Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Jan 1951, p. 5

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4. • • v* •' '••• ••$ + . v>r£"apr**#rnm'•• .-rw^'^yv . . * v W»& v i - . VV" * • . ; . V ; . ' . 25, 1961 vv*. - r i ^ » ' ; , " ; T* ' " • * ; / j / * f v v V ' ;- C* -*&•'•!"•" i\.$. .'*£E PLA1*1>*ALIB MUENRY PUUNDEALER Published every Thursday at^Jflc- dnOry, 111., by the McHeirryPub- IMbi Company, Inc. MAUPMAA IDITpiUil #ran (a^CUti #. BURFEINDT, Gen. Manager. IDBLE FROEHLI0H, Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATI ear :..... : HM T\;.inJ.ealer Want Ada No ads counted leaa than 25 «ords. 76c minimum. ° 1 Insertion 75c (Couck u words per line) SSc service charge on all blind •da Cash with order. Card of Thanks .... $1.00 Minimum Reading notice 15c per line. tWant Ads clone promptly at 10 m. V. ednesday Kntered ns second-claps matter at the postf>^S|ce at Mc^leury. iyi., under the act "f May M7i. AUTOMOTIVE nig. REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR - ALL CAR* ,* Accessories nd Seat Covers foMMIMTY AUTO SUPPLY | KW W. Elm Street ....Open daring week 9 A. M. to 7 P. M., Saadays - 9 A. M. to 1 1\ M. lltf FOR SALE--Generators, armatuiws, Itarters, Fuel pumps. distributor#, voltage regulators and ignition paria «r Ford and all other cars. Seaco let & Service, Lilyinoor, Fred J. 4voboda, Prop. Tel McHenry 183. 47tf FOR SALE--1950 Packard, small 8, like new. Reasonable. 1941 Plymouth coupe, excellent condition. 1949 Dodge Route Van, Low mileage. Bargain! ; 1948 Willys Univ. jeep vrtjh IP.TjO. and snotiT plow. #948 Willys Univ. Jeep with fulltop and draw bar. 1939 Packard Sdan, 6 cyl. vftb overdrive. Bargain! McHJCNRY GARAGE' •04 Front St Tel. 403 " 36-tf FOR SALE--1950 Chevrolet *4-ton plekup, very clean, used for transportation only! $1100.00. Phone Wauconda 3773. *37 BUSINESS SERVICE HAVE TOUS CESSPOOLS, catch oasins, septic tanks, cisterns cleaned jj Eddie's Sanitary 8ervice. Eddie duff, Prop. TeL McHe: ly 290. 29tf OARBAOE COLLECTIKO -- Let us lispose of yonr garbage each week, •r oftcuer if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round rout* Tohn E. Hill, P. O. Box 274, Iftr ff<>urv. Plume 366. tf ^ MUSIC IN8TETTCT10: In Your Own Home' Piauo and Piano Accordiaa Classics or Popular : - Ueginaecs or Adam-ed Instruction BAIL P. KOCH Pistakee 633-M-l 5ti CESSPOOLS and SEPTIC TANKS SERVICE «. A. DOUGLAS Phone McHenry 77«-W HKt FOB SALE FOR SALE--Now la the time to order certified treated seed oats for 1951 planting. PELL-BARI FARMS, Inc., 305 Clay Street, Woodstock. 36-tf HELP WANTED jHELP WANTED -- Immediate opening for 2 girls in oar shirt pressing department. Located In McHenry. Phone 189-W. 26-tf HELP WANTED--Lady or couple to share home with elderly lady. For information, phone McHenry 699-J-l. ,v'7 36-tf HELP WANTED --s- Married man for permanent position on dairy farm. Attractive four room apartment. Mitchell Kane, . Ringwood. Call Richmond 942. *37 HELP RANTED--Man: for Bervice station Work in McHenry. Good hours, wages and Working conditions. Permanent, position. Phone McHenry 897-J. 37-2 HELP WANTED--Paper boy to help deliver morning and evening papers, car route. Krause and Son. News Agency. . 37-tf DAIRY COWS FOR SALE SEE US FOR THE BEST SELECTION OF WISCON DAIRY COWS. HEIFERS STOCK BULLS. ^ one Barrington 62l Cary 2281 MYRON LAGESCHULTE. Urntack Dultr JOE KVIDERA* Cary, Illinois Representative ' Located 1 mile south of Barrington. We have a finance plan available to dairy farmers WANTED TO RENT WASTED TO RENT -Middle age couple would" likt; to rent year round house 1 or 2 bedrooms in McHenry. No children or pets. Write Box 129 in care of McHenry Plaindealer. 35-tf JASCHKE AUCTION WILLIAM H. RUSSELL and WILLIAM H. SULLIVAN, Aacts. MISCELLANEOUS WELLS DRELfcJSI) OR DRIVEN WATER SYSTEM -- We apll, repair and iusfgll pffmtMk. Qill Bacon, 1!Q(> fllajn Street, McHenry. Telephone 167. 2dtf O. J. H. DIEHXt Woodstock Piano Tuner 'lutue 208-W 526 Washington St. Woodstock, 111. sotf cement Bxmjauio BLOCKS Available at the Water Tower u> West McHenry VON CONCRETE PRODUCTS OO. Phone McHenry 788-W DEAD ANIMALS - Highest cash prices paid for aawt, horses and iiogs; n? help aea(ed to load. Day and night, Saajays and holidavs. Call Wheeling Rendering Worka, Wheeling Ko. 3; reverse charges. 3Gtf EXPERT PIANO TUNING Repairing and Reconditioning. All Work Guaranteed. Formerly with Lyon and Healy. E. Zaboth, phone Lake Zurich 5341. 37-tf rOR SALE s'QLLOW THE CROWD TO THE Sportsman's Inn, 513 Main street. Ice cold case beer and packaged goods of all kinds. A1 Phannenstill. 49tf HELP WANTED -- Women for light assembly. 40 hour week. Phone 235-W. Hobby Boy Industries. *37 HELP WANTED--Woman to do light housework one day a week; good wages; own transportation. Tel. McHenry 853. 37-2 HELP WANTED -- WOMEN and GIRLS wanted for telephone survey work in your own home. Good pay. No experience necessary. If you have a pleasant voice, and private phone write Robrt W. Slimmer. Sterling North West Agency, 700 Center St., McHenry. •37-2 $ OR SALE -- 1940 Ford Deluxe, 2-door sedan, in good condition. Call McHenry 183 or 380. 37 1 BUSINESS SERVICE BRING TOUR PHOTOGRAPHIC PROBLEMS TO US-- W e can deliver anything from a snapshot to Wge murals, or free hand oil jointings. Copying and iraming. 'CAMERAS. PROJECTORS. PILMS AKD SUPPLIES. VVOR WICK'S STUDIO. 117 Riverside Drive, Mc Henry. Phone 275. 40tf HOME REPAIRS ~ «• Specialize in all Home Repairs Low Monthly Payments Free Estimates dfcHenry .'"3lfjroYcmfti*- Co. Phone 623-W-Jl McHenry, 111. ..-V ' «tf XANITOR SLRVICE -- We clean Woodwork, floors, windows, walls daily, weekly, monthly or seasonaQy. Reasonable prices. McHanrv Janitor Service, I/on Dewey, Mgr. ?hone McHenry 430-J. 32tf ANTIQUES, Wise. ITEMS--Clothing in Good Condition for the entire family. Formats Open Tues. through Sun. 1 p.m. to 10 p.m., Sun. 11 a. in. to 6 p, m. Mrs. It. Dietrich, Terra Cotta Rd. Consignment and Resale and Antique Shop, % mile west Terra Cotta factory *hieh i? on Rt. 31. Crystal Lake 1346-R-l. *1+* UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY The Allstate Insurance Company, wholly owned subsidiary of Sears, Roebuck and t Co.. will select and train a man to sell automobile insurance in McHenry County. He must!be an alert, energetic salesman. age 30 to 40. married, permanent resident of this county, with successful selling experience (other than Insurance). , • FULL TIME POSITION • HIGHER EARNING • PROFIT SHARING • PAID VACATIONS • OPPORTUNITIES FOR ADVANCEMENT If you have the above qualifications. please phone Elgin 7981, Sunday or write. P. O. Box 81, Woodstock, 111., Statfng qualifications. 37 SITUATION WANTED*" TO BE GIVEN A WAV--Will give away two male puppies, 7 weeks old. Phone Wonder Lake 948. Call evenings. *37 TO RE GIVEN AH AV--2 puppies to be given away. 2 months old. 1 male and 1 'female. Phone McHenry 964»R. 37 LOST AND FOUND LOST -- 2 month old Springer Spaniel; black and white. Name is "Freckles". Reward. Coll McHenry 801. -37 Arthur Wagnar . Sola Anctinaeer*' (.UIM WALD. VOGEL A BEHM Having decided to quit farming, j I will sell at public auction on the I Charles Rich farm located on Alleghany road, 1 mile southwest of Grays Lake. M mile south of Route 120. 6 miles northwest of Libertyville, 8 miles south of Antioch and 12 miles east of McHenrv, on ! THURSDAY. FEB. 8 Commencing at 10:30 A.MJ 68 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK 29 Head of dairy cows, consisting of 3 Brown Swiss, the balance Holsteins, 14 of these are close springers, 8 fresh in the last 30 days, the balance milking good - most all cows are calf hood vaccinated. 2 two-year old Holstein heifers to freshen in March: 2 open Holstein heifers. 12 ntos. old: 4 open Holstein heifers, 7 mos. old: b. calves, 4 mos. old. These heifers are all calf hood vaccinated. 10 purebred Hereford brood sows to farrow from March 2 to April 12: 12 feeder piirs, 104? lbs. average, gilts can be registered. MACHINERY Farmall H. tractor 1948 with TERMS-- All bums of $25.00 and under cash; over that amount a credit of six months at 6 per cent will be given on notes approved by the clerk. Anyone desiring credit kindly make arrangements before purchase is made. No property to be removed until settled for. Not Responsible For Accidents ARTHUR WAGNER. Owner XcHEKRY SI ATE BANK Clerking LEGALS The undersigned, having decided to quit farming, will sell at Pubiic Auction, on the farm known as the Pingry Farm, 2% miles East of .Crystal Lake, on Crystal Lake , Avenue. 34 of a mile East from' power lift cultivator on new rubthe intrsection of Crystal Lake'ber; McD. 7 ft. disc; McD. 14 in. Avenue and 31; % mile West of tractor plow on rubber; McD. No. Silver Lake. on. 200 tractor manure spreader, new; SATURDAY. FEB. McD. 8 ft.' quack grass digger; .. .. . . ^ . . . I McD. side delivery rake; McD. jen.morn ing at 11 o'clock, the fol- power corn billder on rubber with low np described p^oaa! proper-(bundie loader and wagon hitch * / new; McD. corn planter for tractor 68 HEAD m LIVESTOCK [With fertiliser attachment; 24 ft 'power tractor weed sprayer, new: Hoosier 8 ft. grain drill tractor hitch; Allis Chalmers model 60 combine, new; Allis Chalmers Roto baler, new: New Idea 4 wheel manure spreader on rubber: McD. model PI4 corn picker, pull type, new: Farm Co. 40 ft. double chain all purpose elevator with tilting hopper, new. for corn, hay and grain; Smally forage blower with 4fl ft. pipe: McD. silo filler; Rear Cat hammer mill, model 2LA, like DAIRY AT AUCTION • • • . i WILLIAM H. Ri'SSELL, Aad i FOR SALE-- JOHNS-MANSVILLE "Blown" Rock Wool. Guaranteed not to settle. WALLFIL Co., Leo J. Stilling, 200 E. Pearl, Tel. McHeary 18. 22tt FOR SALE--TYPEWRITERS. ADDING MACHINES. Service on all makes. Also ribbons for all makeR. carbon paper. L. V. Silts, Clay St. Woodstock. Phone S4'.l. 7tf SITUATION WANTED -- Would like job typing la my awn home. Call 520-R-l. *37 -Lnj-Ln-n--u-u-_r _J _I j *_r j _ > rij-i_rjr-n_ REAL ESTATE carpenter work DONE Bt DAY OR CONTRACT. IVAN UUSTAFSON TeL McHeary 712 lltf m " RALPH L. CLARK Piano Techalclan Repairing Tuning 902 Garfield Road Harvard, 111. Phono 748-R FOR SALE--Due to the draft, we are forced to sell our fuel oil truck and business. For full particulars write or phone Worts Oil Co., 101 Richmond Rd., McHenry, 111., phone 356. 35-tf FOR SALE--Wood or coal burning stove. Like new condition. Phone McHenry 137-WX. 36-2 FOR SALE -- Bridal crowns and bridesmaids halos made to order, according to your desire. Also art flowers. Reasonable prices. Phone McHenry 544-R-l. 36-6 NO. 1 APPLES Golden Delicious Jonathans ORDER TOUR HOME NOW IN §PRING, PRICES WILL BE HIGHER la Mill stream, a most Modern gabdivision, 4 and 8 rooms. Face brick oa all 4 sides, fnll cement basement, automatic oil farnace or hot water gas electric, olty sewer. Price, $114M0 and «134MM.00. Cash down - 8» per cent - balance 90 years to pay. Yon can also have water front lot. Call JACOB FRITE - REALTOR, JOHNSBPRG - TELEPHONE: McHENRY 37. 32tf FOR SALE -- HOMES -- FARM8 CHOICE LOTS -- BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY Knox Real Estate MS Richmond Road McHeary, 111. Pfcone: McHenry 421.J ' Licensed I1L k Wis. Broker STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF McHENRY, ss. Circuit Court of McHenry County. Public notice is hereby given that t will, on the 5th day of March, A. D. 1951. being one of the return days in the Circuit Court of McHenry County, file my petition in" said court praying for the change of my name from PHILLIP VAN GELDER to that of PHILLIP VAN GELDER BRAUTIGAM, pursuant to the statute in such case made and provided. Dated McHenry^ Illinois, January 8, 1951. PHILLIP VAN GELDER LOOZE and KINN'E, Attorneys 115 Riverside Drive, McHenry. Illinois. (Publish Jan. 11-18-25) consisting of 23 Choice Dairy Cows, a number of which are close springers, or will be fresh by sale day, 7 2-jr. old Holstein heifer:, some of which are close springers, 4 yearling HoMnii heifer*. 2 fall calies, 1 Holstein stock hull. The above dairy are good prodacers, large in size and most of them have been raised by as. PIGS 8 Durco Jersey brood sows; 1 -- -- Durco Jersey boar; 27 feeder pigs. inew: 7 ft Massey Harris tractor FKED mower, like new; 8 ft. lime and 1200 bales of good mixed hay. 450 fortiUirer spreader: Meyers bale bushels of oats. :?00 bushels of ,oader: 4 »pf>tion wood beam Lindcorn, 450 bales of straw, 2:50 bales y dra*: Pot:,to planter: New cf shredded stalks, 10 ft silhge in I,doa rubber wason and rack; 14 ft. silo. MACHINERY F-20 Interne tional tractor and cultivator with hydraulic lift; International 2 bottom 14-in. tracj Rubber tired wagon and double box; 2 hp. gas engine; Power drive grass seed sower: 1 2-wheel machinery trailer. 7x10 ft.; 1 8-ft. corrugated land roller: 1 8-hole NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of Elizabeth Brand, Deceased. Notice .is hereby given to all persons that March 5. 1951. is the claim date in the estate of Elizabeth Brand, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. GERALD J. CAREY. Executor. WILLIAM M. CARROLL, JR. Attorney at Law lin'A Benton Street Woodstock. Illinois. (Pub. Jan. 11-WMMf) tor plow; 3 section drag; 1HO Way hog feeder; 1 16- corn binder, new: horse drawn >'1°'p feeder; 1 50-gal. hog mower; 7 ' ft. grain drill with | w»terer: 1 hog waterer; 1 grass seeder attachment; 4 bar ',OR oiler: several trgyghs: 50 ft. side rake, new; John Deere loader; ® *n- rubber drive belt: James Way 1 12x20 brooder houseV 1 12x16 8"° <>art: 8 can Westinghouse milk brooder "house; 1 10x14 brooder |cooler, new: 25 8-gal. milk cans: house; mounted buzz saw; John|^ niilk house electric heater; 2 Deere spreader; 7 ft. disc: horse iwash tanks; 2 electric milk stirdrawn ^cultivator; John Deere rub- erR: 1 cover rack for 12 covers: ber tired wagon and hay rack, Cream separator; 2 electric pig brooders: 1 olectrlc brooder. 300 chick capacity; 2 10-hole metal chicken nests: 1 8-gal. electric chicken waterer; Several chicken feeders: 1 electric incubator, 400 egg capacity, like new: 3 hog crates: 1 hog crate with catcher: Buzz saw steel frame: Pony cart: 4 pen rabbit hutch: 2 farrowing houses. 6x7; 1 farrowing house. 8xS insulated: Lantz hay fork; Bale fork: Dehorner; McD. milking machine. 2 single. 1 double unit; motor and pump: Electric clipper. Stewart; 1 3-Hp. electric motor, new: 1 3/4 Hp: electric motor; 1000 lbs. scales: Fanning mill; Corn sheller; 1 8x10 brooder Because of ill health, I will sell my Dairy at Public Auction at my present farm miles south of McHenry, 3'a miles east of Crystal Lake just off the Barrieville Blacktop Road, on SUNDAY. JAN. 28th. mi Commencing at 1 o'clock. 19 CHOICE HOLSTEIN COWS 1 HOLSTEIN BULL 7 of the above cows have freshened in the past six weeks, 3 close springers, balance milking good. FEED 5 tons 2nd cutting alfalfa, S tons 1st cutting alfalfa: MILKING EQUIPMENT DeLaval 2 unit milking machine with Bt^nless steel pails, and pipeline rSl1 25 cows; Losee electric hot water heater; 2 wash tanks; 12 milk cans. Not Responsible For Accidents. TERMS; Usual Bank Terms. Frank Kolbinger, Owner First National Bank of Woodstock, Clerking. Member Federal Reserve aad Federal Insatmnce Corporatiea. Mrmy9 Bl«l»|lst NaiMt Binlt That Hm Disappstfttf The dodo is gone. This hi, * which has become a symbol tHil anything extinct, was a hog* geon. Native to the island Of Mattt*' tius, off the East African Coast, IK was flightless and Dutch sailon clubbed it to death. It was last mentioned as being seen in 1ML Six of our North American spa» cies of birds are just as completely • gone. The great auk's last appearance in usually given as 1844. Its home was the North Atlantic and it too was a flightless bird. The Lab> rador duck, livir.g in the sama localities'as the g^rat auk, has asf been taken sinjee 1875. The passenger pigeon occurred fta such enormous flocks there seemed no possibility of its extermination. However, it suffered constant persecution, being clubbed, netted, and shipped to distant markets for food or to fatten hogs. It was hunted continuously from its nesting grounds in Michigan to its wintering grounds in Tem.ersee and Ken- v tncky, the last wild bird disappearing in 1908. Actually, the laat bird, a female, died of old age in a Cincinnati zoo in 1914. The passenger pigeon was once considered Is • have been the most abundant spe- f cies of bird in the world. . Of the four recognized varieties of prairie chicken, one, the heath hen, is gone. Attwater's prairie chicken is now found in only five ; counties of Texas, along the coast where 8700 birds were estimated * present in 1937. The heath hen was 3 the eastern representative of the prairie chicken. It was crowded oat ^ along the eastern coast until flnaSy v only a flew remained on Martha's Vineyard, off the coast of Massachusetts. Here the sunrftif seen in IMS. !':?i ORY AUCTION WILLIAM H. RUSSELL aad WILLIAM R. SULLIVAN, Aacts. ;new; iron wheel wagon with grain box; Appleton corn husker; hay rake; Papec silo filler; wood (jrheel wagon: 7x12 milk box; 1 9x12 pig house. MILKING EQUIPMENT i Surge milk units; milking machine with pipe line; milk cart on rubber; 12 milk cans; palls, strainers, forks, shovels, and many other articles too numerous to mention. Not Responsible For Accidents. Lunch Wagon On Grounds. TERMS: Usual Hank Terms. Charles and Elsie Jaschke, Owners . .. .. 4 . mili. v uui mieuer: i nxiv Drooaer First National Blink of Woodstock, j j10U(,p. 60 Ka] hoR oooker wJth „ , » . , » a I iH<ket an<1 2 8-ft. feed bunks: Member federal Reserve nad EIoetHc ta„k heafer; ci(Jpr Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.j™, harrol8; ForkR> ahovpls and other articles too numerous to Sweet Cider and Apple Butter Helen Weber Says: ALWAYS A SPARE SUIT HANDY > Don't wait until you're caught short. Always keep a spare clean suit on hand. And -- make sure it's "custom cleaned" by us. McHENRY CLEANERS il* Elm Street McHcai? PHONE 104-M MOSSLEY HILL ORCHARD S. W. Corner of Route U. S. 12 and 111. 32 Near Lake Zurich, 111. 85-4 FOR SALE -- Extension ladders, 40 ft. and 28 ft.. Step ladders, electric wallpaper steamer, hog house with double floor, 14x12, can also be used as chicken house. 105 N. Green street. McHenry, 111. *37 FOR SALE--1 combination coal and gas range, modern. Carey Electric, Green street, McHenry. 37 FOR SALE -- 1 used oil burning floor furnace, used 1 year. Carey Electric, Green street. McHenry. 37 ATTENTION BUILDERS We are now accepting bids for 2 stories of a 3 story wood building, next door to the Oak Park Hotel. All good luihber. Write Catholic Charities, 845 W. Randolph St.. Chicago 6. 111., or see Ed Adams. Pistakee Bay. *37 FOR SALE--Mangle. Conlon table model; practically new; 30-inch rolls. Call McHenry 608-W-l evenings. 37 FOR SALE -- Dexter doable tub washing machine, like new. Carey Rlectric. Green street. McHenry 37 McHENRT 4 rooms, 2 ,bedrooms. Fall baselent. Six months old. Owner leaving city. Price $9,500.00. For qj>- poin!ment , call JACOB ° FRITZ • REALTOR, JOHNSBURG. TELEPHONE; McHENRY S7. J2tf WANTED WANTED -- Jobbers and direct "ale.sineii. Quality lines, with liberal t'oitimissions. Manufacturers representative. R. Duane Fowler. Woodcock. Box 331. Phono 464-JX. 41tf WANTED--Watches and Jewelry ivpai-. Anthony Noonan, 200 So. Green street, McHenry. (Front part of Claire Beauty Shoppe.) 15tf FOR RENT FOR RENT -- Thonneson faTm of 279 acres, located 2 miles S.E. McHenry. Inquire of Mr. Carey, McHenry State Bank. 34-tf PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of Proposed Change la Schedule To the Patrons of the Illinois Bell Telephone Company: The Illinois Bell Telephone Company hereby gives notice to tli" public that it has filed with th<> Illinois (,onirnprce Commission proposed change in its rates and charges for telephone service in the State of Illinois and that said charges for local exchange services. intrastate toll services and special contract services. A Copy of the schedules showing the proposed change in rate* and charges may be inspected by any Interested party at any business office of this Company. All parties -interested In thi* matter may obtain information with respeel thereto either directly from this Company" or by addressing the Secretary of the Illinois Commerce Commission at Springfield. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY J By L. G. Bratton. General Commercial Manager <Pub. Jan. 18-25) Blink Of An Eye Daring the quarter of a second needed to blink your eye, some remarkable things take place. The lower lid comes up very slowly, comparatively speaking. Main action occurs in the upper lid, which in the early part of the blink comes down like the visor of a helmet. But as the slit between the lids narrows a new movement occurs. The two lids begin to come together first at the outer corner of the eye, and the closure proceeds toward the nose as though the lids were being fastened by a zipper. Both eyea blink at the same time, but not al\ ways at the same speed. One eye. the weaker one. usually lags be-' hind on the closure, remains shut for a shorter time, and opens soon er than the other WAN T E D Brown and Sharp Automatic Screw Machine 2 Operators. Apply in person* o g R. C. Allen Business Machines <Typ*wrii*r Divuioa) 'tfboDSTOCK. ILLINOIS - |..8 « Illlim 1 '!"»•• mention. FEED 30 tons mlxod hay. baled; 8 toil of oat straw, baled: 18 ft. silage <n 16 ft. silo: 1000 bu. ear corn in crib: 1000 bu. Clinton oats: 150 br. Ajax oats, good for seed; 37 bu. Haklen soybean seed. CHICKENS TOO Leghorn pullets, laying good: 10 Mallard ducks; 4 Muscovi'* ducks; 2 mated geese. HOUSEHOLD New white enamel kitchen range for coal or wood: 7 piece dining room set. like new: Kroehler: Electric meat grinder; Meat block: Kitchen cabinet; 2 dressers: 1 desk and dresser combination; center tables; lard press; Majestic enbftret radio;.2 air line batterv mdios. aoi FRI. & SAT« JAN. 2H-27 Matinee Sat. starting 2:30 M. By Technicolor "LAST OF THE BUCCANEERS" and Marx Bros. Carmen Miranda in "COPACABANA" EXTRA: Final Chapter of "Atop Man* also Color Cartoon SUN. A MON^ JAN.'28-29 ' Matinee Son. starting 2:30 P. M. Esther Williams Howard Keel In "PAGAN LOVE SONG" In Color by Technicolor NITES ^ONLyT~2 TI ES A WED„ JAN. 80-SI First Time at POPf'LAR PRICES "HAMLET" wlti« Laurence Olhier Jean Simmons •!' •» • •!«!' <• W • <• 4* 4* U'lrititllltlllllllNltlllllllHIIIinilllflllKinilHI'lMIHMHIt The Beautiful EL TOVAR CRYSTAL LAKI* >1.1 McHenry' (Vs. Leading Theatre nHTT^ATT^JANr'2«^7 Robert Walker Juan Leslie In "THJ5 SKIPPER SURPRISED HIS WIFE" SUN. & MON„ JAN 28-29 Sunday Con't. from 2:4* P. M. (Double Featare) Walt Disney's "REAVER *VALLEY" (la Technicolor) Joel McCrea Shelly Wlaters in "FRENCH1E" (In Technicolor) When shf moves In the bad men run for cover. JAX. 30-11, FEB. 1 Eleanor Parked Frank Lovejoy la "THREE SECRETS" I l l • • • • • • Due to the death of my husband, I will sell all of my Personal Property gt Public Auction on the farm located 7 miles northwest of Woodstock, 8 miles southeast of Harvard, on the Woodstock-Alden Blacktop Road, on TUESDAY. JAN. 30th 19S1 commencing at. 12:3i), as follows: 25 HEAD of LIVESTOCK coaslstfng of 18 Holstein Dairy Cows and 2 Guernsey Cows, 10 of which have freshened .within the last thirty days: 1 Pare Bred Holstein Bali, 18 months old; 3 heifer calves; 2 heifers calves, A months old; 1 3 year old heifer, sprlngiaf| 1 grey horse, 1 hay horse. N . HAY and GRAIN 10 tons mixed alfalfa and timothy hay. 100 bu. oats. 20 ft. Bilage in 14 ft. silo, 300 bu. corn. MACHINERY Oliver 70 tractor: M-W hammer mill: tractor dis. ; wagon and rack: McCormlck Peering manure spreader; McCormick Deering grain drill; John Deere corn binder; John Deer^ 2 bottom tractor plow; John Deere corn plan ter; 3 section drag; hay loader. 2 extension Ladders; 2 broodei* houses: hay rop<'. pulleys, etc.: gas engine. < POULTRY 100 chickens, mostly pullets, laying now: 6 duetts; metal nests and chick feeder*. M1LKH0USE EQUIPMENT Double unit Universal milking machine, motor and pipe line; 3 milk cans, 2 sterling tanks. MANY OTHER ARTICLES USED IN THE OPERATION OF THE FARM, TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. Some Household Furniture, including refrigerator, cook stove and piano. Not Responsible For Accidents. Lunch Wagon On Grounds. TERMS: Usual Bank Terms. Mrs. Henry T. Ory, Owner First National Bank of Woodstock. Clerking. Member Federal Reserve aad Federal Deposit Iasaraace Corp. Kansas Pealtry The comparative standing of the "poultry industry in relation to other leading farm enterprises in Kansas was fourth in 1948. Wheat was first, cattle and calves second, dairy products third, and hogs fifth. Tall Mta Rett la Gemfert At University ef Misseari The University of Missouri nay become the tall man's college. At least, they are taking action la make the six-foot plus-ers mora comfy. Concerned with the increasing number of tall men on campus, the university had students indicate their height on applications ft* housing this fall. Seven foot and mattresses were then for those too tall to sleep comfortably on an average-length bad. University housing officials realixed, no doubt, that sleeping la • cramped up position or with fed - hanging over ihe end of the bed *: just isn't conducive to proper rest. Since poor *(eep has a derogatoey effect on the health and learning , ability of students, they decided to - raise their scholastic average by , giving the tall boys long beds. .* Of course, it isn't necessary W < go to Missouri to enjoy the comfort of sn extra length bed. Longer bedding is now easily available in any, bedding department, either in regu- ^ lax stock or on special order. Those six-footers who probably haven't enjoyed real sleeping comfort since ^• they passed the 5*11" mark would, ; find sleeping on extra length bedding a real revelation in both com- ' fort and restfulness. % Mattresses and bedsprings should : always be at least five or six inches r:; longer than the sleeper's height. ^ Standard length mattresses meaa- ' ure 74 inches while extra length bedding ranges from 78 inches to 81 inches. Bed rail extensions are available, but the headboard bed is «. the most popular style tar extra * length bedding. r m 'I * ELM WAUCONDA ROUTE i;e PHONE <.1181 Open Friday aad Saturday C:M Program Starts 7:00 P. M. Matiaee Saaday 2:30 P. M. Coat. """FRI. A SAT„ JAN. 3«-27 Doable Featare "PETTY GIRL" (Technicolor) Robt. Caaimlngs Joaa Caalfleld Pies '711 OCEAN DRIVE" with Edmand O'Brien Joanne Dra SUNDAY OXLY! JAN. 28 Mutinee 2:30 P. M. Contloaoas Kathrya Grayson Mario Laaaa 'TOAST OF NEW ORLEANS'*, (Teehakolor) tmnXSsrss:Ts: "thur.™ Metal Amalgams New to the scientific world la the utilization of metal amalgams, that is metallic compounds containing mercury, in the manufacture of ia» dustrially important chemicals. They are also useful in the separai: ou and purification of other metals. .r* "fj I Renew that subscription to thft\ >Miiindealer now! Colony MtMENRY, ILLINOIS Air Conditioaed -- Cearfert Good Vlsloa aad Soaad Doors Opea at t:4# P. M. Screen Starts at 7rH P. M.' FRIDAY, JANUARY M (One Day Oaly) Ricluu*d W id mark Linda DaraeU •NO WAY OUT* Cartooa A Novelty 'Tee Girts** SATURDAY, JANUARY » (One Day Oaly) In Techaicolar Robert Cnmialags Jean Caalfleld •THE PETTY GIRL" Tint Holt Jaae Nigh "BORDER TREASURE* SUN. A MON- JAN. la Techaieoler Esther Williaais Howard Keel "PAGAN LOVE SONG* Abo: World News, Color Cartooa aad Travslsgae Saaday Matiaee SUM Cpafc CLOSED ON TUESDAY WED. A THURS* JAX. 31, FEB. 1 Larry Pyrks Barbara H illard Parker Ua "EMERGENCY WE»|Uf* Also: Cartooa aad Sstfjto Special: "Roane if 3ft

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