Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Nov 1950, p. 5

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IsKnSfi |4,i *ywiwni m j iiii»i*v^*H«*ng*«w«n-«p>n^^^ip>MniiiJieamipm*|aMinwipp||*l Thur*Uy, Htfvember 1 «,U' *1 r « •* •-'"•> . ' •' "-Vf *'. -;v* - •' } v; 1950 E>V 'f v ^ • * ' V ^ ' " >A *' '* • ' mwMuua WANTED TO RENT -- Furnished HAVE lH)W or apartment In McHenry or vicinity; four or five rooms. Tel. McHenry 170. *25 WAITED TO RENT ' • * ' ' MKEHRY rUUXDEALER Published every Thursday at Mclenry, 111., by the McHenry Pab- .ib^ing Company, Inc. NATIONAL N. BURFEINDT, Gen. Manager ADELE FROEHLICH, Editor. SUBSCRIPTION, BATS 1 Tear 3- 1840 Pi'tfcdealer Want Ads No atls counted less than 25 words. 75c minimum. ' " insertion ..... -T5c (Count 5 words per line) 25c service charge on all blind ads. Cash with order. Card of Thanks .... $1.00 Minimum Rending notice 15c per line. Want Ads close- promptly at 10 a.i^V odnesday BUSINESS SERVICE LAMP SHADES Let me recover your old lamp shades to look like new. Brighten youi rooms for that holiday season. Call Mrs. Useman, McHenrv 680-W-l. 25 1 vNITOR BiSRVICB -- We elw 'oodwork, floors, windows, wall* Weekly, monthly or season lly. Reasonable prices. McHenry anitor Service, Don Dewey, Mgr. tioue McHenry 430-J. 32tf HOME RErXntS We Specialize in all Home Repairs Low Monthly Payments Free Estimates McHenrv Improvement Co. Phone 523-M-l McHenry, HI. •If Entered as Becond-class. matter at the postofice at McHenry, IU., under the act May 8, 1S7I. AUTOMOTIVE EXPERT PIANO AND ORGAN TUNING--Repairing and Refiuiob mg, worlt fully guaranteed.. merly with Lyon and Heilv. E. Za both, call collect, Lake Zurich 5341. 6tf LANDSCAPING ~ Hedges, shrubs and evergreens trimmed or replaced. Hand grade, fertilize and seed old or new lawns. Walter Aeverman, Golf Course •Subdv. Phone 210-.I McHenry. lOtf REPLACEMENT PaRTS FOB ALL CARS Accessories fid Seat Covers UNIT* AUTO SUPPLY m W. Elm Street Open All Hay Saturday and Saaday lltf FOR SALE--4ieiiera tors, armatures, starters, fuel pumps, distributors, voltage regulator* and ignition par£i for h'ord and all other cars. Seaco 8alet & Hervice, Lilyinoor, Fred J. Svoboda, Prop. Tel McHenry 183. 47tf ""SALE -- 1948 Pontiac 4-door sedan. Low milage, paint and mechanically in perfect condition. Tires are practically new. $1295.00 including 2 new snow tires. Phono McHenry 608-M-l. *25-8 V^rVVVVVVVVVV CHOOSI A * GARBAGE COLLECTING -- Let us dispose of your garbage each week, >r oftener if desired. Reasonable -ates. Regular year round route fohn E. Hill, P. O. Box 274, Me- •ieiiry, Phone 365. tf MEN - 21 to 35 RALPH L. CLARK Plaao Technician Repairing Tuning 902 Garfield Road Harvard, 111. Phone 748-R SPRAYING, WHITE WASHING or FLY CONTROL-- Chicken' houses barns, garages and basements. Frank W. Henkel, Volo, P. O. Round Lake, 111. Tel. McHenry 543-J 1. 5tf CEMENT BtnUHVO BLOCKS Available at the Water Tower la West McHenry VON CONCRETE PRODUCTS OO. Phone McHenry 788-W DEAlT ANIMALS - *!igl7es*rcash prices paid for sowt, horses and liogs; no lielp seeded to load. Day and night, ^enjaytt and holidays. Call Wlieelin/ Rendering Works, Wheeling T7o. 3; reverse charges. 36tf UfID CAR We have 3 beautiful ears with less than 10*000 miles each. '49 4-Dr. Ambassador 502-Dr. Statesman SS 4-Dr. Ambassador Custom with Hydra-Matic Drive. DOWNS NASH SALES J 405 Elm St. McHenry r^r^r vr yr yr w ^BUSINESS SERVICE BXPERT PIANO AND ORGAN TUNING--Repairing and Refirishing, work felly guaranteed. Used pianos for a-iie X. Zaboth, call collect, Lake Zurich 3102. 40tf BRING YOUR PHOTOGRAPHIC PROBLEMS TO US-- We can deliver anything from a snapshot to latac nmrals, or free hand oil parsings. Copying and framing. CAMERAS, PROJECTORS, FILMS AND SUPPLIES. WOR WICK'P STUDIO. 117 Riverside Drive, McHenry. Phone 275. 40tf HELEN WEBER SAYS: Get Out That • CI' Overcoat ~ WINTER'S ON ITS WAY -yrr-ZTTj Send us all your coa^ sweaters, snowsuits, winter jackets and outer- ^ wear this week -- get set ^for cold weather without having to buy new clothes!, McHENRY CLEANERS 101 Elm Street MeHeary PHONE 104-M i •!' 1 'M 't"I' f"t I1 MUBIC INSTRUCTION It Your Own Home Piano and Piano Accordiaa a - Classics or Popular Beginners or Adanced Instruction EARL P. KOCH Phone Pistakee 633-M-i • CESSPOOLS and SEPTIC TANKS SERVICE G. A. DOUGLAS Phone McHenry 776-W 10tf CARPENTER WORK DONE BT DAY OR CONTRACT. , IIAN GUSTAF80N < |eL McHenry 748 • .•; sitt HAVE YOUZ2 CESSPOOLS, catch basins, septic tanks, cisterns cleaned by Eddie 8 Sanitary Service. Eddie ffuff, Prop. Tel. McHenry 290. 29tf WELLS DRILLED WATER SYSTEM - OR DRIVEN We sell, repair Main 167. inps Street, McHenry Telephone 26tf a J. H. DIEHL Woodstock Piano Tuner Phone 208^* 526 Washington St. Woodstock, HI. SOtf FOR SALE POULTRY FOR SALE LIVE OR DRESSED FRYERS ROASTERS -- HENS Now is the time to fill up your deep freeze. SCRAPER'S POULTRY FARM First house north of Route 120 oo .... / Ringwood Road Phone McHenry 607-M-t ~'ii TS WSfR ftepdriment. Group Insurance. Paid VacO' tion and Holidays. _ ^! \ A'> Tel. Richmond 5 Ringwood, flL FOE SALE A FOLLOW TBI CROWD TO Sportsman's Inn, SIS Main street. Icc cold ease beer aad packaged ^oods of all kinds. A1 Phannen still. 49tf ANTIQUES, MISC. ITEMS--Clothing in Good Condition for the entire family. Normals. Open Mon. to Sat., 1 p.m. tw 10 p.m., Sunday, 11 a. m. to 6 p, m. Mrs. R. Dietrich, Terra Cotta Rd. Consignment and Resale and Antique Shop, % mile west Terra Cotta factory which is on Rt. 31. Crystal Lake 1346 R-l. 51-tf FOR SALE -- Trees, shrubs, evfergrens. Estimates on complete landscaping* Pitzen's Nursery, Route 120 and Wilson Road. R.F.D. 2, Round Lake. 2 miles east of Volo. Phone Round Lake 6-1570. 23tf FOR SALE--1 Winchester, model 12, 12 gauge pump gun. 117 Broad St. Phone McHenry 799-J. *25 FOR SALE--Capons, 7 to 9 lbs., 60c lb. live weight. Will dress, draw and deliver. Tel. McHenry 613-M-2 after 4:30 p.m. Albert Schmelzer, Rt. 4, McHenry, Box 48. *24-3 FOR SALE-- JOHNS-MANSVILLE "Blown" Rock Wool. Guaranteed not to settle. WALLFIL Co., Leo J. Stilling, 200 E. Pearl, Tel. McHenry 18. 22tf \ HELP WA OTID HELP WANTEI* -- Boys 16 years or over to spot pius on sepii-automatic pin spotter machine. Night work or Saturday and Sunday. Palace Recreation, McHenry. 25-2 HELP WANTED -- ExiMrrienced auto mechanic. Downs Nash Sale. 405 Elm street, McHenry, 111. Tel. 4S4. ^ 2i& SITUATION WANKD Jul 1ALE -- 78x1,42 wooded lot 111 city. Must be seen to be appreciated. Tel.,McHenry 92rM. *23-3 POSITION WANTED--Experienced caretaker wants position. Good reliable couple. Good house more important than salary. Write Box 110, care McHenry Plaindealer. *2& FOR SALE --Oilstove, 2 years old, oil drum, 50 gal. oil and 9x12 linoleum, new. Tel. McHenr'- 649-R-2. 25 FOR SALE --Yorkshire boars and gilts. Matt's Mink Ranch. Phone McHenry 314. 25 Downs.. Nash Sales, 405 Elm Si would like to have as their guest Mr. Arthur Maast of Lily Lake and one to •**--»l the picture now playing at the Colony Theatre. Pick up your tickets at Downs Nash Sales. FOR RENT FOR RENT -- 4 nice rooms With enclosed porch. On highway llO. Please call 544-M-l. 26 FOR RENT -- 4-room home, fully i insulated, enclosed porch, auto- FOR SALE - Three-section gar- matIc oil J heat' water- e,*ctric age door, fine condition. $10. A./""J6 refrigerator garag. Wike, phone McHenry 537-M-l. jw J!1 uti,'ty >*oom^ May be renMd *25 w ^«feop on to b»y Located tn 'Emerald park, fifth house west of East River Road. House can Ike seen by obtaining keys one door east. Call Merrimac 7-8448 after 5 p.m. (owner). f| FOR SALE -- A.K.C. Reg. Full grown Roxer. Phone McHenry 899. 25 FOR SALE -- 4- 28x20 two light storm windows, never used, $4.50 • •ach. Minneapolis-Honeywell combination thermostat and aquastat, used one season, $15.00. Table top stove $5.00. McHenry 445-M. 25 FOR SALE -- Gas rangette stove, like new, $50.00; comb, wood and coal heating stove, $10.00; used pitcher pump reasonable. Call McHenry 522-M-l Saturday Nov. 4 26 FOR SALE -- Beer - for your icc cold case beer of all kinds, come to the Sportsman's Inn, where good fellows meet; all kinds of wines and package goods to take out at the lowest prices. 513 Mair street. A1 Phannenstill, prop. 23tl FOR SALE--TYPEWRITERS, AD DING MACHINES. Service on al' makes. Also ribbons for all makescarbon paper. L. V. Kilts, Clay St. Woodstock. Phone 541, 7tf FOR SALE -- American Oriental blue and tan rug. 12x16. 4 poster walnut bed, innerspring mattress, spring and dresser. 20 Orchard Beach, Phone McHenry 797-R. 25 FOR SALE -- Beautiful Polo ^y^d wolf fur coat, $100.00. Phone McHenry 849-M. 25 FOR SALE -- Gas range (bottle gas). Reasonable. Misc. living room furniture. Phone McHenry 605-M-l. 25 FOR SALE -- 1 Bee Vac Vacuum Cleaner, tank type with attachment. 1 Electric washing machine, 1 Law son type davenport. Phone McHenry 209-W. 25 FOR SALE -- Deico oil burner and controls with 275 gal. oil tank. A-l condition, wijl sell separately. A. P. Gehrman, 106 S. Riverside Drive, McHenry, IU. * ' ' *26 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED -- Large feed company needs Salesman in McHenry county. No investment. Home nights. Adequate field training. Prefer married man between 25 and 50. Must have car. Reply to Box 112, care ! McHenry Plaindealer. *25 GOOD OPPORTUNITY-. We are hfria* addtttoaal «MMfe and girls at dress factory. N« «• perleace accessary. Riverside Mfg. Co„ 900 N. Riverside Brin* McHenry. Call 29. IS'tf HELP WANTED -- Waitress. Mi- Place Restaurant. 121 8. , Green St.. Phone McHenry 377. ' 22tf HELP WANTED -- Baby sitter from 2 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. ,5 nights a week. Phone 752-W. *25 WOMEN WANTED --Assemblers. wirers, solderes, pacxers and in spectors. Experience not necessary Secure a position in an ever ex n rinding radio-television industry Employment office open Monda.v through Saturday, 8 a. m. to i p. m. Admiral Corp., McHenry at intersection of Rt. 120 and 31-. 51-tf <H4-H' 'M1'M1 •!' 1 •!' • Corn Oats Barley Ferguson Grain Service Yonr Country Elevator We Bay and Sell Lee Us Serve Yofi Phone Crystal Lake 1S74-R-2 Rye Wheat 4"H'1111W' i FOR RENT -- 80-acre farm on Route 31, 3 miles north of McHenry. All workable. Cash rent. Call McHenry 421-J. 25 FOR RENT -- 5 room apt., Johnsburg, 2nd floor. Phone McHenry 87-M. " *25 FOR RENT -- Apartments; weekly rates on rooms. Riverside Hotel, McHenry. Phone 266. 25-2 FOR RENT-- Modern year 'round home on Wonder Lake. Four large rooms and complete bath, basement. Oil heat, electric hot water heater. Furnished or unfurnished Reasonable. T. P. Mathews, Phone Wonder Lake 306. 26 WANTED WANTED -- Jobbers aj|d direct <nleamen. Quality lines, with liberal •ommissions. Manufacturers representative. R. Duane Fowler. Wood <tock, Box 334, Phone 404-JZ< 41tf WANTED--Watehes and Jewelry epai». Anthony Noonan, 200 So. Ireen street, McHenry. (Front part if Claire Beauty 8hoppe.) 15tf DONT PORGET -- The Feather Party at The Sportsmans Inn, Saturday November 18. 25 Subscribe for The Plaifidealer ELM THEATRE Waacoada, HL Rente 17C Mill fftreei OPEN DAILY flSt P. M. FRI. k SAT.. NOV. 2-4 George Meatgeaiery EHea Drrtr is # "DAYY CROCKETT, INDIAN SCOUT" SUN., MON. A TUBS* - NOV. (4.7 Matlaee Sunday 2 P. M. Cent "OUR VERY OWN* Farley Granger Ann Blyth Joan Evaas WED. A THURR, NOV. S4 -LOVE THAT BRUTE" wltk Paal Doaglas Jean Peters Dentist's family (one child) would like four five or six room semi-furnished or unfurnished apartment or house. Write Box ill, McHenry Plaindealer. 25 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE la Millstream. a most modern subdivision, 4 and I rooms, Face Ifcrtek on all 4 sides; Fall cement basement, Automatic oil farnace er hot water; gas, electric, city sewer. Possession frem SO to 90 days. Price, $11,90040 aad llt^OOJtl Oash Down- 85%. Balance 20 years to pay. Yea can also have water front lot. Cfcll JACOB FRITZ or HANK KELL. JOHNSBCRG --Telephone McRENRY 17. 8tf FOR SALE -- HOMES -- FARMS CHOICE LOTS -- BUSINESSES f RESORT PROPERTY Kaox Real Estate 405 Richmoad Road McHenry, I1L Phone: McHenry 1IU Wceased IU. * Wis. Broker K1LROY " CLAIM DAY NOTICB Estate of Leo GolomUewflU Deceased. Notice is hereby given to ai> persons that the first Monday ct ( December, 1950, is the claim dale . in the estate of Leo Golomblew* ski, Deceased pending in the Probate Court of Lake County, 111!- nois. and that claims may be filed . against the said estate on or be- ,. fore said date without issuaaoe e| („ summons. i- IRENE WILCKS, Administrator. JOSEPH X WAYNNE, Lawyer s McHenry, Illinois. ' (Pub Oct. 26 - Nov. 24i) FOR, SALE Large corner lot across from Park with 2 houses. £#rge one vacant. Reasonable. Write Mrs. John McMahon, 6133 North Kenmore Ave., Chicago 40, 111. 22-4 FOR SALE--Store aad gas station, store fully stocked and equipped. Walkin msAt box. Three gas pumps; 2,000 gal. ground tank storage; building 28x40 ft.; 16 bearing fruit trees; 3-car garage; air compres*or. Phone McHenry 345. After 7 p. m. Call 548-J-2. i«.|t ALL YEXft IIOttE At WONDER CENTER Four rooms and bath, two (2) l*rge lots, . nice location. Price, for appoinment Call JACOB FRITZ-REAL ESTATE, in Johnsburg, PHONE McHENRY 37. 24-tf FOR SALE -- TfOWgalow at 302 N Oreen street Inquire at 209 E Rim street or phone 474-W. Price figured This flLOQO. Flil SALE--Bungalow at Fight Fire Every Week . A short time ago, the 1950 observance of Fire Prevention Week took place. It is officially over. But, if Americans are at all interested in the health and welfare of themselves and their families, they will make every week a fire prevention week. Safety from fire--whether In the home, on a farm, or in an industrial plant--can only be achieved by continuous, day-in-and-day-out work. That doesn't mean it's a hard Job. It isn't. For the most part, it's easy. But it is a job which can never be neglected if we wish to avoid possible disaster. The homeb which is safe today can be extremely dangerous tomorrow. An electric wire becomes frayed--a stove or a heating plant goes out of adjustment-- someone careless with cigarettes-- flammable materials are careless ly stored in closets and attics--explosive liquids and oil-soaked rags are placed where the touch of a spark would set them ablaze. It is these "little things" which we must look out for--not during one wwk, but every week of the year. The nation'^ fire loss continues at disgracefully liigh levels. Far worse is the fact that, each year, fire claims something like 10,000 lives--many of them infants and children. Many thousands more are permanently maimed and disis the price we pay DeaUe Duty Beds At the turn of the century the only type of double-duty bedding available consisted mainly of an upholstered folding cot built with wood slats. A wool mattress and pillow were combined in one piece and the whole covered with striped ticking. It wasn't attractive either in appearance or for sleeping comfort. Today's double duty bedding is quite a contrast Smartly designed davenport beds and studio couches are upholstered in eye-appealing fabrics which blend with the other furnishings of the room. Many modern double-duty beds are Indistinguishable from standard type davenports--until they open up to provide comfortable sleeping for the night Sleeper Especially wary when awake, the weasel is a very sound sleeper. It can often be taken up by the head, feet or tail and swung around for a considerable time before it begins to awake. 22tf a st, 302 N. St. Inquire at 209 E. Elm r »phone 474-W. Price $11,000. 24-tf FO* SALE -- WONDER LAKE Many seasonal and year 'round homes very reasonable. Prices start at $5250.00 for 4 and 5 room homcie. Easy terms and liberal financing on all homes. T. P. Mathews. Phone Wonder Lake •06. , 25 LOST AND TOUND LOST -- Pair glasses. Henry 226-M. Tel. Mc- 25 MISCELLANEOUS RUMMAGE SALE -- Monduy, Nov. 6. at Hoppert's store on Rt. 120, Lily Lake from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sponsored by Fan club of Lily Lake: 25 -r»» • . ' Ljffa Sponge TherifiH <t«!ay7 tf»«i tor luffa sponge, which Is tough and durable wMfe of.jood quality. During the war, ft had high priority as a critical notorial vitally needed for oil fflterMK and .machine cleaning. To meet me degilind, good-quality Japaaeee JjpetUC which had been developed whrti Japan was making a peacetime speciality of luffa export, were planted In the Americas. for our carelessness and ignorance. This is the grave problem which the annual fire prevention weeks are designed to help us solve. We can'do it, if only we have the will. EarthwetW The worms found here are mighty slim pickin's compared to ! those available in parts of Australia and South America. Hie giant earthworms of those countries often are, an inch thick and about seven feet long; each one a feast for a flock of birds. •>H tm HI i 1 1 1 1 1 < I M• I'M TOWNE THEATRE FOX LAKE TEL. T-ltll FRI. ft SAT„ NOV. 8-4 The Beautiful EL TOVAR CRYSTAL LAKF IU. Ce*a. Lead lag Theatre FRI. A SAt„ NOT. 3-4 Maareea OUara Pau Christian la "RAfeDAD" (la Technicolor) •4 f \ SUN. A MON., NOV. 5-0 Suaday Coat, from 2:45 P. M. Bart Laacaster Dorothy McGalre la "MISTER ,mv The meet lovable old gent who ever evaded the law. He played en* phi for the secret service aad the Ualted Natleas. TUBS* WED. A THURS* NOV. 7-8.1 James Cafaey Helena Carter la "KISS TOMORROW GOODBYE" SUN. A MON NOV. 5.6 IHIPICTURIIVIRYONI IS CHCUUNO! BURT LANCASTER DOROTHY Edmund MjUAJtO MfTCHCU SEcrdeem* undtakfinf • Juli«] * • • TUES* WED. ft THURS* NOV. 7-8-9 D. McGalre la DIDN'T W. Laadigaa »*MMWMSIIM««IMMIllMlimilllMIMI "MOTHER DIDNT TELL MS* i t u u i ' i i n i i m n i i M w FRI. ft SAT* NO?. 2-4 Matinee Satarday 2:80 P. M. "CURTAIN CALL AT CACTUS CREEK" % Technicolor Wr:»: • with Bmald OTonaer Also -- Co-Hit Aaa Sheridan Victor Matare ia "STELLA" Pies Color Carteea -- "A Merry Chase" aad "Atom Man vs. Sapenaaa" No. S SUN. ft MON., Nov. M Matlaee Sunday 2:St P. M. "PEGGY" Glorleas la Techalcelor wl^i Dlaaa Lyaa Charles Cohan Plas Fall.Leagth Documentary "FAREWELL TO YESTERDAY" STARTS TUESDAY, NOV. 7tk "NO WAY OUT" with Richard Widmark Llada Daraell - felf;-: MDk Esperimeat During the past several considerable experimental has been done on "prepirtum mg" or milking a cow before dhe comes fresh. It was thought that this practice might make it possible to eliminate many ef the cases of congested udders at caletng time, and also to prevent naaap cases of milk fever. Experiments at Kansas State college and elsewhere have shown that there is ae advantage to prepartum miHrh| It does not help congested udders, nor prevent milk fever. In •rtillllea it removes the colostrum which Is necessary for the newbora caR Diesel Performance Diesel locomotives handled ly 50 per cent of pa ssenger-trala car-miles and nearly 35 per cent of freight gross ton-miles In the year 1949. DONT FORGET -*• Vfc# Party at The Sportsmans Saturday November 18. •• I M4"H M i IIXI»11 Colony McHENRY, ILLINOIS Air Ceadtttoaed -- Ceafwt Good Vlsloa aad Sea ad Doors Opea at Ct29 P. M. Screa Starts at Ittf P. X. THURSn FRL ft NOV. I-M SAT. Ia Techaicoler Betty Hattea Howard Keel Loals Calhera Keeaaa Wyaa "ANNIE GET YOUR GUN" Also Carteea SUN. ft MON., NOV. (4 Bart Laacaster / Derethy McGalre Aiataad Gwei| "MR. 88T* "iBags Baaay" Carteea "Oa Stage Kveryhedy" Saaday Matlaee idt Ceat. CLOSED ON TUESDAY WED^ THURS. ft NOV. mi FRL, William Heldea Naaey Eric Tea Strcheha Gloria Cecil R. DeMIlle "SUNSET BOULEVARV* '• i -Hl'i v> 1 sm.- (,iiit»0UTD00R r GRAYSLAKE RT 120 & Zi NOW THRU SATURDAY BURT LANCASTER * DOROTHY Mc6UUtE EONMO 6WEWNithMiTci«LL o. SDN. MON. tc TOES. NOV. 54-7 [BTIEST 9F MU WISTUH HHKTntSi PwfflnMl pistsati uitt •HI MMV mmim* .MUM (MI8« N00UCIM Qiistlsd D) Ms f miH uksv * Sa WED. THURS. FRI. 8c SAT. NOV. 8-9-10-11 :* UNNtRSM.«TCmATOWL pitsenls rf Children 12 end Under Admitted Free • l mm 'if ^ ( " - t v

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