Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Dec 1950, p. 2

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has jnade of £f£ui'dftt, Bee. 1«, .: j%ltn H6a#p u<> Of Mc4Hiwir. Justice »flp ptrfor;ry4 th- svi-- i« ^biBtapte -n ij]„,re8id« on the Allen<!al« farm to this area. ' PERSONALS iof Chicago spent the hofltejr with his mother, Mrs. Delta kbtkm. Mrs. Earl Qilkerson hu returned home from Crystal Lake, where she was visiting In the home oT her daughter, Mm. John Jones, who has been 111 She was Mcompanied to McHenry by her grandson, Terry Jones, who la •pending a week's vacation here. <hy Mark i nUUi (sirvsa Qomhia* all exoept feefct well. Let sUhd while yon prepare shrimp. Peel shell from shrimp. Cut down the back to divide but do not sever. Remote black rein with point of paring . .... knife. Dip shrimp in batter and. went surgery at fry until golden brown. Drain on -1 brown paper. Serve hot with tartar sauce. Shrimp may be pre* fjpared early in day then re-heated Jin mediums oven until hot mas* MpM ^ iBTOIED DEC. IS Mr. and Mrs. William Pries, Sr., arrived by plane from Florida last Thursday evening to spend Christmas with the junior: William Pries'. Co'-aid Reed of OshkOsh, Wis., called on friends here one day this p£st week. Margaret Williams the holiday vacation with her ter aud family in Joliet Paul R. Yanda left last week to Join his Wife in Winnebago, Minn., where thfcy are spending the . holidays. ----~ . Mr. aiid Mrs. Clarence Reinfried .Of ^Madisou, Wis., spent the week fndf wlth their daughter and family, the Herb Reihanspergers. ; Mrs. Curtis Westfall of Chicago ind daughter, Doris, of New York City spent the holiday visiting Mrs. Westfall's mother, Mrs. Simon Steffel. Mr and Mrs Charles Gibbs spent the holiday with her relatives in Macomb. Miss Ellen Walsh of South Bend Ind., visited her mother, Mrs. Loretto Walsh, over the holiday weekend. Miss Annabel Nett of Daytona Beach. Fla., has *i>een visiting in the home of her parents, the Nick Netts. , > Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Timme and baby of Oak Park and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fenwick of Elmhurst visited their parents, the C. «1. Reihanspergers, over the holiday weekend. Miss Gerrie Carey, who is attending Maryvllle college in St Louis, is spending her vacation at the home of her parents, the Gerald Careys. James Weber and Richard Paddock of St. Nazianz seminary. Wis/ have been spending their vacations at the homes of their parents, the Henry Webers and the Earl Paddocks. Christmas pay guests in the home of Mrs. Helen Heuser were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heuser and Mnccia Anderson. Monica Phalin. daughter of Chicago, * Richard lbttMoen Anglose. Terry Justen, Henser. Robert Parker and Alex- Dee Jnsten. Julie Tonyan, Mary(ander Ozysowskl of Great Lakes. Kay Stems* r. Fatty Marshall, Mrs. Nellie Bacon spent a few Jacqueline Justen, Roseaaary Mor-Jdnys the first of the week In > Crystal Lakq, She W-*B a dinner CM I * ' . ! - } : • Steot Jn». S Jo^ruburg Community club Will hold its first meeting of the Hew y*ffir on Tuesday eveniT (;, t..b. 1 at ,hui»,' Bctte Unbn rVb •' ;.1M Xifeuit "" Hr/"and 'Mrs TCdwnrd Stacknick aaa6an<^*' thi eugagt ment of their djHUfhter, Iktte Roso Kuhn, of Lake and George E. ' *M|c«at of M«\Henr^.r/ ;il,- •Mkr At XcNMUJ Home ; Jaw s McXally ;^f Volo entertains i'ntrty children of her rfneJghborh(K,<l at a Chi iHmtS' party last Tiiui-biKiy owning. ,JQ|e Uttle 1 ones Joined in many .^ppfOpriate 'games and flonftt the evening by * ®stiiii?-cako and < ream, at which * ttiv- prizes and favors'were dis- > tribn'od to »*ach child Santa made '•his appearance <lMr«ji^-, the party with a >r>fvjnT rift for all. ... Assisting Mrs. McNally" 'were Hjatae Cros and Roser-Ktanin. A buffet lunch, was served to Santa, Rosemary Allen, Mr. and "Mrs. George Weiagerber, Mr. and * Mrs. Fred Sorenaon, Mr. and Mrs. >>9ames McFeely, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Otto KKMMM aad Mc* Aporge ; Gross. ' . v.• Isaa Wegener n Tears Old Joan, d* tighter of Mr. and Mrs. Ifartl* ner, entertained fourtean friends at her home on Pearl street last Thursday, Dec. 21 the occasion being her thirteenth Mrthday anniversary. Games provided ent« rt;iinment, after which a taaty lunch v/a-- served and Joan with many lovely gifts, included Barbara Gerash, Sch^.ffVr, Dianne Tonyan, timer and Lois BrcfVkl. Fr. Itoumkofrr Teh Sfceak For P.T.A. St Mary's - St. Patrick's school P.T.A will hold ii^ first meeting of 19 j 1 on Jan. 3 at :: :1B o'clock , at the school hall. Mrs. Maurice Granger will act as chairman of the social hour, assisted by mothers «f filth grade pupils. 7i Fanhfllpnif Rronp •eW Party in City Thp i-onr.iy Pmlipllenic association nu t last wet k in St. Patr'rVs ,, 11 " church, hall, McR^nrv tor a Christlias party. Mrs Herb Reihanspwrppr as hostess, ^sisted by Mrs. i Valo Adams and Mrs '»Valt»'r f!,?rtow. Gifts were exohangeii from beneath a lighted ChristmaK tree. M|JBS Jan*» Ross of Crystal Lake. Interior decorator, wan pu»»st of the day. e::rlainir? wall paper and : '• fobr if desipT>!= and usws. . Tht- next meeting will bo held ^ In Crystal Tjake, Jan. 2'j guest In the Hatold Bacon home on -Christmas, where other guests included Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ullrich of Oak Park. The Robert Ultrichs left Wednesday morning for their California home after a month spent visiting relatives here. MADGE PHANXEK8TILL Funeral services were held from St Mary's church in McHenry on Saturday morning for Miss Madge Phannenstill, 59, a lifelong resident of this area, who died Dec. 13 following a long illness. Burial was in St. Peter's cemetery, Volo. Honorary pallbearers were Mrs. Frank Blake, Mrs. William Heimer, Mrs. Clarence Stilling, Mrs. Nick Weingart, Mrs. William Rothermel and Mrs. Earl Paddock. Pallbearers were Alvln Phannenstill, Harold Phannenstill, Bob Phannenstill. Stanley Stadtfleld, Delbert Aamen and- Edward Aamen. * December SI New Year's Eve Party--American Legion Home Sponsored by Post No. 491. a V ^snnnry 8 Adult Girl Scout Breakfast--Mrs. Harold Vance Home--9: SO aJtt. Johnsburg Community Club --- School Hall. Jannary g St Mary's - St. Patrick's Silt p.m. -- School H41). French Fried »vUap ; H you are having list a few guests or "throwing a party" on New Year's Eve you wil A probably want something tasty to serve with your beverages--hard or soft. French fried shrimp are a grand treat at any time but during the holidays they seem to add to that festive feeling. French frying any food should be done very carefully. It can be a dangerous thing. The hot grease takes fire Quickly. Use a pot large enough so that the fat does not come .within five Inched of the top. Test the fat by carefully propping a eube of bread. If it browns lb one minute, fat Is ready. Should yuu be careless and start a fat fire do aot put water on it Remove it from flame if possible and put a cover on pan. Excluding air will usvally put out the fire. A long handled spoon should be used to lower shrimps into fat gently so as not to spatter. And to paraphrase the motifrfets warning, "If you drink Mi't fry, If you fry don't drink." HVpi you can Still enjoy that shrinp|after all these precautionary rifek 1 cup flour, tsp. >• sugar, Ms HOLLYWOOD ICE REVUE WILL RUM THROUGH JAN. 16 ^ Sonja Henie's holiday ^ift to Chicagoland. her 1951 edition of "The Hollywood Ice Revue," opened at the Chicago Stadium on Dec.' 23. The lavish ice extravaganza is j scheduled to/run through Jan. 16' and will play special matinees on | Dec. 24 and 31. J This year's revue boasts a cast { of over 200 and includes twentyseven acts and eight hugh production numbers. Freddie Trenkler is back with three new numbers including "Bouncing B»U , of the Ice", "Cats and the Mouse," and "Raggin the Puck." Sonja appears in her traditional "Hula" number and will skate with Michael KIrby and John Walsh. Kirby is appearing as Sonja's principal skating partner for the fourth successive year. Sonja also appears In "White Elegance," "Turn Back the Pages." "Danubesque," "Parade", and "Fiesta Frolic,1' tfle last number on the 2- hour, ' 45-minute program. Mrs. Frances Tfeorne suffered a brokda arm in a fail last we«kand. Mr. William FiUpawich oii«r- Hterese bos* pital, Waukegan, last week. Conrad Saum was a medical patient in St. Therese hospital,. Waukegan, last week. | Chester Sheriff underwent surgery at the Woodstock hospital last week. Walter Schroeder underwent surgery lant week in Woodstock hospital. < I I I ! 1 1 M I 1 1 »14 If McHenry Township KIwaais dak IceCcHiuvd - Sluidar. January 14ft • 2KM. »L»CVM LAKE XBtranee Wicksvllle Bastrl v HurnMS Racing Speed lee Skating Race Weimaraner Dog Exhibit Comedy Acts n in» >111 -v* - ^ ' uiwrtfddBttb iY AVCtAOl FACTORY WOMA TO EARN A PAIR jyfv-S i-a j mtub iress does not come autornatically. In |Km -rican progress is the result of con-s* Jtanf eflPort on the part of all of us to bring irtorafes jgood things to more people. Banks help furnishing credit and other needed financial seiv^if j lees. For all your bonking needs, come see us^ v • . - ,* ' McHENRY STATE BANK Kember Federal Deposit Insaranee Corporal!-- Member Federal Jtoserve System 24 Hour Towing Service BUTCM'S Don't let winter keep you home. Let us check your car tfr assure cold wealhei starting. ' We Do Complete Motor Overhauling. 309 W. Elm Streaft McHenry* I1L Phon» bli Residence 91-R SPEEDY by MpHENRY GARAGE MGOE O TUOTO -IW WHAENNT IO N! WBLU HOW SHOULD I KMOW XWJ soMe-pep- ^ tirr UPANO 6<J I'M SO THAT WHAT NICK MILLCRf «fHENKY0MA6f 1 HAS THEM WTTH PLENTY OF "PEP" AND ALU TH' 'CIT UP ANI> <TXF ><00 WANT IWM T»AHf ^ WILLYS-OVERLAND $ALEt 004 FRONT STREET ' " PHONE 401 IN MEMORIA* In loving memory of onr beloved wife and mother, who passed away Jan. 6, IMSL ^iow we miss yon. ^ T MATT N. SCHMITT •SS AND FAMILY I I t <l< ^ BIRTHS " ilt';l"I I"14 If 4 4if 14 •! < 4 ' Mr- and Airs. Merlin Oearon of ,Uly Lake art; thv parents'of a son, tyura Dec. 17. • A daug> ' r was horn Dec. 19 sxt St. TIHTPSC hospital, Waukegan, "•*to Mr. and Mr;. John Kearney. THE • msiER sm fRE-INVINTORY SALE 25% OFF COATS SNOW SUITS -HATS DRESSES ROBES, Sole Runs From Now to Jan. fj Ind. 912 ELM STi * McHENRY PHONE 746 WE chink smmw ought 'to warn you --this is the last time we aim to advertise these prices. So you'd better take a careful look at them--anil what they'll buy. They'll buy the thrill of swift', smooth) spirited travel -- and trigger-quick power so mighty that few Buick owners have ever pressed it to the limit. They'll buy sparkling style, spacious comfort and the durable, dependable, time-tested quality for which Buicks ace famous. » And when you check what you get fer what you pay, you'll make this iJiscovery. On a pounds-per-dollar basis--which is the engineers' yardstick of bedrock value -- no other cars of comparable dimensions can beat a Buick SPECIAL, SUPER, or ROADMASTUU WMWW. to <St kt . . . by saying to you, "Thanks for your friend •Mps and patronage. It is our fondest wish that ATEWKM YOU* PMiCE MAMQM i %, l! • Yeor Wl" ^ • mort successful out !"'V yj|» ond yours. runt »n HENRY J. TAYLOR, ABC Ntfwork, every Monday evening R. I. 409 FRONT STREET Look at the Typical Delivered Prices on 1950 Buicks mmmmmk MODIL |«» MOM! 41D anat with da luxe trim MODIL 7SR ^ - Buick llOADMASTEt #-passangar Uviora Sedaif Or to be more specific -- Buick'* straight-eight SPECIAL is priced like a six--and in the ROADMASTER "price class", you can pay 23% or more than you'll pay for these great automobiles. But note this fact: Our supply of these, bargains is limited--so yon'd better come in now and see what we have on hand. P Your Kay fo Greo'er Wee mmm iwma momttMMMp mmr ff, *«*» r*m PHONE 6 C Iw MMXLU WHIM a«Tt» MTeMOlltSI At! tOliT«IHC|C Wttl tOllft TM|« A;

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