•'Mr; iivilipM iimm » ! Dual know how a sports bug ;-,*3v.-:#that way!" It must come on jrMiiilljr mad take an awful hold. . For Instance -- We stood and llN&dhied the Warriors for a couple jjti bpurt or more last Friday night |1, , W tkay whipped Elkhorn 18 to 0. • • ~ 'Alter a' few hours- sleep, w$ g,V Mard the agonizing ring of our f ,; alarm clock at 5:30 Saturday y*\ ' Milling. Up we got and wheeled »bwar waayy to South Bend to see more faotban. First greeting from our "S.B.C. •was, "I'm glad you . came, but JltM« don't expect too much. "We're not so good this year." $ . • Being quite a hand to read pap- | era, we had an inkling that those |p 'Irish of Notre Dame weren't so -good this year: Lv ' That is--they aren't good enough to win all their games. / 7 O'Clock Ladles-- Herdrich's, 2; McHenry Lumber, «SW football bugs, we watched the V Roth,rmel. 4J«; E. Fredrick- 1Q0 ... v IrlA battle a powerful Michigan lMata_ . State team In on, ot the dulcUt J"T oOwdv. gu». ,ou would kop.( p,uke 440. M m. • 468. BOWLING NOTES -- Palace .-- ' Al's White House, S; Hoots Tavern, 0. ;<•/ ' G. Schaefer, 224-20M06; H. Stoller, 517. Fireside Inn, 2; Herdrich A Sons, 1. Landl's 2; Snug Harbor, 1. Buss, 208-526; Fantus, 577; Wheelock, 504; H. Behnke, 519. Cubs Inn, I; SL Place, 0. Low, 519. Kleinhans Lumber Oo., 8; jMnr> side Bakery. 1 C. Neiss. 602; H. Weber, $19; tL Justen, BOS. • Charm House, I; Buss Motor Sales, 1. E. Buss. 211-201-547. McHenry State Bank, I; lIcDermott's, 0. It, • V. F. W.-- • • Fly Boys, 2; Bell Hops, 1. Getner. 534. , Dog Faces, 2; Sw^bbfes, J. B. Conway, 612* * , Early Birds-- . Peterson Boat, t; -& P. Wfeund, 1. ..'V'v E. Petersoii, 184-489; D. Schaefer, '477. Old Bridge, 2; StilUng's Town ft Country. 1. B. Buergler, 201-617; N. Larfcln, 173-480. McHenry Cab, 2; Carey Electric, 1. Freund Oil, 2; S. H. Freund * Son, 1. D. Freund. 427; R. Freund, 463; S. Sutton. 208-493. C EJkhom 184} Cdach McCracken aendr (0(tl a determined group- of Warriors on ' Zurich, on On Httlelde Are., 1 mile eaat of Barrington, % mile east of highway 14. 4 miles southwest of iiikt Neither team showed anything to write home about on defense. But, give 'em the ball and they ware headin' for pay dirt Bob Williams is still a great ir. The only difference is that 'this year when he gets the ball jaway he has to pick himself up <otf the ground. In other years, iwith a strong line up front, a --- ^pocket was furnished to protect l&v'Vfkim and alljOW jtiop to ape* a re- >.' • celver. " ,x • 4 Seemed to us that a couple of f, •% defeats brought out more spirit I";, ".'than we hare seen around that town since the Terra Cotta Knox ' boys, Howard Phalin and other local boys were gathering knowledge and guidance 'neath the Golden Dome. 'M' '• <h. M: lin" ": *A - 1 We lingered long after the game Was over to watch the Michigan $tate tans rush down the field wtth ideas of taking the goal ' .IMtr k. of r.-- Steffan's, 2; Frost's. 1. v Diedrlch's. 2; Waldh's, 1. 2; Al's Hit* Owls-- McHenry Recreation. White House, 1. I. Stoller, 447. Holly's Drive Inn, 2; McHenry Sand ft Gravel. 1. Nye Drug Store, 2; Schroeder Iron Works, 1. S. Heide, 426. BishfN Men-- McHenry Plastering, 2; Leo's Tavern. 1. Nimts, 533; Reinlnger, 505. C. O. fc- , T McHenry Recreation, 8; Leo's Winkel's &83; Thennes', 2366. [Rlngwood, 1. Freund's 2370; Miller's, 2356. j E. Pieroni, 601. Gus Freund, 200-548; J.. Herd-' Freund's Dairy, J; McCullom rich, 539; H. Miller, 200. Lake, 1. _ McDonald's TavpriB. Frank ft Frieda. 1. 8arbaugh, 622. Jager's, 2352; Thennes, 2292.- ,-- B. Kreutzer, 560. Kreutzer's, 2366; Stllling's, 2362. H. Kreutzer, 203-566. 9 O'Clock Ladles-- Steffan's Jewelry, 3; T. Olson ft Son, 0. H. Conway, 422. _ Oak Park Hotel, 2; Johnson's Bar-be-cue, 1. - _ J. Knpec, 422. Of course, the home students out to prevent the action. What looked like a free-for-all turned out to be a dud. Majors-- , Carlson Oils, 3; Carl's Service Station, 0. Tonyan, 520; Carlson, 625; Budler. 202-568; Crouch, 225-564; Janotta, 204-571; Rosing, 202. Blake Motor Sales, 2; Downs Nash Sales, 1. Steffes, 508; Rodenklrk, 210- 540; Barth, 202-584; H. Smith, 210- 213-698. Commercial-- McHenry Laundrjr, 2; McHenry State Bank, 1. Vale Adams, 505; Virgil Adams, 604; A. Martin, 201. Buss Motor Sales, 3; Riverside feakery, 0. , , E. Buss, 524. Althoff Hardware, 2; McDer- • mott's, 1. H. Miller, 510; G. Schaefer, 514; R. Stilling:, 608. Charm House, t; Kleinhan's Lumber, 1. K. Foster, 631. : Well, It was all in fun. And we'll ^probably roll out just as early •"pad year for another game. This ttaorU stuff gets in the blood. Even #0Bldllin ean't UU the bug. | We i IWaiTior Wl spl were quite proud of our team, the band and genspirit shown at the Elkhorn Friday night Old Tli Rogers', 2464; Meath's 2358. R. Nimtz, 502; H. Schaefer, 200- 516; Johnson, 203; Petersen, 290., Downs, 2296; Cristy's, 2265. Cristy. 586. the local gridfron last Friday night against Elkhorn and. in aplte of some setbacks, the team forged ahead to victory, 18 to 0. A drive In the first quarter brought a 6 to 0 lead when Qolbeck pulled a quarterback aneak to cross the goal line. • ' play through the line failed tA'convert the extra point. The old sleeper play was set up nicely in the second quarter and resulted in a touchdown. A right end sweep gave Andreas a chance to slip over to the opposite side of the field. On the next play Golbeck sailed a long pass diagonally across the field that Andreas battled in and took over for 6 points. This time McHenry tried a pass on the conversion and failed. The ball changed hands several times before half time. Elkhorn lost the ball on downs as a bad pass from center set them back on their own 23 yard line. Moments later the visitors intercepted a pass and raced to McHenry's 30. Action then centered around the McHenry 18 until the half. McHenry recovered a fumble. Elkhorn recovered a fumble. Then it was time for McHenry to recover again. Kennebeck recovered as the half ended. The Warriors kept the situation pretty well in hand in the last half with fine line play, some fine punting by McCulla and an alert interception and run .by Gqlbeck Huemab showed a lot of spark and went over for the final touchdown. THURSDAY, NOV. 9ih Commencing at IOiSO o'clock sharp Fowles Lunch Wagon U HEAD CATTLE -- 48 Holsteln, Guernsey and Ayrshire milk cows, consisting of 15 springers, On J ohnsburg-Spring tlrove Rd., being IH ni. north of Johnsburg, mi. southwest of Spring Grove, 7 ml. southeast of Richmond, 10 mi. north of McHenry, % ml. south of Hwy. No. 12, on SUNDAY. NOV. 5$ at 11 >M o'clock Fowles Lanck Wagon CATTLE -- 19 young Holsteln 4 with calf at side, 6 recently mj|fc Cows, consisting of * Raring fresh, balance milking goad. 8 springing first calf heifers, die In December; 8 bred Guernsey heifers. Holsteln heifer, 8 months old. Holsteln bull, well bred, 8 months old. Average herd test 8^6 per cent. T.B. and Bangs tested. FIGS -- 19 Hampshire shoats, average weight 200 lbs.; 48 Hampshire feeder pigs, 9 weeks old; Sp. Poland China boar, weight 600 lbs. HORSES, DONKEYS AHD TACK --5 year old saddle mare, with colt at side. 2 donkeys. Western saddle and bridle. T TRACTORS AHD FARM^i S MACHINERY --J-D model "A" tractor on timber, with startor, lights, (like new); J-D 2-row tractor cultivator: McD. model "H" tractor on rubber, with starter, lights, etc. (ex. cond.); McD. 52-R combine ers, 8 with calf at side, 8 recently frlsh, baL bred back. 8 bred HoL heifers (av. age. 17 mas.), Bolt, heifer 18 mos. old, HoL bull, 18 mos. old. T. B. and Baugs jtfrtad. HOGS -- 20 choice Oh. White shoats, av. wt 175 lbs. POULTRY -- 70 Austria White hens. MACHIHERT -- AC "WC" tract, on rubber (with 2 row power lift cult.), good cond.; McD. "F-20" tract, on rubber (with cult.); McH. 2 bot. 14-in. tract, plow (late model); Avery 7 ft. tractor disc; Van Brunt 10 ft. grain drill; 3 sec. wood drag; JD 999 corn planter (fert. attach.); McD. 7 ft. oil bath mowerr McD. 6 ft. mower; McD. push type hay Ipader; McD. side del. rake; Gehl silo filler; McD. corn binder (bundle carrier and wagon loader); Mehl man. spreadwlth Scour-Kleen, mounted moto#, er; ^ rubber tired wagons and Thursday 9 O'Clock-- Co-ops. 3; Fox Novelty, 0. Jannotta. 601; Krause, 617; Peisert, 661. Certified Foods, 8; BlaCs, 1. A. Schaefer, 582. Old Bridge. 3; Clark Chev., 0. Thennes, 534; Corso, Rodenklrk, 649; Kinsala, 252-691; Larkln, 520; Sutton, 201-205-680. |The boys played a bang-up game |fcrtth the student body cheering ffhsfli on to victory. The perfor- #UR*ee of Paul Yan da's f band was i grand sight. Makes one realize jthat our school offers many opportunities to those who want to ^participate in one branch or another of the many activities offered. DAILTFnCUPS A woman's hand may be small hut still keep a man under her thumb. Overbearing ways stem lack of understanding. When you change your sense of values you short change yourself. . 8elf-Justification beguiles even the guileless. A turn in friendships trend could " mark beginning of the end. A man values his dollars but a t woman loves her scents. Routine is the momentum that molds minutes into days. Looking over youc, shoulder at the past is not facing the future ' ANONYMOUS City-- Walsh Insurance, $; Leeft Ray, 0. N. Britz, 515; H. Steffes, 208-567; H. Behnke, 102-519. McHenry State Bank, 8; Atlas Prager, 0. Rogers, 214-682; Schafifia&^204- 558; Kreutzer, 532. - - % McGee's, 2; T. Olpen, 1» Rowe, 204-503; Johnson, 208- 547. Carey Electric, 2; Hester Oil, 1. Aregger, 526; Reld, 619; Hagberg, 658. in Caesar's Time More than 100 years before the legions of Julius Casear invaded Gaul, the natives of India began to use shellac to protect the surfaces of their temples and homes. LUICK I C E C R E A M Junior Athlotle ' Program Success The McHenry Business Ken's association announces the very successful start of its junior football program, which got under way last week. Now that the high school program locally is concluded, the young athletes will take over the field until inclement weather terminates their activities. Next Sunday afternoon, Nov. 5, St. Mary's-St. Patrick's school Crusaders will play the Johnsburg school team on the tatter's home field at 2 p.m. to avenge a 36 to 0 defeat on the local field last Sunday. Friday evening, Nov. 3, at 7:30. the Crusaders will play the public school Ramblers on the high school field. Boys taking part In the program are sixth, seventh and eighth graders, all weighing 85 to 115 pounds. ^ Parents and friends are urged to come out and watch what promises to be some spirited football, for these youngsters are the M.C.H.S. football heroes of tomorrow. |effersea'a "Hired Mea'l Thomas Jefferson, the third American president, employed a dozen men on his plantation to make Iron nails. . pick-up attachment and straw spreader (like new); Case pick-up baler, on rubber, with mounted motor; McD. 2-row delayed lift cultivator, G. I. pull-type single row corn picker (like new), Case 8-ft. quack digger on rubber, new J-D 10-ft. Hi-Spped grain drill on rubber (fert and grass seed attach.), McD. 2-bot. 14-in. tractor plow, J-D 2-bot. 14-in. trac. plow, 4-sec. steel drag. Case 7-ft. tractor disc, McD. 4-row corn planter (fert. attach.), M-W 7-ft. tractor disc, new J-D field chopper (hay and corn attach.), McD. side delivery rake, McD. 7-ft. tractor mower, J-D corn binder with bundle carrier and wagon loader, McD. front end manure loader for H" or "M" tractor, J-D model "H" tractor manure spreader (on rubber), mounted Weed sprayer with 20-ft. boom, McD. silo filler, J-D 10-in. hammermill, 2 rubber tired wagons and racks, 36 ft. elevator with electric motor. Woods Bros. 22-in. steel body thresher. • * FARM PRODUCE -- 4,000 bales alfalfa and Brome hay, 1,000 bales 2nd cut alfalfa apd clover hay, 250 bales 2nd cut alfalfa hay, 700 bushels oats, 150 busbels old corn, 10 ft. sUage, 55 acres standing corn >(may be picked by sale time). MISCELLANEOUS -- Light bob sled (pole and shafts), 35 ft. en-iless Hi-Speed belt, 12x38-in. tractor chains, bog oiler, 2 electric fence controllers, wlndrower for 7-ft. mower, fan. mill, baby tenda, Lloyd baby buggy chairs. MILKING EQUIPMENT --Surge milking machine, 4 single units, ^rlth motor and pump; electric Water heater, 2 sterilizing tanks, I? milk cans. Rohlwing & Howe, Props. HERMAN BEHM, Auctioneer PUBLIC AUCTION SERVICE CO. Clerk. racks; buzz saw; and complete line other machinery. MILK EQUIPMENT--Unl. milk; ing machine (single and a double unit) complete; Surge water heater~; 2 ster. tanks; 14 milk cans, etc. FEED ft SEED -- 4 ton old corn, 700 bu. Bonda oats. 800 bu. Clinton oats, 600 bales 1st cut alfalfa, 190 bales 2nd cut alfalfa, 75 bales of straw, 14 a. stand, corn, 200 shocks corn, 20 ft. silage, 40 bu. soybeans, 2 bags Murphy's Mineral, seed corn. ANTIQUES ft FURNITURE -- Antique chest of drawers, Walnut table, trunk and other household furniture including stoves, bpds, etc. Large number of golf clubs, large glass show case, very old muzzle loading shot gun. NICK HUFF, Owner PUBLIC AUCT. SERV. COH Clerk HERMAN BEHM, Auct. SEEKS RE.ELECTION Among the candidates for election to the state legislature as a Republican representative frdm he eighth district, comprising Lake, Boone and McHenry counties, is Harvey Pearson. Rep. Pearson introduced a bill calling for a secret. ballot in the primary elecions of the state, opposed an increase in the state sales tax to NOTICE OF PUBLICATION IN ATTACHMENT In the Circuit Court ot McHenry County, - -.'V December Term, 18M. State of Illinois' * ' McHenry County, ss. Lee Gladstone vs. Peter Radtke ^nd peter Radtke. . *,"$n Attachment • , - I^emand |62oUM . Public notice is hereby given to you, the said Peter Radtke and Mrs. Peter Radtke that a Writ of Attachment has been sued out of the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of said County of McHenry at the suit of the said Lee Gladstone against the estate of the said Peter Radtke and Mrs. Peter Radtke for Six Hundred Twenty Dollars besides interest, directed to the Sheriff of said County to execute, which said Writ has been returned by said sheriff executed on due inquiry defendents cannot be found. N9W, unless you, the said Peter ke and Mrs. Peter Radtke shall personally be and appear before the said Circuit Court of said County, on or before the first day of the next term thereof, to be' holden at the Court House, in the City of Woodstock, in said County, on the 4th day of December, A.D. 1950, give special bail and plead to said Plaintiff's action, judgment will be entered against you in favor of said Lee Gladstone and so much of the property attached sold as may be sufficient to satisfy the said judgment, interest and. costs. LESTER EDINQER, Clerk. Woodstock, Illinois, tt<Wi»mber 2nd, 1950. -- JOSEPH X. WAYNNE, Plaintiffs Attorney, *«• » , McHenry, 111. (Pub. Nov. 2-9-16)' ' McD. 19-80 tractor ^recently rebuilt), Oliver 2- bot ttffAft. tractor plow, 8-B Sf-Ot tractor 4gfc. Jkppleton 4-roU shredder, McD. Manure spreader cond.), gnfe.' plow, sulky shovel plow, potato plow, plow, New-Wax corn plstnter, Deerlng grain bkfOer, Bearing f corn 'binder, McD. hay Mailer, seeder, horse drawn disc, side de- ^ ivery rake, AdVance mower, dump rake, sulky cultivator, Avery silo ' filler and pipe, bob aled, burr mill, steel wagon and box, wood whee|l wagon and box, steel wheel wagon * - and rack. MILKING EQUIPMENT -- gJ sterilizing tanks, 12 milk cans. MISCELLANEOUS -- New gal-^ vanized stock tank, tank heater, - . 100 ft. 7-in. belt, 60 ft. 6-in. belt, ^ fan, mill, scales, wheelbarrow, 1 a grass seeder, buzz saw, heavy block and tackle, cook stove. FEED -- 1,200 bushels Quinlatt ' oats (threshed), 10 tons choice baled mixed hay, 12 tons baled ' straw- ft - AUTOMOBILE.'---« Essex 4-door 1 sedan, new tires. Ernest Hoffmeter, Owntr ^ PUBLIC AUCTION SERVICE Co|^ Clerk. WICK and FROELICH, Auets. ^ ' --- a'J Sweet Clover Hay Cows may be harmed by eating: moldy sweet clover hay l a AUCTION Chi Gilmer-Volo blacktop rbfed, 1 mile east of Gilmer, 1% miles south of Diamond Lake, 6 miles northeast of Lake Zurich, 3ft re" miles south of Mundeleln, on SATURDAY, NOV. 11& Commencing at 18tO0 o'clock Fowles Lunch HOLSTEO CATTLE -- 18 Holsteln milk cows, consisting of 8 cows with calf at side, & springers, 5 recently fresh, balance bred buck and milking good. 1 bred 8 year tour cents and supported State heifer. Heifer calf, 4 months Senator Raymond Paddock in the °1'1* Holsteln bull, 2 years old. fight for maintenance and rebuild- Average herd test 8.8 per cent. Ing highways and township roads. a,1(* I*a,,gs Tested. " HORSES--3 good farm chnuks. Ctemets' Courap A comet's tail doesn't necessarily follow the head in its course through space. The tail always streams out from the comet head in a direction opposite the sun. Thus, when a comet is moving away from the sun, the tail precedes the head. WSM WAUKEGAN High School Gym SATURDAY, NOV. 8:30 P. M. 36 »r ZUMA "The Man from Mars* vs. FRITZ SCHHABEL Australian Tag Team Match FRENCH! ROY and GIRARD LA TARTE *• * T8e ANDY ROCKNE and A EINAR OLSON w CHAfci. MURRAY VSe JOHN.NY SILVI W •id -- McHenry Recreation -- P. of A.-- Wattles Drug Store, 2; Henry Co-ops, 1. T. Cairns, 193-444; H. Low. 448. Buss Motor Sales, 2; McHenry Lumber Co., 1. L. Funk. 428; G. Smith, 422. Art Smith's Oro* 8l P. M. Justen Furn., 1. L. Smith, 424. John the Tailor, 8; Cube Inn, 1. L. Kilday, 429. Commercial-- Althoff Hardware, 8; McHenry Laundry, 1. V. Adams, 622; G. Schaefer, 606.' HALF-GALLON y*u can obtain at... ' WORKMAN'S Blmtld. Hdw*. In Springfield RE-ELECT I 31 all <5T STATE REPRESENTATIVE wftoouaotr ma... n«w ne» Owg«n P«k«|« . . . UwM KM Veer ftilii ef t H«nn Tun* Inl W E B S (1200 Kc) Bolger s Drag Store EXMABIME WORLD WAR n VETERAN McMENRY, ILL. PHONB 40 r-M 106.7 Kc SUNDAY. NOV. + 4 - 4tlS DEC. Mb i Bear mora ABOUT fEARSONS RECORD and PROGRAM for the nttrt Ganeral ImiuMT NaBw Anerican VOTE TUESDAY, NOV. 7 Turkeys, Ducks and Geese. The nationally known products tiet Insure beautiful floors and . and give lostino pmOclion become the finish it Mpled Into the surface./ BOONE -- MCHENRY COUNTIES SATURDAY EVENING - NOVEMBER Uth ON HIS OUTSTANDING OF ABILITY AND SERVICE UN* inMn*. nja; tt--1 IMB mmrz PARK PUB 100 P«arl SftrMt McHenry I^UNCH WILL BE SERVED. • KM • UpMGvw • WiWFMHSMiiic-OucklMlQMM^ mn