Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Nov 1950, p. 6

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-r% (OMAlnned from page 1) Mi ;vr IMHtr thread on the spool Weaving and shaping of the fam to the conformation of #ffer«mt construction of the 'Hgfe, Nch as long, short, stout, <11* and extra proportioned calf all the foregoing operattaM are automatic and accurate :!r --•{hen each Hose is joined and tfteiroill^r inspected and dyed the , vartona colors--All this is in the BMMtactnre, now comes the prac Paatry BeUeHM' We went directly from the Certified Store to the PANTRY DELICACIES, 134 Riverside Drive; met both HENRY and ESTELLE EKKROTH. We wanted to satisfy ourselves that a Store of this kind has a place in every Community. Here we found something beyond our expectations, -- not only do they carry a line of Groceries and Delicatessens, but imported and domestic Canned Goods and Cheeses. ESTELLE adds to the tasty dishes by preparing Horae- * tksal operation. Many Women of j mad* Goodies, such aft Chop Suey, . s tilts firea are learning that they Chili. Baked Ham, Kosher Cornk-'- V&e. can get exactly the Hose they de- ' sire, at1 a considerable saving, \ merel by driving out on Crystal 4 Road a short ways. Noenaa's Jewelry Now we come to TONY NOONAN y of NOONAN'S JEWELRY, 200 So. Green Street. Every watch repairled by TONY NOONAN is adjusted .on a Paulson Timer before it leaves his shop. This is strictly a - JEWELRY STORE and although he does not display a large selection of Diamonds, he can, on very •: short notice, secure any Stone or Design in the price bracket you desire and you will be assured that r: you are getting Value Received. This also applies on any other piece of Jewelry you may have in mind.At any rate when you make a selection here, it won't be necessary to have it appraised else- £ where--Ton are assured a Square Deal! Betty IfWsfB We had a most pleasant interview with BETTY NIELSEN, her Daughter and AGNES FREDRICKSON. all of BETTY NIELSEN STYLE SHOP, 121 Riverside Drive --This up-to-date Women's Apparel Store generates "Class and i Distinction", and at first glance one might get the impression that ? It's an expensive place, but a little K investigation will assure you that It's possible to satisfy any sire budget for those stylish Dresses, attractive Lingerie, Millinery. < Hand Bags, the "correct piece" of Costume Jewelry for your outfit. Gloves and of course Foundation 4 Garments. However, we would % " rather you have a girl reporter give a more descriptive account of the merits of the Foundations and " other things that Ladies wear, (our knowledge is limited you know). But we might add that many of BETTY NIELSEN'S Customers come from a radius of 50 or 60 miles-- You see, this Shop h-- been here for over 14 years. Geerfre R. Ja«tea k Son , GEORGE JUSTEN and his son, BOB, proved to be a most amiable father and son combination--This Furniture Store located at 101 S.' Green Street, Cor. Elm, was founded in 1883. It is not uncommon to have the Bride of today remind MR. JUSTEN that her Grandmother had her home furnished by JUSTEN--this indicates Satisfactory Merchandise, as well as Satisfactory Dealings, which is the JUSTEN POLICY -- Among their exclqsives is Frigidaire, Kling Bedroom Furniture, A.B.C. Washers, Roos (Sweetheart) Cedar. edbeef-- in fact a complete Smorgesbord. The Store is open ? days a week from 9:00 to 9:00, and no matter what you may have forgotten on your regular order, .or if unexpected guests drOD in, PANTRY DELICACIES Is always available. George P. Freud Next we called on his honor the Mayor, who with his three sons operates the J. I. CASE IMPLEMENTS SALES ft SERVICE, at 605 Front Street. It goes without saying that GEORGE P. FREUND is a concientious citizen in the performance of his cfuties as Mayor-- Those who have had business dealings with him either in the purchase of New Farm Equipment or Repair Work, will attest that as a Business Man, he employs the same high, standard of practice. F. M. Radio k Television -Our next call was on McHenry's newest business, F. M. RADIO ft TELEVISION SALES ft SERVICE, 102 Riverside Drive, at the N. E. Corner of Elm. WALTER HOJNACKI is the proprietor, formerly of McCullom Lake. He has developed a following because of his ability as a repairer of all makes of either Radio or Television sets --a great deal of his experience was gained in the laboratories of NATIONAL COMPANIES-- some of our local dealers call on him for service and repair work. He carries a full line of parts 'for all makes and of course sells the well known ADMIRAL line and sees that its properly installed which Is most important! , The Toddler Shop Our next visit was a most enjoyable one! We called on THE TODDLER SHOP, 312 Elm Street. We interviewed MRS. ELVERA DURLAND and her daughter Mrs. Mary Kauss, who have, since 1944 provided this area with a most complete Children's Fashion Shop all their own. We spent considerable time here observing the efficient manner in which these little ones are treated. Here you will find everything for youngsters right from cradle age through Grammar School Age -- MARY Bje'lteif-'ftliiit' " Oar next call wm on tUtMAIf NYE of NYB DRUG STORE. 12» Riverside Drive--tills Is t Walgreen Agency! It's been here since 1948 and Is a very comfortable Drug Store, carrying all sundry articles, such as Cosmetics, Toilet Articles, Cameras and Photographic Supplies. They have a spacious Fountain which features BADGER ICE CREAM, but most important is the Prescription Department. There is always a Registered Pharmacist on hand. MR. NYE himself has been a Pharmacist for 23 years--Because of the extensive Prescription business this Store does, you can rest assured that your Doctor's prescription is compounded exactly as written--This very popular Drug Store with ample help will satisfy your every requirement, with promptness and courtesy. Community Interior Service Next we; called on a real Specialist, BILL NELLIS of COMMUNITY INTERIOR SERVICE, 204 S. Green Street. BILL is the fellow who can offer many suggestions, because of his 20 years experience, in how to beautify the interior of your home--You see he makes Custom made Draperies, $lip Covers. Bed Spreads, Pillows, etc. Every job is made to measure and properly fitted -- there are numerous styles and patterns from which to make a selection-- further, because of the low overhead. you can get exactly what you want in this line for practically what you pay for ready-made or make-qhift Covet or Drape. It's worth looking into! McHenry Equipment Co. Our next call was on GUS FREUND of McHENRY EQUIPMENT COMPANY, (International Harvester Dealer), 303 W. Elm Street. This business was established in 1933 and up until three years ago was located on the East side. They carry the complete International line including Trucks. This, up to the minute shop does all sorts of repair work on Farm Machinery, Tractors and Trucks. The well filled parts and stock room enables you to fill most any requirement. Every man is an expert in his line.--As Is for instance, the International Milk test along with any other cooler. Then of course they carry a line of Rustoleum machine paints In matching colors. In fact they are in a position to fill your every requirement! Freand Oil Qompany Now we come to the fellow that is so necessary to the community. We mean Dick Freund of the FREUND OIL CO.. 401 Front Street. First of all. lubricating oil to keep your car. truck or equipment operating to it's fullest caacity or efficiency and next if you have not as yet put In a goodly supply of Fuel Oil (if you heat with oil) and you wake up some fcfcewh Ho* ere KAUSS was raised and educated morning and the house is cold, in McHenry. has been active In children's affairs all her life -- THE TODDLER SHOP has benefited because of this. Play Pens, Comic Books, even a Baby Bed and a Sanitary Wash-room for Kiddies. ~ makes shopping here ft pleasure instead of a burden! Prices are exceedingly low considering the high quality mer- Chest and others--Besides con- J chandlse, plus every other conducting the very popular Furni- | venience this popular' Kid's Shop ture Business, both GEO. R. and son BOB. officiate at the JUSTEN FUNERAL HOME, and because of their thorough training and complete understanding, they cover every detail that's so important at such times when our hearts are the heaviest. Central Certified Food Store We walked across the Street and was fortunate in catching BILL PRIES at a moment of leisure-- BILL you know operates the CENTRAL CERTIFIED FOOD STORE at 102 S. Green, Cor. of Elm. His Dad started on a much smaller scale back in 1915 as an independent Grocery ft Market-- BILL is still Independent, but has the advantage of Certified Buying Power--Chicago Land prices are guaranteed--This is a Serve Yourself Store, but you can still send the children and be assured that there Is ample and trained help to wait on them and they receive the same high standerd service as you would yourself. The Store carries all Standard Brands, their Baby Foods, (all in glass) are the best and is an important part of the business--a wide selection of Frozen Foods and of course Grade "A" Meats. Remember the Holidays will soon be here. Why not get your order in early for just the Bird you will want, in fact yon will find that your $ $ $ will yon wlll tted asany prioo ages here--This store i* days a week. X. B. Upholstery The part of our work we! like best Is 'the Interviewing of a Finished Artisan sachvvat MITCHELL BYKOW8RI, (eMled ANDY by his friends) of the 1L B, UPHOLSTBRY, 308 Blm Street on Route 31. "ANDY" with » years experience as an Upholsterer, established the M. B. UPHOLSTERY at the above address 14 months ago. Already he has gained a reputation for the 6M(om Made Furniture he ^eaifna,; lie is particularly noted for hi*" ability to redesign or remodel frohr favorite Chesterfield or Baty Chair to a more modern pfoce-*Bfanples and patterns are "of the highest quality with plenty frorawhioh to choose. Again "low overhead" Is an important factor in the coot. Althoffn Hardware Next we interviewed JIM ALTHOFF of ALTHOFF*S HARDWARE, 501 Main Street. This 25 year old Establishment offers a very complete service on everything tliey sell such as Phjlco Line, Norge, Roper Ranges, Basy Washers, Deep Freezers, Monarch Ranges, Quaker and Monogram Oil Stoves and Lennox Furrfaces and Winkler Oil Burners with comffcopio can tftfer Merchandise and Workmanship at figure* that Would bo considered bargains in Many of our larger Cities, whore the over-head is higher--and consequently the mark-ups. To the Business People who joined «s, our Hearty Thanks. To those who couldn't because of circumstances, our Regrets. To those who were not In accord, our Forgiveness. We sincerely hope onr readers will take advantage of the many splendid Specials offered "by the Merchants of McHBNRY hi the coming issues and that they will get to know those better, who, day in and day out, serve them so W«41. , .« 1 ? ' able (• ^pitottMlY': 'the pernor activities. This is designed to be a permanent organisation for young people with social and civic programs of ita own. Interested yonng people are aaked to give their names and addresses to Henrietta Vycital, Mc H f n r y 547-M-l, so that they may be notified of the first meeting. There will be a veterans' craft sale at the Legion hall on Nov. 11. Theri is a fine assortment of items suitable tor gifts. The best selection, of course, will go to early buyers. Those who will not be able to attend the sale may make arrangements for direct purchases by calling Stephaaie ne, 492-W. •' j- 'vU.'. Mi 'M 1-J1. 7# I. I IM 1 1! ! •• » »M,M tiff f 11 »• 'I * • St*4 lrtWUltriT delegates' attended the eleventh district Legion auxiliary semi-annual convention at Joliet last Saturday. District !#ttiers set the tone for the meeting with their references to the value of a woman's place in her home, community and country. The 175 women present pledged themselves plete installations, Including Sheet k to even greater future achieve- Metal Work--They are the City's' ments through organized effort, largest Distributors of Drl Gas. J based 01 a predominance of close- They employ a 3 men on Service lations. Shortly} a large Christma lay-away plan^fto ience--Oh Yes-^M ed through their Christmas «P»at Jl«h a ly knit feeling of kindness, tolerance, understanding and patience with one another. 'Functioning officers, in their instructive talks, placed much importance on the value of a woman's NICK KELLER CANDIDATE IN NOV. 7 Among the candidates at week's election is Nick Keller, Republican representative from the eighth district Ln the Illinois legislature continuously since 1936. He's a veteran of World War I; a former steel worker, having been elected president of the steel workers' ttnion ip 1919; commissioner of Public Woks, city of Waukegan; and a leader ln sports and youth activities. Mr. Keller, '56, is a restaurant man and farmer. According to the opinion of Judge William Dusber of Rockford, who presided over a jury trial in McHenry cOunty last week, this district needs two more jadges, two to take care of Winnebago county and the othor three to take care of the , other three counties, Lake, MOHenry and Boone. At present, Judge Dusber holds court five days a week in Winnebago county, while in Lake county Judge Ralph J. Dady has a similar schedule. Judge William M. Carroll spends his five-day week between four counties^ taMwy care of the great part of the work in McHenry and Boone. offers. Bjorkman ft Son Next we called on WALTER BJORKMAN and his son, STAN, of BJORKMAN ft SON RIVERSIDE HARDWARE. "130 Riverside Drive. This is strictly a Hardware Store, it's been in existance for the past two years. WALTER, a former plumber hip equipped the Store with what you would expect to find in a good Hardware Store, such as Tools, Fittings, Electrical Supplies, Kitchen Utensils and a dandy line of paints, together with a knowledge of how to use them. He is the exclusive Dealer for the MARTIN SENOUR LINE, for this area; he also . shows Kemtone, Kenglo and the New Super Kemtone-- So if it's Hardware you need, we suggest that you see BJORKMAN & SON first. Riverside Bake Shop Next we called on DICK AND BERTHA JAGER of RIVERSIDE BAKE SHOP, 111 Riverside Drive. DICK has been a baker for 20 years and is well established here for in the past 4 years he and his wife, BERTHA, have featured such Specials as Pumpernickle Rye, (every Wednesday), axDozen or so Different Coffee Cakes, (every week-end). Special Lemon filled "Tortes", and weather permitting Whip Cream Products, (every weekend)--and say, if you like S-T-R-E-T-C-H, if you trade at [ larKe, crisp and tasty homemade CENTRAL CERTIFIED FOOD iDonuts--You better get there early, STORE-- '^ecause they go fast. don't feel too badly about it because Dick is very proud of their service record. There Is no, such thing as an unfilled order at the end of any working day. Biit why wait, order today -- No matter what grade of fuel oil you use they have it--Since 1932 with the exceptimi of a slight interruption while I^ck was earning his wings In our "Uncle Samuels Navy" during the late fracas, he has been constantly on the job. * Alexander Lumber Co. ( Our next call was on ALEXANDER LUMBER CO., 547 Main St. Our interview was with Mr. George Johnson the manager of this yard, which has been here since the 1880's -- ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. is a very complete institution; every phase of the business is an old and tried Department. No matter what your requirements might be. whether you plan to build, remodel or repair they, because of their long experience are in position to counsel and their advice can be relied upon. Of course as this is written our thoughts may center on the coal bin, synonymous with this our thoughts should turn toward ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. Community Ante Supply Next we called on SIG STRACH of COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY, 415 Elm St., on Routes 31 and 120, For the past two years this handy AUTO SUPPLY has proved that friend in need to many car owners who needed that certain part or accessory--Sig will be remembered by many members of the 1949 COMMUNITY AIJTO MECHANICS class for the part he played in. an advisory capacity. He is still available for any information provided you wish it in the repair or ad justment of any part of the car We would like to point out here that there are a great many items in car needs and accessories that will be delivered by* SANTA ln person. The Kent Company, let. Our next call was on ROY KBNT of the KENT COMPANY, INC., 115 Riverside Drive. This REAL ESTATE ft INSURANCE Firm here since 1923 certainly knows values in this area regardless if you are on the buying or selling end of Vacant. Improved, Resort, Farm Land or Acreage--They have a few listings on Rentals as well. They have developed several Sub Divisions and enjoy a splendid reputation for the manner in which they conduct transactions. They handle all forms of Insurance and are glad to advise on such matters, especially ifyottaij»-jiow holding a number of Policies and are not certain that you are fully covered. Bring in your Policies, let ROY or his staff examine them; You will be, correctly advised as to just what coverage your Policies entitle you- -- IT COSTS NOTHING TO BE SURE! L. ft H. TELEVISION After several call-hackotj. we were finally able to ooataot-.RUD LIESER of L. ft H. TELfcVIStflN, 606 Front Street. BUD and hie Partner. ERNIE HARTH have just moved into their present quarters where th^y show the Motorola and Emerson Line of Television Sets--They .carry; an extensive supply of parts and supplies, do a nice repair business and are kept b\i»y iiwtaUing the Sets they sell.-r-:Most, of their new customers are recommended ' lo them by their old customers, which is the best testimonial any business firm fan hope for. If you are contemplating the purchase of Television Set, we strongly suggest that you look ln on L. ft H.' TELEVISION! Well "Ed", we're getting down close to the bottom of the barrel; one of our business men was out of tq,wn, others turned down the plan or could not make up their minds. We, like all newspaper men, have a deadline to? meet, so will have to go to press without,! them. As a whole, however, we found the majority in' accord with the PLAINDEALER'S desire to icquaint it's readers at home, and a 5 SPECIAL NOTICE . -You don't have to do your Christ-- tmas shopping early this year. - Mildred Hohman will have " THE GRAND OPENING OF Qi$ Pott SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25th vote. They cited the G. I. Bill and the so|dlers' bonus as proof that •the woman's vote is a power In getting the legislation they want put through. Now it again behooves °ihe women to cast their Vote as they will in the Gateway Amendment and .. the universal military training bill. Because of the many urgencies, immediately on the.heels of the returning delegates, the Legion auxiliary has begun a search for cooperative, also eligible, women and chldren ln the community that the Ideas projected at the convention might be carried - out promptly. It was announced at the convention that there is a great need for candy bars in the twenty-eight Illinois veterans' hospitals. Any one wishing to make contributions of this nature may send them directly to Violet Cole, 641 Sunnyside Ave., Box 456, Highland Park, 111. Also, those willing to gather coupons will be doing their stint: for the Downey hospital MtrMiry. The acceptable coupons afe Mated for your convenience: Pur-Bol, Toilet Cleaner and Deodorant (coupon In container). Octagon Soap, RUmford Baking Powder; Borden's Silver Cow Milk, BOWden's- Magnolia Condensed Milk, Raleigh Cigarettes, Rap-in- Wax Paper, " American Family Flakes and American Family Boap, Zippy Starch (label on bottles) > S ft H Green Trading Stamps (usually found in gas stations), General Mills - Pure as Snow, Red Btar and Rex Flours. Collected coupons may be sent to Minnie Green, 306 North Court street, McHenry. In the local unit, the McHenry auxiliary, sons and daughters of veterans and legion members are sought for the purpose of creating a junior group of high school age. This group will meet on Tuesday evenings between 7 and 9 p.m. and INVESTIGATE PETITION The state's attorney of Lake county has requested Rep. Thomas A. Bolger of McHenry to send him a copy of the petition circulated for George Maypole of Lake Villa, candidate at the election next week. The attorney said he would be Unable to act before the • election but immediately afterward would seek the men who circulated this petition. If he is unable to find them according to word given Rep. Bolger, he will enlist the aid of the sheriff's office. Tht> 'five men are listed as Burt Kasper of Zion, Joseph Mitchell of Lake Villa, Henry F. Church of Mundelein, Frank Fralser of Wauconda and Harry Boyle of Round Lake. Fast Milking Fash milking it important In proventing bovine mastitis. Complete line of Loa'a poultry remedies at Wattles Drag Store, McHenry 8tf Salavatioa Army Drive Hext Woek Announcement has been made that the Salvation Army service unit committee, of which Harold A. Steffan ,1s chairman, and Rob* ert L. Weber is treasurer, will conduct its annual campaign to raise funds for local and regional welfare needs. Special letters will; be mailed to local citizens request* ing contributions to be mailed tct the treasurer, Mr. Wooer. Last year the citizens of 'this community responded generously, and the committee, as well a's the officials of the Salvation Army, express appreciation for placing this humanitarian organisation in a position to render year around service to people Irrespective of creed or color. A portion of the money is used by the local committee for a pro gram of health, welfare and cul: tural activities. The local commit tee will render services at thf point of need to the limit of their pnds. Such needs may include _ school optical and medical, and family welfare needs kinds. The remainder of the amount raised will be used for various regional services, including a reserve tor emergencies and disasters. The regional program * available to McHenry county whew ever the need arises. Harold Steffan urges tireryond! to give liberally vfeon the Salvation Army drive is conducted here next week. The other local committeemen cooperating with and sponsoring the service unit in McHenry are Elmer J. Freund, Wll-, liam H, Althoff, and John Mo-' <*1** £ Things just don't happen--some* body makes them happen. Renew that subscription to the Plaindealer now! •FLOOR SANDKK . FLOOR EDOER ' : CABINET SANDER FLOOR POLISHER BJORKMAM'S Riverside Hardware" 1M RIVERSIDE DRIVE PHONE 722 PENICILLIN TREATMENT STRAIGHT DEMOCRATIC MOV. 7th for MASTITIS a matter of seconds! Thl* tube of PENICILLIN CALCIUM OINTMENT SQUIBB is ready for instant use! i. ' . $ Something yon*v% been waiting for--f*ady~ to-use penicillin for mastitis! Come in and get Penicillin Calcium Ointment Squibb in th« "instant-use" tube. For treatment of mastitis--simply remove cap--insert the rip into cow's teat opening -- squeeze out oint-- nient! That's all! In a matter of seconds an infected quarter has received treatment! €*•** in--ask for the "instant-use" tube! BOLGER* S $ PHONE 40 McHENRY, ILL. wkjf mfrar whm will h«lp ymtt Afar your •ymptomt taa bMn diognoMMi M Atftinwor Hoy P«v«r you *wt ft lo yourioK to invotligoto. ASTHMANfPfifiT If you or* » MOT mi toHmmtMri*, pUow kbit m yowr eoMlor (i fro* hiptcHu OMI BOLGER'S DRUG STORE PHONE 40 McHENRY, ILL. * I LENNY'S TAVERN : IS FEATURING mOHTL*==-==: GLENN WEBERG KING of PIANO STYLISTS Playing your requests iho way yon Ilka hoar Iham. FISH FRY EVERY FRIDAY ,M Milaa N. W. of Crystal Lako on Rl*. 14 FEATHER PARTY Sunday Evening, November 12th 8 P. M. • • Sponsored by Holy Name Society of Si. Patrick's Church CHURCH HALL TOP QUALITY VALUES IN USED CARS 18 mo. or 20.000 mile warranty ... $1495 '« Ui- WHITE VENEER Th» Tile-Like finish That Retains Its Sparkling White leauty ler Years nether vou do jrourr 'oowwnn dMaoteo*ting or nave it done profession* ly by a master painter, make Whether ratine ally bv pa sure that your walls, woodwork and cabinets get the matchless protection and enduring beauty of Elliott's sensational Wi&££ VENEER. . \ ^ You'll find no other white to equal it, none that quite compare^ with it in hiding power, economical coverage, , lasting brilliancy! resistance to wear and tile-like beauty <of finish. Brushes easily, covers thoroughly, dries quickly. VYCITAL'S HARDWARE . SHEET METAL SHOP Qrttn Street McHuuy, niinois '49 FORD Convertible . Radio, Heater, White Walls. '49 FORD Tudor Sedon Radio, Heater. '48 FORD Tudor Sedan . Radio, fcleater. '47 FORD Tudor Sedan . Radio, Heater. '46 FORD Fordor Sedan Radio, Heater. . $119$ . $ 895 . $ 795 '48 CHEV. Aero Sedan Radio, Heater. A. •"» , * $ 695 m * S 895 '46 CHEV. Tudor Sedan . . £ 695 1 Radio, Heater. 30 OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM •_ TERMS FOR EVERYONE GEORGE C. POOLE. • • FORD SALES & SERVICE Northwest Highway at Walnut Arlington Heights Call Arlington Hts. 88 or 8t -- Reverse Charges OPEN EVES. TIL M SATURDAY TIL i MftfDAY figlfi : m pfci/* i

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