Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Feb 1951, p. 4

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; • •_: :,•:>:•• 1 r W- ! v1?' •lA x T *C« **^s THE McfiE|fBY PUUNDEALE4 eaMJtWaiAh. t"AB- »ma>t^ Olson, 54.1; N;> Brits, 1«2-201- 551; H.> Steffi-3. 5.17. Atlas Prager, 3; Lee ft Ray, 0. Low, 234-573; H. Kreutzer. 208; Hughes, 203-547; Behnke. 210-5*4. McHenry State Bank, 2; Carey Electric, 1. Smith, 516; Rogers. 200-504. ' iterybdSly and hi* brother wants ticket H for the Regional Basket' ball Tournament to be held at WoodiHock next we A j^Vhere to get them? We dunno There should be no trouble get ting tickets for the first round games, but when the mfeet moves down toward the semi-finals it* another problem.; w ----- According to the general opiii Ion, Dundee ^nd Hebron will clash in the semi-finals. That should be a ball game. ^ You canH get fn '(he gym Md take up squatter's rights. Nope. Each game is a separate issue and the gym will be cleared after each -game.. ' * Our high School officials have placed tickets in the McHenry drug stores for those of you who will follow the Warriors in their game (or games if you are optomistic.) When speaking of Hebron playing Dundee, we must remember that the fireen Giants must get by St. Edward's of Elgin in the district tournament at Richmond this week. Hebron is very much in the limelight after beating West Rockford 57 to 56 last Saturday night » V Don Wilbrandt was the hero of this game, scoring 27 points-- 8 * • field goals and 11 straight free *' throws. "The Thing*- Word came to us this week that 1 "Pa" Thennes found "The-Thing" V in his basement recently and has It identified. He started a contest JJ that should prove attractive to the person who drops the winning "h guess in the box. The contest will •>-ft end at the close of the Lenten |i season in order to allow for a ! feed for the contestants. Math -, Rauen will verify everything. -- McHenry Recreation --' Site Owls-- Nye Drug Store, '3; McHenry Recreation, 0. " •* E. Albright, 179-495; ,1. Stoller, 444. Mi Place Tavern. 2; Holly's Drive Inn, 1. E. Hoyte, 178-176-473. The Pit, 2; McHenry Sand and Gravel Co., 1. ' „ ' D. Freund, 180-461; J. Justen, 177-478; S. Weber, 423; L. Miller, 181-491. Al's White House, 3; Sehroeder Iron Works, 0. J. Jackson,JI22; E. Rand, 437. K. of C-- Frost Studio, 3; Wall mi Insulation, 0. E. Frost, 222-530 Canada Dry, 3; Steffan's Jewelry, 0. W. O'Brien, 212. MCHS KATDEUYAN FIVE 46 TO 43 Entire Team Draws Praise For Spirit# J.Vj Lose 29-28 TheMcHenry Warriors were a happy lot along about 9:30 Tuesday night as they trotted off to their shower room after beating Delavan 46 to 43 on the home floor. This was strictly a team victory. Pick out a fellow for top honors ff you want to but. sum it all up and you still come out with a team victory. While the home boys held the edge at the end Of each quarter, there were times when the vlsit- C.O.F.-- - ^ ^ j ors forged ahead for brief periods. Thennes', 2498; Freund's, 2284. !' The Warriors had to contend H. G; Weber, J512-532; L. Winkel, 'with one better*than average polnt- 205-543; Kg Thennes, 5l6i j maker in the person of Babcock. Herdridh's. 2318; ' Miller's, 2131.'He's the kind of player who can Ladles 7 OTIock-- Justen ft Son. 3; HerdrlcVs, 0. E. Hester, 179-428; L. Meyer, 441; C. Rosing, 433; M." D&herty, 178-483; V. Herdrich, 441; T Meyer, 446. McHenry Lumber, 2; Riverside Dairy. 1. B. Farm 431. Old Timers-- Cristy's, 2349; Meath's, 2344. A. Blake, 506; W. Meath, 538; 91IV. Page. 509. Downs' 2420; Rogers, 2260. F. Rogers' 504; R. Thotaspsop 208-222-576; J. Downs, 237-579. J. Herdrich, 512. • OTlock Ladies (Last Week)-- Oak Park Hotel, 2; Johnson's Bar-be-cue. 1. E Winkel, 434; G. Barblan, 176- «1. J Steffan's Jewelry, *2; T. Olsen ft Son. 1. II. Conway, 433. Early Birds-- Old Bridge, 2; S. H. Freund A Son, 1. B. Buergler, 457; N. Larkin, 192- 182-530; H. Knox, 452; S. Sutton, 187-200-535. Peterson Boat. 2; Carey Electric, HE. Rand, 465; L. Frisby. 477. Freund Oil, 3; A. P. Freund. 0. B. Houck, 425; M. Wilbrandt, 180-442; R. Freund. 174-461; D. Schaefer, 444. Stllling's Town ft Country, !; McHenry Cab, 1. Lest we forget -- the Warriors play the league-leading Elkhorn five Friday night at Elkhorn. 1 Another memo--the Shamrocks * will sponsor a baseball dance early In April. < Yon will be reading a lot about the big Forester State Basketball * Tournament on this page in the ' next couple of weeks. Just want you to know that a lot of work is £ being done by the committee to m*ke «iis a big event. Ther*. will be a lot more to it than a few 1 basketballs bouncing around. The 1 program Is attractive and varied, f Plenty of pep in the whole event. Majors- Downs Nash Sales, 2; Carlson Oil Co., 1. Steffes, 21 $-560; Tonyan, 208- 511; Aregger, 529; Crouch, 517. Carl's Service Station, 3; Blake Motors. 0. Sclilitt, 504; Jannotta, 509; L. Bacon. 213-505; Rosing, 561; Blake, 510; 11. Bacon. 526; Rddenkirk, 624. C.O.F. 7 OTlock-- Stilling's, 2280; Kreutser's. 2176. D. Jager, 501; L. Stilling. 534; H. Kreutzer, 514. Thennes', 2336; Justen's, 2211. B. Kreutzer, 509; W. Schreiner, 522; H. Steffan, 244-505. Thursday • OTlook-- Clark Chev., 3; Blatz, 0. • Thennes. 217-575; Bennett, 202- 566. Old Bridge, 2; Co-ops. 1. Schweiger, 503; Jannotta. 522; Jones, 505; Larkin, 522; Sutton. 548. Certified Foods, t; Fox Novelty, Ithe nets for 17 points the McHenry 1. Warrior basketball team defeated Pries, 204-544; Freund. 546; Mel Stuessy's varsity five on St. WARRIORS WM 33-21 CAME AT ST. MARTS Herb Engdahl Hilt The Nets For 17 Of Team's Points With Herbie Engdahl swishing get around his defense for a short shot in spite of close watching. Another thorn in McHenry's side was a red-head named Yorlt. He was assigned to guard Herb Engdahl and proved to be one of the best defense men seen this season. With time running out, 4^9,Warriors did a good job of controlling the ball to protect their lead. Look 'Em Over A quick glance at the lineup and those who saw the game will recall that Stan Aim did some fancy shooting. Tommy Huemann played his usual hard game and got his lone basket when needed to tie the score at 41-a.11. Engdahl was • too well covered to hit his stride, bnt managed to collect 10 points. Don Freund was a steady performer all the way, as much of the play centered around him. Duane Andreas got off to a poor Btart, but came through with an all-Important basket at the end of the game besides doing a good job in the control finish. John Lawrence was the surprise package as his 5 nifty baskets rounded out the scoring. McHenry's J.V. team loqt a Aipand- tucfe battle 29 to 28. Gregory sank his second attempt from the free throw line, after being fouled in the closing seconds, to win the game. > . - ' , . *•' if ^ • « fl .7 mahekgo wins over McHENRY IN CLOSft^ BATTLE 49 TO 45 ursday, February 22, 19511 tDwCcicimmWywific nycccc It STARTS FEB. 27 AT wooosnicR' McHenry Vs. Tickets On Sale At Local Drug Stores Time marches on and carries Fans were not too disappointed last Saturday night with the 49 to 45 loss suffered by the Warriors at the hands of Marengo on thfc|:- home floor. While a victory would have been pleasing, followers, who realise that McHenry doesn't have a championship aggregation by a long shot, were ready to give the boys a big "E" for effort. ' Tommy Huemann had one of his • r'®ht up to the time of the annual best nights as he drove in for short; ^'ona' Basketball Tournament shots and contributed 14 points. jonce again. C. Fox was the leading scorer I Next Tuesday night the tournaof the game with 17 points, follow- ,ment opens in the Woodstock High ed by Herbie Engdahrs 16. \ IScho9l gym as Elgin meets Grant McHenry's J.V. team suffered a j Township High in the first game 40 to 15 loss In one of their worst at 6:30. showings of tl^e year. However, tjfte Junior Varsity boys have turned in some good basketball this year j meet and will play in the first and can charge this one off as one'game Wednesday evening. Dundee of those things--mainly a good i as usual will enter the tourna- J.V. five-from Marengo. jment with a strong team that P<j FT PF should hove plenty of edge over 7 3 5 the Warriors. 0 r Tickets for the McHenry-Dundee 2 game will be on sale at the three 2 ! local Drug Store's--Nye's on Rlv* 1 ierside Drive, BoIger'S on Ween 2 ' street and Wattles' on Main street. 5 Students will secure their tickets 2 | at the school The plan of placing -- tickets in the stores is being tried Spring Grove As previously reported; McHenry has drawn mighty Dundee in this Marengo (••) * C. Fox D. Fox Steig D. Shearer Van Hagen Anthony Miller Griebel TOTALS McHenry (45) Huemann Aim Engdahl Lawrence Andreas™ Freund ,19 FC1 5 1 I 0 -•-in ii FT 4 1 0 -H2 19 PF 4 1 0 0 4 5 TOTALS 17 11 14 Score by Quarters: Marengo: 9 - 26 - 38 -- 49 McHenry: 12 - 25 - 35 -- 45 PUBLIC SERVICE WILL CARRY STATE BASKETBALL FINALS Krause, 205-553; Peisert, 503. McHenry (46) Aim Huemann Engdahl Freund Andreas Lawrence TOTALS Deleran (43) Babcock FG FT PF re IIAfLY PWrPS • i Master coup: eating your cake and having it too. Folks who live in smag harbor , • need s well-anchored boat. Woman Is a born sculptress; she can make a fool out of a man, or a man out of a fool. Happiness is an elusive quality which never quite satiates. Those who triumph are not all winners; those who fail are not . all sinners. i Courtesy is constant concern for the eomfort of others. Some people have a hard time " * remembering names others have " difficulty forgetting them. A penny and peace are more satisfying than a billion and boredom. tfW* ANONYMOUS •t ; I« Y. F.-W.-- Dog Faces, 2: Fly Boys, 1. Low. 519; R. Smith; 508. Swabbies, 2; Bell Hops, 1. Kraus, 521. BnSfaess Men-- Buss Motor Sales, I ; Riverside ><lnwayat the close. Bakery. 1. C. Neiss, 504. McHenry State Bank, Henry Laundry. 0. E. Ingersol, 210-529. Althoff Hardware, 2; McDermott's 1. G. Schaefer, 209-533; R. Peisert, 240-214-625. Charm House, 3; Klelnhans Lumber, 0. j Mary's floor at Woodstock on Wedi n e s d a y n i g h t o f l a s t w e e k , 3 3 t o 2 6 . j | T h e g a m e w a s n o t o f t h e h i g h - j Iscoring variety seen in present jday basketball, but was close all ,orl1 . j the way to hold? the interest of the o on | cheering sections. St. Mary's crept ;up to within 2 points at one stage I In the last half, but McHenry pull- 3; Mc- Bob Nlhan put on a determined bid to bring his team through in the last half, but the St. Mary's team lacked the scoring punch Necessary. The McHenry Junior Varsity got off to a -poor start, scoring dnly 3 points in the first half, as they lost a 23 to 16 decision. Uncle Sam Says -- Palace -- Tavern-- Landl's, 3; R. Place, 0. Doyle, 513; Fantus, 648;. Buss, 207-558; Stilling. 513. Fireside, 2; Herdrich's, 1. Tonyan, 515. White House, 2; Snug Harbor, 1.1 Rogers. 201-514; Downs. 530; D. Kennebeck, 516; G. Schaefer, 211-1 5 8 0 . j Cubs Inn, 2; Hoots, 1. j Paluch, '525; Carr, 543; Noonan, 214-562; Duttko. 539. i Ladles 9 O'clock-- Z St. Mary's (26) FG FT PF Don Freund 8 2 * t Dick Freund 1 1 1 Nihan 4 2 3 Dunham 1 1 4 Pokorny . I <0 2 Mensel 9 0 0 Burg 0 0 0 Zola 0 6 6 TOTALS 10 « 15 McHenry M FG FT PF Hueman 8 1 3 Alms 0 0 3 Bngdahl 8 i 2 Andreas 1 3 1 McCulla 0 2 2 Freund 1 2 3 Kennebeck © 0 0 Lawrence • 0 0 TOTALS Score by Quarters: McHenry: Dele van: Delavan J.V. (29) R. Smith- Fleming I). Smith Hodge Brunswick Gregory 4 3 2 1 0 2 3 4 3 5 1 1 0 • : * 5 © • -i s 19 i 16 FG FT PF 8 3 2 2 S • - i 0 t '«i 1 1 - • 1 2 : 2 4 2 i 16 11 IB 9 - 24 - 3* -- 46 7 . 20 - 34 -- 43 FG FT PF © -8 S 4 1 3 2 0 8 0 I The Public Service company of Northern Illinois has completed arrangements for a network of ten radio stations to carry the play-> by-play descriptions of all sixteen games of the 1951 Illinois state high school basketball finals on March 14. 15, 16 and 17, it has been announced by the utility. The broadcasts, which will come direct from George Huff gymnasium at the University of Illinois, by school officials with the thought that the convenience will * prove popular. Mrs. William Brits entertained members of her ^lub at her home on Thursday afternoon. Games of five-hundred were played and prizes went to Mrs. George Fyffe, Mrs. Math Nimsgern, Mrs. Paul Bereiterr, Mrs. Peter May and Mrs. Britz. A lovely lunch was served after cards. Among those who have been ill the past \ week were Mrs. Daniel Miller and Mrs. Clarence Miller. Mrs. Margeret Feltes has returned to her home here, haying spent the winter with relatives in Johnsburg. Feb. 18 to 25. The purpose of Brotherhood Week is to reinforoiM the principles of justice and dignity which are the foundations at - democracy and part of the teachings of Christianity and Judaism. "A more universal adherence to these principles will strengthen our communities, our state and our nation at. a time when the ideals of human freedom are being seriously threatened throughout the world. The application of tl# tenets of brotherhood in our everyday relationships with our neigli**^ r bors, of whatever race, retlgioft or national origin, will bolster national unity and resolve. "Thus Brotherhood Weelk is worthy undertaking that merits the thoughtful support of all citizens. The National Conference ofVV, IChristians and Jews, which spon-v^ Mrs. Jack Tinney motored in !*ors *his annual observance, bus v from California and jnade a sur- * ^©nty-two years of experience . prise visit to the Frknk Tinney improving human r^l-RtlonshtiML_l_Jj home on Sunday. JackYTinney is'^ educational methods. This or* with the "Marines find stationed in California. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hoffman of Wilmette WerfcNiallers to the home of Mr. and ~Mrst William Justen on Monday. Mrs. Paul Bereiter of Fox Lake spent Thursday with her mother, Mrs. William Britz. The Anton Meyer family visited in the Charles May home oil Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freund and , i Mrs. Shirley Dawson spent a plea- We give yod the follWfng schedule and a few notes on the tournament: ----- February 27 ---- 6:30 -- Game one: Elgin vs. Grant. , 8:30 -- Came two: Crystal Lake vs. Antioch. February 2fl 6:30 -- Game three: Dundee vs McHenry. g:30 -- Game four: HFntidstock vs. district winner. March 1 6:30 -- Game five: Winners games one and two. 8:30 -- Game six: Winners games three and four. Murch 3 ' 8:00 -- Game seven: Winners games five and six. Doors will open at 5:45 for the 6:30 game and at 8:00 for the second game. The doors will open at 7:00 for the final game. Admission for the first four gnmes will be 60 cents including Champaign, will be carried over i Federal Tax for both students and stations WFJL (FM), Chicago, j adults and $1.00 including Feder- WHFC, Cicero; WEAW (FM) Ev- aj f>ax for the semi-final and TOTALS 11 McHenry J.Y. (SB) FG Bolger ' 2 Crlsty • 0 Dixon 0 Conway 3 Pepping i Baldwin I Wohrfrade 8 TOTALS Score by Quarters Delevan: McHenry: 10 - 17 - 24 -- & 8 - 17 - 25 -- 23 13 Hotel, 1. ' j • -- A. Gaulke, 426; E. Winkel, 194- TOTALS ,12 467; G. Barbian. 423. 'Score by Quarters: T. Olsen ft Son, 3; Johnson's St. Mary's 4 - 9- 6- 7 -- 26 Bar-be-cue, 0. McHenry 9-9-5-10 -- 33 City- Hester's. 2; McGee's, 1. Rode. 208-542; Johnson, 201.509. Olson's, 3; Walsh Insurance, 0. Cattle Feeding Cattle feeding helps to Improve the use of (arm labor, buildings and equipment 1 % i f: I T*> The Independence Savings Bonds thrive which continues until July 4 iters yon the opportunity of a lifetime-- te "build yeur future according te plan." Right now you can adept and follow a plan that will make your future dreams come true". Ike Idea is "Save for your Independence"-- buy II. S. Savings Bonds. The Independence Drive is your opportunity. There are two safe and sure ways of carrying out that plan, tike-Payroll Savings Plan where you work, or If self-employed, the Bond- A-Meath Plan at your bank. So, you get ready te build that , take that trip, or educate children, the money will be Wailing for you; piling up at the Steady rate of four dollars for every ,Hwe dollars Invested In tea years. U. S. Treasury l)epurtin<nt I ? Com pi Me lin rf Bwhn llye«tork I, remedies at Wa'tles Drug Store; 4tf 1 WHY COOK? WE FEED YOU BETTER FOR LESS THE LITTLE CHEF, ON RIVERSIDE DRIVE ROAST "TURKEY""rr.""r"'~65c Whipped Potatoes Cranberry Sauce Gib let (irsvy Vegetables -- - Sage Dressing Rolls & Butter FRIED FILLET of PERCH . . 65c Whipped Potatoes Vegetables Tartar Sauce--Roll & Butter DELICIOUS CHOP "SUEY " " _65c ( how Melii Noodles or Steamed Rice Vegetables--Roll & Butter We Serve Sandwiches and Complete Dinners. •f WHY PAY MORE? Safeguards Guarded Every day your safety on the streets and highways Is guarded by traffic lights and signs. This equipment, in turn. Is guarded against all types of weather--freezing sleet, pelting rain and broiling sun--by durable protective finishes. tteau me want Ads anston; WNMP, Rvanston; WFJS (FM1, Freeport; WJOL. Jollet; WKAN, Kankakee; WOPA, Oak Park; WSDR, Sterling; and WKRS, Waukegan. Sponsorship by Public Service company of the "Sweet Sixteen" tourney frvals will bring to radio listeners in many northern Illinois communities the first playby- play descriptions of the championship games in history. It is also the first time that the utility has undertaken to sponsor such a network broadcast. 1 Bob Philbin, who handles sports broadcasts for station WJOL, .lollet, and Fritz Sorenson of WKRS, Waukegan, will alternate in describing the thrill-packed series over all of the stations except WFJS, Freeport, nd WSDR, Sterling. The Freeport and Sterling sta- _ _itions will each handle their own 1 jj ; direct broadcasts with their reg- FT pp ular staffs of sportscasters. 0 j The first two-game sessiop will gjget under way at 7:30 p.m. Wed- 1 i nesday, March 14. On Thursday, } i three two-game sessions will be 5 played, one starting at 10 a.m., g one at 2:15 p.m. and one at 7:30 0 p.m. _ | The quarter-final sessions are 15 j booked for Friday at 1:45 p.m. I and 7:30 p.m. The semi-finals will start at 1:15 Saturday afternoon and the championship games will follow at 7:30 Saturday night • The announcers, in addition to handling the play-by-play accounts of the games, will interview coaches, players, high school principals and visiting celebritlet between halves af each of the games. Following :?-»ch game they will also gove a recapitulation of the individual scoring and the highlights of the contest. final games (games 5. 6, and 7). Each game will be considered, as a separate session. The auditorium will be cleared after each session which begins at 6:30 in order to make room for* the reservations for the 8:30 game. Please note that all tickets are for reserved seats. Also please note that no tickets will be sold at the door for the final game. Subscribe for The Plaindealer 0 0 0 5 6 0 12 sant evening at cards in the Frank Tinney home on Saturday night. The occasiofi was in honor of Mrs. Tinney's birthday Congratulations. Mayme. Mrs. Al Malecki, and children, Mary Jane, Bud and Phyllis, of Berwyn spent Sunday with Mrs. Shirley Dawson. School Notes Earl Miller, who has been home with the measles, returned to school this week. Jimmy Thomas is also able to go back to his books again. Jimmy had an appendectomy several vveeks ago. ganization is encouraging all fraternal. service, educational anfl religious organizations to recognize Brotherhood Wefk witf0 special programs designed to pro- - mote inter-racial and inter-denom-• inational understanding. "Now, therefore, I. Adlai Steveijson, governor of the state of Illinois, do hereby proclaim the period of Feb. 18 to 25 as Brotherhood Week in Illinois, and urge its appropriate observance by all organisations and individuals." ILLINOIS RESIDENTS ASKED TO OBSERVE BROTHERHOOD WEEK Governor AtlUki Stevenson has called on citizens of Illinois to reinforce the principles of justice and dignity which are the foundations of democracy by observing Brotherhood Week. f'The application olj the tenets of brotherhood in our every-dsy relationships will bolster unity and resolve," he declared in a proclamation designating Feb. 18 to 25 as Brotherhood Week, sponsored by the National Conference of Christians and Jews. The proclauation reads: ^ "The president of the United States has called the nation to a celebration of Brotherhood Week, Stop in tonight! It scorcs... for low • cost fun! OPEN BOWLING Wed. & Fri. after 9 p.m Sat. k Sun. all day McHENRY RECREATION St#WP\# Put Koenlg Props. Modern Allffs Open 2 p.m. FLOOR SANDER FLOOR EDOER CABINET SANDER FLOOR POLISHER BJORKMAN'S Riverside Hardware" 190 RIVERSIDE DRIVE PHONE 722 aoi ANOTHER THORP SALE El) VOt.EL, Auctioneer Moving to another location the undersigned will sell on the farm known as the Greeley Farm on Route 12 at the south edge- of tl^i city of Richmond, on SATURDAY, MARCH 3rd A at 12 o'clock sharp ^ 47 HEAD OF% LIVESTOCK consisting: of the following 5 HoL Dairy Cows* 2 of these cows are fresh and producing 62 to «8-lbs. of milk dally, balance milkers; 7 Hoi. heifers, 12 nios. old, calfhood vaccinated: .» Hoi. heifers* 7 mos. old, cnlfhood vaccinated; 3 Hoi. heifer calves; 8 llol. steers, avg. wt. about 500-lbs. each; .1 Hani p. gilts, due to farrow about April 1st; 3 Hump, sows, due to farrow about April lstTl Hamp. boar (registered); 17 pigs, wt. 40 to 7w-lhs. each. FEED--600 bu. oats; 15 tons baled alfalfa; 8 tons baled straw; 25-ft. silage in 14-ft. silo. ' - ' , £ MACHINERY--Model HC Oliver cletrac trac. (new); McD. Model F-2<T trac. and cult.; McD. Model Ml mtd. corn picker; A-C 2-bot. 14-in. trac. plow; two 8-ft. trac. discs^ 3-sec. harrow; _G-ft. one-way trac. disc; rub. tire wagon (new) with flare box; steel wheel wagon; Case corn planter; McD. 4 bar side rake (new); 6-ft. mower; single row cult; McD. manure spreader on rub.; Ford trac. saw; Ford trac. cult.; Ford trac. mower; gas tank and stand; 14-ft. steel gate; 365 steel posts; 12 rolls barb wire; 9 rolls snow fence; pig brooder; hog troughs; rabbit's hutches; 3 unit Surge milker outfit complete; Surge elec. water heater; 3 wash tanks; milk scale; feed cart; 7 milk oans, 17 drinking cups and pipe line. ^ 'FfRNITFRE--Dining room set with 6 chairs; five 9x12 rugs; stud^ couch; Storey Clark piano; walnut bedroom set; kitchen table and 4 chairs; refrigerator; elec. milk pasteurizer; Thor washing; machine; several Bteel locker cabinets; Winkler stoker (new); other; miscel- 1 laneous items. I BOYS HAVEN -- Peter Tanis Manager I'SUAL THORP TERMS. THORP SALES CORPORATION. :OV W. F. POWERS, Representative * Phone Woodstock 110 A U C T I O N On the Morse Farm located 3 miles southeast of Libertyville, 111., 1% miles northeast of Half Day. being % mile east of Milwaukee Avemo, on State Route 59-A and St. Mary's Road on SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 24th Commencing at HiOO o'clock. FOWLES TRAILER LUNCH ON GROUNDS. M HOLSTEIN Mid GUERNSEY CATTLE -- ALL MILCH COWS 4 fresh with calf by side, 10 freshened in past 60 days, < close spring, ers. T.B. and Bangs tested. Herd has an average test of 4.5. DAIRY EQUIPMENT--8-can Int. milk cooler, like new; 4 single unit Magnetic milking machine with motor and pump, Mm fiew. 20 milk cans, pails, strainers, etc. FARM PRODUCE--350 bushels oats, 8-ft. silage. .V; BUILDINGS--20 6x8-ft. hog houses. 12-ft. circular brooder house. COMBINE, HAY BALER AND CHOPPER--Brand new J-D 6-ft. combine with pick-up attach, (never used); Int. hay baler with new motor, brand new bale loader (never used); J-D field chopper with hay and corn attach; J-D blower. TRACTORS, CORN PICKER AND FARM MACHINERY -- McC. Model M trac. on new rub. with lights, hyd. lift and cult.; A-C trac. on new rub. with cult, for front and rear; J-D 2-wheel manure spreader like new; J-D 1-row corn picker: Davis 12-ft. grain drill; trac .disc; new fert. spreader on rub.; Int. 3-14 trac. plow; Int. 2-14 trac. plow; J-D side rake, rub. tired wagon and box; Int. corn planter with fert. attach.; 6-ft. trac. mower on rub.; hay and grain elevator; hay loader; 4-sec. wood drag; 2 steel wheel wagons and racks; wagon box; cultipacker;. J-D grain blower: auto, sump pump: new 40-gal. elec. water heater; power corn sheller; 3 hog feeders; Miller elec. welder; elec. air compressor; extra wheel and tire for M trac.; elec. milk cooler; forge; grindstone; platform scale; LHP motor; 2 rolls new barbed wire; quantity used lumber; several oil barrels; elec. fencer; 2 milk carts; gas lawn mower; coal stove; fan mill; water tanks, forks, shovels and many other articles. C. H. MORSE, JrM Owner FRED HALLWASS, Fnnu Manager ART FROELICH, Auctioneer £.4 Wife flAMft CORP* Cterk Union ttrove, Wis. - a tip from our "Don't - get - stung" DEPARTMENT ] Perhaps sooner than you know ii you'll need a new supply of envelopes, letter heads, or business forms. Take a tip from us and bring your business to the shop that specialises in high quality job printing pt prices you can afford. -? V / McHENRY PLAINDEALER JOB DEPARTMENT Phone 170 102 N. Green St. \

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