Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Apr 1951, p. 6

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Hfe tk THE MeHBHUY PLADTOEALER Thursday, April 12,18S^1 PERSONALS fe.;... \,' " Dr. and Mrs. George Hess of ..Springfield, former McHenry resilente, visitc-d friends here a few idys last week. V Mr. and Mrt. Fred Doctor have feturned to McHenry for the suiti- •ler season, where th<V will again take charge of the McHenry Coun- ^Wy ^lub. ; • Mar\Lynn and Peggy Purvey of Crystal Lake spent several days last week visiting their grandparents, the Albert Purveys and Hie Joseph Millers. . Mrs. Fred Stalimer of Antioch lid Mr8. Robert Sheehan of Xake Villa visited in the A1 fans Adams tibme last we-ek Wednesday. Mrs. Qlen Robison and Miss f$elen Welch attended the wake of It I. Overton the last of the week."* •|^Mrs. Ada Hoelscher of Elgin has Wen visiting her sister, Mrs. R. I. Overton. . Mr. and Mrs. Rernard Blunt of Chicago spent the weekend at thei£ pimmer home on the river. Mr. and Mrs. James Mahoney lid children of Chicago visited Imt mother, Mrs. John Phalin last . Vfeekend. ' Miss Edith Geary, of Wauconda •pent Saturday in the Frank .Meyer )M>ine. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Smith of Crystal Lake were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mfs. Josie Smith. -Mrs. Robert Sutton and Mrs. Florence Kraft of Richmond visited . |0 the George Lindsay home on Sunday. Mrs. Wynne Jofitz, who has been ifl for several days, is .improving nicely. .Mrs. George Joslin of Wonder Lfeke has been visiting her aunt, ' -llrs. Waynne Jolitz. t, . Walch«s To B« Givtci Senior Qirl And Boy In the weeks to come the _ eyes of passersby will be attracted to the window at Steffan's Jewelry store in West McHenry, where a large, eight-day clock will contain the names of McHenry high school seniors. Each senior will Select a name place and the .clock will then be' wound by the class president. When it stops more than a week lgter, the names on which the minute hand falls will be awarded a fine watch by Mr. Steffan Watches will be given to $ senior boy And a stenior girt. . COMING EVENTS " 1XDITTED IXTO ARMY . McHenry county registrants inducted into the Army recently and sent to Fort Sheridan include Raymond B. Hanson. Bruce F." Steiert, Charles F. Carr. Michael J. Coghlan, David L. Christie, Theodpre Mohrbacher. Roy^W. Gustafson, Albert F: Krejctand Robert E. Schultz - Leaving on different days wdre Ollie A. Blank, a volunteer, and Wayne A. Stevenson, who was inducted"at Cresco, Iowa. \,\.s ScHENRY FIGURES IOMINENTLY IN IASHK)N REVUE The 1951 McHenry county fashion show being staged at St. Mary's gymnasium, Woodstock, ftanday, April 15. will feature children's wear from the McHenry stroller shop.-The girls' and ladies' apparel will be from Woodstock •lores. jThe show is a benefit for St. Mary's new high school. The pubtte is invited to attend. Mrs. Henry Burmeister, chair- Mian, describes a very elaboraH- •etting for the runway, being built the length of the gym, and a sum- *qter atmosphere complete with tirch trees, evergreens and roses. Card tables and chairs wijil be --provided for the audience to watc-i t|ie revue. Refreshments will bp •erved at 9 p.m. and card games |re offered for the remainder of ie eveniaf. mi - Most unusual talent is being featured at intermission of the Kbow. Engfenie Glaeser. talented young soloist of McHenry. will accompany herself on the guitar and Wear native costumes while she tings folk songs in tlm various languages. Elect Robert Lowel^ To University Council, Robert Lowell, Rt. 4, McHenry, has been elected a council member of the Integrated Liberal Studies program at the University of Wisconsin. Some 200 students are annually enrolled in the course introduced at the university in 1943, which has attracted natioa-wide attention. Its purpose is to lay a broad foundation of general educatibn in advance of specialized studies. The course offers a single program of studies in which the materials of many subjects are brought together and integrated into a pattern revealing the heritage of western civilization. MILWAUKEE BAZAAR An unusual bazaar is now in progress at St. Joseph's convent 1501 S. Layton Blvd., Milwaukee knd will continue through April 45. The bazaar takes place at the Sisters' Mother House, where it is possible to make lovely purchases ftt reasonable prices. Rev. Mother Corona extends a hearty welcome to all to visit the convent and beautiful chapel. Trjt our prang textile colors to deeoratp your own falHics. The're washable and mir resistant. Vvcltal's Hdwe. ' 48 April 8l ' Indtafr^Handicrafter* MwUug^- V.F.W. Clubhouse--1:30 P.M. Cub Scout Organization Meeting-. Legion Home -- 8 P.M. April IS Woman's Club -- Legion Home. April 1« Business and Professional Wo men's Club -- Methodist Church --6:30 P.M. . American Legian Auxiliary" --• 8 P.M.--Legion Home. . Riverview Camp, R.N.A.--Regular Meeting --- 8 P.M. April 17 St. Agatha's Court Installation -- Banquet 6:30 P.M., Hettermann's --Installation, School Hall. Forester Meeting. April 24 » Papt Officers Night, O.fe.S. yr ^; C.D, of Social Meeting Party In Card Tournametft. > ' April 26 Community P.T.A. Meeting--8' P.M. St. Clara's Court, W.C.O.F. Installation. April 80 St. Clara's Court Juveolle Installation. , * Girl Juvenile® Foresters*. Pot-Luck Supper ••-- 6 P.M.--Installation of Officers. 4 May 1 '•'*"/ : Fox River Valley Camp, R.N.A. Susan Olsen Home. " •: May 2 . St. -Mary'g-Sk Patrick's School P.T.A. - . ' ' May »,{{4, :-;.- Public Ham Dinner--Masonic Hall 5:30 P.M. x ' Public Dinner -- Masonic Hall -- Sponsored by O.E.S. Matron's And Patrons' Night, O.E.S. May 8 Adult Girl Scout Association t-- American Legion Home -- 1:30 P.M. , May 15 ^ • Riverview Camp, R.N»^-r-I*ublic Card Party -- K. of C. Hall --8 F.v • . , , r;. / May 9# < -'i " / Girl Scout Mother-Daughter Tea -- American Legion Home. May lt.M "Gypsy Carava©"--McHenry Choral Club Program--Hofh School Auditorium. May 22 O.E.S. Stated Meeting May ifLi'rX' Altar and Rosary Sodality Annual Bake Sale--George JuatM Furniture Store. July 18 Dessert Garden Party 1 P.M. -- V.F.W. Grounds. Jane 19 Fashion Show,: Dessert Luncheon And Bridge Party -- Sponsored By Circle 1, W.S.C.8. <>.T.A. Noted Lecturer To Talk On Flower Arr&ngomentu *the members of her club at her McHenry flower lovers will be happy to learn of an nnusual opportunity which awaits them next month when Mrs. Ruth Kistner, internationally known teacher and lecturer on flower arranging, comes to Woodstock. In Chicago for tlfe Illinois Garden #eek early in May, she has been secured by the Bull Valley Garden club to make an appearance at 2:30 o'clock on the ninth at the Westwood school. Local club members are invited to take advantage of this fine lecture. Tickets are now on sale for one dollar, including tax. Following Mrs. Kistn&h'a talk, those who attend will be served, tea Mid cookies as guests of pip club; ' Spring Grove Mrs. Arthur Kattner' entertained members of the birthday club in honor of the birthday pf her sister, Mrs. Maynie Hoffman, of Wilmette. The evening was spent in visiting and a delicious lunch was served. Members of her club met at the home of Mrs. Frank danders on Tuesday night. Games of five-hundred were played and prizes went to those achieving high scores. Lunch was served after cards. Mrs. Luella May was hostess to home on Thursday afternoon. A luncheon was served and the afternoon was spent at cards. Prizes went to Mrs. NoPbert, Klau;, Mrs. Paul Lewis and Mrs. A1 Scniife!- tzer. The club will meet next at the home of Mrs. Arthur Klein. Mrs. M«rie Thomas returned home from the hospital last week. She was a patient at the Woodstock hospital due to a broken leg. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Raue-n and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Barker agtid family of Chicago were visitors in town Sunday. Mrs. A1 Malecki of ^Berwyn spent Friday and Saturday with N Mrs. Shirley Dawson. Mr. and Mrs. Mueller of Island Lake were visitors in the Frank Tinney home on Tuesday., The firemen's dance held at the fire house on Saturday night was a great success. One of the largest crowds ever to attend one of these TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Miss Rose Freund was married to Laurel Donald Mitchell on April 10, 1926, at St. Joseph's pari6n at affairs enjoyed an evening of danc- Waukegan, 111. Miss Rose Freund ing and refreshments were served, is the daughter of the late Mr. and The firemen responded to a call Mrs. Michael Freund of McHenry. on Monday afternoon. A grass Mr. Mitchell is of Cuwden, 111. fire on the Fiegen property had SKILL IN FILLING ALL PRESCRIPTIONS Skill in filling a prescription is as vital as any ingredient used. So besides giving great per- i sonal care to each order, we assure you that only the finest fresh drugs are compounded according to physicians' specifications. NYE "A COcdqrccn Drucj StotM? N. Riverside Driv#' 26 ... if gotten out of control. It was immediately taken cars of and there wits no damage. ^ Lyle Franzen, a medical student at Loyola university, spent the weekend with his aunt, Mrs. AUce Wagner. Mrs. Frank Tinney and sons, Bob and Frank, enjoyed an evening at cards in the home. of Mr. and Mrs. Charles1 Freund oh Sttnday. Joe Williams, -who underwent an appendectomy at Woodstock hospital, returned home this week. A play, "The Message", a story of Our Lady of Fatima, will be presented by the children of St. Peter's school at the parish hall on Sunday night. The nuns and children haver been working very hard making preparations for this play, arranging stage settings,, making costumes and rehearsing the past weeks. Let us help them make it a great success by attend;" ing in large numbers next Sunday night, April 15. at 8 o'clock. The movie to be shown nextf week at the parish ball will be "The Return of Shep." These movies are open to the public and everyone is welcome to attend- County AUotfttli&f From Gat Taxes Up tft 1950 MeHenry county tnd the municipality of Woodstock received $172' 308 in allotments from Illinois state gasoline taxes in 1950, compared -with 8155,667 in 1949. This was an increase of $16,641. Gax tax allotments to all Illinois counties and towns reached a record total of $36,154,384 last year, compared with $31,528,144 A 1949, an increase of $4,626,240. McHenry county's share of allotments distributed locally by the1 state Uras $164,090 in 1950, a gmi» of 114,600. The Adult Qirl Scout aasociajk 1 tion of McHenry met last Mondaf to complete plans for a mother an4 daughter tea and to begin planning ) for the father and daughter ban* tpiet. They also dii^uBBed "partici* ' pation in the counW fair, campifing and goals for gmduating Girl J Scouts. ' p" WIPE OUT '•i&s ~ J£, IF IT'S WORTH DOING It's Worth Doing wHh WEID CONTROlOfS Cut weed costs! Stop promo* foots! Speed up cultivating! fiet bigger yields and weedrce plant rows by cultivating *rith the new Weed Controlors. "They knock out weeds in the plant rows without hoeing, spraying, or pruning roots. Doable your tractor speed and ; step up yields by 5 to J 0 bushels per acre. Use W£ED» CONTROLORS. Jee your local dealer today, !! write for free information. K.K. EAST0N DIST. CO., 1514 4tk *«., *oekw«»(. 6 I There is No Substitute For Good Plastering. Phone McHenry 411-R t/Uvt Wetf from t6e Many methods have Been devised and followed with the purpose of keeping the wolf from the door. Personally we are inclined to believe that the buying . of insurance is the best and cheapest of them all. Of "Course, since that is our profession we may be preju- • • > diced to some extent, but there is a lot of common sense in the statement--Insure and be sure. We even go further and suggest t^at you be rare to insure jwith this agency. - . : - • . v ' , ' ; " ^ 'Our advice costs you nothing and places yon . under no obligation. ' THE KENT CO. "ALWAYS AT YOUR SHEIVICE^^-- For Over 27 Yew. ' Riverside Drive > PHONE 8 ^ McHenry. I1L r It's a big comfort to yon tp know that your children are every bit as safe in one of our clean, modern cabs as they are at home. Our drivers are carefully trained and tested. Their characters and records are thoroughly investigated before we employ them. For saf«v transportation.^^. PHONE 723 , ' MCHENRY / • DON'f USE ' _ V s Johnson's Floor Wax WE CARRY EVERY TYPE WAX FOR EACH INDIVIDUAL NEED' JOHNSON'S GREEN LAIS. WAX AND JOHNSON'S BROWN LABEL WAX These Waxes Are Water Resistant, £ Heavy Duty, Self-Polishing. ... Ideal for Home or Business Use. ^ -T GALLON ONLY $2.70- $2.95^ ^ JOHNSON'S 6L0-C0AT WAX ^ A Very High Gloss, Self-Polishing Wax, --^ Easy To Use ---^Economical - " PINT t- QUART -- GALLON 59c 98c $2.98 > IIUtlMI Bolger's Drug Store M nn HUB u: pi I COME TO THE FOX HOLE TAP RIVERSIDE HOTEL SATURDAY NIGHT April 14,1951 FOR YOUR ENTERTAINMENT ^ DON' STADFELD & HIS BAND GEOBGE FREUND -- Trumpet and Vocali BEN FISfl -- Bass JIMMY BLEDSOE -- Sax DON STADFELD --Piano T:r_~n~~ OUR DINING ROOM RE>CP|NltyG FRIDAY, APRIL 13 COME ONE! - COME ALL! The Future WMI Prove it's Today's Best Buy? The first tiifie you stand back. and admire your new Pontiac *pd then Ret behind the whieel for your first thrilling drive . . . you'll enjoy the wonderful, nowing experience of owning a truly great motor car. But the next few years will give! you an even better idea of now aoand your you chose a thai lent was whin sontiac. For, by time you'll have discovered that this beautiful car is as carefrec as a car can be. Only the years and the h*>npy miles will tell you how really true it is that, Dollar for Dollar You Can't Beat a Pontiac! N FORD-TRAINED MECHANICS Your Ford DmIw ottars you the services of Ford traftied Mechanics--the men who know your Ford best. Ford care is a career to them, trained to do the job right, they save you time and money ^ GENUINE FORD PARTS The Genuine Ford Parts your Ford Dealer has sre twins m quality to tfce orifinal parts ie your Ford. They , ktep your Ford a_U Ford. And Genuine Ford Parts are made rifht to fit n|ht (0 last tenter accettoriM and tttumlwl mrt aMJeet la limit* wirtiirf neMaa. Dollar forl>o11ai- Aaaerira'a L*«i>al-Priri>d S(r»ISb( Kftfhl Itwrat Mred (Jar with (iM Hydrn-M«(lr (Optional at extra ro*f) Vtiar 4'holrr of Silver Mri>ak BagliiM- • Htrailalil Kltflit or Nix TIM Most Reanlllul Thing «aa Whralt n TERMS yon can^beatA / /^v HFACTORY-APPROVEO METHODS YOU save time wfen you take your Ford into your Fb'rd Dealer for service. His methods am planned by men who designed your Ford. I hay make it real Ford Service that up to a more efficient job. N SPECIAL FORD EQUIPMENT Here's anoMier Feci Dealer "extra destined to save yob money Your Ford Dealer can service year Ford fast ind right because the tools he uses ere just rtjht for Fords. U guesswork, cats laber costs lor you. " ^ VAAiV. OVERTON CADILLAC-PONTIAC CO. 400 Front St. Phone 17 McHenry, III. BUSS S81 MAIN STREET PHONE 1 McHENRY, ILL. •. ft::?. •:

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