Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Jan 1951, p. 5

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f< Jttmr; 11, 19SI t ,7yf • v •, • • < • * " • •• S"""1 t'*-'S ' THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER NEWS FROM %ONDER LAKE Men'* flab Phas Iee*SkatIag Parties For Every Friday At the ice-skating rink on the lake front at LaGreca's. there will be a skating party every Friday Jlight while the ice holds, accord- '™g to a report issued by the Wonder Lake MU n's club at their regular meeting Sunday. T*he Men's club, organized r<v cently to sponsor Sports in the Wonder Lake area, was instrumental in preparing the rink for the ®s<» of the Wonder Lake residents. The area is floodlighted and is kept in fine skating condition. There is no admittance fee. The club met Sunday in t<he liome of P. L. Cormier, Indian ; Ridge. Those .present included the host, Mel Sellek, Jesse Seaman, Jim Bell. John Lathrop, Fred Kuscli, k/ Vogt. Dr. Ruggero, Dr. Raymond Watkins, Frank Cheney. Joe Monteltjpne, Tony Audino, Fred Zandier and Nick Halseth. The Men's club meets every Sun- Jay at 4 p.m. All men of the area invited to attend. The only requirement is an interest in the children and a desire to provide sporting events for them. For further details contact Joe ItonUleone, president of the group. Group Effort Makes Legion Home More Comfortable One day last month a story in fj|hiB column told of the insulation •-ting installed in the American Legion hall through the efforts ot Marcio DcMoreas and Jack Moore? A letter from Moore states that too much credit was given to just the two men when the job is one tof cooperation with more men giving of their time. Moore says that DeMoreas agreed to loan the post $50 towards the fund the post already ^ad for the insulation and Moore, SB an electrician, knowtng the veiling is put up. offered to loan the post the necessary materials to do the job and to work with the post's members to install it. And, while there are fifty-four members of the post, and all would like to see the post redecorated, there are some who faithfully leave their wives and children evening tffter evening to help in this task of getting the preliminary work done. These men are Bill Nielsen. Hill Kamp. James Widen, Carl Schweitzer, "Chuck" James, Bob Gallop, A1 Franz and Moore. Those who use the Legion home for their meetings will be glad to know the work is going forward. POLIO BENEFIT There will be .a polio benefit party at LaGreca's-$atufday, Jan. 13. with the members of the Rod and Gun auxtHary serving the refreshments. There will be grimes and, fun, for all. E. K. Murphy is chairman for the polio collections. Those who have not been contacted are asked to stiid a donation to Murphy.. - races on the ice of Sloeum Lake next Sunday. Also scheduled are ice skating exhibitions and a demonstration of a rare- hunting dog. Among those who can be contacted here for tickets include Joe Monteleone. A1 Repan, Horace Wagner and Tony Grill. C ROAST BEEF DINNER ' The Legion auxiliary will servo a roast beef dinner Saturday, Jan. 20. at LaGreca's, with members now selling tickets. Adult tickets are $1.25 each and children's tickets are fifty cents each. They may also be secured at the- door. Serving will start at 6 p.m. There will be music at the solovox by Esther Otto. flwpel Chnrck Jfews We are observing here at the Gospel Center the Universal Week of Prayer this week. January 7 to 14. In so doing, we realize that the present national situation surely calls for a national humbling before God, a turning to Him in confession, repentance and faith But it must begin with the individual, for it concerns our own souls, Our homes, our loved ones and our vital relation to society and nation. It is therefore of ut most importance that we earnestly and sincerely seek God's mercy n nd saving grace.' We invite you to join us in these perilous times in special prayer meetings as follows: Tuesday night. Jan. 9, at the home of Miss Eleanor Raffel at Wonder Woods, at 8 o'clock; Wednesday night the tenth, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bordwell. 207 Jackson street. Woodstock, and Friday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Hugo Carlson at Island Lake. The- Thursday night meeting will be at the char pel in Wonder^ Lake. Next Sunday. Jan. 14, the pastor will bring another message on the subject of prayer as related to missions, lit the 11 o'i lock service. In the evening. at 7:45, there will be a,n\lssionary service, wjth Miss Siva Swanson, missionary to Africa, aa our guest speaker. There will also be a special musical program. We pxtend to the people in and around Wonder Lake a hearty welcome to attend these services, „ COOK'S CORNER t Buy a good porterhouse ajeak about one inch thick. Allow about % lb. per person. Heat oven to broiling point. Put steak on separate broiling pan which is easier to handle and to wash. Grease broiler pan with a little of the fat from steak. Follow directions given with your own type of range for broiling. Usually meat is placed about 4 or 5 IncheB below flame and oven sfct to "high". Fifteen minutes on each side makes a well done steak. Sau meat when you turn it. Hav? platter hot and place pan-fried potatoes around meat. Serve immediately. Recipe for . pan-fried potatoes will be given next. This will be a different way to fry potatoes. (by Marlt 3Qha«tt*«a> Steak Dinner This kind of dinner is designed to put hubby or daddy into a receptive mood, in anticipation of "touch" for that simply divine little gown you just happened to notice in the window this afternoon. Porterhouse steak; Pan-fri«d potatoes: frozen Limas; salad. 24 Hour NEW RESIDENTS _ Mr. and Mrs. William Mann and children are new residents of Deep Spring Woods. HOSTS AT DINNER Art Hay and Pete Rosai were hosts to about 100 persons, Saturday night for an old-fashioned turkey dinner. Served family style in the Lake View Inn, the dinner was donated by the two named. Esther Otto provided the music. Kiwanis Club Sponsored Races and Demonstrations Wonder Lake members of the McHenry Township Kiwanis club are selling tickets to the horse WUMUl „ WEBB CATTLE AUCTION On the Terry Druggan Farm located 4 miles southeast of Lake Zurich 111., 5 miles north of Palatine, % mile east of U. S. Hwy. 12, of \k mile w«Bt of Route 53. on the Long Grove Road on SATURDAY. JANUARY 13th ^ Commencing at 12:80 o'clock. V FOWLKS TRAILER LUNCH ON <• ROUNDS. 40 HEAD OF HOLSTEIN CATTLE-418 MILCH COWh-6 fresh It with calf by side). 16 close springers, balance milking good. 3 Hol- •tein Bulls. 1% yrs. old. About V* of this herd are second calf heifers. .1 DAIRY EQUIPMENT -- 4 single unit International milkers, New tKcCormick milking machine with pump and motor, electric water Ifetater, 2 stylizing tanks, pails strainers, etc. FARM PRODUCE--25 ft. silage. MISCELLANEOUS--1940 2-door Ford coach. BUTCH'S Don't let winter keep you home. Lei us check your car to assure cold weather starting. Towing SHro Service We Do Complete Motor Overhauling. 309 W. Elm Street McHenry, HL Phone & 11 Residence 91-R FOR SALE 7 room brick residence; S bedroom* and bath apstairst 1 9 bedroom and 3 big rooms downstairs; 1 car garage and In- D cinerator hoase; air conditioned. Will sell with or without ® furniture. Will also leave 1941 Plymouth in good condition - In garage. For Information Call 537-W-l T. OLSEN McCULLOM LAKE Borrowed from Sllkwaras The modern nylon plant may be taking away some of his business, but the little silkworm has a laugh or two coming. It is his threadmaking principle that the nylon manufacturers have copied almost exactly. In both cases, a liquid is forced through a tiny hole, solidifying into thread upon contact with the air. While machinery achieves this with a series of small holes, the silkworm ejects his fluid through a minute opening in his upper lip Kerosene4^ About a half century ago the oil industry had a by-product, kerosene, which was called gasoline. The problem was how to get rid of it. Balboa discovered the Pacific; you nan iiscover woaders tat want ads. ••viae BraceOsrta * * Bovine Brucellosis can be spread by artifical breeding as well a§ hgr natural means. L & H TELEVISION BUREAU TO DISBArfD Governor Adlai E. Stevenson, acting upon recommendation of the Schaefer Commission to Study State Government, has ordered the Bureau of Industrial Hygiene in the state Department of Public Health to cease- work and . disband by next June 30. The bureau, with headquarters in Chicago, employs sixteen persous and has an appropriation of $133,735 for the current biennium. The Industrial Hygiene unit of the state Department of Labor is doing the same kind of work heretofore carried on by the bureau, the- Schaefer Commission reported. Kean tne want Ada. Py-©-!H> - PlefrHst 9-ol pkq. |Sc Park Willi Bir-B Q Swict 12-oz. tin .. 1 1 rh ' ^ Sprr SHorivaing "ar Baking and Frying II lb. tin * I .INk * ARNOLD A. WEBB. Owner WIS. SALES CORP., Clerk. t'ROELICH and WICK, Aactlonefe-s tun w iU' nion Grove, Wis. H o m e 1 i m p r o v e m e n t s l a s t a l i f e t i m e He m PHfr Pps . Peas l7-oi. tin| T* * Peiw Pan Corn tint 2)l< Chiffon Flakes Suds That Last 3 Pk9>. Ctr EMERSON and. MOTOROLA SALES -- SERVICE Phone 738-R 606 Front SL or 653-R-2 West McHenry, Illinois by McHENRY GARAGE WAK1T NATURALLY-^ AMD POIN6 vVOU SAY YOU'VE USX HAD YOUR CAR S? HAULED BY OH BOY, WHAT THEY KNOW PEfiTOf?MAMCE.:;,HHfO W TOMAKE A CAS? PERTOBM LIKE NEVfc£ NICK MILLER'S *HENRYGMM6f PAPA. WILLYS-OVERLAND SALES 604 FRONT STREET PHONE 403 •a Po,*y jW, fc? for ar<- suar.n. n,*r'« Prices g0 Up 'hou<t1' """ Mirie iki. a «< Customers Corner n,._ * this OUr customer We more "illi 11,» cas'> register ;v 8 Whx, ,J r S,'/» . . a" >ou save at A&F*y °u know J*n'llt^Th Jmn. i7|AN 4 •b- 73c Vial Saap Pravents Odor S cabet 37® Palaalive Saap Your Baauty Hopa 2 r«9. cskat| f|c i«r Whiter \0uds S pk«t Pdr Glassware MADE W i T H READY-MIXED CONCRETE Helps your contractor give you a better job with less muss . • for dozens of improvements ground jour home or place of business, no other material •Ars die service and economy •tfeesafe, permanent concrete. « If you are planning a new walk, driveway, foundation, porch of garage floor--build it the convenient, low cost way with Ready-Mixed Concrete. Don't Let Cold Weather Delay Your Work. HEATED READY MIX Does The Job In Half The Time. * Ask Your Contractor or Call Us," McHenry Sand & Gravel Co. Phone McHenry 97-J 606 Front Street McHenry. I1L 1 ? HOME TOWN trha HAHOWAREMAN Small business' is the heart of democracy! The hardwareman in your own home town is a good example--a wholesome, down-toearth, civic-minded chap, vitally interested in making the community a better place in which to live. Perhaps he's mayor of the town, a member of the school board, a volunteer fireman, a village councilman. In any event, he is a friend and neighbor, his business typical of the very grass roots of American free enterprise! . You will find it pays in many ways to do business with your local hardwareman--particularly if his store displays the red, white and blue irha Symbol of Service. This emblem -- the buying guide of millions -- signifies dependable merchandise, trustworthy service, fair prices and guaranteed dealing Fab For Dishes 2 pk9»- M* WMITCI IfTllt taftiwm m8CUl^fi*S ALTHOFFS HARDWARE PHONE 284 WEST McHENRY A-Jax Cleaaser Foaming Action S cam 27<> Breeze So Easy to Use S ata Sarf For Whiter Washes 2 pk«»- Silver 0hst Time Saver 2 pl««. S3e The iikij and women of AiP arc ^rou<l of their rcputati6n for efficicncy. In your A* everything is set up to soim you thopping time and effort, i In all our operations -- in tlite store and behind the scenes -- we work hard to cut out waste motion in order to save you money Is there anything you would suggest we do in your A&P to serve you more efficiently and economically ? Please write: CUSTOMER RELATIONS DEPARTMENT A*P Food Stores 420 Lexington Avenue New York 17, N. Y. '•oked Sui ts •Heed Bacon StMdatd tack ft, 584 IV 49c v lb. 31# lb 59c. {' Florid;* Oranges Seedless Grapefruit r.... Wisconsin Cranberries McClure Poiatoe* Col«r«de Maine Potatoes ,bl D*Anion Pears Or.,o- lb. Delicious Apples 4 lb. bo' Libby> Strawberries White Popcorn .. .. Salted Cashews ..... Fresh Da'es California ........ 1*5 Super Right- --- IS lb. avg. Hams -- Slab Baccn Bacon Squares prnlr' ... disjointed Fryers Sliced -- with gravy -"Pork i. W* lb. can 57cify s-ib /jqc Banquet Chicken lb. can SI.53 ' **' Lrr"*hrcn Moat . 3 *in S!,69| 19" Annoiirs • vf |j|c Canned Ham-- H4l!i& $2 G4| ' w,bt' Liver Sausage .. .......ajfc, $£':M •1" ir l2-oi .|>kg Cap'n John's Perch Filleis Cap'n John's j pille#s Cap'n John's Cod Filleis -- Larger Jumbo Shrimp pk«. Breaded Shrimo .... ... 43? »kq 33* a. 49f* IV „ IK 89(1, l' o • 30c Clapp's Baby Food 28c Gerber's Baby FoodSMM<l3 A*l"s GROCERY DEPARTS!E\T RI IIGET-AIIIS Grapefruit Juice AM....,...:: 2 *««" 47c Baby Food B..ChBut str.^ Orange Juice fi^. Blended Juice .... Tangerine Juice Orange Base tui Cold Grapefruit Base . Grapefruit Sections ^ «•«* QKc tin »M tim 31" 4-o« ll< SLICED AMERICAN OR'MMENTO Mel-O-Bit Cheese «, 57® Ched-O-Bit Cheese . Longhorn Cheese m,r„nii- Cheddar Cheese Brick Cheese Cheese Spread «• sw» Old English Cheese^-,$1^ *Mm Cream Cheese 17* Cheese Links ...... 35* Heinsr Baby Food Cho^ Baby B* ood i«.chnut chopped Baby Food ^ Ontmeal Cereal ~-rr«- Baby Cereal ^ , Bmby Tuua ^ sur Oraage Juice in> Kraft's Formulae Karo Syrup Suey Sauce cmmm mih Itean Sprouts cw--itow Mixed Vegetables cm, .1 :ii^ 2'&3 l * j Muuster Cheese «• S CMjrrtciitod 19SL ffe 1

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