ST. JOHMrS CHuRCH SCENE OF LOVELY WEDDING NOV. 18 mm ? lino's Attalversary Mid Mrs. John Terrene* were 10 employees of -the Mc fl«kli«ry Mill and their fam- Qtpi at a dinner held nt Hetter- IHm'a in Johnsburg Saturday WVftllg hi observance of the first MttttHrWPMry of the mill's opening. Prosettt to enjoy a delicious dinner •at social hour were Mr. and Mrs. peter Hastings, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Olsen. Mr. and Mrs. William and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stotka. St. ' CoMMaalty P.T.A. KUHbt Nov. ,JM> New information tele vision Will will be giveji before the corninanity Parent-Teachers associatton at the regular monthly meetiBg scheduled for Thursday, Nov. 80, in the high school auditorium. Ac meeting is set for 8 p.m. Two special motion pictures films "Stepping Along with Television" and "Coxial". will be presented at the meeting, which should be of special interest to P.T.A. lathers and all interested in the advances of television. The films will be provided through the OBVrtesy of the Illinois, Bell Telephone company, and will cover not <m!y Uie intricacies of television production but the understandable technical problems of long distance- transmission Iff television programs. was honmiscellan- Skwnr ftaenf; Srlde-Te-R* Miss Gladys' Stilling OTed at a pr<--nuptial Mvs shower held last week at the A. P. Freund residence on Elm Street, with Miss Phyllis Smith. Mrs. Leonard Freund and Miss Dorothy Freund as co-hostesses. Games were played and lunch was Served from a table attractively decorated for the occasion. Miss Stilling will become the bride of Edward Doyle oC Park Ridge on Nov. 25. Long Branch, N. J. He served in World War 1 and at the time of their marriage was stationed at Camp Alfred Vail, N. J. The couple resided in New York for two years and later moved to Chicago. They have three sons and one daughter. SMITH-CHRISTOPHER VOWS EXCHANGED IN KEITHSBURG FRIDAY Miss Vera Smith of Keithtiburg, I1L. and Gilbert Christopher, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Johnson of Emerald Park, were united in marriage last Friday, Nov. 17. The'wedding took place at the home of the bride's sister in Keithsburg. Following the service, there was a reception held at the home ofythe bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ward Hawkins. Open house in honor of the couple will tie held at the bridegroom's home in Emerald Park Wednesday evening, Nov. 22. The groom is a graduate of the local high school with the class of 1948 and since then has been employe^ with a tree expert company .where -he is now foreman of his own cfew. Bt John's Catholic church at Johnsburg was the scene of a lovely fail wedding last Saturday, Nov. 18, when Miss Helen Dichiaro, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dichiaro of Chicago, became the bride of Mr. William J. Schmitt, son of Mr. and Mrs. John N. Schmitt of Johnsburg. The 9:30 o'clock cere- ' mony was performed by Rev. Ft. Nicholas Schmitt of Oklahoma, uncle of the groom. Given in marriage by her father, the attractive oride wore a white satin gown styled with fitted bodice, beaded sweetheart neckline and long sleeves and train. Small buttons down the back and trimming the sleeves added detail. Her fingertip veil of illusion was held by a pearl trimmed headpiece of white satin and she carried a bouquet of wjiite roses, centered with an orchid. Mrs. Margaret Sjoberg. a friend of the bride, acted as matron of honor, attired in a blue satin dress with net overskirt and small matching hat. She carried yellow roses. Miss Bonnie Jean Jaerger of Chicago ,a cousin, was junior bridesmaid, wearing a similarly styled gown* in the same color. Bridesmaids were Miss Dolores Keippel of Chicago, a cousin, and Mrs. Dolores Ludford of Northbrook. sister of the groom, who wofe champagne colored satin dresses with net overskirt, matching hats and carried red roses. AH wore pearl necklaces, gifts of the bride. PERSONALS Vatuv Teachers •> Chapter ProfraH • Four members of, the Future Teachers of America, including Jeri Binspar, McHenry h?L-" School senior, presented a par of the program at a meeting of Alpha Theta chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma society, held last week at Woodstock. Miss Einspar talked on "Professional Ethics of a Teacher". A Christmas party for members Of the chapter will' be enjoyed «n the evening of Dee. 11 at the home of Faith Harrington at Crystal Lake, with Agnes Thompson assisting. There will be a white elephant gift exchange. UfMor Couple Mmttc Anniversary •- Mr. and Mrs. John D Mfffnac of Litjrmoor observed their thirtieth Wedding anniversary last Saturday. Nov. 18, when they celebrated wilh their family and friends at Club Lilymoor. » Mr. Milinac and his bride. Gunhild Carlson, were married at JOHN STROHM TO VIEW FUTURE WORLD CONDITIONS What's the picture ahead for America? John Strohm, who is scheduled to appear in Woodstock Community high school Dec 4. at 8 p.m. says: "To me it looks like a five year period of semi-mobilization. five years of higher preces. higher taxes, higher military expenditures, as we try to bol3ter our defenses, try to guess the Russians' next move, try to build up defenses all over the world." To show the present lituati .n in Indo^-China, Pakistan, Indonesia, India. China and Japan, Mr. Strohm will show colored movies he has taken this vear. He will also tell of his interviews with General MacArthur and local governing personnel in these countries. This Dec. 4 lecture will be the first showing in McHenry county of Mr. Strohm's colored movies. In previous lectures he has used kodachrome slides of Europe, Russia and Asia. This 1950 lecture, centered on the war zone, has been highly praised bv the press in cities where Mr. Strohm has appeared. This fall he has taken his lecture to audiences In Washington. I). C., Iowa, Oregon. Wisconsin. Indiana, • Kentucky, New -.'ork, Pennsylvania, Nebraska and many national conventions in Chicago. Mr. Strohm's local appearance is Sponsored by McHenry county Home Bureau. Tickets are available from Home Bureau members, also at Hubert's drug 9tore. Woodstock. Ben Klapperich, Henry May, Miss Susan Klapperich and MVs. Christina Bruinm of Stacyvilte, Iowa, visited friends and relatives in the McHenry community last weekend.' Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dowell and daughter of Lafayette, lnd., are spending the week with her mother Mrs. James Larkin. Mrs. William D. Foreman and her brother. Byron A. McAnsh, are spending the vinter in Sarasota, Fla. " ; Mrs. Frank Altman, Jr.. and children. Sara Beth and Tommy, of Dearborn. Mich., are spending this week visiting heifj parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Sayler. Mrs. Walter Brooks has been spending some time in Chicago, where she is assisting in the care* of her mother, who is'.ill. , Charles Unti has returned from his trip to Europe, where he visited with relatives and friendfc. . Miss Josephine Guercio and Miss Julia' Foley, who are attending college at De Kalb, spent the weekend vipiting relatives here:. QRAHD OLE OPftY TROUPE COMES TO WOODSTOCK NOV. 27 Roy Acuff and his grand ole opry troup will appear -in person on the screen at the Miller theatre in \J'oodstock Monday, Nov. 27.. Coming direct from Nashville, Tenn., the troup will present three big shows, at 5:15, 7:30 and 9:45 o'clock. All the Smoky Mountain Boys are entertainers in their own right, having been .with Acuff in his radio programs an recordings and in the movies. On the screen is the film "Smoky Mountain Melody," in which Acuff is stiirred and troup is featured. Doors .will open at 3:45 p.m. and the picture will start Immediately and will be shown four times during the day. Admission will be twenty-five centd' for children under. 12 .and .sixty cents for-adults, lax inchide'd. • • . AMONG THI SIOK •«lllllll«i»MIH»lnilllMIIMIIIIIII--«i Mrs. Emma Jimp Johnsburg surgery tit Augusta Hospital. had the misfortune to fall in her home arid break her arm last Friday evening. She has been confined to the Woodstock hospital. Mrs. Charles Unti underwent Chicago, last Thursday. Mrs. Barbara Jones of Crystal Lake, a former local resident, ' underwent surgery at the Woodstock hospital oh Sunday Til A SERVICE Thanksgiving Eve service of worship will be held this (Wed-* nesday) evening at 8 o'clock at the Community Methodist church. Miss Louaiine Howorka will sing* and a special prfigram, "Give Thee Thanks," will be presented BIRTHS 4. •{. j. .» * M Residence Changes The M. A. Sutton famity has moved from the Steffens home on Waukegan street to the Miss Helen McCrath house on Maple evenne. The A. W. Falconer family is moving from Maple avenue to Ca^- Harry Smith attended his cous- ifornia, where they will make? their home. Rev. and Mrs. J. in as best man and Joseph Dichiaro. Jr., brother of the bride, and Albert Adams, a cousin of the groom, served as groomsmen. • The bride's mother was attired in a dress of cocoa brown color and black accessories and carried yellow roses. Mrs. Schmitt wore teal blue, black accessories and a corsage of red roses. Breakfast for twenty-five members of the bridal party and immediate families was served at the home of the bridegroom's parents following the service, with a reception for 200 guests in St. Mary's- St. Patrick's school hall, McHenry, at 5 o'clock. The former Miss Dichiaro is a graduate of Lake View high school and has been employed at the De- Forrest Radio and Electronics Training school In Chicago. The j bridegroom received his education in the Johnsburg school and is employed on his father's farm. Following a trip through the South, the couple will reside at Johnsburg. The bride was honored at a miscellaneous shower at tlhe Schmitt home recently, with thirty guests in attendance. Mrs. Schmitt and Mra. Ludford were hostesses. Elli<rt| frrtrbett have moved from the ol# Hfethodist parsonage on Center street to the new parsonage on Main street. The George Kinsalas have mov6d from the Wattles apartments to the Charles Corso hom^jfin the north part of the city. ;\- The Richard Fredrick family has moved from Sunnyside subdivision to the upper apartment in the Lindsay home on Richmond Road. Marriage Licenses jMr. and Mrs. Paul Anderson of Rt. 2. Forept Garden Estates, McHenry, are the. parents of a daughter; horn at Sherman hospita^. Elgin. Nov.. 17.' Mr. and Mrs. Carl Antonson arc the parents of a son, born at the Woodstock hospital on Nov. 1">. Mr. and Mrs. A. ti. Alderson, Jr. who reside on Rt. 120 arid Wonder Lake road, announce the birth of their second..^on. Vinton Craig, on Nov. 7 at St- Francis hospital, Evanston. < . Mr. and Mrs. Marion Messman of Woodstock <are the parents of a son. horn Nov. 14 at the Woodstock hospital. Mrs. Messman is the former (3race Mary Thompson. Or. and Mrs. John Purvey of Crystal lAflM, formerly of M< - Henry, .flitnoujMje the birth of » son on Nov. at the Woodstock hospital: THE GIFT PORT One-Twenty-'I wo Riverside Drive Grand Openingf; Saturday;' Nov. 25 Where Santa Claus wiC ; spend December. emalem a leagtky st»Jy plan, just a siaqple "thank yOi» Froat tke heart of child or msa. A. momfesMnjt. ©, #I ®yol!uwr iffcw£S1ek. m91 All it takes to let Him Ml You're grateful for the hlessia^ McHENRY STATE BANK Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporatloa Member Federal Reserve System LOUIS SCHRODER DIES Funeral services were held in Chicago last week for Louis Curl Schroeder of McHenry, husband of the late Martha Schroeder and father of Theodra Tesnow and Dorothy Tally, Interment \yas in Acacia Park. Bennett Walkington and Mrs. Rose Jepson, both of Ringwood. Read the Want'Ads. Even if the dollor Is worth only fifty cents, its value will never Inns low as some people will stoop to get it. Education probably won't make us all leaders, but it can teach us which leader to follow. MARRIED SATURDAY Miss Marjorie Schroeder, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schroeder who reside on Rt. 31. south of McHenry, and 1 Mr. Robert Boese of Cary were united in marriage In a» lovely nuptial service solemnized' last Saturday evening, Nov. 18, at fi:30 o'clock in the Community Methodist church. Rev. J. Elliott Corbett, pastor of the church, officiated. Renew that subscription to the Plaindealer cow! THE DURACLEAN METHOD tfpholstered furniture and rugs beautifully cleaned by modem methods and e<iuipment in your own home. Rugs or furniture ready for use approximately three hours after cleaning. Wonder Lake Gospel Church fRANIS iW, ANDERSON, Pastor Extends A Cordial 'limitation To " r "t A THANKSGIVING SERVICE ON THANKSGIVING; DAV, .at 10:30 A. M. ^ - Me|^age by the Pastor Vocal Solo "by Mr.^aul F. Anderson i, • C & J ELECTRIC & APPLIANCE SHOP McCULLOM LAKE McHENRY. ILL, YOUR A DEALER i. Wringer Washers, Ironers, Dishwashers, Cleaners, Lonergan Oil Heaters. Freed Eistnan Television. White Water Heaters, General Mills Irons & Toasters and Small'Appliances. Also Electric Wiring and Repairing. 1 Trade in your old washed on a New 1951 Model, liberal allowance. - Estimates on electriccd work cheerfully given. PHONE McHENRY 567-W-2 Call now for holiday discount of five per |;«ent. EHREDTS DURACLEAN COMPANY ! FHONE McHENRY 593-M2 or Jlylt '-Vl- ; >T -• • '1 r/iSX'"' '• ROUND LAKE 6-2223 MPSFSSM. ITS THE "MM"! Ev« since Olilsinohile introduced the "Rocket" Engine two vears ago, seems like everybody claims "liigh-compreiwiiou"--but nobody explains it. The phrase simply means squeezing the gasoline into a smaller space before exploding it. This gets more power out of the same amount of fuel. But the engine must be designed tor high-compression all the ivay through to assure smooth, quiet, gas-sa^ng performance. The "Rocket" is 100^' high-compression GMtftaofcif* Hydrm-Mmtic Drive optionmi mi extra cmIok a/I --from the crank shaft out. And the lowest-priced "Rocket" Engine car is Oldsmobile's "88." Makes good sense to try it soon--doesn't it? ////#///// A G&4ERAI MOTORS VALUE S S E Y O U R N E A R E S T O L t t V M O B I L S D S A L I t R. L OVERTON MOTOR SALES 403 FRONT STREET . PHONE « . McHENRY. QX. mm--' Jb ( ^ *