^ V * * / v A\ , - tf '»\t «*V v. / • w Spring Grove MMMM jg-- (©The Pinochle slab met at the !"®® of Mrs. Linra Kutlph on Thursday night. Prizes were award and a lovely lunch was served by the hottew. Once again: the Firemen's dancc, held Saturday night at the Fire Bouse was a great stoccoss. There ,* large crowd present from all the neighboring towns. Refreshments were served. The new Sarjough baby has been '•Pmed William Marvin but his 'wee little sisters will call him "Billy." Pat Klein's classmates gathered at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. William Britz, on Wednesday after school and surprised Pat with a party in honor of - her birthday. Bunco furnished the entertainment and prise winners Were Charlotte Freund. Marion Smith, Gail Graef and Joan May. 'twas the happy recipient of many lovely gifts. A. lunch was served. There weie table decorations and favors and a large birthday cake. Those present other than mentioned above were Genevieve Lennon. Dolores Klsch, Betty Meyer, Barbara Popelka, Judy Olson, Arlene Graeff, Dolores Albers, Sonia Koniar, Theresa Popelka, Nancy Wsber- and Lucille Wells. Mrs. Ruth McGovern was guest of honor at a shower given for her at the home of Mrs. Marilyn Ford on Sunday evening. A buffet suppt.r was (-«?rved. Ruth was presented many beautiful and useful gifts. Those to make up this party were Mrs. Eve Halliday, Mrs. Gene Gardner, Mrs. Mary Jane Malicki, Mrs. Agnes May, Mrs., Oriafn Brown, MM. Th<»r«>9e Miller, Mrs. Olga Kappie, Mrs. Teena Komar, Mrs. Edith Iiill, Mrs. Mary Smith, Mrs. Frieda Mikoieit, Mrs. Eva Freund, Mrs. Shirley DP.WBOIV, Mrs. Mayme Tiuney and Mrs. Marge Christensen. A son was born early this month to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Grain of Wonder Lake. Mra Crain is the former Miss Lucille Esh. The George W. May family visited in' the Charles Freund home on Sunday night Mr. and Mts. Victor Blink are planning " a month's vacation in Florida and Mexico. They left on their trip Monday morning. Mrs. A1 Malicki of Berv/yn spent the weekend with Mrs, Shirley Dawson and Ginny. MODEL SCHOOL Barrihgton consolidated, high school is.among three schools in the state singled out as a model school. Dr. Thomsnt E. Benner, professor of education at the University of Illinois, spent a recent day at the school taking motion pictures of the departments and outstanding features of the building. The pictures will be added to a film that the university is preparing for distribution to boards of education, administrators, architects and others interested in planning and building high schools in lUiaolB. The first all-steel passenger car was the Pullman "Jamestown," constructed In 1907. TWICE TOLD .5 ,:„™ TALES items of interest taken from the Sles of the McHenry Ptaindealer rf years ago. Forty Tears Age <: Jusl as John R. Knox, the rural mail carrier, left his home on north Green street last Sunday morning with a horse and cutter, the cutter struck a rut in the highway and was upset. The upsetting of the cutter frightened the horse and the steed started down the road at a 2:40 clip. John waa game, however, and clung to the lines until he finally stopped the animal in front of Block A Bcthke's store. As a result of being dragged nearly two blocks the victim of the accident is nursing some very sore 8pots about his person but is thankful it wasn't worse. s Misses Alia* , NfoGee and Florence Welch of ifcHenry visited the Crystal Lake schools Monday. Both think the walks are more icy in .Crystal Lake than in McHenry. r Oliver Moore, a former West Side saloon keeper, and who lost a foot in the canning factory explosion, is again a McHenry resident and is now employed in the E. Hunter boat factory. G. A. Sattem, who for some time has resided in the vicinity of McHenry, has decided to go into the auctioneering business. He is a graduate of the Jones National Sfliool of Auctioneering, the very Jest school of the kind in the rnited States. The marriage of Miss Rofea M. Justen to Mr. Fred Huff was solemnized by Rev. A. Royer at St. Mary's Catholic church in this village on Wednesday of this week. The ceremony was a very pretty affair, the couple being accompan ied to the- altar by Misses Rena Huff and Susie Justen and Messrs. Nipk Justen and Walter Huff. One4 of the largest winter crowds that has gathered in McHenry in many a moon was attracted to the Fox riyer speedway last Sunday afternoon, where ice races between fast steeds from McHenry and vicinity were advertised to be pulled off. It was estimated that no less than 500 people, many. of whom were strangers, were present to witness races that never materialised. Those who had the, event in charge are very indignant over the manner in which they were treated by horse owners who had given them their promise to be on hand. Twenty-Fire Tears Age The annual meting of the Centerrille Business Men's association was held at' Forester hall, at which time election of officers was held. William Pries was elected president, H. E. Bpch, secretary and treasurer. The retiring officers are F. G. Schreiner, president? and Thomas P. Bolger-, secretary and treasurer. The West Side Tire Shop, conducted by Walter J. Freund, has added new equipment and is now one of the best equipped tire shops In the country. In response to an invitation of J. Scott Matthews, president of the McHenry Kiwaaii Henrj high sefeoc ed to Forest Pak ning of this week to members of the wanis club. The quartet Elmer Koerner, Biueal Earl Conway and Richard If there's a market for ft, Want Ads will do the BUTCH'S Mmm 24 Hour Towing Don't ki winter koop ^ /rj Sorrico you homo. Let us choctf your car to BBSUVO cold wotihor starting. Wo Do Complete Motor Overhauling. 309 W. Elm Stroot ^ McHenry, III. Phone 811 •<» jVou'll know what we mean, the instant you slip behind the wheel ... For here, to begin with, is a whole new concept of safer driving visibility. No more "bonpet blindness" -- wondering what's ahead, and at your right. In this sleek new 1951 Packard, you enjoy close-up visibility over a new kind of low-level hood -- with distinctive Guide-line fenders to mark the sides of your car for safer parking and passing. Plus: A new, one-piece windshield, nearly five feet wide... a "windshield-wide" rear window to match ... new horizQn-vtew New outlook in SAFETY: Packard gives you real close-up visibility over a new low-ievel hood; lets you see both front fenders froin behind the wheel. Compare Packard safety vision w*tja the view from a conventional car. 0"° |0» •• «*» sV visibility all around! And then Packard goes on to change your * outlook in every other phase of motoring! Come in----see friH drive the newest new car of them all! « PERFORMANCE: New engines (America's top- New outlook in Packard Thunderbolt compression eights) team with Packard's exclusive Ultramatic Drive to give you the world's finest highway-and-traffic performance. „ - *• tlllifi! wwmmM %mmmm llllpliii ii'S:;;:;.;? ft » « "V ^ >0 ^^ r,,, _ s >;: ;n \ • •• - -x - . < > , &^&MMiKNa Now outlook in LASTING VALUE: The 1951 Packard--in every point of comparison--is thf newest new car pf them all. And it's precision-built to stay new throughout, the uncertain years ahead, Its more than a ear--Us a. ASK THE MAN WHO OWNS ONE % •**--- WEST McHENRY MOTORS ROUTE 31, BOX 57 WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS - *V*.v f. I HI H HH I IMOMHIIM SCHROEDER IROH W0BX8 Oruantal * Stnctnt Visit Oar Shoi S Miles Seath on BL tl . * Phone 017>X*1 Him m i i i n m m i M l JOStPH X. WATKRV ittomf4t>law <• 90# Waakegaa Read (Bf» B»*J v Phone XcHeary 4M-W ' WEST XcHE^HIT, HA. I f H I H I U I I I H I I I > 11 M» B I H 6 - S * PLUXBIHG klKD HEATDFO Qaaltty Flxtares - Radlaat Inf - Water Systens - 6h Electric Water Heaters - Wafer'/ Softeaers • Bepaln - Pm suites. ^ k BOB FBI8BY. JR. PHOITE lemm M>I f •1 1 1 mm! • n 1 > 1111 1 1 i n f Richest CASH PRICKS paM «V Dead sad Crippled Hersea, CpMk and Hof«--Sanitary Fewer Inir--Taakage' aad Heat Scrap* sale. Phases ArUagtea ll« or XcHearf til. Rafv«na. Charges. Palatlae Rouleriag 8a 1 Ice. - V',',; i n u i i i i i i m i m i i i f ••me Faraltare aad Repalrtag M jears Pheae Plstakee Ul-M •1C*8 UPHOLSTERY RJL 1, Plstaqaa •cHeary, IB. H i t H u m n i M i i t i H TERN05 KITOX Attaraey-at-law Cor. 6nw aad Etaa Sta^ Taesday aad Friday Other Days By Pheae HcHeary it M i l 11 t m i m u i M f -- WANTED TO BOY -- CALL AT OHCE OH MU> HOGS. HOBSBS AID CATTLI We pay pheae We pay H ta Itt tee Wd less for dawa hersea aad , MATTS 101 MAHOK Jehasharg - Sprhg Grave Phoae Juhashfg ttt • # • » > 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 Hi U l l l W : A. P. FREUVB am -m Sraekiag, HydraaBe aad Craae -- BOAD BGHtBDIG 'TeL 204.X E. E. PEASLEE.1MV Chlrepraetar 120 8. flreea St, XdlaM . Office Hears i Dally except ThawiaF- • to If -- IzM to I ' Xesu, Wad. aad FrL lvnk| 7 to • CaH XcHeary M>1 Far Appelatsseat < > • > > 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I 0 4 iMAiti KARL B. WAKJHI Flre^ Aata» Farm M KlCt icatlBB BETJABLB COIPAJTISS Win Yaa Keed Aay Klafl Pheae 4S erltS-X Greea A Kfaa • l l i n i M I I I I I M I M l l N I i STOFFEL A lasaraaca agaats far all property la the heal Wert XcHeary* Telephone Ha. IN t i n i m m i i i n i t AL*S WXLD1HG AHB \ 8BBYICB i t - •01 Xata St, XcXi Electric Portable W Acetylae Weldlag aad ALEX W. WIBFS, Phone <U-W-1 or XcHBHXT, ILL. HH N mi MI NM WILL1AX X. CABBOLL. fa _ Attoraey^Law 110M Beatoa tt Pheae Woods tod Woodstock, mtasls < I I M M M M M M M M I M L Saad U TEBN THFLW TradJaf Gravel Track for Hire Tel. XcHeary 688-8-2 or OO-W-I Box 172, Bt 1, X« > > • > > > > > I M M M I I f B . E 8 L FOB Teteriaartaa Oa Highway 11--Wflee aad TeL XcHeary tl Office Hoarst 1 fJB. la S Except Xveaiags hy M M H M H I I I I M I I I I I I O I BBICK LAYHNI TUCK POBfTDIG - ACID CLBAHM C. S. Jokaaea WL Y. Pheae 21UI /• FfeM Vdkary to it'ifjyyi m 1111