'-l f \ •"% At Mm, Ctoto Ftwrt) ,*« (l T ^ Jflfc *V 4^SM^ -" ' • , *y • T'/jj . ** $ . ».. „w. it 8t. Peter's chorcfi on fcaim Sanday marked the opening Of Holy Week. The blessing of the Paint, " procession and distribu- Hon of Palms preceded the High Igass at 10 o'clock. * On Thursday the Mass of the ^institution was celebrated at 8 a.m. -Hp this day the Blessed Sacrament "-IjJjKs carried in procession to the •Jf'pository. which (was decorated the occasion. In the evening at ^ o'clock there will be Holy Hour. V'The Mass of the Presanctified #111 be celebrated at 9 a.m. on Good Friday and at 8 in the even- In* there will be the Way of the Op Hdly Saturday the mass will t0»<rin at 8 o'clock, with the blessing of the Paschal candle, Holy Water airtl the Holy Fire preceding -tke mam. J ' Easter morning masses will be celebrated at 8 and 10 o'clock, followed by Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. The church tfill be decorated for the occasion HHth lillles and other spring flow- Confesslons will be it after services. evsTy A *'A farewell party for Mr. and rfjjrs. Ford Hanford was held at iV "re house on Tuesday night. Approximately fifty friends and Rflghbora were preseht to enjoy tit evening at cards. Those who received prizes were Mrs. Ben llay, Mrs. Joseph P. Freund. Mrs. Isabel Smith and MrB. Anne Huff. The honored guests were presented With a gift. Refreshments were Served. Mrs. Baa May was host-- to the members of her club at bar home on Thursday afternoon of last week. Games of five-hundred were played and prises went to Mrs. Charles Gillespie, Mrs. 'Peter May, Mrs. William Briti, Mrs. Math Nimsgern and Mrs. William Engels. A lunch was served after cards. The Christian Mothers and Blessed Virgin sodalities held their regular meeting at St. Peter's parish hall on Thursday night A card party was announced for Wednesdsy evening. March 28. at S o'clock. Lunch will be free and prizes will be given away. The "ommittee appointed for the A{iril meeting will be Mrs. Emma Jung, chairlady; Mrs. Adele McColgan, Mrs. Cordelia Firstling, Mrs. Isabelle May, Mrs. Hasel Nist, Mrs. Lois Britf. Mrs. Rose Kattner and Mrs. Catherine Kagan. Following •he meeting there were cards and bunco. Prizes went to Mrs. Jerry Miller, Miss Charlene Sheets. Mrs. Mary Nimsgern, Miss Anne Splndler, Mrs. Walter Horaty and Mrs. Eva Freund. The firemen held their regular meeting at the fire house last Monday night. Plans are being made for a dance which will be held on April 7. After the meeting cards were played and chill was served. The fin bug has beeti ipaking the rounds. Those oh tM sick list last week "were Mr. and Mrs. Anton May. » . and Mrs. Ford Hanford. Hen Ma} and Mrs. Margaret Sanborn. Mr and Mrs. Frank Rndolph and infant son. Russell, haye returned to their home here. The Andrew Soma family of Winthrop Harbor have moved on the Pirie farm. Guests in the Charles Freund home on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. George W. May and family, Miss .Georgia May and Bob Sutton of ty Dawaon fttMnr Jo Kiitt Mt Jerry Miller. The oecastoa waa Vic ftantfV acgoath birthday.. v • SET API1L • TOR SAFETY PROGRAM TRUCKER JAMBOREE McHenry county cattle were among the good sellers on Tuesday'a market at the Chicago Stock Yards last week. William Lehman, prominent cattle feeder of near Huntley, shipped in twenty Hereford steers averaging 1270 pounds each that sold for $36 per cwt., market officials report. These cattle were purchased in Chicago last October when they averaged around 1.100 pounds a head. The owner reported a good margin. April I is the date for the big 1951 edition of the Chicago Livestock Trucker Safety Program Trucker Jamboree, contest officials announce. The entbpi^famlly is invited to the International Amphitheatre at the Chicago Union Stock Yards for an afternoon of educational talks and an evening of food and fun. _ Admittance to the event, which opens promptly at 1 p.m. that Friday, will be by code number card. HE'?* Mi "WPW 01 Speakers will w?* ppp . in the promoting of safe fcandtifat and transportation of liWfctoefc. fallowing the Informative program, food and refreshments will be served. Prises totaling 96.500 in UJ8. savings bonds and merchandise Will be awarded to the winners of the seven-month long contest. The top winner's prise, among i&ittyeight to be awarded, is valued at f&OO, including a $500 bond and a portable live stock loading chute valued at $S00. v HERD NAME Francis M. Schmitt of Jcfentfburg ha* been given the privilege of the exclusive use of the name "Du-Ro" as a herd name In registering purebred Holstein-Friesian cattle. This prefix name is granted aqd will be recorded by the Holstein- Friesian Association of America. VEHICLE REGISTRATIONS In a report issued by Secretary of State Edward J. Barrett, it was disclosed that there were 22,581 motor vehicles registered for the year 1950 in McHenry county. Of these, 18,591 were for passenger cars; twenty-six for taxis and ambulances; J,305 for truck* and buses; 397 for trailer* and aamltrallers; seventy-five for dealers and In transit; and 187 for motorcycles. Fbrdi Aid Handy Item A homemade first aid kit is a handy item to have around the house for accidents and eVeryday cuts and bruises. A satisfactory first aid kit can be . made at home at little cost. A night box, preferably metal, will serve as a suitable container. The box should be thoroughly clean and well labeled. The following articles are "must" for the kit; Rolls of adhesive tape of varying widths; sterile cotton; swabs and sticks; .sterile white cotton cloth for large {bandages and tourniquets; a tube jof sterile white vaseline for minor burns; scissors; boric acid; compound tincture of benzoin; antiseptic ; and aromatic spirits of ammonia. On farms, several first aid kits should be prepared. One should be kept in the barn, another in the 4arm shop, and others near various work areas, as well as in the home. so that tfrey will be quickly avail- ? SCHOOL TERMS Attorney General Ivan A. Elliotthas/ handed down an opinion that limits Illinois public schools to a nine-month term, effective immediately. Various city schools are reported to have .been disregarding the state school code which restricts sessions to nine months. The attorney general's opinion applies to all public schools throughout the statey except in Chlcaga TEACHERS' STATUS The state teachers' college board has unanimously adopted a resolution ^declaring that faculty members of the state teachers' colleges who enlist, are drafted or called to military or special service during the present national emergency may retain* their atatus (luring their period of service. Need rubber stamps? Order a4 The Plaindealer. FOR SALE JEEP TRENCHING BUSINESS DIM to military serrict/I 4m forcod to MU my trenching business. Established three years. Produces an excellent return on the investment. For further details write or phone* • -ft JEROME T. DEREN P. O. Box 364 Crystal Lake, ML "Phone Crystal Lake 1512 FROM STEFFAN'S Wo have Just the right Easter Gift to please * every taste and best of alL to fit your budg«fc» DIAMONDS WATCHES •-- ROSARIES BIRTHSTONE RINGS -- SILVERWARE PEN and PENCIL SETS -- RECORDS C DESKSETS -- CIGARETTE LIGHTERS WALLETS • . . '. STEFFAN'S MAIN STREET LRY w. MCHENRT tmmmmiiiiiiuiuiiimantftiiiHtiiiiHiHiiHieiniHiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiMiiMiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiitiHiuiaiiiiiiitiiiitiMi DESTROY and MICE WITH 2 NEW MIRACLE KILLERS * d-CON with LUREX GUARANTEED TO RID YOUR PLAC* , OF RATS IN 15 DAYS,. RATU-BAH 42 CONTAINS WARFARIN "TEED RATS TO DEATH" * ' GET SOME TO-DAY! . AT I : STORE XL 1981 Although Illinois worn jtbey atra l&ra^long way to go to aae more rock phn^haf and lime-js«y|tfy all.idant food tM laaA stone than those la aay other state, n ^'/r * * '•-'i' ' f < HHit U Hael . ^ ^ Maine to Florida, New York to Frisco--this is the hat fot sverywhere. For the Mallory Coast to Coast fits any climate-- any locale. Smartly styled,"Cravenette" processed to shed showers .*2.60 Soeit today. Other Mallory Hata. $7.50 to $10.00.-! Feel tha differenced^? in a MALLOEY 117 S. GREEN ST. McHENRY m \; ¥ "THERPS A STOCKINQ FOR EVERY OCCASION" NO DUMB jr. THE McHHRY HOSRY MU IS PROUD TO ANNOUNCE THAT THEY ARE ONE OF THE HYE FROMKING UNITS FOR THE K/fflQHAU.Y KNOWN PRIM JWSIBIY. <ii; f"'- s;:^ ,5 She wears Prim hosiery |n the Easter Paradt Vor wherever dis* criminating women congregate. • • the loveliest legft arc Prim legs* DUR FACTORY STORE IS NOW FEATURING -- SPRING SHADE S-COLOBED SEAMS DECORATIVE HEELS LTLTRA SHEER U, SA. THE POPULAR 40 SA. , "•* • ,("V ' "'V . » ^ ij " ' r' SfA^D^tRD^ smtk 5! ^ . sitvtetAtti NURSES WHITES KANT RUNS * • 'if V,; . • • ' . W NEgEDUE SEAM. FREE i ' •mat'? CRYSTAL LAKE ROAD PHONE 850 ILLINOIS ^ Mf ^ v' • I