Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Dec 1950, p. 2

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ifAru^rti'WiA^nfirinrifvvvv,i*i"" J~**"* " **"^* |l«0«nry ComhwnHy MA have its regular monthly tonight. Dec. 14. In the toluol aaditorlum. The pro- *MH haehlde a "Bur* session" OH the subject, "Why Do I Belong to P. T. A.", and Christmas carol Staglnc led by Harold Wilier. A social hoar will follow, with refreefcmetits serted l>y third grade mothers. Pan Hrlleale t:VVv.' free. 18 The next meeting of the Mc- Renry County Pan Hellenic association will be held Dec. 18 at |j§0 o'clock ha St. Patrick's church, file speaker will be Jane Ross, t»r subject > to be on interior #eotatlon. *. 1. g. nam Pot .Parly 7v:':-. The local chapter ^ Qtet last Tuesday evening, at thich time plans were made for a boxing party on the evening of Dec. 26. This is an old English cfeatom of exchanging white elephsnt holiday gifts. JOoaunittee for the party includes SMfth Harrison, Miriam Cannon 4*4 Emma Pyrits. Vatnas To Hasbaads fHw. George Johnson «fll be to past' matrons of the Star chapter at her home evening. Dec. 18. starting at 7:JO o'clock. There will be a pot-luck supper, followed by a Qfcrlatmas party, with fifty cent 4ft exchange. Husbands of the panthers will be guests at the IV T. i. Phaaiif INMmm Pari? v.8t Mary's - St Patrick's school P. T. A. met last Wednesday at »e school, at which time Mrs. George Kauss, co-chairman of the irays and means committee, gave i report on the entertainment % Which will be given next Sunday in the high school aud- DECEMBER BRIDE MRS. WILLIAM DOHERTY fn a very pretty service solemnized in St. Mary's church on Saturday. Dec. 2, Miss Virginia Freund and Mr. William Doherty, both of this city, were united in marriage. Harrison School Christmas Party . ; The Harrison school Christmas party will be held Wednesday, Dec. 20, at 8 p.m. There will be a musical program under the direction of Mrs. Richardson, with all grades participating. Santa Claus will be present with gifts for the children. Women's Club To Meet Friday Because of the very bad weather of last Friday, the Christmas party planned by the McHenry Women's club was postponed until this Friday, ^Dec. 15. It will be held in the Legion Home starting at 2:30 o'clock. * ' Mrs. A. J. Wirt* was named chairman of the children's Christv maa party, which is to be held " Thnrsday, Dec. 21. The following i members will meet Monday even- Dec. 18, at 7:30 to help fill * me basket which will be distribiJM at the party. Santa Claus will * * present. The committee in ! of arrangements includes • L. B. Murphy, Mrs. Charles J yjia. .Mm. John Buckle, Mrs. » ffol Oerash, Mrs. Joseph Freund. • Sfers. Charles Jurack. Mrs. Earl I Marshall, Mrs. George Stenger, • Mrs. Roy Miller. Mrs. George ; Freund, Mrs. V. Freund and Mrs. •J|Mr Hettermann. ' *hxe singing of Christmas songs i Concluded last week's meeting • alter which there was a tour of ; Ae (convent and a social hour was * enjoyed, with Mrs. Quentin Walsh • ail chairman of the social committee. aadsted by Mesdames Leo Vjplfh, Harold Freund, Walter An- Charles Koch, Robert Joseph May. Leo Blake, ir Semlsch, Steve Wijas, flenry Wohlert, Homer FitzGerald, IHek Hester and George Justen. J; CARD OF THAITM 5^fi this manner I would like to Express my sincere thanks and I appreciation for all the visits, * tarda and gifts sent to me during 'r.itf illness and for the prayers ^Ottered for my speedy recovery. -*1 JOSEPH JUNG Pot-Lurk Dinner At MrHenry Church A general meeting will be held and pot-luck dinner served at 1 o'clock Thursday, Dec. 21, at the Community Methodist church. The theme of the program will be "The Savior Is Born," featuring colored slides by O. Masters on the birth of Christ. "• Hostesses for the afternoon will be Mrs. C. W. Klontz, Mrs George Johnson and Mrs. C. H. Duker. T>wK"fi«tftrr> COUNTY n» 1951 tf*. Plans have been discussed by the McHenry county chapter of the Illinois Association for the Crippled. inc., for a speech clinic for children of public and parochial schools, to' be held next summer. The matter was brought to the attention of the association by Ray VEden, speech correctionist of the county, who last year was in charge of the speech clinic held in Woodstock. He estimated that such a clinic would expand to Itaclude about thirty children. The matter was deferred by the president, Frank Hendricks, until the next meeting Feb. 6, indicating that approval might be given the program at that time: A report of the treasurer, Fred Sells of Wonder Lake.- revealed the accomplishments of the association as the result of taft Easter's seal campaign. A these was the purchase a ing picture projector. Only nine shopping days until Christmas. Do your shopping now in McHenry. St. Agatha's Court Christmas Party St. Agatha's ! Co#, ^77. W.C.O.F., is planning its annual Christmas party for Tuesday evening, Dec. 19. beginning with a potluck supper at 6:30 o'clock. There will be a fifty cent gift exchange and members are asked to bring canned goods tor the Sisters' gift basket. On Sunday, Der. i7, the juvenile Foresters will have a pot-luck lunch in connection with their annual holiday party. There will be a twenty-five gift exchange. Santa Claus will be present. f--,-- Freund-Draper Betrothal Told Announcement has been made by Mr. and Mrs- John Freund, who reside north of McHenry, of the engagement of their datfghter. Mary Ann, to John C. Draper, son of William A. Draper of Lake Geneva. Miss Freund is a graduate of St. Mary's high school in Woodstock. Her fiance attended Grennell college in Iowa for the pant 'two years. J No wedding plans have beer made as he is awaiting his eal! into service. fcARM(NG mu! BANKING I r: l" m-.: i: > AAM «f Tewiu Ower 1000 fopelrtisw (0.1% «f U.S. Land Ana) A Total Farm land Area <*2.4% of U.S. Land Arte) (M.1% MiKtHancauit ¥1 America's land mass is predominantly agricultural. Farmers who work the land to pro*, ctuce food, shelter and clothing for a largo part of the world know the value of a strong banking connection. Sound farming sound banking go hand if» hand. I' iMcHENRY STATE BANK ;£•' --lleakber Federal Deposit Insurance Corporattoa Mf,. • Heather Federal Reserve Systota This Christmas give her the finest Poeeatber IS Woman's Club Christmas Partjr-- Legion Hoate. ' Wfe Boreaiber 17 "Here Come* Santa Claus"--Benefit St. Mary's - St. Patrick's P.T«A. -- 3 p.m. -- High School Auditorium. • December 17 Program by Primary --apay School Children Methodist Church----4:30 p.m. December!? Children's Christmas Party--Parochial School P.T.A., Hostesses. December 17 St Agatha's Court Juvenile. Forester Christmas Party.. December 18 R.NJL Juvenile Christina*'* Party --K. of C. Hall--7:30 p in. December 19 St." Agatha's Court, No, 777, W. C. Oi F. Christmas PAftfo t December » j'w.N.A. Christmas Party Following Regular Meeting--« ; j. December ij W.S.C.S.--l p.m. December 84 Christmas Eve Service -- Methodist Church--8 p.m. December M Entertainment At Community Methodist Church -- Spoaoartd By MYF. * December It New Year's Eve Party--American Legion Home -- Sponsored by Post No. 491. January 2 Adult Girl Scout Breakfast--Mrs. Harold Vance Home--9:30 a.m. W< aver built Great new cleaner, great old name . . . the name that stands for quality... Hoover. The new Triple-Action Hoover, Model L 62, will give her new ease of living for years to come. Come A in and see it or phone for a nhomeshowing. No obligation. Hoover Mill Model 62W. Low down pjym «nt. Eisy monnmtl - ly teims. Cl«tnwi| tools in handy hit, $19.95. Itfewts, UttSWMpt, nltdMns. Vlafll fea hapflw attb a iaam CAHZY ELECTRIC SHOP Candy Shop SOS W. Elm St Btrys. 190 * «l CHRISTMAS CARDS OF.C We hove ' ^ 6/>tcuU RUST CWFT CHRISTMAS CARPS for FAMILY SPEOAL FRIENDS {SWEETHEARTS J*OLKS who are III them early .while the Assortment | peak..» Impreaelve laatallatkm sortlcea of the local chapter of the Order of Eastern Star were held at Acacia Masonic Temple last Saturday evening. Betty Highgate Clbck, chairman of publicity for the grand chapter of Illinois, was installing officer and Elsie Reiger, past matron of McHenry, was installing chaplain. Minnie Martin, past matron, aierVed S3 installing marshal, Irma Stockton. past matron of Woodstock, as installing organist and Carl Mitchell, past patron of Nunda chap-, tcr, as soloist. Howard Collins served kn"color bearer. One of the lovliest parts of the ceremOriy was the ode to the flag by Pamela and Lindy Bohr, daughters of the new worthy matron. Arleen Pearson, past worthy matron of McHenry, acted as mistress of cermony. Escorts who. introduced the installing officers were George Johnson, George Reiker and Robert Thompson. The following were installed ^ Into office: Elizabeth Bohr, wor- j thy matron; William Hoeft, worthy) patron; Alyc6 Hoeft, associate matron; Herbert Howorka. aBso-1 ciate patron; Myrtle Harrison, secretary; Ethel Holly, treasurer; Edith Harrison, conductress;. Miriam Cannon, associate conductress; Mildred Howorka, chaplain; Evora Pederson, marshal; Phyllis Nlmtz, organist; Louanne Howorka, Adah, Marie Nickels, Ruth; Marion Collins, Esther; Gladys Watkins, Martha; Harriett Dodd, -Electa; Celona Kane, warder; Emma Pyritz, sentinel; Aeola Underwood, instructress. One of the lovely features of the evening was the presentation of the past matron's jewel to Mildred Howorka by Katie Harrison and the past patron's jewel to Herbert Howorka by Chancey Harrison. The Howorkas were then escorted to the altar to sign the roll of past worthy matrons find patrons. Tasty refreshments were served following the service. Paul was a Chicago oalla tba r er on Satarday ifrl,. HMD "*'• 'f.k '. .. ' w v^ ^ r - r - '^ m i J |r4.' • ' -t/V- * t * *: . i. > ' ' Iff/. :|v'. Mr tw Knights fidire ClrMwA iff For T«r ChMktt Erik Hand Cf--d Wmlioti ! Lsalher Toil*i Casts < *. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kempfer. «» Jr., and children visited In the Don Thatcher home in Chicago Sunday. Porfumep i • • • ,-c,, .. Cotton^ Njrloo and Wool AtgrMa; Made Scum' ' - x ^J"J >;• CmpMb and Erenlflg Btga r silk and Wool Mulfltt* silT„. Cryrtal and Pottery . CuH Lick*. TU Claqx , ' Dwnraton Lamps iUnd Rollad Handkarchlafa EbeU: FoOd Sar Coppar Cocktail Wagaa Copper and Braaa Bar Accassorias r Lasy Susans MOM Yula p«r packaga whan it comas from ift Ona-Twanly Two Riverside Drive y-v;S)/ • • ? •.,«. m m. w« kt i>« op»» from in A* M. io 9KX) P. M. from December 13 through December 23. Slokman -a I l"l I Id I I 'III < M IUI114"I"||'I' I 'I I'l I I 11,11 H H 1 I I W'M'l | | j I 11 I I I 1 1 11.|.}. vi" $ 119 8. GREEN STREET PH0>E 2S1 McHenry* Illinois '11 'm PERPLEXED? DONT LET THIS CHRISTMAS SHOPPING GET YRTF DOWN. DROP INTO BJORKMAN'S HARDWARE AND WITH THE HELP OF COURTEOUS CLERKS LOOK OVER OUR STOCK OF LOW PRICE QUALITY GIFTS FOR ENTIRE THE HOME. ; • ^ ••. HAPPINESS Is a state of mind that is influenced by. a sense o/t security, of treasured love, of beautiful gifts. The girl of your heart be she a bride or hoping to be, or the wife of many years, will have her happiest Christmas ever -- if you mak£ this a diamond day for her. We have engagement rings, matched sets, or you cap choose an unset stone for the mounting you desire. STEFFAN'S JEWELRY S : *-p :{; y' Main St. McHenry J6\t\ h' KID'S GIFTS .Jlesior Johnson Skates Flexible Flyer Sleds Crossman Air Rifles Doll Buggies Hibbard Coaster Wagons Velocipedes v Toy Wheelbarro^i DeLuxe Garage Satis Electric Steam Engines Hocky Sticks Washing Machines Wind-Up Trains ,KT _ DAD'S _ . GIFTS Shot Guns 8c Shells Fishing Tackle Sandvick 8c Disston Saws Tools of All Kinds Blow Torches Vises flashlights Eelctric Lanterns Drill Sets Electric Senders CHECK USTS >WI -MOM'S-4 GIFTS Sunbeam Coffee Makers Waffle Irons Toastmaster Toasters Sunbeam Mixmasters Juicers Cocktail Glasses Ransberg Ware Bathroom Scalae , Revere Ware Roasters. -On dsns iitchen Stools Electric Irons Electric Percolators Phone 722 130 Riverside Drive McHenry, 111. STORE HOURS UNTIL XMAS - 8 A. M. to 9 P. M. • • . - ipMwii Mr j ' a|T •I • I

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