mm * »• « -v t V" -rAi*«Vj* 4* * *«>* S^ b A- , .r -* * > t/^ # ** ^ ^ LEGALS NOTICE IN T«B MATTER OP THE APPLICATION OP AUGUST SCHILLING AND FLORA SCHILLING FOR A VARIATION IN ZONING CLASSIFICATION UNDER THE •EXI8TING ZONING ORDINANCE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: [That in compliance with the ^jj^^sioni of the MbHenry County 'Zoning Ordinance relative to a ^change or variation of the zoning classifications a public hearing j trill be had before the Board of Ap- i ; p e a l s in connection with the ap-I >plication of AUGUST SCHILLING JAND FLORA SCHILLING that the toning classification of the following described. real estate be varied >to permit the use of the following jtecribed property for picnic j grounds and the operation of 'transient lodging accommodations: PARCEL ONE: All that part of •the North Fractional Half of Fractional Section Seventeen (17), ^ownshjp forty-five (45) North, j*ange Nine (9), East of the Third {Principal Meridian, bounded and (described as follows: Commencing |4t a point which is South, Sixty- Wjjf 'and one-half (61 ) degrees flWBt, Forty-six (46) feet from the iSouthwest corner of Lot One (1) wf the Plat of Grand View as reworded in the Recorder's Office, tof McHenry County, Illinois, in PBook 1 of Plats, page 55; thence jBouth, Sixty-one and one-half >-.(61%) degrees West, Sixty-seven U67) feet .to an iron stake; thence cNorth, Fifteen (1®) degrees West, jpne Hundred Eighty-eight (188) more or less to the shore of rlstakee Lake; thence Northeastt Brly along the shore of said Lake, Sixty-six (66) feet; thence South. Fifteen (15) degrees East, parallel with the West line thereof, "bne Hundred Sixty-six (K6) feet, more Or leas, to the place of beginning, also PARCEL TWO: That part of the Fractional North Half of Section Seventeen (17), Township Forty- (45) North, Range Nine (9). Seve f*e East of the Third Principal Meridian, described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest corner of a certain tract of land heretofore conv«ved by Mathiaa J. Pitzen to Anna Monson by Warranty' Deed dated November SO, 1909, and recorded in Book 128 of Deeds, page 635, McHenry CdUnty Records; thence North, Fifteen (15) degrees West. Five and Thirteen Hundredths (5.13) feet being along the Westerly line of said land conveyed as aforesaid, to lEJk Iron stake on the Northerly line of a private right of way for a place of beginning; thence South, Eightyeight (88) degrees. Thirty (30) minutes West, along the North line of said private right of way, Sixty (fiO) feet to an iron stake; thence North, Fifteen (15) degrees West, One Hundred Fiftj*-three (153) feet to an iron sta^e; thence North Eighty-eight (88) degrees, Thirty (30) minutes East, Sixt; (60) feet to an>iron stake on the Westerly line of said tract of land conveyed to Anna,Monson as aforesaid; thence South, Fifteen (15) degrees East,, one Hundred Fiftythree (153) feet to the place of beginning; also . An adjoining piece of land described ^ as follows:. Beginning at the most Westerly corner of the above described tract; thence North, Fifteen (15) degrees West, Four (4) feet, more or less, to the water's edge of Pistakee Lake; thence Easterly along the water's edge of said Pistakee Lake to an intersection with the Easterly line of the above described tract produced Northwesterly; thence South; Fifteen (15) degrees East, Fifteen (15) feet more or less to the Northeast corner of the above described tract; thence South, Eighty-eight (88) degrees, Thirty (30) minutes West, Sixty (60) feet to the place of beginning, all in McHenry County, Illinois. And that the zoning of the following real estate be altered to conform to its present usage as a tavern: Lot 1 of Grand View, being a pari of M. Pitxen's subdivision of a part of the Fraction North Mr of Section 17, Township 45, Range 9 East of the Third Principal Meridian, in McHenry Township, McHenry County Illinois. TheN hearing will be held at 3* o'clock P.M. on Tuesday, April 3, 1950 in the City Hall of the City of McHenry, Illinois at which time j and place any person, or persons 'desiring to object to such application wiH be entitled to be heard. McHENRY COUNTY ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Harold Bacon By As Chairman. Attorneys LOOZE and KINNE, (Pub. March 15) r • CARRIER POSITION « The United States Civil Service Commission has announced an examination to fill the position of rural carrier at Spring Grove, the examination to be held at McHenry. Receipt of applications will close on April 5, 1951. The date of examination will be stated on admission cards mailed to applicants after the closing date for receipt of applications. If grease spills over in your oven, let the* oven cool, then place a small sauce dish filled with ammonia in it and let it stand over night. This will loosen the grease and make it easier to wash off. BUTCH'SO Don't let winter keep you home. Let us check your car to assure cold weather starting. We Do Complete 309 W. Elm Street Phone ftll 24 Hour Towing Sorrier a • • Motor Overhauling. McHenry, 11L Residence 91-R Discuss Hostel Movement Locally "Seeing Europe on A Dollar a Day" Is the title of a fascinating color-illustrated slide story to be presented as a special feature of the regular meeting of the McHenry Community P.T.A. at t p.m. on Thursday, March 22, lit the high school auditorium. The public is invited free of charge to see and hear the interesting and humorous presentation, which will follow the 8 o'clock business meeting and election of officers, at approximately 9 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Zwlck toured ten Eu ropean countries on a fivemonth i bicycle tour. They accompany their comments by Koda~ chrome slides of Europe's traidtlonal points of historio and scenic interest and post-war construction. Mr. Zwick heads the Chicago organization of American Youth Hostels. The couple will be accompanied by Edward Slesak of Northbrook, midwest director of A.Y.H. * question period on the Youth Hoij^el movement will follow the illustrated talk. This should be especially interesting to local residents as the Herbert Engdahl barn on south Green street is being considered as the location of the first hostel in this area. Already in operation are hostels in me., .at ftickterd, Waukegan, Door county, Wis., and in several Chicago park districts. Bicycle and hiking tours are arranged during summer months and weekends at minimum cost to members of this group which is international in scope. The Zwicks made their European tour as members of the American group. It is hoped that members of local civic groups will attend to see and hear about the movement Home Windov* Decorating Tips Window self-consciousness has become a common embarrassment with the homemaker living In a not-so-new type home. Largely responsible for this Is the current trend of more and larger windows in the newly built houses. Most popular of these is large picture window now used in so many ranop-style homes. However, the same "one big window" effect can fee achieved with smaller windows by clever use of draw draperies--and the right drapery hardware. For this effect, there have been designed several standard and cutto- measure types of traverse rods which lend themselves to a greater variety of window treatments. For instance, many of the older | style homes have two average siz- HIGHWAY FINDS An outline of revenue distribution which would provide an additional $48,000,000 for Illinois highway construction if the General Assembly passes pending legislation to rafese the state gas tax two cents and equalize truck-passenger car license fees has been released by Charles P. Casey, director of the state Department of v*** Public Works and Buildings.; -. *. FOR SALE KB TRINCHMG MJSMESS Due to military service, I am forced to sell my trenching business. Established three years. Produces an excellent return on the investment. For further details write or phone* JEROME T. DEREN ' P. O. Box 364 Crystal Lake/Hi. Phone Crystal Lake 1512 LI BUY'S FRESH" FRUITS & VEGETABLES DELICIOUS APPLES 2 lbs for 19c aHa JBi CALIFORNIA CARROTS 2 bunches 19c FLORIDA WHITE CELERY 2 stalks 13c PRIME -- STANDING RIB ROAST lb. 79* (Trim -- Short -r- Cut) MEATY -- LEAN! SHORT RIBS , (.Economics! tr*-" lb. 49c PLAXKIXtiTON*S ULOBE! SOFT SUMMER SAUSAGE lb. 69c ( By The Pleee) AGED DANISH BLUE CHEESE VJ lb. 19c C While They Last (BY PUBLIC DEJIAND1) FRESH CAUGHT SMELTS lb. 16* (Oh! So Good!) TOMATOE 25 PACKER'S LABEL TOMATOES N«„219° PETER PAN SWEET PEAS 2 £" 33* DEL MONTE SLICED BEETS 303 m |*4 glass ID KRAFT KWIK COLOR MARGARINE 1 lb. pkg- 39 DEL MONTE NNE APPLE TIDBITS No. 2 tin 29c BEL MONTE SEEDLESS RAISINS .5 oz. Pkg- 15 °2- 25 BROADCAST CORNED BEEF HASH 16 oz. tin 35« k PALMOLIVE SOAP bars ww RED LABEL COFFEE 77® 1 lb. bag DELRICH MARGARINE 39° 1 lb. pkg. ORCHARD MJUD GRAPE JHIY 15" 12 oz. jar FARLEY'S jaLV BEANS 39° 2 lb. bag SA1ERN0 SALTIHES MLmouve so«r ' 2 S 29° * LUX TOUT SOAP 2 bath OQc size A3 LIFEBOUY SOAP 3 rbeagr-s 39* Mb. 25 * L1SBY*S CONCENTRATED FROZEN ORANGE JUICE 2 a 39 CRISCO iftic tin 41 to* $lw SWIFTS CORNED BEEF 45 1 t 2oz- 4S« tin BROADCAST RfWMEAT - „ ^RIDAY NITE IS FAMILY NIGHT OPEN 'TILL 9 P.M. "v «4 Urine room windows facing the street. On# smart treatment of these Is to use draw draperies and glass curtains hung on a double rod set--the outside rod is traverse; the Inside rod Is plain. A simply styled cornice can be added to "unify" the windows. Such a treatment Is ideal during the day since It allows sunlight into the room. For privacy at night, the draperies can be drawn closed by merely pulling a cord hidden at pne side and the "big window" effect is still maintained. LITER APPETIZER A surprise on your appetizer tray can be French fried liver strips. .Brown liver slices, then cut in julienne strips. Roll in flour, then fry in deep hot lard (360 degrees F.) for about 5 minutes. Drain, season and serve. NO! NEVER None of this hurry-scurry for u» -- or lor yon! We like to tab oar HUM and main tin garment thai spalls you--not fit yon to tha ijiiiinuil Now talk about nice Spring Fashions . . . rails and dresses for daytime wear. Dresses in siaea for juniors* misses and half-sisesw . 'ate Be sure to mtfe ~a ttudget-wise trip to Jeannette's Style Sho^. . . because her Sjurinff are now specially priced, v ~ JEANNETTE'S STYLE SHOP r : ELM STREET McHENRY, ILLINOIS EASTE GREETING CARDS O R CROS.... 'GIVE THE FINEST IN GREETING CARDS'* WE HAVE A FINE ASSORTMENT OF PLUSH RABBITS EASTER CANDIES MASTIC EGGS _ TOG DYES EASTER NOVELTY • r-.r, it-* > BOLGER'S DRUG STORE PHONE 40 McHENRY, ILLINOIS you'll still bedt Po& dabt Specifkotiont and iquipwpt •vb|«ct to chang» without NEWengineering advancements main traditional Dodge dependability GREATER VALUE THAN EVER THE DODGE reputation for dependabdity and long car life is a matter of record ... a record of thirty-seven years ... a record no - Other car can match. ^ And with the many new advancements engineered into the-great *51 Dodge, tKis famous dependability makes Dodge an even bigger T value, an even bigger "dollar buy. Yes, everything about this great new Dodge --the way it looks, rides and handles--tells you that here's a car built to deliver yesrs 'wki miles of dependable, low-cost service. 5 mlnutmt fells why. Give us just five minutes. Let us show you how you could pay up to $1,000 more and still not get all the extra room, handling ease and rugged dependability o( this great new 1951 Dodgew 1951 Dqmdabfc 1 A. S. BLAKE MOTOR SALES INC. 301 EAST PEARL STREET