• -s ' 1 :ff; $:,r-r**:^L2ix&SL^#£\Ui^ka --»---r-^r-1;r^^r: • \ >• •* •'-u^ '-*Vl'- "v *™i 1 "KWW» iM ' 5r Milter was hostess of the Canadian Pinal a 1 o'clock luncheon fiiwday of last week. »re awaifeed to Mary Lee Basel, Eleanor «nd Charlotte Reinboldt yBrlen win he next hostthe club. nam ~ ' u " • •*•». ? . - • {.• iflfei Catholic ©rfter bf Trtt^irt^ta •C McHenry is planning a hard titaMMr party tor members at the ymdlll school hall on Tuesday •vestas, Not. 7, at 8:80 o'clock. Working with the committee isialwni on plans for the party are the newly Installed officers: iO$&ph May, chief ranger; Jacob Frannd, rice-chief ranger : Paul K. i^Rttda, past chief ranger; Rev. Fr. Bagene Baumhofer, spiritual director; Leo Blake, treasurer; Flit Meyers, financial secretary; Charles Wetngart, recording secretary; Norbert Mauch, speaker; Stanley Schaefer and Gordon Rdinritt, conductors; John R. Fremnd and Joseph Glosson, sentfoets; Ben Smith. Ben Jung and Jode^h Bauer, trustees. Snti^Kiad Annornremeat has been made of tie engagement of Miss Loretta Runs and Richard S. Freund, son of Mr and Mr* Anton H. Freund of Ceut<T titreet. McHenry. Mr. freund will leave Nov. 9 for army daty, making plans for their wedding, which was originally scheduled for January, indefinite. Dinner fiw*ts At Kteler Home B Emille Edmier of Pistakee itertained guests at a dedinner served at her home uraday of last week. Close ?Ien«s attending were Mr. and Mrs. psear Johnson of Arlington Heights, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Koch, Mr. -Uld Mrs. Carl Fredrickson, John Colomer. Luella Roggenbuch and aon, James, Ella Smith and 8*07 King, all from this vicinity. An enjoyable evening was spent in watching television. Inrtkage Sale I* Mty Lake Honpert s st««, on it. HO in Lily Lake will be the scene of a ruMUCe sale on Monday, Nov. 6, (nun <# a.m. to 9 p.m.. sponsored by Ike Fun chib of Lily Lake. original group present. They were Carolyn Regner Stratton and Everett Thomas of Woodstock, El vera Anthols Schroeder and Dr. Jack Purvey of Crystal Lake; Ted Anderson of Chicago, Dorothy Knaack Carlquig of Woodale, Walter Brefeld of Libertyville, Olive Jepson Dewey of Armstrong, 111. Dorothy Fisher MteCafferty of Miami, Fla., Helen Bauer Mauch, Alma Justen Anderson, James Powers. Marion Krause Donnelly, Helen Weber Conway, Christine Wegener Krinn, Louise Kilday Smith, Julia McLaughlin Kralowetz, Harold Patxke, Harold Vycital, Melvin Whiting, Agnes Steffes Freund and Alverra Weingart Nye of McHenry. Guests in addition to husbands and wives were Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Duker. Harold Patzke -served as master of ceremonies, leading the original class statistics and history. It was decided by a unanimous vote to hold an annual reunion each October. Those in the class not able to be present were Dick Wegener of California, Kenneth Boley of Washington, D.C., Bill Brittain of Whitewater, Wis., Ed. Sherman of Colorado. Margarent Trent Mullin of Elgin, Catherine Landl of DesPlaines, Helen Harrer and Rolland Ensign of McHenry, Harold Lindsay of Aurora. Ted Winkel of McHenry, Lowell Nye of Harvard. Zura Whiting Haldeman of Spring Grove and Clarence Regner of McHenry. Many Attended Bridal Shower About sixty guests were in attendance at the bridal shower given last week Thursday at the Legion Home for Miss Audrey Kurbyun. Co-hostesses were Mrs. Chuck Miller, Mrs. Nick Miller, Mrs. Jake Stoffel, Mrs. Ray Hermance and Miss Mary Ann Miller. Games were enjoyed, after which lunch was served. reside on Golf avenue marked tile twenty-fifth anniversary of their wedding on Saturday, Oct. *8, although they observed the occasion two days previous with a 10 o'clock solemn high Mass read at St. Patrick's church. Celebrant of the Mass was Mrs. Stilling's cousin. Rev. Fr. Charles O'Brien. Three other priests were present on the the altar. Margaret Wilson and John Stilling were married in St. Patrick's church, McHenry. in 1925 by Rev. Fr. Claude Freund, who was serving that parish while the pastor, Fr. McEvoy, was in Europe. The Stillings J»ve lived Jiere since their marriage. . Makings up the choir Thursday morning were those who sang when Mrs. Stilling was a member many years ago, some who were present on her wedding day. They were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weber, Clara Miller, Linda Kilday, .Mary Powers and Earl Conway. > - l '1 Miss Betty Cairns Wed In Richmond Miss Betty Cairns, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Calrris of Spring Grove, was married to Elmer Bottlemy, Jr.. of Hebron, in a 3 o'clock candlelight service performed at the Grace Lutheran church in Richmond, Oct. 21. Attendants for the couple were Mrs. Robert Betts as matron of honor and Robert Wissell, a friend of the groom, as best man. A reception for fifty guests folowed at the home of the bride's parents In Spring Grove. The couple have been enjoying a wedding trip and will be at home m the Rex Stonell farm, two miles lorth of Hebron. ft*** v£ 5-4•*f'i£W » y ; ^-f Tj P"THrnhLTJLTuf '>"5" ^ j 4 . Mi ^ . i l 2 & L .S k i * . . . £ . . . . MAN MitS. JAMES OEFFLING Aubert-Borber Vows Exchanged Tit a wedding service solemnized in the rectory of St. John the Baptist church in Johnsburg last Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, Miss Helen Tiinra, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Timm of Crystal Lake, became the bride of Mr. James Oeffling, son of the George Oefflings of Johnsburg. Rev. Fr. Joseph Blltsch officiated at uie nuptial ceremony. The attractive bride C.hosfe a floor length white gpvtyVtfttii'flitgertip veil, the lattftr attached to a headpiece of oraHte blossoms. She carried a botiqt^t||jjt|^hite r o s e s and c a r n a t i o n s ; ? • ? ! f * ; iilkwe'w Party 4* Walsh Heae Aek and Patricia Walsh entertained friends at a Hallowe'en coatame party at their home on Green street last Monday evening. Appropriate games were played, iWi prises awarded to the win- Hark infant Is Baptised Theresa" Ann Ifttck, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Huck, Jr., was christened Sunday, Oct/ 29 at St. Patrick's church. Rev. Fr. Edward C. Coakley 'officiating. Margaret Reuland and Arne Nlska. aunt and uncle of the baby, were god parents. The baby is the first granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Laurence J. Huck. Sr., of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas J. Reuland of Chicago After the christening the guests gathered at the home of the paternal grandparents, where dinner for sixteen was served. "Terry Ann" wore an embroidered batiste christening dress that were Kathleen Anglese, and Diane Phalin, Larry (Mac. Jimmy and Bonnie Freund. Ififjllaan Blake, David Freund, James Justen, Dennis Conway, ISommy MIchelsen, Daniel Adams and Donald Powers. *UrtWiling 'V. Pfcrty HeT. 10 r There will be t ffemksghrfog party at the Cherry Valley school «m Friday. Nov. 10, to which the Public is Invited. The party will begin. at 8 o'clock, with entertainment to include square dancing. *a|». walks and a . fucy:'>pM|k Photo by Mougomery Studio THE WALTER BARBERS At an impressive ceremony at the Community church of Richmond, Oct. 21, Miss Audrey Aubert, daughter of Arthur Aubert of Chi- "*go, became the bride of Walt®- Barber, son of Mr Mrs. George H. Barber of Richmond. Rev. had been worn by her grandfather, jOverend performed the oduble- Lawrence Huck. Sr. Her coat and jrin£ ceremony before a large gathbonnet were pale green. frfluannlty flab IV Honor Tigers fThe Johnsburg CotfMttmfiHy cluli hold Its next meeting on Monevenlng, Nov. 6. at the Villa HMel Resort, at which time they wttl honor the Johnsburg Tigers * ill team. Parochial P.T.A. To Meet SOT, 8 The P.T.A. of •«tr^ii*jr*a-St. Patrick's school will hold its next meeting on Wednesday afternoon, Nov. 8, at 3:15 o'clock. The program will include a one-act comedy, "Wildcat Willie" presented by the following students of the seventh grade: Mary Kay Stenger. Kathleen Anglese. Dolores Blake, Donald Rogers. Timothy Hayes and Thomas Thennes. A social hour will follow, with Mrs. Fred Rogers, chairman and mothers of the seventh grade pupils in charge. f^Mwer Honored 9rMe*To-Be . MjfM .Lily Unti was guest of lumgr at a pre-nuptlal miscellaneous -shower held at the Gerald Carey residence last Friday evening, with Miss Barbara Carey and Mlas Mary Unti as co-hostesses. TWfBty-flve guests from Chicago. Harvard, Woodstock and McHenry were present to enjoy •0C|al evening and a buffet lunch y served by candlelight in the ntning room. Miss Unti was preitfd with a variety of lovely le will become the bride of Gregory Cairns next Saturday, Christening Of Walter Brown Infant The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brown was christened 'Michael Craig" by Rt. Rev. Msgr. Nix at St. Mary's church last week. Sponsors were Phyllis Smith and John Schaefer of? Johnsburg. : American Legion Home was le of a reunion of the class recently, with twenty-two i!. thirty-four members of the i' 'l"l"t"K"l"i"l' j' 'I' iji it<ti.liiintni»i!ii|,i!.4^"]i'li.{..}.] 111 1 -i»fr .Ki m il jjlll Heme Hnrean At Johnson Home The Ringwood Home Bureau unit will meet at the home of Mrs. Charles Johnson on Park street, McHenry, Tuesday, Nov. 7, beginning at 10:30 a.m., with Mrs. Ed. Peet as co-hoBtess. There will be an exchange of Christmas gift patterns and ideas In the morning, followed by a pot luck luncheon. In the afternoon at 1:30, Mrs. Allen Dimon will give the lesson on "Understanding the NeedB of Children." Mrs. Marv Campbell of the Public Service company, will give a demonstration on oven needs. members are urged to attend •nd guests are always welcome. i1 Acting as maid of honqt* waB'his sister, Miss Doris,; and bridesmaids were h«r Slater,, Erna Timm, of Crystal Elsie Smith of Johnsburg and Jean Milinac of Lily Lake, frienci# Of the bride. Miss Oeffling was attired In a afloor length gbwn of blue, lace trimmet^ and wore a band of dasies in her hair. She carried a bouquet of yellow baby muins. Miss Smith, Miss Mllinac and Miss Timm were attired in dresses styled similarly in colors of green, gold and dusty rose. William Schabow of Chicago, friend of the groom, served as best man and groomsmen were Don Fluger of Half Day. a friend, Donald Huff of Aichmond, a cousin, and Alger Oeffling, brother. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Timm chose a blue rlress, with which she Wore a pink carnation corsage. Mrs. Oeffling was attired in a cocoa brown dress, black accessories) and, JU pink carnation corsage. r)1 , A reception followed at 5 o*fclock at the Veterans of Foreign Wars ball in Crystal Lake, which" was attended by 250 gi^e^ta. T^e ,q,erwly weds left later tni f t Jl^nejrmon trip and upon their return will reside with her parents. The former Miss Timm attended the Crystal Lake schools J^pd has been employed at the Oak£'. Mr. Oeffling attended the Johnsburg schools and Is at present employed at the Terra Cotta plant.' HERDRICH HUNTE#^ ering of friends and relatives. ifawtp PVPtl A Wr'Cn ' Groomsmen were John Sugrue, |* 11? o cousin of the bride, Donny Huff, LAST SATURDAY friend of the groom, and Merwin j F i n k , u n c l e of the groom, a n d ' Richie Aubert, cousin of the bride' who served as ring bearer. The bridesmaids were Miss Ann Johonnott, friend of the bride, Miss Carol Gieser, cousin of the bride, and Miss Margaret Chrlstensen, friend of the bride. The matron of honor was Mrs. Charles Wood, sister of the groom and the flower girl was Constance Dvorak, cousin of the bride. The radiant young bride entered on the arm of her father, by whom she was given in marriage .and was met at the altar by the groom and Charles Wood the best man. The reception followed fmmediately after at the Hunter's golf club. The bride's table was overlaid with white paper and centered with a three-tiered wedding cake, which was embossed in 1 sweetheart roses and topped with ' a bride and groom. Miss Ann Herdrich, daughter of Following the reception, the Mr and Mrs. Emil Herdrich of Barbers left for a wedding trip to West McHenry, became the bride Columbus, Georgia, to visit a of Mr. Everett Hunter, son of cousin of the bride. the Donald Hunters of Hartland, When the new Mr. and Mrs. Bar- formerly of McHenry, In a service ber return they will make their which was solemnized in St. home in Richmond. Both are grad- Mary's church Saturday morning uates of Richmond-Burton high at 9:30 o'clock. Rt. Rev. Msgr. C. school with the class of 1949. . S. Nix' officiated at the rites. Mi ! e t I j k y l M H l lovely in a white s*tfat gown, Uu* trimmed, styled with amfdl battons down the back and lone train. #he wore a seed pearl tiara, which (tad in place a shoulder lenfth Y#il, and carried a cascade bongjfcet of white rosea and stephanfltls. Her only jewelry was a Itrand of pearls, a gift of the bridegroom. Her matron of honor was her •Ister, Mrs. Marbaret Granath, Who chose a salmon pink satin jjferess and a matching braided hand in her hair. V She carried a bouqiet of ytiloW mums. . * . Mrs. Hilda Mailfold, another sister, and Miss Lucille Poe, a friend, were bridesmaids, attired In gowns of ice blue satin and matching headpieces. They carried bouquets of mums. Best man was James Hunter, brother of the groom, while John Herdrich and Fr«d Herdrich, her brothers, served as groomsman and usher respectively. Miss Herdrich's niece, Carol Lynn Herdrich, was the charming flower girl, attired in ice blue net over taffeta, with net. headpiece trimmed in sequins. She carried a bouquet of baby mums. Rex Hester, wearing a navy blue suit, was ring bearer. Breakfast was served to the bridal party at the Herdrich home rfnd at 1 o'clock members of the two families gathered 1# St. Mary's-St, Patrick's school hall foi dinner. A reception was held there at 7 o'clock in the eveniftg for 175 guests. The bridq is a graduate of the local high school and has been .employed . as secretary at Hester Oil company. The bridegroom is employed on his father's farm near Hartland. OCTOBER BRIDE MRS. ROLAND BAUlft St. Peter's church, Spring Grove, was the scene of a lovely wedding on Saturday, Oct, 7, when Miss Gfcorgia Schmitt of Spring Grove became the bride of Roland Bauer 0| Ringwood. i^|HHMHllMlliihlll^tllnnilllmul•mHlllnlnlHlN•lllr t AMONG THE SICK HMNiiwiiHmiiHiiiuiiiiniHfliitiiimunimiuiiimmi! George Wirfs underwent surgery at Victory Memq^ial hospital, Waukegan, this past week. Ray Horenberger, Jr., underwent surgery at the Woodstock hospital last week. Philip Peterson underwent surgery at the Woodstock hospital last week. BIRTHS >.M.»*"l"l"M'***M>*lH'l 'I 1-1 1 '1"M Mr. and Mrs. Walter Alcunbri*: of Madison, ins., visited in til® Wank Mayer home last Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Sohoewar of Waukegan were Sunday vtaitoftl In the homes of friends hero. Mr. and Mrs. Anton Blake and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wegener spent Sunday with relatives near Lifceftyville. Mr. and Mrs. John Thurlwell of Rockford visited Mrs. Frank Thurlwell on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Hansen left Saturday for an extended vacation in the South and West. Miss Clara Miller, Mrs. Earl Brown, Mrs. Henry Miller an $ Mrs. Philip Doherty and son visited in the A. P. Morlts home in Ottawa last week. Mrs. D. W. McCafferty and two children called on old friends in McHenry last ,Wek. Mr. McCafferty visited here one day the last of the week and his family accompanied him to North Miami, Fla., where he has been transferred from Reno Nev. <, • , Miss Helen Welch of Woodstock visited McHenry relatives Sunday, Mrs. Joe Wegener and William Lawrence attended the funeral of a former neighbor, Mrs. Edwin Johonnott, at the Ringwood Methodist church last Friday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walsh spent the weekend in South Bend, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Williams, ac companled by their daughters, Virginia and Rosalie, are enjoying a trip through the East. They expect to visit at Washington, D.C. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fenwick of Eftmhurst spent the Weekend visiting her parents, the J. C. Reihanspergers. Ben Bonslett of Chicago spent Tuesday with Mrs. Simon Stoffel. Mrs. CurtlB Westfall of Chicago spent 9, few days this past week visiting her mother, Mfs. Simon Stoffel. Mr. and Mrs. Martlll Godwin and William Jesky and son, Michael, of Chicago visited Miss Christine Adams on'Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Watertown of Chicago, former local residents, called on Miss Christine Adams Monday. rstnmad from * hoMjnnotti apant in Minnesota Mid fear* t«kea «p rl nw McHen*. tte litter Juliajjwe Eton of UtartrMU! The conpft married on Oct t. 1 19S0 Bsoew that •MiaorlntlMi * h^ Phrtndealer now» -p, *1 r • i BAND pntMSITB McH»nry*s fodtball team is receiving congratulations of a good Many peofln ^lrts wMk for their victory ofw Hlklu>rn last Friday hut they are not die only oner line for a bit (M praise for * well done. The high sc under the direction of Tanda. performed dome very lancy maneuvers, thal|> lighted hat* mo«t effective as the various fOrmatMbs were made. As the hand formed' the word "Sing", the audience joined the instrumentalists in "Goodnight Irene" and as they made a large "U. 8." they played "The Star Spangled Banner." ! CARD OF THAllifr We would like to take this opportunity to thank friends and neighbors for gifts, flowers, cards and the many other remembrances at the time of oar silver wedding anniversary. We appreciated them Vecy At(Ch. 25 ^ John and Margaret Stilling *ARi> or fHAjiitft I would like to take this means of thanking the many friends who have sent cards, gifts, flowers and other remembrances and who visited me during my illness. They were greatly appreciated.;^ \ * BEN K. MILLER •> • . • John atilii* - - 25 McHehry, Hi.' iMMmmrwm 9 Phono McHenry * :k' CAttt) OF THANKS I wish to think friends and neighbors for cards, flowers and visits during the time I was confined to the hospital., Everything was greatly appreciated. *25 MRS. WILLIAM TUNG Paper While IfirciMus Bulbs for Indoor Blooming Dteh Gordon Plants ronva pjowning Cut Ffawm end GOLDEN WEDllINtf - Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bieschke and daughters, Owen and Frances, of near Volo, attended the golden wedding celebration of Mrs. Bieschke's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Baumann, at S1S4 Mango avenue, Chicago, last Saturday evening, Oct. 2S. A High Mass in their honor was read at St. Ferdinand's church in the morning, followed by open house in the evening. The couple came to thii country from Germany about sixty years ago. FAMILY REUNION All day guests In the William Staines home recently were the following members of their family: Mrs. Mary May. Mrs. Irene Guffey, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Glosson and 5 daughters. /Carol and Pntsy, Mf. and Mrs. Joe May and daughters. Joann and Lois, all of McHenry; Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hennlken, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Whiting, Robert Lee, James Allen and Sharon Rose, Of Woodstock; Mr. and MrB. William Guffey and Patty of Richmond ; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Smallfeldt, James, Gale and' Tamara, and Miss Jena Dqesmakes of Kenosha and; Miss Mary Stanberry. The Leslie Bungard family of Elmhurst was unable to attend because of illness in the family. - i-K N K s N G Mi and Mrs. "Skipper** Wirfs are the parents of a son born on FViday, Oct. 27, at the Woodstock hospital. Mr. and Mrs. James Stilling are the parents of a son, born Oct. 30 ty- the Woodstock hospital. A son was born on Oct. 27 at the Woodstock hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schmitt. CLFB GFENT8 Mrs. William Kelly and Mrs, Irwin Burger of Woodstock, well known lecturers In garden club circles, will speak on "So Many Ways Before Christmas," before' the members and guests of the Woodstock Garden club on Monday, Nov. 6, at 2 o'clock at the rural West wood school. Anyone interested is invited to attend meat ing. There will be a fifty cent charge. Complete line of Beebe livestock remedies at Wattle* Drug Store McHenry. gtf AAA A A AA^ Silver Wedding Anniversary Oct. 28 ' Mr. and Mrs. John Stilling, who DENTONS ARE HERE IN COLOR PHONE 746 | ELM ST. HeHENRTj B.L Bt# I I I 1 1 #• M % I I'M 1 i'K •H'lHi.l.iHi.HiiHiif.iH Vil ATTENTION VOTERS! Now Isn't It about time that some action be taken In our roanty, where • only recently the state police raided taverns In only one section, and confiscated over eighty slot machines, because local and county officials, whose sworn duty It Is to npkold the law, had failed to act. MHo Warner, denuftratic candidate for county Judge, MM! a resident of Marengo, lias promised that Insofar as he Is able, and he Is capable and fearless, that he will do all In his power ti eliminate this e?IL A vote for Mllo Warner, for coanty judge of McHenry edantjr, Is year contribatlafi telgood government.^ Complimenlg of DEMOCRATS REPUBLICANS INDEPENDENTS , f". FEATHER PARTY / * SATURDAY. NOV. 11, 1950 AT »ART'S TAVERN WEST McHfiNHY LUNCHEON WILL BE One of Hi# most outstanding tharacteris4^ tics arty individual can have is the ability! to save money. Banks provide a practical", means by which people can conserv^ \ part of their income. More people ar& opening bank savings accounts every day« - McHENRY STATE BANK ^ Member , federal deposit lntnraaee (!orporMti»n. r federal Reserve Hysteib At McIim Lang I lovable bobiet that cry and go' sleepy-byel BeouHfuHy molded piastic heads, latex drint and legs that feel real, ^l! clretied up In lacy frock*, bonnett and rubber panHet. #oH *- Large Assortment of Train Accessories.' NIWWB wMh Ixrth- •reN* body, heed and vfcor. 24M Win long. J ( 1 * 1 \ 10.95 { Stedji m«tal table and 2 chain that fold down for storage. R*d, wMta. Geo. Colletle, Owner Phone *, 459