Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Dec 1950, p. 3

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u* r' &*>% •* *4 V 1 • • - > • ; »\ raP! frUflSQ Ji r" 4 "* ". "S1 "*> ,'-" < : "~* » 1 • AV' # t •*? * i-^4^ %* •*> * '. ' *<• ->•«; 14, *£» * w " < U--V- , ^ H,C|AV5. /rl/T ^ '**OvV4 s ^T^;:k- Grove * (%y Itfc CbrlM *»• Begin* Schaefer was to the members of her dab at The Point in Fox OB Thursday afternoon. It •a Christmas party and the was beautifully decorated »prlately for the holiday sea- A turkey dinner was served all the trimmings and there ft gift exchange. The lucky of prises were Mrs. Cath- |rine Kagan, Mrs. Marie Lewis, Luella May and Mrs. Eva id. The club will meet next the home of Mrs. A1 "Schmeltzer Bound Lake. . ' ^tosti Clans made his appearat St. Peter's school on Wediy afternoon. He visited each >m and presented the chilwith boxes of candy. The [hfldren of the parish of pre- (90I age were also there and retired a gift from Santa. On Thursday night the children enteralned their parents and friends lit the parish hall by presenting a Christmas program. It was greatly enjoyed by all. Father Daleiden pecoived a gift, a beautiful linen cloth, from the children. He liked them and gave an interesting talk as a climax to this very >lta*ant evening. Students who are home from c$0Ol to enjoy the holidays with their parents are George and Kyren McGrath from Wisconsin and roan Freund from Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brown and children spent Christmas with relitives in Minnesota and Iowa, pro. Clarence Miller and chil- IriD, Charlotte and Dan, and Vic prMnd enjoyed a Christmas parat the Armory in Woodstock iftirday night. The many friends of Mrs. Bertha lEsch will be sorry to hear that Islie has been ill and confined to [her home the past week. She is. [feeling better and we hope to see per up and around again very •«L__ Mr. mad Mrs. Berale Torlea Bobby, and the baby twiaa, Pat and Mike, of Sharon, Wis., Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lent and daughter, Linda, of Lily Lake, Mr. and Mra. Art Nimsgern and family of and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Nimsgern and son of McHenry spent Christmas Eve with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Math Nimsgern. Father Eugene Jung returned to Sacred Heart seminary in Shelby, Ohio, on Thursday, having spent the past two weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Jang Dinner guests in the Jang home on Wednesday night were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brown and family and Tom Freund. The Eric Wichert family of Chicago spent the holiday weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mikoliet. Mrs. Shirley Dawson and daughter, Ginny, spent Christmas with Grandma Claim in Chicago. The Charles Freund family had dinner and spent a pleasant afternoon at cards in the Frank Tinney home on Sunday. Mr. and Jlrs. George W. May and family and Bob Sutton of Richmond spent Christmas Day in the Charles Freund home. Pvt. James Busch, who is with U.S. Army and stationed at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., spent Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Busch. Schoolmates of Patrick ir»gnn gathered at his home on Wednesday afternoon and surprised Pat on his tenth birthday. Games were played and there-were prises. Table decorations and favors were in keeping with the holiday season. Pat was the happy ^recipient of many gifts. Those to make up this party were Terry and Tommy Britz, Chuck Lennon, Frances Battner, David Smith, Donnle BeWT Donnie May, Kenny May, Rdlger Freund, Raymond Martin andRollie Freund. To celebrate the birth of the Babe of Bethlehem, St. Peter's church was filled to capacity on Christmas Eve. The church, dimly lit with tapers, the altars decorated with poinsettas and evergreen, the representation of the stable scene at the right of the altar rail all made an impressive setting for 1 the Holy Sacrifice of the A vwaHii8mnnn*5iOMm[ May it" be one of complete happiness ^ jgCj for you and those about you THE KENT COMPANY v Real Estate and Insurance J mmm •!^ tfce best of good wishes to each of you. WELDING SERVICE ALEX WIRFS si0i/rt May the days of the coming year lie happy prosperous days , for all. And ior splendid patronage in the ^ivgjBst, we say "Thank GEO. COLLETTE, Owner fitting musical fled by tin choir and thefe ware many acolytaa to asoist Father Daleiden at the altar. Sermon Was wished all a Bletsed Christmas *i*en by Father Daleiden and n and Happy New Year. liM Tnee Malta's Irawy In War One thousand pohutukawa trees, eloquent with a language of their own, arrived In Malta recently on a diplomatic mission. Few international emissaries seam M well equipped. Sent by New Zealand to express admiration for Malta's gallantry during World War n, the trees are on hand to marie the tenth anniversary of the Axis air siege of the Mediterranean island which began June 11. 1940 and continued tor more than two years. Hie pohutukawa*--like the people of Malta--have demonstrated ability to take a lot of punishment. Unlike most trees, they seem to thrive on rocky cliffs, enduring the fury of coastal gales and the salty bite of flying sea spray. Though their trunks and branchts are often gnarled and twisted, the trees flower yearly in a profusion of gay, red blossoms. ^ Moreover, on Malta they will be in bloom each June as though memorialising the crucial month when the island, in the words of President Roosevelt, "stood alone but in the center of the sea, it flame in the darkness. ." The pohutukawa mission to Malta the first time trees have as ambassadors of internagood will , Air Freight A nine-foot python, flying from India to England, en route to a snake charmer In Norway, was undisturbed by her journey and produced 14 eggs while aloft--a novel occurrence in air history. mm . ,> i. g* £, ! If" / * 1 ^ ,* it 01# /«•* Here we' are speedily approach ing another milestone on life's journey. So far as the world getting anywhere is concerned, the outlook is none too promising, bat that shouldn't deter any of as from putting forth, all the effort we can muster toward reaching the desired goal for ourselves and those for whom we are responsible --the salvation of soul. If more people, particularly heads of a certain nation, kept that objective in mind and allowed it to influence their dally conduct, there wouldn't l>e as much anxiety experienced as to the future on terra flrma as there is. Our council has made satisfactory progress during .the past year. Our officers are functioning quite efficently, as was expected, and have received the willing support of the membership, young, medium and shall we 9%y elderly, which has resulted In a firm foundation for the realisation of bigger and better things In the future. •There is a feeling of sincere appreciation on both side* and dele iimnation not only to c>tt*t*ne the pace set but to step1 it un the nth degres. Members who have not found it convenient fot* good r^arens to l*i».ve been as active as they would lu ve like!, are asked to stretch .k (< int wherever possible and join with us to brlnfc the JACOB FRITZ - Realtor JOHNSBURG. McHENRY TELEPHONE McHENRY 37 Representing THE TRAVELERS' FIRE INSURANCE, HartfOfA * HANDICRAFT |Blrd Houses, Lawn Chairs, Lawn Swings, Picnic Tibles, Tier Benches. Flower Boxes and Wbaalbarrows and Sand Boxes. Trallis, Pargola, Pickai Fences, Etc. Screens and Cabinets made to order. CLARENCE J. SMITH JOHNSBURG PHONE McHENRY 583J-I m LEO'S TAVERN MNGWOOD. ILL FORMERLY MOSEY INN Phono Richmond 653 PROJ?. -- LEO REININGEB Clerk Chevrolet Sales 204 -W. Elm Street fhpne 2)77 actwfefca «» t» MH* mark a«t by the O. K. KMMOtbar. Um frttfta of on? endeavor will be greater enjoyment for til members and their fa mill--. ^ We wish also to say, there are a great many of yon orother knights who are not known by the newer members of the council. When you start listing your New Year's resolutions, why not make one to attend the meetings during 1951 ? Only through your attendance and ideas for coancil activity and entertainment can oai council retain its position os one of the best in the order. Let'.* make record year out of 1951 by every member attending every meeting that he possibly can. Conference fenlgfct If you can make it, better harry up to the hall tonight. There will be a Table Conference, and all who can possibly jattend should do so. Holiday Thoagkt Uncle Mike reminds us that there is less religious liberty in Europe today than at any time during the past 100 years -- and things are getting worse. G'BYE. The slave bay, Asssf, wh« Urai in Greece abort m ft C, was one of the greatest stery tpBim of all time. Although fits tabs veto not recorded until years after he died, they lived through the afss and have been translated late scores of languages. Bala or shine, ear taxi mtcfcaJs on call to the people ef McHenry aad serroandlaf command?* We K*Mlse falck servtee h eemfertahle eai|"•.'.V ' -Call* r McHenry Cab •Phone 723 6SBKTIN«S Let us look for faith and the Neil MSI Steffaiu JejKelry Order your rubber stains* at The Plaindealer. S8#*.3-A and S pJreeek soeh lleel suitable for wire la the home. MoHeaory. Una at LWi saaltry at Wattles DragXftore, J 2 PM. man iaxi Seenr^^ # Kutfledly oh ;»il w# but -we just pause for o moment to extend our wishes for the New Yeor. * '• '.y McCullom Lake Mtfteiiry/lll. Phone 567-¥iNl . V5RY H^VPPJN^SS THROUGH 'l/i SLOJU MATH N. SCHMITT Mchenry Township Supervtef" B.'ES T wishes for and happiness in the Nef? Year. By your thaughtfu^ ' ness you have helped mak| the post yeor on outstaru^ ing one for us. Please occepl our sincere thanks. •4 The Edwdl tAoratorl4t, lhc. Riligwood, 111. Here's lock all the dags 7 k; ' of tbe gear. Geo. P. Freimd J. iT^Case Implei fnts And with it g wish for a New Yeor of health, happiness and prosperity - A. 1B lake Motor Sales, Inc. I ¥> 301 E. Pearl Street my Flume 156 * -j T Dm Comedyhta i n # i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l i t i n t i l l ' I Mil l n i II »i If I I i 11 HI n, /'f M x. wuiii ': 'J Atteraej'at-Liw •'. m Waafcegaa Soad (HA le# .: flue MeMeary M*W " WEST Iilim, ILL. i i i i n i i H i n i n m i i n » , Buret's nvme akd wma Ptxtares - MaH tter SysteonT . das Water Heaters • - Sepalrs - Free BOB PBISBT* a ram idnm m-i I I I H I I I l H l l l l l l l M U M •%heet CAM PB1CB8 paid fer Beat'and Crippled Horses, Cattle Power lyl and Heat Se«ap<ter lit or HeHeary >14. Beverso Omim. Palathie Bender lag lea. i i i i i m i l m i l i ii H i - l i t Hoom ForaRare PMakee UMUt VIC*II irpHeiftTittT mvid BJL 1, PtstMaa HelgM* HeHenry, I1L H I M I 1 I I M i l I I I I I I 11*11 TEBMOX IHOX Attorney-at-law Oar. 6ms aad Bba Sts^ MeHMry Taeeday aad Friday Afternoons Other Days By AppetataaeHl Pheae HeHeary IS M I 4 M I I I I I n n n i M i e i a -- WA9TEH TO BUT -- CALL AT OlfCTi 05 BBAB H0CI8, HOBOES AND CATTLE We pay phene eharfea We pay H to for OH Barer*, less for dowa horses snd cattla. HATT8 MINK BAH€H leltasharg . Sprlag Greve Bead Phoae Johnsbarg S14 • I M I I I I I I I 111 1 1 M I I I I M A. P. FKEFNP SAKS Exeavatlng Coatracton ; * ' Tracking, Hydraalle \ ? and Crane Service . " 'V| -- BOAB BTILDIXO -- TeL M4.H McHenry, A HiiiiuiiiiiMimini f- E. E. PEASLEE, D.C. ChiropracteK ,, v 8. Wreea Rt, HeHew^ Office Hears Dally exccpt Tharsday ; I to It UN to I . . Wed. aad PrL EvenlaH - 7 to t GaU HeHeary Far Appolataieat / • t i l l IHMHI111I I 1 1 1 » | » nrsuBAirCE EABKi B. WALSH Ftn, A ate, Farm * Life Bepieseatlaf BELIABLE COHP. Un lea Heed Any KM • ^ Phoae 43 or 118-Y * Eta .i » i i n n i i n i i n i i i i m i i STOFFEL A BKIHAH SPXBGBB Iasaraaee ageats far all elssess at . prepsrtj la the host eeapMlp* West HeHeur, IHIaala . Telephone He. M ^ I t I I 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 MI I t 111 f i t AVS WELDING ABB BEPAil ' • SEBYICE Mi Kala St, HeHeary ' • • ' 4 Bectric Portable Wddh« Acetylae WeMlag aad Caltih« ALEX W. WIBFS, Operate #heae tli-W-1 or *U . HcHEKBT, ILL tt tn i > i n 111111 § 1111 m WILLIAM H. CABB0LL, Aw m-:: AttanexHfiULaw 11#H Beaten 8|> t Phoae Woedsteek UM Woodstock, niteeia . 'v'f.v ::3^ " ' ' • * ; i ; . •• . •;• \ r__ if f ^jnaair"-- • t i t i i n i M n i l TEBN THELEX Tracklag Tradk fer Hire teL HeHeary &88.B-A er Bex 17t, Bt. 1, i t t i n m i i i MintMP DB. H. S. Oa Highway TeL HtHsary jtt •win Bveatafe hy tiiMiiininittiiMltlf a

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