Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Mar 1951, p. 12

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J, HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES BERLIN MAYOR PAYS GLOWING TRIBUTE TO J. S. CHURCH GROUPS «- ' ,** * f-f * J ' ' - » ' t « ^T.MTI>|pgAT_gyi 1 «> f* •i*•*• ^ sleeves and had shots last Friday. ,• Most of .them recovered. These Sells) wen- given in the gym ot tlie ^griade school. Tlie.v wjll he rea-cl in Mrs. Ruiein's room on March 22. fThe follow-up shots will be given The annual Future Farmers. of 1 M«.rch 27 fot; those who need ttjiem. America Banquet will be held Those 'also will " be given at/ the (fc t. u* i f': ' • -- - y? fc-;': -• 4"€ . 4*..... • BXVQI FT April 5 In the cafeteria of the high public grade «fchoo!7 school. The main speaker of the evening will be Albert Kurz. presi- fold fierm Catches T d€nt of the state F.F.A. chapter. |: p 'With Miss T. , ToaBtmaster for the evening will ( Wt. hoar> vJa thl! grapevine! that be Herb Engdahl and James Tavlor.» after giving in to *0n ^i,! , Present the welcome that terr?bl(, • cold of hers, trit d •peach. Bill Miller "will present the tf) havo pchool call(Hl off. She appsst history for the group of par-; proarb(,d alI the :tuthoritios snd ' S?«8 ,T W,u- hf> ,n atten^a"ce, -i.'i"parentlv no one agreed with her , Bill Weber, president of the local ; that p(.hoo, shoul(l olof,od be. group. will announce the honorary , CJlllgp of tho pprms that shej,had Bomber for the year. .This person |alrpadv spread aroujld Tile stu- WiU Be unknown until the night of !,lrnt- h()d), hoWP¥t>r< Was behind thv banquet. Ray Honnbergcr. of hpr 100 per cent Aftf,r threp or adult evening school. wHl tell fmjr days of havin? hpr maidt! something of the classes mstn,c waj h(,,. sl inR most of the led by Mr. kerber in the evening. ldajVVnd Wrslly taking life easv. Mr. Horenherger has ben a State sbe has preS(7lt(,d hfl|.st,)f at the Farmer. The Rev. FY. Eugene Rates <)f lhe schoo, Thp f|rs( thjnc Baumhofer will give the invocation. DeKalb" award winner and Outstanding senprvising farming '* program will also be announced ®hst evening. ,.i The F.F.A. classes are planning another big day for April 19. On •this day they will go on a field *. trip sponsored by Public Service A Pin* We tK*pp that all you fellas have asked yoitr dates for the Starlight dance coming up on March 31. Al- ^hey will see demonstrations and SO> you g5rls sli0«,dn'f feersby she said as she walked in the door was I'Ah-ehoo." MaybeUhree days weren't enough, : exhibits on dairy, beef, poultry and i<c~n~3> p drving. s .. Practice AbOlit sixteen bovs turned out tennis practice in the gym last j.Sfrek. There are twelve matches •chedaled for this season, the first <# which will be played April 17 At Lake Geneva. It is possible thnt "there might he a match before that time but as the schdule now stands. Chat will be the season's opener. Mr. "Hoffman will coach this year's team. ll ,,t _• f'\ Talent Twtoj*w,*- ' It "irtiile ago, Carole Klinerherer %rote a letter to Hines hospital in Tflines. She inoulred whether a group of six girls, directed bv her. Jjo'ild entertain at the veteran"' -licspital Pomet'm«.sft»i« "hummer. She recently received a renly with a reonest for she and her troop to perform in the auditorium of Hines. The girls do song and dance ¥ofitin<»s. These girls really do Reserve credit for their hard work and we know they'll really go iHnoes. Among those who have kelp to organize the group are Elaine Scholtz and Marilyn Scli mitt. » about 'throwing around some hints. Remember, the Student Council is your government, so l<k's hack it whole-heartedly. The Silver Desby band from Burlington will furnish the music and we hear that a mighty fine floor show will be presented. The public is invited to this big shindig. Admission is seventy-five cents for stags, and fl 25 for couples. Tickets are'available at Walgreen's. Fitzgerald's. McGee's. Wattles'. Bolger's or your nearest student council representative. Warke's Team IK Tops Last Wednesday, the final game in the intramural tournament wan decided, by the defeat of Jim Su'es' fe^m by Paul Marke's. The bhys played four rounds of ball and the Ifinal standings are as follows: MarVe-. first; Siles. second: Rich Michels, th'"rd: John Knox, fourth; Dan Cartan fifth: ria-enc^ Th»- len sixth;' und Bill Weber, set-- enth. Miss Clark chose several girls to represent th.e F.F.A. chapter in a future radip broadcast, Thesp six girls have all been active in F TI A work The erirls who will speak dn April 4 are Louise Parbier an?1 Derlene Andreas, chapter delegates to the state FH.A. e^nip last fSum- •ler and Nancy Nelson. pr< ^ident of the McHenry chapter: Louise Hunt, secretary of the local cluh and projects chairman for the district chapter; Merle Widman, a freshman girl who has done outstanding FH.A. work and Sharon 'Sells, program chairman for the - local chapter. This is the game prirffrrm that several F.F.A: boys were Interviewed on, and probably it wlil be possible for the students to r> hear the broadcast. ' -Schick Tests Several of the braver girls and boys from M.CJH.S. rolled up their YOU CAN HELP THE EASTER BUNNY SAY.,.! A glowing tribute to the work of American church relief organizations. which are distributing CROP food in West Berlin through CRALOG (Council of Relief At'. licie- s Licensed for Operations in Germany), was paid last week .by Krnsl Reiiler, mayor of West Berlin. in the course of a press conference at the Bismark hotel in Chicago. • ^ Prior to meeting the press. May* or Reuter conferred . with officials of the Christian Rusal Overseas Program (CROP), which collects food contributions in rural areas for distribution through its parent agencies--Catholic Rural Life, Church World Service and Lutheran World Relief- to needy people inv CfTf.iany and twenty-five other tSoutttries. * • Mr. Reut«'r ^.xpresised h(i« perr sonal gratitude for the work "of CROP to Ray F. Murray, Catholic Rural Life; John D. Metzler. Churptf World Service; and Clifford E. Dahlin. Lutheran Worlds Relief, who together constitute the governing board or national cabinet of the relief organization. 1I« explained that the food, which CROP collects on farms jn <• . is shipped to <CRAT 00 in Bremen, Germany, and is c!!->p!i"le'l from tliore info West Berlin by the Protestant Evangelical H'ifswerk and the Catholic Caritusverband. He said that the need for relief food in Ttarlin is not as urgent today as It. was two or three years ago, hut that up to .TIOON. ptTt no less than 200 refugees daily? e"ter the western zone from the ind'-hsve to be cared for. Ti.-- f ' " ' onstnnt and dangerous Strain! on the municipal economy, he saitd. and American relief is all that some of then^ can hope for. . Mayor Reuter explained that in the month of December. 1950, the last month for which he had accurate figures on hand, 193,000 persons had as their sole income the city's social werfare relief. He believed that almost double that number lived on federal or state relief. There .are also 290.000 persons unemployed in hife municipalitv with a total population of 2.- 250,000. He explained that the unemployment figure refers only to persons who could be gainfully employed if there were sufficient industries and business. They do not include women with children, orphans aqd old people, incapable of work. He said: "Please, tell - your people that they have done and are doing a wonderful job. It helps to k"ep our spirits up in a very precarious situation." • Mayor Reuter's visit to the United States is sponsored by Ame'ricans for Democratic Actiou. smM M*. Marys Cau.MiH* Ohurc Holy Pays: 6:0", • i'3 IO;0t|. 'ViM'h I»ays: H:45 it4d tl:00. i * i-'irst Krid#y: ui»d ;0t». rifessions: ' Saturdays: 3:00 |i. m. and 7:00 p. a. rhursda.*1 l-cfjre First. Fridavi After S Oil Mass on Thursday! 3:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. m. M«r. r. s. Ni*. Pniitef\'-Sw Patrick's Catholic C^arefe Hisses: .1. Sunday: 8:<0i i:®0, 10:^d and 11:30 a.m. V Daily Mass: 7:00. Week Days: 7:00 and 7:3®. V First Fridays: Communion tri.buted at 6:30 and during 7:00 and 7:30 Masses. Confessions: Saturdays: 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 to 8:00 p.m., and on Thursday? before First Fridays- 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. and 7: On to &: 00 p.m. Rev. Edwird C. Coakiey, Pastor. m f» OttoUc Oharch. ^ Spring Orovc o.: ; •If>lv Days: 6:30 and 9:0u. •.4»,*kd:«ys: H:00.?"^ " »•" \ " Friday: S:fH* •' ^ -1,| ^ .) '--ii'$!»i'"<lf«ye'. -t.-'C «<»•< ?• ' •'Mimday before First Friday •• »i« »..«( 7:-IS. ; m OPTOMETRISTS OF COHNTY MET WITH UGHTING ENGINEER McHenry county :held a joint meeting with a light |ing engineer to disebss mtrfhod's of preserving sight, through uso «<!' • j , . . . . . . • > i i p r o p e r l i g h t i n t h e c l a s s r o o m . Thr •%y. John I. iHfeirtt ii, Pttirtitf was ,ield ,n th<; new &d McHenry Bible Charrh 102 S. Green \i. 'Fries Bldf.) Sunday Bible School, 9:45 ^.M, Sunday Worship, 11:00 A.M. Sunday Evening, 8:00 P.M. Wednesday Prayer, FellowsMp and Bible Study, 8:00 F.M. "Yoii're always welcome here" Mailing address: McHenry Bible Church, P. O. Box 232, McHenry. Phone R. W. Brooks, 601-J-2. DONALR G. LIBERTY, Pastor, BriLIMXG BIDS Bids for construction of the new addition to the Gravslake Community grade school building were opened recently* by the board pt education, with gratifying results, Thp job attracted considerable interest among contractors, so much so, that to accommodate the .crowd it was necessary to set up facilities in the school gym-. Pl«l Yon Know Thstf Joanie Freund and Lucine Thelen have passed the 100 word shorthand test. They are now members og "Quiches Incorporated." --H«rb Fngdahl was sixth highest in the SWANI conference in scoring points, anjl he was elected honorary captain of the team at the close of the season. His rec- 4"Klese threatened Arnie Peteford is eighty baskets and sixtv, f)'Rn and ft°y n°dd with aI» two* free throws with a total of ;,f thoy didn f he,p him move fur- 222 points for the season. Second | ^iture last Friday.-- Bob Baer. was Bob McCulla with 145. -- Mr Ialumni "f M.C.H.S. appeared on Roche is head coach of the base- I television Sunday on the Morris bnll team this year, and he is working them like mad.--The seniors were beaten by the varsity in that noonday game. -- The entire school is in a terrific slump because nf quarter exams coming up Wednesday and 'Thursday. -- Mr. um mn 'iiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiitiiinuiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiii with lovely tllSOB & W« have many kinds, gay and reverent to bring Easter joy to everyone young and old, near and far. NYE DRUG STORE JWALGRKFX AGENCY vi,'- Po/itcdd^ pOVitR • Over 38 Tough Jobs , Made Easier / • New, Exclusive Pow«r> Flo Clutch B. Sachs show. Amazing new Invention makes VACUUM CLEANIA pet Sweeper Christ ins King Cntholie Wonder Lake classes: Sunday: 8:00 and 10:00 aim. Weekdays: 8:25 a.m. Confessions: 7:30 and 9:30 a.J||» James- A. Vanderpoo'. -Pastor. St. Msr«S By Tin- Lake, Episcopal Oriole Trail and Pole Avenue •'... Crystal Lake Rev. Donald liaft, Priest-in-charge Mission House, 331 McHenry Aye. Sundays: S:30 A.M. - Holy Eucharist 9:30 A.M. - Family Eucharfst for boys and girls of tile yhurch School and members of their families. 11:00 A.M. - Morning Prayer except on first ( Sunday and Prayer Book Holy Days when Holy Eucharist will be celebrated) with sermoa &Ml ior Choir. , "on Evangelical * buthrran Oharch I'be Church of Hi.- T,':rIHTHII FLOUR! 408 John Street Wi>sl McTl»i.ry. I IlinofM isanday School: 9:00 a.m. Serpice:^10:15 a.m. v'ou ari' i orrljnlly invii. d t(» nt.ten<< >r servirnii. Rev. Carl A T^obitz, Pastor. Community Methodist Ohnrch Main and Center streets ' • •hurcli RHiool: i»:30. Viorning Worship: 10r4ft. » i iWi.-inl Ixctrd meeting (M|» >Vednesijiy o* mniith at 8 p. in A enrdinl ir< JtatifK) is extend -d t< ami /oat- family 4 . v-#iini- an<l with II« ^ Methodist Youth Fellowship: Sundays, 7 p.m. . Young Adult Fpllotfrship; Sundays. s p.m. Cherub nnd Junior choirs: Wed-' nesdays at 3:30 p.m. , Senior Choir: Thursdays, 8 p.m. J. Elliott Corbett, Pastor. _ ,S_t. Joba'f Catholic r_ --- »'».»• Hliei". .* '• ® . • *" Sunday: 7:00, «:30. 10400 and 11:45. Holy Day*: 7:(M> and Weekdays:, 8*ft0. ••'irsl FVirtjiy: fl:35 and 8*0(5 . e-fewoi«^: Watnrdays: 7.30 in and ":3ft to Vhm>di>v before First Friday ^.:30 and 7:30. .Rev. Joseph M. Blitscb Wondlee r Center. Wonder Lair (Norseetsrisn) •<crviee«: ^undav BiMe School: 10*00 a. Morning Worship: 11:0'- a. wi.' Sun.lay Evening Service: 7:4.1 p. m. Prayer meeting. Thursday -- M:0>" •> in. '"* Rmig the family with you to Hm rhool and Worship Rervice' There is a plare and a weleome fo- H.-ervone. **HAKK W. ANORRSON "astor ,if|dition Of the c!ay streft grasliv 'school, Woodstock, for the purpo of checking the advantaj>eR of the new light-directing glass brick ^windows as compared to o-dinarv windows with Venetian blinds. E. M. Prims, commen'al er gineer of Public Service comnany. and a member of the Illumin-'ting Engineers society, demonstrated the-difficulty of checking the sunlight in two different .schools in the same town at the same time. Altbongh ltffht Tne-ter readings taken on a bright sunshiny day ir Kovember showed much better <Ms tribution of lisrht in the new rooms at Clay, compared to the large windows at Dean and * • Central schools <readings werre taken with and without blinds), it wis the decision of those present that read- 4lngs he taken outside th«'building as well as in the classroom From the standpoint of artifici-il light, such as would be essentia! at night or during dark winter of light up toward the ceiling and across to the other side of the room was very interesting. With ther help of «smhe bright i ! sunshiny wcuther, additiunal findoptometrists j ings and facts will be recorded and the public will be invited to attend. These experiments yrere made possible through the efforts ,t>f Nelson Stpi-k, Superintendent ot the Woodstock schools. Ray Eden sptvcli correctionist, assisted the lighting engineer. Dr. Henry Freund attended from McHenry. tinewoofl CThurcH Ringwood. Tl).,v»y Pnlilie Wor-ltin. . niiir-h SflinnV 10-30. r"hei»- Wohearnnls* ^ df>«»»Mfav "V >'>1* R»V, Darrell P. Sample, pastor. ' " *t. Joseph'* f liw< i Kichiiiond. Illiiinf* Sunday: 8:00 and 10*00. DaHv: 8:00. v- P'-nnk J Miller pastor COWS SAYEW Four cows, which crashed through the ice of a private lake at Indian CreekyfarrfK on Gilmer road and nearly drowned, were rescued after ar four-hour struggle Deputy Sherira Bert WHnberge said the cows^broke through the ice and were aropped into from ten to twelve feet of water. The animals were milling pround helplessly when he arrived. Initial ef forts to rescue them proved futih Fln-'llv. the cows were lassoed and' dragged up the steep brink by a jeep. Weinberger said none of the aninials could walk as a result of over exposure in the frigid waters. A veterinarian Iras called to i#rivc them. Shy on Sheep . Cftttle and hog numbers are being increased by farmers, but as yet no increase in sheep is evident r> ,*-;t N»w No. IBS combination RIM Noxilf* * SMlgr.sil (er dsvblt 4utyl * Out:l*anj conventional vacwiwi cluaii srs! * Outcioani okl-fushiontd ca*|Ml' tw«ap*fi! * Emptias itself t Adjusts itself I * About Vi th* usual weight I ATTACHED TO THILEWYT, it's the worid'3 first high-suction vacuum cleaner with a revolving brush! Its pick-up of embedded dirt, threads, hairs will astound you! DETACHED FlOM THE IfWYT, it's the world's most amazing carpet sweeper! Crumbs, litter, tobacconothing escapes it! Empties automatically when used as a vacuum cleaner! • New, Exclusive Easy* Hitch - more for your moi WATiRBURY GARDEN Omit Jkwe a* NO FEAR OP SMEAR OtM Is Hi at untidy lipstic Ml FIOSMS, cig*r*tt«s, >ilv*rw«r* end paopl*. H«r« i* th« L«nth*r«c lip*tick with color ding and color beauty. Magnificent new »heda«^ In (leak galdon cat**. •SEC WHYVANCE WELDING SERVICE U, Pile East of the >ew Bridge Oh Route 120 FIIOXE Mchenry sse KO DUST BAG -tOEfriPTY im'Mpwl Ttf it Yewtilfl P. M. JUSTEN Furniture Company w. McHEXBY >l»HO!iE 63 STA-PUT V. IIP1TICK ^ BOLGER'S DRUG STORE PHONE 40 McHENRY, U. davs=. *h following -conclusion AV;I 1 reached Quantity erf light is no longer (h problem. Since the teventi'on of th flourescent tube you ran build up 36-candle power on each desk without any trouble. Eliminating contrast or balnne ing light throughout the room is the secret ftf eliminating eyestn ii and glare. Fixtures that hang down from the ceiling and throw light up ;is w e l l as down . a n d s i d e w a y s a n - ft ill the best njeans of dist.rOnitfeig light in the avt rago price, field. Recessing fixtures in 'the ceiling looks neat and stays clean longer, but contrast, of light oil the rest of the ceiling is so low that tubes become a source of glare. Distribu<\ingi' ligKts throughout each square foot of the ceiling is the ideal system, but cost does not permit it at present. The experiment of showing how the-glass brick would bend a beam V A LAM ES Striking valance treatments are noteworthy window news. Luxurious, swag treatments can be achieved without professional knowledge simply by using valance pleators. No sewing or bundling of bulky drapery fabric^s necessary and lots of time is saved, The smooth, firm-grip plastic finger:; l fho p l e a t c i - t a k e I ' l l w e i g h t s of fabrics easily without tearing or snagging, and the final result it? wo?i {lerf"uew look" Xt>r th« ttene !•; inrt-f^i • vij sut-fccriptkn to thi' •' DW! RENT INCREASES MAY BE DETERMINED § BEFORE REMODELING f v landlords planning a major ii0 provement or an increase in the . service* or furnishings they give fft a tenant can find out In advance * how much more rent they will get j for it, Associate Area Rent Direct- [' or J. Edwin Porter announced. The fe method of doing so, he explained,| - is for the landlord to tell in full, |v and in writing, what he intends to do. This would include a statement of the cost involved. |fi; "The rent office will then, )A" writing, give the landlord a prior opinion of the rent inrroase that would be allowed.^* the cbft2ige»" Mr. Porter said. "A landlord may rely on this , opinion of the rent increase that ^ time a prior opinion may be changed is- when the work actually is done not. the same as originally set forth when, the prior opinion wML* requested or planned, or the act* ual cost was higher or lower than the estimate given to the area rent office. ( SAVE « -ir-**..*' t . , * TIME and MONEY DIGGING TRENCHES --r^Let Us Do Your Trenching. ^ Deep Footing Drainage Tile Cable x Pipe Line JOHNSON'S JEEP-A-TRENCH McCULLOM LAKE Phone McHenrys534-M-l --iJk*nd NE^ for *51 are these de- ' «• i lightfully-desirable ROPER Gas Ranges. Generously blessed with l^ew BEAUTY...New FEA- ' , f|JRES... New AUTOMATIC DEVICES... they represent the very finest cooking appliances ever presented to the Amfricao home- Selection ifcexcellent... with models for every kitchen and every purse. Make it a point to atop in NOW and look over . the entire ROPER .line, H'pur range is here waiting for you. $99 Model 1401 Out Of This WtrH---- But Oh So> Down To Earth Oil of This WaM is Kaiihiiai.BEAUTl OK if This Weritf to CMhiai CLEANLINESS (MalTMtWwM to ActtaM SKEt M M This WMM ^ to MkhN COMFOir Dm h Earth to 0IUGMAL COST DIWI to EMh to 0PERATM6 COST OK if This WMM ^MmhCk FEATURES Osiaf TWt to Sapariar % RMANCE OaiafTHs WaM to4faauMai CONVENIENCE Oat af This WaM to Taatftot TASTE TREATS Da«l to Earth to INSTALLATION COST Oaan la Earth to DAILY SAVING* • v t a i t n l t i r n i n a k t a n e w ROPEK Easily Years 'i MAIN ALTHOFF'S HARDWARE McHenry County's Leading Hardware" v PHONE 284 * W. McHENRY' \ T

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