Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Feb 1951, p. 5

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fw« Vk ltllt<>nw"ll,imm>nil<m"<imi"H'fflHmimmiiimrtiBiiwiiwtwiMiMNmiiMinwwfliwmiwwiiHwmmHtiwH.l • MUENRY PLAINOEALER Published every Thursday at Mcienry, I1L, by the McUenry Pub- Utaing Company, Inc. NMIONAl N. BURFEINDT. Gea. Manager. DBL.E FROBHLICH, Editor. 1 ' SUBSCRIPTION KATE I Y ear* . --"'"Pluindealer Want Ads No ads counted less than 25 - words. 75c minimum. 1 insertion 75c (Couci 6 words per line) 26c service charge ou all blind feds. Cash with ord«rr. Card of Thanks .... $1.00 Minimum Heading notice 15c per line. Waat Ads close piuinptly at 10 a.m. V.ednesda> 0 .u Entered as second-claPB matter [ lit the postoJ'ice at McHenry, UL, ji binder the act «»i May 8, ijS79. AUTOMOTIVE REPLACEMENT r*RTS FOR ' AI L CAB* 1 Accessories Mid Heat C«T«H . COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY • Ml W. Elm Street t- Opea daring week I i M.U J T. M., Sundays - » A. M. to 1 P. M. lltf * OR SALE -1941 Chevrolet 2-door fradio, heater and seat covers. Call %t 113 Richmond Road after 5 p.m. f>hone McHenry 11,9-R. *41 JfOR SALE -- One G.M.C. %-ton A |>ick-up truck, one year old. Mileage: 5,000 miles guaranteed. Phone Genoa 2281. ..41 BUSINESS SERVICE atJS THE I>CRA-('LFA> WAY Have your carpets, rugs and furniture cleaned and moth-proofed the DURA-CLEAN WAY. We clean them in your own home. FREE ESTIMATES given. Phone McHenry 59H-M-2 or Round Lake 6-2223. *41-10 CESSPOOLS and SEPTIC TANKS SERVICE C. A. DOUGLAS Phone McHenry 77«-W HHf WELLS PBILUESD OR DRIVEN .WATER SYSTEM -- We sell, repair and install pumps. Bill Bacoo, 20fi Main Street, McHenry. Telephone '67. _ 2«tf EXPERT PIANO TUNING^ Repairing and Reconditioning. All Work Guaranteed. Formerly with Lyon and Healy. E. Zaboth. phone Lake Zurich 5341. S7-tf CEMENT BUILDIirO BLOCKS Available at the Water Tower la West McHenry VON CONCRETE PRODUCTS CO. Phone McHenry 788-W DEAD ANIMALS - Highest cash prices paid for euws, horses and hogs; n;> help needed to load. Day and night, Bunuays and holidays. CAIl Wheeling Rendering Works, Wheeling No. 3; reverse charges. 3«tf MUSIC INSTRUCTION In Your Own Home t*lano and Piano Accordiaa Classics or Popular Beginners or Ada need Instruction P. KOCH Phone Pistakee 63S-M-1 3tt PIANO ACCORDION INSTRUCTIONS New semester begins Aprtt 7. Phone Wonder Lake 611 Saturday between 12:00 A 1:00 p.m. Also four-piece orchestra for dances and weddings. 40-11 fOR SALE -1950 Packard, perfect Condition. Dale Thomas, 2 blocks east of fiver bridge on Route 120. V *41 SIGNS--Of any description; picj torlals; fine interior decorating. | William Liebig, Millstream subdivision, phone McHenry 807. We go any place. *40-2 BUSINESS SERVICE £ BRING YOUR PHOTOGRAPHIC ' PROBLEM® TO US-- We can de |Tver"anything from a snapshot to ?arge murals, or free liand oil .paintings. Copying and framing. CAMERAS. PROJECTORS. FILMS AND SUPPLIES. WORWICK'S •' STUDIO. 117 Riverside Drive, Me Henry. «75. 40tf 1'PHOLSTERING -- Your home furniture can be comfortable, decorative and like new when reupholstered. Phone McHenry 551- R-l. Vic's Upholstery Service, Rt. 1, Pistaqua Heights, McHenry. •40-7 mmmm rPTfili Pag* Fhr% FOR SALE -- Going out of business; leveling instrument; concrete mixers; block machines; : plywood forms; 2 hp. electric j motor; canvas; jack screws; Wood | blocking; scale and miscellaneous j litems. McHenry Artifical Stone \ Company. Phone 257. 40-2 i FOR RENT FOR RENT -- Office space for rent in West McHenry. Will remodel to suit tenant. Matt Laures, phone 505-M-2.. • *41 FOR' RENT--Good farm 'land 5 milts from McHenry, Crystal Lake or Woodstock; 40 acres plow land, 45 pasture and 35 alfalfa. Will be at farm Saturday and Sunday. Phone Crystal Lake 1320-R-2. 41 WANTED TO RENT--2 or 3 bedroom, furnished or unfurnished WILLIAM H. RUSSEL and home by responsible family chil- WILLIAM B. SULLIVAN, Anets. dren of course. Monthly basis or lease. Reliable references. G. L. . . . . . . . ~ Crosby, Pistakee 372, McHenry, ! t,7n h,e if"n^rfRned'havln« f,cided jjj to Quit dairying, and general farm- _ _ ing. and increase my Mink Ranch,' WANTED TO RENT -- HuBbandtwiI1 sell all my personal property,! and wife and two children, ur- as described below, including a' gently need a two bedroom flat herd of registered Holstein cattle,! or house in McHenry. Write Box at Public Auction on the farm on 141, c/o Plaindealer. *41 • Mason Hill Road, 1 mire West of! the McHenry-Crystal Lake Blacktop, 5 miles Southwest of McHenry,1 5 miles Northwest of Crystal Lake, and 6 miles, Blast vot Woodstock, WILLIAM H. KI SSEL and WILLIAM B. SILLIVAN, Auctioneers SITUATION WANTED FOR RENT -- Three-room furnished apartment, near McIIeriry, $5500. Waupdnda Realty, Wauconoa, 111. CMl Wauconda 3351.- 41 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED--Couple to manage McHenry Drive-In. Salary above average. Previous experience required. Write Box 135, McHenry Plaindealer. *38-4 IF You've sold successfully to farmers, or are intrested in doing so. We believe we have something worthwhile for you, and would like to talk to you about our unique service where top commissions are paid weekly. No dull seasons or shortages. Good car necessary. For details and information about yourself, write to R. F. Heiden, dist. mgr., Box 491, Antioch, Illinois. 40-2 HELP WANTED--Girls, no exper-, ience necessary. Rtverslde Mfg. Co., 200 N. Riverside Drive, McHenry, 111. . 40-tf H E IP W ANTED -- Immediate opening for 2 girls In our shirt pressing department. Located In McHenry. Phone 189-W 26-tf MISCELLANEOUS HELP WANTED--TOOl MAKERS Apply McHenry Manufacturing Company, McHenry, 111. 41 HOME RET AIRS Specialize in all Home Repairs Low Monthly Payments Free Estimates (4* jdcHenrv Improvement Co. Phone 623-W-I McHenry, 111. •tf CARPENTER WORK DONE BY DAY OR CONTRACT. IVAN GUSTAFSON TeL McHenry 748 21 tf RALPH L. CLARK Piano Technician ^ Repairing Tuning 992 Garfield Road Harvard, 111. Phone 748-F HAVE YOU2 CESSPOOLS, catcli basins, septic tanks, cistcrns cleaned by Eddie's Sanitary Service. Eddie fluff, Prop. Tel. McHenry 290. 29tf Helen Weber Says: BE ONE! ftARBAOE COLLECTING -- Let us dispose of your garbage each week, or oftener if desired^ Reasonable rates. Regular year round rout* John E. HiH, P. O. Box 874, McHenry, Phone 3AS. tf SALESMAN -- Reliable, sincere, age 26-50 for dignified pleasant sales work. Permanent position? exclusive territory, no material shortages. Security and high earnings through steady repeat business from old customers. Car necessary. For personal interview i write or phone. C.S. Southard, 1005 Carr St., Elgln„ 111. Elgin 0656. *41 FOR SALE FOLLOW THE ORO#D TO THE Sportsman's Inn, «513 Main street. Ice cold case beer and packaged goods of all kinds. A1 Pbanneti still. 49tf ANTIQUES, MISC. ITEMS--Clothing in Good Condition for the entire family. Formats Open Tues. through Sun. 1 p.m. fb 10 p.m., Sun. 11 a. in. to 6 p, m. Mrs. R. Diet rich, Terra Cotta Rd. Consignment and Resale and Antique Shop, % mile west Terra Cotta factory which is on Bt. 31. Crystal Lake 1346 R-l. I5T H FOR SALE-- JOHNS-MANSVILLE "Blown" Rock Wool. Guaranteed not to settle. WALLFIL Co., Leo J. Stilling, 200 E. Pearl, Tel. McHenry 18. 32tf WANTED--Girls for pressing. Experience not necessary. Will teach. Apply I^ocal Cleaners. 20(5 S. Green St., McHenry. Phone 20. 41 WANTED -- Receptionist, typing and shorthand necessary. Write Box 142, c/o Plaindealer. 41 POSITION WANTED--Would like °» ' job playing piano at St. Patricks etTTTimftV *•*»*» I Party on March 17. a Have all the * UnUA I, r CIS. Z4Xu , latest music and Irish songs. IWl Would also like job in the kitchen cnmnienciHg at 11:30 o'clock, as of restaurant or nite club. Ex- follows, lowit; berienced at both. Telephone: Art _ _ • . ' , Klingberg, Mi llenry 642-J-2, or 22 HEAD of LIVESTOCK call at jnyf home in Mineral consisting of Springs. .MeTTenry. 111. RFD Nq.,3. 14 registered Holstein cows, three Because l aim to please. 41 bf which have had third calves, EMPLOYMENT WANTED - Man "j* i"!*1!** #rf ,,r?t "nd (steady though in-experienced) r»H heIfers some of which wants farm work for the season h"*<' j"sl and several where he can secure board for "IV? ^1°*^ his eight year old son. References , "1.!, "^' ! heifer due to freshen exchanged Address. L. Hall. 5735 " ? " tu h,,fors J°sl be,n« Harper Ave . Chicago 38. III. " *41 ,hr i7i/h«r i t J^arlings. - - : These are all Rag Apple breed* SITUATION WANTED 'Will care ^ many sired by hnlls from for children 2 to 4 years old. Northern Illinois Breeding Co-op. five days a week in my home HAY and GRAIN and also evonings. 412 John St.. 600 bushels Clinton oats, excellent! McHenry. 41 ; quality; 2000 bales of first and second cutting alfalfa; 600 bales lot straw; 7-ft. alfalfa silage with ( molasses in 14-ft. silo. I MACHINERY and EQUIPMENT , IHC "Model 11 tractor on rubber | with starter, lights and 2 row jcultivator; John Deere 14 inch 2 |bottom plow 011 rubber; 2 wagons • with racks, on rubber; 1 3-secjtion drag; IHC side delivery rake; I IHC 7-ft. disc; 15-ft. Broadcast grass seeder; Broadcast grain MISC.--Local private party will seedem.,John Deere 2 row tracbuy first mortage. $2,000 to tor co«n planter; 16-ft. grain ele- ( $3,500 on improved real estate, i v»tor; 7-ft. IHC power mower for Write Box 142, c/o McHenry " °r M tractor; 2 single units Plaindealer. 41 lllnman milker with compressor -- JI ' and motor; IHC tractor manure NOTICE spreader on rubber; milk cans The" Marathon Oil Station lo- i a"d sterilising Unks; large size cated just east of the new bridge, e,pctrk' t,h,ck brooder; electric formerly operated by Bob Svoboda,' c"l)Pe|' I Model A Ford pick-up is now under the management of w'^h good tires. John Barnings. 41 ALSO MANY ARTICLES TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. MY ORIGINAL HERD OF BREEDING STOCK WAS PURCHASED! FROM A HERI) HAVING ONE OF THE BEST BULLS IN THE MID- 1 DLE WEST. AND THIS HERD i NEVER HAD A REACTOR TO j BANGS OR T.B. IN TEN YEARS.! EVERY ANIMAL IN MY HERD OVER SIX MONTHS OLD HAS LOST -Black wallet frith hamllVACCINATED AND The undersigned, having decided to quit farming, ai^d the tenant. William Fisher, having rented another farm, we will spII at Public Auction on the farm 11*2 miles North of Twinklins Star off Route 14, 4% miles West and North of Woodstock, l'fc miles East of llartland. 2Vi miles West from Boal's corners off of 47, on FRIDAY. FEB. 23rd commencing at 1:00 oViock, tile following described property, to*1 wit: * 62 HEAD of LIVESTOCK consisting of choice ^ Holstein cows, some springing, some .fresh, balance fall and winter coifs. 20 Holstein DAIRY COWS FOR SALE SEE US FOR THE BEST SELECTION OF WISCON DAIRY COWS, HEIFERS AND STOCK BULLS. ' WM' Phone Barrington 625 Cary 2281 MYRON LAGESCHULTE, LlYesfodr tteafcr JOE KVIDERA, Cary, Illinois Representative Located If mile south of Barrington. . We have a[ finance plan available to dairy farmen KUBITZ ^AUCTION Heifers, ranging from ,2, year old WILLIAM H* SULLIVAN, A act. heifers down to . 2 months old:;1 -------•----- Holstein Bull. ALL HEIFERS | The undersigned, having de- CALEHOOD VACCINATED. 3 cided to quit farming, will sell brood sows and pigs; 4 l»red gilts, all of his personal property at FEED 156- bushels corn; 300 bushels oats; 20-ft. of silage; 2"»00 bales hay. MILKING EQUIPMENT Milking machine, pipeline for 40 Public Auction, on the farm known as the old Clark Farm. lVa mijes East on 176 from the Junction of 176 and 47 and two miles South; or 1 mile South op 47 from Junction of 176 and 47 and 2 miles East. 5 miles North cows: 2 Surge , units; 12 milk | of Huntley, 5 miles West of Crycans- stal Lake, and 6 miles South of NOW CONTRACTING Maltster Approved RecleaiWd Treated Seed Barley Test Weight 50 lbs. PELL-BARI FARMS, INC. 305 Clay Street, Woodstock 38-tf Woodstock, on MONDAY FEB. 26th 19o1 Commencing at 11:30, as follows: UFE INSURANCE - DEATH BENEFIT PAYMENTS HtSlf Illinois families received $118,- 359.000 in life insurance' death benefit payments during 1950. compared with $114,210,000 in the previous year and $77,244,000 in 1911. the last pre-war year, the Institute of Life Insurance reports. "The death benefit payments Hi this state last year were made under 93.483 policies, compared with 92.747 policies in the previous year and 73.S42 policies in 1941," the Institute repbrted." "Of the abrogate 1950 payments in the state, $S 1,461.000 was undor 32,593 ordinary policies; $22,186,000 was under 9.582 group life insurance policies: and $14,712,000 was nnder 51.308 industrial insurance pol- ! icies. 44 HEAD of LIVESTOCK j "These payments were $41.US,» consisting of i ooo greater than the correspondin^ LP WANTED--Laborers. Apply Ivar Fredrlcksen. general contractor. Phone Wonder Lake 221. 41-tf REAL ESTATE FOB SALE--TYPEWRITERS, ADDING MACHINES. Service on all makes. Also ribbons for all makes. carLon paper. L. V. Silts, Clay St. Woodstock. Phone 549. 7tf ORDER TOUR HOME NOW IN SPRING, PRICES WILL BR HIGHER In Millstream, a most modern sabdivision, 4 and 6 rooms. Face brick on nil 4 sides, fnll cement basement, automatic oil famace or hot water fas electric, city sewer. Price, *11,900 and $13^00.00. Cash down • 25 per cent • balance 20 years to pay. Ton can also have water front lot. Call JACOB FRIT; . REALTOR, JOHNSBI RG EPHONE: McHENRY S7. 32tf LOST .AND FOUND LOST -- Sunday. Feb. 13. Clearshell rimmed glasses. Relieve to be lost between McCulIom Lake and Johnsliurg. Please call John Hatch, McHenry 589-M-2. 41 Doris on outside. Return to Doris Ann Justen, 111 Green Street, McHenry or phone lll-W. 41 fegg Beater When beating egg whites, be sure that the beater is free of oil and that the whites are free of any stray bits of egg yolks. The presence of even a minute quantity of fat will keep the egg whites . ffontP beating satisfactorily. Prairie Hay Prairie hay should be supplemented tfitb « protein Md mineral concentrate. Unple Sam Says "FOR SALE -- Bridal crowns and bridesmaids halos made to order, according to your desire. Also art flowers. Reasonable prices. Phone McHenry 544-R-l. 36-6 FOR SALE--Now is the time to order certified treated seed oats for 1951 planting. PELL-BARI FARMS, Inc., 205 Clay Street, Woodstock. 36-tf » I Early-Bird Cleaning Gets Ahead of Warmer days coming! You'll want your lighter, brighter spring togs all clean and ready to wear. So don't wait . . . call us now. We'll clean 'em. repair 'em and have 'em all ready for you when the warm days of spring arrive! HchENRY CLEANERS Phone 104-.M 108 Elm St. McHenry FOR SALE -- f 10x12-ft. brooder houses, milk cans, before March 1st. Can be seen Saturdays and Sundays or evenings. Mae Wiedrich, Ringwood, 111. *41 FOR SALE--Iron Fireman Stoker, used 3 years. Will sell cheap, also gas nnft for square furnace, will heat 7 or 8 room bouse, $25.00. Phone Pistakee 604-M-2 or write A. C. Thornton, Rt. 1, Meyers Bay. McHenry. 111. 41 FOR SALE--All wool boy's suit, size 16. Grey wool slacks, size 14 and set of slightly used golf clubs, $50.00. Phone 754^ 41 FOR SALE -- Corn, alfalfa hay and oat straw. See Walter J. Walsh, or call McHenry 608-R-l. •41 FOR SALE--12-ft. plywood row boat, new oars. $75; three closet doors with locks, like new, $10 each. Tel. McHenry 667-R-l. 41 FOR SALE--CfOsley refrigerator. 10 months old. Ping Pong table; miscellaneous furniture. Tel McHenry 532-M-l. 41 FOR SALE--Serve! gas refrigerator and Tappan gas range. Good condition. Write A. Lennert, McCulIom Lake. *40»2 FOR SALE -- HOMES -- FARMS CHOICE LOTS -- BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY Knox Real Estate 406 Richmond Road McHenry, III. Phone: McHenry Igl-J Licensed IIL A Wis. Broker McHENRY 4 rooms, 2 bedrooms. Fnll base* •sent. Six months old. Owner leaving city. Price 19,500.00. For appointment call JACOB FRITZ - REALTOR, JOHNSBURG. TELEPHONE: McHENRY 37. S2tf US. SWINGS 'BONDS iASHlER FOR SALE--1 acre of land, ideal for building. Located on Rt. 31, M mile south of West McHenry. For details write Box 178, West McHenry, 111. 41 FOR SALE-;-4 room house at McCulIom Lake, fully insulated. 1 car garage under house, basement, automatic oil heat, $6,500. For information phone 547-R-2. 41-tf WANTED WANTED -- Jobbers and direct salesmen. Quality lines, with liberal commissions. Manufacturers repre sentative. K. Duane Fowler. Wood stock. Bos 334. Phone 464-.TX. 41tf WANTED--Watches and Jewelry rt'pai*. Anthony Nooiiau, 200 80. Green street, McHenry. (Front part of Claire Beauty Shoppe.) 15tf Burmese Ottlea Burma has only two large cities --Rangoon with a population of about 500,000. and Mandalay with about 160,000. 12-cu. ft. Deep Freeze. LUNCH WAGON ON GROUNDS Not Responsible For Accidents TERMS -- Usqal Bank Terms. William Fisher, Tenant B. F. Anderson-Swedelius, Owner 26 choice Holstein milch cows,' ing payments in 1941. representing First National Bank o#- Woodstock, i »hmT of whk h «ome j increased funds for family income. Clerking fresh, and the balance tf Inter. educational needs, mortgage pay- Member Federal Reserve and r,ms,; 2 "0, 1 s,;i t n„! • "«rement ^ncome and other Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. j he.tcrs: r, Hoi-; protection uses In. addition an _ (stein heifers, 0 months old; l;even larger amount was paid to Pure Bred Holstein Bull. 4 brood;living policyholders by their life sows: team of sorrel horses* 1 .insurance companies." Gray Horse. The national total of death bene- FF.ED | tits paid last year was $1,589,744 - S'tO bushels oats: 50 bushels corn; <m°. which compares with $l,4XS,- 125 shocks of corn; 10-ft. silasje 742.000 in 1949 and^ $1,009,638,006 in 14-ft. silo: 20 tons of baled *n 1941. hayj'S tons of haled straw. "The death benefits for the- na- MACHIN'ERY It Ion as a whole were the greatest The farm having been rented. Allis Chalmers W.C. tractor: Al-10,1 record." the Institute conttnand being unable to find a farm. nA Chalmers tractor cultivator; i,u'^- "This was in spite of the low-! I will sell all of my Personal! McCormick Deering 2 bottom trae-|e8t death rate among policy hold- Property at Public Auction, on the {tor plow: tractor disc; 3 section pl'8 ewr experienced. The greatfarm IVi miles Southwest of Mc- stool drag: McCormick Peering increased volume of life in- Henrv, on the McHenry-Crystal j corn binder: Appleton 4 row corn surance owned acounted for the busker; McCormick Deering side .greater benefit payments. Death delivery rake: McCormick Dpr>r- benefit payments last year were loader: 2 McCormick r,:' lucent greater than fn the EDMUND P. MAY AUCTION EDWARD YOGEL and WILLIAM H. Rl'SSEL, A nets. Lake Blacktop, on TESTED FOR BOTH T.B. AND BANGS. THIS IS AN OUTSTANDING DAIRY OF REGISTERED COWS AND HEIFERS. AND ANYONE DESIRING GOOD FOUNDATION STOCK WILL HAVE AN O P P O R T U N I T Y TO S E C U R E THEM AT MY SALE. ANY PROSPECTIVE PURCHASERS ARE WELCOME TO CALL AT THE FARM BEFORE SALE DAY AND I WILL BE PLEASED TO GO OVER THE CATTLE WITH THEM. LUNCH WAGON ON» GROUNDS. Not Responsible For Accidents. TERMS: Usual Bank Terms. CHERRY VALLEY FARM Gordon LowelL Owner McHenry, Illinois First National Bank of Woodstock, Clerking. Member Federal Reserve and Deposit Insurance Corporation. TUESDAY. FEB. 27A commencing at 12 o'clock, as fellows: 43 HEAD of LIVESTOCK consisting of 24 choice Holstein Dairy Cows, ing hay loader: 2 Deering 5-ft. mowers: Case corn ' l>re"war 1^*1 a°d the totJ^ amount planter: McCormick Deering 12-ft. nf Ufe 87 seeder gas engine, pump and »^opnt *realer" jack: small brooder house: McCormick Peering manure spreader wagon and rack, wagon and box: fresh and springing; 11 Holstein hay fork, carrier and hay rope: Heifers, 8 months to 1H years j hob sleigh: 2 single row cnltiold* 6 Holstein Heifer calves. vators: sulky plow: drag cart: THE ABOVE HEIFERS ARE j 8"n draper: feed cart; milk Our freedom Is in danger! K.ery American knows that and I know that every one of you. wants to do his er her bit to help preserve that freedom. We can't all (i into uniform or Into a defense plant, but there IS one BIG way in which we can all help, every one of ns. That la --the purchase of U. S. Savings Bonds. They are not only as valuable today as the day yon buy tbem, they grew in value. And they will always be that way. Enroll for the Payroll Savings Plan where yoa work, or If self-employed, the Bond-A-Month Plan at yonr bank. (/. S. framurji Oipar>«wtt are coming McHenry County Fanners Co-op Association McHenry, Illinois Phones 729 & 730 ALL CALFHOOD VACCINATED. Team of good work horses. HAY, GRAIN AND FEED 400 bushels of oats; 12-ft. of silage; 10 ton of mixed hay; quantity of straw; quantity of enr corn. , MACHINERY Farmall H tractor and cultivator: McCormick Deering side rake; McCormick Deering mower; quack digger; FairRanks Morse hammer mill: McCormick Deering manure j spreader; McCormick Deering | corn planter; wagon with grain ibox: end gate seeder: buzz saw | to fit either Farmall H or M tractor: 2 double unit Universal | milking machines, pipe line for 32 cows; 20 drinking cupS and pipe: hot water heater and solution tanks: 16 milk cans; steel water tank. ' Many other articles too numerous to mention. HOUSEHOLD FCRNITCRE LUNCH WAGON ON GROUNDS. Not Responsible For Accidents. TERMS -- Usual Bank Terms. EDMUND P. MAY, Owner First .National Bank of Woodstock, Clerking. Member Federal Reserve and Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. cart; fanning mill: dump rako; block and tackle and portable garaee. MILKHOUSE EOUIPWENT 3 unit Hinman milking machine, pump and motor: IS milk cans: 2 wash tanks, pails and strainers. ALSO MANY OTHER ARTICLES USED IN THE OPERATION OF THE FARM. TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. 100 CHICKENS BILLY GOAT LUNCH WAC.ON ON GROUNDS. Not Responsible For Accidents. TERMS -- USUAL RANK TERMS ALBERT KUBITZ, Owner First National Bank of Woodtsock, Clerking. Member Federal Reserre and Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Pl» 8nsceptlble Pigs can become infected with the virus that causes human In fiuenza. New Supervision New Driver Good Service We will meet any Tenderer's prices for dead animals. Cafl McHenry 157 FOR OrvDe Freund ELM WAUCONDA ROUTE 17# PHONE «.14S1 FRI. A SAT., FEB. »-24 Doable Feature Mi Payne Maureen 0*Harn (Technicolor) TRIPOLI" Plus Bowery Boys th , "TRIPLE TROIULE" Mown Once at M:3« P. ^ SUNDAY ONLY! . FEB. 24 / Contlnnons from 2:80 P. M. HHHIH M M I I 1 I I11I4M Body A Coordinated Cemmnnity The body is a well organized community of cellr with mutually beneficial functions. Ilie alimentary tract receives and processes foods, the blood and lymph serve as a transportation system 10 cells where processes of energy transfer, tissue building and waste removal are carried out under local as well as central control. These controls are a part of the nervous and hormonal systems. The body is thus a coordinated community with a continued interchange of raw materi als, synthesized products, and waste substances -- interchanges which biologists "all a dynami' equilibrium • Tke BemnttM • Far Pig' Protection* K pair of clean rubber boot* # worth more than any medicine In protecting pigs from a fatal intestinal disease called transmissible gastroenteritis. Best means of controlling it Is to move healthy pigs as far away as possible from the sick ones. Many farmers do this, a veterinary medical bulletin potnta out. but they overlook the fact that their shoes can spread the infection. Attendants who have waited through infected hog quarters should put on a pair of clean boota before entering healthy quarters, the bulletin cautions. The disease, believed to be caused by a virus, is marked by severe diarrhea, vomiting, and rapid loss of weight. Young pigs are hit hardest, with death loses sometimes running 9* high as 90 per cent Ffrewerks Fireworks, used chiefly en the Fourth of July in the northern part of the United States, come into their own at Christmas and New Year's in much of the south. The Spanish and French colonists et Florids and Louisiana are credited with having established the southern practice prior to 177*. FRI. & SAT., FEB. 23-24 Mat. Sat. at 2:30 P.M. Harjorie Main Jaiues tVlilfaiore in "MRS. O'MALLEY AND MR. MAI.ONE* plus "HIGHWAY S0t* SUN. A MON„ FEB. y Mat. Snn. at 2:30 P.M. "CINDERELLA" Tolor by Technicolor •SURRENDER* Also LaNbelle and Sc«%, Vera Vague in "SWING YOUR PARTNER" •Mi l I 11 I I I I» !IH M 111 > H J • * Uditmn Ca's, Uadimx Them* FRI. A NAT., FEB. 23-24 (Donble Feature) UacDonald Carey t>ull ^Rassell in "THE LAWLESS* Tom Conway Noreea Nash in -THE CHECKERED COAT" "Checkered Coat" shown only once at S:2<> P.M. V>^rNrXllfl^rFE^ Sunday ( out. from i:!.'» P.M. Ding Crosby Nancy Olson In "MR. MUSIC" WWn Bing sings the whole | Morld listens. ! TI'ES^ WED. * TilTICs, I \ FEB. S7-3K, . MAR. 1 Joseph Cotton Spring By ingtwn In "WALK SOFTLY STRANGER" Colony MeHENRY, iLUHOIS Air Conditioned -- Ponfeit Good Ylsloa and Sound , Doors Open nt 1:41 P. M» Screen Starts at 7 :M P. X. FRL Jt SATm FEB. 23-21 In Teehnleeler Richard Widwark Reginald Gardiner Walter (Jack) Palaace "HALLS OF MONTEZUMA" Cartoon and World News SUN. * M0N„ FEB. 2&4« Sunday Matinee 2:3® Cent. James Stewart Josephine Mi "rfARTEY* The wanderfal PnNtaer Ptfce Play. Alst Color Caeteon & World *•«» CLOSED ON TUESDAY . WED. 41 mm, FEB. as . M AR. I C J Jean Arthar Join tthty A LADY TASKS k OUSCIf* Cartoon it Snvnltjr

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