Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Apr 1951, p. 4

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- *-• ! la death. M it from page 1) Marguerite Bonslett ir®» Gwendolyn Jones The body is resting at the Peter M. Juaten funeral home until 10 o'clock Saturday morning, when laat riles will be conducted from 8t Patrick's church, with internnnuMMM . .COMING EVENTS April i'1( , • C.D. 6f A. Business Meeting, April 6 Christian Mothers A Altar Society --Monthly Meeting --St. Mary'a- St. Patrick's School Hall. April M Rummage Sale •-- City Hall 9ponby Circle S. W.S.C.S, , April 7 Indian Handicraft Meeting--V.P.W. Clubhouse--a: 30 A.M. % April 9 Installation of^ Juveniles of St. Agatha's Court -- 6: SO P.M. April 10 Busy 'Three.-4-H Club meeting ~ Election of Officers. Circle 1, W.S.C.S. -- g^g. Fred Heide Home. <3> April 11 ** County Federated Woman's Club Meeting -- Masonic £{$11, Algonquin. j April IS \ ' Cub Scout Organization MeettB#-- Legion Home --- 8 P.M. April IS Woman's Club -- Legion Home. April 1( RiverVfew Camp. R.N.A.--Regular Meeting -- 8 P.M. » S April 17 St. Agatha's Court IngtaHatfon -- Banquet 6:30 P.M.. Hettermann's --Installation. School Hall. April 17 Forester Meeting. April 19 C.D. of A. Social Meeting -- Quit Party In Card Tournament. April 39 St, Clara's Court, W.C.6.F. Installation. * April 10 8t. CJara's Court Juvenile Installation. April SO Girl JuVenile Forester* Pot-Luck Supper -- 6 P.M.--lnntallatlon of Officers. f Public Ham Dinner- -MtiMklt M 6:30 P.M. }i Rfj|F»rvlew Cainr, R N.A. --Public Car* Party -- K. of G. Hall --8 P.M. May Si Gfrl Scout Motker-Dnughter Td •-- American Legion Hbme. May 19-20 'Gypsy. Caravan"- -McHenry Choral Club Program--Hofk School Auditorium. Majr;2< Altar and Rosary Sodality Annual Bffie Sale--George Juaten Furniture Store. Jaae 19 Fashion Show, Dessert Luncheon And Bridge Party -- Sponsored By Circle 1. W.S.C.S. i^ptox Baby Predaeh Wattles Drug . McHenry III. Whereas: • The fearsome disease, cancer, represents a serious community problem in McHenry as it affects on the average one of every two families in our city; Whereas: It is known measures can be taken to cut down the pre* sest cancer death-rate, easing the tragedy for individuals and lightening the community burden of the great social and economic losses resulting from this high death rate; Whereas: Cancer control, to be effective, must be the vital concern of .each and every one of us, therefore. 1, George- P. Freund, Mayor of the City of McHenry, hereby pro claim April as cancer control j month and request that the ciUsens of this city observe it as such. I request that all individuals-- for the protection of themselves and their loved ones--learn the essential facts about this disease. I further request that all individuals, institutions, businesses, and organizations^ support, cooperate with and assist the American Cancer society in the 1950 Cancer Crusada. ()Ry 8tephanie Waynnef , Mrs. Ernest Duckett, president of the department of Illinois, will be guest' at the Legion Auxiliary county council meeting on Friday, April 6, at S p.m. at the Legio# Home. Jeanette Vance and Christine Krinn will be hostesses. Low^ffytSpobTb Class At University Lowell Nye, editor of the Harvard Herald and a former McHenry resident, spoke before students of the University of Illinois last weekend, his subject concerning Milk Day, the country newspaper and community service work. The county newspaperman, a graduate of the university, made his first address to a class since, his graduation in 1935. He was invited to appear by A. B. Strong, an instructor at the university and secretary of the Illinois Press association. Local Resident VUU*d Daughter In Convent Mrs. •Henry J. Stilling has «*• turned from the Sat red Heart sanitorium in Milwaukee, Wis., where- #he visited her daughter, Sister M. Junilla, O.S.F., and Sister M. Lambert, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Williams of Ringwood. Both have been assigned to the convent for many years. The recent paper drive conducted by the Sisters at St. Mary's church will benefit the new Sisters' college at Milwaukee, which is in connection with the sanitarium. Mrs. Stilling enjoys regular visits with her daughter, who is allowed to come home only every few ye^ra. CAW* OF THANK! I- would like to take this opportunity to thank friends and neighbors for floral offerings, cards of sympathy, donations of cars and the many kindnesses extended in our bereavement. The> were greatly apprciated. Mr. and Mrs.-Carl Fredricksen ( Mrs. Ben K. Miller 47 Robert Millar Complete line of Beebe livestock remedies at Wattles Drag Store, McHeary. 8tf There will be* a Downey party on April 12. The Auxiliary is looking forward to meeting a large ^group of participants. There are no special requirements to join a Downey party other than a willingness to help some confined veterans spend an evening pleasantly. The party will leave from the Legion Home at 6 p.m. On April 16. the Auxiliary will devote onie-half of the regular meeting to child welfare. Eddie Meyers, committee chairman, will arrange for a suitable program. The second half of the program wll be devoted to Pan America. Ercel Lock, chairman, has arranged to present Sandra Lock and Elaine Vycital in a-^discussion on Uruguay.' Elvira Durland, Joan Freund, Eleanor Ebey and Cynthia Fike will. .'be%oatesses. ' Christine: krinn and Minnie Greea will take part' in the twoifMPMI day meetihg of the 9 . Peoria on April 7 aft**. Join their huabandaat tbe Olnil, dinner on April li, whtch wtlt tafee place at the Fiesta in Orystfci Laka. The William Greens and the Robert Krinns are the only members of the 8 and 40 and 40 and 8 from McHenry. HARVARD VOTED ' DOWN NEW SCHOOLS AT RECENT ELTTCFLPN The proposal to ispne $850,000 in school bonds for the oonatruotion of a Harvard high school addition and a new grade school was defeated on all nine counts by tile Voters of community unit school district 50 in Saturday's referendum vote. All nine propositions on the ballot were rejected. A near record turnout Of 1,169 voters went to the polls, according to Floyd E. King, superintendent of the high school. v The proposal to purchase a high school site was defeated 376 to an even 700 votes. Plans to build a new addition to the present high school lost 662 to 447. The proposal to issue bonds tor the high school addition was defeated 670 to 438. On thvi grade school proposition, authorisation was dented the board of education to purchase a grade school site by a 716 to S53 vote. The board of education, by a 702 to 389 vote was denied the right to build a grade school. Permission was denied to iesue bonds for the proposed school by 707 to 388 vote. MS BBLL $13. IN FROM COMPANY, The Illinois Bell Telephone company has.brought charges against the McHenry County Telephone company, which serves about 700 eubscriber8 in the Marengo area, for damages in the amount of $13,» 198.84 which the former says is owed them by the county company. The case is being heard in the circuit court. The suit, filed Saturday morning, stated that a written traffic agreement was made Jan. 16. 1947, connecting their respective systems to perform certain operations in respect to interchange of toll service, to allocate to one another the agreed upon portions of toll charges for toll calls carried over the facilities of both parties. It was also agreed to account to' one another with respect thereto the portions of toll charges to be allocated each month. The complaint further charges that during the period of Aug. 1, 1949, through February, 1951, the Marengo company owed $21,451.97 for services and that the company paid $6,769.23 and earned $1,483.84 for operating services performed, leaving a balance of $13,198.$*': The plaintiff charges that the defendant has neglected and refused to pay the amount due and judgment is asked in this amount plus interest |iPSEJPW J .. Want ads, like freedom, everybody's business. art DR. JOHN T. GRAY OPTOMETRIST 532 Main Street McHenry, HL . Eye* examined and glasses fitted. Hoase call* ^•y appointment. Quick repair serrtc* HOI RS DAILY: " . . J 9:00 A. X. -- 19:00 Soon , • 1:00 P. M. -- 4:00 P. M. :SvjSA*. EVE: 6:00 P. M. -- 8:S0 P. M. * ' vjfharsday Afternoon and Evenings by appotatmeefc ' ;' PHONE McHENRY 186 If ae answer phone McHenry SSS-B-S. lOBOl STORE CLOSES The variety store on Riverside Drive, owned by the late Arthur Bast of Fox Lake closed last week. Since his death last December, it had continued to operate with local employees taking caret the business. --. i j. . BOS 18 CHECKS Illinois veterans of World II have received more than 885,0001 bonus checks totaling $321,823,318, according to Maj. Gen. Leo M. Boyle, the adjutant general and secretary of the State Service Recognition board. It is estimated that 12,00 to 15,000 veterans have not yet applied for this bonus. Deadline for makings applications is June 30, 1951. * lianiftSl PON T VELM! Check jour FIRE INSURANCE, JACOB FRITZ* Realtor v TELEPHONE ScHENRY 37 J0H3SBURG,1fettl3XT Representing The Travelers Fire Insurance, Conjfny, Hartfoft "SPFEDY" by McHENRY GARAGE A6AHSPEECY? NICK MILLER'S ^ * HENRY GARA6l^ CERTAINLY. THAT*> WV**' rM WCALK!M6A? • 804 FRONT My FRjgNPS LIKeD 11% PERFORMANCE SO MUCH THEY HOUNDED "THE UPEOUTOPME WITH OFFCfTSID ILLYS-OVERLAND SALES APR*. PERMANENT SPECIAL Croquignole Machine Wave ..... Croquignol. WW • ' ¥>" , Cold Wave .Li..,,.,... I&50 and up . $8.50 and up $&00and up Al) Otter Beauty Work Available. Chiropldist In attendance by appointment. MARION'S BEAUTY SHOPPE PHONE ii7-j 103 So. Riverside Drivel McHenry* IU. LIBHY'S BEEF ItSTEW % SENSATKHUU. NEW fORMUM 'SH-Piir ® UKTKK e trs SCDAM-SNUQI e'l^S CONVEKTWlC-SMAftt! • STViKD FOX THE YiAKS AHCAOI WITH KASNMO V-t FOWM Gona Is that untidy lipstick trail on glasses, cigarettes, silverware and people. Hera Istka Unthirk lipstick with color cling and color beauty, f Magnificent new In sleek golden catti*. BOLGER'S Drug Store T«L 40 It'i the neweet of the *51 Fords! And it's got everything. It Ibae *]eek, sntart styling that can't be beat at any price ... I aride-openness of a convertiUe .. . the snug comfort of a solid ft eel top. It offers you a choice of beautiful single-tone colors and two-tone combinations . . . with interiors eustom-decorated to harmonise And it gives you tne-oar Ford V-8 power and zip, with the fuel savings. ^ Of Ford's Automatic Mileage Maker. - f*m mm mere hot van ew«t bmr ballipt thrilling BUSS JjSOTOR SALES $31 MAIN STREET PHONE 1 McHENRY. ILL. •-% mi SAVINGS. OPEN FBL NITES TU.' 9 .sit s a FACT LlBBrs^ABBEH SUGAR m* PEAS A 303 Tins 37< m-srst . J TOMATOE SAUCE 3 ^ 25- MEATS LFA>* FLAVOR KIL RR PORKHOAST ib. m lb. av» TKX1»KR Wfe"#. Tin 49 HUNTS cy Whol* GiltlOnih TOMATOES Solid Pack 300 Tin 19° RED LABEL GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 46 oz. 22c Tin. IKED LABEL ORANGE JUICE - 29e RED LABEL Cream Style Corn -2 Z 29c KIM MILK 31% 29 REAI.ITE SHORTENING 90° 3 lb. Tin SOUTHERN STAR BONITA LITE MEAT / •olid P«ck 27° 7 oz. Tin STEER UVER fc. 79c TASTT--MILWAUKEE Sausage ft). (Piece) o(i;a> PERCH FILLETS FANfT COD FILLETS lb. 35c Fresh Fruits & Vegetables WHITE POTATOES IV iOS. for 37 FLORIDA NEW CABBAGE lb. a WASHINGTON 8IATE DELICIOUS APPLES 2 lbs. 19 CALIF. ORANGES doz. 43 HONEY SWEET BARTLETT PEARS 29e No. 2Vz Tin HUME SUCED Freestone Peaches No. 2V£ OOC : , Tin Odfa HUNT'S PRUNE PLUMS No. '2Vfe ode Tin £9 FLAMINGO Frozen Orange Juice 6 oz- 1 Be Tin A3 BRIBER'S CHILI SAUCE 11 oz. btl. 25 WELCH GRAPEJUICE 24 oz. Btl. 35 LOG CABIN SYRUP 53° • 27 P , 4; 24 oz. Btl. MRS. GRASS' SOUPS Vagatabla 1% Reg. or Chickan m Pkgs. flaw SAVE ALL 100-ft: WAX PAPER Roll AJAX CLEANSER ARMOUR CLEANSER FREE Reg. TUMBLER ^ Tins LUX TOILET SOAP 3W -iM4ib' 2wttk 7m WALVET CLEANER 2Vsl lb. Tin HEINZ PORK & BEANS 2 r 27° HEINZ SPAGHETTI 2 Tall 27° Tins Sf:- i - 1 rs-- HEINZ MACARONI j •£!' 31' BETTY CROCKER CRUSTQUICK ' Vi Price Deal 2 Pkgs. 27° (KKFSOTA BISCUIT MIX SW ISS DttWX CAKE* FLOWER 16 oz 44 oz. RED LABEL COFFEE i£: 75° •d M GREEN STREET HMcHENRY, iWf FRIDAY NITE IS FAMILY NIGHT OPEN TILL 9 PJH r . . : S.v- f \ I I: • '

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