fives to th*ee ut^op, priadiMt i by flfr*. BBhumt tofthe Comtaan- &£%. % of the school, •Wrttfit, Ity dab. Arvu«MtMato wre by the ! mothers of tkt kindergarten ud trade croups., Ah oW trss givei by the last Tui Helen lor the With a dergarten idtnx choral program a Christmas concert sn of Harrison school , directed by Miss (Btrdioii, music teacher UNA. Stalking patter, the kin- •id the first andsecond grAders Bang "The Gingerbread Man In this i ;rw»p one child entheslastically i pplauded with the andlence . . . tbW was Craig PaknUc; ind anotl i« kept saying "HI, Kcm!" an I that was Christopher thinaway J In the &yc\e of songs given by |he thirdl and fourth grades. Speaking !>*rts were by Robert Cecich am Mary Lou Miller, while Solos wer: sung; by Lee Spoehr end "Skipper" Mehling. The fiftl i and sixth grades sang the well-k iown poem, "The Night before CI ristmas," in a special Arrangeme it that featured talking parts and solo stanzas. Various 110I0 parts were by Dan- •y Chenej. Billy Spoehr, WayiN Fran sen, T Walter Schimke, Charles «athrop, Sharon Roewer, Judy "roxell, Diane Benson and Judy WlHock. \ Danny |Hieney, with a clear soprano voice, follows in the tru* Oheney trapition since his mother Idas been" • featured singer with the McHeiyry Choral club fak* as many seasqtts as the club hat been in existei In the djferies of songs by the venth and eighth grades, John. Cecich announced the selections and Arthur Frenssen sang a solo," 'Jesu Bambino." At the close of the program. Santa Claun appeared and distrib* uted boxes of candies -and nuts to all the children. The boxes weft gift of ttie Community club. An appealing sight were the many sist^er-and-brether groups irlth "big" brother or sister of dndergarten age guiding a pre-i schooler in the line. Some of tj^ose recognised Included Doug . and Leanha Sellek; Busan and Carol Watkins (Carol terrified of Santa); Petrea fle--wly dab There will be aMM lng of the Community club Jan. 2, with the fourth and fifth grade mothers, particularly those of Alice Clark's room, askell to be present. - - , • 'Karch s( Mnw Party The Community club will combine with the March of Dimes with a party Jan. 27, with Mrs. Grace Sellek and the fourth and fifth grade mothers as hostesses. The party is open to the public and everyone is Invited to attend. 14*1 81 Jbd -the victim oC a Whoever hit *NaM« interested ta kwnriac that the Jurtfl snla»r jM*d antmal dean*# aad^oMX^ Ml block se that Imp oo«M«e W thoee he loved. hmn«lkte «l «*oa aright have saved his Hfe. In Mew Apart--Hi Mr. and Mrs. Ray Sam pus in tbelr new apartaafefit over the two-car fcataffe adtjblnlag the home of their son-in-law daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Monteleoue. The apartment, with picture (windows, facing the wooded acreage to the south, is a dream of modernity and efficiency 1 CUIaa'R Preset (f-Man Einar Anderson, stationed along the -Canadian border, probably thinks his sister, Bits. Alice Noren, is slightly mad. Seems that there w*s some mixing of Christmas' boxes and the intrepid officer received a yeftow nylon nightie. We hope he returns yet Greeaweed Circle Circle II, the Greenwood W.S.C.S. wa« entertained last week in the l it to Alice with a home of Mrs. Lottie Hallstrom, ready to retire." with Mrs. Arthur Keevll and Mrs. ' Gertrude Watkiaa ..Msistiag the hoste*. tar Kills Collie Diamond, the Collie puppie belonging to Dr. and Mra. Raymond Watkins and their children, is Klwanls flab Seel* The Kiwanis club of McHenry township dispensed with their Monday dinner meetings which fell on Dec. 25 and Jan. 1. However, since much important buainess needed to be discussed. Pint The first band Harrlsoa school Wednesday night, Dec. 20, by VerwMi The a given by each All the members oT toe are forty one Advanced clarinetist, Richard Wletock. The baad hap hajd nine or 10 class lesaons and five band rehearsals The program included "Twinkle, Twinkle. Little Star," "Choral" and Jingle Bell*," by the .rtOre betid; •'Doet" by the flutists: "We Three, King" by the clarinetists; "Hark; the Herald Angels Sing." by the; alto saxophonists; "o Come All Ye Faithful," by the cornetlsts; "SUent Might," by the tenor saxiphonefaMa; and "Qood King Wen- Student body of ltopee to present nexMMUMl aoacert in March. Gospel ('hatch Hews Again we saw oar chapel overcrowded, as the children of our Sunday Sphool gave their splendid Ohriattafca program on Saturday erento^u^ec. S3. The boys and girlafmlprmed, as usual, iu a. way that nMud and thrilled cur heaHjU We were very glad to see ^painy of the parents present at tils, pulsion and we wish to extend our sincere appreciation to the Jack-WUl* grocery, store in McCullom Lake for their generosity in donating the candy and apples for 4he festival. .pre-4 •ore treat topic: "Thf ?i*we Mr and Mrs. fitfwrwfeee Anderson of Alius, Okie., were heard to a hsautlful vocal duet. Next Sttday, Dec. 31, we meet' i usual for the Sanday Bible School at 10 a.m. and for the morning Worship Service at 11 o'clock. The eveatog service will begin at 9 o'clock Instead Of the usual hour of 7:45. There will be a social hour with refreshments served, followed J>y a Watch Night ay Msic. t*wt -- testimonies, closiftg the beginning cue New Tear % prayer. We extend a cordial •welcome to all. V- Briefs Sharon fclnclatr, six-year-old daughter of the Wallace Stndairs, is recovering from a severe infection in her eight eye . . . Mr. and Mra. James Selsdorf and their children, Peggy, Jean and Dick apent Christmas Eve and Christmas day in Chicago with Mrs. Selsdorfs parents. Mr. and Mrs. of Frank snowstorm to. holiday with Chicago, tfcpw Thursday, Dec. 20. the most active weeks tor* tory of Harrison echooLferent dfepar (Continued on DONT FORGEI YEAR'S EVE -I1 OOB 11TH ANHUAL 4 O'CLOCK BREAKFAST PARTY ITS THE CoosigaiiieBt Sale EVERY WEDNESDAY EVENING AT 740 P. Mi Wi hif# buyin tor all CALVES avt idling at an Ugh. Consign y*ot tart Idlr llBp ^rioas.. W« pay conslgnar4!a§ Mm um mtyi ', LIVESTOCK etn 1m it onr toodwn s«1m barn. Wa in beadW. WuOflHvCK UHRk IHCe PHONE 572 or 4M -- WO#D8TOCK, ILL. 1. .<*1 •.<£i. A' 's.»S k'. * "•$ u - •> > •> if h ike most sincere expression "we know of to convey oar appreciation for your fiien<Mnets jaMAMMUSMA MMiA UAJMI s fWB |WnTwHB^g Uro pqiT yCOs » ,•:*! uTOPO wi fOOQ WHMS TTQT Qnm pTQipsnj| HELLO FOLKS FOX LAKE, jBMjl ana wianv PISTAKEE BAY Enfcy^ptfnrsali it'a later than §#& think. •0 -A , nor s- % GARRtTTS A m 1 1 1 c A N WINES Settled la i TAYLOR A :r-A& m mm NEW LOW PRICE! -yr' Tim Smart Bel Air w MUSCATEL PALE DRY 3RERST PORT WBtTE'PORT BURGUNDY ~ Fall Quit Only $U» ' " S1" it' "Wiitiii C A L I F O R N I A WIM« SmUGHT BOUBBON WHISKEY ' 6 Yaar* Old Ona Fifth $5.00 Wiifit l«e freef Bottled In M Freef Vl Pint I* pint •> A Baal 9*f lMPree# leaded Whiskey One Fifth KENTUCKY BOUHBON Onlf $i9S W. hmoM of tha largaat stocks of importad donaaatlc ¥Hnas and Liqumrs in Noriharn HHnoia. Wa aall all popular brands of baar by tha bottla or bf tba Thank* to tha {praatast Public Damand any Motor Cars and Truck* Him fVar Hia i«t««t Million Chavrolota havo boon Produced lit Lost Than 6 Months * * . Compared to !2 Yoara far iho fffsf '"V ,. : We'd lika to join all other Chcvrofei dealers in thanking .our customers for making ^f^ossi|>le thh 2S adlKontfa Ghevrotet. s, •Few the only reason anyone makes more ' ymjufti n ^because people want more of thorn. ' We 0tevrolet dealers are able to deliver more potwngfr cars and trucks than any other automobile dealers today only because you prefer Chevrolet passenger can «nd tracks ower .aay ' bther mftke. ' ":X • " *; ' 5 "i* 'V ' ' ' •'% " "Vfl rV So it is yotor ove*whetihilftg endorsement d the products aod services we offer that is behind the production of this 25 millionth Chevrolet \^ihan six months after completion of the 2$ ^TUoT^th- We arc"^aKerely grateful. And we believe die best way we chf1 express our gratitude is to continue to offcrS*» ^e very finest services and the very greatest valiAthrt we possibly can. And that is exactly what M0ft€ PSOHI BUY CHtVROLETS THAN ANY OTHW CAB1 CHEVROgF V intend to ' IN USE THAN ANY OTHift MAuKBr n , f i i / t CHEVROLET IU' / it MeHBNRY UQUOR GUS UNIX Prop, of Graan and B|» Sett's CLARK CHEVROLET SALES JHONEMcHENKY 277 Mt«ENRY.aUH ~