n.rrr*" CORNER . * l \ ;T V^^T>^,>3 Tonywi. »4; , Ml; Norm, HO-514; Winter*. • Frank * Frieda, S; lake, 0. Ohristensen, I04-S01; Sarbangh, 20t-tt8; Komar, 214-621. Freund's Dairy. 2; McHenry llecreatlon, 1. So long, Oflorge! Oar ItawMyp# man, George Bradley, has left us and moved to Michigan. The gang In the office had a little party for George last Friday afternoon. Ice cream, cake--no coffee. Had our pictures taken, too. They will' know George by his neektle . . . oile that the girls in the office selected. ^ fc"L 'TV NofSi TlrtH. • OTUwk- ^ Fox Novelty, 2; Clark Che*„t Freund. 220-575; Krause, 214- 214-614; Thennes. S14-5SS; Bennett, >44-572. Old Bride. S; Blats, 0. Klnsala, 212-527; Jones, 210-509; Larktn. 543; Sutton, 20S-530. Certified Foods, 2; Co-ops, 1. Britz, 523; Jannotta, 553; 8chwelger, 200-520; B. Kreier, 540. The athletic banquet at the high sattool this (Thursday) evening highlights the week in local sports. file appearance of Marshall A Goldberg, well-known college iyjd . nt>A f/kAfKo 11 otn* le Kt« fAatura" -- PALACE (VO. F.- Thennes', 2302; Steffan's, 2274 H. Steffan, 521; B. Th'ennes, 502 Stilling'8, 2330; Kreutzer's, 2246 A. Blake, 220-539; L. Stilling, pro football star, is the big feature on the program. ' Looks like a sell-out crowd will on han<| to honor the local athletes. » On Friday night the MCHS Warriors meet St Mary's of Woodstock oh our home floor in the first basketball game of the season. pftiat this new team win do is anybody's guess until they have a chance under fire. The team Isn't rated to go high In the Swani standings, but maybe tile boys can fool the experts. c. Q. Freund's, 2457; L. Winkers 2350. Gus Freund. 224-234-633; B. Freund, 510. E. Thennes', 2416; H. Miller's 2268. ^ G. Justen, 528; H. Freund, 222-541; H. Miller, 519. WATFRFOWL SEASON Weather conditions and the time at which the Illinois corn harvest is completed will have an influence on the Illinois ' waterfowl shooting season, which opened Nov. 3 and will close Dec. 7. Field men of the state Department of Conservation report that flights of Canada geeae have Men coming through as in other yealrs, and predict some 100,000 geese will be concentrated in southern Illinois by the last of November. According to Frank Bellrose, waterfowl expert of the state Natural His • tory Survey, mallard ducks usually make three great flights through known distances. In *0*r Junior Varsity boys played s&iBe nice basketball last year and several of those boys are on the Varsity squad this year. \ 'Watch 'em Friday night and see for yourself. That new gym is spic and span. Makes a person feel real proud. We hear that Ann Bolger is serving bacon and egg breakfasts to pheasant hunters these frosty mornings. Haven't heard of any pheasant dinners though. Tavern-- Al's White Mouse, 2; Cub's tun, 1. W. Low, 512; Paluch, 514; G. Schaefer, 504. Snug Harbor, 2; Fireside, 1. Wheelock, 215-519; €. Behnke, 509; Meath, 535; H. Behnke. 516. Landl's, 3; Herdrich's, 0. Buss, 233-584; Landl, 507; Fantua, 201-512. ^ Hoots, 3; R. Place, Noonan, 506; Duttko, Sft. Illinois. The first flight arrive not later than "Nov. 9, the second about the middle of the month, and the last between Nov. 28 and Dec. 3. Mild weather in the Northwest tends to delay these duck migrations, while severe cold waves will hurry them up. The loose scattered corn left in the fields after harvest affords choice feed for ducks and they usually are in no haste to leave Illinois while plenty-of corn is available. . The annual meeting of ern Mini Bowmen will Tuesday eveiiHig, at 8 «' LegtonHall, MeHenry. Tip meeting should terminate! o'clock and at that ttase archers, their friends, and all others who might be interested will, get a chance to see some of the rarest and most fascinating bdW hunting films In existence. These movies concern the late Art Yauag, the world's finest archer at the time, and his exploits with the bow and arrow in the big game country of Alaska back in the '20's, Entirely unsupported by firearms. Art Toung stalked and killed the largest game on this continent with the bow and arrow--and these movies show him doing it. These films were obtained and are being shown by William Schlitt of McCullom Lake. % Two days previous to this meeting, Sunday Nov. 19 is the date of the Bowmen's annual club tournament shoot This shoot will take the form of a hunter's round and will be staged on their big field course near McHenry. Each person will have four arrows allowed for each of the many silhouette targets which will be at various and una hunter's I George Barbian is going in for deer hunting. Must be! Did yon see that red cap? G. P. Newman wants to know what we think of the Democrats and Notre Dame now. One gathers from reading the Papers that Notre Dame 1b coming along all right, but the Democrats may have to swith from the TP* (Truman) formation. Pbresters are starting early with plans for their annual bowling tournament The tournament covers singles, doubles, 'and team events. The tournament starts Old Timers Meath's, 2240; Christy's, 204S. Meath. 225-569. Downs. 2331; Rogers, 1160. f Blake, 509. Majors Carlton dflf, 2; Wake Motors, 1. Tonyan, 520; Aregger, 209-550; Carlson, 523; Budler, 520; Crouch, 540; Rodenkirk 524; Blake 218- 562; Barth, 507; Hup Smith, 516; Bacon. 210. Carl's Service Station, 2; Downs Nash Sales, t. Thorsell, 233-5M; Jannotta, 535; Bacon, 507; Rosing, 521; Dr. 8ayler, 207-526; Downs. 522; Steffes, 202-191-235-628. 7 O'Clock Ladies--; Herdrich's, 3; Riverside Dairy, 0. T. Meyer. 183-455; E. Conway. 436. Justen's, 3; McHenry Lumber, 0. M. Doherty, 181-180-5H, * Uncle Sam Says m round, the first arrows, if they hit, score higher than any following shots that hit. This Is because in actual hunting an archer is obvious ly more likely to get one shot than two at his quarry. Therein lies the value of a hit on the first try. This places much emphasis .on' the in stinctlve method of shooting the bow and practically eliminates the usefulness of artificial sighting devices. The trophies for this shoot are being donated by the Shorts Center in Woodstock and the club Wants to thank them for this. --Phil Wheelock IN THE MATTfiR OF THE APPLICATION 0» RICHARD W. DOHERTY, VIRGINIA DOHBBtTY, PHILIP DOHERTY AND MAUREEN DOHERTY FOR VARIATION OF ZONING CLASSIFICATION. Notice is here by given that in compliance with the provisions of the McHenry County Zoning Ordinance, a public hearing will be held by the Board of Appeals of the McHenry County Zoning Ordinance relative to a change In classification to a Business B-l classification of the following described property: Lot 15 in Kelter Estate Subdivision Unit No. 1, being a Subdivision of part of Section 34, Township 45 ' North, Range 8, Blast of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the Plat thereof recorded March .14, 1949 as Document 218953, in Book 10 of Plats, page 112, in Mc Henry County, Illinois. Said proposed change is for the construction of a duplex house. Said hearing will be held in the City Hall of McHenry, Illinois at the hour of 3:15 P.M. on the, 5th day of December, 1950. All persons interested may attend. McHenry County, Illinois Zoning Board of Appeals Harold J. Bacon Chairman Petitioner's Attorney;. Vernon J. Knox Crystal Lake, Illinois Phone - 1500 Roast Turkey and Dressing. ... UIOTICE E MATTER (Mr share % yea're really Wise' they went Idling, «***» they're working tar yah Jan nary 13th and ends February • Son, 0. • 0*Ck»ck Ladles-* ^ Steffan'8 Jewelry, 2; Johnson's Bar-be-cue, 1, M. Klnsala. 406; J. Kralowett, 452. Oak Park Hotel. 8; T. Olson A 2nd. Entries close January 1st. Got yowr name In to Fred Meyers any time now. We duntto If McHenry Is going to have town basketball this year or not, but we have a card from tbfc manager of the Lake Geneva listen team asking for a game the latter part of this month. Totn Bolger (the banker Bolger) predicts that Illinois will beat Ohio Stale Saturday and Is going down to Champaign to see the victory. He plans to be home for supper. Helicopter, we presume. E. Wlnkel, 470; E. Krause.ttO. City-- Cary Electric, 2; McHenry State Bank. 1. Rogers, 512; Schaefer, 214-frtS: Hagberg, 508. , Hester Oil, 3; McGee's, 0. 1 Johnson, 201-582; Scharlow. 548; Rode, 522; Aregger, 201-542. T. Olson & Son, 2; Walsh Insurance, 1. N. Brits, 51S; H. Steffes, 200-578; Rowe, 201-511; Olsen, 505; Hoinak- M, 507. '/ Atlas Prager, 2; Lee ft Ray, % Low. 215-531. If you didn't clip out that schedule last week, don't forget that McHenry plays at Burlington next Tuesday night DAILY PINUPS "oiks who lack a definite goal. Play a most Insignificant role. A woman finds a mean man despicable but a man of means desirable. - A man who resorts to dominion Is usully short of opinion. Marriage is like a pair of scisytors, hurting anyone who comes between. The gift ot greatness is given to sttch as give without expecting gmtitude. A moment's delay could ruin a day while a moment's respite may mike things all right IPs not the seeming big things bat the little intimate things that -- MeEeary Bee reason -- T. F. W«-- Fly Boys, 2; Bell Hops, 1. Getner, 539; Kralowetz, 226-544. Dog Faces, 2; Swabbies, 1. Low, 630 K. of C.-- Frost's, 3; Walsh's 0. Steffan's, J; Diedrich's 1. Early Birds-- Peterson Boats, 2; S. H. Freund ft Son, 1. S. Sutton, 420; E. Peterson, 463. Old Bridge, 3; Carey Electric, 0. P- Buergler, 507; N. Larkin, 281- 566; E. Rand, 456. McHenry Cab, 2; A. P. Freund. 1. L. Miller, 437; D. Schaefer, 430; J. Oxtoby, 440; L. Wilhelm, 422. Freund Oil. 2; Stilling's Town ft Country, 1. ^ i . * *1 ANONYMOUS PHEASANT SEASON JA four-year study made by the State Department of Conservation *nd the Illinois Natural History aafyey shows that when mature pbMitants are set free in the fall in NpU« Illinois locations from 45 If jpOr cent of them will live thfttagh the winter. The departmatit lias released 19.744 mature phataanta In thirty-seven Illinois copil^ois thts season, and will have •OfBO 19,800 male pheasants for relostaa on public shooting grounds. It aUb hatched almost .60,000 phaafeant chicks and sent them to s apdftbuMn's clubs to be fed and ^rslMd before being set free. The shooting season in 1111- eontlnaes until NOT. 25. iFsrsonaliae your Christmas wrappings and other gifts Shop personalized 110 South Green street. 26 Aaad the Waal Ada. Business Men- McDonald's Tavern, 2; McHenry Plasteringrlr Leo's Tavern, 8; Leo's lUngwood, that tomorrow thosefCriama af , will came trae. The JM* and jfcwi way la to enroll tor tbeVTl. Sav- P*yr»« Savings Has yea are aaipiayed. anisasatle plaa aetaally add to year "take home savtage." "NOW LETS ALL BUY feONDS." u. s. r. of (Mi The troy ounce Is the unit In weighing gold. An ounce of line fold means an ounce of pur# gold. In lift the President proclaimed the United States gold dollar to be 15 5/21 grains of gold, nine-tenths One, which is equivalent to $M/|5eF~t One troy ounce. The former value 4f gold was $20.67 per fine ounce, based on the dollar of 25.8 grains of gold nine-tenths fine. Weighings are made In troy ounces and decimals thereof. Jewelers use the penny- weight and grain. The troy pound never is used. God of Fire * Vulcanus, the Roman god of Are, suggested to modern man the appropriate name of volcano for such erupting giants as the Mauna Loa in Hawaii. The fabled abode of the god was Sicily's Mt. Etna where his blacksmith helpers were believed to work at subterranean forges. Chfakals Thlt ElhnhUt* Pflifii Ivy Withfdt Daratft There are two chemicals that will get rid of poison ivy without hurting the soiL First, there is ammate which is used at the rate of ^ of a pound to a gallon of water and sprsrrwj on whan the sun is shining, sib lists, this killed from 90 to 99 per cent of the potion ivy, depend* tag-upon how thofoui^ly sprayed. Ifeeft, a folIow-Up spraying in Septetotter. or'fairly early -haKt spring, trtil uiuilly kill it for god(|. There is ahb 2,'4-D of which the estefpsji form U neceirtry, as the Other type will not kin poison ivy. A new hormone, quite slroftar to 2,'4-D, fttewn as 2.4,5-T it also effeetive, Jhnd -tiie two used together •~tht asttafefte form of 2.4-D and % In about olqual Quantkies-^ 'mahres an 'excellent polion Ivy art brush kiUer. In fact exoallent sue> Mss has been had with >oth the es- Itrona form and the combination of •we two in killing both poison Ivy and brush. It saoms that there Is aWays ana drawback to everything, so we might say that tte warning Or animate Is that Whtla It is Mot poison-1' ous, and doesn't stain cloth or hurt the grass onder the poison Ivy, Hi will corrode a cheap spray pumpi So, be sure to wash your sprayer out thoroughly after using it Ihe 2,4-D solution has a very strong hormone effect on tomatoes and beans, so care should also fa taken not to Vse it'fei the vicinity e> these two vegetables, or to use 1hi sprayer that has been ised for 2,4-D, for even washing the sprayer out 15 or 20 times will not entirely eliminate the traces of this material. Therefore it would be much better to have one sprayer that you would use only for Ammate and 2,4-D, although you can use this sprayer to spray corn and. other useful plants that ara resistant to this hormone. IN THE OF THE APPLICATION OF MARTIN COONEY. INDIVIDUALLY, AND MARTIN COONEY AND MARY C. HECKMANN, AS TRUSTEES UNDER THE KELTER TRUST FOR VARIATION OF ZONING CLASS FICATION. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the McHenry County Zoning Ordinance, a public hearing will be held by the Board of Appeals of the McHenry County Zoning Ordinance relative to a change in classification from farming to Residence R-l classification of the following described property: All ot 'tiooney Heights, a Subdivision of McHenry County, Illinois, according to the plat thereof recorded in the Recorder's Office* of McHenry County, Illinois. Said proposed change is for the purpose of restricting the use of the lots in said subdivision to Residence R«I. Said hearing will be held in the City Hall of McHenry, Illinois at the hour of 3:15 P. M. on the 5th day of December, 1950. All persons interested may attend. McHENRY COUNTY ILLINOIS .. ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS J • By Harold Bacon 'Its Chairman For a small family, a' turkey hen aatlsfies that craving for turkey at Thankagivlng and still doesn't leave so much left-over turkey that everyone becomes tired of turkey in any disguise. Cold sliced turkey in sandwichea or on a platter looks appealing and appetising tor a day or two but after that even turkey becomes monotonous. After searing turkey to remove fuzz and carefully picking pin feathers, wash turkey thoroughly. Inside and out. Now rub with butter, being careful to see that wings and legs are especially well moistened with butter. Stuff with dressing, then salt and pepper outside. Inside cavity may be . seasoned slightly before, stuffing. Sew openings with coarse white thread to hold in dressing. Bake turkey in moderate oven, 300-325, about onehalf hour for each pound. If it is basted frequently with fat in pan It will brown, nicely. Another method is to dip clean piece 6f cheese cloth in melted butter and wrap turkey In ft. Then baste over this cloth. It keeps turkey moist. Test with a fork for doneness as some turkeys are done in much less timfe. Dressing Cut np day old loaf of bread and soak in water. Squeeze out all water and put In large bowl. Fry together few pieces of celery, finly cut, one small onion, thinly sliced, Vt lb. pork sausage meat. Fry only about five minutes, then add one or two tablespoons of flour. Blend all together and season slightly. The sausage -meat will have sufficient seasoning in Itself. If additional dressing is desired tiojible dressing recipe and bake for \an hour in a casserole basting yith turkey fat for flavor. lopped walnuts or baked chestnuts are a nice addition to dressing, or you may substitute your own favorite dressing. OC OF rm AWMMUI TOIUF WFRG WQMD* ftNMS H0»WE*, *CH HfR MWUWW.TnU^THC OWLS -SV, ^ GN TJME WQMEMS U5Tf cwS*Ku2e OUMNB fWSubscribe for The Plaintfealer THE GUT PORT One Twenty-Two Riverside Drive (Grand Opening Saturday, Nov. 25 Where Santa Claus will spend, December. , FEATHER 1 ANMYERSARY PARTY SAIUtDAY. HOY 1950 DorDay Deg Tip A seasonal bulletin from veterinary medical authorities offers dog owners these suggestions on the summer care of pets: Let dogs stay In the shade during the hot-sunshine hours and do not give them strenuous exercise. Feed an adequate and nutritious ration, but cut down a little on starchy items. Replace water in the drinking pan several times a day so that cool water will be available at all times. If the dog goes with the family on summer trips, don't lock it in the car with the window? closed--particularly on hot, sunny days--as this may causa boat stroke. TUn, bat Efficient The film of palm oil on the finished. hot dipped tin plate used to' making "tin cans" Is so 'thin that it can barely be seen with the naked, eye. It is five times thicker than the average coating of tin on steel. Renew that subscription to ths Plaindealer now! Mateo Fele Beasarkad In 1273, that gallivanting gallant Marco Polo, had this to say about the great hall of Kublai Khan: "The walls are sculptured and varnished in green, decorated with gilded dragons. The columns are incrusted "Wth a sort of paste, coated with tad varnish." PA'S TAVERN 316 ELM STREET EVERYONE INVITED MAKE THANKSGIVING A PLEASURE FOR MOTHER With Thanksgiving just on« wnk from today# one can almost small 'thai wonderful aroma of roasting turkey. It is certainty easy to build up a big appetite just thinking of the cranberrie sauce, pumpkin pie and ill the other trimmings which go into that big dinner. "" Thanksgiving, with all the family at home, is without doubt one of the really outstanding days of the year. Unlike other holidays, it retains a great deal of old fashioned tradition concerning its observance. Oply a home-cooked meal can make it a real Thanksgiving, but don't spoil the day for mother by keeping her in the kitchen from sunrise until every dish is put away. One certain way to make her day more pleasant Is to -provide her with the very finest in kitchen utensils. We have a large supply of fine roasters# carving knives and the many other items which go to make cooking a pleasure* NICKELS HARDWARE MCHENRY, ILL. MAIN STREET PHONE MEHERHY 2 Feed Seqairemeate Vary According to a Twentieth Century Fund report those engaged in very active physical work require much more energy-producing food such as potatoes, flour, legumes, meat fats and sugars than do sedentary or moderately active workers. They, however, require larger quantities of the leafy, green and yellow vegetables and the same amount of protective foods such as milk, eggs, and citrus fruits. Both the active workers, who become physically tired, and the sedentary workers, who become fatigued by the mental strain and emotional tension of their work, are alike in their need of plenty of restful sleep to restore spent energy and make them fit for the next day. Mvard Grtag Even ihe child who protests against his music lessons may be a musical genius. Norwegian composer, Edvard Greig, never wanted to practice his music but liked to make up tunes. His melodies provide us with some of our best radio listening. i*'*?.4 rr'S.rif • Tolling Age By Teeth An individual's age can be told' arithin three to fqur years by examiaation of a single tooth, according to a newly-devised system. For the first time, a mathematical formula to detect the age of a person by hit teeth has been worked out by Dr. Gosta Gustafson, of the state dental department of Malmo, Sweden, who reported results of a hitherto unknown accuracy. Under Dr. Quatafson's formula, age can be determined within 3.6 years, as contrasted with errtr* up to 32 year*. in methods in longtime ussl Order yonr rubber stajng at Plaindealer now! Spider's Diet Spiders eat other insects, besides flies. Uhder winter conditions, they can go without food for probably is long as several months. ' ' / • • Wheat Wfetat Is tte most WWely distributed of all the cereal grains consumed and is the major cereal grain in the world grain markets, Commercial Bakers . Commercial bakers are believed to h*ve come into existence in Rome m years before the birth of Christ i ^ Subscribe for the Plaindealer THE SCREWY DOZEN will give you the bird at their ANNUAL FEATHER PARTY to be held at1 ROY AL INN on the Midway at McCullom Lake SATURDAY EVE* NOV. isth Beginning at 8 P. M. For an evening of Fun make it a Date with the Screwy Dozen of McCullorit Lake. Michigan Avenue comes to Riverside DriVe for your . Christmas Belles Now you can do your Christmas Shopping at home in McHenry -- avoid the crowds--- receive individual attention and choose Gifts of Distinction from the widest variety of new things this side of Imported 1N*rlumes Costume Jewelry * French Hand-Painted Compacts * Cpftpsr and Silver Giftware Pure Scarfs * Fine Imported Glas&frife * Decorator's Lamp • LaceFigurinrts English arid ItSlfah Chink $1 to $100.00 MILDRED HOHMAN V/w Qijt pvd Cine Twenty Two Riverside I^rive Opening November 25, 1950 * ' < , .. • - . f . f'-'i *'- !