taken from the n Plaindetler ticitr-FlTe Tmti A|| ll^TMnAft burning of the old Ice houses that f ftlte Bordon milk hotstands lias the ice lenry loomed up fts lor the coming winof butter was declar- ' -III S# Hrents on the Elgin tWMte Monday. •now flurries of the seen here during last night and Thursday :it. Colby and family left May this week for LaJunta. L wbere Mr. Colby has taken & claim. ' / , Wpi* of our readers took excepthe article published last ^regarding "McHenry's untbles," while quite a number extended congratulations, those who took exception •ems that the shoe fitted most tly or they would not have the holler they did. C. C. Van Dyne has disposed of Interest in the Reliable Tea Coffee store to his business ler, P. B. Doolittle. 8t Mary's German parochial is being piped for steam Pa# tilts week. i lutiful dress braiding done! M reaion«btr prices by Miss Pistakee Bay claimed two Tictims Sunday forenoon of this week' when two young men were drowned trying to retrieve a mudhen which they 'had shot off Slough point They were Frlegle Nelson, 37. and his brother, Sixton, 30. v The Social Circle Dramatic club of the Immaculate Conception church, Chicago, will present "A Night With Ye Old Tyme Mlnstrls" at the Johnsburg parish hall fpr( the benefit of the church. The many friends. aJi<| especially the members, of St. Patrick's church will be pleased to learn that the beloved pastor, Fr. Me- Evoy, is expected to reach home on Nov. 13. His letter was written at the1 home of Count Von Oberstadt in Austria. Rev. \y. C. A. Waller of Minneapolis, Minn., will be*speaker Sunday morning at the Methodist church He will present the work of ' the National Anti-Saloon League. Work has begun on the paving of the other half of Green street and wis progressing rapidly when the workers had trouble with the mixer arid were compelled to disished as far as Green street and half of north Green is also paved. BMkteht ' Backache, like headache, eonies In several different varieties, stemming from many causes and sometimes requiring youths to clear up. The educational committee of the Illinois State Medical Society, In a Health T^lk, points out that backache is not confined to the industrial worker who does heavy lifting. The housewife or office worker may twist or bend suddenly only to be startled, even rendered unconscio u s, b y a wrenching, sharp pain in the lowvical or; n»6t, tfihe chest, fife lumber or lb#-'Viet? five sacral whtoh la adults what amounts to one bone, tht sacrum,-"fend four coccygeal, or ;tall bones, also usually solidified In adults. Low back pain Is usually paltfc in the lumbar, sacral and coccy geal regions, with the last pertaining to the very tip. Because of the variety of causes of low back pain, long careful study is often necessary to determine definitely the underlying source responsible for the pain. In some instances, the discomfort may be attributed to poor posture alone. The disk" between each two vertebrae are designed normally to receive equal pressure when a chain made up of short cylinders continue. Pearl street is how fin- of (vertebrae) superimpos- Oepper-Nlekal AMi|» In the coppsV"base alloys, rang tag from 1B% nickel silver to Constantan <55% copper-45% nickel), an important and relatively new member is the 70-30 cupro nickel alloy which has become the stand* ard material for marine condenser tubing. L & H TELEVISION i EfclERSON and MOTOROLA K SALES - SERVICE Phone 403 604 Front Si. jalm*r2 West IflcHenry, Illin^s er back. , The normal or even slightly ir-1 person stands erect. When impropregular back is usually so flex-'er posture throws the fcody Out Of line the disks receive unequal pressure and pain may result. This unequal force is likely to occur low down in the spinal column producing strain in the sacroiliac joint, between the sacrum and the flaring hip bOnes, the ileums. Backaches,, resulting from injury or accident, are called traumatic where sudden or prolonged strain or twisting dislocates or damages a ligament, throwing the whole hip area out of lintf, or bursting and squeezing out one of ible that it can perform many movements and a person may live for years without one having experienced the stabbing ache that comes with low back pain. Tripping, however, or twisting suddenly out of a chair may produce the action that leaves the victim in pain for weeks. The spinal column, One of the strongest and most Important parts of the body, is likened to a ed one on the other and held together by muscles and ligaments. In between the vertebrae are elastic cushion disks of gristle. Inside the spinal column is a tube #hich holds the spinal cord from which the nerves branch out to all parts of the body. Thirty-three the disks. There may even be chipping or fracture of one of the bony processes of the Other backaches stem. gue, a type which is found in persons doing excessivelyfheay^ifMbor.1 In this group, the pftfh nipy 'tyjoie *n<i r WVVWVV V V VVVWV W V V V yr y • CLARENCE'S SHOP , i " • * /' £4- C" A • Specials on Lawn Furniture Swings -- Tables -- Birds Houses -- Trellises, etc. Kitchen Cabinets -- Cupboards -- Tables, Chairs, ©id. Market and Wash Baskets Full Line Leather Belts, Billfolds, etc. Clarence J. Smith JOHNSBURG. ILLINOIS A. JL A A A .4. A A A V V V V V W V V V liowwlfe du# group, sufferte|r particularly from overtaxed muscles.. Then there is the backache Which ts brought on by nervousness or hysteria. In this type of patient, thephysician finds it difficult to clear up the condition because of the persistent complaint that the pain exists, when actually the mental condition is father to the thought, even though tests and repeated examinations disprove the suggestion of infection or injury. Patients with true, organic pain in the lower back region suffer great misery and should consult a physician to ascertain and remedy the cause. Sometimes a few corrective exercises and education in the proper way of walking, sitting or lifting will free the victim of an "aching back". Examination For Teachers' Certificates November 10 The next examination for teachers, certificates in -McHenry county'will be given by R. L. Tazewell* county superintendent of schools at the court house In WoodBtock Nov. 10, starting at 9 a,pa. Three limited certificates, elementary, kindergarten-pri miry, ahd special certificates, may be obtained by examination. Teachers holding emergency ir"~ work in caurss* in a c*co«fcl*«4 sttynttoft of learigtie, iaettlifct, tea semester hours in eddcatidh, Ave of Which will be student teaching, are urged to take the examination for a limited certificate. All persona who expect to takti the examination on Nov. 10 shall notify R. L. Tazewell before that time. A man la usually known bf the company h* keeps away from. Viral Ceiicat JVall leremiah Wilkinson, of Cumbertand. Rhode Island, is said to have cbt from iron sheets "the first cold cut nfil to the world." , ft- FREUND :» |a'- "'-4^' f' i t,<w ' \* fHwMrt* tyataij-l Vi--al llihsbllitatkjl •Ml Analysis , j. r: IS and l to S--Saturday Bvenlags: 6:00 MQN1 McHCKRY 4BS v,i»j t. It*' *p*cm IKgaSA&F i K*EPrr«e«vTceoBy \ NICK MILLERS mumouw SorrMA«A # };• •numtr WILLYS - OVERLAND SALES 604 FRONT STREET ^ KOcaoBSsssrssiocaoEasssa PHONE 403 »«»o-- m *qm#Thwr to fee free from tbat W nervous tensing up for a jolt every time a rough spot looms in the road ahead? Want to enjoy the relaxing feel of a sure-fojted car beneath you, that stays level even when the road doesn't? ^ Well, sir, ease into a Buick and See how such matters are cared for. Sse-titfif a wonderful dflfeyehte level buoyancy coil springs can make when you have them on all four wheels, not just the front ones. Note what firm and solid steadiness is yours when a full-length torquetube drive is your keel--how smoothly you stay on course when die rear, wheels can't help but n^n true. See what big, low-pressure tires and Buick's wide rims can do to pillow your course without jounce or sway. In other words, sample this tw^r ton ft&ttfty for over-all stance aff#*"* balance--and the cradling comfort of its roomy interiors. And while you're at it, get t!ic very special thrill of its m»;-hty power plant, plus the frto-: «>a» bird-in-flight bliss of its V'rixa&ato- Drive.* ' i • It's an experience that you owe yourself--and it's yours for the asking. The thing to do is get in touch with your Buick dealer--and discover the ride that only Buick owners know. ' -r»\ tSUndard on ROA DMA ST EH, optional at Mttr* M4(, •W SUftUt and SPECIAL . FOUR-WAV FOftffltONr--Thit rugged front end <1) wit th* ityl* note, (2) fav«j. on repair e^h--vertical bori or* indivtduolly replace. «tole, (3) avoUi( "loek!ng horm," (4) make* parking and gara^inft eatier. AftC Network, eve^v Monday evening. •You* KtYTO Qrr*m VMur # A'-f km* Label >" 'v ^ : ,,y >i * .r • ou * llqtfd Shortening pt.b4.42e * * | Crbea Shtrtealag The Cake Imorover Ub. tin»le " PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST OF LOWERING THE WAGE-EARNER'S WEEKLY FOOD BIIL * • . ' •StATEMteXT OP i LOW PRICE POLICY... See If YOU don't agree that this policy helps you to save more on your total weekly food hill* What's more • • • all advertised prices aro guaranteed Thursday through Wednesday, oven though market prices AX Herb-Ox Brand ' . J !#• eardM Tea MapMNf SwlJh Your Uoaqp % ekes, of 10 SS* ; ; I '4 II' Mt' VSIIWP rlf IrT IlBMniiM|i| - ^ 3 4<^«s. pi^«. SepiHar'* laky FoMo Strains# . . . . . s 4%-ei. pr* 31 • time Saving £t«e. pkg*. 5IN f^chen Cleaner % W:5 i MM 27« PaNIBsgVsMi Ooq* Love Its Flsp^ 14-ei. tie 15®, . , Oxy4sl For That Lifetime Sparkle Giant Pkq. \% large pfcgt. f30 B. L OVERTON MOTOR SALES * 403 FhON'X S'ji. McHLNltl, mi-mA, V«fN»MTTe« AUTOy.OBILIS ARC lUltf |^ip THItt TMs -Tide's lo-OWf Out - -*>- f *": • "•«* Toilet Soap Keeps Skin Soft & Smooth 3 reg. mIm 35« I4l«f Easy to Mix, Easy to Iron % 12-ot pkg*. 2T® C«W ltd Soap for Smoother SUA keth site 130 k. 4 y (Price* ahown here guaranteed fkmr$doyt Nov. % through Wednesday, Nov. U FRESH FROZEN FOQDS LIBBT*S Customers' Corner It takes foam work among a lot oif people to operate your A&P store. First, there we Ihe farmers and manufac» turers who grow and process the foods we sell, and our skilled buyers who purchase them. Then there are the thousands of people behind the scenes who op* erate our warehousing and delivery facilities. And finally, there ere the fine, loyal men end women in our stores who, day in and day out, are striving Ja make your A&P o better place to shop. You can help this team serve you by telling U6 how you think we can improve yo^r A A P. Please write: Customer Relations Department, A&P Food Stores 420 Lexington Avenue New York 17, N. CHOPPED SPINACH SWEET PEAS .... HHBEEV BEANS CUT COBN „ - ...... SLICED STBAWB$RRIE8 SNOW CBQP ASPARAGUS SPEARS PEAS ft CABBOTS ...... CAULIFLOWER ....... BED RASPBERRIES BIBDS EYE CHICKEN ALA KING l-l FBEIfCH FRIED POTATOES BBUSSEL SPROUTS CAPN JOHN'S, FROZEN FISH PEBCH FILLETS COD FILLETS .... HADDOCK FILUT9 ~ JAW MjlVI .... l«e .... lte l»c .... lie .... SSe 46c 8te 30e 37e 9&c Ale »7e 47c iVa-IMCH J)€ SIZE ^9r* WISCONSIN SUA af Chiddar Ohm* LB. 65^ JAM Mm.KIU WOCONSm •rami 'M«rv« 15e Swiu CIimm u.lle TO4t« ciwd-o?iIt |tSi,7Je M«*rS»/»hT c5'?i 37e SattapCkiM* wSK^ vsioe SKS; JMWHMB AMM ALL MKPOSt SiiBwyfltld Any ^ «i» CklUM HaM Spresto ll-ox. tU II* M|a«4 VegotoMeeX^ » «" 3#® Mmy Mmm-- 1-ol M. 1^0 At* MAM j us. 27c QraptfrHttJNlot ^8M7«| w saafto b ft. Ue _ W4 oa ASTAiAeUt • .. ., lb. lSe lUiek* w 12'^M® . IOMA ium • ao 45c T o m a t o 2 8 s WSI/L74IM M4NO us. 43c TmaFlaku . H>CfO oa N4LVIS lona Psaehat i-LS. mm M4N0 .*•77® Pumpkia 2Ng^31c RfCM AHO PVU'HOem 4SMOUS-X Mam Mmnh iii79e OkaMaVttM Vioosotfs am wwfr in tomato S4mc« KBU Aaa Pa|« Baaw^ lie ijsos, (napafralt 8 " MeCU/SI Patatoss A&P COFPfC Mt» AM Ml 10'ClMk € TINS .!J^81« •HI tlltl AttSStlC «N» ftcinc VIA Entire Contents Copyrighted. 1950 The Great Atlantic and Pari fir TV* Co. Tkeee prlcM sit AftP Super llsrksto sad Ml-Swviee Mmm "• '• 1 ' i >• •• Jf .- :v>. A' • ,K. M mrnmmmi-' S ' f x '