mrs. Betty Wilkinson ted Mrs. Mary Cihos, fourth; Mrs. Kartell Troxell and Mrs. £. Vogt, iflfth grade; Mrs. Once Sellek and jMrs. Mildred Horn, sixth; Mrs. Leah 'Cormier and Mrs. Maida Bastien„ seventh; and Mrs. J. «C«clch, eighth. Another mother will be appolpted to the eighth >grade. There are two sections of the third grade 'kitd room mothers were appointed to both rooms. :;j The group met in the home of /I he vice-president, Mrs. Montetajone, Sunday, and began plans for ' the November, December and Christmas parties. Is planning the party for November, it was noted that the school pMehen acutely needs plates and Mrs. Spuehr. The girls painted flowers forw inter bouquets, v Lundborg, Johnson. Sandra Jo Monteleone. Sharon Bower, Jean Selsdorf, Sandra Sells, Orva Tronsen, Nancy Swanson. Betty Wright and Estelle Yager The girls will go on another hike Saturday^ , vv SING FOR TEA The MrHenry Choral clnb was a pari of the program wheti the district P.T.A.. three counties, met in McHenry. . Wonder Lake members cf the chorus Included Ethel Hansen. Clara Cristy, Harriet Bell and Gertrude Nielsen. RETURN PROM COAST Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cannon returned home after spending a vacation of three weeks traveling to the west coast and back. * Mr. and Mrs, Sam Subin are new permanent residents of Deep Spring Woods. Mrs. Subin will be remembered as the former Martha Dolinsky, a summer resident. ' PATIENTS AT HIKES Hines Hospital has sent word to the Legion that two local residents are patients in the hospital and would appreciate hearing from their friends. Do you know A1 Kolar and Virginia Jones? Al's address is Ward ASN. and Virginia's is W. W. D2. Both are Hines Hospital, Hines, 111. GUEST SPEAKER Lillian Forsberg, president of Wonder Lake's League of Women Voters, was speaker at the meet HOMECOMING AT McHENRT" It was homecoming at McHcnry high school last week and many of those present were Wonder Lakers who graduated recently and not So recently. Among those seen signing the register were Joan Heilman, Bob Lowrey, Joan Biggers, Ardell Krueger, Henry Cross, Richard Wohnrade. Esther Martin, Henry Schau, Louanne Howorka, and Ronnie Wilhelm, who received a prize for being a member of the class of 1945, second in numbers present to 1950's class. Without their alumnus, Alice and Roy Noren were still enjoying the football game and the parents of future alumnae, Dr. and Mrs. Raymond Watkins, were enjoying the dance. WILL WED NR HARVARD John Marsh, Jr., Wonder Lake, will be married Oct. 28, to Patricia Knippen of Harvard. The ceremony will take place in St. Joseph's rectory. Harvard. wood Methodist church at its sec- .t*e Community club wondered if meeting held la the home of perhaps there were not many per- Mrs. Mary Butler Oct. 11. •ftps with odd plates they would ' Also present at the meeting were Ms to donate to the school. Those Mrs. Joyce Spuehr, Mrs. Tean to make, such dnwyinm Decker and Mrs. Del lan man. Mrs. William Whipple, Wonder Woods, had major surgery in Woodstock hospital Monday, Oct. ing of the baby WSCS of the Ring-'?- Mrs WhJPple 18 doing well and is expected home this week. .(SS send them to school by the Idren or bring them in person. Other Wonder Like women are invited to join. is KJwanis clnb of McHenry ip is getting ready for their annual football banquet, set " Nov. II in the McHenry high They are planning an outspeaker, expected to be A renowned figure In big-time football. ? i M* banquet Is given yearly by \J0k4 Kiuranis clnb and Interested citlcens who like to promote athletics. Mow details will be avmllaole ^visfsr. . v,„. 8ELLBK KESIGV8 t Mel Sellek, serving his second term as president of the Harrison school board, resigned his office Jlast week. It Is said that friends and admirers of Sellek"* are circulating a petition at the present time, asking that he reconsider and serve «««in on the board. TALKS ON GATIWAT you any questions Ton would like to ask about the Gateway Amendment? If you have, you can contact Mrs. Lillian Forsberg and she will send a speaker to any gathering to give a five-minute talk on the subject These talks on the Gateway are a part of the League of Women Voters' free service. Albert Horn, 11, son of MY. and Mrs. Albert Horn, Sr., Deep Spring Woods, had emergency surgery last week at Woodstock hospital. Albert is now Recuperating at his home. He was discharged from the hospital Sunday. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Kinley Engvalsen, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Repan and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Keevel were among the hosts and hostesses for the "49'ers Dance" at the Woodstock Country Club Saturday night. Everyone wore costumes of the period and a hilarious auction was held with donated items brought by the guests told for the benefit of the social committee. SKAGABf HE MUCH 1 Congratulations to Myrtle Davidson on her birthday, Nov. 17. Myrtle is a member of club. ¥ fU "IITO GENOA CTTT The Prank Whites, the Ernest Mayers and the J. Nelsons were among about 800 persons who journeyed to Genoa City, Wis., Sunday to take part in the big celebration at the old people's FOR BONE RUli ELECT 3$ IF It's WILSON WEAR IT'S FAULTLESS Faultless Pajamas ; Won't bind or sag. A cloth-covered ribbon of live rubber* lets you breathe with ptessureless ease. So comfortable it's patent-protected! Faultless Pajamas have the Super Sent, to©--no binding seater seam. ^ from $3.95 McGee' STREET Christ The King the fifteenth: Sunday Bible School The McHenry council oI *tfce and Worship Service In the mornwlth tftatr ing with a good attendance, n house to house canvass in the afternoon, a fellowahlp supper at 6 o'clock and a wonderful Gospel Hour St 7:45 p.m. Knights of Columbus, families, together with the H»|y Name Society rfhd their famtlfB*, received their corporate cominunion last Sunday at the 8 o'clock Mass. Breakfast was served after mass at the Rolaine Grill. Approximately 100 people Attended. On Wednesday evening the Knights of Columbus attended a holy hour at Christ the King church at 8 p.m. Refreshments were served after services. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Jackson was baptized at 1 p.m. on Sunday. The baby was named "Patricia Kay", Sponsors w0re Mrs. Donald Collins of Chicago and Richard Schmttt of Wheaton, 111. v •»' The Holy Name Society would like to thank Mr. and Mrs. Duda r>f Chicago for the showing of their very interesting travel movie of the National Parks at the open meeting held at the Rolaine Grill on Oct. 11. • Saturday, Oct. 21, is square dance Saturday at the Legion Hall. This is a regular semimonthly affair sponsored by Christ the King social club. Plan to go this Saturday and brief your friends. \ Mrs. Anne Pillar asks that all who are interested in joining the Christmas choir please contact her at the church at 9 o'clock next Sunday morning. Gospel Church News ft rather t,U8y an(J a{ JJjg same tirfie a most interesting day at the Gospel Center last Sunday, We are grateful to all who so willingly and enthusiastically took part in the canvass and we also wish to express our appreciation to the people of the community for the friendly and cordial way our visitors were received. Only two more Sundays to go In our contest with the Sunday Schools in Crystal Lake, Belvldere and Barrington. The , victory might still be ours. But we need the friendly assistance and loyal cooperation of all interested in Sunday School work, which is truly a great and important endeavor. You can help by making sure to be there yourself, in inducing the members of your family to extend a hearty and urgent Invitation to friends and neighbors and by offering transportation to those who might find it difficult to come out otherwise. Will you, good friends of Wonder Lake get behind this thing? We will be looking for you next Sunday, Oct. 22, at the Sunday School hour at 10 a.m. and at the church services at 11a.m.' and 7:45 p.m. Welcome! .Shw Gardens In Kew gardens, outs! sre housed, protected, and studied 45,000 different living species of plants. The Herbsrium also .contains more than 50,000 botanic books, and tiers of shelves holding roughly 6,600,000 sheets of plsnt specimens, grouped by classes, orders, families, and lower subdivisions. MOSEY INN MHGWOOD TELEVISION PBAGEB BESS FEED BOWHtlf. Vrop Fixh Fry on Fridays Playtex* Guarantees 100X efftctfrenen qgaitui Diaper Ratkl • Mothers/ Give your bsbjr the scientific protection from dispsr nah that only Playtex Baby Oil, Powder and Cream will gnavantMb For Plsytex contains the podfm, asiraels antissptkt THANIUM*...destroys the bacterid that cause diaper rash. And only Plsytex makes this guarantee..*your money back if your fctby ewer develops diapar iwfc wfcila «ri*g Plajrtsi Baby Oil; ; Ftordet and Cream consistently f PLAYTEX BABY OIL 8 full ounces^netft 7*# AD three in the hutdr NURSERY-PAK* 4 . $2,49# PLAYTEX BABY CR1AM •7 "V nam; Neat rufcber The Plalndealer. •sllrsMtka are apMnteaftalr cross" ties per mile of raSxaid. 353 8ubaerf*»Mr SATURDAY I OCTOBER 21«t 4 Rafts l« Sarvlval Battl* IX It weren't to the ragsM fer tte mles of w might not hftve tha antlblotles with us today, Is Or Donald J. Cram, assistant professor of chemistry oh fee Los Angeles campus of the University of California. Almost all organisms In nature synthesize compounds--derived from sugars and proteins--which conform to certain patterns. But molds, from which we get penicillin, streptomyecin, and other sntibloacs, have a habit of turning out peculiar molecules, which do not conform to the patterns established by nature. This manufacture of misfit molecules seems to be tied in with a unique method of self preservation. Molds compete with bacteria for food, and the competition is stiff. The peculiar molecidef produced by molds are sugar-and' axnino-acidderived substances similar to those used in the metabolic chains of bacteria pick them up,' as If they Were normal sugar and amino acid molecules. However, there is Just enough change in the configuration of the compounds to cause them not to fit Into the metabolic chain. Thus the metabolism of the bacteria is broken down, they die, and there is that much less competition fbr the molds' food supply. • Were It not for this unique method of self-prcj^rvatipn, these molds might have fallen bx the wayside long ago in the evolutionary battle of survival Dr. Cram points out. PLANT NOW Gonuinm BEAUTY ELM STREET V FLORIST Ibom McHtnry 401 *pldfetas GIVE YOUR BABY "SOCIAL SECURITY1 WITH KOOIEEZ* BABY PANTS Made of natural, tree-grown, latex, snamfess KooJeex Baby Ponfs are the effHWH way to give your little darling "social sacurity." Kooleez Pants are tissue-thin, soft, aool, odorless, stainless, non-chafing. In Pink, WhUe, Blue. Accurately sized by baby'* weight. Gift packaged in polden boxes. V Paper Whit* i- Narcissus Bulbs lor f Indoor Blooming Dish Gar dan Plants Potted Blooming Plants Cut Flowers and Floral Tributes *b& Romance often > with Andes Candies ' a box of Andes remembered regularly helpe^ta make love enduring. See how helpful they can be nfeli the fair sex. The assortment box Is a favorite with everyone: flavory fruits and nuts, hard canters, castmefs and butter creams. Take homa a box today] MousUceb Candy Shop, 126 GREEN STREET McHENHY. ILL. •S«*" 1kt$ m When you have an automatic electric dolhiBa dryer, your . . mi v- All vou'll do is sat the automatic controls for tha length drying pro^ema^t^ a<^ed. ^ take sheets and shirts out with justice of tun* you wai^the clothes dr^y^ ^ bath towels come out bon»4ry and ready right dampnees for ironing... tee anina to be put away. .... matherman when you have an automatic electric Ay4 wSS ^ UUndr5"r0mthBW"h~ • Get an Electric DRYER • McHEMRT unttmmmrn y,, - BOLGER'S DRUG STORE PHONE C ^^JIoHBNEY, ILI» « •sk about Hie new Automatic Electric Oolhas Dryers at our Sairvica :iL PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY Of NORTHERN IlllNOIS ; r,%