Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Dec 1950, p. 5

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iff,- " mmi ki*m&0t0ip. (HENRY fUMOEALER fnbliahei every Thuraday at lMbo - imry, I1L, by the MeHenry PUbdating Compuy, Inc.. fl K. BURFBINDT, G*a Manager. kDBLR FROfiHLICH. Bditorv --.--; ( 86 subscbiption bate I Year ..........-- ..... rinindealer WantAdn'.' No ads counted 1MS than words. 75c minimum. j insertion ........ Tic (Coue.* 6 words per line) 26c service charge on all blind Ads. Cash with order. Card of Thanks .... 11.00 Minimum Beading notice 16c per 11m. Want Ads close promptly at 10 ».a. V.ednesday BUSINESS SERVICE CAfflmi WORK DONE BY WT OB CONTRACT^' !f WW GU8TAFS0N 0 Tel. ltHnrjr 718 ^ Sltf 3AVE YOXTS CESSPOOLS, catch ..uiiis, septic tanks, cisterns cleaned #y Eddie's Hanibu-y 8ervice. Bddie Juff, l'rop. Tel. McHi :;iv 290. 29U EXPERT PIANO AND ORGAN TUJHH6--Repairing and B«finiik iug, work fully guaranteed. *v. merly with Lyon and Heily. E. Za both, call collect, Lake Zurich 5341. 6tl 0ARBAOE OOlUNVOro -- Let us lispose of yosr garbage eacb week, if oftener if desired. Reasonable ~ates. Rfegular year round roul« 'obn B. Hill, P. O. Box 274, lie- Henry, PIimc 36S. tf RALPH L. OilK Plane Technician * Repairing Tuning •02 Garfield Road Harvard. 111. Phone 748-R * S-Bl ntore~d~ as second,- c,la *s mat.te r iI W. Henkol, Volo, P. O Uke Ju TH 54: the posto."*ice at McHenry. IU.,} ---- SPRAYING, WHITE WASHING or PLY CONTROL-- Chicken lionsc* bams^ garages wad basements. Frank Round 543-.T-1. 5tf under the act May 8, 1871. AUTOMOTIVE REPLACEMENT PABTS FOB AIiL GAJQs Accessories H4 Scat Caver* * COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY 'W 44* W. Eta Street ... Opes daring week I A, Ate 7 P. JL, Sundays - • A. M. TO I P. M. lltf fOK BALE--Uuueralois, arnxa tines, (tartars, fuel pumps, distributors, Voltage regulators and ignition parui <o* Ford dnd all other cars. Seaco '^de^. A Service, Lilymoor, Fred J. *v©boda, Proo. Tel McHenry 183. 4ftf JPOB SALE -- 1989 clnb coupe. Tel. McHenry 109-J. 8S FOR SALE -- 1941 Ford 8 door sedan. Good condition, $385.09 Phone Round Lake 6-2847. 88-8 BUSINESS SERVICE BRING YOUR PHOTOGRAPHIC PROBLEMS TO US-- We can de- •v« anything from a snapshot to Targe murals, or free hand ou paintings. Copying and framing. CAMERAS. PROJECTORS. FILMS AND SUFFLXB& WORWICKH 8TUDJ0. 117 Riverside Drive, Me Heary. Phone 275. 40tf HOME REPAIRS We Specialize in all Home Repairs I ' Lew Monthly Payments r Free Estimates f McHenry Improvement Co. J>hone 523-W-i McHenry, 111. w* •« CEMENT BUHJUVO BLOCKS Available at the Water Tower to West McHenry •ON CONCRETE PRODUCTS CO. Phone McHenry 788-W DEAD ANIMALS - highest rttnh ! >riees paid for eewt, horses and logs; n? help aeeced to lond. Da? and night, *aOaays and hblidayjt. Call Whmm&g Rendering Wotkx Wheeling ?o. 3; reverse charges. „ - 3«tf MUSIC INSTRUCTION In Your Own Home Piano and Piano Accordian Classics or Popular Beginners or Adaneed Instruction BART. P. KOCH . Bar Yaw HeBday LI*eors , Wines A Case Beer at tlui SPORTSMAN INN New large Uqaor department baa been added. Packages will be gift wrapped. 29-tf POR SALB--Pre-Teea dress coata, aiies 10 to 14. Reg. 888.95 now 810.00. Toddler Shop, 312 Elm St 88 POR 8ALE -- Capons T to 9 lb. 80 cents lb. live weight. Will draaa draw and deliver. No additional charge. Phone McHenry 613-M2 after 4:80 p.m. *81-8 FOR SXHT FOR RENT--Modern year 'round home on Wonder Lake. Four large rooms A complete bath. Basement, oil heat, electric hot water heater. Furnished or unfurnished. Reasonable. T. P. Mathews, Phone: Wonder Lake 306. tf FOR RENT --In McHenry, modern 5-room year 'round home, ctompletely furnished; river frontage; nice view; large picture window; automatic oil furnace heat $100 month to responsible party. MeHenry 575-M-l'. NOTICE Terra Cotta Resale shop will be open Tuesday through Sunday; usual hours, closed Mondays only, after Jan. 1. Mrs. R. Dietrich, Crystal Lake, 111. 88 The Biggest and Baal New Tan's Eve Parly will be at THE LAKE BOWL New Year's Eve Special pan. to 12 Midnight. IU* par sea Includes 7-course turkey dinner. |0 ki refreshments. Floor Shaw - Baacfug - Favors This special good hj reservstloa only Call Round Lake 6-2174 or 6-2175 THE LAKE BOWL Bound Lake, I1L Hwy. 114, y« mile west RJL depot PUBLIC SERVICE TO CONTINUE EXPANSION OF ELECTRICITY USE MNGWbOD >1 1111 H 9> 1161 991# H M I Christmas with their daughter, Urs. Harold Stanek, and family at Woodatoek. Mr. and Mrs. George Sbepard spent Christmas in the Alan Ainger home at Hebron. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heine, Mr. and Mrs Klbert Ainger of Chicago, and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Ainger of Hebron. .v A new 60,000 kilowatt turbo- Tel. I Kenerator has been ordered for the 1 Dixon power plant of the Illinois I northern division of the Public ' Service company of Northern Illi- H*5LP WANTED HELP WANTBB' -- Immediate opening for 8 girls in <jur shirt pressing department Located in McHenry. Phone 189-W 26-tf full Also HELP WANTED--Man for time work in Drug Store. woman for regular work. Bolger'a Drug Store. 80tf HELP WANTED -- Housekeeper or mother's helper; nice home, light housework; must stay. Call McHenry 664-W-l. 83 Piataka* 6SS-M1 I •tf CESSPOOLS and SEPTIC TANKS SERVICE 6. A. DOUGLAS Phone McHenry 776-W lOtf TOR SALE FARM EXPERIENCE REQUIRED A Salesman will be hired by major feed company for permanent, fulltime work in this County. Home nights. No stock or credit to carry. Better - than - average earnings. Thorough training on job. Must h.ive dependable car. Ago 25 to 50. Only sober, serious-minded, reliable man will be considered. For confidential appointment reply Box 127, McHenry Plaindealer. WANTED cent greater than in 1929. More than 500,000 kilowatts of capacity har been placed In service during the past five years. This is exclusive of the 50,000 kilowatt unit at the Dixon station, completed in 1945. The new 60,000 kilowatt Dixon unit and related improvements are a part of a multi-million dollar postwar expansion program undertaken five years ago by Public Service company. With the recent merger of Illinois Northern and _ Western United Gas and Electric WANTED -- Transportation to company into Public Service- com- WANTED -- Jobbers and» direct salesmen. Quality lines, with libernl (•omminsions. Manufacturers repre sentative. R. Dnane Fowler. Wood stock. Rnx 034. Plione 464-.TX. 41 tf nois, it was announced this pest week by Britton I. Budd, Public Service company president. Announcement of the new generating unit for Dixon, which will nc-aiiy double the capacity of the y>lant, came within six days after the merger of Illinois Northern T'tilitie8 Company into Public Public Service company became pffective. Installation of the additional capacity is scheduled tor completion in the spring of 1958. Present capacity of the Dixon electric power plant is 65,600 kilowatts. When thp new unit is in service, total capacity will be Increased t.o 125.500 kilowatts--enough electricity to serve a city of more than 250.000 people. The interconnected power system of which Public Service is a part now has a capacity of 2,802,000 • - (by Mra. Uorrga Shepatt|} Miss Elaine Turner entertained a group of freshmen girls from the McHenry high school at a Chirstmaj party at her homt Monday evening. A scavenger hnnt was enjoyed. Mrs. Ren Walkington entertained the women's five-hundred club at her home Wednesday. A 1 o'clock dessert luncheon was served. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Pete Sebastian, high, and Mm. Ofear Berg, low. * The W.S.C.S. held its Christmas party at tht home of Mrs. John Hogan Thursday. A pot-luck dinner was held at noon. In the afternoon, the usual buianess meeting jneth Cristy, Saturday evening, was held and Chiiatmaa carols were sung.' : Mr. and Mrs. Charlaa Martlc and daughter of Chicago, Miss Ferol Martin of Champaign and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Martin of McHenry spent Chirtstqas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Martin. Mr. and Mi* John Crtsty and family of Huntley, ^r. and Mrs. Gordon Fossum and family of Solon Mills' Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Cristy of Crystal Ll^ke and Kenneth Crysty. Jr.. of Chicago fenjoyed a Christmas dinner with their parents. Mr. and Mra. Kenenta, Mr. and Mrs. Magnus MO|MI, at McHenry. » Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ftgnl spont Christmas wtth ralftivas in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Richardson of Chicago spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dodd. Mr. and Mra. Eckstein and daughters of McHenry were guests in the Dodd home on Christmas Day. Christmas Day guests in the Anton Wieser home were Mr. and Mrs. Jaraes Schneeweis and Mra. Mary Merle of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Rieninger of Ringwood. Mr. and Mrs. -Weldoa Andreas and family spent Christmas Day in the Adelbert Ebel home at Algonquin. nm nut am Mr. and Mrs. John Blackman and sons. Donald and Tommy, of The Sunday School pupils and i Antioch spent Sunday with Dr. an<) the school children held their Mrs. Wm. Hepburn Christmas program in the church Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Muzzy anil daughters and his father, Mr. Muzzy, of Marengo spent Christmas in the home of his sister, Mrs. Timm, and family at Sycamore. hall Friday evening. Old Santa arrived wiih his pack on his back and brought gifts for the children. The Pa rty-a-Month 4-H club held its Christmas party Monday evening in the church hall. Mothers were guests. The usual business meeting was held and Lois Hunt and Shirley Fcizel gave a talk o.i "Manners." Games were played and a grab bag enjoyed. Refreshments were served from decorated for Christmaa. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pagni visited relatives at Waukegan Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold StaWHr Of Woodstock announce the arrival of a daughter born at the Woodstock hospital Monday. Dec IS. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler are the proud grandparents This is the Btaneks' second daughter. A family get-together of the Benoy families on Christmas day was enjoyed in the church hall. Those to attend were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Benoy And family and Mr. and Mrs. A-lvin Benoy of Crystal Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wilcox and family. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Maon and family, Mr. and Mrs. a table j Darrell Benoy and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Benoy anfi 'daughter of Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Benoy and family of Greenwood. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Renoy and family of Elkhorn and Mr. and Mrs. Pa$U Walki*glww aod family. , *' A group of young folks want out caroling and afterwards went to the home of Charlotte and Mary kilowatts, which is nearly 70 per1 Hogai^ whope they enjoyed a FOR CHRISTMAS and from depot daily except Sat- FANITOR aURTICE -- We clean Woodwork, floors, windows, walla daily, weekly, monthly or seasonally. .Reasonable prices. McHentv fanitor Service, Don Dewey, Mgr. /hone McHenry 430-.T. 32tf FREE ESTIMATES on Johns- Mtnvllle insulation and siding also other types of aiding. Phono Richmond 649 or write Weldon J^ndreas, Ringwood, 111. *32-8 WBLL8 DRTT«t.RD OR DRIVEN WATER SYSTEM -- We sell, repair and install pumps. Bill Bacon, 206 Main Street, MeHenry. Telephous 167. 2dtf O.I.B. DIBKL Woodstock Piano Tuner Phoue 206-W 526 Washington St. Woodstock, HI. SOW lurday for connections with 7:01 ? /°U,r W>!T,nf macll'n®r®"! a.m and 6:30 p.m. trains. Pickup paired A electrified into aJtfod- ^ end of new bridge at Fox crn Portable or Console Bfodel. I * p «i iaq dit oftnr c.oa nm FREUND'S SEWING MACHINE'8t Cal1 109 W after 6.30 p.m. 33 SALES AND SERVICE , WANTED--Watch. * and Jewelry Box 82- Phone: McHenry 664-JS»repai». Anthony Noonan. 200 So. Green street, McHenry. (Front part FOLLOW THE CROWD TO THE of Claire Beauty Shoppe.) 15tf Sportsman's Inn, 513 Main streot. Ice cold case beer and packaged goods of all kinds. A1 PhannenstilL 49tf ANTIQUES, MISC. ITEMS--Clothing in Good Condition for the entire family. Formats Open Tues. through Sun. 1 p.m. to 10 p.m., Sun. 11 a. m. to 6 p, m. Mrs. R. Dietrich, Terra Cotta Rd. Consignment and Resale and Antique Shop, % mile west Terra Cotta factory which is on Rt. 81. Crystal Lake 1846R-1. 51-tf FOB SALE -- Trees, shrubs, evergrons. Estimates on complete landscaping. Pitsen's Nursery, Route 180 and Wilson Road. R.F.D. 2, Round Lake. 2 miles east of Volo. Phone Round Lake 6-1570. 23tf TOR SALE •L J9VS #F TK IKW TIM IE VITI IH aVAII. McHenry Cleaners / FOB SALE--Turkeys and Geese. Dressed or alive. Also dressed poultry. Phone: McHenry 590-M2. •30-3 FOB SALE -- Like new noiseless JUulngton portable typewriter Call MeHenry 677-M-l. 82 FOB SALE-- JOHNS-MANSVILLE "Blown" Rock Wool. Guaranteed not to settle. WALLFIL Co., Leo J. Stilling, 800 E. Pearl, Tel. Mc- Honry 18. 22tf JPQR SALB--TYPEWRITERS, ADDOrO MACHDfBS. Service on all makes. Also ribbons for all makes, carbon paper. L. V- Kilts, Clsy St. Woodstock. Phone G4'J. 7tf FOB SALE--1 "Morning Heatercoal stove. Call Park Pub, McHenry 468. 29-tf FOB SALB -- Puppies. 83.00 eacb; also all wool green ski pants, sise 14. Perfect condition, 83-50. Call 799-J. 117 Broad St., McHenry, 111. •83 FOB SALE -- Turkeys, dressed or alive. Also dressed poultry. Phone McHenry 590-M-2 - 33 FOB SALE -- Perfection milking machine, nearly new; 2 stainless steel pails; new style pulsator motor and pipe line for 20 cows. Will sell all or any part. Walter J Walsh, phone McHenry 608-R-l. 33 FOB SALE -- We are now contracting Maltester Approved Barley for 1951 production. Seed furnished is thoroughly recleaned, treated A tests 50 lb per bushel. Stop in for detailSi Pell-Barl Farms. Inc.-. 305 Clay St. Woodstock, 111. Phone 1130. 32-2 WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO BENT -- Four to six room house in McHenry or vicinity. Would like after Jan. 1. Address Box 136 in cars of Plaindealer, McHenry. 83 REAL ESTATE snaOk. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pagni spent Saturday in Chicago. Louis .Hawley and daughter, Marian left Scnday to spend Christmas in the John Woodward home in Texas. Mrs. Hawley has been there a week. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell and family spent Sunday with relatives In Chicago. panv, the enlarged utility now serves approximately 600.000 electric cuNtomers in northern Illinois outside Chicago. Continued expansion in the use of electricity by industrial, resi-, Mr. and Mra. Peter ScbastHm and mother, Mrs. Woods, spent Christmas day "|ut#s ot Mr and Mrs. Charles Brennan were Mr. and Mrs. Phelps Saunders and daughter of Sycamore. Mr. and Mrs. Ix>uis Winn and Janet of Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Don Smart and sons of Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bronnan and family of McCullom Lake.1 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lenard and family. Jack Rrennnn ana Mr. and Mrs Fred Weidrich. Jr., and son. Bob. and daughter. Mnry Ann. and Dr. and MVs. Wm. Hepburn. Mr. and Mrs. Wm Cruickshank entertained at a family dinner on Sunday. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Lpvelette and son of Chicago and Mr. and . Mrs. Wm. Cruickahaak. Jr., and son of Pistakee Bay, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Escher and' family of Chicago spent Christmas with her mother, Mrs. Tillie Vaillancourt. Mrs. Mayme Harrison and son, LaVern, of McHenry were dinner guests in the J. C. Pearson home on Christmas Day. Afternoon guests were Mrs. Jlcob Steffes and daughter. Lucilic, of McHenry. Mrs. Flora Harrison spent Christmas tp the home of her daughter. Mra, Ardta Friable* *t Greenwood. f Mr. and Kfrs Elmer CAftr afHI family spent Christmas with her mother at Hartland. Charles Carr spent Christmas with his daughter, Mrs. Dewey Beck, aq^family at Crystal Lake. Seoul's Papers Seoul, Korea, had three largo dailies, the largest being "Dong-ADaQyt" with about 90,000 circulation. The first sleighing of was enjoyed laat W< sufficient quantity of during Tuesday night to sleighing quite good in 6n Jacob C. Bic^ler, who. purchased the McHenry property, is planning estiMf#' improvements. John Claxton and Henry Kan?»e^^n^.:'. beck, two of our prosperous firm- r*!*? ers. shipped a carload of hogu to Chicago last week. The "best holiday' season that we have ever enjoyed" was the ,j general declaration of McHenry1 businessmen as they closed their^-^l doors last Saturday evening. The time of year, has arrived when unfeeling owners of hortif need the attention of the atfthOjrl*u^lS^>'i ties. The fellow who drives a toittl c '^.j into town in the morning. tlef4l | to the square or a hitching pOU!.^. J and leaWs it therr^ Qntil 16 p4St?*i;J '> at night. Is not entitled to N consideration. ~.~ Mrs. Jane Carr died at her hotat ^ in Ringwood Dec. 20, 1910. at tike "v age of 70 years. \ >r»* Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hin«e ot Crystal Lake, Marian Peet of Elgin Chflstmas with relatives at Genoa an(i Mrs Ravvmond Harrison City. • mid non, Howard, and Neil Harrison and, children of Wonder take Mr. and Mra. Ben Walkington spent Christmas Day with Mrs. dentlal and rural customers in the |and Mr" Vir*,n,a Jepson Jones i^na Peet and daughter. Alice. former service area of Illinois. "wnt S"nday ** ">e „Ro'and Mc" I Northern and the need for reator- Cannon home at Bl« Roc* | Christmas div guests in _the ing normal ri*R«rv« pannpftv nr®i 1 i Andrew Hawley home at Foi FOB SALE -- Bungalow at 308 N. Green street. Inquire at 209 E. Elm street or phone 474-W. Price 811,000. 82tf FOB SALE--Bungalow at 302 N. Ireen St. Inquire at 209 E. Elm St., or phone 474-W. Price 811,000. 24-tf OBDER YOUR HOME NOW IN SPRING, PRICES WILL BE HIGHEB In Mlllstream, a most modern subdivision, 4 and 6 rooms. Face brick on all 4 sides, full cement basement, automatic oil furnace or hot water gas electric, city sewer. Priee, $11,900 and *11^00.00. Cash down • 25 per cent • balance 90 yea^s to pay. Ton can also hare water front lot. Call JACOB FBITZ - REALTOR, JOHNSBI RG - TEL. EPHONE: McHENRY 87. 32tf FOR SALB -- HOMES -- FABjKS CHOICE LOTS -- BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY Knox Real Estate #K Blflteond Road MeHenry, I1L Phone: MeHenry 4S1«J Licensed I1L A Wis. Broktr McHENRT 4 rooms, 8 bedrooms. Fall base* meat. Six months old. Owner leaving city. Price 99,600.00. For appolntment call JACOB FRITZ . REALTOR, JOHNSBURG. TELEPHONE: McHENRY S7. tttf MISCELLANEOUS i To Our Friends and Customers Wishing you the best throughout the New Year and a big thanks for your patronage. Sincerely hoping to see you at the New Year's Eve party. Refreshments, entertainment, favors. Club Lilymoor. on Rt. 120. 83 Colorado's Peaks There are 30 peaks In Colorado that are' higher than Pikes Peak, which comes 81st reserve capacity are i responsible for the new expansion! of the Dixon station, according to Budd. Simultaneously with the announcement of the new Dixon unit. Charles Y. Freeman, chairman of Commonwealth Edison, announced the order of a new 150,000 kilowatt unit for Edison's Ridgeland station, also scheduled for completion in 1953. Freeman said that new facilities of the Edison-Public Service interconnected system now either under construction or on order would bring capacity up to 3.400.- 000 kilowatts--or double that of twenty years ago. Units listed by Budd and Freeman as either now on order or under construction with scheduled completion dates are: Ridgeland station, Edison, 150,000 KW, summer 1951: Waukegan station. Public Service. 110.000 KW, summer 1952: Ridgeland station, Edison. 150,000 KW. Fall 1953; Dixon station. Public Service 60,000 KW. spring 1953; Ridgeland station, Edison, 150,000 KW late 1953; total, 620,000 KW. This 620,000 kilowatts added to the 500,000 kilowatts placed ir service during the past five yearn will bring to more than 1,100.000 kilowatts the new generating facilities for the system since th% end of World War II MRrongo Fodoral Savings Issum Dividend Doc. 31 Investment members of the Marengo Federal Savings ant* Loan association will receive another semi-annual dividend at thr rate of 3 per cent per annum or Dec. 31. Tiiis is the same rate do clared for many years by its directors. F. R. Kelley, secretary of the association, announces that over $47,000 from earnings will have been paid to savers for the year 1950. The secretary also report? that over 830,000 in surplus earnings has been added to reserve and undivided profit accounts for the same year. This comfortable addition to reserves will result in an even stronger organization. The management reports that the association continues to grow and at the en<{ of the year will have reached its highest point in both investment accounts and in loans made to home owners and at the same time attaining Its strongest financial position. Renew that "subscription Jo Plaindealer now! Mr. and Mrs. Lenard Brown and 8. W. Brown are spending the Christmas holidays in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. C. L Harrison spent Christmas in the Henry Marlowe home at Huntley. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilcox of Woodstock and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low and family spent Sunday with their mother, Mrs. Viola Low. ' Mr. and Mrs. Leland Berg spent Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Berg. River Grove were Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hopper and daughters and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smith and son of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Wm Hoffman and daughter, Sandra, and Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith. Mr. ar.d Mrs John W. Smith spent Christmas with her parent* in Chicago. Mrs. LIU Conway spent Christmas in the Ralph Simpson at Crystal Lake. Paul Stephenaon of Saginaw. Mich., arrived hero to spend Christmas with his mother, Mrs. Luella Stephenson. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neal and sons. LeRoy and John, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ramaker and family at Thor, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy ind sons. Kenneth Jr. and Jerry, ^pent the Christmas holidays with nelatives at' New London, Wis.. Mr. and Mre. B. T. Butler spent The Beautiful EL TOVAR CBTSTAL LAKF »U feHenry' Co's. Landing Theatrr ^fri?^atC" (Double Feature) Richard Conte Celeen Gray In THE SLEEPING CITY and , «M TEARS BEFORE TOUR EYES" 4S0 Years Before Tour Eyes" shown once starting at 8:iI PJI. ^SUNDAT O^Y ^DTr781^ Sunday Cont From 8:45 P.M. Yvonne DeCarlo Joyce Holden In "THE DESERT HAWK" Wild excitement of adventures most thrilling days MON. - TUES., JAN. 1-8 Matinee New Year's Day Regular Sunday Schedule and Prices. NO MIDNIGHT SHOW Donald O'Connor Joyce Holden In -THE MILKMAN" Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Oxtoby spent Christmas day with her par Colony McHENRY, ILLINOIS Air Conditioned -- Comfort Good Ylslon and Sound Doors Open at 6:80 P. M. Screen Starts at 6:45 P. M. FRI. - SAT., DEC. 29-80 Gene Aatry Jo Dennlson in (1) «BEYOND THE PURPLE HILLS" Jon Hall Susan Cabot In (2) «ON THE ISLE OF SAMOA" OUR SATURDAY MATINEE HAS BEEN DISCONTINUED SUN. MONn DEC 81 - JAN. 1 WIG SOLBMQUft 4AINE& HEMS KERR STEWART GRAIGER •w RICMM CM also "Bugs Bunny" Color Cartoon Matinee Sun. A Mon. 2:80 Cont. CLOSED ON TUESDAY WEB. • THl'RS^ JAN. 8-4 Dan Duryea Gale Storm Herbert Marshall Michael 0*8hea 'THE UNDERWORLD STORY" ^ also Color Cartoon and Novelty Uncle Sam Says YA NOTICE OF CLAIM DATB ESTATE OF MATH IAS M. BT.AKB, DECEASED ; Notice is hereby given fo persons that February S. 1^11. the claim date in the estate MATHIAS M. BLAKK, pending in the County CNH McHenry ' County, IUinaia, ~ ij|§ that claims may be filed the said estate on or date without issuance of Alvtn P. IHM* Published Owr *8, 1960, Jan. 4.. 3T' 11 1i9n6i1. ;L " « ' Canine FiaBy Tfcee TW dog family goes back m ap4 lion years to the mlada, a like snimsl the sb» ftda. t•<w9T About 35 million ytMt. evoluted into the 69«u#et!fc n live of western North "SaMa" The ' "sulfa-' drugs «s ««B aspirin are produced ucts of the steel industry's plants. How * about a present ter yourself this Christmas? Make your present a filled-ln-eard far the Payroll Savings Plan where you work. The Payrail Savings Plan is a convenient way to save. Determine the ameaat you want to invest each payday and then ysur Bends will come to you automatically. That gift wfll keep ea saying "Merry Christmas" far many years to come. v. s. twnw Owmm • M " | t H 1 1 I 1 I I TOWNE THEATRE t&oftfcd straw, sand snd shavh poultry litter i < 11 i i 4 k i n 11 i i n i M i r g ^ OUB HOLIDAY ME88A6B t» all of you ... May glad tMBBR extend long after the MeMtyt have passed .. . and carry ii throughout ttie years to os«ttt FOX LAKE TEL. 7-M11 FRI. . SAT- DEC. 29-30 CART68AM1 mGMHHE tum Is: „ n r.«i ^DANfCURK W«t ar. ftmo/ obfva Dm*eiri> voo. Orva vt uv t sa*»tvJ */ »rWmmt plas GOD IS MY CO PILOT" 3rd Chapter PIRATES OF THE SEA SUN. . MON., DEC. tl - JAN I IQKZT q'tf-WHSS JOAH WUHBO OUk MtoetO eO"aU»'O>i r•r Mrq--VUC-sSmesw*h. .i^me- .^FwT-.'LTS f 1} H«r^ A'«> • Iffte,'t Jo^r *t c. . TUESm WEIK, THURS^ JAN 9-t-4 .\w • IKXKX c--F-«) • '-^ty J r imm -Hr I) U<» • :*«r,' :.u.S' S.k ^ tins» » < l » m t M > 6 l l l l l 6 l l 6 t l i 9 | P H O N F ^ miLLEg FBL - 8Af ^ DEC. tMt Mat. SaL, at 8:M FJL,. -DESTINATION M66!P by Technlcolar phw Bounty FAIbp^ '-11 In Clnecolor rSUN, MON. «ni DBC.S1 - JAB. 14 Matinees (Both) Sun. A Starting at 3s» PJL Mighty Adventure Beware H Color hf Tei ha half •KING SOLOMONS :.m*sj 'WCS*?' RING OUT THE OLBI RING a TMB BBW* At O u r G a l a N a u r * B * » MIDNIGHT HlHtll Saniay NlgM» U u<at pjl Doers Open llttt PJL Admlsaleu To ALL -- Via Taa laversFerABt Blta Haywortk In ;*•> ' %TIB GIB&P by Technleslsr GET UP A PABTY FOBTSI GALA BYENTt WBB - TIUB&, JAN M *EMBB^jENCY WEBBUWP Laity Vte|amm

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