•ilw > t * s ^ * * . . . - • . - - - »• - • rry *•*• -»-*-*• v. - ' . • ' \ < • - , . , • • * ' • • - ' • ?>, -./WK.fWi'MtfSS ' «. • " - . ' ,' -••• .-, i|iif il mimmi tiwuiyn HHi t i i1 tin NJck B. Preand .entertained tlftbr tM^jkco fchib at a Xmas jurti »t hit Wom Thursday. Prtsei •rtre*wat**d to Mra. Nick Toting, III*. Oscar Berg and Urn. Getrfte Bheptrd. *r. ad' ilt Mitchell K*ne encard club at a New 1**9? ®r* pfcHy at their home Sunday •restate. Mary liogaa entertained a Map of freahmnn itris of the McHenry Mffc school at at aleith ride party Friday evenlnt. • . . T fi i\ Mr. and Mra. 8. W. Smith spent fjtew Year's day with M#. and Mrs. I Vjn Hoffman attd daughter. Ban* *y. _ Peggy Aha Lenard spent from Wednesday until Saturday in the Bob Leaard home at Lake Geneva. Fred Wiedrloh, jr., left Saturday on a business trip to Minnesota. Mt. and lira. Donald Brenner an^ son have returned to the home of »f parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison, after a month'a visit with his parents at Shawno, Wis. ; Mtfa jKafhieen Ackerfljpn of Poplar CRroye spent her Christmas vacation with her slater, Mrs. Allan Wagner, and family. Mr. and Mra. Walter Wilcox of Woodstock apent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Viola Low. ' Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low and family apent Sunday with her parental Mr. aad Mrs. Q|i»<fhcMa, at McHeitry. 'Ar-',1 Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas and daughter, Margo. spent Thursday with her parents at Algonquin. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler attended the New Year's eve party at the Legion hall In Hebron. | ( • Mr. {and Mrs. Roland McCannon and daughter, Phyllis, of Big Rock and son, David q f Minneapolis apent New Year's day^in the Ben Walkington home. Mra, flora Harrison waa a Sunday dinner guest in the home of her ton, William, at Round Lake Howard Wattles and son, Donald, of McHenry spent Sunday in the C. L. Harrison home. fti and Mra- P. N Musty and daughters apent a few days the past v^eek with relatives at MinneapOUi. Mr. and. Mrt. Kenneth Crlsty apd son, Kenneth, Jr., Spent Sunday evening in the Nelson Crlsty home at Oryatal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Berg, Mrs. Lester Carr and Mrs. Wm. McCannon were visitors at Woodstock Friday. Mr. -and Mrs. Arthur Oxtoby of Spring Grove were dinnfer guests Sunday In the home »of their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Oxtoby. Audrey, Darlene and Duane Andreas attended the basketball tournament at Moosehart, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard were Woodstock visitors Friday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ootik Mid daughters visited relatives at Holand, Mich.. Wednesday until Saturday night. Mr. and Mra. Clarence Adama and family spent Sunday in the Qaniel Miller home at Spring Grove. Gerald Condon of Richmond waa a dinner guest in the Clarence Adams home Monday. Miss Marian Peet of Elgin apent the boliday weekend with her mother, Mrs. Lena Peet. > MINING REVIVAL; The historic lead and sine mining district in northwest Illinois, which ten years ago was almost completely inactive, is enjoying an important revival, and has turned out more than $3,500,000 worth of are this year, according to Dr. M. M. Leighton, chief of the state Geological Survey Division at Urbana. * This revival expected to be of great value in the current national defense program, is the outgrowth of extensive field investigations carried on by survey scientists during the past several years. Thousands of samples from more than 1500 borings were studied, and several actual and potential ore areas were outlined. The information thus obtained has attracted mining companies back to the area. Coatings to help protect your silo from the destruction of silage acids are bing tested at the Illinois College of Agriculture. WL C. NOTBS Talking it Over c£*i --Inore we stirt calendar. In keeping with custom and wholeheartedly and me^nlnfcly too, we wish one another a Happy New Year. To us of Mctlenry council, we soberly hope we may enjoy good health and material prosperity, but that we may aeise every opportunity further our spiritual progress by a kinder and more thoughful attitude toward all with whom we're associated. We assemble aa brothers and aa Knights of Columbus for a better reason than the entertainment the association may offer. We gather for the purpose of waiting our thoughts and our efforts toward some common project that eac£ of ua and others whom we may reach, may In some way he bettered thereby. What it is that may be our project, the goal that mm aeek, is tor us to determine. On entering this New Year, we belteve It would be well for all of us to pause and reflect upon our achievements, and mayhapa our shortcomings, and to give consideration to the undertakings We hope to accomplish In this new year. Ours, as knights of Columbus, should and must be of high and worthy ideal, otherwiae we tail of our cause for association and organisation. • Thus, when this new year has been concluded, we may then look jmck with satisfaction on work well and fittingly done. Let each of ua determine now that McHenry ncil shall move forward to a new year/uf Christian purpose and undertaking. Action will follow determination and we may then Mr. Ind Mrp. Roy Neal and sons, L4j£&0y and John, returned home Wednesday evening after spending Chriktvoas with their daughter, Mrs. Andrew Ramaker, and family. Mr. aftd Mrs. Loult Hawley and daughter, Marian, returned home Wednesday evening from Texas, where they spent Christmas with their daughter, Mrs. John Woodward, and family. &rs. Glauser Is visiting her two daughters and other relatives In California. Mr. Glauser and son, Jim, left Saturday to Join them for a month's visit. Mr. and Mrs. John Hogan and family spent Christmas day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Acker man, at Poplar Grove. Roy DeChene and daughter of Waukegan and Harold Aim of McHenry were visitors In the Fred Wledrlch, Jr., home Monday. Mr. and Mra. Kenneth Crlsty entertained at a family dinner Monday in honor of the birthday of their son, John. Those to attend were Mr. and Mrs. John Crlsty and family of Huntley, Kenneth. Jr., of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fossum and family of Solon Mills and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Crlsty of Crystal Lake. Dr. and Mrs. Hepburn spent Sunday afternoon in the John Blackman home at Antioch. * • HANDICRAFT: Bird Houses. Lawn Chairs* Lawn Strings. Picnic Tables, Tier Bench--, Flowe*Boxes and WbeeJbsirows and Sand Boxes. . - -..ATrellis, Pergola, Picket Fences, Etc. Screens and Cabinets made to order* CLARENCE J. SMITH JOHNSBURG PHONE McHENRY rightfully feel that we have truly been Knights of Columbus. A Happy New Year--Knights of McHenry council!^ .. r? • Nexr Jfeetlttc Thursday night, Jan. 11, % tiNe date for our first meeting of the new year, at the usual time and place. In spite of poor weather, our last meeting was very well attended. It is the, earnest hope of your officers that this first meeting of the new year, will be as well attended. Our energetic lecturer, along with the G. K., havp collaborated in working out a program which they feel you will en- Joy. A good way to start the new year--lend the council and its yom cRNTsmmiii*stM Fmwucv i JACOB FRITZ - Realtor JOHNSBURG, McHENRY TELEPHONE McHENRY 37 Representing THE TRAVELERS' FIRE INSURANCE, Hartford I officers your moral support. That's so necessary in carrying on the functions of our order. Attend the meeting next Thursday night, and oh yes, bring that application for me mber^|p witti you. GBW De&thi from tniVfla are cl&se to a thousand a month in December, January and February, National Safety Council figures Show. The principal reasons are defective heating appliances (or improper use of them) and defective chimneys. In summer months the burn toll is nearer 300 a month. So* "irtftc for The -Plaindeaiei Business Riak.. February 1 Men's, Carnival--Roller 15 IKXORMI In loving memory of our and brother, William E. who passed away four yours Jan. 4. 1947. MR. and MRS. MATT ADAM8 and FAMILY - *s Read the Want Ada! LEO'S TAVERN MNGWOOD. ILL. 1 ? FORMERLY MOSEY INN? -o- Phone Richmond 653 PROP. -- LEO REININGEB f Mr. and Mrs. Miller of Kenosha spent New Year's Day with Dr. and Mra. Hepburn. DR. HENRY FREUNO . OPTOMETRIST At 136 8. Green 8t., McHenry * (Closed Thursday Afternoons); Eyes Examined -- Glasses Fitted fisual Training -- Visual Rebakiltithi ' Complete Visual Aaaljrals Hours Datyy: • to IS and 1 to 6--Saturday Bveatass: C:00 « StSS PHONE McHENRY 4iS lecaoiBSBSssaoEsoi January CLEARANCE • Decorator's Lamp* • Handmade Glassware^ • Swedish Crystal « Handmade Scarves: • Gainesborough Cards • Syrocco'WaU Brackets 0 Exquisite Costume Jewelry • Table Lighters • Jewelry Cases • Italian Bric-a-brac FOR MEN • Pure Silk and Wool Mufflers • Genuine Hand Framed Argyle Socks '• • Imported Linen Handkerchiefs • Ties and Leather Good£ • Cuff Mnks and Tie Clasps REDUCTIONS TO 50% . I Alii making room for my Spring collection of new merchandise. Every item included in this Clearance is from my regular stock--- AND NOTHING IS CHANGED BUT THE PRICEI MilSied <MoJunan One-Twenly-Two Riverside Drive FRESH GRADE A HEATS TENDER . > ! ROUND STEAK K>. 89c MEATY SPARE RBS lb. 47c S1EER UVER b.79c SUCED BACON lb. pkg. 59c DEL MONTE T. L PEACHES Halves or Slices 2 2V6 Tins DfcL MONTE ntUT COCKTU 23" 303 Tin MISSION PETER PAN PEANUT BUTTER lr 29° RED CROSS SPAGHETTI 2 k£.33« >1 CHICKEN OF THE SEA, While Meat . FANCY TUNA * DEL MONTE ' E. 6. PEAS 2 t", 35« VAN CAMP'S PORK t BEANS 2 303 94*4 Tins mW PETER PAN SWEET PEAS 303 Tins 3d* TAYLOR SWEET POTATOES 23s No. 3 Tin TRUE AfPU SUCES No. 2 Tin SLICED PINEAPPLE 29° No. fin DEL MONTE MEMUM PRUNES 25° 1 lb. Pkg. DEL MONTE fWEAPPtE JUKE 37. 46 oz. Tin DEL MONTE PINEAPPLE JUICE 2 33° WELCH GRAPE JUKX 35® 24 oz. Btl. UBBY'S TOMATO JUICE 25° 46 oz. Tin V& Size 39 ARMOUR'S CLEANSBt 3 Reg. Tins Mkmk k- - MRS. GRASS' NOODLES pUb- 25° ; FRESH '&k' FRUITS t VEGETAHES WHITE POTATOES, 10 Ik. 33c YELLOW MYOMHMS 3 lis. 11c JUMBO CALIFV NAVAL ORANGES Dol85C Pf APPLES 3bs.29c CALIFORNIA CARROTS' 2 Iml 17c Food Stored STORE NO. 3S0 OPEN FRIDAY HQISirt I :;S m:' . V .v. A'