Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Nov 1950, p. 14

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^ W C'-ggsyxn* it,;,-r.« , if n *v fTO»w*W m-g^M &• ff W".WPWPI, MYF".:*: FT **??***: F«* *». • $ ** * j ' '*>*/„ ; » V * > ' PLAINDEALER ^Sl S* ^.tT"' «.' .7 ,- /.* 2, -f' * • > ,f. !» ,.* ,'"• . ^ * ' i ^;:i'"- , • g'ft'f • ^,3$^3£S.Lifocw<. ~-'fg - "*'• **' - 1' * \ ' *" - "*.v , *:, * - "t* «• ;\* . , " - • • •h f~> ?; NEWS FROMF BONDER LAKE \J '$&R •« 8olls| ', Tin second annual Girl Scout illOtbcra' tea was given Sunday M^ternoon in the Legion hall with la investiture ceremony creating much interest and a program ' planned by the girls themselves surprising even the scoutleaders with Its excellence. The program opened with the {ringing ot "America the Beautiful" by tiie entire troop, accompanlned by Mrs. Marjorie Lathrop, co-leader, followed by the pledge of allegience, the Girl Scout promiise, ud the singing of the "SUr Spangled Banner." t The investiture ceremony, very •oiesftn and inspiring, featured the lighting of the three candles representing the three facets of Girl 8couting. followed by the lighting of ten candles, each by a separate Scout, each representing the Girl Seout laws. The program included two accordion solos by Ann Lundborg and one accordion solo by Carol <taadt; tap dances by Sandra Jo Monteleone and Betty Holocwost; •lid a group tap dance by Sandi Sells, Cora Jean Henthorne and Betty Holocwost; and an acrobatic dance by Nancy Swanson. Betty Wright announced the numrick's grade school. However, the Wonder Lake youngsters were encouraged to have a lesser score against a team that had whipped the McHenry team to which Wonder Lake lost last week 19-0. The spectators from Wonder Lake said that the boys played an inspired game, with Winn Davidson, Lynn Cheney and Peter Bastien exhausted and hurt from the hard evening of play. Mrs. Rath Redman's sister is very ill. Group songs on the progam incladed "Home on the Range," "Drink to Me Only With Thine lyes", ud "Battle .Hymn of the Republic". » Mrs. Jay Hansen, representing the American Legion . auxiliary, Which sponsors the troop, pre- MBted the girls with pins. Those receiving their pins included Sandra Jo Monteleone, Betty Holocwost, Janice Johnson, $haron Roewer, Ann Lundborg, Carol Gnadt and Rosemary Cihos. gjbarou and Rosemary were^ fly-ujjs jTr^ .the Brownie troop. r Other Scouts present included Carol Englehard, Judy Bastien, lean Selsdorf and Barbara Mohal. Troop registration cards were presented to the troop committee ,by Mrs. Olive Tallman, who is the Other leader. Mrs. Vera Henthorne in chairman of the committee which Includes Mrs. Hansen and Mrs. Syble Johnson. Merit badges were awarded, feetty Wright received badges on care, trees, garden and swim- Orva Tronsen, garden flow, and birds; Sandra Sells, swimming; and Jean Selsdorf, swimming. Those present included mothers and fathers of the Scouts, members of the Legion auxiliary, Mrs. Spnohr, the Brownie leader; and John Lathrop. The Harrison school communty club would like to amend its by-lawn »o that both a secretary and treasurer can be elected instead of Just one person to carry both of those offices as at present. The officers have also evidenced a desire to have the officers elected for a two-year term, with two offices falling vacant each year so that two experienced officers would always be left. By the. change, they propose that the vice-president and treasurer be lected one year and the president and secretary the next. The proposals are to change bylaw No. 4 to read "We shall have a position of secretary and tresurer," and "We shall have officers filling a two-year term starting this year, with the vice-president and treasurer elected one year; the president and secretary the next." The cTub has grown so large that the duties of secretary and treasurer are far too heavy for one person to carry and the duties arc so wide that it has been difficult for an all new slate to take up the club offices each year. The..motions will be voted upon at the next meeting of the club, which will be held Sunday, Nov. 19, at 6 p.m. starting with a pot-luck supper. the makeup and Don ltcuter pulled the eurtain. KIWANIS BANQUBY Marshall Goldberg of the Chi cago Cardinals will be the featured speaker at the Kiwanis athletic banquet Thursday evening, with Earl Walsh serving as master of ceremonies. Also present will be all the SWANI coaches. Robert Doerrfeld. president of the Kiwanis, would like the Wonder Lake members to support this fine enterprise and give the athletes of the high school credit for their efforts. ~ COMING EVENTS Nov. 16 Senior Teen Time -- Harnson school Fire Department Benefit party --Rolaine Grill V'-V ' Nov. J unior Teen Time ^ fjarrison school ; Square dance -- Legion n&ll Wonder Woods card party--Mill Inn Card party -- Christ the King, 8 p.m. Community club potluck supper, 6 p.m. SANDRA JO IS IS Sandra Jo Monteleone entertained with a theater party Saturday night witha group of her friends attending the movies in Woodstock and later partaking of barbeque sandwiches, pop and cake at the home of Sandra Jo's BRIEFIE8 Mrs. Harold Wohnrade is the new president of the Grace Lutheran Missionary society, Richmond . . . Mrs. Pauline Grill is the county mother for students attending the University of Illinois . . . Mrs. Olive Tallman *&s guest speaker before the Greenwood WSCS at a meeting held in the Ardin Frisbie home last week . . . Mrs. J. Hutton Nixon was one of the guests of the Woodstock Garden club at their meeting Nov. 6 in the Westwood school ... In mentioning the members of the Harrison schiil board and its administrator present at the county school board meeting Monday Of last week, we forgot to name Kenneth Cristy of the McHenry high school board, who was also present at the meeting. GOSPEL CHURCH NIW8 - __ It was really a full day at the parents. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Monte- Gospel Church last Sunday, Nov. : filltlLL TO OIL RHODE A farewell party was given in Ike home of Mr. aqji Mrs. Tony Grosso Sattfrday night in honor of Gil Rhode, who will leave soon fcr the army service. , Those present included the Grosic children, Bob. and. Cbflplene, Richard Nitz, Luann Howorka, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Howprka, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Howorka Jr. Joan Biggers, Mr. , and .Mrs. William Fiala Jr., Mr. aqd.'Mrs, Jack Favlik, Henry "Bud" 8chau, Bob Chudik, Arnell Kruger, Joe Sullivan. Rlchad Christophersen, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kucera, Warren Rhode, Mrs. Rhode, Kelly Gazzola ftnd a group of .people from the Chicago office where ffl.1 teT em- *k>yed. * -x,.,' w-r v SECOND FOOTBALL GAVE ..Wonder Lalqe's football team :lpin lost to a McHenry team, ll-fl in a game played Friday evening against St. Mary's-SL Pat- jfe fa fe 4e fe leone. Tbe occasion was Sandra 12. With Sunday Bible school and Jo's 12th birthday. 'the regular morning and evening Those present at the party in-«services, there was also a Sunday eluded Sandi Sells, Virginia Aud- School party in the afternoon, ino, Charles Majercik and Lynn given in honor of the winning side Cheney. Brownie Scouts Meet Btseass Fire Prevention The Brownie Scouts had a meeting Wednesday and discussed practical ways to prevent fire. It was brought out in discussion that wiring in houses shoud be checked, boxes of sand should be available in event of emergency and the fire department's telephone number. Wonder Lake 331, handy for reference. Treats at the meeting were provided by Lynn Wilkinson. Sue Tailman helped with the serving. jmiOR CLASS PtAT The junior class play at McHenry high school, "George and Margaret" was well attended by Wonder Lakers, Barbara Smale and Peggy Selsdorf were in the play; Barbara Sellek aided with in the recent Sunday School contest An most interesting program under the direction .of the superintendent Edwin Dornbush, was presented Among others taking part was Miss Eleanor Raff el, who gave one of her instructive and entertaining object lessons, Elaine Sandberg, who sang . most beautifully "The King's Highway," and Rolf Toorner, a youg accordionist, who rendered several much appreciated numbers Prizes to the winners in the contest were awarded to Karen Weeks and Johnny Hansen, both receiving first prizes --wrist watfches, and Albert Horn and Ronnie Creutz, second prize winners, movie comeras. There was a large attendance, including a number of the childrens' parents. Refreshments were served to all at the close of the program. Our annual Thanksgiving service will be held on Thanksgiving Striking patterns/ comfort to spare npw rooms? • • • Shhman MbffefftaSss. >Hw <y Is miiliAii do* Street* LEA/T IF IT'S WILSON WEAR IT'S FAULTLESS * Bowl 'em over in a bright plaid • fine rayon Skipper Sportshirt. Pits in the right places--broad shoulders for action freedom, tapered waist for comfort and trim appearance. Many colors and patterns. Best of all--they're washable, (jet yours now. $4.95 Other Skipper Sport Shirts $3.95 to $15.95 ttaprtiCMnMN irt, President >. mi ®e«l Mgr. McGee's 117 & GREEN STREET McHENRY Day in Uie morning at 10:30. The pastor will deliver the message and Paul E. Anderson of the Elgin Bible church will be our soloist. Next Sunday evening service will be canceled in favor of the Evangelistic mass meeting In the M]c- Henry high school auditorium at 7:30. This will be the last meeting in a campaign, sponsored by the Youth for Christ. Our Sunday School at 10 a.m. and morning worship service at 11 a.m. If111 fee held as usual. Welcome! LILY LAKE & * A -' _;^;J3n^M6QR (by Jobie) Mr. and Mrs. Bob Fielisch, and daughter, Roberta, of Chicago, were visitors at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Krinn, Lillymoor, Sunday, Nov. 12. Miss Marcella Szarek of Johnsburg is visiting at the Hyatt residence. Don't forget the P.T.A. social Friday, Nov. 17, at the schoolhouse. Games star*, at 8 p.m. The Square Dancers club, meeting each Thursday at the Nielsen residence, invites the mothers to attend anytime they care to. Every meeting night is open house. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Eberling, and son Rich, spent Saturday, Not. 11 at the Bieseckers, in celebration of Mrs. Biesecker'8 birthday. Lucille Nielsen went to Waukegan Saturday, Nov., 11, for an evening's entertainment and dancing, accompanied by Dick Hyatt. George Roeske, gunner's mate aboard the U.S.S. A. N. Sumner, is expected home for a .few days leave. He has just returned from Cuba, and will leave soon for Europe. Congratulations are in order for Jeanne Milinac, who has received her engagement ring. \Ihe lucky boy is Donald Petevson of ^McHenry. COOK'S CORNER {by Mart SchaottKM^ Apple He Champion Steers Although many race horses lurenoted for their unusual names, the grand chsmpion steers of the Internatibnal Live Stock exposition at the Chicago yards have a similar^ claim to fame. Since 1900, winners' names have included Clear Laht Jute 2nd, Peerless Wilton 39th's Defender, Fyvie Knight, Broadus White Socks, Mah Jongg, Brain Thickset, Judge Roy Bean and al Alumnus TV. Ircliff Lo^ Motorists who try to burn up the road often land in' the cooler. There Is probably nothing that is so American as apple pie. I'm sure that if all the hungry people in the world could have a piece of good apple pie now and then, there would be less discontent, less unhappiness arid less war in the world. . 1 How can anyone be in the mood for a fight after a good dinner climaxed by a piece of apple pie? Let's make apple pie a hidden weapon, at least a weapon to win your men-folks to a better, mood, after a day of hard work at the office; V If you have a favorite crust recipe, use" it. If not try. this one. 2 cups flour, 2/3 cup Crisco, % teaspoon salt, enough cold water to mix. Work shortening and salt into the flour with fingers or fork. Add just enough water to hold dough together. Knead only a few seconds. Place in refrigerator for an hour or overnight. When ready to use divide in two and rpll to about 1/8 inch. Filling' 8 good sized apples, Jonathans, Macintosh or your own home grown. 1 cup sugar, % teaspoon salt, juice of half a fresh lemon, Vz teaspoon nutmeg, teaspoon cinnamon, few dots of butter, 2 tablespoons Minute Tapioca. Slice apples after peeling and drying. Sprinkle tapioca over them and let them stand in a large bowl ten minutes. Add rest of ^ingredients and mix well. Butter pie tin, place lower crust in 'and trim. Allow an inch of upper crust to turn under lower crust. Spread filling, humping it slightly in center. Moisten edge of crust slightly and place over it the top crust. Prick with fork a few times and moisten top crust with a little cream. Bake In 400 degree oven for one hour. Cool before cutting. If upper crust has been turned under lower and sealed with fork before trimming, juice should be held in pie. Suggest using piece of foil directly under pie to catch any overflow of juice and keep wren clean. URGE SMALL TOWN FIRMS TO INSTALL PAYROLL SAVINGS The men and women in this community and thoucands ot other "Main streets" in America are again in the national spotlight. Started by the Korean war, attention is now being directed to the smaller communities . in big cities such as Chicago and the small cities, towns and villages. Here opinion believes, lies the strength of America and the will to do what's necessary in the present "just in om" all-out defense effort. Enlistments for the defense forces, the selective service, "belttightening" to more available the materials for defense-- all these needs have found ready response from "Main Streets". And, the money to pay for this comes from the "Main Streets". Now in progress in a two-point two-month drive to get more firms to install the payroll savings plan and to get more workers to buy savings bonds where they work. In B$cHenry County, Harold J. Bacon of Crystal Lake is chairman of the U. S. savings bonds committee. "014 "Old Ironsides," otherwise the famous U. S. Frigate Constitution, attracts thousands of visitors to Boston navy yard each year. Launched at Boston Harbor in 1797, "Old Ironsides" • made history in tbe Tripoli War and the War of 1812. Beautiful personalized Christmas cards at the Plaindealer office, Select yours today. Nov«mbtr 23 Pneliimid Thanksgiving By Governor Governor Stevenson has "proclaimed Nov. 23 as Thanksgiving day in Illinois and said "we have many blessings for which we may well give thanks." "We have an abundance of food. Other, nobler, blessings are also ours," he said. *?Civil rights and religious liberty, won here at great cost, blotted out now in many lands, are guarded still as the priceless heri- ., tage of Americans. *•/ "Throughout our broad lan<t peace reigns. We are accustomcU to compose our political and ecu* nomic differences by means of flpft and tolerant practices." ' ^ 3 IIIMIIIIIIIHIHilHIIIirWIiinilllllllllHIIIIIllllllllllllllillllllllllimilllltHIIIHIIf, McHenry Chapter of Future Farmers • of America MCHENRY HIGH SCHOtJL SATURDAY. NOVEMBER Starting at 9:30 A.M. Canrutlng Ertry House in McH«nry and Vicinity. We would appreciate your tying the papers magasinw. CALL HIGH SCHOOL 785 for Specicu Pick-ups. mi *0 , . Venesuelan Heron ' lbs boat-billed night heron of Venezuela owes its name to a beak like an inverted beat. . ANDES CANNES New Fruit and Nut Assortment In Andes new Fruit and Nut assortment you wilf find more concentrated goodness per pound than we have ever before been able to offer. In the new gold and blue box^are special treats from the garden spots of the world: individually dipped pecans, almonds, filberts, brazils; also cherry, strawberry and pineapple cordials* For Your Convenience -- Open Thanksgiving Day 10A.M. to 4 P.M. MG44SUC&L QGAUXM SLUOFL 126 GREEN STREET McHENRY, ILL. QUALITY ASSORTMENT OF Wises & Liquors THANKSGIVING FAMOUS BRANDS WHISKEY "Sr3*- IMPERIAL .... CENTURY CLUB SCHENLEY RESERVE . FOUR ROSES SEAGRAM'S 7-CROWH P. M KENTUCKY BRED ... WALKER'S DELUXE OLD GRAND-DAD ... CANADIAN CLUB -- 5th $3.47 5th $&89 Sth $3.94 Sth $4.25 5th $3.94 5th $3.45 5th $3.98 5th $4.97 5th $6.75 5th $5.55 CLUB COCKTAILS READY-MIXED HEUBLEIN'S DRY MARTINI ..j. HEUBLEIN'S MANHATTAN HEUBLEIN'S SIDE CAR HEUBLEIN'S OLD FASHIONED $3J>9 $3.59 $3.59 $3.75 COTCH - 'ALL THE BEST BRANDS' VAT - WHITE HORSE - TEACHER'S JOHNIE WALKER THE WORLD'S FINEST WINES VIRGINIA DARE -- Red Wine .... VIRGINIA DARE -- White Win* MOGEN DAVID ...- ITALIAN SWISS SHER8Y PETRI PORT .... PADRE PORT _ MARCA PETRI WINE VI GALLON -- GALLON $1.25 5th $1.09 Vis»J. $1.98 $2-25 BOLGER'S *. -to

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