ULYMOOR <b* Jobte) If .Tfc# Hallowe'en party and daace Jfe the Litymoor Property association was a great Kftfc the hall at Club erovdtd to overflowing a4 goblins, pirates, Indian chiefs, sungirls, etc, even Tartan, lumd barefooted and gave a "call of the wild" when he "Diamond Lil". There were •one Pilgrims, and a shiek, a tion, and a very sleepy Night Irene". rat pHse for costumes was by Audrey Seifert of Lilywho came, as a buxom "Dia- Lll". Her low-cut and .gown, aad targe bat was r something luscious. Hollyahould be looking for her. •t prize for the men was won Win. Gibson of Lily Lake, who tfes bedecked in a "soup to nut*" Outfit Many other prises were Strfcrdad. with the four leaf clover fir la winning a group prise. Thomas HMe of Chicago, father of Clifford Hyatt, suffered a stroke Wednesday, Oct. 25. Mr. aad llfs. Hyatt visited him Sunday, *|d found Mm slightly kaprovett. Paul Taylor, former resident of Lily Lake and uncle of Mrs. E. Marsh passed away Sunday, Oct. |9th, at his home in Elmhurst. The "dog" situation has improved some, in certain districts, but they are still running loose in Lilymoor, especially near the achoOl house. These dogs are not strays, they belong to somebody, because they follow the children to school, like Mary's little lamb. The greatest harm in this is to the dogs, themselves, as motorists turning at the school can hardly avoid hitting 'them. , lEMy^ , It. Mary's Oattwile Oharch . Installation of officers of the libr Lake Beautifying club was ttwlighted by the guitar playing ' of jjTred Stolle, and the singing of Betty Roeske celebrated her nineteenth birthday Saturday, Oct. 18. with a party at the home of er mother, Mrs. Sullivan, . at land Lake. * 4 letter from the John Wru- |l«vskli tells us that they are in St. Petersburg, Fla. They have gotten themselves a housetrailer, and will travel in style and comfort from now on. ^ • • Another new resident among ub baby Robert Charles Wirfs, born 27, at Woodstock hospital to lr. and Mrs. Skipper Wirfs. His Slater, Bonnie Lee, is vacationing vlth her Aunt Mae, in Chicago, while their mother is recuperating. Sunday: T:00, 8:30, 1f:00, 11:80. Holy Days: 6:00, 8:00. 10:00. Week Days: 6:45 and 8:00. First Prfday: 6:30 and 8:00. • onfessions: Saturdays: 3:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. m Thursday before First Friday: After*8:00 Mass on Thursday: 3:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. m. Mser. C. S. Nix, Pastor. St Patrick's Catholic Church Masses: Sunday: 8:00.; 10:00 and 11:30 a.m. Daily Mass: 7:00. Week Days: 7:00 and 7:30. First Fridays: Communion distributed at 6:30 and during' 7:00 and 7:30 Masses. Confessions: Saturdays: 4:00 to 5:00 p<m. and 7:00 to 8:00 p.m., and on Thursdays before First Fri- Marty Wrublewski, his wife 2* id little daughter visited his slsr, Mrs. E. L. Marsh, Sunday, Oct $9. Other guests at the Marshs trere Mr. and Mrs. Elgar Putnam Of Diamond Lake, and Marcella fezarek of Johnsburg. Symptoms of Distrasa Arising from STOMACH ULCERS MIK TO EXCESS ACID QUICK RELIEF OR NO COST A;,k About 15-Day Trial Qfff Ovar four mnMon-bottl-- of the VILUM TIUTMUT Ian been aold for relief of symptoms of dtetrea* ariainc from MMMCII NriDmtaal WIIB due to Cam *cM r lnijhn 9mmr or Upeet tteisch, due to trnn Ada. Ask for "WHIanTa Christtne Krlnn attended a conwhich fully expUins this remarktention^** Joliet Satontajr, Oct. *• I S .NYE DRUG STORE jj Walgreen Agency Phonea 26 McHenry, ILL 1 Mrs. Scbeffer spent the weekend fit her log cabin home in Lilytnoor. days: 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. and 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. . Rev. Edward C. Coakley, Pastor. CMst the Kb* Catholic Church Wonder Lake . . Mksses: ' - 9unday: 8:00 and 10:09 a.m. Weekdays: 8:25 a.m. Confessions: 7:30 and 9:30 an. Re*. James A. Vanderpooi. Pastor. St Mary's B» The Lake, Episcopal Oriole Trail and Dole Avenue Crystal Lake \ Rev. Donald Piatt, A' Priest-in-charge MfMtom flouse, 331 McHenry Ave. Sundays:"* 8:30 A.M. - Holy Eucharist 9:30 A.M. - Family Eucharist for boys and girls of the Church School and members of their families. 11:00 A.M. - Morning Prayer except on first Sunday and Prayer Book Holy Days When Holy Eucharist will be celebrated) with sermon and {Senior. Choir. • - - v.'.' 'ion Evangelical fcutttftritn Church The Church of the Lutheran Hour) 408 John Street West McHenry, Illinois. Sunday School: 9:00 a.m. 3erpice: 10:15 a.m. Fou arc cordially invited to attend »*ir services. Rev. Carl A. Lobltz, Pastor. Oommunity Methodist Church Main and Center streets ' Church School: 9:30. Morning Worship: 10:45. Official board meeting on second Wednesday of month at 8 p. m. A cordial invitation is extended to rou and your family come and worship with n*. Methodist Sandays, ? p.m. Young; Adult Fellowship: Bumdays, 8 p.m. Cherub and Juiilor eHolra: Wadftesdays af 3:30 pjn. ; Senior Choir: Thursdays, I p.m. J, Elliott Corbatt, Paator. McHeary Bible Chareb MM 8. Green Street (Pries Bite.) Sunday Bible School, 10 a. m. 8unday Worship, 11 a. m. Sunday School: P:45 A.M. * Evangelistic,, 8 p. m. . . Wednesday at 8 p.m., fMjnr Meeting. • You're always welcome bare. Donald Q. Liberty, Pastor. Mailing Address: McHenry Blblo Church. P. O. Box l«t * McHenry, Phone 60l-J->S •>' it John's CathoUe Ohnreb Johnsbnrg Masses: , Sunday: 7:00, 8:30, 10:00 and 11:45. ' . Holy Days: 7:00 snd OjOO. ) , Weekdays: 8:00. * •" First Friday: 6:85 and 8:00. V onfessions: j Saturdays: 7:10 to 8 aad 2^86 ta t. Thursday before First Friday-- 2:3# and 7:30. • TRev. Joseph M. Blltacb. 9t iWs C»-nolle Church* Spring drora Him): Sunday---8:M, lOtM aad U:fl». Holy Days: 6:30 and Weekdays: 8:00. . First Friday: 8:00. J / <•' Confessions: ' " ' Saturdays: 2:80 and 7:18. Thursday before First Friday---- 8:30 aad 7:15. Rev. Joha L. Daleidea, Paator. Sospel center Wonder Center, Wonder Laka (Nonsectarian) Services: Under a new i Congress, Federsl Intrance oil savings in approved institutions is ictcased to $10,000 par saver. This Association of» fers you this greater protect tion ... plus worthwhile dividends, psid twice yearly. Coma In and open an INSURED* Current Earnings 3% Savings Account NOWI. MARENGO FEDERAL SAVINGS and LOAN ASSOCIATION F. R. KELLEY, Secretary 'Iforniai Sunday Bvaniag 8krriat: 7:45 p. m. Prayer meeting, fliarsday -- 8^0 j». m. Bring the faainy with yea to 8ua 4sgr Sehaal aad Worship Setvieaa. There is a plaee and a weleoaie for sveryone. ^ w f^AKK W. ANDEBSON, " | * ,">• *astor. ttlhgWOOd OhtlMh Ringwood, Ol Saaaay: Public Worship, 8:80k Church School: 10:80. Choir Rehearsals: Wednesday evening, * < |fv. Charles Stevens, Paator. " j:. .""v.St Joseph's CbarcB Rlchmead, minah Sunday: 8:00 and 10:00. Dally: 8:00. FT. Frank J. Miller, Collaftllpipa ol and muaic from the state library have been sent to school^ and libraries In ah parta of Illinois to help the children In tbair study, Secretary Barrett said. So those bloodthirsty yells you will probably be hearing soon won't be the Cisco Kid or Hopalong Cassldy rounding up the rustlers this time.. It will be Pontiac or Blackhawic descending on the cookie jar and the pop supply. PREDICT BOUGH DAYS AHEAD FOR V. S. PALEFACES Things are going to be rough for palefaces in the neat future, Secretary of State Edward J. Barrett state librarian, has predicted. Illinois youngsters, in their school work, in their clubs and other organizations, are making such a thorough study of American Indians that their first raid --on the Illinois state library--has practically exhausted the library's collection of books, recordings and other items pertaining to Indians, he said. Save By Mail Marengo, flHnoli Phone tiS or hail us .. . No matter the time of day or night . . . we're always at your ready service, to take you safely and quickly to your destination. IdEMtYCAB j Phone 723 Order your rubber atampa' at The Plaindealar. A aharp upturn in traffic accidents in Illinois d|ies during the first half of this year, with an accompanying Increase in the nu ber of persons killed and li Is shown in a report by Charles P. Casey, director of the state Department of Public Worka and Buildings. Tn 180 cities of more than 6,000 population, traffic acci? dents jumped from 46,610 ill ih# first six months of 1949 t£ 64,118 this year, a 80 per cent increase. The number of persons Injured inflfteen^ par ****** W rose 7 ber cap* 880 to 488. «. 0. r-iCAHlUBAW |- of the candidates at Cbl election is Robart McClory of La^r* . Biaff, RepubB^an candidate foW. state representative, who aurprjaad a greatimany of the polltl- jS cal dopftars with the high vote ba;, received in tha primary in April. ;, " MtfClory, •tatamitola, 'Ul ha* sattL that 'lie subscribes to €ha p1 Bapubti^iit, prjbdples as sat forth ii lu the Republican state platform."^ Hut "r+t-b, ^ the Ww powwftri ihmwIow OBfitator washing Floalaway-Flvaliaway DrainiiM|--Iho dirt drains down »• hollow agitator --not down through Hm Hio magic WondovHib (guarantood 5 yoars in writing) mora now boauty--moro noW styling than ovor boforo Convan/eni farm* on your monthly Sonne* Ml. th# Bandix Wcuhtrs today at our nearast Hon or your^Doalar'f PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN IllINO! ON THE -Go-Round's Down.1 »IAK w TRADE IN YOUR OLD TIRES for pledged to cooperate in j. (Governor Stevenson's I administration ot Good |; Government tot the | , State of Illinois. •Hi 3*r SPEAK UP U: • end Vote for v * SCOTT W.LUCAS Uoitod States Senator • MJCtoAEL HOWLETT Stato Treasu$i£ • - • C. HOBART ENGLE Supt. Public Instruction • OHA SMITH . Ctok Supreme Court Lf i • m S > * fi isfoai Univinity ot IlllaoiB $ ibiariXMofar E. WnUamsoa Check your tire needs now and take adTantftge ol our big trado In allowance on your old tires. - - • SNOW and HUD 6R0UND GMPTffilS Don't take a chance. Order your snow a*d mud tires now and be ready for old man winter. TRUCK TIRES We can supply you with all your tire needs. Don't endanger Wvm with old worn-out tires. TRACTOR TIRES Don't lose valuable time in your fields with tire trouble. Replace those tires now and avoidflrouble later. ANTI FREEZE Jprigitone permanent anti-ireese -- VULCANIZING We vulcanise by the Firestone factory method. BATTERIES Domocrdtii JWa^Uowyo^5%^STOiu^j^orj^ou^^b^tor^xi^Mie^ WALTER J. FREUND . •. . . Tirea -- Tubas -- Battariaa -- Aeesworlse v W* and Tuba Yulcanisinx Bicycle bpaWsB All Work Guarautasd . Ikone SM i Watt MSMtoy OPEl BfE9IH08 AND 8UHDATS W !-*V fjh-m it ' i- >:4 i r w % W -m 4* MT DESMOND (UDYSKOWBt MOVARNER \ • ' . / • v : . w * 1 , - - ; ' . j - " *