Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Nov 1950, p. 10

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MHIIHIMMH wm. mm lyijimm.i. ,,1^ !4W|)^II s»WU,„l* Tfcewmmg WJUB& met at the fcome of lira. Jmb Decker at Wonder take Wednesday evening. Krs. Troxell gave the leaaoa on •The Health Department of the County". Seventy-five per cent of the members voted at the election. Plans were made for the party to be held in the church hall next Tuesday evening, the proceed* of Which will go towards the redecorating of the church. : The Rlngwood Home Circle me£ ft the home of Mrs. Mable Collins Thursday. A 1 o'clock luncheon was served by Mrs. Collins and Mrs. Sample. Mj*- Oscar Berg, the president, called the meeting to order. Roll call was answered to by a Biblical verse of thanks After the business meeting, a fine program in charge of Mrs. Flora Harrison was enjoyed. This included readings and solos by Mrs. Oscar Berg and Mrs. Viola Low. The birthday song sung to Mrs. Lena Peet .-K Mr. and Mrs. Pete Sebastion entertained their 500 club Thursday evening. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Kenneth Cristy and B. T. Butler, high, and Mrs. George iiephard and Ben .Walkington, ! The Golden Age club was entertained in the home of Mrs. Lu- •11 a Stephenson Monday afternoon. Clarence Warburton and- Mrs. Elisabeth Ruddock were married at 6 p.m. Saturday by Justice of Che Peace, Sibre Whiting. v Next Monday night, Nov. 20 the jtlngwood Happy Hour 4-H boy's and girls club will hold their second meeting at the Leo Smith home With Annette and Charlotte Smith Hi hostesses and Gordon and Mar- Ita Thomson as co-hostesses. Charlotte Hogan is their leader Mid Mary Hogan is junior leader, all members must be 10 to 14 years of age. At p&sent there are eightsen members. Any boy o*i girl that Will be 10 before JuljR 1'* is eligible to join. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Whiting were pleasantly surprised at the home of their daughter, Mrs. *Wnlind Jackson, in Richmond Sunday evening in honor of Mr. Whiting's birthday and their wedding anniversary. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Anton Freund and Louis Bawley, high, and Mrs. B. T. Butler and Kenneth Cristy, low. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Anton Freund, of McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy, Mr. and Mrs. Louis llawley and Mr. and Mrs. B. T Butler. J*r. and Mrs. Floyd Merchant Wd Miss Edna Nester of Wood Stock spent Tuesday afternoon In the Win McCannon home. Mrs. Louis Hawley spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Chicago Mesdams Mable Collins, Lena Peet, Kenneth Cristy. Clinton Martin, George Shepard. Oscar Berg .•nd Viola Low attended a W.S.C.S Sleeting at Ingleside Wednesday calibrate the at tbe W.S.CA i with a birthday Mrs. Le*a Paet attended a Home Buram meeting at the home of Mrs. Peterson at McCollom Lake Tueeday. Mrs. Llaiie Miller returned to her home at Buchanan, Mich., Wednesday after a visit with her •ister, Mrs. Woods, in the Pete Sebastian home. Mrs. Albert Ebel of Algonquin spent a few days the first of the week with her daughter, Mrs. Weldon Andrea, and family. Miss Lona Brever attended a birthday party for her brother at Lake Geneva, Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ainger and family of Hebron spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard. Quite a few from here attended the Harrison -- Donahue wedding and reception at Huntley Saturday. Mrs. Agnes Jencks spent the week-end with her daughter and family at Barrington. Mrs. .Viola Low and daughter, Mrs. Walter Wilcox, spent Sunday afternoon in the Leslie Allen and Jim Low homes near Harvard. Mr. and Mrs. William Heine of Chicago were visitors in the George Shepard home Sunday afternoon. Miss Marian Peet of Elgin spent the weekend with her mother Mrs. Lena Peet. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ackerman and family of Popular Grove spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Hogan and family. Mr. and Mrs. C. «L. Harrison attended the golden wedding open house for Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Whiting at Woodstock Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Piske of Rockford were visitors in the Weldon Andreas home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hawley of Fox River Grove visited relatives here Saturday. Mrs. Hickey of Chicago is visiting in the Louis Hawley home. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fossum and family of Solon Mills spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Kane are on a trip to Toronto, Canada. Mrs. Floyd Howe of Crystal Lake was a visitor in the Louis Hawley home Sunday morning. Mrs. Rose Jepson spent Sunday and Monday in the Roland McCannon home at Big Rock, 111. -- TOR -- Boofiaf -- Til* -- Salter Md AH B Y Beautiful personalised Christmas cards at the Plaindealer office. Select yours today. McCOLLUM LAKE (by Yardstick) Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Cowan, former residents of our community and now residing in Redwood City, Calif., were hosts to Mrs. Theresa Cahill, a Chicago Gold Star mother who *fas euroute to the Philippines to place a wreath on the grave of her son, James, on Armistice Day. Mrs. Cahill is the god-mother of the Cowan's pride and joy, Mary Pat. Mrs. Cowan is the former Betty Eby. Jan. 14, 1944, was the date when Raymond Deskis entered service in the U.S. Navy. E. M. l/e Raymond Deskis After basic training at Camp Faragut, Idaho, E. M. 8/c Raymond Deskis was sent to active duty on Munda Island and Hollandia in the New Guineas. Eighteen months later he was assigned to duties on the U. S. S. Chicago and later transferred to the cruiser St. Paul. After his discharge in May 1946, he entered the employ of the Public Service company, as construction worker, later taking a position as installer and repair man for the Bell Telephone company, a job he holds today. The name of Raymond Deskis tops our list of McCullom Lake's most eligible bachelors. He makes his home with his parents, the TURKEYS FOR "f ) LIVE or Phon. McHENRY 612W-2 JOHN PASSFIELD FRANK CANS : Call 7B7-W or write 800 Riverside Dr., McHenry FREE ESTIMATES Villa Home on Pistakee Bay $tr Convalescents and Elderly People. # (Both men and women) Nursing cases accepted. Beautiful landscaped grounds. Eight acres of park. Excellent fishing both summer and winter. Food plentiful, home prepared. Tree transportation to churches of all denominations; also pre-arranged trips to theatre, concerts and lectures. Rates moderately scaled from $90 and up monthly, depending*on accommodations. For further information, call or write Mrs. "Z". Villa Home, Pistakee Bay, Rt. 1, McHenry Tel. 378 or 461 ST. JOSEPH'S ANNUAL Feather Party St Joseph's Social Hall, Richmond, 111. Evening Nov. 17 , "'i k; 8:00 P.M. furkeys - Geese Iluckt - Chickens Refreshments • Games We cordially invite all our friends and neighbors. Sam Oeakia, of Oak prhra, wood. • . The feather party to be Ml at Roy-Al on Saturday to be haMI at but one of the many enterpriser sponsored by the Screwy Dozen throughout the year, which makes it possible for them to put over their annual Christmas party t6r McCullom Lake youngsters. Truly a cause worthy of your patronage. Matt Blake is a patient at Victory Memorial hospital at Waukegan. Two weeks of complete rest should make a new man of him. While we're waiting lat'a drop him a cheery word. Harold Vycital has been confined to his home Nwith a cold this past week. Our good neighbors, the George Bradleys, have established residence at White Cloud, Mich. George who has in the past typed many lines of our column on the linotype at the Plaindealer, will follow his profession on a newspaper at Cadillac, 'Mich. *~- Jake Levesque and Art Olsen enjoyed pheasant under glass on their fare after a very successful hunting expedition Sunday morning. To us a .pheasant in the grass makes a prettier picture. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Struck attended the Illinois Police Association convention at Morrison, in j Chicago on Tuesday. I Mr. and Mrs. Harry Baumbeck I of Chicago were weekend guests of the George Baumbecks. The A1 Zowadas entertained .Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fritz, . Jr., of Chicago over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Sales, tons, Jack, Jim, and Chickie, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sales were anpong the rooters for mini In their game with Indiana U. at Champaign. Congratulations to Will Schultz on his eighty-seventh birthday anniversary Nov. 17. ». Adios! HAVE BEEN RELEASED CARS. SO Broad Street, New York 5, N. Y., has released the Christmas CARE packages to be delivered in the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany (3 Western Zones and Berlin only), Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, England, Wales, Scotland, North Ireland, Japan, Okinawa*, Yugoslavia, and the Philippines. The following 'can be sent for only $15.50: 4, canned whole turkey (approximately 7 lbs. net, packed in 2 lbs. lard), 8 oz. bacon, 8 oz. butter, 1 lb. plumb pudding, 1 lb. orange marmalade, 1 lb. rice, 1. lb. coffee or 8 oz tea for Great Britain), 1 lb. sugar, 1 lb. chocolates (Huylers) and 1 can opener. One Accidental Death In 423 Families During 1949 One way to loo^ at the effect of accidents is in termft of family happiness and family budget. Here are some averages presented in the 1950 edition of Accident Facts, the National Safety Council's statistical yearbook: In 1949 there was one accidental death in 432 families, one disabling injury in four families, and the budget was nicked for $195 per , ; Pram- from Pigs . According to some authorities twice as much profit Is made from saving eight pigs per litter as with six pigs per litter. One rather new method of saving more pigs per litter is the use Of electric brooders in each hog pen. The electric brooder is . simple and inexpensive to construct. At one experiment station only about one-half as many pigs were lost where the brooders were used. ORANGES and GRAPEFRUIT? Tree Ripened Bushel $4.50 -- Express Prepaid. - from Grower 13 5 Bushel $8,150 Send Order and Check. D. W. MALLOY TAKE HELEN. FLOBIDJt Although diamonds are one of tba hardest mineral* popular belief may lead one to thiafc that another diamond is used to cleave them . . . whereas actually specially hardened steel blades are used. *• tome they arc light, rubbing them oil, turpentine combined In There are a manufactured ftwdtuHfr ff may be concealed by over with linsrirl and white vinegar equal proportions, so • special products for the purpose. r«Hm»» "deeper" for a round trip one night In each direction, a standard Pullman sleeping car la supplied with ISO sheets, 120 pillow cases, 200 towels, five poftae'a «ea4# *a4 UufldlRF bags. \ PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of Proposed Change la Schedule To the Patrons of the Illinois Bell Telephone Company: The Illinois Bell Telephone Company hereby gives notice to the public that it has filed with the Illinois Commerce Commission a proposed change in its rates and charges for telephone service in the State of Illinois and that said change involves an increase in the rates and charges for public^jQjasrt^ public, and business com box services, for service connections, moves, and changes, "and for the installation of 1A key telephone' systems. A copy of the schedules showing the proposed change in rates and charges may be inspected by any interested party at any business office of this Company. All parties interested in this matter may obtain information with respect thereto either directly from this Company or by addressing the Secretary of the Illinois Commerce Commission at Springfield, Illinois. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY By L. G. BRATTON, General Commercial Manager (P*b. Nov. 9-16) mnitt.' sS-®' oisnp^ puD ipuni V <?\ ' -N 31 $,RYWSIHOdS XV. AIHYd H3HIV3J 3HX <nmiv oi NMOa knsdii SDNIHI ONINHOL 3HY 31d03d * J IOBOI "SPEEDY"0I : BY MCHENRY GARAGE Auras LABOR MAKES-; NICK MillCR't IfHENRY GAXA6t| -v \H WILLYS-OVEHLAN 604 FRONT STREET • LOCAL TftAMMOU tot- XMASi GIFTS Toy Barnyards 8t Garages -- Table & Chair Sets \ Writing Desks -- Doll Beds 8cHigh Chaix|v * oi*s; WlAlbaxio^rsy etc. ' . ;• i Kitchen Cabinels -- Toy Chests Men's ft Ladies' Genuine Leather Belts & Billfolds Full line of Lawn Furniture, JMyd Houses, etc. { Cabinets Made To Order -- Kitdien Tables & Chairs CLARENCE J. SMITH JOHNSBURG PHONE McHENRY 583-J-l BARNYARD PAVEMENTS are and • Sanitary • Economical • Labor Saving a Feed Swing1 a Latf a lifetime e witl READY-MIXED CONCRETE PJOR dozens of other improvements around the farm, no other material offers the service and economy of firesafe, enduring concrete. If you are planning a new ratproof poultry house floor, sanitary dairy barn floor, a feeding floor or foun<j^ttion--build it the convenient, low cost way with Heady-Mixed Concretes ' Ask Your Contractor or Call Ui. McHenry Sand & Gravel Co. s Phone McHenry 97-J 606 Front Street McHenry, I1L PHONE 403 PREVIEW Santa Claus is coming to town, and an advance showing of Ms fayqrte.JeyirSncI gifts is on display at VYCITAL'S A wor4 to the wis* -- SHOP EARLY! / 1«" PLC8H PANDA BEAR $2.98 AMERICAN FLYER ELECTRIC TRAINS $13.95 & Up LIGHTWEIGHT BOXING GLOVES and TRUNKS JIG SAW PUZZLES 39c & Up POLL HOUSE 28 H x 10H x 18*4 with £9 pes. plastle fnrnitore Plastic Tea Set Pastel Blue TOY DISHES $4.95 89c Irs NEW! ITS DIFFERENT! IT'S A DOLL See the new wonder DOLL called "Terri Lee"., Unbreakable, guaranteed for life. Made of wonderful plastic called Tentite. She Ts not a doll, but a real little girl, dressed like real children. Has beautiful hair that cap be sha pooed and dressed in any way you lik*. Tf garments are all hand sewn and tailored to fr.. Not a doll in the world has a wardrobe as complete as Terri Lee. Come in today and place your order. Four different hair colors: Brunette, Auburn, Honey Blonde or Platinum Blonde. USE OUR LAY-AWAY PLAN VYCITAL'S HARDWARE and SHEET METAL SHOP 132 GREEN STREET , PHONE 98 McHENRY. ILLINOIS e

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