Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Nov 1950, p. 11

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thM' W-i, '.»/'t"'*K *>'?' -<»•. ^ . ** "V ' f * * „. * *fe . ( *" ^ XJ 1 f# ilp-vai?! j*.\.".,'i?itt*.. i. «.. J? *V' »»»- li word to the !» *"»mi. futile ti way safety. oat we qfft* p what the kkoghter there wer> »o pi«ehb| at imminiiiiiiM RINGWOOD (ty- Mr*. decree Shepard) * JTbe w;ac.s. Will a«m # «ifeteria supper in the churdi ball Thursday, Nov. 30. The menue: Rfcast pork, harbeques, baked tomans, green beans, cabbage salad, cottage cheese, jello salad, rolls, »**< cakes, coffee and milk. The Happy Hours 4-H boys and flft*l8 club met in the Leo Smith home Monday evening. Hostesses Aprere Marita and Oordan Thomson and Charlotte and Annette -Smith Tie usual business meeting wa* hold followed by games and re - fresh men ts. The next meeting wil 1* In the church basement. •Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neal and sons LeRoy and John, spent Thanksgiving day and Friday in the Joi Carney hoiqe in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Sebastiar spent the weekend with relatives %)n Chicago. ' , Mr. and Mrs. Elmer' Olsen of Richmond, Mrs. Emily Beatty ant* Mrs. Viola Lou attended funera' services fr>r Mrs. Harold Abbott a' Woodstock Sunday afternoon. Mr .and Mrs. Mitchell Kane an« family spent Thanksgiving day with Ms parents the. Earl Kanes, a» Mundelien. Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Ainger ol ^hicago, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Ain wger and Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ainge' . and fsynily of Hebron were guest* hi the George Sliepard home or 'IFhanksgiving aav. Thanksgiving day guests in the C. L. Harrison !iome were Mr. anc- Mrs. Henry Marlowe and family Of Huntley, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Donahue- of liundee and Mr. and Mrs. Donaid Brenner and son and Qlen Wattles of McHenry. m Mrs. Flora Harrison spent wThanksgiving day in the home of her daughter and family, the Ardin Frisbies. at Greenwood. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harrison and family were guests in the Marlowe Shaw home at Greenwood on Thanksgiving day. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hopper and daughters of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith spent Thanksgiving day with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. •Hoffman and daughter. Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Sr., and daughter. Mae. were- Thanksgiv- • tag day quests in the Lester Carr home. » . Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hawley of Fbx Uiver Grove and Mr. and Mrs. . Barl Whiting are enjoying a trip to the Osarks. Thanksgiving day guests in thp Bud Winters homo were Mrs. Heppier and, Mr. and Mrs. Robert ^pFrisby. Jr.. of McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pagnl were guests in the G. Izard home at Crystal Lake ott Thanksgiving "-'4by. ' Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Howe and Miss Cora Walters of Crystal Lake wefe guests in the Ix)uis Hawley hom<- on Thanksgiving day. Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Hepburn spent Thanksgiving day in the home of his daughter ^nd husband, Mr. and £Mrs. Robert Shuetze, at Milwaukee. % Thanksgiving day guests in the Beatty Low honie were Mr. and Mra. QUtt Jackaoa aai ions, Harold and Donald. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Christenson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Van Every and family and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Olsen and sons of Richmond and Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Montanye and sons of Huntley. George Hanes of Lake Geneva. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ackerman and family of Caladonia and Mr. and Mire. Allan Wagner and family were dinner guests in the John ilogan home Thanksgiving day. Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Hepburn spent Wednesday in the John Blackm&n home at Antioch. Guests in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home on Thanksgiving day' were, Mr. and Mrs. Don Smart and sons. Bob and Bill, of Waukegan. Mr. •id Mrs. Charles Vogel ef Broadlead. Percy Lenard of Lake Geneva. Mr. and -RJrs. Phelps Saunders >nd daughter of Sycamore. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Winn and daughter, Tanet, of Richmond, Mr. and Mr». Wm. Brennan and family of Mc- Cullfem Lake. Lou Schmitt and Robert Mfll<;r of McHenry and Mr. ind Mrs. Charles Brennan. Mrs. Phelps^ Saunders • and laughter of Sycamore spent from Thursday until Sunday night with ler mother, Mrs. Fred Wiedrich. Ir. •• Thanksgiving day guests in the I. C. Pearson home were Floyd "eatt of Greenwood, Mrs. Maymp Harrison of McHenry. Gust Pearion and Miss Lona Brever. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler were quests in the Harold Stanek home it Woodstock on Thanksgiving day. Mr. and Mrs. Le&ard Brown and v W. Brown spent Thanksgiving lay with relatives at Claundon Hills. Dr. and Mrs. David Redmond of Chicago and Ernest Andreas of Crystal Lake were guests in the Weldon Andreas heme on Thanksgiving day. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Oxtaby spent Thanksgiving day with his parents at Spring Grove. A fatally reunion was held in the Kenneth Cristy home on Thanksgiving day. Those to attend were. Mr. and Mrs. John Cristy and four children of Huntly, Mrs. Gordon Fossum and four daughters of Solon Mills. Kenneth Cristy, Jr„ of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Cristy and Mr. Wells of Crystal Lake, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Cristy and son James of New London, Wis..Alice Cristy of Evanston, Mrs. Wm. Wight and daughter, of Milwaukee, Jane Cristy of Urbana and Mr. and Mrs. Jay Cristy and daughter. Nancy, and son, Jay, Jr. A Thanksgiving get-together was enjoyed in the church hall. Those to attend were Mr. and Mrs. Reed and family of Riverside. Mr. and Mrs. Mardis Thomas of Hinsdale, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Thomas and friend of Franklin Pari, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Thomas and Mr. and Mrs. Darold Thomas and family pf McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Fernstrom of Fox Lake and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low and daughters. , 11.000 HEAD BESt LIVESTOCK SHOWN AT 1950 EXPOSITION About 11,000 head of the conntry's heat livestock speolmens are on exhibit at the International Live Stock -Exposition that opened November 25 for an eight-day run through Dec. 2 in the Chicago Stock Yards. A number of increases are recorded in various departments of the show over last year. The total entry of 1,285 head for the breeding classes of the show is nearly 100 head over last year. Herefords with 384 and Shorthorns with 352 head have record shows at the International. Largest exhibition among the breeds will be in Aberdeen-Angus cattle with 436 head registered for, showing. The open steer " classes will bring out .{59 head. The closing of entries in the carlot classes brought the total cattle show to over 4.000 head, according to Jess C. Andrew, president of the Exposition. Six breeds of sheep have larger shows this year. Increases are noted in Corriedatea, Dorset*. Hampshires. Lincolns, Southdown? and Suffolks. Most of these increases come from California exhibitors. The swipe department will have 843 head of barrows with increases noted in Berkshires, Poland Chinas, Spotted Poland China and Yorkshires. Drpft horse showing is in Percherons with fifty-eight head. -- FOR - Roofinjr -- Tilt -- witter and All Building Material* of Soars Roobuck & Co. i See Representative FRANK GANS Call 7S7-W or write •"00 Riverside Dr., McHenry FREE ESTIMATES K. C. NOTES ^care of your council obligations, do it now, don't wait. limkm la Service Dr. B. Murphy, Jr., is the first one to our knowledge to represent the council in Uncle Whisker's fighting brigade. The F.S. requests that if and when you receive your notice you get in touch with him immediately. Parents of boys already iu service are asked;to contact him as soon as possible. iRsartarf George mentions another matter --»•- " -a/-" i-i . Iowf iimmppoorrUianncc---- "in cchheecckkiinngg: tthhee ffte ^Scribe"! Now ft Insurance records of the members pitiful figure. At the end of the week when he sets down to his typewriter, the first thing he- does is to start chewing his nails. All Week long he has sat patiently at the telephone, hoping against hope that some one will call and rev Quest some announcement or other for appearance in our notes. But no, it does not happen. So he puttf his imagination to work and makes feeble attempt at making the colpmn interesting to read. As a reminder, in case any of you brothers have perfected a > super atomic mouse trap, a dehydrated - water capsule, or something like that there, we suggest you rush the information to us pront^ HeJp! Thing* li fceaera! We had a little day with our F. S. A few things he had on his mind, we feel the membership should know--' Daes --I»»e* It has been some time adM* we. have mentioned dues in this column, but George advises that a few members are in arr«Mii. Take r-hat tile otiier I find many cases where members have failed to change the beneficiary of their insurance where the original beneficiaries are deceased or where the insured has married and has made no change in this regard.' wise, friends. Itenerary Meaherebifr Last but not least, the financial secretary supplies the following information. If a member reaches his sixty-fifth birthday, and has been on the roster of the council for ty^enty-flre years without a laps, he can write the F.S. and askto take advantage of the honorary member rate of dueat which is now $4 per year. Upon reaching the age of 75, he will have no dues to pay. Of course, this baa nothing to do with insurance assessments, which are governed by the policy you hold. Table Conference Tonight Better hurry up to the hall tonight. Table Conference you know. You will find the meeting mighty Sterling Window Shade and • Venetian Blind Cat " 5640 W. DlTteton Si. COtambua 1-8743 Have your windows dressed in Kar-OHer removable slot Venetian blinds, Duponl'i watbable Tontine shades and Kirsch draw rods. Plato flats dresser and table tops. (Polished and hoveled) Brtlmates Cheerfully Gives, Call Friday Evening. * Saturdays and Sundays call McHenry 651-M-l interesting, and well worth yonr while. Be seein' you. feald Be Uncle Mike believes aome people have very little ambition tn ltfe besides breathing. G'BYE. Need rubber stampe? Oiiar it The Plalndealer. AMD HtAlTH . - . . , - ;• , I?, yf;; *. <"/ ik i 'I ^ Our complete supply of quality drtogf tees your fullest satisfaction. We are ready to serve you in all emeigoDcIsi with quality pharmacals prepared to your phy* sidan's prescriptions. V , 3 Always at Your Service DRUG PHONX as tfcHKNRY, 1X4. ORANGES and GRAPEFRUIT Tree Ripened -- from Grower Bushel $4.50 1-3/5 Bushel $6.00 Express Prepaid. Send D. W.MALLQY LAKE HELEN. FLORIDA She found her mother after 25 years! For 25 years Mrs. Kathryne McCarty of Chicago had wondered who her mother Was and whether she would ever see her. "I had been adopted whWi I was 10 days old," Mrs. McCarty writes, "and I had never found trace of my mother. 1 moved to Virginia after the death of my foster parents. And I was resigned that probably no way in the world could I find my own people. "Then the letters started and my mother contacted me from Dayton, Ohio. On January 21, the telephone rang and I heard the voice of my own mother for the first time in my life. She was calling from Dayton, saying: 'Hello there, this 19 your mother!' "The telephone is a priceless instrument for me!'* No price can moasur* lt% ussMntu! Did you ever »top to think how much tome of your telephone calls mre really gorth? Can you remember a call thai made you feel your telephone service too* **priceless"? We'd like to hear that story. Write, please, to: v, ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY Dept. 230, 212 W. Wa»kingtos St.. Chicago *, Ilk hi&nimfaif- . . -fop*# 'tZL. mffaktopttghj t/Kitiuykta 5/FDRDt -'-cmpr.: •VC, : i'4t. .jg ^ -.v.. -re •> it ^ v ,-r •" •" ' :v -V"' • fs„ _ •n-tieciriKitM ^ MLAUS" e years SifelyGlo*" Contiol hnd NootfOfMMM Nm(ihaVhnMMMVhptft N«w Swmpkort Ofi«t ^ N«w WMOMtfroof Hom ^ tl WltcrprNf 5 jwfemhon System w»k»r NM "Color For*i«H NM FHTLCTRCTO Horn SL» DMI SpMiMr" GNM / ' / | »* -r«a-w Fuel himp NM CewlorbiUncini Otck lid HNM*S UMIQMT' NM KeyTum $tortia| VlUot foam Rubktr Cushtoninf ovtr Non S*| Sprtnjs «w forOomalK Drive tot-lock V»<--e -. -»r ' :•* '•y!l NtwAulom :'ic Potli."» New "" Carpetin tp SWIM* um m AdvsncH Hydfj CoM ' Springs *Yttcotit Conlro* Sliock A^sor^fi ^ new AutomeiK fttde CMdtl with 43 new ^eok Ahead ... at your ford Dealer's fdoyt Look at the >51 Ford! Hbre'i Hte ectr dtigtml end built not just for SHs year and next, but for Hie year* to 4fme. To $tay in rtyle, to ctoy yownf In iMbniiance, to stay - W® the 'J1 Pard with 43 new "Look Ahead" feature*--some illustrated above --every one plowed and engineered for KM years ahead. You'll And swell odvaaeM a* the new Adlo* flpMk Ride Control that make* even rough l#ads easy on you--easy on the car itself! This unique new springing system autometkaNy adjusts spring reaction to road conditions. Automatic Ride Control includes Advanced "Hydra-Coil" Front Springs and new Variable-Rate Rear Spring Suspension. Both team with new "Viscous Control" Shock Absorbers to give you a relaxing ride, a level ride--no jounce, no pitch, no roil I Yes, you'll ride in comfort in the new '51 Ford ... and you'll ride in style, tool inside and out, you'll find beauty in every detail of styling, coach work and finish of this fine new Ford. And It is beauty that lasts because the quality is there! You can hav« your choice of two great Ford economy engines: the wortd-fomous, 100-h.p. V-8 or its companion in quality and quiet, the 95-h.p. Six. loth of these engine offer the Automatic Mileage Maker t matches timing to fuel charges so that every drop of gasoline is used--none wasted. And in the '5' r aro choke "( ... * 'i > \ • . : j r . a l D r i v e , t h e O v e r drlvo,* aomatic Drive,* the newest and all automatic transmissions. VUt your Ford Dealer today to see and "Test Drive" this finest Ford ever bviM in an<l lest Drive" it Today more but you carif buy better ORD BUSS MOTOR SALES 531 MAIN STREET fHOHE •" r'j.'J* •:* i: ....

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