Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Mar 1951, p. 10

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• -7 '-*•* 1* - *<i,v J*%w "fciTife-.wW m «*W WONDER LAKE 1^ ?M«M. *N. •%* Srbwol Boys Bqat Men's Club Team I* Banketltall (<luar X Wondt-T Lake high school boys' basketball team whipped a team made up of the members of the Wonder Lake Men's club at the fell-star basketball program held In the McHenry hi&h school auditorium Wednesday, Feb. 2S| by a fecore of 26 to 16. The Men's cfub tea hi Was oap- , talned by Dr. Sandy RuprgeTO and included Jess Seemaii, Mel Sellek, ~J>r. Raymond Watkins. Joe Monieleone, Tom Mathews. Russell f?puehr. Tony Audino. Ifred Zander and Frank Cheney. •' Richard Mathews was • captain Of the high school group, with the Squad composed of Lvle Davidson. John Davidson. Phil Armstrong, .flick Widen. Dan Prince. Corky Btrom, Bob Lowry. Paul Marke •nd Jimmie Van Kanegan. .The Blue team, of the senior all- Stars grade school team beat" the Jrreen team by a. score of 21-fi. frWlo the Blues of the junior allttars won over the <3repn$ by lonly m. ; \ \l , The senior grade; ftlu^ "ijwas tnade up of Lynn Cheney. Paul ' Ikeuter. Bob Biggers. Bill Wright. •/fPinn Davidson and Peter Hastien. The senior Greens were Richard %Tlelock, Wally Schimke, John €\>cick. Chuck Majercik, Lob J(trOmstedt and Bob Cormier. The junior Blues were "Wayne Ifronsen. John Wright. Dan Cheney. Jim Bell, Tom Cashin, Karl Walk- ««• and Lee Spuehr. The Junior Greens were Bill' •puehr. George Taylor. Randy $•11 ek. Gary Vogt, Jim Mahal and Allen Rack. In spite of icy conditions otf the jloada. about TOO people were present at the games. * A competent job of refereeing Ojjraa done by E. Dwyer and Phillip fMsch of the McHenry school system ^ Funds donated at the game for basketball uniforms totaled' gible to become a member of the club whose interests are the furthering of recreation for the children of Wonder Lake. The by-laws committee of th« Men's club will meet Thursday. March 8. at »:15 p.m. in the home of Tony Audiuo. The committer for the planned coon dinner will he held at «La- Greca's March 6 at 8 p.m. , r-' *¥. ffV "V? ^ 7 v '• -a-: m •/•V. *'ii T 'ir.,« v a-j. ijlsi a. ml a a jJ&k I 1 ll_» 1.4.1 v „ "V-j * .March* 1M1 •'Ire Department Wants Old Broom* Those who participated were Virginia Audino, Martha Boldt, Nancy Swanson, Paul Renter. Lvnn Cheney, George Taylor. Richard Wlelock, Wayne Trqusen and Charles Majercik. The LaGreca's covered almost 10,000 miles on their winter vacation. . Women Veter* To Hear ( • - Panel On Pabllc Welfar# Mrs. Sarah Ann Corbett. Ime of the pastor of the McHenry Methodist church and a former social worker in the east, will conduct a panel discussion on public welHave you an old tyroom you fare at a meeting of the League of would like to donate to the Wonder W°men Voters March 13 at 8 p m Lake fire department? The firemen are asking for do-1 nations of old brooms for use in I fighting brush fires. They could | use a great man^ -because they j can\be handed /out to even bystanoNvs-^ hiring brush fires and are known as being one of the best weapons to beat out the creep- ;ng type of fire. ** The- brooms, can be left at Wright's store or'at lAftrecilL.. be heldo at the Redman, Deep be Mrs. Charles James, chairman of the coupons for the American Leeion Auxiliary. Is still appealing for coupons ..from all residence of Wonder Lake. Any coupons that come on soap, wax paper, flour products, cigarets. or others, can be turned in by the Auxiliary to aid the veterans in hospitals. Others than members of the Auxiliary are invited to participate in this program. Those wishing to donate can give them to any Auxiliary member or mail them to Mrs. James, Rt. 1, <Ringwood. Write Rlegel* Thofee who wanted to drop the Joseph Riegels a card of congratulations upon the birth of their first grandson can reach them at 1247 College ave.. Fresno, Calif. The meeting will home of Ruth Spring Woods. Assisting on the panel will Jane Dunaway Ducy. A special guest at that meeting will be Mrs. Loomis, head of the county welfare office, Woodstock. Thg results of the workshop of education will be made public at a meeting of the League April 17 in Harrison school at 8 p.m., wi$i the public invited to attend. 1 Guest speaker at the meeting Will be Mrs. Marv P. Rndres, superintendent of Riiral District 10. The workshop of education has been meeting every Tuesday morning in the home of Mrs. Ruth Redman. Guests at the last meeting were Mrs. Elaine Spuehr. Mrs. Cynthia Fike, Mrs. Carl Buckner, Mrs. Betty Wilkinson, and Mrs. Fred Swanson. Mrs. Fike and Mrs. Buckner are from McHenry. New members of the League are Ruth Kolar and Mrs. Corbett. Wonder Lake fletfv, ' I *' 85 Per Cent Of * . Red Cross Quota Mrs. Dell Tallman, chairman of the Wonder Lake branch of the American Red Cross, said that Kd Cannon and his volunteer workers had fif» per cent of the $633 quota collected in the first five hours of the Drive last Sunday. Funds are continuing to come in and those wishing to donate can contact either Mrs. Tallman or Cannon. The first donation was made by m. At the Sunday meeting of the i'a club, pictures were taken of Wonder Lake basketball team of the football team. Also inovies were taken, for record ref At Great Lakes Recent navy enlistees from this area- wete> Joseph R. Wilkinson, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Wilkinson. and Russell R. Ohlson. son of Mr. find Mrs. LeRoy Ohieon, Wonder Lake. Moves To Lake Mrs. Otto Senger has moved to to Wonder Lake to become a member of her granddaughter's household. She will reside with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Von Bampus, Wickline Bay.* ' All Star Girls' Teams To Play On Friday The all-star members of ~Mcerence in the future. Frank Cheney Henry high school's intramural took the pictures. John Lathrop girls' basketball teams will hold Htopoke about the Boy Scout move- their open games for the best team fluent and the need tor a troop at of the school Friday, March 9, and Pvt. Wenkel Home WAC Pvt. Laura Wenkel. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. August Wenkel, Wonder Woods, left for Ft. McPherson Feb. 27 after having spent a 10-day leave at home. This is Laura's first leave at home since she enlisted in the WAC Sept 28. 1950. ^Wonder Lake. f Those present at the Sunday meeting included Jim Bell, Tony <CJr0880. Wally Sinclair, Ernest Vogt, LoaJs Plotner. Roger Hansen. Joe Monteleone, Ernest Meyer, Percy Cormier, Kirk Richards. , Tom Mathews, Robert Von Bampus, Frank Cheney, Tony AudiTio. Sandy Ruggero. Bob Doerrfeld, Mel Sellek. Raymond Watkins and Fred Zandier. A new member of the club present was A. Johnson. Plans were begun for a baseball program for all children. The next meeting of the club will ibe held at 4 p.m. Sunday, M»rch 11, in the Harrison school. Any man in Wonder Lake area is elithe public is invited to attend these games. Sharon Sells 4s the only Wonder Lake member of the senior allstars. Joanne Resheske, Barbara Smale. Peggy Selsdorf. and Esther Steinle are all members of the junior all-stars. ' There are no Wonder Lakers on the sophomore or freshman teams. Tambliiiff Show A tumbling show was given In Solon Mills by a group of youngsters from Harrison school Saturday under the direction of their instructor, Fred Zandier, McHenry county supervisor^ of rural physcal education. Girls' Basketball The final girls' basketball games of this*season for the grade-school girls was held at McHenry high school Wednesday of last week. These games have been sponsored by the Wonder Lake Men's club. Those praticipating included Judv Wielock. Martha Boldt, Virginia Audino, Nancy Swanson, Anne Lunaborg,. Sharon Rower, Sharon helped -her grandpa John- Betty Wright. Peart Mathews. Cora Jean Henthorne, Betty Holochwost and Janie Johnson. Fred Zandier served as instructor and Peggy Sellsdorf and Sharon Sells were referees. Mr. Johnson, Richard Mathews, and P. L. Cormier drove some of the players in. . Among the spectators at the game were Richard Wielock, Paul Rputer, Lynn Cheney. Frank Cheney, Chuck Majercik, Ronnie Milbrandt, Leslie Bergdahl and Bobbie Cormier. LaOrecas Return Tha Arthur LaGrecas hare returned from their vacation. They finished their trip by going to St. Petersburg. Fla., and seeing Jim and Betty Pavlik. Art says Jim Pavlik weighs 230 pounds, believe it or not. Before returning to Wonder I>ake the LaGrecas also stopped at Daytona Beach, Fla., where they visited Edna's father and where Sharon helpped her grandpa Johnso pick oranges and grapefruit. it •FASTER GROWTH! • BETTER HEALTH^ •HIGHER LIVABIUTY! v BIGGER PROFITS! ~ - • .<: . iwiwiiriiw<wiiiiiii>iiiiitiii>iiii than everbefb/pJ Jet Growth Power ijhe pirtectly balanced top quality ingredients in CHICK STARTER JETS are supplemented with vitamin 9*12 and proven anti biotics to give your Chicks that "extra hoost"--They'll grow faster and sturdier, feather better and mature earlier Dim ever before! Built-in Coccidiosfs Control Chick Starter Jets contain carefully measured amounts of coccidiosis preventives, which help stop this costly disease before it starts. You not only get higher livability, but greater utilization of every ounce of feed consumed! Briefs Mrs. Frances Hedrich, Chicago, was a weekend visitor at the home of Jim and Harriet Bell. Mrs. Hedrfrh is Mrs. Bell's sister.--Mary Jo Tlerry was one of those wha beard the famous violinist. Rubinoff, in his Concert in Woodstock last week -Rob Kolar, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kolaiv Jr., summer residwits of Indian Ridge, was a guest last weekend of Bobbie Cormier; Bobbie's sister, Geraldine, home from the University of Chicago, had Infancy Frank, a college chum, as a weekend guest.--Henry tfhd Jane Setzler hav«» gone to Califorthe Ivar Fredrick sens in Wonder Center. The Gilllaes have purchased the residence and will become permanent residents of Wonder Lake. --Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Richardson of Hartford were Sunday guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs George Bradley. * visitor, Jack Worth of Wood- "sharon Grace Sells and Bob stock, a guest speaker at the kickoff brunch held in LaGreca's. Worth gave $25 to the Wonder Lake fund drive. Other guests present Fred Ferris. county Red Cross chairman; Russell Allen, county fund drive chairman; and Mrs. Marion Phinney, executive secretary of the McHenry couhty chapter of the Red Cross. All of these spoke at the meeting. Other guests introduced were Cathryne Breytspraak. in charge of the county home service; Morton Woodward, vice-chairman of the Wonder Lake branch; and Bud Elbersen, secretary- treasurer of the Wonder Lake branch. The LaGrecas donated the use of the kitchen and dining room, the food was prepared by the Ed Cannons, Bowman Dairy donated the milk, butter and cream; pies were ddnated by the Bridge delicatessen, Mrs. Betty Fiala and Warren Tallman were in charge of the servng and were assisted by Ellen Bergdahl. Sharon Sells. Peggy Selsdorf and Jackie Donash. The solicitators ended their day by having cake and coffee at Fiala's, with refreshments donated by Mrs. Fiala. Mrs. Nancy Elbersen and Mrs. Tallman. Substitute workers, other v than those already printed, included Mrs. Nick Halseth for Mrs. Ross. Mrs. Margel Troxell and Mrs. Olive Armstrong. • Mrs. Juanita Widen worked in Lookout point for Henry Setzler, now on a trip west. Doerrfeld were among the twenty seniors of McHenry high school to see the plav. "Night of January 16th" at DeKalb March 1.-- Mrs Brownie Hewi Girls have had an election of officers, resulting as follows: Carole Swanson, president; Karen Meyers, vice-president; Kathleen Cihos, secretary; Susan Spuehr, treasurer; Joyce Schimke, sergeant- at-arms; Nancy Eisenhart and Shirlee Johnson, Flag Bearers. We are very proud of what the girls have accomplished and wish to say any parent who would like to see hia little girl In a group, 1 . j I Lillian Druml" flew to Florida last t conducting herself as a little lady, lUCtUQGQ ... . * . _ 1-. 1 j t. nlAQao r»nmo tn A mppfinir Jl.llVt.imt* week to aid in the household of her daughter, Dorothy Hampton. Dorothy's husband. Harry, is seriously ill --Lillian Forsberg and Marjorie Lathrop were among those who saw "The Voice of the Turtle" at the W^dstock opera house '"Friday.--Also at the opera house was Miss Alice-Clark, teacher at Harrison school/--Mrs. John Cecich had major surgery in the Woodstock -hospital this week- Mrs. Greta Pdligrini, daughter of the Wilhelm Martins, is a patient at the Woodstock hospital. -- Sgt. John Widen is recovering from an attack of flu at the air force fase, where he is stationed in th,f* state of Washington. -- lone Willets leaves next week for a threeweeks' vacation in Florida.-- Dell Tallman has been ill at her home.-- Dorothy McEaehren substituted for Dell Tallman at the Red Cross office Friday.--Mr. and Mrs. John Gillis, Chicago, will move soon into *th'.! home formerly occupied by please come to a meeting anytime. Our girls elected their own officers by closed" ballot and conduct their own business meeting. We leaders are only trying to supervise, suggest and enjoy them. This is the major thing the girls have learned. To work together, listen to each other's ideas and accept or reject those that da not agree with the majority. / Business meetings have been based on Roberts' Laws and so run7 quite smoothly. We find time for play and fun. / . Besides learning this important lesson in club work, they have all learned their Scout pledges. Aside from this, Brownies work should be fun. Club fun for this winter has been learning to sew. All the girls made dust mitts upon which they practiced five basic stitches. All finished theirs at the last .meeting and so now are ready to go on to fancy work. IF IT'S WORTH DOING It's Worth Doing Right HkKBKY There is No Substitute For Good Plastering. Phone McHenry 411-R Consignment Sale EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT 7:30 P. M. Tour shipper weigh more when sold *««* Hj Your calves bring more here. Modera Sales Barn. |T 1.T sj Come and See Yonr Stock Sold. I* We- are here to serve yon. || We pay consignor day after the sale. jj ; WE ARE BONDED I Woodstock Comm. Sales C&, foe. |] PHONE 572 or 499 -- WOODSTOCK, HJ-j Tour dairy and breeding cattle can be tested it Yonr cattle and hogs can bt sold by the dollar it !>y tkej pound. Plans -were made tof^njake other gifts for Easter and MotnCTT'Day. We are all looking forward to the nice weather for outdoor activities to study nature and play together. If anyone would be interested in sharing ideas that the girls could use either for outdoor »or* indoor activities please contact Mrs. Russell W. Spuehr, Cedar Road, Deep Spring "Woods. Brownie leader. Gospel Chnrch ICnri It was a beautiful sunny day last Sunday, and an unusually large number, of people, young and old, turned out to Sunday Bible School a good place to go in all kinds of weather. Again it was our joy to enroll new members in the Sun^tf ' School and to welcome first pime visitors to our services. Thfraj being the Lenten season, the pistor is bringing messages on Oi0 Sjiffering Savior at Sunday MorntTng worship services, with simple Bible talks .in the evenings on vital topics, pertaining to life and conditions in this day and age of unprecedented eyents and portends. It is good to know what the Lord has to say in His infallible 1 Colt 723 2J Need a cab? Just call our number any hour of the day or night and one <M^our modern cabs, driven by a careful driver, will appear promptly at your door. Service is city-wide--rates are low--and you have no parking problem. McHENRY Word about the situation in the world today. We may know, for it is plainly stated in Holy Writ. Next Saturday night, at 7:45 the ^ monthly McHenry county Youth i for Christ Rally will be held in ; Assembly df God church ill Har- \ vard. The guest speaker is Eva^A gelist Marvin Galbreath and a male quartet from the Trinity""1 Bible college of Chicago will pro- ' vide special singing. Svvuulfuurriivc xAivenldt §littunrlc acid production 1* M'Wtx* ometer of business. Over 10 million ! tons are produced each year in the - United States. SOFT WATER all you can ... all the time STOVER rXHEPMIMMB Electric ' Water SoftMtr ' PHONE 723 Just flip a switch • * electricity does the rest! lite Famous Stover Pacemaker ia now el trified, making it aa eaay for you to i as your refrigerator. Plug* into any 110-116 volt A.C. outlet to give you glorious aoft water service at every faucet. Come in for IUIIMW •tratioa. 8. E. BUCH & SOK 183 RIVERSIDE DRIYK £ PHONE McHENRY 48 m Automatic Soft Water Co. »65 Columbia Phone Elgin 8819 10-Year Guarantee Terms 7a4e fytvt from the ONLY COMPLETE LINE of FARM TRACTOR TIRES CHICK STAHMt ^ ORDER YOUR J£ff TODAY! JENfiiflSr COUNTY FARMERS CO OP ASS'N. 7 PHONES 729 und 730 McllKMiY, ILL. Tk SMSofioml firetton* OPEN CENTER CURVED BAR RACTOR TIRE The Famous Patented Tireslont TRACTION CENTER CURVED BAR TRACTOR TIRE BATTERIES WE WILL GIVE YOU $3.00 FOR THAT OLD BATTERY WHEN YOU PURCHASE THAT NEW ONE AT OUR STORE. TRACTOR CHAINS Buy your tractor chains now andbe prepared to start your spring field work- We have the chains to fit your tractor ift stock now. . TRADE IN YOUR OLD TIRES PASSENGER TIRES RETREADS IN ALL POPULAR SIZES TRUCK TIRES WALTER J. FREUND TIRES -- TUBES -- BATTERIES -- ACCESSORIES Tire and Tahe Ynlcanklng. Bicycle Repairing. ALL WORlf GUARANTEED PHONE 294 WEST McHENRY Ppen Evenings and Snn<lay« CLOTHES DRESS UP for Spring, SPRING fever Isn't the only thing which marks the end of winter. There is an equally insistent desire to lay awa$ the cold weather wardrobe and dress up in a new spring suit. If you want the newest and the smarts at --^your natural sa» lection is a Curlee Spring Suit The last word in modern masculine styling. Curlee Spring Suits combine quality materials with fine tailoring which builds extra months of satisfactory wear into €very garment. Come in and see the new Curlee Spring Suits. You wilf find models and fabrics you like in the size that fits you -- and every suit in the>line is moderately pric ed to make it the season's outstandtaghuy. I I McGee'i BBS 117 a GREEN ST. ' McHENRY ;,a

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